V ,11-The Statesman, Solera, Oregon, Sundayi October IS, 1943 300 Personal BIO Mating Notices i J k A.. Alnsworth Lodge No. 201, AT. Ky & A.M, Tues.. Oct. IS. UM. Degree. 7:30 P.m. CnemeXeta Lodge No. k lOGg gaoeta very Wednesday night- 312 Lost and Found FOUND. GUHi bout a weeks ago. Call 2107 N. Coml" HEIFER LOST, se i. C Brown, Box 162. Turner, Or. 314 Transportation DRIVTNQ to Loulsanna Nor. I. Carry a. shar expenses. New car. Ph. 1-7541. 318 Personal LONELY? Writ Christian Friendship Society. P. O. Box S90-T, North Hol lywood. Calif. Palmistry Readings fells past, present At future. Advice en Jove. bustncM and marriage. Ans wers all questions. Are you worried? 173 8. Coml Open 9 ajn. to 10 pjn. Under new management. feEAUTY COUNSELAR orders taken. Lovely Xma gifts. Eves. Ph. 373J4. STANLEY Home Pioducts. J. M. Sto- vll 3043 Sunnyview. Ph. 24455. SaLEM NlTksiNd HOMX SUA "D" fit Salem, Oregon. "400 Agriculture 402 livestock CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChien. $495 N 5th Ph. 2-1656. BoNDEO livestock buyer. Claud Id ward. Rt. 3. Box BOTE. pn B COWS At 1 white face heifer calf 3 mo, old. 4 feeder pics. 140 New Ham p. pullets laying. Rt. $. Box 408, i mi. west. 1 mi. So. Central Howell sen. H. J. Ovcrley. House in rear. BULL SERVICE, your place, 33.00. Her $2.50. Jim Long place. Lardon Rd., i Rt. 8. Box 353. Salem, wrcgon. XllCENSEO live stock buyer Harold E. Snethen. Turner . Oregon. uNOED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandllsh. 1137 S. 25th. Ph. $-$147. f 404 Poultry and Babbits UEw" HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at special quantity prices for your lock ers. Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. . 1-2661 Lee Hatchery. SEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for lmmedi at or future delivery Hatches every Tuesday, Foxes Hatchery. 3330 State St Ph 3-4969. t EAR-OLD HENS for locker, II ea. Phone 3-1814. ... 408 Pets CANARY SINGER, parraketta. cages , and stands. Buff Cochin Cockerals. 1373 Lee St. Ph. 37220. POINTER ready to hunt this faCTor a)e Ph, 2-1043. WANTED: Home for spayed Springer bpaniei, is montns old, Ph. 3-4235. Orange Canary Singers. $10. Ph. 1-6$U. 414 Farm Equipment JOHN DEERE crowler and 44 cover , crop disc. Good cond. R. L. Rulifson. V. River Rrt. - ONE USED Model D2 Caterpillar" with very few hours, in fine con dition. 12.5000.00. One used Model G John Deere Tractor iuat overhauled in our shop, f 1.000.00. On used Model A John Deer Trac tor lust overhauled In our - shop. $800.00. One used John Deer Model H Tractor. 450.00. One used IHC Model Til Tractor with plow and cultivator. $750.00. On Model L Case with 15" rubber. A real buy at SI .000 00. Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co.. 3053 Sllverton Road, Salem. Oregon. Phon 2-4141. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce CARROTS, Sweet At Tender. Reason ably priced. O. P. Miller. Rt. 7. ttox 302. Lake Lablsh. . Dill ED. Franquet walnuts. Rt 7, Box 422 Ph. 31912. Salem. ;CELlcl6uS SplUenberg At Banana apples. Bosc At Comic pears. J. C. Savase st Wsconds. Ph. 31344. ALL VARTtTES Winter apples. 2 ml. on Wallace rd.. rt. 1, box 300 tOMlCE and DeANGEL pears. Luslaus winter pears SMS Pud Rd. Alrlma Motfi. pn: 14310. Bring boxes. KANlTtn t walnuts. Tj-pick. 10c lb. Turn left at Kelzer Sch. follow pave ment I RiL W. U Woelk. Rt 2, Box 170G f FHA Stale Finance Co. r$itl FHA Lambs venx-TtiM Farm Leans License 1-211 and M-222 rcnanaJ sod Ante Leans Whj Suffer Any Longer wia others fan, 1 sa eer Calses reaaeeUee. Aaaaatag saccea fr a rears In China. N saatter with what allaaenti y ar afflicted-, disorders, sinusitis, heart, loaf s, U rr, kidneys, (as, roe sO patten, nicer aiakete. rheeaaatisax, gall and blas ter fever, skin, f seas la eeaaplalata CHARLIE CHAN CHNItl HERB CO. 94 N. Caaaaretal , Pha 2-UJ4 SALEM. ORE. office Bears 1 1 a. Tees. aeS Sat. tfy. Or I.T LankN.D. Or G Oiaa.M D DBS. CHAN . . LAM. : CHINESE HERBALISTS ' S11 North Libert 1'pstalrs Portland General Klectrte Co. Office Satarday ealv IS a. as. to S t f pas Cmw- iaav BloeS pressnre anS mrtmm est ar fre l charge Praettred Inc ISlt. Constipation (CellUs) Is s rrmptom. not disease. Rcctsl ailments are the underlying factor. Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must bt corrected. No loss of time - w m rce oesenpuve DOOauex Dr. R. Reynolds - 1 -eetelerist Nature-Eertal Specialist 1144 Center St Salem. Ore. 400 Acullure 412. Fruit and Farm Produce APPLES. Spitxenberg St Rom Beauty extra . fancy- order winters supply now. Delivered Call Hancock.; 24280. APPLES tc PEARS. aU varieties, will deliver. Paul Scnaad. pnon J-1S5S. 425 Auction Sales i Furniture Auction ' WED., OCT. 1. T0 VM. SHARP rURNITURE NOW CONSIGNED 1 5-pc. new limed oak bdrm. set 1 S-pc. bleached oak bedroom set. Ilk new. i S-pc Built well fries davenport ; and cnair. S-pc. daveno set. S-pc. walnut dinette act. Singer electric sewing machine wal nut cabinet). : i GJC. washer. : S-ae. cuains room set California style 1 pc. bdrm. t three-piece bunk bed sets. 2 chest of drawers. 3 davenports and chairs. s-pc. brealuast set 1 Hoover vacuum with at't-U.-ienU, late modeL Child's roU top desk, t x 12 new linoleum. Child's outdoor swing. Child's outdoor slid. Floor lamps and table lamps. End tables and coffee tables Oil stoves and wood ranges. S wood circulators. S washing machines. 1 gas range. 1 Butan gas rang. S ft rrttfdalr r frig. Lane SudtelFs j Auction Salesyard Located l'i mlles cast of Salem on Sllverton Rd. pnone -wa U you, have anything to sell caU 42923. W sell on commission or will buy Auction every Monday 730 pjn. Leek's Auction ! 