The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    I The Statesman, Salem Oregon, Wocll November 16, I HI
Harvest Tea
Event of
Always a much looked forward
to event of the pre-Thanksglvlng
week U the annual Harvest Tea
t the Methodist Old Peoples home
en Friday afternoon, for which
members of the board of manager.
are arranging. Calling hours are
from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock.
All Interested persons are invit
ed to attend the silver tea or bring
gifts for the home. Proceeds will
be used to finish paying for the
newly Installed automatic elevator
at the home. During the afternoon
there will be a tour of the newly
redecorated room with the guests
f the home welcoming the visitors.
Mrs. Ralph Mercer will greet
cuests at the door and in the re
ceiving line will be Mrs. Emmett
O. Welling, president of the board,
Mrs. A. J. Crose and Mrs. Robert
Moulton Oatke. board members,
and Mrs. Clara Fletcher, matron of
the home.
Inviting: cuests into the dining
room will be Mrs. W, L. Mwls,
Mrs. C. A. Gies. Mrs. Willard L.
Cole, Mrs. William E. Kirk and
Mrs. Frank Bennett. Presiding at
the tea urns the first hour will be
Mrs. Geonre W. Ailing and Mrs.
Cuy N. Hickok and pouring the
last hour will be Mrs. B. Earle
Parker and Mrs. Ruth Fugate.
Serving In the dining room will
be a group of young people of the
Leslie Methodist church. The tea
table will be covered with a lace
e!oth and centered with a bouquet
of gold chrysanthemums. During
the afternoon musical numbers
will be presented with Cory don
Blodgett and Betty suit Anaer
son giving vocal solos, and" Mrs.
C. D. Morse playing violin selec
tions, accompanied by Mrs. M. J.
Mrs. H. a. Carl is general chair.
man of the tea with the board of
managers serving as hostesses.
Miss Foat
Sets Date
Weddine- bells will ring on Sat
urday, December 17 for Miss Glen
sa Toat, daughter of the R. O.
' Foats, and Corporal Raymond
Coursey, Jr., son of R. C. Coursey,
at the First Church of the Naz
arene. The couple's engagement
was announced in the spring.
The bride-elect has been em.
ployed at the state industrial ac
cident commission we pasi inree
rears. Corporal Coursey Is now
with the Fourth Air Force at Ham
ilton Field. Calif.
ft , f ... V ... 4
miaa iwi w mm iiuuui cu t
'. surprise party when a group of
her friends entertained at the
home of Miss Esther Patrick.
' Games were played with refresh
ments following and a shower
honored the bride-to-be.
Honoring Miss Foat were Mrs.
' Marian Darling, Mrs. Dorothy
Foat, Mrs. Marie Coursey, "Mrs.
Blanche Hear Mrs. Ruth Branch,
. Mrs. If fie Unruh, Mrs. Margie
Branson, Mrs. Irene Goucher, Mrs.
Esther Wilson, Mrs. Bertha Cook.
- Misses Sally Best, Georgia Brorles,
Kits Calrnes, Jane Hlllnian, Mar
tha Kauko, Patricia Burghart,
ports Scott, Grace Rodriguez and
the hostess.'
' Mk m : wan mm
rolk t ederation
Meets Today
Polk county Federation of Rur
al Women's clubs will meet today
at the Odd Fellows hall in Mon-
mouth with the session to open
at 10 a.m. Miss Joy Hills will be
f the morning speaker at 11 a.m.
Luncheon will served at noon by
'- the Highland Women's club. r
Dr. J. H. Stewart of the Polk
county Health association will be
, the guest speaker at the afternoon
, session and pictures will be shown
ef health work. All interested per
. eons are Invited to attend.
