.., ,.. OS Faces Bmnprovedl rfzzDoes; WeMoots Favored Buffs Given Slim Chance Iiiterseclional Mix Set at Eugene Today EUGENE, Ore., Oct "14-C)-Colorado and Oregon limbered up tinder clear akies today, but the weatherman foresaw a possibility of showers by fame time ajt 2 p. m. .fPSTl tomorrow. Clouds were expected to move in overnight Rains are not cer tain, however, and in any case Hayward Field, now dry, should afford stood footing. Odds-makers were quoting Ore gon as 28-point favorites, but many observers were expecting a closer game. Some in fact thought that the visitors from the big even conference were capable of an uoset especially if the Oregoos are thinking too much of next week's coast conference game with southern California. Both Coaches, Jim Aiken of Oregon and Dallas Ward of Colo rado, are expected to stick to usual lineups. The Probable Suffers: m i. OREGON D. Dobmaoai i Douir 3 Dan!! GibaoB ClM , Thomas ,, Lr- Nelson Catsnxaro 'Brelnig Thompson .RO Chrobot Nevllls . X Roblnaea . Stelle He Kay ..RT Pudiik ..RE R i Wlnnlngham Narctslan Miller Hagln Lewis . Sanders Portland Frosh TopCatJV's Willamette's Jayvee footballers dropped a 28-13 game to the strong Portland University Frosh Saturday in a Sweetland field tilt which had a strong" aerial flavor The Bearcat yearlings .opened the scoring lo the, first Quarter as Quarterback .Edjjrrrtap' flipped a 20-yard payJff,"bass" to End John Skimas. The Pilots came back to chalk. a. pair of touch downs in the. second ,,Quarte one on a 40-yard "play ,. fronfJack Owens to linn Kroliand the other on Kroll's 39-yard acamper from scrimmage. :ii 1 ... The Portlanders Jiit paydirt again in the third' quarter when John Deets plunged .over from a half yard out and Owens fired a pass to Delia Villa for another Portland U six-pointer in the fourth quarter. . The Bear kittens' , . final points came In the fourth period as Ski mas intercepted an enemy aerial on the Portland 10 and rombed over. Chuck Mary booted the conver sion after Willamette's last touch down, and John Lagan kicked all four Portland extra-points. Will. JV ...7 ' - 0 IS Portland Fr'0 1 7 728 Flying Bwcks Beat M:GtV MILL CITY, Oct 14 -(Special) St Paul's high-flying Bnckarooa held their lead In the Marlon County B league gild chase to day with a 13-4 victory over fighting Mill City crew. ; Art Marthaller registered both Buckaroo touchdowns, one In the second quarter and the other-In the third period. Both came on runs of 15 yards. Marthaller also accounted for the lone conversion via a buck. Mill City's tallies came in the final quarter when Leo Poole took a 13-yard scoring pass from brother Lawrence Poole. St Paul . 0 7 I 011 Mill City - 0 0 0 6 Everybody rlrinking it, drinking it, drinking it what? Bohemian Club Beef, of ; . course. When you taste Bohemiarl Qub you will know that it's the beer you have been waiting for, the beer you always hoped you would have a chince to drink. It's so completely taste-satis fying that every glass seems to say: "Let's have another." It's the talk of I thetowrtEverybodyisajikingforit, - '. :- . . - i e lost Cay "COIISttlAU" DUtribuied ; Faces Buffs Mi Big Sam Nevtns f(abeve). m ef the name re as stalwarts In Ceach Jlaa Alkea's Ujel Oregon for ward wait will face the Cele rade Buffaloes today la the twe o'clock game at Eocene. I ? ND's Long Streak Threatened Tularie Forces Given Chance to Halt Orish 5 By Jerry