LIKE FATHER PARR IS ISLAND, S. C -(IMS) Marine Prt Norman O. Tobey of Cleveland, O, has a special reason for wanting to qualify with his rifle. His father, former leather neck, broke the world's record with the old Springfield rifle In 1927. 300 Personal 810 Meeting Notices Pacifle Lode No. SO. AT. St A M. r C. Degree. Friday, Oct ober Zntn. 7:w p.m. Cnemeieta Lodg No I IOOF meats nesdav nicht A AINSWOS1T AT. St AJ jQAx munlcation, 130 p.m a) INSWOSTH Lodfe No. 301. A.M. Special Com- Tnurs.. oct. 27 tn. at Clough-Barricks. to conduct Masonic Senric. -for Bro- Oscar X. Shutt "No flower.- . 112 Lost and Found LOST: Brown Coin purs with cur rency, change. Paul us cannery check. Reward. Katherln Lawrence, 345 Fisher Rd. 14 Transportation DRIVING TO Minneapolis. Minn. Nov. 1st, in '40 Hudson, Use J. Ph. 2-4210. bl6 Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. O. 724 35234. J TAN LEY Home Ptoducts J. M. SU. vail 3MS Suhnyvlew Ph. 24433 bULEm nursing UoifE. zua -b ' flu .l'111 Oregon. Palmistry Readings Tells past, present Sc future. Advice on love, business and marriage. Ans wers all questions. Are you worried? 17 J S. ComX Open 9 a.m.. to 10 pjn. Under new management ' 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock fA ANEN NANNY, mo. Ph 31393. BULL CALP. t mo.. $40. N. H. fryers, fl. L. D. Brown, Rt. 9. Box 734. Sky line Rd l'i ml. west of Liberty fOR SALE or trade 1 Jersey bull. 1 yr. old., 1 white face steer. 1 Guernsey heifer, 18 mo. old, both 5 mo., 165 each. E. I. Snether, 1550 Lancaster Ir Ph. 21345. fcATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChien. 2493 N Stff Ph. 2-1656. lJuNDED livestock buver. Claude Ed ward. Rt. 3. Box B9SE. Ph 3-U44. LICENSED live stock buyer Haroid E. Snethen, Turner. Oregon. fuNULU LIVESTOCK buyer E. C McCandiish. 1127 S. 23th, Ph. 3-8147. 404 Poultry and Rabbits RABBITS, Chinchilla stock, S does At 4 bucks with hutches to sell or trade for sewing machine, elec. saw or what have you Rt. 7. Box 378B. tiUICK SALE. Your choice 113 heavy strain white leghorn chickens, lay- Ins si. 25 each. Rt 3. box 568 iDCK elec. starter brooder. 4 deck finisher. This week only. 3139 O St. KEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs- day. Order Frys or Hens now at special quantity prices lor your iocs ers Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. I-Z881 Lees Hatchery. . 2EW HAMPSHIRE chlcKs for Immedt ate or future delivery Hatches every Tuesday, foxes Hatchery. 3830 State St Ph 3-4969 ISO N.H. CHICKS. 7 wks. 50c' each. 73 N.H. pullets, over half grown, 75c each. If all are taken. Rt. 3. Box - 450. S. on Liberty Rd. to Cunning ham Lane. ' " 408 Pet. COLLIE AND sheoherd puppies. $10 ea. Ph. 3.1126. 2190 Broadway. branee Q nary Singer. 810 Ph. 2-3929. f'URE BRED male German Shepherd. 9 months old. Phone 2-3295 after 8 p.m. 410 Seeds and Plants LILACS, 2 year plants: a number of choice varieties. 390 Mambrin Drive. Ph. 24354 feuY YOUR lily bulbs direct from grower. Large blooming size Regal lilies 9 for 8100. Rt. S. Box 437. A. W. Sahll St Son. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce" ONIONS. 50 lb. ark. delivered locally. St 25 Phone EATING potatoes, very good. No. 1's A 2 1 mixed, 22.00 per 100. Ed. Tsui, Ht 2, Box 182c. Cried prunes ioc lb. e. r BUnk- nhiRt Box 960. Ph. 2H0M. CWilCZ APPLES. 8123, second. 75c. Ppitr. Banana, Baldwin. Rt 2, box 176 Ph. rm. tPlTES'BliRGTifriJrfEft BA- NANA Apples. Phil Aspinwall. 645 Market St , Phone 3-9419. fcF-LlCIOtS LATE pears". Alirma" Mo tet 344 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-4510. 425 Auction Sales If to have anything to sen call 42923. We sell on commission or will buy 1 Auction every Monday 7 JO p.m. Leek's Auction 4 miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools rOR SALE: 1 set S ft 3 bearing heavy lumber rolls. Vailev Machine Works. 1010 N. ComX Phone 3-6144. 4S5 Household Goods For Sale MOVING, must sell furniture. Range, refrig. radio, davenport St chair, table St chairs, etc. Will sell by piece. Teimn 1 f dry ired. Ph. 42631. USED RADIOS 1 Zenith Console type - $24 50 Sil vert one Console, 10 tubes 824 50 1 Silvertone Console, 10 tubes $19.50 1 Bosch Console 812 95 1 Clarion Console $10 95 Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center Ph. 3-3139 FiMeCo. toft11 FTJA Leans e-TlKne Ferns Leeae License 8-111 sad U-222 rersenaJ end Ante Leans ,f5e Dr f .T Lasa.ND Dr.a.rkasUf D DRS. CHAJ1 . . . LAM CXIINESI tTEEBA LISTS Ctl Nertk Liberty Ofjatairs Ptlaa4 General KUctrte Cew Office epea Satartay ty IS aas. i i sxam. list p-aa. C i tsxseav Bleed timwi aad est ar free S enarge. Pis Steed mi 0 450 Merchandise 45S Household Goods For Solo NORGE TRONER. A-l cond, $83. Ph. 33681. APT. SIZE ELEC. COOK STOVE. l4 Court St. ISO OIL CIRCULATOR beater $25, $50 WOOQ circulator ia, Koutra vaa uiim 115. r K tmTirT. us. Fn. zzizj r.LDRIDGgfwlng machine. Ph. 3-8004. OIL CIRCULATOR, large. $30 Dresser with mirror. 818. Fn. ztrrea. COOP DAVENO. $407593 N. 14th. NEW 4 drawer apt. size mahog. chest- desk combined, cedar chest. i. mixer, alumlum roaster, food chop- per. cut glass wan, fn. 3gz43. G. E. REFRIGERATOR, like new. lge. lie, $125. Thor washing maenin. S40. Small dinette table and. 4 chairs. IIS. Large dinette act. solid oak with S chairs. 850. 1 marble top coffee table. 828. Tel. 2Q415 or 144Q worway, USED FURNITURE at Bargain price! ee yauey imnniur m. uwoi - rnt. ZH5 N com i. rn. CAS RANGE, exc cond.. 193. 104 E. Wilson MODERN walnut S piece dining set for $90. Would luce to ouy meoium sized wood circulator. 