f i : jg The Statesmaii. Salem. Oregon, Thursday October 20. 1943 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 19 JF'to&y' Closing Quotations: American Can .. 6GMi Electric . 37 ! Radio Corp 13 Am Power St LL. 12V4;Gen Foods 48IRayonier .4 25 Am Tel Sc Tel 144,4 Gen Motors Anaconda Bendix A via . Beth Steel Boeing Air ,. Calif Pact .... 28 I Goodyear Tire 314Int Harvest 28 Richfield .2 29M 29 lint Paper 64 V Safeway 4 28i ... 22Vj!Kennecott 48 '.t! Sears Roeb 42 34? I So Pacific I 44 . 134 Libby McN&L 7!SUn Oil Cal 7Ta Canadian Pac r!fl J1 37 s' Long Bell A Caterpillar - 31 Mont Ward .. Chrysler 53Vi Nash Kelvin Comwlth Sou .. INat Dairy Cons Vultee . 10!NY Central Continental Can 34 Northern Pac Crown Zel 28 Pac Am Fish Curtis Wr 8 Pac Gas Elec Douglas Air .., 67 iP T 4 T . Dupont de Ne .... 54 Vs! Penny J C. New Farm Bill Carries Grain Prices Higher CHICAGO, Oct, 19 AJf)- A sec ond day look at the new farm bill found the grain market still giv ing it a bullish Interpretation to day. Prices advanced in all pits in active dealing. Wheat ended -Hi higher, corn was 4-l's higher, oats were i lMt higher, rye was 1 to V.'t high er, soybeans were 2Vi-3V4 higher and lard was 2 to 5 cents a hun dred pounds higher. Major stimulus in the news was the farm bill, but wheat also man aged to derive a little strength from reports of a slight pick up in the bakery flour business. Another; fact was senate action In authorizing: the commodity credit corporation to subsidize overseas shipment of 168,000,000 bushels df wheat, which is the Americanj quota under the inter national wheat agreement. This raised the possibility of more ag gressive cash wheat buying by the CC. f A child should not be encour aged to read before the age of six because his eyes are not ready for near-pojnt concentration, .and he may damage his vision .according to some eye specialists. Salom Market Quotations (As ef Utt yesterday) Bl'TTERFAT Premium ' , No. 1 . I 43 7 .67 .72 No S BUTTER Wholesale Kctail KCOI (Buying) l Wholesale price ranges from $ to 7 cents over buying price ) Extra largs A A 66 Large A A .. .65 l.arge A .. ,,, , .63 Medium AA .54 Medium A . . .52 Pullets .30 Cracks OS POULTRY A Leghorn hens B leshorn hens C Leghorn hens A Colored hens .18 .13 .0$ .22 .16 .10 .27 .23 .14 .15 10 .08 B Colored hens C Colored hens . . A Colored fry (3 it up) B Colored fryef s C Colored fryers A old roosters ... B old roosters .. C old rooxtrrs I tVCSTOCK by VaUey Park Fat dairy cows . 10.00 Cutter cows 8.00 to 10 00 Dairy heifer 10 00 to 13 00 Bulls 11 00 to 16 00 Top lambs 19 00 to 20 00 Feeders , 12 00 to 16 00 Ewes . 1 00 to 4 00 Good veal 150 to 200 lbt. 17.00 to 21 00 Good calves 15 00 lo 17.00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Oct. it ITOCK AVERAGES 30 15 13 60 Indust Rails Utll Stckt Net change ..... A S Dl A l A 2 Wednesday Prev. dav ... Week ago . Month ago Year ago . 945 940 94 4 91 3 94$ 965 366 369 338 45 3 41 9 41 8 42 0 41 2 409 67.3 67 1 67 4 69 8 BOND AVERAGE! SO 10 10 10 Rails Indust Utll Foren Net Change A 1 unch A 1 D 1 Wednesday 90 1 102 4 104 2 69 7 Prev. day 90 8 102 4 104 1 69 8 Week ago 91 1 10! 6 104 1 70 0 Month ago ....j 90 3 102 6 104 3 70 1 Year ago 90S 100 9 99 7 62 4 Portland Grain PORTLAND. Oct. 19 -(API- Cash Wheat ( bid I : Sort while 2 19; soft white (no real 2 IS. white club 2 19. I -Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 19, 10 percent 2 19; 11 per rent 2 19; 12 per tent 221. Today's car receipt: Wheat 23; bar ley 2; flour 9, corn 5; oats 1; mill-f.-rd 8. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oct. 19 AP) But terfat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality maximum to JJ to I per cent acidity delivered tn Butterwholesale f o b. bulk rubes Portland. 63 66c lb : first Quality 61 S4c: second Quality. 57-60c Valley routes and country potnts Se less than first Butter wholesale f o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. Sle lb ; A. 93 score 61e lb.; 90 score ssc lb.; C; score. 56e lb Above prices re Strictly nominal Cheese selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 39-40c: Oregon S-lb. loai. 3-43c lb Eggs To wholesalers. A : grade, large, SS'j-SS'jc: A grade medium. l-54'tc; smalL 42 'c; B grade. Urge. 6',-M,r Live chickens (No. I quality f o b. rilantal; Broilers, under 3 lbs.. 34c; ryers, 3-3 Ibs 24-26c; 3-4 lbs. nr T T LAM.N D Or ft rtaa.N D DKS. CHAN LAM CIIXNESB nERBA LISTS 141 North Liberty t'patltrs Paettend General Klectrte Co Offtee ape Satarday only 16 la tm I p.as 6 tm t pas Ctmsm ts'tesv Bloed pressare and 'ests are free ef charge. Pr as Bred Itll . 65iRayonler pfd. - 39 Mi Reynolds Met 20 . 25 Studebakerf 24a 52 ,Sun Mining 11 14Ti'Transamerica 13 354iUniont Oil i 10i Un Pacific 81 li'ilUn Airlines 13?s 12! 32 't US Steel 24 I Warner Brps IPs 52! Wool worth 6 1 ) -1 27-28c: roasters. 4 lbs and over 37 -28c. fowl. Leghorns. Under 4 Ihs.. 18-20c: over 4 lbs 20e: colored fowl, ail 1 weights. 22-23c; oW- roosters. all weights. 17-lSc lb : Rabbits (average to: (rowers): Live white. 4-5 lbs . 18-20c. 5-6 lbs, IS-ISc: colored. 3 cents ; lower-, old or heavy does and bucks. l-12c lb ; (resh fryers. St-53c lb Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per cwt): Beef: Steers, food. f 00-800 lbs.. $43 45: commercial. $35-39: utility. S3 1-34 Cows: Commercial. $31-33: utility, $27-28; canners-tutt it $24-26. Beef cuts I food steers : Hind quar ters. $34-55: rounds. $48-51: full loins, trimmed. $73-7$; triangles. $32-34: square chucks. - $40-42; ribs. $52-55: forequarters. $3438 Veal and calf: Good 837-40: commer cial. $33-35: utility $28-32. Lambs: Good choice soring lambs. $41-46; commercial. $36-40; utility. $33 35 Mutton: Good 70 lbs., down. $16-1$. Por cuts: Lptns. No 1 8-12 lbs.. $50-52. shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $39-40: pareribs. $47-50:. Carcasses. $32-33. wixed weights $2 lower Wool: Coarse, valley and medium trades. 