liska . SOUTH BETID, Ind., Oct 14 -(Jfy Favored Notre Dame and Tu lane, the scythe of the South, clash in a showdown of undefeated foot ball powers before a long-sold-out throng of 57,000 here tomorrow. Discounting odds favoring the Fightin' Irish by two touchdowns, Sacred Heart Whips Phils A hard-hitting and. lightning quick Sacred Heart Academy foot ball team overwhelmed Philomath 38 to 0 on the SHA .gridiron Fri day afternoon, a The -Cardinals scored in every quarter except the third. The Cards wasted Little time In beginning to pile up their score After Jim Lancaster returned the opening kickoff 83 yards Clark Ecker crashed through the line and moved 20 yards into paydirt Al Pearl tallied the next six pointer, then Jim Colleran snared a pass and stepped Into . the end one for another TD. Colleran scor ed again before the half ended by picking up a fumble and gal loping 22 yards to give the Salem club a 23 to 0 halftime advantage. In the second half, Lancaster scored on a pass Interception, and Colleran scored again on a fumble recovery. J- ' Philomath 0 0 0 0 SHA 7 II 0 13 33 Whitman Goes to Phils BROOKLYN Oct 14 -CVCon-tinuing to unload their second rate performers at the rate of two day, the Brooklyn Dodgers today announced the aale of Marvin Rackley to the Cincinnati Reds and Dick Whitman to the Phila delphia Phils. Both are outfielders. The football team of the Univer sity of Arizona was outscored 154 points to 232 In 1948, yet posted a record of six wins and four de feats. ' Drinking by MrDonnld Ccmdy Co. X5T5 veir FroshWallop Rooks. 33-6 ETGEXE. Oct 14-C-Oregen's pawerfal Freali football teasa peeled a solid tt-f victory ever the; Oregon State Eeelu today before a erewd ef ZOOe. Ceaeh Bill Bowerman's DackUng. were never In trouble. They talUed in the first period od a (2-yard march, ad ded twe mere teuchdo ns in the second period and scored agala la the third and f earth periods. . One ef the Fresh scores came ea a 71-yard ran-, back ef an intercept! by Dick WUktns. Qaarterback Hal Dun ham's passing aecante far three touchdown, one aerial play going for 52 yards. j Lone Reek score came in the last twe minutes on a pass from Jerry Sehabert to Half back Clack Keller. BOLANOS, DOCUSEN TO TIE j LOS ANGELES, Oct 14 JFh The lohg sought "natural" between lightweights Enrique Bolanos of Mexico City and Maxie (Little Duke) Docusen of New Orleans was set today for Nov. 15 at the Olympic auditorium here. j the capacity Notre Dame stadium crowd expects to see Tulane fier cely menace an Irish bid for their 32nd straight defeatless game. The high-voltaged intersec- tional battle will establish the win ner as a powerful candidate for national honors, although it marks only the season's fourth start for each team. Henry Frnka's Tulane team comes fresh from wins over two formidable southeastern confer ence foes. Alabama (24-14) and Georgia Tech (18-0). and a well' timed "breather waltz over Southeastern Louisiana (40-0). Notre Dame warmed up with sweeps past Indiana (48-6), Wash ington (27-7) and Purdue c 33-izi Both coaches studiously avoided anv disolav of confidence. Said Irish, mentor Mrank Leahy "this is a season for win streaks to be broken. Last week It was Mich igan which stumbled. Then it was the Cleveland Browns, it looks as though we are next" Viking Harriers Bow to Millers SPRINGFIELD, Oct 14 -(Spe cial)- Salem high's cross covin try team took