4 miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sals GOV. WINTHROP Mahogany desk, $40. Mohair davenport. $10. S x 12 rug at pad. $50. Rocking chair $3. Ph. 3-9321. - ;- NEARLY new mirro-matic pressure sauce PJV $8 Ph. 35484. COMPLETf hshold furn. Children's toys. Si fair buggy. Ph. 20037, 3790. La Branch. THOR WASHING machine, bed springs. - bookcase, record cabinet. kitchen table, dresser, mirror. 715 N. Capitol, Ph. 33S40 1VANHOE 6U heater. $29. Ph. i-35li eves, after 4. UNIVERSAL Gas Range. Also, hot water tank St gas hot water heater at gas plate. 340 rt. 14th AUTOMATIC electric range; large oU heater and tank tor sal. $01 Park Way. Wert Salrm. I RIGID AIRE, daveno. oil beater (Spark), rug. portabl mirror, wash ing machine, radio cabinet, i 2030 N. Commercial. OIL RANGE converted from wood to oil. Also oil burner unit for rang. Se at W. E. McMiUer. Rt $. Box 830. RECONDITIONED Easy Washing Ma chine. , $25. 3110 Dough ton St Ph. 2-Mill NEARLY NEW MW washing machine SB5. Call 4-2673 or 2-4223. 4 PC. WALNUT Bedroom set $65. former price $125.) Good as new. 730 N.i TTonx s a. m. to a p. m. 4 RM. Custom All oil heater. $20. 3635 Cherry Ave. - COMPLETE household furniture, must sell. Ph j 4-2631. NESC6 ClltT Electric Rang. $50. Call 3-3266. 1 CIRCCLATlNG HEATERS, oil drum with ach. S35 U $30. 1 rocker, $7.00. t steel cots. $4-50. small davenport. $13, round table, lawn mower. Other articles not listed her. Call morn- tngs. Mabelle Snyder 677 S- ; Com J, USED FURNITURE at Bargain prices. Se Valley Furniture Co. befor buy ins. 2S5 N. Com'L Ph. 2-7472. 456 Wanted. Household Goods USED FURN.. Immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture, 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 3747Z NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture Ph 3-51 10 - Woodry USED fURNlTURE Phone 3-9185 IF YOU hav - lurnituss. appliances, sporting good, etc. to Ml and want top prices rail TRADER LOUIE. W55 Portland Rd. Ph. 38554 days, 24407 ves. i 458 Building Materials HOWSER. BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S. 12ih St. Ph. 33646. Builders Plywood, sheet rock. Insulation board, doors, shingles, windows, asbestos siding, cedar -shakes. Electric water heaters, toilets, wash basins, medicine cabinets, combination storm doors, waterproof wall board, large front windows. W sell It cheap. C. G. Long. ph. 2-5821. One-follc North of jCelzer. NEED LUMBER For larger amounts. 'builders ar real izing r substantial savings on all frades of framing lumber.: No. 4 x4s and 1x4 shiplap. 417 per m. 2x4. Xxl. txlO. $13 per m. No. 3. 1x4 s & shiplap. $36 per m. Prices include de livery. W. Salem Saw MUL 1050 Wal lace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on your con tractor 4c carpenter using the finest eld growth, vertical .grain yellow fir -finish lbr. In Salem. Oa hand at Dick Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. $-4339. 23 tana Ave RED CEDAR SHINGLE? No. 1, 7.75, any amt.jdeL Coast or Mountain timber, 100 sq. of no. . am clear, suiiaote iot roor or stdewalls. $3 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph Salem 2-1194 Salcm-Indepen- 6nce Hwy .UMBER. 2x4 by itney load. $10 per thous. You haul. Independence Lum ber and Mfg Co.. Independenc. Or. 480 Musical bastrumtnts BAND. INSTRUMENTS for rent. 45 per month. Jaqulah Music Co. Ph. 34641. ! SLIDE TROMBONE, brass finish, exe. cond. Case Ilk new. Call 2-0074. 462 Spoils Equipment' REMINGTON auto. Aot gun. 14 gage. Used 1 yr. $90. M. W. l" H. P. out board motor. S40. Ph. 37M. Inde pendence 12 G.V Kemlngton auto, shotgun with recoil pad and ease. ExceU. cond. 1275 N. Captml. Ph. 2-S448. 30-06 SPR1NGKIELD. RedtleTd peep. Trade jor 30-30 or $63. Ph. 2-Of64 33 H P Evinrud motor extra prop. 19'4 mod. Canoe $20. Ph. 2-0783. 464 Bicycle MAN'S heavy' service btcvcl.;$15 See Mr Clark. Statesman i ;: 46S Trade. Miscellaneous ELEC.' GUITAR, practically' new. Win sell : or trad for typewriter. Ph. S-M13. i 468 For Rent Miscellaneous- coori USED Pteno ft -L iiff (TDRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kcts fura m S Uberty. Ph 2-9062. 470 For Sale. MiscsIlaneouxT OIL FLOOR furnace and tank. Cd. cond. Reas. 1660 Nebranka St. NICE LARGE Chrwtlaa Cactus, "$X 1793 Lee St - - i j. SAWDUST burner with extra set of grates. Reasonable. Phon 3-4893. WALNUTsTupli. 10 lb. i mi. West of Shaw. "Ph. S5FS. 1 CRAND PIANO for sate, like Sew". soao, rn. saaaa. - ; . 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous I ' MTTSICTAL INSTRUMENTS for sale. Band instruments, used cosncts ac trumpets $25 up, new 839 50 up. used Clarinets, 833 up, new 859.50. French Horns. $173 new. Baritones. $15 new, trombones. $35 up. Flutes. $79.50 new. ' Saxophones, $75 up. Shewn by ap pointment only. Jaqurth Music Co.. B4 c ascade Pr. Ph. 34641 FOR SALE: '48 HO 125. Excel, cond. Phone 27981. ' GLASS China closet See Sunday only. U nL W. d Kelzer Sen. 320 Che- mi wa Rd WARDS TABLti MODEL SEPARATOR Accurately skima 35 quarts in 20 min utes. Open, seamless i spouts ar easier to keep dairy-clean I All gears ' enclosed, and bathed in oil. for long wear, smooth operation. 834.95. Wards Farm Store. Trad men st. saiem. Oregon. WRECKING '41 Chryiler, parts rcason able. new radiator, good motor, fluid anve trano.. heater, etc pn. a-Ma. SPRAY PAINTING machine, complete outfit, ladders tc all. set in trailer, ready to go. Make offer. Ph. 37M Independence for appointment SMALL CRAFTSMAN metal lathe with H. P. Capacitor motor like new, used 1 month. Sacrifice at $40. 386 Evergreen io-. IN. PLYWOOD piano boxes. 