Mrs. Ficklin to
HorrH All
Mn. Norman Edwards was
.1 . . J l A A. - m .1 m
vievvcu prciiucni oi me ivappa
v Delta alumnae association which
met at the home of Mrs. John
sFlcklin, 1930 North 19th st. Other
: officers, for the coming year in
clude: Mrs. J Jl. Carlon, secre
. tary-treasurer; Mrs. L. F. Sheri
dan, telephone chairman; Mrs.
Floyd Colburn, publicity chair
man; and Mrs. Harris Lietz who
will continue as the representative
to the City Panhellenic council
and also head up the rushing and
courtesy committees.
"be on the second Wednesday of
wui (luiuui wiui uim is u ii a a
party to be held at the home
, of Mrs. William Ashby. Oak Knoll
Golf club, on December 14.
Hay earille Women's dab will
hold a meeting Thursday with
Mrs. Wayne Powers on Claxter
road.'A 1:15 dessert luncheon will
be served.
Relieve distress
when you'use ef ICE tvS
i 1
r S
J. fit
. .
Mr and Mrs. A. F. lack of Silverton, who celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary at a reception at the First
Methodist church in SUverton on October 23, The Jacks have
two daughters,' Miss Lorena Jack of Salem, and Mrs. R. A.
Peterson of Vernonla. There are two grandchildren and four
cjreaWirandchildrenT (McEwan photo).
0011111161 Phis
The traditional Founder's Day
ceremony! observing the 75th year
of the sorority, was celebrated at
the Gamma Phi Beta alumnae buf
fet dinner and meeting Monday
night at the country home of Mrs.
Betty Templeton. Assisting hostes
ses were Mrs. Ivan Merchant, Mrs.
Douglas Drager and Mrs. George
Beane. . jj
The alumnae group sent a gift
to the endowment fund, which Is
used to assist Gamma Phi Beta
girls who need aid, given to chap
ter houses for remodeling loans,
and for the IJndsey Barbee award
for any deserving student.
Attending the affair were Mrs.
Richard Nelson, Mrs. Walter
Barsch, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs.
Lester Carter, Mrs- Hollis Hunt
ington, Mrs. Alton! Brannon, Miss
Martha Taber, Mrs. Hugh Taylor,
Mrs. George Angle, Mrs. Garlen
Simpson, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs.
Seth Payton Smith of Long Beach,
Calif., Miss Margaret Slmms, Mrs.
Harold Olinger, Mrs. C. C. Hig-
glns, Mrsi John Carson, Mrs. James
H. Nicholson, Jr., and the hostesses.
I ii .
Dinner for a Visitor
i '
Mrs. Charles Cooley of Grants
Pass, wife of the district governor
of Rotary, was the honor guest at
a no-host dinner ! party Tuesday
night at the American Legion club
when board members and past
presidents of Women of Rotary
entertained. Mr. Cooley met with
the Rotary board members at the
same time. .
- si
Mrs. Rose Garrett will be hes-
tess on Thursday at her . home,
for Ladies of the GAR. The group
will sew for the December 14
bazaar and will enjoy a no-host
luncheon at noon.
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Bridal Parties I
For Miss Snyder
Snyder, whose wedding to Jack
Michael of Richmond. Wash., will
be an event of November 27. was
feted with a shower Thursday by
the Merry Minglers club at the
home of Mrs. LeRoy Barker.
Guests were Mesdames Carl
Snyder. Albert Fabry. John Acker
man, Ernest Barker, Leonard
Malm. Wade Carter, Irvln; Wager,
Clyde Colwell, Covil Case, Orlin
Kring, Robert Fromm and the
hostess. Mrs. Robert Pickerel won
the special prize given by Mrs.
Robert Wager and Mrs. Clyde Col
well the one given Jby Mrs. Barker,
The next meeting will be No
vember 17. at the home of Mrs
John Ackerman, when they will
hold the drawing of names for the
Christmas party, December 22.