4640 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1359. ' e BLUE MOHAIR davenport it chair, 50. Phone 2-1338. DAVENPORT and chair. Inquire 399 Musion, upstairs after i pm. 456 Wanted, Household Goods USED FURN, immediate appraisal. highest prices, vaiiey r urniiure. m N. commercial, Fn. Z747Z NEED AT ONCE. Urge quantity used furniture Ph 3-5110 Woodry. USED FURNITURE Phone 3-8184. 458 Building Materials SIX 50 ft. trusses for immediate re m oval. Ph. 38725 or 33549. ABOUT 300 USED building tUes. 4" thick SxlS St 12x12. Will sell ail cheap. 833 Mill St.. Apt. 4 after 8. i ito.W'w w.t J m SEE US for building materiala. Open Sunday oc evenings, uioisn vuiage Lumber, ' ml. N. Drive-in Theater. fiOWSER BROS: Your power tool renUl headquarters. 1410 S. 12th SL Ph. 3348. SHINGLES No. 1 S7.7S square. No. f S3 00 square. No. 383.00 square. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-582L 1 mile North of RED CEDAR SHINGLES c No. 1 - 2 St 3 s. any amount delivered, lowest market price. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Mullcr, Salem-Indep. road. CaU 2-1196 Salem. ' . DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on youi con tractor St carpenter using the finest old growth, vertical grain yellow fir finish lbr. In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. 2-4939. 25 Lana Ave. LUMBER. 2x4 by litney load. 810 per thoua. You hauL Independence Lum ber and Mfg. Co.. Independence. Ore 480 Musical Instruments PIANO TUNING. Custom repairing. Free estimates. Air work guaranteed. Phone 2-8708 or Inquire Salem Musi cal Internment Service. 167 So. High. Tallmans Piano Clearance Sale RECONDITIONED PIANOS S125 TO 8185. 825 DOWN. 510 MO. REBUILT PIANOS 8225 UP. $39 DOWN $12 MO. We need room for new pianos la transit Tallman Piano Store 375 - 395 S. 12th St 1 ml. from high prices. 462 Sports Equipment TRADE, Model 97 Winchester 12 ga. full choke for small outboard motor. 197jSenate St.. W. Salem. HORNET .22 with scope, like new. John Srhlag. Rt 9. Box SOS, Salem iRoaedale Dist.l 1949 EVINRUDE 10 horse outboard motor, like new. Cost $276.50. first 8175 cash takes it. See at Senator Garage or call 3-4016. 464 Bicycle BOYS BICYCLE, almost new. Ph. 35137. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous TOR SALE: My equity of $350 in 60x135 ft. level wooded lot. Jut out side Salem city limits, or will trade for best used car. Ph. ZO053. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous GOOD Usn Piano H L Stiff U DRTViTTRUCkSrOR RENT Blan kfts furn 197 S .Liberty Ph 2-vg. EENT A FLOOR sander. do a good lob. Noms-Walker Paint Co. 250 Court St Phone 21908. 470 For Sole. Miscellaneous 100 GALLON HIOH-PKESSURE SPRAYER Mounted on skids, sprays large areas at 350 lbs. pressure. Equipment in cludes 25 feet hose, spray gun. Com plete with 2', H P. engine .. . $42650 WARDS FARM STORE Trade High Sts Salem, Ore 1949 FROSTAIR refrig. Seperat deep freeze cabinet Like new. Ph. 22193. 2080 Jelden BARGAINS Westlnshouee electric range, gray-white enamel. $63. Used Olympic wood circulator, $13. Ph 36.T08. 3 D EVANS, breakfast table At chairs. rocking chair, baby bassinet. 3 rugs. several beds & prtngs. l snot gun 2 deer rifles. Will sell part or all E. I. Sncthen, 1550 Lancaster Dr. pn 2 1345. HIGH GRADE LEAF rake. $35 WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1603 N Summer FOLDING baby buggy $5.. 4 strong kitchen chairs $2 each. 9x12 good linoleum $3. solid oak library table $5. Rain-King sprinkler 50 ft. spray $3. long handle grass shears $1-23. 40 ft. extension ladder $20. Binoculars $3 50 735 Fairview Ave. CIRCULATING OIL kitchen heater. Phone 37019. 495 Hollywood Ave. OIL CIRCULATOR. Duo-Therm, good cond $30. Fh. 42825. FLASH High grade electric heaters. 1 price $2 so. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer AIR COMPRESSOR, "t HP. Curtiss complete with tank, gauges, hose, sprav gun, $100. Industrial lot, good loca tlon. Bargain. Ph. 20738. BRYANT Ss furnace for sale 90.000 B T U. used 3 mo. Very cheap. Ph. 39414 MONTAG 4 burner apt size range, like new, custom Aire oil circ. Ph. 28809 NEW WESTINGHOUSE roaster oven. never used. $35. Also girls bicycle. 780 N. Cottage. SET OF slightly used McGregor golf clubs. Ph. 3-7830. Phillips Bros. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack, Flatrock for ell rock work, cedar fence posts end tela and elect poles, any length, shingle, yew posts. Ph. 3-1458. Rt 6. Box 11$. Salem. Repair Now! AH makes of washing machine, vacu um cleaners St sewing machines. Pick un and deliver. W. Davenport Fn. a-TSJI. NaT. ADV. spring mattress. Rtd. From $49 30 to 839 507Capital Bed Co. 3-4069. CHICKEN fertilizer for aai. W'iU Oe- ttt.. rnony j-ieio Bargains In Used Bunk beds, like new $34.80. S gaL gaa hot water tank $20. Whit en un ci oti burning rang $49.80. Used dresser $8J0. Used metal bedsteads S3 SO St good eol springs $8 50 WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 160S N. Summer LARGE WOOD circulator, good condV UOQ S30. 1042 Rug. FO. -44Si, '450 MercHandis 470 For Sale. MlsceHaneons Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock for roads St driveway. Cement. Beady mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. BuO doxing. drainage end witching. 4 vd shovel at arag nne. Frone ATM6RAYS. HirlfT Pugh. Ph. S-ffeT Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand St fill dirt Screened fravel St sand for concrete, bum del. Slxca vating 10B Shovel and cata. Tractor coop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 1-4003. res 3-7148. PRAC ATICALLY new walnut finish dek. 840. Ph. S-3577. 