a double setback at the hands of the Springfield Harriers today In the opening run of the season. The Millers won the varsity romp, 45-62 and collar' ed the junior varsity event by i big 15-49 margin. Bill Dilllnger of Springfield was first in the varsity run, chalking a 4:12 time in the three-fourths mile jaunt and Wesley Slooler of Springfield hit the wire first In the Jayvee go. Conrad Booze, Salem, was third in the varsity competition, and Dick Glasgow's sixth-place was best the Viks could do in the JV race, . Howard L mm Ibiradto Taylors Lilted, Corvallis Go j Orange Make; Home Debut Today, 2 p. m. CORVALLIS, Ore.. Oct 14 -iJPh A stout Montana grid squad, hailed as the toughest in years from Miss oula, invaded Corvallis today for tomorrow's encounter with Ore gon State. Kickoff time is 2 p Ji lt will be the home opener for the staters, who were installed generally as three-touchdown fav orites. ; Coach Kip Taylor warned his staters, however, not to take Montana lightly. The Montanans gave Washington State a close fight and finally succumbed by only a 13-7 count Passes are expected to play a large part In tomorrow's outcome. Montana has an ace thrower in quarterback Tom Kingsford. Ore eon State will have two passers in the lineup: Quarterback Gene Morrow and Halfback Ken Car penter. An added entertainment feature wUl be "band day." High school bands from Albany, Lebanon, Sweet Home and Corvallis will participate. The - Probable Lineum; MONTANA Briney . Ford - Semansky Kuburteh . OEEGOM STATE! ..L'5 - Thomas ." Hanker T si Za mains ki C Palmer Kumpuris Hanson Bauer: De SelvU RT . I-Klasby . McCuire Morrow Carpenter Kingsford Murphy Byrne- .Lin.. RH.. SheUoid OXoughlin F Twenge Cards Battle Huskies Today SEATTLE. Oct. 14 -OTV Soph omore Don Heinrich will be back in the starting lineup at quarter back tomorrow when the Uni versity of Washington tackles Stanford in a second bid for a Pa cific coast conference football vic tory Fullback Hugh McElhenny, however, probably will ride the bench until Coach Howie Odell feels the time is ripe to turn the California scamperer loose. Mc Elhenny has been out for three weeks with an ankle injury. The Stanford team arrived this afternoon, worked out at the sta dium and Coach Marchie Schwartz said Sophomore Gary Kerkorian would get the call tomorrow at quarterback.' The Probable L'neuo STAKPoao roe Washington McCoIl IJt Olaon G. Whit .LT Prechek Cook XC Burnett CastacnoU C Mitchad n. RG Poster Kau; Beyer Rose Jit Ooldt Kerkorian Kugasian Bob ' White MitoheU QB. LH.. Heinrich Deris Setch RH FB Ktrkby Gervais Swamps Sublimity, 39-6 GERVAIS, Oct. 14- - (Special ) Doug Hall threw three touch down passes as Gervais swamped Sublimity 39 to in a Marion county B league football game here today. Gervais was handi capped, with the absence of five players, who were declared schol- astically ineligible. Hall passed to Earl Belleque for 20: yards and a touchdown In the first period and connected with John McCall on two scoring plays in the third quarter. Other Ger vais six-pointers were . by Buzz Manning and Jim Tooley on pass interceptions and Pat Mahoney on . a long run from scrimmage. Highberger passed to a teammate for the lone Sublimity score. Sublimity 0 0 0 Gervais 7 7 19 6 39 ! Officials Hunt Clark and Squeek Nelson. Stall Finance Co. I FHA ran t-cease S-211 and M-2XS Ferseaal aad A eta Leans Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers faOL ase er Cluaesel reeaee-es. Aaaaat ag sesssis fee seeol raers ta Cktaa. Ne Matter with what sllsseats yea ere sifUcteO d-wrders. sleesltls. heart, laags. ev er, a-aaeys. gas. a sOf atlan. ulcers. eetes. raeu-aa saa. gao aae etae e fever, skin, f snails eeaa ptotase CHARLIE CHAN c-inesr area CO. m fs C i rrtal Pkene SALEM, oaa OCflee -earn 9 to t. e-IJtJ X i. CHAN ... LAM , CHI. MAE tntBXtT -m Nertb Ibrty FHA w -.eag-T ao C isre ffseilsnd OsassaS aiailisi re. Pt-as ess- eeaa -euf- is a as, a jlm e pea, ons es essa ers tres) eVija rtaitaiiS -we aart I " Nd" YorTT StocK Quotations. NEW YORK. Oct 14 -OP- Today's dosing quotations: American Can 9V Am Power & Lt 2S Oen Electric en Foods 3en Motors Am Tel Tel143. Anaconda 28 s Goodyear Bendix Avia 32 I Beth Steel 23 T, nt Harvest Int Paper .ennecott Boeing Air 214 Calif Pack 85 Canadian Pac 134 Case J I 37a Ubby McN Long Bell A Mont Ward Caterpillar 32 Chrysler 53 Nash Kelvin Com with Sou - Nat Dairy Cons Vultee . 10 N Y Central Continental Can 33 Northern Crown Zel 28 Curtis Wr 7 Pac Am Fish ac Gas Elec PT4T Penney J C TVuiirlac ' Air 15? Dupont de Ne 54 Je(f Surprises aa Cliemawa, 6-0 JEFFERSON. Oct 14 (Special) A two-yard plunge Into pay-dirt by Lee Cameron in the first quar ter provided Jefferson's Lions with a surprise 6-0 win over the Chem- awa Indians today in a Marion County B league tilt The loss dropped the Indians out of a second-place tie. The defensive work of both teams featured the clash. Only other strong threat of the day was unleashed by Jeff in the closing minutes when she drove down to the enemy 10. Chemawa 0 0 0 00 Jefferson 8 0 0 0 8 Stocks and Bonds retnpflae by the Asa-elatae Praas Oct. 14 BONO AVERAGES SO IS IS It Rails Indust CUl Fortra Net r)nf, D.l unch unen unch Friday S1JL 10S IM S 70.8 Prey, ear S1 iozj m.w tw.w Week ago li t 10.T 104.1 70.0 Month ago J) 101 S 1MJ 70 S Year ago SOS 10ie 100J SX.4 STOCK. AVERAGES 30 19 13 SO Indust Rails D5 D.l S4 S 7 TJtil Btcks D.l D.3 Net change rriday 41 S S7l Prer. day .Ml 3S 419 S7S Week ago 33J 41.S SS.7 414 65J Mootn ago Year aye S 34.4 .83.9 44.0 40.7 sse Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 14-(AP). Wheat: Cash wheat (bid soft white Z.1S soft white (excluding rex) 2.1S white club I IS. Hard red winter: ordinary Ira: 10 per cent S.1S; It per cent 1.19; IS per cent i-u. Today's ear receipts: wheat 31: bar ley 7; flour t: eats 1: mlUfeed 11. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Oct. 14-(AP)-(USDA) Salable cattle today 33. calves jione: clean up sales steady to weak for five days, salable -37S ealves M0. For week, market uneeen. all cows weak to 90 cents lower, other classes about steady. weakness on rang calf supply but light vealers strong. Common gTaaa asters stronger in rnstan ,a. Load lew rood fad Betters UA. odd head aer age to high good steers M 60-27 .00. Low to average medium greasers 19.00 21 J. Corn est U.00-lie. Commoa rbeef ketfers 13.5elS.00. Medium gres sera ll0-aoae. loma fee eeayee -aed' nun grade heifers 2140. Cannef-eutter rows 10.00-1140, largely UM down. Shells down te 7.00. Co unon-rnedlum beef rows 12.00-14 00. eaiiy to 19.00 wttte good jreung cows to 1S.S0. Com mon-nvedium sausage bulla 1440-1840, good bulls 17.00-1740. Good vealers -2.0O-Z-.00. odd choice X3 40-1440. Good range calves up to 30.00. under- 390 lbs to 2140. Common-medium cslves and sale n 13.00-19.00. Some medium calves unsold late. Salable nogs today S3: steady: top 31.00: for five days. saUble 19.06.: atar-et largely uncnanged. ny c- U tty reflected raaumotion of Hawai ian shipping, cood-cnoice 190-230 lbsi 20.0 to mostly 21.00. lew J1J3. Fat type down to zo.oo. Good 330-S90 lb. owe 19.90-7.00. Good-choice feeder Dies -O.00-21.