45c lb. Mohair. Nominally 25c lb on 12 month growth. . j Country-killed meats: Veal top quality. 30-32e lb : other grades arcordine to ! weight and oual itv with oor or heavier 21 -28c r Hogs. LUrnt blockers. 50-31c lb: sows. 23-24c. ! Beef: Good Cows. 20-22c lb.: can- ners-cutters, 2-22c , - Onions: Supply moderate, market steady. 50 lb sack Ore. yellows, boil ers. $1 50-60, med.. No. 1. $2.25; 10 lbs.. 40c; Wash Yakima .Spanish No. 1. $2.00-23 Med . SI 75-85; 10 lbs . 4550c. Idaho yellows med. -large. $2.25-50; 10 lb. sacks. 38-40c: white. $2.00-25. ' Potatoes: Ore; Deschutes Russets.-No. 1-A. $360; Wash. Netted Gems. No. 1. $3.35: 25 lb. sacks. $1.00-15; IS j lbs. 50-52.. 10 lbs. 3D -40c; No. 2. 50 ' lbs. 9O-$1.00: Idaho, Russets No. 1-A $3.60 7$. ' X Hay: New crop ! stock, baled. U.S. No. t green alfalfa, truck lots f ob. Portland. $35-36; US. No. 1 mixed timothy. $36; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. nomina'ly $23-26, depending on qual ty. location, baled, on Willamette, val ley farms. Portland livestock PORTLAND.; Oct. l-( AP)-(U8DA)-Salable cattle:' today 400. calves 100. market uneven: canner-cutter cows strong to 50 cents higher; late trade less active than early; other classes only moderately active, steady; few common grass steers 16.00-18.00: cut ters 12.50 and below; medium 750-000 lb. stocktrs and feeders 1650-18.00: few medium heifers 17.00-18 00; cutter', common heifers 11.00-15 50; canner cutter cows mostly 10.50-1150: few to 12.00; light canners down to 10.00 and below; common-medium beef: cows 12.50-1525; odd good beef bulls 17 50; cutter-common sausage bulls 12.00 15.50: good vealers 22 00-23.50; common medium calves and vealers 12.50-1900. Salable hogs : 150. market active, around 25 cents higher considering quality; early bulk 180-230 lbs. largely good with few choice 20.50; few lota 20.75. with odd head at 21.00; 270 lb. weights down to 18 50; good 350-500 lb. sows lb 0O-17. 00: 1 660 lb. sow 15 00; good-choice 80-100 lb. feeder pig 20 00-21 oo. ' ; Salable slitep 600; active, steady; Sood -choice lambs mostly shorn 21.00 0; 1 lot 22 00.; medium-good grades around 20 00; medium-good 65-70 lb. feeders 17 0o; good-choice 122 lb. year lings 18 00: good ewes 6.00-50; common down to 3 00. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a promotional ' examination subject to the rules and regulations and provisos of the Civil Service CommiMiion of Salem. Oregon, an amended, will be held in the City Hall. Salem. Oregon, as follows: Tuesday, November 8. 1949, 9:00 am. CAPTAIN FIRST AID - FIRE DE PARTMENT ' GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION: General knowledge based on First Aid experience and knowledge of Red Cross First Aid Courses. PAY: Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($29000) per month. : DUTIES: Supervision of Fire Depart ment equipment and personnel as signed to Captain First Aid's juris diction, and transmission of orders of superior officers and directing their enforcement. EXPERIENCE: Not less than three years of continuous service under per manent appointment as Fireman In the Salem Fire Department. APPLICATIONS FOR THIS EXAMI NATION may be made at the office of the City Recorder, must be filed in person, and will not be accepted for filing aftrf the following date: Friday, October 21. 1949. 5 00 p m. DATED AT SALEM. OREGON. Octo ber 19. 1949 , CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION By: ALFRED MUNDT Secretary and Chief Examiner O 20-21 -ZZ-Z3-24-U NOTICE or EXAMINATION NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN that a promotion examination subject to the rules and regulations nd provisos of the Civil Service Commission of Salem. Oregon, at asnenried. will be held at the City Halt, Salem. Oregon, as fol lows: Wednesday. November 9. 1949, iv a in CAPTAIN - FIRE DEPARTMENT. GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION: General knowledge of the city and thorough knowledge of the Fire Department Study Manual, i PAY: Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars !29O0O) per month. DUTIES: Supervision of Fire Depart ment equipment and personnel as signed to Captains Jurisdiction, and transmission of orders of superior of ficers and directing their enforcement. Applications will be accepted only from those who meet the following requirements f , 1. EXPERIENCE: Not less than three years continuous service under per manent appointment aa Fireman In the Salem Fire Department. APPLICATION TOR THIS EXAMI NATION may be made at the Office of the City Recorder, must be filed In person, and wUl not be accepted for filing after the following date:, Friday, October 28, 949. 5 "00 p m. : t DATED AT SALEM. OREGON, Octo ber 19. 1949 f ' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION By ALFRED MUNDT : Secretary and Chief Examiner - O 20-21,-23-23-34-25 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices 1 I Chemeketa) Lode No t tOOF meets ever Wednesday night f 312 Lost and Found LOST: Black billfold containing money St tdt-ntifitauoa papers. Reward. Ph. 3-6479. i ) A HlGrt SCtl06L boys 'purs with drivers license and other papers. Keep - the : money, . return purs. Ph. 3-6s5jL ; j ' LOST: Check blank bookwlth money. Person known. Phone 3-SS5S. i 300 Persona 316 Personal RUN DOWN? Lort pep. Doctor says: FeH pepiess. Octree Tonic Tablets ' gave pep quick" Dr. A. W. For body weak just because lacking iron. In- ; troductory size only 50c. At all drug gists. In Salem at Fred Merer'!. I Palmistry Readings Telia past, present Ac future Advice on love, business and marriage. : Ans wers all questions. Are you worried T 173 S. ComT. Open a.m. to 10 p.m. I'nHee rvw manaeement 1 BEAUTY COUNSELOR orders taken. Lovelv Xmas gifts. Eves. Ph. 37334. STANLEY Home Pioducts J Ml Sto- a" 3045 Sunnwiew Ph 24455 SaleSTkUrsinc: home. 359s -first. Salem Oregon, f 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock DAIRY COWS, wiener pigs and fat red hens. at'Scottys Ranch, 1 mi. E, out Cen:er St. Ph. 2-6274. ; FOR SALE or will let out for -winter to reliable party. 