823 N. Com! DRAG SAW. falling St bucking tools. John Schlag. Rt. 9. Box 306. Salem Rosedale Eh?t. BABY BUGGY. 810. RU 4. Box 76. Lewis McRae. WALLPAPER. CkMe out specials. 50 patterns to choose from. Norrts- Walker Paint Store. 250 Court SL Phone 21908. TOILETS. New close coupled complete with white seat, putty, ecrews. chrome angle atop and supply. 833.50 while they last. Fnone 34 wu. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables. desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John wr Anohancen S TOILETS, com p. wash bowl, bath tub. 2 sinks, pipe. 632 N. Liberty. Ph 3-8021 QUARRY ROCK foe road base. Cruaa ed rock. Oil dirt We deliver. Croisan Quarries 1565 S Com! St Ph. 1-8417 Plant Ph. 3-1231 Rea. 2-3073 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous FTR STUMPAGE end fir logs want ed. Shipment can be made or truck or rail. Independence Lumber Sx Manufacturing Company, Inc. Inde penrtencc, Oregon. Phone 42. ' WANTED- Large six sink, write Box 300 Statesman. WANTED: Two SO x 3'., tires. Write Box 300. Statesman. riLBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mil Z. Lancaster Dr.. Auburn Koaa. Claude McKinnev. Ph. 8-1632. WANTED Barkie Douglas Fir poles or stumpage, Fnone 12S7 Albany or Writ Standard Pole it Piling Co, Inc. WILL BUY old gold or silver coin col- lections. also stamp collections. Call a-5198 nignt. or 2-3487 days. PIANO TUNING Wills Muiic Store Salem WANTED: Gd used pool table. Ph. 2-1741 after i:3Q. 474 Miscellaneous HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S. lZtb St Ph. 33646 TLBERT and walnut drying. Special service tor smau iota. Fnone z-zbol Lees Hatchery WATER WELL drilling. Domes tie or Irrirstion Duffield Bros Rt S. box 58 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2793. AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ET1UL Call Shrocfe Motor Co 3-9101 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plate for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUt tk Com Ph 3-3311 Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obit ration AMERICAN BLDG MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 2-9133 WANT TO Buy used earners St lsnsasl ascKwan Fnoto fchop. 43a etate. Salem Sand & Gravel Co, Contract Work Roads - Oca ring . Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'i yds 10 B-4, yds D-7 Cat J Dour D-S Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the fool Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4408 Salein. Oregon 478 Fuel West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS In. clea no Park SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Alee pick up wood at 1323 Edgewater St w. Salem. Phillips Bros. Old Or, ash, maple, oak 4' Br. 18 slab and earing. Ph. 3-1438 "CleAnhA ndicke6,i tl?r SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE & DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. S-6444 SO DAY specisL Old erowth block wood from ValswU. $10 cord delivered off car. Kin dry planners. 2 cords HE Ph. 3-772 L Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. R. H. ALLES Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer trim. 1260 Candlewood Dr Ph 2-2382 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT , LOADS Delivered to Salem $12 00 For orders please' call collect Independence 42 . Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon Valley fueTTcS: ; Oak. slab, maple, old fir. sec. growth and cherry. Also do woodsawing. Ph. 2-4276 or 3-3523 Tri Citv Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-in. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-tn. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR S St H GREEN STAMPS OLD FIR. 2nd gwth and' slab. Rt 4. Box 288. Ph. 2-2950. Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging, fresh clean sawdust green edging $5.50 Id. dbL $10. Also 16" green slab or 4'. Phone 3-5533. . DRY IS IN. slab St edgings. Fh. 2-1458. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunltiet PRIVATE party will sell or exchange y S ft stud, all elec. mill complete with planer on 5JY siding for house or what nave you. Statesman Box 359. TAVERN. 4 miles East of Detroit Pennenant Vocation. S sawmills on new route East Priced to seU. Spill- way Tavern. laanna. Oregon. &ROCERY for sal. Good going busi ness. Will sell at inventory. Box S5S statesman. duplex K. BoLLYU'ood dist. Plus a good houses. Duplex is late built ALL ELEC Lre. lot yearly In come of appro x. $iwOS per yr. Very desireable property at gUJOO. Good loan available. GROCERY STORE, meat SO lockers, S BR. living qtrs. lot 100x100. Total price S34.0U0. Groceries at invoice. Who has 1 or 2 homes la Portland to trad on thia 16 unit BRICK APT. BLDG. Very beat eg location St co diuon, shown only by eppt Larsen Home & Loan Co. Excsusiv Listings Personal Servte 164 S. Coml St Ptt S-838 Ev 3-7440 A KEY Mooilgaa Service Station for lease as Dallas. Oregon. Buy inven tory and tools at wholesale, no blue sky. Contact Warren Doolittle. Mo bilgss Distributor. Ph. 2-4419 days. 2-4042 eves. 500 Business & Finance 310 Money To Loan AUTO LOANS WTXLAMETl E CKI.11IT CO. 1SS S. Church St: - - Ph. ft-3457 . Parkin Aplenty UtMlSSJIM FARM and CITY LOANS h and S Your ttn terms of repayment srtthta re oss. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgagee. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. StW Pioneer Trust Bids. Ph. 2-T162 Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Leaf os Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 130 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-9161 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 S slam's largest and oldest horn owned loan company offers money wnen you need ltl i You eaa pay anytime to reduce Bet eosti No endorsers, or help from friends I On ears, trucks, trailer home to $500 00 On furniture, livestock-, equipment salary or otner personal property up to $300X01 Phono or visit our office todayl us, no. sue aaa a&us General Finance Corpi, PH. 3-9161 138 a. COMX ST. If you want to sell your property it wul pay you to know now mucn ox en FHA loan It will stand. This In formation is obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any Information you desire on FHA loans. State Finance Co. 133 8. High St. Tel. 34121 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking Ph. 2-7032 Lie. No. M369-S291. Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. How Many Bills! Do you pay each month and what do they amount to. add them up . . then phone Personal for loan on their -Smaller Payment plan on loan and one monthly payment . generally much less than the month ly total you are now paying. You nuy spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help, corn in or Shone the "Yes" Man. he says -Yes" 4 out of 9. Personal Finance Co. of Salem BIS State Rm. 125 Ph 2-2464 Lie No S-122 M-16S C. R. Allen, MgT 515 Investments FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first mortgages, prop erties Salem Sc vicinity. Make your own selection, nets you 3 percent We take car of all collections if desired. Amounts $1,000 to several thousand dollars. See or call us for particulars. State Finance Co. 133 S. High St TeL 34121 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Male YARD SUPERINTENDENT for planing mill Writ for references. Corder Lumber Co . 1 EXPERIENCED Lumber Co , Wood burn. Ore IENCED lumber trader want- ed. Capable of using WCLA stamps on green deminstons and uppers. Ar row Lumber Co.. 200 Wallace Rd., W. Salem. NATIONAL Co-operation offers profit able business operation to middle aged or old men with cars. Write Box 379 statesman. MAN TO BUY 1943 Dodge S wheeler on all winter abort log haul. Close ln;Phlaeventngsi OPPORTUNITY FOR TRAVEL Bulldog Jackson wants men II Teaching wrestlers for US A, Canada. Eu rope, Hawaii and the Orient. Learn now. Get the benefit of 30 years ring experience. Send age. weight and height and on dollar to 3580 South Commercial St, Salem, for details and membership to club. 608 Help Wanted. Female WANTED: Woman IS or older to help with housework and children. Room, board, good wages. References re- ouirea. Fn. 39440 COOD HOME for someone wishing steady employment, older woman preferred. Private room. Sundays off. Apply Coffee Shop in . Capitol Bldg or Fh. 23864 after s p.m. YOUNG LADY to work in office, must be high school graduate, attractive person and able to meet public. Typ ing St shorthand essential, perman ent position. Apply room 125. SIS Slate M WANTED": Middleaged woman com Damon for older lad v. Good horn St wages. Call 1337Y. Albany, or wtlte f. u. box 13. Albany. 610 Sales Persons Wanted OLD RELIABLE national concern has opening for 1 man. No canvassing. Car necessary. Our men- averaging $100 weekly. Inquire 248 No. Com mercial. Rm. 23. 9 to 11 a m. KEY POSITION for experienced sales man. See Mr. Vergeta at 668 N. High St SALESMAN with car High Commis sions M. K N FURNITURE. SALESMAN w lift car must ie able to sell to farmers, home every night Salary or salary and commission. state references and experience Write Box 2i8. Statesman EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to seU appliances in Willamette Valleys leading appliance store. Salary with added compensation. Transportation furnished. Apply Hogg Bros.. 113 S. Com I SALESMAN wanted, car necessary Electrolux Corporation. 1079 Broad- wav. APPLIANCE salesman, excellent op port unity to advance with national organization. See Mr. Booth, Mont gomery Ward. Salem. 612 Work Wanted. Male MARRIED MAN wants work on dairy or general farming. Fn. e-zssi. 615 Situations Wanted TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 MAN: practican nurse. 9 yr. exper- ience. desires position. Ph. 22620. FINE Painting Sc Papering. Ph. 3-5522. EXPERIENCED DANISH woman would like to car for 1 or 2 children or do hrht housework. Ph. 25442 BABY SITTING Moa, WeL, Thin. Sc Sat Ph. 23913. IRONING. Ph. 34767 a m. or after S. CHILD CARE by day or hour. Ph. S-4940. CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. Ph. 23448 ' REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing. Ph. 3-133S or 2-0218. CHILDREN CARED FOR. PHONE 3-U704 Oft 3-6327 NEW LAWNS. Start to finish. Lgt V-sctor with dozer. Ph. 2-8127. WANTED outsld house painting. C 8 StahL Ph. 2-8844. LIovdM. Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel end truck week of ell kinds Phone 2-4691. 3995 State St GENERAL BUiLDENG. re pairing . I specialla in general .wm1rni, brick work, plastering, painting and paperhenging. Nothing to large or too smalL Reasonabi fre estimates Walton S-5072, Li Work of all kinds with ford tractor. Call evenings, -7373. 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted WILL do any kind of carpenter work reanonabhr. 1161 Union. Ph 2-1487. CENTwork. AH kinds. Ph. 2-4&5L RADIATOR REPAIR, cleaning. Wis have Arrtl-rreeze. 54Q rerry St, REMODELING, carpenter work, ail kinds. Tax part, in rurmture. Fn. ELECTRIC appliances repaired. Pick up St delivery. Fh. 1-4063. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms. Board NICELY FURN. heated sleep rm. Kit priv.. emp. lady. Fh. s-3414. NEWLY DEC rms. with H. St C water. kitchen prlv 754 Ferry. Ph. 36317. WARM ROOMS. 763 N. Winter. Vh. 3-5539. ROOMS TO RENT by the month. Rea sonable. Fh. 3-3161 alter 4 p.m. NICE sleeping room. Ph. 3-7558. HEATED ROOM. 563 N. Cottage 1 NICE COMFORTABLE slping rm. H. St C. water. Business man. ltax shop ping center. Ph. 3-5323 or 3-S090. Must be neat. PLEASANT slpr rm. Nice location. Close to downtown. 1366 state. SHARING A House with Christian girls, all conveniences of home. Call after S p.m. 643 N. Winter. - 705 Apartments For Rent 2 RM. HOUSEKEEPING apt. 103 Mar lon. 2 ROOM FURN. apt Inquire 923 Vista Ave 2 RMS. FURN. Clean, comfortable, for man or married couple, utilities paid. Reas. to responsible people. Ph. 37370 afternoon or eve PRIVATE. 3 rm. partly furn. Clean, rarare. 850 mo. 3560 Portland Rd. LARGE 4 RM. APT. Utilities paid. V. blinds. -I960 Maple. Prt. 36797 eves. MODERN 2 RM. Apt 2 blks from town. 730 Mill. 2 RM. FURN or unfurn apt. Ph. 36598 FURN. 3 RM. den. priv. hath also I rm. apt utilities lum, jjv imwion. 1 RM. FURN. APT. refrig. close in. emp. laar 666 s. summer. 2 RM. APT. also sleeping room. Ph 3-4335. 790 N. Church. 1 RM. St KIT. Clean, part furn , near Elks Temple. Emp. May. FH. Z74 CLOSE IN: Nicely fura. bdrm. heated. kit priv. no drinkers, see . cottage. Fh. 39430 3 RM. FURN. APT. Elec. heat St cook ing. After 13 noon. 738 g. I3tn. XPARTMENT for rent 770 S. Coml. 2 RMl furnished, ground floor, no drinking. Ph. 26546 after 5 p. m SM. FURN. cottage. Priv. bath, close in. emp. lady, reas. Ph. 35211. FURN. APT.. 1st fir., private ent. all elct. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 38706. iURN., MOD, all utilities, near sen. Sc bui. Reas. 3590 S ComL FURN MOD. apt. elect heat garage city bus. 3580 S- Coml. rt'RMSHED cottage 3215 Portland rd. UNFURN. 4 RMS. St bath. Range. refrig.. St utiuties furn.. $60. 4a0 S. CaoitoL Ph. 29221 NICELY furn. apt Utilities furn. Reas. 365 S. 16th FOR RENT: Furn. redec. 2 r. apt for one or two. no drinkers or - pets. 624' i N. Capitol St. 2 RM. APT. a bath. Lights, water furn. $35. NIC for old people. Fn. 3-9961. 707 Houses For Rent NEW S bdrm. horn completely furn. Oil furnace, elec. range, reing ana washer, new lawn and shrubs, close to bus and store. S min. to town. 371S June Ave. 1 blk. No. of Sunny- virw Ave, and Fisher Rd NEW MODERN 2 BR home. $60. 343 Jefferson St. 2 BR house, no children. Ph. 37433. NEW 2 bedroom bouse. SCO. Kange. re frig. St radio for sale. Terms it ae- streq. Fn. 4ZS31. OR SALE: OLDER type 3 BR home. 1655 N. Capitol, can eves. 37373 3 RM. MOD, furn. cottage. Ph. 26618. 2 RM. HOUSE, partly furnished, not modern. 62 Williams Ave. OLDER TYPE 2 story home. 9 rms. 2 baths, double garage, suitabi lor 2 families. 875. Fh. 30354 LATE MODEL 2 B R. house at 4 Cor ners $65. CaU 26687 between 9 St 5 1 BR. ELEC. heat Hdw. firs.. V, blinds, priv. gar. $70 children wel come, no pet, '. mi. I., pen. cor ners. 4545 state. Fn. 311Z5 LATE MODEL 2 B R. house at 4 Cor ners. $65. Call 26687 between 9 St 5. 2 B R. PARTLY furnished house. Bus by door 383 S. Elma Aye- Good mod. house close in. adults only, We make private loans St write all kinds of insurance. Wm. E. Moses Ph. 3-4491 Location 233 'j State CABINS not modern. Dallas hwy Rt. 8. box 822. Ph. 3-7628. FURN. I BR cottage. Rose Cottages. 2 ml. N. of Brooks on 99E Sftcr p.m. NEW 2 BEDROOM modem hs avail- . able. Phone 2-7202 WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lots SIS down. $15 month with water St light, close to school St bus. nice location. Fn, $-3289. General Real Estate 235 Center St . MOD. 2 BR house, stove furnished. In quire 1253t 6th St.. W. Salem 2 BEDROOM house adults only. 1140 Center St NEW 1 BR house, unfurn. 1739 Mar- ket St. 3 BDRM modern house, garage, gar den. St hen house. Libertv district R. V. -sialdwell. Rt 1. Box 119A. Turner. Oregon. LARGE unfurn. steam heated house on corner, close in. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 3-9185. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED: Mod. 2 or 3 bdrm unfurn home in gd. dwt. Will pay up to $75 mo. Yes we have baby St hse dog. Ph. 2-0633. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses RF.ASPONSIBLX family needs 2 or 3 BR unfurnished house for 10 months. Not over $60 month. Ph. 28118. 712 Wanted To Rent Apis. DENTIST wishes to rent nicely furn. apt by Dec. 1st Call 35858 between 9 a m. at 5 p.m. 1 OR 2 BR. unfurn. house or apt reasonable. Ph. 26495 after 5:30. ON OR BEFORE Nov. 1st: Mod 2 BR furn apt., near state bldg. 3 work ing adults. Call 3-8707 morn or be tween S St 1 p.m. 714 Business Rentals" OFTICE, LARSEN building. Ph. 3-8389. BUSINESS HOOCH. U. L. SttfL 800 Real Estate 802 Business Propealy LOT 66x122- 1300 blk. Broadway St This is the best business property In Salem. Ph. 34642. ev. 21647 BUSINESS bldg. on coast, $150 mo. income. Trade for Salem property. Phone owner 37660 or 26605. THIS PROPERTY will be offered at a special reduced pric if sold this month. S new 1 BR homes, self operating, good Income. Optional owners. New 2 BR home, room for expansion. Ne trades. Inquire 1644 N. Sta. 8C6 Hons For Sole" WHY PAY RENT? New 2 BR home, bdwd firs, apprax H A. lot Very low down payment Ph. 2-9812 - . BY OWNER: New mod. X bdrm.. pe- eaa fir, frplc. V blind, att gar. Low dn. payment. Ph. 2-3827. aeien- pers phone. 