-o. nuU lot XIM. Good 3-0--90 ib. Stags U.00-14-0. salable sheep today 10: market nom inal: lor live days, salable 2-10. lau(n ter lambs fully steady, feeders weak, ewes unchanged. Sorted good-choice lambs 31.00-21.90, top ZZ.OO. Medium- food abundant at 20.00 down. Few feeders 17.00-1S.00. early toe 1S44. Good yearlinga 17.00-1S40. Good ewes- (.00- se. common down to J.oo. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Oct. 14 AP) But- terfattentative, subject to Immediate change: Premium Quality maximum to o to 1 per cent acidity delivered hi Butterwholesale l.a b. bulk cubes Portland. 93-SSc lb.: first quailty SI 64c: second Quality. 57-SOc. Valley routes and country points 3e less than first. to wholesalers: Grade A A. 43 score C2c lb.: A. 92 score. Sic lb.: 90 score 59c lb.: C. S9 score. See lb Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 39-40e; Oregon S-lb. loaf. 42-43e lb. Eggs To - wholesalers. A grade, large. SS'.-e-i-C: A grade medium. Sl-M'ic; small. 42Vac: B grade, large. M,.-58aC. Live chickens (No. 1 quality lo b. plants): Broiler-, under Hi lbs. 25 24c; fryers, 2-3 lbe. 24-36c; 3-4 Ibs -7-2Sc; roasters, 4 lbs. and over 27-2Sc fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs- lS-JOc: over 4 lbs. 20c; colored fowl, all weights, 23-2-c; eld roosters, all weights. 17-ltc lb. Rabbits (srersKt to growers); Live white. 4-9 lbs- ls-lOc: S-S Ibe lS-lSc: colored. S cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks. S-Uc lb.: fresh fryers. 9C-53e 1 . Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per ewt): Beef: Steers, good. 500-900 Dos.. $3 45: com erdal S35-39: uUliry. $31-34. Cows: Commercial. $33-35: utility $27-31: ca noers-eutters. S-4-2-. ' Beef cuts (good steers: Hind quar ters. $54-55: rounds, $49-51: full loms. trimmed. $73-7S; triangles. $33-34: square chucks. $40-42; ribs, $52-55; forequarters. $34-38. Veal and calf: Good $37-40; commer cial. $33-35: utility. $29-32. Lambs: Good choice spring lambs. $41-49; commercial. $3S-40; utility. 13S J$. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs. down. $19-18. Porat cuts: Loinm. No. 1. S-12 lb . $9-: abouklers. 19 lbe. down. 9--t: tpareriba. 947-50; carcasses. $32-33, Hixed weights $2 tower. Wool: Coarse, valley and medium n xt 4Se 1b. Mobeir: WeanlnaDy tSe fa. est 13 aaonth growth, Country -lied meats: Veal top quality. 30-32e lb.: ether grades aeceedine jo weight and qual ity with ear or heavier X--2r. Hogs; Light Mockers. SO-Ilc lb; 23-14c Beef: Good cows. -Se D4 SuBorv moderate. y. 99 lb. sek Ore. yeUowa. boil ers. $149-90. m . No. L $2-; 10 Ibs e: Wash. Ye, ..ma Spanish Ne. L $-40-29: Me4U $1 75-S3; 19 lbe. 45-See. sseJlo sgie -large. $-29-90. 19 Fetuses: Ose. Daschotos -tuaeet-. Ho. 1-A. S340-7S. Wash. Nested Gems Ne. 1, S-44-ee; SS Bk. seeks. S14e-U; 14 Ibs. so-ar. ae the. as see; lie. s. se ib. 90-9-40; Idabe lb nsts No. 1-A $-S0-$9. . Ha i New 'me aSeek. baled. VM. New t gTaaa alfalfa, truck lota f-Ja. PerUand. tM; V. SL Me. 1 sod -tm-othy. $-h -wnverep eats and vetch m-red ' -. -xiecrUfled elover- ay. no-Bin- -veg; ecpendlng oat eual- 12tt 48 H 65 H Rayonier 24 Rayonier pfd - 30 Tire 40 Reynolds Met 20 H Richfield . 