On Thursday night another
group honored Miss Snyder at the
home of Mrs. Cleo Keppenger,
Guests were Mesdames Russell
Proudfit, Wilbur Friesen, Roy Sco
fleld. William Massey. Charles
Wenger, Lester Dudley, 1 Gerald
Jaffa, Fred Scharf. John Van
Laanen, Theodore KuenzL Law
rence Hammer. Will Scharf, Carl
Snyder, John Cage, Florence
Wright, Lena Bartruff, Paul Bas
sett, Emory Goede, Jack WlckofL
. 4 i
Disabled Aaaerleaa Veterans
auxiliary will meet Thursday
night at the i Salem Woman's
clubhouse at S o'clock. Members
are asked to; bring food for
Thanksgiving raxes. Mrs. Paul
ine Richards win preside.
Mrs. Ada Davidson, Esgene
department inspector, will be
special guest at the meeting of
Barbara Frietchle Tent, ; Daugh
ters of Union Veterans Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. William J. Entrees, 1865
S. Commercial st, f
rr cosNf7 jrr'lAsC7tl
MtcATciHut TuwcHifrf operate si out4
mtA TtW1 mmtmttttm . '
More for YouH Money
Many New Ideas Make Kitchen
More Convenient and Gayer j
By Mrs. Genevieve Smith
In consideration of the. amount
of time you spend in your kit
chen, why not use some of the
little things that
win nunc ii
Say spot in your
ome ... as
well u more
convenfen t ?
Here are some
of the ideas
some new, oth
ers improve
ments on old
ones that are
available gen
erally: SHELF COV
Mrs. Smith
ERS One of the most attrac
tive patterns yet to appear has
come out In plastic, a combina
tion of shelving and edging in
rolls 12 or 30 feet long, each
15 Inches wide. The pattern is
a gingham check design with a
border that simulates applique
in an unusually pleasing leaf
and flower design. The border
or edging fold on a line that
Is pre-creased for you.
Of course, there are many
Salem Grid Fans Headed
For "Big Game" Saturday
By Jeryme English
Stateaman Society Editor .
The "Big Game" of the year
Saturday afternoon in Eugene at
of Oregon and Oregon State college play their annual game. Also
highlighting the game will be the
the University of Oregon campus
ing down for the weekend events.
Over a hundred Salem fans will
board the "special train" here Sat-1
urday morning at 10 o'clock for the
game. Two cars are reserved for
the Salem rooters with several
hundred coming down from Port
land, headed for Eugene. Making
arrangements for the train trip are
Kenneth Potts, Clayton Foreman,
A. W. Loucks, Homer L. Goulet,
Eugene Laird and Robert Need-
Te Beard the "Special"
Among those who have made
reservations for the train trip arc
Messrs. and Mesdames Robert Dra
ger, Rex Adolph, Werner Brown,
Harold Olinger, Clayton Foreman,
Vernon Parry, Wheeler R. English,
Kenneth Potts, Edward Roth, W.
T. Waterman, Robert Joseph, A.
W. Loucks, Charles Wood, John R.
Wood, Conrad Paulson, Merritt
Trux, Ray Gallagher, Robert Her
rall, William. Whitmore, Richard
Cooley, Garlen Simpson, Creigmon
Jones, Asa Leweiling, Tom Dun
ham, Sidney Lewis, Reynolds Al
len, Arthur Fisher, Robert weed
ham, Ralph Purvine, Charles
Campbell, Robert DcArmond, Dan
Wiles, Howard Elsmann, Homer
Goulet, Chandler Brown, James
Walton, John Caughell, Robert
Cannon. Glenn Wilbur. Frederick
Lamport, Arch Holt of Portland,
John Hughes, Glenn Stevenson,
Lynn Hammerstad, Erwin Bat
terman, Bruce Spauldlng, . John
Johnson, William Burrell of Stay-
ton. C. Lester Newman, Miss Mar
garet Wagner, Miss Patricia Vies
ko, John Perry, Judy Foreman and
Vlvienne Brown.