4 RM. UNFURNISHED new bosne tWfw $500 dn Ph. 2-5211. ' BY OWNER $6200. Fairmount HiU S BJL. kit, utiL. LR, bath, shade St fruit, lge. lot. S1S0S da. Ph. 2-5&X2. 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale HUDKENS BUY-LINES $6950. SALEM HEIGHTS dean aa new. 2 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, bath. att. garage, lot 90x150. all new homes $6950. $1000 or less down. This is a good buy end must be sold this week. j $6000. GROCERY MARKET T WUI . H m m. I" . I.n m .Alt if you have lived her long you already know it. $6000 buys a well established going business, stock fixtures equipment and alL A good lease, too. Step, right into an income today. $6950NORTH SALEM Half way between Parrish Jr. High and Hollywood. 2 bedroom home on a large lot Large living room, utility, oil heat, elec. range and refrig. available at a saving. Owner leaving Oregon this week. Come in before this is sold. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. High St THREE BEDROOM HOME LR. DR. kitchen, bath, 1 BR down. 2 BR up nice lawn and shrubs, lots of concrete work, atchd garage with utility trays, full price $4500. LARGE LOTS 93x140. located in Keizer District, high and dry, $50. down balance at 8 interest. $550 end $650. IN THE WOODS Nice little 1 BR cottage on Five acres, LR with fireplace. Bedroom, Kitchen and bath, nice trees and yard. $1300 down. Full pries only $4430. BETTER'N WO ACRES Nice home on Macadam road. 2 BR. LR. dinette, kitchen, atchd garage, large yard with lawn and plenty of trees, located on bus line. Priced to sell at $7950. KENNY REAL ESTATE 241 Chemeketa Phone 2-2577 or 2-0614 BY OWNER: 4 room house near Sa lem high school and new shopping center. Elec. heat and water heater. Phone 21643. OWNER must sell 2 BR home, 1 yr. old: autom. oil furn., Clec. dish washer; autom. washing machine. enced in back yard. 450 S. IBtn, OWNER moving to Portland. 6 Rm.. 3 bdrm.. 3 yr. pld hse. $8200. $1000 dn.. Ucf, I. Vxr I his, j . g,. msi u. w aw-. HOUSE TO- BE moved. 3 rms.. bath, wired for range, has water heater, ug. St drapes. Can be seen st 3990 bal. terms. C I. losn. 2087 Bruce center. WE SPECIALIZE in small home build ing. Ail exterior. $3 St up per ft for labor St material or $1 per ft labor only. Also all kinds carpenter work Sc brick work, concrete, etc. $1.75 per hr. Anywhere in city or coun- try. l. w. Koager. Fn. otii REDUCED TO SELL $2400 down, well finished S rms, gar. upstairs storage, insulated, weather stripped, screened windows, very clean, St complete. Landscaped, lawn St garden, large lot Full price $9500. Come 1 St see us or move right in. ph. 2-0037. 3790 LaBranche 2 BR ON 1 FLR. Fireplace, utility rm. redecorated. $6000. $1250 dn. Owner 1240 S. 15th, J NORTH LANCASTER Drivel Best of material St construction, conveniently arranged. S rooms with bath, lot of "built-ins." 2 acres. 186 ft frontage. Modern conveniences without city taxes Priced right 2875 N. Lan caster Drive. . , mile N. of SUverton Road. BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION Lovely new 2 BR home, all elec. fully Insulated, close to schools, the best workmanship St materials. FHA terms. 935 Cross St. Ph. 4-2621. BSE St FABRY ROAD Just 3'i mi. South of Salem. 254 ft. highway frontage, cozy 2 bdrm. home in excellent condition, new well St pump house, garage St tool shed, some fruit plenty of room for court or business bldg. Exactly 1 acre price $6,850. Call Roy Ferris. 925 TERRACE DRIVE Very attractive view home, situated on a pretty corner, oak. madrona St fir trees, ranch type fence, 3 bdrm. t basmt fireplace, excellent view. $2,000 down $75 per mo. CaU Peter Geiser. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Peter Geiser. 3-9968: Roy Ferns. 2-8010; Earl West 2-0608 WELL ACCEPT new car for $2600 equity in good 3 BR home in High land DisL Ph. 28379 or Inq. 2510 Laurel. 4 ROOM HOUSE with bath, garage.- A. in orchard. $4800. No down payment St reasonable monthly pay ments. Ph. 31286. UNFIN. HOUS'E. $3000. Ph. 23371. BY OWNER Best buy anywhere. 1 A. and nice clean 2 Br. home. Subur ban NE. All Mod. Conveniences. Clean El. heat. Lrg. Utility room. Car Port. Work shop. Hen house. Fmly. orchard, berries, grape arbor, rich grdn. spot. Flowers, shrubs, shade. And only $6500.00. Low down pmt. Phone 23423 for more Info, and ap- pointment. MOD. 6 RM. house, toilet, bath. h. water, woodshed, 2 garages, hen house, garden St orchard. 6 mi. St. of Gervais. Call before 9 a m. or eves. Gcrvaij 2073. 1100 FEET 1100 square feet of good workmanship In this home, living room is 14x22, rest of rooms are good size, plenty of closet space, hardwood floors, ci. heat The price is right. STATE STREET 2 story brick home, could be 2 nice apartments at reasonable expense. Lot 80x230 on alley, this lot is worth the asking price. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 2-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 3-8715 A Safe Buy Well constructed new 2 bedrm home near school. Hwd firs. Insulated Sc weather stripped. Elect, heat in every rm. Att. gar. paved St. A safe lifetime home for young family. Call for appt. youll be glad you looked. Full price $9000. Easy terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Coml Ph 3-4590 Eve 3-9536 Doll House Furn or Unfur 2 , BR home, corner lot.' fireplace, thermostatically controlled oil heat, all elec. Outstanding St congenial neighborhood, close to Leslie St Mc Kinley schools. Furniture optionaL Supervisory personnel Standard Sta tion Inc being transferred to Cali fornia. 1990 S. High, ph 2-3963. 