1TB each. S Stanley groover weatherstrip motors, rn. i-opQO eves. 13 IN SAWDUST burner. Will install teas. Also chimney extension. Stops down drafts rain. Ph.' 2-0500 eves. USED MOHAIR davenport and chair. - Also kitchen buUt-ina and sink. Ph. 9-3709. NAT. ADV. spring mattress. Rtd. From $49 50 to $39 50. Capital Bed Co. 3-4069. SEED ROOM: Must seU ice cream cabinet 4x4 ft Best offer takes, ph. 864 H. Coldspot Mart. Stayton, Oregon. All famous makes of small Appliances. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa STORM DOORS Ac sash mad to or der. Glass replaced. Furn. repaired. Salem Screen Shop 1430 8. 12th St Repair Now! All makes of washing machines, vacu um cleaners Ar sewing machines. Pick up and deliver. W. Davenport Ph. S-7671. QUARRY ROCK tor road baa. Cruab ed rock, fill dirt W deliver. Croisan Quarries 156$ S Coml St i Ph. 1-4417 Plant Ph. 3-1231 ' Res. 1-3079 FENCE POSTS: polea. ill typaa. shingle fertilizer as flatrock. Phil- lips Bros. Rt 8. Box 118. Ph 3-1458. Plasti-Kot th cellophane-Ilk finish for your floors, woodwork or lino Vtum. no waxing required. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa Pre-InventorySale at Keith Brown Aluminum griddle $3 AS, was 83 93. 19 in. Si 34 in. Porcelain towel bars Reg. to $1 JO, now 19c. in. Hand tool grinder. Reg. $$.85, now $2.98. Assorted door latches. Reg. to $3.71, now 81.20. Scores of other Items in this gigantic KEITH BROWN PRE-INVENTORY SALE Front tc Court Sta. Salem COMBINATION, white enamel gas range St gas water heater. Cheap. Ph. 2-TB30. 2 FULL SIZED 4 lb. 100 wool filled ?iuilta. full sizes heavy weight eather quilts made by Thomas Bed ding Co.. Denver Colo. Ph. 3-9681 be- fore 4 p.m. Used Electric refrigerators YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Sewing Machines Free-Westinghoue. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Hunters: Attention aav your gam In a Deepfreez Horn Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa ELEMIN tc G At J ViUmin. Ph. S-TfiX GOOD floor furnace, or trad for good Oil circulator. Ph. 38368. Wesung house radio-phonograph Coh aoles as little as $84.50. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 313 cnemexeta USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa CHICKEN fertilizer for sal. Will de liver. Phone 3-1816. j ONE ALLEN cash and adding ma chine, like new, $125. 5 ft show case. Inquire 1430 S- 12th St 6H Circulators drastically reduced prices YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads Si driveway. Cement. Readv mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and witching. vd shovel tt dra g line. Phone 3-9249 ATMORAVS Harley Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. USEB WASHING MACHIlJES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j. 375 Chemeketa Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand tc fill dirt Screened gravel at sand for concrete. 1mm del. Exca vating 10B Shove and cats. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 1-400Z, res. 3-7146. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables, desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John ton. Appliances. : 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANTED: A piano. Would give good home to puuto in return for its us while determining whether one is needed permanently. Pleas Writ Box 346. Statesman. - Attention Loggers Good logs wanted. 2nd or old growth, can handle any amount Top prices. Burkland Lbr. Co, ; Turner. Oregon. Phon 1125. Salem evenings 2-1982 or 2-7826 i GOOD SET of modern office furni ture. Ph. 2-1785. : WANTED' Large six sink, writ Box aw statesman. WANTED: Two 20 x 3Vs tirs. Writ Box 300. Statesman. FILBERT-WALNUT drying, i mil E. Lancaster Dr.. Auburn Road. Claud MCMnwy. Ph. 3-1 632. WANTED Barkie Douglas Fir poles or stumpag. Phon 1287 Albany or Writ Standard Pol it Piling Co, Inc. : WILL BUY old gold or silver coin col lections, also stamp collections. Call , 3-5198 night, or 2-2487 davs. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem NUT DRYING. Adams and Simmons. 4 miles N. W. Salem. Orchard Heights Road, Rt $. Box 603. ph. 17T21 or 17F14. Large lots lc lb WANTED: Gd. used pool table. Reaa. Ph. 2-1741 after pm. . 474 Miscellaneous HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters, 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 33f46. ' i FILBERT and walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Pnon 2-286L Lee's Hatchery. t WATER WELL drilling. DomasUe-or ir-itmn Duff'.eld Bros Bt 8. box . 88 Phone 1-1313 or $-2795. Window Cleaning Janitor service i Floor waxing Buildinc Factories Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDO MAINT. CO. Prusalem i 3-S133 Buv used eamru aV McEwan Photo Shop. 435 SUt. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. " Contract Work Roads . Clearing . Ditching - Sewer at Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-, yds J 10 B-. yds D-7 Cat Jc .Dozer D-4 Cat Dozer : D-4 Cat At Dozer - Se us shout ditching by th foot, Phone day 3-4oS Evenings 3-8248 or S-4401 Salem. Oregon ' AQTO PAINTlNigluat s aKade Settee by Ray mis, CaU Shrack Motor vh -iaa. ... j 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous RAWUNS MUSIC STUDIO Vlolia tc piano. State accredited teach- er. Ph. 3-6013 CASH tor your ideas, inventions, pat nts. Hundreds of manufacturers want new developments. Free list MARKETING BUREAU. 228 N. La Salle. Chicago. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE H4 MOST CASES Bring r Mail Your Plate for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State as Com. Ph 3-3311 476 Fuel Dry Prune 16" Wood Arthur Wilson. Rt 4. Box 322. 