4 yr. old thorough bred mare, broken, gentle. 4lo l River rd . Salem. Ore 2 LONG yearliru? Guernsey 4c Jersey heifers, make tine cows. t4 . - River rft . Salem. CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChten. 2495 ' N 5th Ph. 2-1656. ' ctOiNOcO livestock buyer. Claude Ea- ward Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph 3-1144. LICENSED live stock buyer . Harold E. Snethen, Turner. Oregon. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Pb,: 3-8147. ; 404 Poultry d Rabbits NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs i day: Order Frys or Hens i now at special quantity prices for your lock i ers Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. 2-2S61 Lee i HatcheryL STEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immedi ; ate or future delivery Hatches every ! Tuesday. Foxes Hatchery, 3830 State ! St Ph 3-4S69 YEAR-OLD HENS for locker. $1 ea. Phone 3-1816 175 N. H. PULLETS, beginning to lay. ; cheap, if sold by Thurs. 3135 D St. 408 Pts : FOR SALE: 7 mo. old English Springer Spaniel male pup. ready to hunt.. $15. Frank Stevens. Rt. 1. Box 73. Rick- reall. Ph. Amity 346. WANTED: Services of Scottie dog, must be registered. Bill Annen, Mt. Aneel. , MUST SELL registered brood stock & puppies. Collies and Shetland sheep dog. Make ofler. Nelcrest Kennels, Rt. 2. bwi 72, Turner. Orange Canary Singers. $10. Ph. 2-5929. 410 S4ds and Plants OUT Or this world" describes the colors of the improved Pacific Giant Delphinium. We have six color series in seedling plants priced under what you usually pay for clumps, which insure earlier blooms and longer lived plants. Call 3S12S before driv ing to 2105 Berry st. Licensed Nur sery. 412 Fruit and Farm Prod" UC6) SWEET POTATOES 6'ic lb. bring boxes. 1491 Huge St.. W. Salem. WALNUTS, orchard run. U-ptck. Sc rer lb. 7 fie for 100 lbs. or more. kyline Orchards. Ph. 22031. CARROTS. Sweet Sc Tender. Reason ably priced. O. P. Miller, RL 7. Box 302, Lake Labtsh. ' COMICE and DeANGEL pears. Lusiaus winter pears 3645 Ptld : Rd. Alrtma Motel. Ph.; 34510. Bring boxes. GRAPES, several varieties, U-pick, 4c. Phone 3-2282. 425 Auction Sals I AUCTION every Saturday, II a.m. Joe Burke Sale Barn V ml. East State Fairgrounds U titu have anything to sell call 42923. We sell on commission or will buy Auction every Monday; 7 30 p.m. Leek's , Auction 4 rrjiM from Sslem on Dallas Hlrhwav Look - Extra - .Special Watch for opening date of Scotty's new Auction House, located 1 mile East of Salem out Center St. Make appointment now to i consign your furniture, cars Sc etc, for this big opening sale. Ph. 2-6274. i 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sale GOOD OCCASIONAL chair. $12. Cor- ner shelves, $5. 196 N. 23rd. WESTERN AUTO Deluxe refng. 6', Cu. Ft. Exc. rond. $125 John Schafer. Rt. 7. Box 428. 1 mi. N.W. ot Middle Grove Sch. Ph. 2-3288. ELEC. STOVE, refrig elec. oven, grill Sc metal table, rug Sc garden tools. Ph 20037. 3790 La Branch. PC. WALWFDtfUNG room suite. SSy phone 2-8818, USED FURNITURE at Bargain prices. See Valley Furniture Co. before buy ing. 285 N Com'l. Ph. 2-7472. SAFEWAY OIL heater with tank. ued 1 season. S45. Call eves, between 6 Sc 8 or mornings. J. Gortmaker. 1635 Park Ave. 456 Wanted. Household Goods USED FURN.. Immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture, 285 N Commercial, Ph., 27472. NEED AT ONCE, larce quantity used jr rntture Ph 3 -911 o wnodry USED FURNITURE Phone J-9IH5 IF YOU have furniture, appliances, sporting good, etc to sell and want top prices call TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Portland Rd Ph 38558 da vs. 24407 eves. 458 Building Materials Building Sorhetliin:? 250 used windo-s with frames at $7 JO, hundreds of sash, new and used. Used doors with frames and hardware, $10 C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. I jrtl . No. of Ketzer. i HOWSER BROS. YcKir power tool rentel headquarters.; 1410 S. 12ih St. Ph. 3.T646. i Builders Plywood, sheet rock. Insulation board, doors, shingles, windows, asbestos siding, cedar shakes. Electric water heaters, toilets, wash basins, medicine cabinets, combination storm doors, waterproof wall board, large front windows. We seU it chesp. C C. Long. Ph. 3-5821. One mile North of Keixer. NEED LUMBER For larger amounts, builders are real izing substantial savings on all gTades of framing lumber. No. 4 2x4 s and 1x8 shiplap. $17 per m 2x6. 2x8. 3x10. 813 per m. No. 3. 2x4 s Ac shiplap. $36 per m. Prices Include de livery. W. Salem Saw Mill 1050 W al ia ceRd Ph 3-9593. iSCAR CtStOMER, Insist on your con tractor St carpenter using the finest old growth, vertical grain yellow fir ' fiaufa lbr. la Salem On hand at Dtck Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. 3-4SJ9. 25 tna Ave. . j LUMBER. 2x4 by mney load 110 pet thous. Yon haul. Independence Lum- her lid Mil Co Independence. Ore RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1 3 Ac 3 s, any amouru delivered, lowest market price. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Inden. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ; Keith Brown Pre-Inventory Sale Bargains Plywood Ceiling Tile .sq ft. 4c teaar Mding. i, xg- .S4000 at Keith Brown. Front Ac Court. Sasem 450 Mgrrhanilise 458 BnfldlBy Mcrta rial Sidins - Shakes New white asbestos siding. $10 so. Ce dar snakes in roe canon, au undercours included. C. G. Long, Ph. 25821. 1 mi. N. of Keizer. SOME INCH plywood Jc used Cr Ux. some ' Inch plasterboard, some used siding At good used flooring. See Chrts at 1288 Ferry St. Madson Wrecking Co USED 2x6 s 2xl2's and Umber of all sizes. See Jim Symonds at the Oregon Pulp and Paper Mill. Sliver too. 4&0 Musical Instruments GALANTI BLACK 48 bass accordion and case Ph. 31635 BAND INSTRUMENTS for rent, $5. per month. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 34641 ; SOLO VOX. like new. generous reduc tion. 1185 N. 14th St. Ph. 3-5589. 4S2 S porta Ecpiipment L. C. SMITH 12 guage and shells. S50 Belmont St. ELK RIFLES. 6.5 Italian cut down. S40. 30.06 Springfield sporter. $125. 30.06 Enfield sporter. $95. 30 06 En field sparter. $70. Phone 27310. 4545 Silverton rd. MODEL 97 Winchester pump, 12 guage. 562 Trvon Ave. KEMLNGTON auto, shot gun. 16 gage. Used 1 vr. $90. M. W. U If. P. out board motor. $40. Ph. 57M. Inde pendence. 3J HP Evinrude motor extra prop. 1!H8 mod Canoe $20. Ph. 2-0783. Remington mod 31 pump 12 ga like new A: act- 655 Ph. 2-5930. 410 Lancaster. PUMP SHOT GUN. 12 gauge. 3820 Gar den Rd. Call eves. 464 Bicycles MAN'S heavy service bicycle. $15 See Mr Clark. Statesman 456 Trad). Miscellaneous ELEC. GUITAR, practically new. Will sell or trade for typewriter, rn ' 3-5415. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous GOOD ITS ED Piano H L Stiff U DRIVE TRUCKS rOR RENT Blan kets turn. 197 S Liberty. Ph 2-9062. 470 For Sal. Miscellaneous Hunters: Attention save your game la a Deepfreeze Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa SMALL PIANO, used very little, i bargain for cash. 1690 S. Cottage. BOAT AND trailer. $25. Sell separate W. R. Hogsed. Turner. 3 GAS HEATERS. 1 like new. 1003 So. 21st. SPITFIRE" FLAME THROWER Throws wind proof 2000" F. flame, 18" long. 3" wide. Kills weeds, burns stumps, etc. Uses kerosene in 4 gaL tank. Comes witn pressure guage. 6-ft hose and control valve. Only $17.50. WARDS FARM STORE Trade 8c High Sts.. Salem. Oregon S'EEBURG Symphonola record machine for restaurant or tavern, iioor moan, like new. Reasonable. Pastime Tav- em. Independence, Oreg. HAND MADE & crocheted Christmas gifts Saturday at the Farmers Public Market. 1240 E. Rural. BEAUTY SHOP eo,uipmenL Solid ma- hogany dining room set, pn. 3-hjb!, Ail famous makes of smau Appliances YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa . Phillips Bros. S CIUIUVI a, WVU S VI aaw-eaa, kind, by yard or sack. FUlrock for 11 rOC It worn, ccoar ifncc pw anu a 1. & 4 a,Ui wlawa anv lanstH shingles, yew poste. Ph. 3-1458, Rt. 6. pox lis, saiem. Oil Circulating Heater VERY GOOD COND. PH. 3-4558 Sewing Machines Free-Westinghouse YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa FERTILIZER - fresh $3.00. old $4 00 yard, sacks 50c in 10 sack lots, also 16 in. oak wood. Also hauling of any kind. Ph. 3-1221 betwten 8 a.m. and 6 pin Repair Now! All makes of washing machines, vacu um cleaners Sc sewing machines. Pick up and deliver. W. Davenport. JPh. 3-7671. ELEMJN Sc G Sc J Vitamin Ph 3-J.413. TEEL Blue 'maternity suit, and dresses, size 14 Phone 3-5192, SPINET PIANOS Just Arrived A large shipment of beautiful new pianos from $395 Up BALDWIN, WURLITZER HADDORF. CABLE STONE PIANO CO. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540airgroundsRd: Used Electric refrigerators YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 jChemeketa BROWNINGREMINGTON automatic 12 gauge shot gun. Like new, with polly choke. 190 370 Fawk Ave. GRAND PIANO for sale, like new. $650. Ph. 34641, MUSICIAL INSTRUMENTS for sale. Band instruments, used cornets Sc trumpets $25 up new $39.50 up. used Clarinets. $33 up, new $5? 50. French Horns. $175 new. Baritones. $15 new. trombones. $35 up. Tlutes. $79.50 new. Saxophones. $75 up. Shown by ap pointment onlv. Jaquith Music Co.. 846 Cascade Dr. Ph 34641. NAT. ADV. spring mattress. Rtd. From S4i aw to S3 an capital Beq 1:0 3-4uw. MAN'S 17 JEWEL GOLD WRIST watch. $1650 190 S. 14 OIL HEATERS, new from $27 50 to $4750. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center USED ELECTRICRANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa CHICKEN fertilizer for sale. Will de liver. Phone 3-1816. REMINGTON portable typewriter for tale. Ph. 39167 eves. 6:30-9. YWCA. 9x12 BRAND new imp. rugs, too large for uy Phone 36931, Walling Sand & Gravel Go. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and witching. vd shovel Sc drag line. Phone 3-9249 ATMORAYS. Harley PughTPh. USED WASHING MACHINES YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand Ac fill dirt Screened gravel it sand for concrete. Imrn dL Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck tor dirt moving. .Ph. office 1-4002. res 3-7146. "NEW HOME sewing machines. Port able, desk types, complete line ser vice any make- machine, Ralph John- -rm Appliances 63 Cl rcuia tors drastically reduced prices YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa More Great Values At Keith Brown Pre-Inventory Sale vacuum cleaners tu-w . 48 -bed Woodworking .Lathe 24 95 Reg. ssz.oo-i. -now 25 00 cireass unum capacity Reg. tOO.. - ,, now 3.60 Ratchet Auger Bit Braces Reg- 7 SO now 3 95 Dozens of other bargains plus free gift with each SIM purchase or can of Pabco paint. Get yours while they ' last. - .-. Keith Brown. Front Ac Court. Salem. sVesunghouse radio-phoograpfi Coa- aoiea as httle as $89.50. YEATER APPLIANCE CO . -373 Chemeketa 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal, MLscsIlcmsMMiis PUsti-Kot the cellophane-like finish for your floors, woodwork or lino . leum. no waxing required. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO 37S rhemeketa GUKSMfBSCff to road base CnuS- c4 reck tui ann. we oeuver Croisan Quarries - 1563 S ComT St. Ph 3-6417 PtanL Ph. 3-1231 , Res. 3-3075 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous FIR STUMP AGE and fir logs want ed. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber St Manufacturing Company. Inc. tnde oendence. ; Oregon. Phone 42. Attention Loggers Good logs wanted. 2nd or old growth. can handle any amount. Top prices. Burkland Lbr. Co Turner. Orecoa. Phone 1123. Salem eveniars 3-1983 of 1-7826 ; WANTED- Large size sink, write Bos 300 statesman. WANTED: Two 20 X 3'i tires Write Box 300. Statesman FILBERT-WALNUT dryuijt. 1 mile E. Lancaster Dr., Auburn Road. Claude McKinnev. Ph. 3-1632. WANTED Barkie Douelas Fir pokes or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or Write Standard Pole St PiUng Co.. Inr WILL BUY old gold or silver coin col lections, also , stamp collections. Call 3-5198 night, or 2-2487 days. . PIANO TUNING Will Muw store Salem NUT DRYING. Adams and Simmons. 4 miles N W. Salem Orchard Heights Road. RL 8. Box 603. Ph. J7F21 or 17F14. Large lots 1c lb. 474 Miscellaneous HOWSER BROS. Your power tool , rental headquarters. 1410 S. 12th St. Ph. 33646. ; . FILBERT and walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Phone 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery. - WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irriration Duffietd Bn Rt 9 box 58 Phone 3-1313 or 2-2795. Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG MAINT CO Ph. Salem 3-9133 WANT TO Buy used cameras Sc lenses MCE wan Photo Shop 435 State. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer Ac Basement Equipment Rental . 15 B-, yds 10 B-3, yds D-7 Cat Sc Dozer D-S Cat & Doxer D-4 Cat & Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8241 or 2-4400 : Sa I em. Oregon A DTOP A INT I N G )ust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Cn 3-9101 RAWLINS MUSIC STUDIO Violin & piano. State accredited teach- er. Ph. 2-6013 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Mall Your Plates, for Repair DR. BARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State & Com. Ph 3-3311 476 Fuel West (Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 bx. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater ; St W Salem. Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4' fir If slab and edfinrs Ph. 3-1438. CLEANHAN'DP1CKED. 16-IN SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. : Phone 3-7721 Hishwav Fuel Co. STOVE & DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRV SLAB PH. 3-6444 10 DAY special. Old growth block wood from Valsetx. $10 ccrd delivered off car Kill dry planners. 2 cords HI Ph 3-7721. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. R. H. ALLEN Dry or Creen Block Wood Ac Plainer trim 1260 Candle wood Dr Ph 2-2382 16" Wood Old sny Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $1200 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon VALLEY FULCO. Oak. slab, maple, old fir, sec. growth and cherry. Also do wood sawing. Ph. 2-4276 or 3-3523 Dry Prune 16M Wood Arthur' Wilson. Rt. 9. Box 322. 2 ml S of Liberty on Bates Rd. Ph. 2-2339. Tri Citv Fuel PHONE 2-7443 16 -in. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR S Ac H GREEN STAMPS 6LD FIR 2nd gwth! and slab, n't 4, Box 288. Ph. 2-2950. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities NEIGHBORHOOD grocery. Good stock Ac fixtures. Priced to sell by owner. Ca l 2-1818 GROCERY STORE Ac fixtures. 2 gas pumps Ac 6 cabins, an established business for sale by owner. Ph. 2-4319 Rt. 7. box 143. It UNIT MOTEL elec heat, good loca tion. 6 rm house C W Bartell 3355 Portland Rd FIRST TIME offered. A dignified and respectable business. Established ac counts, many new ones waiting. Sea son )ust starting. Large exclusive territory. Need car and small invest ment No selling. Write Box 351 Statesman. $10 Money To Loan If you want to seU your property It will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. This ia- i formation is obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any Information you desire on FHA loans. State Finance Co. jl53 S. High St. Tel. 34121 I AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Itt S Church St Pb 3-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie MU9-S154 I CASH - NOW $25.00 to -500.00 Salem's largest and oldest horns owned . -soan company offers money when you need ttl You ran pay anytime to reduce net COStl N endorsers, or nelp from friends! On ears, tracks trailer homes to S500.00 On 'furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or ether personal property up to $300.00) Phono or vtsat our office today I ' i lie. No. SUB and IUOA. "GenrraI ' Fins-re Corp. pa s-tin - us s. coMi. si: 1S00 Bnsinfy & Finance 510 Money To Loan Private Monev On Cars Trucks A Trailei' Home Loog at Short IJenn Payments Rov H.- Simmons us s Commerciaj st : Ph 3-9161 1 $ CASH $ Hollywootl Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph. 2-7033 - Lie No. M369-S2SI. Floyd Ken von. Mgr. " FARM ar"CTTY " LOANS 4t and Your -own terms of repayment wlthm reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECrtTRTTfES CO 3Q7 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 3-7163 How Many Bills! Do you pay each month and what do they amount to. add them up . . tnen phone Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one monthly payment . . . generally much less than the month ly total you are now paying. You nwy spread; the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come in or phone the Yes" Mao. he says "Yes to 4 out of 5. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 518 State Rm. 125 Ph 2-2464 Lie No S-I22 M-165 C. R. Allen. Mgr 512 Loans Wanted WANT $11,000 Real Eetate Loan. Good Interest. Ph 3-7113. 515 Investments FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first mortgages, prop erties Salem & vicinity. Make your own selection, nets you 5 percent. We take care of all collections if desired. Amounts ' 1 1.000 to several f thousand dollars. See or call us for particulars. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Tel. 34121 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Walnut Shelling Crew Report for work. Monday, Oct. 24. am. Morris Klorfein Packing Co.. 460 N Front St. EITHER man or woman to take chg. of office for building contractor. Also, be able to invest $1,000 to $1,500 in small constructions con tracts. Good interest Ac sound in vestment. Box 353 Statesman. 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Exp. Ac energetic filling station attendent. No other need ap ply. Write Box 355 co Statesman. This Is It If you're between the ages of 25 and 45. are making less than $75 per week, and are Interested in a job with a top national .organization where you are your own doss, and have a car, it will pay you to in vestigate this. You may be the man we are looking for. See Mr. Hand werk. Friady morning, Oct. 21 at Senatqr Hotel 10 a.m. sharp. NATIONAL Co-operation offers profit able business operation to middle aged or old men with cars. Write Box "5 Statesman. MAN ON POULTRY farm day or month no exp. nec. ref. required. O. H. Berger . WilsonviUe. Ore. SERVICE STATION attendant, exper ienced. Permanent position. Write Box 347 co Statesman. 606 Helo Wanted. Female GIRL 18 YRS. or older for Car hop. Night work. White's Drive-In. 1138 S Commercial. SCHOOL GIRL to live in our home in south Salem. To act as mother's helper. Sat. nights in. She will have private room Sc bath. desk, radio. Small salary to proper person. Phone 3-3345. 610 Sales Persons Wanted REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor, 960 S. Commer cial SALESMAN WANTED Rural suburban and city furnace ter ritory open to good salesman. Sub stancial earnings, good opportunity for advancement. Personnel inter view will be to your advantage. Hol land Furnace Co.. 320 Kearney. - KEY POSITION for experienced sales man. See Mr, Vergets at 668 N. High St SALESMAN with car High Commis- lonr M. K N rURNlTUKL SALESMAN with car must be abie to sell to farmers, home every night Salary or salary and commission. State references and experience Write Box 278. Statesman . REAL ESTATE Salesman wanted to work in one of Salem's best located of'lcen. Phone 2-4W4. 1 WANT 2 EXPERIENCED house to house specialty salesmen who are interested in making big money selling a sensational post war prod uct which has become a multi-mil-boneer dollar business.' Do not ans wer this ad unless vou have a car Ac are willing to work. Our successful salesmen are making over $150 per week. This is your opportunity to be your own boss in your own busi ness in which your earnings are un limited. For interview come to S!bl Center, 9 JO a.m. sharp Wed. Ac Thurs. 6 IS Situations Wanted WILL TAKE CARE of invalids in my home, pleasant surroundings. Call Jl555' Liberty. Ph. 2-7615. CHILD" CARE," $1 day. 170 W. Bush. Ph. 2-0535 GENERAL OFf ICE work, typist, filing, i l i n ,4,,. Drnwnnfi worn. rn. CHILD CARE in my home by day. Ph. 28740 WILL CARE for your child in my home. $1 25 per day. Will pick up Ac deliver. Ph. 2-B291. ziao s. itn HOUSE CLEANING by day or hour, efficient Phone 3-5648. H0USEW5nK. baby care. Practical numinr. day or night. Phone 3-9666. WORKMAN'S lunches put up dally. 2495 N Mh. rear. ORK Of-ALL KINDS with Ford tractor Call eveningly Jf-7371 PAINTING fsSiDaTor out. Experienc ed, reas. Free estimates. Wilson. 3-9732 ' carpenter Waited, ph. 2-1459. SlWEKS and septic tanks Installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568, IRONING. Ph. 34767 a.m. or after , CHILD CARE by day or hour. Ph. 2-4940. CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. Ph. 23448. CHtLD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3992 REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph. 3-1339 or 2-0218. '. NEW LAWNS. Start to finish. Lgt- raetor with dorer. Ph. 3-6127 WANTED outside house paw tin. C S Stahl. Ph. 2-8844. WILL do any kind of carpenter work reasonably. 1161 Union. Ph -14M. CEMENT work. AH ldndrtrTj85T Llovd M. Hill. Ine. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phony 2-4691. 3W5 State St. GENERAL BUILDING, repairing, I specialize tn i general remodeling hricax work. Dlaaterinc. painting and paperbanglng. Nothing to large or too small. Reasonable free estimates Walton 3-5072. ' ' r LET ME do your ns. framing. I com plete aU framirg for your building for 75e per mt ft. Also t complete all exterior including - roofing, stoing. etc. lor. $15 sq. XL Walton 600 Emplovment 61S Situations Wanted FOR YOUR (all tilling with M. E. TUIer. Phone 3-8333. TOO KfiitaU 702 Sleeplna Rooms. Board NICELY FURN. heated room. onlv. 653 N. High. ROOM FOR 1 or 3 ladies. No smoking. rfrmkin. Ph. 3-5254. CLOSE IN small apt., suitable for COWle. Ph. 23188. CLEAN SWptng rms for men. H Ac C water. Ph. 39314. 1S6 N. Summer, NEWLY DEC. rms. with H. 8c C. water. ktrH-n nrlv 754 Ferry. Ph 3g17 WARM ROOMS. 795 " N. Winter. Ph. 3-55?9. ' ROOMS TO RENT by the month. R-a- onable. Ph. -3161 after 4 p.m MrF l-eping room. Ph 3-7558. ROOM FOR gentleman, close in 632 N Winter Ph rt-7054 aftgr 5:30 o m ROOM. 1 or 2 GIRLS, house privileges. Call Tues. or Wed. morns, or write tor appointment. Studio House. 