Charter a Bus '
Another group of Oregon fans
are planning to charter a bus to
Eugene for the, game Including
Messrs. and Mesdames Paul Hend
ricks, Charles Huggins, H. G. Mai
sons, James B. Young, Ronald
Jones, Edgar Pierce, Brazier Small,
Linn C. Smith, Breyman Boise,
Floyd W. Shepard, .Walter Kirk,
Ercel W. Kay, Asel Eoff, Mrs.
Velma Farmer, Leo Spitzbart, Carl
Gabrielson and joining the group
from Portland are Mr. and Mrs.
William Mulligan, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Delzell and Mr. and Mrs.
. $540 te $110.00
CmMnjm . . $2.7S IS JO
nu$ TAXy
kinds of paper shelving, plain
and patterned, available. ; too.
They are quite a bit cheaper
than the plastic. One line that is
now in general distribution has
the added feature of a plastic
finish that makes it cleanable
by the damp closet method,
WALL BEAUTY is easily pro
vided by those a 1 1 r a ctive
wrought Iron shelves, which
come in white and colors and
sell at quite reasonable prices,
They are designed primarily for
small radios, but are even more
decorative when used for ivy in
a colorful glass bowl or for
knicknacks. They are conven
ient for your most-used cook
books, or even as spire and con
diment rack.
well-known line of kitchen
towels now is coming out with
much more softness and abSorb
ency than in the past. One brand
of waxed paper is self-sealing
simply by pressure makes
lunch packing so much eaxier!
Both are In grocery stores as
well as larger housewares de
partments of department stores.
for Oregon grief fans will take place
Hayward Field when the University
annual homecoming festivities on
with a number of Salem people go
Joe Price.
To Attend Weekend Events
A number of Oregon alumni are
going down to Eugene Friday night
for the pre-game festivities. Mr.
and Mrs. Hollis Huntington will be
in Eugene for the weekend and
he will attend the reunion dinner
of the 1819 football team, of which
ne was a member. Mr. and Mrs,
Daniel J. Fry. Jr, will be in Eu
gene for the weekend as guests of
the Lynn McCreadys and the P.
D. Quisenberrys will be the week
end guests of the Gus Hlxons,
formerly of Salem.
Governor and Mrs. Douelsa Me.
Kay will be in Eugene for the
game and will be Joined by their
son-in -law and daughter, the Les
ter ureens. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Bonesteele and Dr. and Mrs. Geor
ge S. Hoffman will go down for
the game and will meet the Larry
Bergs or Eugene, tor a post-game
celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Cooley will attend the game and
will also visit their son-in-law and
daughter, the John Mauldings.
Among the Keeters
Among others planning to at
tend the annual grid classic are
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McCormlck,
305 Court
Parties Slated
Event of Saturday night will be
the Waverly club's formal dinner
dance at the Marion hotel wi .
Wolfer's orchestra playing for
dancing following the 9 o'clock
The decorating committee in
cludes Mr. and Mrs- Roy Mink,
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Randall arid
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams. The
host and hostess committee in
cludes Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gelser,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gabriel and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerin.
Out-of-town guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ollie Williams for the danre
will be Mr. and Mrs- Jack Haek
and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trumbo
of Portland. The Roy Minks will
have as their guests, the Maurice
Heaters of Union HllL
Win Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman
have invited a group of friends
to their South Church street
home preceding the dance. Their
guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Horace
McGee, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard
Shifter, Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Specht,
Mr- and Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorit,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownell,
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Selberg, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Ferris and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Geiser.
The Glen Fravels are entertain
ing a few friends at their home
before the dinner dance. Their
guests include Mr. and Mrs. Otto
J. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce
VanWyngarden, Mr. and Mrs
James Armprtat and Mr. and
Mrs. Burdette Owen.
Portland Units Guests
Fifty members are expected
from the Portland Units to attend
the meeting of Capital Tenthlve
84D. Maccabees, Thursday night
at 8 o'clock at tr-e Beaver hall.