1 mi. 8. of Liberty on Bate Rd. Ph. 2-2339. SEASONED fir and maple 4 ft or sawed to suit Ph. 2-4177. If ASH WOOD," $14 cord delivereTln Salem. Ph. 2X5. Turner. OLD riR. 2nd gwth and slab. Rt 4. I Box 288. Ph. 2-2950. ! West Salem Fuel Co. IS-Dt-DRT OH GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER .ENDS Old growth block weed 14 In. ettea no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pnoaet Saksm 2-4031 Ales pick up wood at 1S2S Edgewater St W Salem. Phillips Bros. Old nr. ash. ma pi, oak. 4 fir. 14 siaa and edgings. Ph. 3-1 4 5. CLEAN.' HAND-PICKED, 18-D. SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE At DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 2-4444 ' special. Old growth block wood from Valsetz. $10 cord delivered off ear. Kin dry planners. 2 cords lit, Ph. S-772L Capital Lumber-Fnel Co. Oregon Fuel Co. Good dry slab or green for furnace. Dry edging. $8.00 load. Green edging. $3i0 Id. Doubl Id. $10. Good ckan Sawdust Ph. 3-5533. ' . Tri Gty Fuel PHONE 2-7442 18-in. slab wood and edging Freeh cut screened sawdust 12-la. tasid mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR 8 At H GREEN STAMPS V ALLEY FtJHTCoTr Oak. slab, maple, old fir. see. growth and cherry. Also do woodsawlng. Ph. S-4Z7T or S-33Z3, R. H. ALLEN " Dry er Green Block Wood St Plainer trim. 1260 Candlewood Dr. Ph. 1-2382. 14' Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 1 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12 09 For orders pleas caU collect Independence 42 . , Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independenc. Oregon 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Oprportunltles FOR SALE or Leas For couple, nice lean. Restaurant At Fountain, new quip. Close to HI schools and new Shopping Center. See Brownies Ftn. At Coffee Shop, Capital At Marxet. GROCERY STORE At fixtures, 2 gaa pumps At S cabins, an established business for sale by owner. Ph. 1-4319. Rt. 7. POX 145 business Wanted Public Accountant (Registered Call- lorn la) wishes to Duy going practice Salem or Portland vicinity, give de tail and termi. Box 334, Statesman. BY OWNER Merchandise and equip. off small grocery store and serv. sta. At invoice price Ph. 2-5166. ONLY permanent tavern above new Detroit dam, l'i miles above lake shore area on new route east. Good location. 5 sawmills. Card room and amusement devices. Spillway Tavern, Idsnha. Ore. I? UNIT MOTEL eiec heat good loca tion. 6 rm house C W BarteU, 3353 Portland Rd. 510 Money To Loan Private Money On Cars. Trucks At Trailer Home Long or Short Term Payment ' Roy H. Simmons . 136 S Commercial St Ph. 3-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 J CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem a largest and eldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need itl You can pay anytime to reduce set cost I No endorsers, or nelp from friends I On cars, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phon or visit our office today I Lie. No. S 138 and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 1-9161 136 S. COMX ST. $ GASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parkins. Ph. 1-7032 Lie. No. M389-S29L Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. FARM and CITY LOANS 4f and 8 Your own terms of repayment wtthla reason. Cash (or Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7161 512 Loans Wanted WANTED: 85.000 loan at 8 interest Re-pay $60 monthly. A well Improved acreage as security, pn. 23719, URGENTLY NEED $50 loan. $140 Zen ith Trane-Oceanie portabl radio aa security. Call 1-3954. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WALNUT pickers. Ph. 35211 eves. ' DENTAL TECHNICIAN State hospital Salem. 2 yrs. xp, high school grad. 8200. Maintenance avail able 40 hr. week. State Civil Servic Comm.. 444 Center. 604 Help Wanted. Male" MAN WITH CAR wanted for route work. 820 to $25 in a day. No age limit For information or interview write Mr. IN MAN. 2423 Magnolia Street. Oakland T. Cahfornia. CONSTRUCTION WORK Larg con struction Jobs starting Alaska, over seas. U. 8. For details write A-33L Box 1749. Knoxrvllle. Tenn. fVlSCEEATLNG , PLANT Employee report for work 8 a. m. Monday morning. Oct. 17. Oregon Turkey Ormrers Assn. DRAFTSMAN A tAVSTTif AM Permanent positions open through-oof state. yrs. m mgnway location and construction er equlvilant training required.. Salary $280. State ClvU Servic Comm. 444 Center tor applica- tirm. Information. DRAFTSMAN for permanent position in Corvallis. Picas gtv qualifica tions and sample of work in letter to Statesman. Box 342. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Male WANT TO Interview young graduate electrical engineer. Ph. 22052 or NATIONAL Co-operation offers prodt - able ' business operation to middle aged or old men with cars. Writs Box 379 Statesman. , 606 Help Wanted. Female) STENOGRAPHER, shorthand required, full time. Apply in person. Hogg Bros, mo state. POSITION OPEN for qualified typist bookkeeper. Job offers pleasant working cond.. security Ax responsi bilities. Ability to dose books re quired. CONTACT. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 21488. RELIABLE GIRL wanted for hswk. Good wares. Call at 1420 Market. GENERAL HSW1C cooking, on chikf. private room. bath. $65. Must hav references. Ph. J47Q. LADY for cooking At It hawk. Family with 1 school age children. Live in preferred but will adjust hours to hv out Ph. 3797L - 610 Sale Persons Wanted SALESMAN WANTED. MALE ONLY. A SALES CAREER for you If you seel qualified to build a Duainess of your own by selling the merchants and businessmen fit North wester a Oregon for an established $4 year eld manufacturer on an xclusive territory basis, with earnings pos sibilities for 195 between 87-10.000 based oa liberal commissions, bonus, and Retirement Trust 'Plan. Applic- ant 'must be between 30-55 and have a car. Sal experience preferred but i not . essential. Write giving personal details. 