2025 Markft St. HEATED SLEEPING room, 1906 N. Summer SL Phone 2-9855. 705 Apartments For Rent 2 RMS & BATH, adults, partly furn. 1047 Madison. LOVELY 3 ROOM furn. front apt. 3 blks. south of Ladd St Bush bank. no Bellevue St. APT. FOR RENT. 1165 Court. APARTMENT, unfurnished, down town $50.00 per month, no children, n oiitre at 341 Chemeketa. MAIN FLOOR, furnished 3 room apt. WW N. t2rh or Ph. 3-5883. 3 RM. FURN. apt . private bath, clovr in. 1 block North of Center St. $58 50 ine. Burt Plena, Realtors, 379 N. High St. y-3649 HSEKEFPING apt. for emp. man. 103 Mario i. . 2 LARGE rooms furn. apt. H Sc C wa ter, oil heat, street floor close in. Reas. Adults. 180 Division st. Cor. DU-iyjon snd N. Front sts. CHOICEUNFURNISHED heated apt. Large bed rmi, large living rm. Kit. snH bath. Ph. UNFURN. apt. 2 B.R's. ground floor. Ho! I v wood Dist, $50 CO. Ph. 3-6554 ATTRACTIVE. 1 BR Apt. in modern court. Choice location Unfurnished except for refrigerator Ac range. Auto la undo'. Call at 907 S. 13 after 5 am FURN . MOD., all utilities, near sch Ar hu. Reas. 3590 S Coml. UNFURN. upstairs apt. and bath. Range, refrig. and utilities furn. Near Willamette U. $60. Capital Court Apt. 450 S. Capital. NICELY FURN. heated sleep rm. Kit nrlv., emo. lady. Ph. 2-3414. FURN MOD apt., elect heat, garage rltv bus. 3580 S Coml VERY ATTRACTIVE mod. 2 B R. apt. Heft Sr automatic hot water furn. Cloe In. iWrite 377 co Statesman. NICELY FllRN 2 room apt. $65. Am- hassador Apts. 550 N. Summer. FURNISHED cottage 3215 Portia nd rd LGE. 1 RM. APT. with prt. bath. 790 N. Church St. Phone 3-4335.; 1 RM. APT elderly emo. fidy. refrig. Ac utilities furn. 666 S. Summer. NICELY FURN. Hot wtr htr.. utilities inch Private bath, close In. Twe adults 1 68 N 12th St. FURN 2 RMS Ac kitchenette. $35. 140 William; Ave. Ph. 2-7546. FURN 1 BR. pri. ent . utll inc. Accept child. 5085 Portland Rd. 707 Houses For Rent 2 B.R. MOD. HOME, fireplace, oil fir. furn., hwd: firs, thruout. Will give lease. H. E. Corey Real Esiate. Ph. 2-0552. 2 B.R. HOUSE. S. on bus line. Ph. 2-321f 3 RM. unfurnished cabin, reasonable. Prefer adults. No cats, no phone callv S5 Hiwav ave 3 RM. HhE. Ac gar. to responsible emp. couple. No drinkers or pets. Vac. Oct 24 Inq J50 E. Bush. 1 ROOM FURN. cabin. Ph. 37018 2 Bit. furn. hse. for rent. Year's lease $65 Inq. 211 N. ComT. OR SELL: 3 rm. house and garage. 2 mi. S. of Liberty. With bath. elec. range, oil heater, near school. On good hiwav. Phone 2-1204 NEW 2 BEDROOM modern hse avail- able Phone 2-7202, MODERN CABINS, weekly rate. Ph. 2B ft. UNFURN. house avail. OctTTy $65 mo 3320 Sunnvvlew ave. . NEW. CLEAN, unfurn suburban, mod ern 2 B.R. house. Close to school Ac bus. Elect heat, hdwd firs. $70 Also new 1 B.R. house $60 mo. Children welcome. No dogs or cats. 4545 State St Phone 3-1125. NEW MODERN Spacious 2 BR ranch tvpe house, furnished. $75 mo. 9f2 McGilchnst StalemJjOre: NEW SPACIOUS I B. R home, un furn. gar. Adults, no pets. Inquire 1846 N 5th. 708 Farms. Tracts for Rent 105 A. LAND. 65 A. under culti. Good for seed crop, dairy, or hay land. Cash rent preferred. Mrs. M. Starr. Rt. 2. Box 167, Monmouth, Oregon. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO BUY or rent. 2 or 3 bdrm. hse. Call Holbcrt. Argo Hote 1 . 2 BDRM. furn. apt. 3 adults by 1st. of Nov. Best of ref. Ph. 39986 af ter 5:30. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses 2 OR 3 BR HOUSE by 3 adults, 1 child hesl relerences. rn. j-oooo. PERMANENTLY EMP. family of 3 adults desire 2 or 3 B.R. house. Ref erence. Ph. 85F5 after 4:00 p m. , . WANTED: 3 or 4 bdnn. unfurnished house clo-e tQ schools. Responsible party. Call Army and Navy Store. Ph 34343. . RESPONSIBLE couple desire 2 B R. home, part furn. Must be clean. Afier 4:30 ph. 27654. 712 Wanted To Rent Apts. FURN. apt. or duplex.. Close in. by couple At small baby. $50. Write Statesman Box 3aj WORKING GIRL wants small apt. close in. Ph. 24480 Sun. or after 6 p. in. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS Room. H. L. Stilt. 800 Real Estate $1000 Down Appro. 1 A., 2 bdrm. modern home. close in, electric cooaing, water heater, lge. liv. rm, din. rm. and kit. comb. A grand buy for 85500. Call Mr. North. Home & Rental, $6500 This you will want to see. A nice small S BR home with a lovely 1 BR apt, in rear. Lg corner lot. close to sch. Ac bus Only $1700 down. Balance at $35 mo. Rental will easily make your payments for you. Call Mr. Rawlins. 915 Jefferson St. S BR older type borne, grand location. Someone with a paint brush. Ac a few Ideas can have a nice home. Very reas. Only $6000. Terms. Ak for Mr. Helnx. 3 BR $6750 Suburban. 4 yrs old. Else, cooking Ac water neater. Garage, close in. only $800 down. Balance Uke rent. Call Mr, Rawlins. 1 Acre $5850 Close to Salem. 3 BR all modern. 3 yrs old xtnly $1000 down. WUl consider a car as part down payment. Ask for Mr. Heinx. Rawlins Realty Hollywood District Ph S-46M eve 3-7123 3-6013 and 2-5757 BY OWNER: Beautiful Fairmont Hill view home. Dbl. fireplace, hdwd firs. 1, baths. Iff. LR. DR. kitchen. 1 lg BR. . Interest, a steal at $7,250. '. Ph. 3-0831 er 3-3722. 800 Real Estate 69 ACRE FARM -i $15.500 85.000. down. Ail under! Cult, good soil, good to fjir buildings lo cated on Pvd. Bd. out Wallace Rd. 12 ml. Ph 26680 ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE' . 433 N. High SL Eve- Ph. 2S7U4 $7500 f 1 acres about 10 mi east. Young fruit trees bearing, also berries Sc nuts St lots of nice shrubbery. 3 bedroom house, also good bam 4 stanch. 2 cntx houses Sc 300 ft well, on paved Tod. This place- must be. seen to be ap preciated. Will consider terms. 