804 Suburban VALUABLE ACRE St HALF. Mod. plast 3 BR. home, insulated, alto, oil furnace. Extra bldg. convertabl to apt. This has valuable highway frontage plus court site on paved st at rear, DONT MISS THE BOAT I SEE THIS. TODAY I $9500. LOCATE YOUR FAMILY near NEW SALEM SCHOOL. Rais poultry Sc keep your cow on this ACRE Sc HALF, sU seeded. Plast 2 BR. home. InsuL, elec. heat Surrounded by lovely trees, lawns St shrubs. Gar age St big roomy pltry. hs. Near bus. $8500. ., Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Servtos 164 S. ComL St Ph. 3-8389 Ev: 3-7440 or 3-4937 Suburban 3 BJL home with S A. located South cast of Salem. Garage, barn, poultry house, young orchard, school bus. The price is $8500. and will exchange for farm and assume. - Johnson BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St Office 2-3454$ Eve: 3-7431 or 2-5390 3 Bedrms Suburban 1 Acre. Good hs with dining rm. 1 bedrm down. S up. Bath St toilet. Basmt f ur. Jdy trays, gar, fruit Oos to school St store. Priced tor quick sale $7400. C. W. Reeve Realtor " 942 1 Coml Ph 2-4590 Ere 2-963S 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale . tk!. I 4 i. I . 1 .1 I . 1 Phone 2-4129 BEST BUYS SPECIAL S820 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Only 1 yr. eld. Close in north. Wired for range. Private well. Total price only $3450. Pay ments only $30 per month. Ev. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-355S. $5200 FULL PRICE Inside city, modern. 700 sq. ft. floor space.' Large garage. Close to bus, store Sc school. Priced for quick sal. Eve; Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. SERVICE STATION Grocery store St modern home. 10 acres highway frontage with 240 ft on highway. Advertised gasoline. Everything goes for $25,000. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. BUSINESS FRONTAGE 115 ft. business frontage. Modern . home. Busy street. We consider this a very good buy for $7000. Terms. Owner will sell SO ft. lot Sc home for $4750. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. ACREAGE FOR RENT T acres with 3 rm. house. 2 miles from town. Double garage. For rent at only 830 per month. Rent can be applied toward purchase price of $5500. Eve. Ph. 2-9403 or 3-3558. $2500 FULL PRICE 2 acres. S rm. house, older type but very livable. Well with electric pump. Some terms. Better hurry on this one. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596 Do You Want A new 2 bdrm house in the Englewood Dist din rm and fireplace, hdwd firs throughout. Immed. poss. $500.00 down will buy it, bal. like rent. Phone eve. 2-7983. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg Ph. 3-9217 Insurance. Mtg. Loans VERY ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom and den home with brick trim. Very nice location. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Very attractive and unusual interior. Brick patio; Price $10,500 will trad for suburban. No. 297 LOOK! 2-bedroom home with full basement. Auto, heat, nice living Sc dining rooms with hardwood floors. Engle wood district. $7,500 with easy terms. No. 289 GET STARTED!! r in a nice 2-bedroom livable, unfinished home. Practically your own down payment I Located south or north. Near school, bus snd stores. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. St Sua. 2-1327. 4-2874, 2-3738 3-5903, 2-2332 BlTBUiLDER: Two 27BR homes. In ouire 1145 S. 15th. NELSON NEWS PLASTERED 2-BDRM. HOME $4950 Comb. LR 8t DR. elec. wtr. htr.. 2-blks. to school," to bus. gar, lge. lot, good soil. CITY OWNER WANTS FARM LR, kitchen with dining sres, 3 bd rm . bath, lot 54x70. pvmt, sidewalk all pvd . easy walking dist. to Cap itol. University St hospital. Jrlce $7350. CLOSE IN HOME Sc INCOME $10,850 3-unit apt. house especially well fur nished, easy walking dist. from State Cap, Univ, Memorial hosp, Sc S. side industry. Economical operation with central sawdust heating plant. $5000 down $50 per mo. 10 ACRES EQUIPPED MONEY MAKER St GOOD HOME Mod. comb. LR Sc DR. wall to wall rug. 2 lge. bdrms, kit. with lots of built-ins. lee. dining area, unfinished upstairs with rm. for 3 bdrms. Sc bath, extra housekeeping rm. on 1st fir. 300 capacity laying hse, 2-story barn Sc other bldgs, good well, about 3' A. in orchard principally in cher ries, some filberts, walnuts, etc, 6'i A. in 1st class hops that yield about $5000 this yr. mi.' to grade sch, bus to Salem St jr. high. Asking price $15,000 Machinery', 250 laying pullet St some household goods at bargain price. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 Beautiful View Owner in California will reduce price for quick action. The 2000 sq. ft. of floor space is aiviaea into attrac tive, spaceous rooms, basement, oil fired hot water heater. 2 car ga rase. only 1 yr. old. Large, secluded lot $3000 will handle. We have the key. Call Bon Cleary. - Walter Muggrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater St Phone 2-510$ Eves. 2-9939 S. High St. Home rnn sat. 2 bedroom up. 1 down, kitchen with nook, living, dining comb. lull base ment, sots ox puui-uu, iuw uu turn' ace, xirepsac, now. iioora. wpnra, lg. lot. Price $1 2 000. Ph. owner 3-6198 "TTfoxiritTVT WTI.I. $7625. View property. Living, dining rm; kitchen, 'a bath dn. 1 large bdrm. full bath up. fireplace, elect heat beautiful yard with shad trees, outdoor fireplace, fenced yard. $500 dn., $59 mo . including interest. NEAR FRUTTLAND i or II acres, new house, wonderful soil, lays well, elect well. S bdrm. living, kitchen, utility rm. S ear gar- axe. rrA MA.ri.TAT 312300. 