17. O. COLSON COMPANY. Paris, Illinois. (GOLD MINE Our business is good. We ar looking for a lew married men with cars for the Salem territory who want to , make more than lust average wages. New men are making $75.00 week and up. wonderful opportunity for advancement year round work, come up ana uix to ua-Monaay morning st 10 s. nt. Oct 17. Senator Hotel. ask for Mr. Allen. SALESMAN WANTED Rural suburban and city furnace ter ritory open to good salesman. Sub stancial earnings, good opportunity for i advancement Personnel inter view will be to your advantage- Hol land Furnace Col. 120 Kearney. KxV POSITION for experienced sales man. See Mr. Vergcts at 668 N. High St SALESMAN with car must b abi to sell to farmers, bom every night Salary or salary and commission. State references and experience. write Box 378. Statesman. SALESMAN with car High, Commis- item M. K. N. FURNITURE OLD RELIABLE national concern has g for 1 man. No canvassing, jar necessary. Our men a vera i $100 weekly. Inquire 248 No. Com- mcrciai. Km. 23. 9 to 11 a.m. 612 Work Wanted, Male ENGINEER wants work. Turbine op erator, fireman, electrical and genw era! repairing. Box 336 Statesman. CAPABLE. STEADY family man with family good education At 20 yrs. varied ex perience In business, wholesale, re tall office At 4 yrs. management de sires opportunity in Salem. For a pp. Ph. 1-7830. 615 Situations Wanted HOUSEKEEPING position. Preferably in country for gentleman or mother- less home. Ph. Z8537. 1365 N. Stri. PRACTICAL, NURSE, days. Phon 38S19. LET ME do your hs. framing. I cotn- Jilete all framing for your building or 75c per sq ft. Also I complete all exterior including roofing, siding. etc. for 11.25 tq. n. Walton 35071 MARRIED VET desires job on slock ranch or farm. 389 Tryon Ave. GENERAL ' BUrLblNG. repalaing. I specialize In general remodeling brick work, plastering, painting and paperhanging. Nothing to large or too small. Reasonable free estimates Walton 3-5072. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. LADY experienced in Personnel and Rencral office typing, posting, cash (ring, etc. needs work. Excellent references. Write Box 337 States man CHILD CARE by middle age lady. References given. Ph. 3-7612. YOUNG MAN would like work on Sats. At Suns, in restaurant, hotel, drugstore, theater or what have you? statesman. Box 345, REMODELING, carpenter work of all kinds. Will take part in furniture. Ph. 2-7480. CH ILDREN boarded in my home. Ph. 31008. IRONING, Ph. 34767 a.m. or after 5. CHILD CARE by day or hour. Ph. 2-4940. - CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. Ph. 23448 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 39924. REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing. Ph. 3-1339 or 2-0218. NEW LAWNS. Start to finish. Lgt ractor with dozer. Ph. 2-8127. WANTED outride house painting. C 8 StahL Ph. 2-8844. WILL do any 'kind of carpenter work CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph. 2-4850. TREE WORK. toDDing. trimming. re moving, ins. op. worx guar. w. n MCAiimter. B40 irsae. pn. z-nao. CHILD CARE. 183 S 18th. Ph. 3-6876. WOMAN WANTS hotel or motel work as maid. Experience. Phon 3-5096. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of all Phone 2-4691. 3995 State St. BABY SITTERS. Phone 2-0910. " BABY SITTING, in other homes. Ph. 2-8034. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board NICE RM. for 1 or 2. EmpL adults. Oil heat Ph. 2-1726. NEWLY DEC. rms. with H. At C. water. mtchen priv. 754 rerry PH. 36317. Sleeping room! $20. w n. winter. GOOD board At room. Close in. 482 N. Sumrrier. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. Ph. 3-5764. , WELL FURNISHED sleeping rm. Close in. H At C water. Men oly, 737 Centex. WARM ROOMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-553. ROOM. GARAGE and kit privileges in priv. home. 1167 8th. W. Salem. SLEEPING RM. Gentleman. 2 burner elec. plate, heat. H, Ac C water. 155 Center. ROOMS . TO RENT by the month. Rea sonablc. Ph. 3-3161 after 4 p.m. EMPLOYED MEN. Good beds, sub stantial meals. lunch packed, transportation, laundry, optional. Pn. 2-8740 . - ; NICE sleeping room. Ph. 1-7558. ROOM FOR genUeman, close In 632 N. Winter. Ph. 3-7054 after 1-30 p7 m. 705 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT: Hollywood Dist. 2 bed room, ground floor apartment. Wood furnace heat, gas hot water, either gas or elec. cooking $50. Phone 3-6554 before 14 a. m. Sunday Or anvtlme Monday. 2 RM. FURN. apt with clothes closet . and private bath, outside entrance, ground floor, good bus service, adults only. Ph. 2-547. - 1 NEW DUPLEX, lge. living rat, btdnn, kit, dinette, bath, utility , rm, with auto, washer At dryer, lots of closets At cupboards, auto, heat, garag. stove At refrig. Sent $65. Water furs. 1 RM. APT. rent or board, business person er loving care elderly person er couple. 1 blka. from! town. 190 Mm. - i ATTRACTIVE. 1 BR Apt in modern court Choice location. Unfurnished except for refrigerator i At rang. Auto, laundry. CaU at SOT S. 13 after - , ii a m. PRIVATE 3 rnw. partly furn. Clean, garage. $54) mo. 3560 Portland Road. 700 Rentals 705 Apcntroenta for Rent I RM' FURN. APT. 2nd floor. 945 S 12-h. 1 KM. and kitchenette, clean, close to Elk's Temple, for working lady. Ph. Z-79. i KM. FURN. apt $40. 