1mm. CI Xirarv Rpal Fitlt l" II Call t.MJIC S18 N Coml St Ph day or eye 202' SU..X1U. L.NUL1.WUUU : 4 Br. home 2 up 2 down fully plaster ed, lg. olate gUat window, buck flower boxes, oil ht. This is a new ! home and very weil built. 1mm. pos sesion. S-nall down payment. Ph. 26680 : ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 X High St Ee. Ph. 2ST04 $500 DOWN 1 vr old 3 bdnn home with hdwd firs, fireplace, elec h . fully insulated. ! Garage. Price SS230 S500 DOWN Nearly new 5 rm home with hdwd firs, oil furnace, and ull cmnt Iwunt : Sto DtlWN New 5 rm home with hrwd fir. uto ht attached garage. Quiet district in town. Price S7950 DRIVE BY See this choice ouy at 30 Duncan Ave. ; iNE. off Silverton Rd 1. 3 bdrtiis. un- . fin. upstairs. LR. DR. hdwd firs, fire place Brick Sc brick tile. Lot t:'231 Price SslOOO. TAKE TRAILER HSE ; Up to Slhxw on thti suburban '3 bdrm home NE on 1 acre. Price $.MM. $7150 Brand new 2 bdnn home NE near new school on paved s. LR. dining mi, utilitv rm. hdwd i'lri, attached gar-: age Verv good buv. Good tie A for Oregon GI. COI.BATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph 2-4352 Eve 2-SfSI S8.500 WAREHOUSE New fire proof building aboui 1500 sq. floor space can lease for otw.er at 880 Mo. Plentv rtn. to build or Ivt 245 ft deep Ph 2-0 ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. H::i St Eve. Ph. 2".l 802 Business Property . THIS PROPERTY -ill be offered at a special reduced price if sold t , s month. 3 new '. BR hoitier. -r f operating. tOJ income. Ooliorai owners. New 2 BR home, room tor expansion. No trades. Inquiie ltut N 5th. J iVCNlT COURT f'blk'. ' to' State Off us building, and new Shopping Center. Each house has 1 BR , LR., Firepl-e. Kit., nook. bath. elec. ranges A- re frig.. Income $6240. Excellent in vestment 155.000. 3 STORY BRICK APARTMENT Bltlg close in on North Winter St. One of Salem's finest. SS20U0. Larsen Home & Loan Co Exclusive Listings-Personal Seivue 164 S. Com l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve: 3440 804 Suburban Home or Income Owner. E. Salem. gd location. MiiS sacrifice lovely, clean 2 bdrm. Iion.e due to death in family. Youngtiown equip, V-blind. iruul. appiox A. fruit, nut trees, berries. Furn tr unfurn. Ph. 2J3S7 for appL 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER " 2 BR home with ViVf fin. up.-tairi. Full bseint., auto to furn. Weather stripped Ac insula..- 2 blks. to bus 4c ;ut. school A about 8 blki to parochial ch. l-ot of shrubs & picket xti?e Ph. 3-8W2 APARTMENT HOUSE Here is a good investment. Incotiie $250 per mo. All furnished. Pi ice just reduced tJ $20,000. for a quik sale. Phone for appointment Klg gins. JUST LISTED AUTO "COURT 99E SOUTH : 5 Uniu besides Owner's apt. Will ell unfurnished tor 419.000. or S21 Sgo. furnished. Rooin for more unitf. Kiggins BURT PICHA, Realttiis 379 N. Hijh StEve3-7451 Ph 2-:l649 3 BR. Home for .$4500 LR.. DR.. Kitchen and bath. 1 BR down and 2 BR -p. nice lawn, thd. garage and u'.ility trays. About 1 year old. See tius today. One Half Acre Lot Macadam road frontage, drilled ell, and good location full price $1109 KENNY REAL ESTATE 34l Chemeketa Ph. 22577 or 20M4 $500 Down New. pldtered Two bedroom Mm.e, with hardwood floors and autii,Mij heat, in a restricted district, IMMED IATE POSSESSION, better hutiV on this one. See Joe. Eve. Ph. 3717 Out of the Rain ;j Large remodeled 2 bedroom home. In gaud condition, located about 5 miles north on SWE House is completely furnished Full price $3500 Owner sacrifice for cash. See Mac. Evei Kh. 28476. -j Good 2 Bedroom ;i On paved street, with city bus by the door, also near grade school, a: good house that will finance FHA. Owner says get us a reasonable offer. ; Suburban A cerate ; No buildings, ideal location to' jhave chickens, cow garden, etc. 0jner does not need money, and Iff ou want to build that . little Saiter house, and get away from the j rent receipts here is vour opportunity , to get started with practically niilhing down, with terms to suit bujtr 4 acres full price $2350. Opporltimty knocks for some one. this should not last long. See Joe. Eve. Ph. 35217. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140NCagitol Ph.38?l f W. NoL Hill If 3 bdrm. home. g'Jod location, i nice yard Only $6500. fZOUO dn. $40 p.o Hollywood j Dist J I Mod 3 bdr. home, new oil furn,'. ron. pletely le-decotated. S9000. Tfipis. Zone 3 I I 2 bdrm. home. Only $5500. t200d d. Art Maden Realty Co. 1328 State St. ' Ph. 3-5580 4 RM. unfinished new home $265u. M$. dn Ph. 2-5211 Si A beautiful S rm. with; beauti ful back yard. All completely fin ished at only $9500. Ph. 2O0O7, X,9 La Branch. ' : ' BR HSE, chick"hser A, elec. water system. Price S29M. Out Silverton rj to Mccsm Ave itt. l. pox FUTRN. 1 BR cottage. Jloee Coitaies, 2 mi. N. of Brooks on 99E Sftef 5 p.m. 2 BR HOME, beautiful view,; pictie windows, large kiL Ph. 3-5642 or s-nnr ; ' ' f j. . FBR ON 1 FLR. Fireplace, uUlity un. redecorated. SSOOO, $1250 dn, Owner 1240 8. 15th ' : ' j j NEW 4 BDRM. house at 23ltf Bioad- wsv Call at 2305 N; Liberty S Good Income Good living, pv. rm. Din. rm.. Bd 8m. both; kii Ac fmd nook on the first floor. 4 Bd, Hrm. t bath second floor. Income $120 a Mo. $100. ! ' ' E. A. McGLACFLTf. BROKER 328 N. Cotn'l. Ph. 3-5211, ,Ffe :2-320f OR TRADE: SnialTaCTesge fit West Stayton. win conider renting to re liable party. Write SUtesn.an Box 349. ; ; ' j , NORTH LANCASTER Drivel Best of material Ac construction, eorfvenenUy arranged. I rooms with bath, ls A "buiit-ins." 3 acres; ISA ft fronUge. Modern coaveniences without ciiy taxes. Priced ruths. 2S7S Ni Lau r aster Drive. mile N. of . Siivervon Road. j ft BY OWNER: For sale or lease. 3 bed room and den. dbl plunbn ail furnace. Close to schools 813300 oe 1133 a month. Phone 2-074;. g ' - i . . . i - ' - . . mw t