A group of the Portland officers
will exemplify the ritualistic
ceremony. H. S. Hudson, great
commander of Oregon, will be
a special guent. A program of folk
dancing will follow and refresh
ments will be served by the com
mittee. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mr. and
Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Becke, Mr. and Mrs. William
Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. George Scales,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Elgin, the Rev.
and Mrs. George H. Swift, Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Miss Dora-
thea Steusloff, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Siegmund, Mr. and Mrs. John Helt
icl. Dr. and Mrs. George R. Hoff
man, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Laird,
Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Burrell. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brady, Jr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert White and
Mr. and Mrs. James Minty will be
Joined by Portland friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Cautheri, for the
game and afterwards the six will
leave for the coast to spend the
remainder of the weekend.
(p)()m ' i
there's a Toyiand that's full of wonderful toys, to charm the girls and
thrill the boys. Lots of dolls, games galore, trlkes. books and still more.
And Mother and Dads can lay away, a gift of toys, one every day! So bring
the kiddles, and come and see What a wonderful placsj a Toylnd can be.
to ( Fete
Miss Dare
Miss Maria Dare, who recently
returned from a three months
trip to Europe, most of which time
was spent in Italy with her rela
tives, i will be the honor guest
at an informal welcome home
party Sunday afternoon for which
Mrs. Thorne H. Hammond will
be hostess at her Portland home.
. Twelve of Mlssj Dare's Intimate
friends from Salem have been
bidden to the affair. A buffet
dinner will be served by the
hostess late in the afternoon with
Mrs. Joseph Harvey, Jr. of Port
land assisting. ,
Gloria Stone
Tells Troth .
- Revealed at the Delta Gamma
house on the Willamette univer
sity campus Monday night was the
engagement of Miss Gloria Stone,
daughter of Mrs. Helen Stone of
Hood River, and Durwood Jea
ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Jeager of White Salmon, Wash.
No wedding date has been set.
Miss Stone is a senior at Wil
lamette, majoring in voice. Her
fiance attended the University of
Washington and Is now with the
Franz Bakery in Tillamook.
The Harvest Moon theme was
carried out for the announcement
with a card, bearing the names of
the couple, in a miniature hay
stack, which centered the dinner
Mrs. Leon Brewn entertained
members of the Monday Study club
at her home with Mrs. William
Braun reviewing the bookv "The
Doctor Has Three Faces.
14 te II
55c up
i .1
Children Are
leal Stars I
AP NawsfiatMM
Children, not Hollywood person
alities, are the real stars of press
photography. Dr. Ellen V. Mc-
hLoughlin, editor of The Book of
Knowledge, said as she examined
entries from coast-to-coast In a
national press photographers' con
test. S
Thai American press devotes
more time and space to children
ana youtn today than at any time
in its history.' she concluded after
observing the scope and variety of
news pnoioprapns published
throughout the continent in i the
last six months and submitted in
pnoto contest which will document
the story of "America's Children
Today." s
"There isn't a sineie face or
phase of young America that has
not been covered by the camera
man and his editor in their dally
rounas in oig,. uttie or rural com
munities," she reported. ?Our
glamour ladies what do 3 you
call it, cheesecake? and even
our statesmen do not seem to com
mand the attention of the pho
tographer's flashbulb any more of
ten than the youngsters.
"The faces of America consist
ently reflected are the faces of
happy children at home or on a
hike, at school or on a picnic; at
work, at play,, at church" a -
Six men distinguished In news
photography will Judge the con
test in an effort to assemble a doc
umentary picture story for exhibit
here and abroad. The contest be
gan six months ago. f
Mrs. Rellia Haag has bidden
members of her club to a luncheon
and bridge Friday afternoon at her
home on Croisan creek. i
lonl J.ff i
$5.95 up
Hit Gift
From ;,.
Look WhaS
I Fell Inio-