303 S, Winter. CaU 3-9857 or 2-8532. ' 3 RM. APT. Plenty hot : water, oil heat, adults 797 S. ,25th. WELL FURNISHET3lge. 2 rm. apt 2' blka. good Sch, blk. bus. 837.50. Ptl. 3-83IS L'NFURN. upstairs apt and bath. Rang, re friar, and utilities furn. Near Willamette U. $60. Capital Court APtS. 450 5. Capital, NEW. 1 RM. unf urn. duplex apt V. tian blinds. aU elec 2231 Lee St APT. 1 RMS. and bath, unfum. ex eept range. $35. Near all schools. Ph. Z-434Z. NICELY FURN S room apt. $75. Am bassador Ants. 550 N. Summer. FURNISHED cottage 3215 Portland rd NICELY FURN. heated sleep rm. Kit priv.. emp. lady. Ph. 1-3414. IX7RN, MOD, all utilities, near sch. at nus. hcss, Km a. comt FURN. MOD. apt, elect bat sarag1 rity bus. 3580 S Coml. VTRY-AT"lRACJllVk mod. 1 fiJL apt Heat Ar automatic hot water fura. Close in. Writ 3TT co Statesman. I RM. APT. elderly emp. lady, refrig, Ac utilities furn. 464 S. Summer. 707 HotxsM For Rent S RM. furn. houa. $30 no. 139$ SUt St. j .. kODERN. 1 BR. house, nice At clean. pn. g45i 2 RM. HOUSE, adulta. $38. Inq. "Bo Union st. i RM. HOUSE Elec. At water furn. $40. iwust puy oil ctrc. pn. i-sju. 1 BR.- HOUSE, unfurn. $-9000-397 S. 19th. FURN. trailer cabin, hot. cold water. Children, pets permitted. Ph. 29340. BUY our furniture and rent th new house. For more, information. Ph. 33561. RENT REDUCED 5 " Two small houses for rent in Sllverton Unfurnished, except for washer. 123 B. Flske st S40 per mo. 123 A. Fiske St Has elec. range. $45 per mo. uean ana a diocks Irom aown- town. Call owner 37921. Salem NEW 2 BEDROOM modern hse avail able. Phone 2-7202, SMALL 4 RM. ; modern house near capital shopping Center. Couple only. pn. x-iaia, 1 ROOM furnished cottage. Adults only. 1955 No. Capital. DUPLEX, close in. newly decorated, 2 harms , yard At garden. 471 5. Winter. VERY NICE unfurnished 2 bedroom home, fireplace, V. Blinds, close to bus line, owner will be there Sun ye.'i sum. asw usivm atsj. NEW 4-RM. hous unfurnished. 1741 VTarWt St day. Oct. 16th. 135 Harold Ave SMALL HOUSE, good location. $38 00. box 34. gtstesman. MODERN CABINS, weekly rate. Ph. 2-5996. SMALL 4-RM. houa. shower, garage, all elec., $30 in. advance, fnaulr whit hous at! corner, Lablsh Vil- lage. Webb St, NEW THREE BR home, close to bus line. 4350 Macleay Rd. Phon 20046. rTlirfrT fVi ! ..Za tux . ITt Salem. Oregon. ) partly furnished. 2 Bd. -rooms, modem; too. per month; See Ronald C. Glover, 206, Oregon iB.fi. UNFURN. "houa avaU. Oct 15. $65 mo. 3320 Sunnyview ave. i B. R. HOUSE and small apt Close Building, saicffl. Oregon, m. rn. jwi NEW 2 Bedroom house, furrnture for sale. Ph. 42631 2 BEDROOM unfurn hse. Adults. No pets. Inq. 1147 Garnet NEW SPACIOUS 1 B. R. home, un furn., gar. Adults, no pets. Inquire 1846 N. 5th i B R. HOUSE, Englewood Dist Lease, 367 N High. RENTERS ATTENTION" tut the place for you If you want to be close in yet outside city limn its, on school At city bus lines, low tax rates, quiet neighborhood. Buy this horn from owner, with hwd. floors thru out oil heat fireplace East, near hospital, grocery store aza Hawthorne EOR RENT Comfortable home in country near Four Corners to couple who can give some care to elderly lady. No objection to child of school age. References exchanged. Write Box 316 co Statesman. FURNISHED cabin. No drinkers. 3355 Portland Rd. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent SMALL ACREAGE. I B. R. hse. Close to 4 corners. Call at 1173 8th. W. Salem. Ph. 1-0984. LARGE FARM on shares. Equipped. some stock, 60 A. cult. 9 ml. from 8alem. Statesman Box 339. 709 Wanted to Rent COURT APT. Partly furn. Private bath, clean. Ph. 10051, Employed p"P'- ' RENT OR BUY, garage, hop barn, old house, building loading purpose. 2-2754. 710 Wanted To Rent Houeee COUPLE desire 1 or 2 B. R. apt or furn. house. Call 2-1726 eves. WANTED 2 bedrm. house, clean mod ern, $45. to $59. One child. Ph. 3-5072. PHYSICIAN and family desire 1 or 1 a. ju unrurn. nous, rn. z-osis. 712 Wanted To Rent Apis. WORKING GIRL wants small apt close in. pn. 1446Q sun, or arter S p. m WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY couple desire apt Dee. 1. Ph. 3-8730. Ask for Norma roaborf, RESPONSIBLE party desire unfurn. 3 or 3 bedroom hs. near acnoot Call 2-3077. 714 Business Rentals HOLLYWOOD DIST. Office suitable for smau store, real estate, etc. Reason able rent Leas for sale. Ph. 23862 or 22147. 2007 N. Capitol St WAREHOUSE SPACE 1390 Madison St.. Salem. Ph, 3-9043. For Rent Ground floor suitable for larg Office er Store. Also 1 story concrete ware house with alectri elevator. State Finance Co. US S. High St ' Telephone 3-4121 N"EW store building for lease. PhT 21833 or can at 1073 Broadway. OFT ICE, desk space, conv loc Ph 3-8133 BUSINESS Room. H. U Stiff, SMALL BLDG. suitable for storage. Clyde E. Moore, 1430 S. 12th St . 800 Real Estate 802 BnxJnstas Piupoily GOOD BLDO. 26x54. Zone 2. N. Coml lg. lot, with $ rm. house, many uses. trwner. pn. z-3ca. Office & Apartment Bldg. Ideal Income location. Auto heat, in come $5,280 per yr. Taxes At utilities run only 887 last year. Owner needs ' . rem at win sacnace tor mjaao. wau Boa Cleary. .. Walter MnjraTe Realtors , 1X11 Edgewater Ph 2-8109 eves. 3-P939 BUSINESS BUILDING " Oa coast: two separate rentals In come $133 per month: trade for val ley property or seU. Call for partic- - luara. Salem! Realty Co. ' - Bealtor - 149 N. High St Phone 2-7S64 xve, ph. l-esos , . , 800 Real Estate ' . NEAR LESLIE JR.' BT SCHOOL '" fxJLVZ iibdfmliTl rm- nfg rm. krtchw bath, fun basement, , electric heat, nice yard and shrubs, choice location, , . T' f i ! f McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT T ( 10-r, old atyle. 1 bedrm living rm. dining W kitchen, bath, fun baaementauto oil furnace, beautiful yard At ahrubs. fruit trees, gar den space. $7600. FHA comm. H .vT ; - , ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT " T j $10,300. 1 yr old. Ranch style. 