2 acres, new modern style. 9 oearra num., utwi, mmni. b kitchen end bath, full basement, ... sit im 9 flrenlacwsL Rau- tlful setting la shade trees, an ideal Bsaje tor a nwi wiian. Office S-4K2S 191 S. High Home 3-7138 A. A. Larsen Realtor R00 Real Estate 806 Rouses For Sale New 2 Bedrm. Duplex In Hollywood Dist. Each unit has 2 bed rms. Each unit has hardwd firs. Each unit has elect stove St refrig. And each unit rents for $75. HaS $10,000 loan that pays off at $71 per month, including taxes Sc ins. Price t' $16,500. Art Madsen Realtv Co. 13JS State St. " FJ3-? LOCATION!STHE THING I Thisbet ter type older home t plastered) of fers L Sc D rms.. 2 BRms.. bath. utlL rm.. shop Sc wood shed, garage. Not too far to grade Sc high schools, city busbv door. Move right in - Low iDn. pavmt. $5500. Completely fur nished S6300. A LITTLE MONEY - A LOT OS HOME. Neat, clean 2 BR. home, pav ed st. Near school St city bus. IM MED. POSS. $3250. Terms. Laren Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. ComL St Ph. 3-6389 Eve: 3-7440 or 3-4937 Immediate Possession Out of stat owner sacrificing almost new 6 rm. home. Hdwd. firs, thru out autom furn, breexeway at tached garage, lg. unfinished up stairs, city water Sc bus, lg. lot. Low down payment F.HA. Terms. Salens Height Dist. 585 EwaKf. . ' Must Sell $6950. 3 bedrm horn on 'i acre, east on pavement, good barn, fruit Sf nuts, will consider trad on small house in town. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve 2-$26 . Near McKinley School $12,600. All on one floor, hr rm. dinette, kitchen. 3 bedrm. bath, large util ity, forced air oil furnace. Insulated, living rm Is carpeted and has e large fireplace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-3260 $4200 2 bedrm home on large lot. Gar. paved st. Good rental property. Also have 2 rm hse. Urge lot $2200. C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S ComT Ph 3-4590 Eve 3-933 CREERTOf . i BftTfireplaTer base ment, furnace, clos in $7,350 NOB HILL. 3 BR. den. LR. DR. nice kitchen, garage with room abov. fenced back yard. View propertv. i blks to school, all this for only 14.500 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Set vie 164 S Com l St Ph 3-8389 Eve 3-7440 BY OWNER: Very attractive 2 BR house, auto, clothes dryer included. ftXl Pn. 2-6086 1660 8 Capitol GD SM. home at 1813 N. Liberty, can now be bought on terms. Price i d own too? BEAUTIFULLY designed with pirt. window,; long lines St wide over hang: this new house Is soundly con str of finest materials. Sit. on ideal i A. Your choice of a no. of int. ar- rangementji. Investigate the many adv of buying this unfurn. 2 3 ir,L E. nf Swegle sch. on Garden id. 33500, nwners. 2 BDRM. home. 8 vis, old. Att gar" auto hot wtr. htr., fireplace, v. blinds, fir. furnace, floored atticj also chicken hse., lot 80x160. 633 Edina Lane Ph. 22292. Only S50O dn. $45 mo. buys small tract of land with young fruit trees, rd garden, mod hse. with gas range S oil circulating htr, located on paea rd. Close to sch. Just east of Salem, price $1250. F. H. Weir . Realtor 124T S. Commercial Ph 3-9411. 5 Star Home Open 4 to 9. 3 bdrm. bsmt, 2 turpi, double plumbing. 1080 N . 22nd. Home at Low Cost Who would like to buy this 2 bedroom home furnished, everything goes. Very good investment, which will bring high returns. $3500 cash. Call McQueen eve. 2-8476. $5750 Nice 2 bedroom home, close in. owner going out of city, will sell at light price. Call McQueen eve. 2-846. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8210 Eve 2-8478 or 2-7217 DRY CLEANING & PRESSING ALL HOFFMAN Sc C1SSEL PRESSES SOLVENT . DISTILL. EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS, LOW OVERHEAD. GOOD LEASE, PRICED AT $27.5iO. WILL STAND CLOSEST INSPEC TION. DINING & DANCING SET UP LICENSE. 2 APTS. UP FOR OWNERS. LOWER FLOOR HAS ABOUT 2500 SQ. FT FLOOR SPACE, 1 AUTO OIL HEAT. 5 YR. OLD BUILDING. HIWAY FRONTAGE V9. CLOSE TO SALEM. SALE IN CLUDES PROPER TV. STOCK. EQUIPMENT Sc BUSINESS. NOW OPERATING. $22,000 APARTMENT HOUSE LOCATED IN APT. HOUSE ZONE, $300 MO. INCOME FROM 5 LARGE ROOMY FURNISHED APTS CEN TRAL OIL HEATING. LOCATED 4 BLOCKS FROM THE STATE HOUSE. $10,000. DOWN. GROCERY & MEAT MARKET 116.000. STOCK Sc EQUIPMENT. GOOD LEASE. GROSS $150,000. YEARLY. WELL LOCATED IN SALEM. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Ph 2-6680 Evening ph 4-232S 2-8704 Located North $6800 nice 2 BR. plastered home, fire place, hdw firs, full basement, oil Eip furnace,- attached garage, ntc iwn Sc shrubs, 1 blk to bus, S blks to grade sen. Geo. W. Hubbs 1853 N. Capitol Ph 3-303 $8950 2 BR. home well located, full bsm't, oil heat. $1300 will handle. Lge. Bus. Lot On of the finest locations in Salem. No phone information please. Call for Mr. Noonchester with H. E. Corey Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0332 Eve. 2-0103 3-31$ City $7875 New 2 BR bungalow, hdw. firs, living rm. dining rm. kit elec cooking H water htr, floor furnace, attached garage. blk to bus, good terms. Call Mr. Reins. Rosedale $7100 This nice 2 BR. home has cement . foundation, V. blinds, elec cooking St water heater, plaatered. attached; farage. small down payment will rade for suburban property. Call Mr. Heinz. , Amazing. Value If you ar looking for a 2 BR. home dont miss this, located en a large lot Only 4 yrs old. EWe cooking Ss water heater, large living rm, garage. - Priced right for only 873. seuo dn. Balanc at $40 par mo. Call Mi. Tie- Bitts Rawlins 'Realty CHoDywood District) Ph. 2-4664 fves. M12S S-7408 2-4012) r r t t i