1 bedrooms and Knotty pin den. paneled fire place walL nice living at dining, larg kitchen, rm for table, fenced bacht yard with patio. Thia is an FHA built iiouse. t , V t f VTEW PROPERTY , . I $18J00. Lot 70 x 137. New modern beautiful 3 bedrm bom U n on floor. Larg living rm. dining rm. kitchen with nook, big utility rm. 1 car ga rage, auto oU furnace, fireplace, picture window, a full view of th moun tains. One of th finer homes la Salem. Call for an appointment to let us show you this horn. : ..,.. Call or See Andy Halvorsen ", j j Office 2-8629 191 S. High St Bom 1-7142 A. A. Larsen, Realtor ,j M j BEST BUYS $7500 FULL PRICE Only 8 years old. Part hardwood floors, fireplace, oil furnace. Unfinished up stair. Insulated, weather-stripped, attached garag. larg lot 2 blocks to bus. Ev. Ph. 3-7874 or 3-355. $1500 DOWN Nice 2 bdrm. horns. ' sere lot Elec tric heat garage. Only 3 years old. Wen worth th money. Only $7200, Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-355. SEWING MACHINES Doing very good business. Very good stock and tools. Almost new panel f delivery. Everything goes - for only $6400. Ev. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES 3 bdrm. older type home. Several out building, good well. 1 acres straw berries. 13 minutes from downtown. Would trade for home or acreage.' Total price $6500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 69 ACRES Extra good buildings, very modern home. 6 miles from Salem. Would 1 exchange for city property. Total price $18,500. Ev. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. GRADE A DAIRY $5 acres. S rm. house. 20 stanchion barn. 20 milk cows. 8 heifers, tractor, all machinery. Owner forced to sell because of Ml health. Very liberal terms or would trade for other prop erty. Total price $35,000. Eve. Ph. 3- 9403 or 3-3558. Have client who wants to rent 1 bdrm. home. Guarantee excellent car. No pets, no children. Eve. Ph. 3-9401 or 4-3558. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor 303$ Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 1-459$ 802 Business Piopeity THIS PROPERTY will be offered st a special reduced price if sold this month. 1 new 1 BR homes, self operating. , good income. Optional owners. New 1 BR horn, room for expansion. No trades. Inquire 1848 w. am. - PLEASANT LIVING $ acres that offers real country com fort with aU city conveniences. 10 minutes from downtown. City and school busses. See this attractive 3 BR home in the grove of beautiful oak 1 ml. E. of Kelzer school. Double garage, chicken ' house, good shed suitable for small barn. Family or chard. aU fruits & berries; excellent soil. Out of state owner has authoriz ed sal at $12,000 Drive by and in spect at your leisure, or call A. N. Duncan. Km. 12. Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg.. tel. 3-9658 Grocery and meat market. Clean stock. Cash business. Long lease on good building..' Located in prosper ous valley town. $6500 plus inv. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone 24121 Suburban Home & 2 Acres Very attractive 2 bedroom bungalow. all on I floor, located on 2 acres. Beautifully landscaped, among apple and cherrv trees. Plenty of room for gardening, soil very ferule, ideal for lily bulbs ... or plenty of room for sub-dividing. Drive by 165 Fisher Road. look, but please oon t ootner occupants, men giv us a ring. Priced at $7950. i Kenny REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa , Ph. 2-2577 or 2-0614 804 Suburban 2 Bedrooms Suburban South. Nice neat new horn. $5000. Good terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phon 3-4590 Ev. 2-3088 WANT TO DAIRY? - RAISE PLTRY t Hav income from berries At rrull7 Like to fool around a big green house. It's all her. 12 'i acres: dark rod. loam, on pavm't not far out BR home. mod. conv.. lge. pltrjr. hse.. green house. At barn. Specially priced at $9500. Terms. CHECK THIS FOR VALUE I Suburban sere At half. Close in oa Salem-Dallas highway. Paved street on 1 sides. 1 BR. mod. home, insulated, new oil furnace, new welt other bldgs. Valu able lot for court or duplex sites. $10,500. Terms. NEAR KEIZER SCHOOL. 1 BR. home At HALF ACRE. NEW shake finish. New roof. NEW fdn. New well At sep tic tank. Fruit. City bus. $4200. Easy Terms. Immed. Poss. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings . Personal Service 164 8. Coml St Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 2-7440 808 Houses For Sale BY OWNER: For sale or lease 1 bed room and den, dbt plumbing, oil furnace. Close to schools. $13,500 or $125 a month. Phon 1-0747 iXR efficient and effective sales ser- im -.11 h- e.l-nx fn NOW 1 YR. OLD 2 B. Ri hs.. pric $6800. Litti or notning aown rn. a-vooa. wi) c. num. ALMOST finished fin 2 S. R. hous with an refinements you woum put in your own home if you were a builder. 810.500. easy termsj Let me show you this one. X . D. A. FISH T 1488 S. Com'!. Ph. 3-6524 BY OWNER 1 two b. r. hses.. hrdwd, firs, thruout One is an elec. Might accept ft. 000 down from right party. Pn. 3-S7QD, SACRIFICE at $6500. for quick sale. Verv mod. 3 B. R. F. H. A. an opp. bom. Se at 1362 Franklin, W. Sa lem, otter Do. payment or rn. 3-6189 $7650. COMPLETELY furnished two bedroom house including elec. range; LR., dinette, built-in kitchen: large lot 98x150. Set it at 135 N. Dml Ave. CaU A. E. Beckett. Broker, 149 N. Hieh St Phone Z7ceo or evening 24591. Open House Today 1010 8. 1th St. RANCH STYLE 1 2-bedroom home northeast living room with nice fireplace. Dining room. Attractive kitchen with cat In apace. Brick Patio. Bedroom with wardrobe closets. Price $10,500. No. 297. NURSERY BUSINESS I with S-bodroom home. Double garage, 14 acre. Piped for irrigation. Sev eral shade houses. Graund sU planted with shrubs and trees. Ask about No. 865. GET STARTED! la a sue new 2-bedroom livable. tu ftnishd horn, for only $350 down. $37.50 per month. Located south near bus. school and Store. 40 X ICS lot with dty water. Reimann for Real Estate SOI South Hlrh Street Phone 1-8203 Sun. At Eve.: Sue At Evas. 3-3738. 2-1327. 44874. 2-ASOS 800 Real Estate f 808 Houses For Sale New $730 Down or wiU take la car On down payment Hs ha been appraised for $5000 G.I. loan. 2 bedrm. Large L.R.. Kitchen with etook. Utility tm, Hwd firs. Att gar. Auto W., system. V A. Kelzer soil. Full price S4SSS. C W. Reeve; Realtor 94$ S. Commercial I I Phon 2M390 Ea . S-fl53f SAFE LOCATION I For young child ran. Large tot with trees. Quiet secluded. Good warm basement Fin tor drying clothes. S bedrooms. Large living room . with fireplace. Best Value in Salem today for $8950. See your realtor or own er at 3260 S. Commercial St Phone 2-8996. -i i Home anb Income r $11.000 Two modern apartments com- 1 pletely furnished, very nice. On A room with bath. On 2 rm with bath. Good location, building in first class condition. -' t Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commamtal Phon 2-3849 , Ev. 1- H2? Open 1 to 0 P. M. j New Cap Cod hous. dining At LR combined, paneled fireplace with bookcases, nice kitchen At nook, $ bath, master BR down. Open oaM stairway. 2 BR At fuU bath upstairs. No. 1 oak thruout Insulated, full basement with re-lntorced walls, fire place At autom. oil furn. This hous has all No. 1 materials with qtial ity construction. 1080 rt. 22nd. St. SUBURBAN 4 ACRE7TrnCKose"witS bath, utihty room, att garag. Price $3750. Easy terms. : CLEAN 3 BEDRM. HOME completely furnished. Price only S6C75. doe te store: on bus line. ATTRACTIVE $ ROOM HOME. Hd. floors, basement oil furnace. Only 2 yrs. old: Price $8950. Terms, s NEW LISTING. Very nice. 2 bedrm den, Iv. rm.. dining rm.. reception hall, floor furnace, patio, garag. Fenced in back yard; sue street. Close to bus. Immediate possession. Price only $10,500. ' Leo N. Childs, Incj Realtors 344 Stat St. Phon 2.366J Evenings call: Mr. Sederstrom . 3-4n8J. or Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007 3 Bdrms., Hollywood Lge. comb. liv. and din. rm., fire place. Ins.. utility, beautiful Jot. $8750. Easy terms. $7500 Wen built S B.R. home, liv. rm. With fireplace, nice kit. with nook.: in drafnboard. unfin upstairs, att. gar, weU loc. North on A. $9000 i i A good buy in 1 B.R. home, liv.; rm. with fireplace, din rm, kit fuU bf mt, pert cond. beauUful lot. well lo. clos to schools. : $11,750 ! I Year old spacious 3 B.R. Ranch type horn, liv. rm., din. rm.. Mt with nook. BeauUful floor plan. Aut oil ht Well loc In Englewood. , Gray-Himmel Realty Co. Ph 9-lK Tvm 9.A-yOt tjtant t' 1H 1 B.R. HOUSE, chicken house'. 1 A. electric water system. Price 82950. Out Sllverton Rd. to McCain Avs. Kt. 7. BOX 4Z6g 3 B.R. House 6 Mds. Old Spun glass insulation, fireplace, double garag. drift wood finish. Very at tractive, aowu. est Illinois at. i'.'f ACRES. 7 rm. modern hs., chicken ns. i diocks xrom catholic sen., I blk., from Grocery store, : Sllverton, Salem hwy. Inquire 144$ Pine St., INVESTIGATE the advantages of buy ing mis nous unnnisned. Beautiful low rambling on ,' A. on Garden Rd. j mi E. of Swegl Sch. Owners Pri. 31939. $4500. Clean i Br. home SB. Wired for range. Lot 50x135. Take in house trailer. If not sold thia Week will rent t Can O. T. Hum with State Finance Co. Realtors' 153 8. High. Phon 3412 fairmoUnT hiLL Lie. rm., din. rm., 1 bd. rm, bath; good Kit., ana rm noox on tne first floor, 4 bd rm. At another bath on the 2nd floor. New oil furnace with fan 4s filters. Either s huge family home or horn with income. $10,000. ' E. A. McGLAUFUN. BROKER 228 N. CommX St, Ph. 1-3211, Eves, Sun. 2-3203. : Li PR6FITABLE fNESWItNt Modern 1 Bedroom home. Larg Lie. RM, Basement Oil Heat, Paved Cor. Lot Rented $30.00 Per Mo. Priced nlenty Cheap. $9100.00. See Mr, Pot- Lind pTen-Potter, Realtors 315 S. High St. Phone 1-3630 or 3-4833. Out of the Rain i Large remodeled 1 bedroom home. In good condition, located about 5 miles north on 99E, may be able to handle for State Veteran for tow down pay ment House Is completely furnished Including a deep freeze. Full price only $3500. A sacrifice, for, cash. Suburban-Acreage No buildings, ideal' locatloa to have chickens, cow, garden, etc. Owner does not need money, and if you are Intending to build,' yu can buy with out down payment, and monthly pay ments or terme to suit. OPPORTUN ITY IS REALLY KNOCKING for someone on this deal, it wont last. 4 acres $2350. ; . i 79 Acre Farm I Fun and complete set of modern build ings. Including a 1st class, chicken) setup. Over half this farm la bottom, land, with an all year stream and irrigation rights.-$17,600. Owner re tiring, and win take Salem property as part payment?'- 1''' 4 Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 H. Capitol i m phone 1-8216 , Sunday1, 2-721T Not Far Out; ! $4250 buys s new 1 B.R. bom near Glen Creek Road, modern, wired foe rang, terma. j , B. Isherwood, Realtor Office ph. 1-3862. Eve. S-ltiT of2-we Grand View $8Q00 Owner moving, says drop) fries , At get It sold. We 4pn't beueve this home can be duplicated aajrwhere tor the money. It combine.. a aubstantiat, attractlv S BR mod., home on a big lot Located on Victory Circle with s teal view of valJay.. roounUins As i ,. ' ' Walter IVIusgrave Heahorf 111 1 Edgewater ' " Ptwhe S-S10f o5od. Late built I rm.' riomeTCeilt! Dirt 82x224' lot.? Has attached gar age fireplace. ImmlatedM " - v t Call O. V. Harnewith State Finance Xjck Realtors' 113 S. High, Phone 34121 AT at a '" -.-tR-ay -