39 Safeway 28 Sears Roeb - 42 So Pacific 44 Stan Oil Cal 684 28 63 af '4 & 8 2S Studebaker - 24 51Sun Mining 11 IS (Transamerica . 14 36 'Union OU 29 81 14 24 12 45 10!Un Pacific Pac 17, Un Airlines 12il : 32U S Steel .100 I Warner Bros 52 Wool worth Salem Market Quotations (As mi late yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium - M (3 47 J7 7J No. l No I BUTTER . Wholesale Retail EGOS (Byl iwnoieaai price ranges rrom a to i cents over buying price.) Extra larve AA - m Large AA : M Large A SJ Medium AA - M Medium A St PuUeta JO Cracks S POULTRY A Leghorn hens 41 .13 jS -22 .IS .10 XI 43 J4 49 JO M B ItAO a hens C Leghorn hens ' A Colored bens B Colored hens C Colored hens ' A Colored fry (3 as up) B Colored fryers C Colored fryers A old roosters B old roosters C old roosters LIVESTOCK ky VaOey Pack Fat dairy cows 10.00 to 10 00 Cutter cows 3.00 to 10.00 Dairy heifer 10.00 to 13.00 Bulls 11 00 to 1 00 Top lambs 19.00 to 20.00 13.00 to 14 00 i on to 4.00 1740 to 71.00 . 15.00 I , 1740 Feeders Ewes Good vesl 150 to 300 lbs. Good calves In the District Ceart ef the StaU ef Oregon for the County ef . Marion GORDON MeGILCHRIST. GORDON McGnXH-UST. JR.. ELTON MeGIL CHRIST and STUART McCrLCHRIST doing business as MeGILCHRIST SON PAINT STORK. Plaintiffs, vs. SAM DYER. Defendant. SUMMONS TO: SAM DYER. Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby reauired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitle-, cause within 10 days from the date of service upon you If served within this county: or If served with in sny other county of this state then within twenty, days from the date of tne service of mis summons upon you: or if served outside the State of Oregon but within the United States then within four weeks from the date of the service of this Summons upon you; or If served by publication, then wtutin four weeks from toe date of the first publication hereof, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for went thereof, the plaintiffs will take Judg ment against you for the sum of 3481.M together with Interest thereon at the rate of per annum from Septem ber 1S4S. until nM This summons ie published pursuant to order for the publicaUoa thereof made end entered by the Judge of the court herein on the 2Sth day ef Sep tember. IMS. for the publication there of for a period of not leas man ot a week for four weeks. The data of the first pub cation ef this summons Is the Sth day of Oc tober. 1949. OSTERMAN AND WILLIAMS 227 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiffs. O 4-15-2.-19 NOTICE is hereby given that the Oregon State Land Board will receive sesled bHs st its office in the State Capitol. Salem. Oregon, up to 10-00 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday. November IS. 1949. for the leasmc of tide a overflow land on the KIaianine Riv er, which land Is described herein after, giving, however, to the owner ee owners ot any land abutting there on, for a period ef 48 hours after the opening of said bids, the preference right to lease said overflow land at the hi eh est price offered, provided aucn offer Is made In good faith, and provided the Land Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Said overflow land Is in Clatsop County- Oregon, and is' described as follows: All tide and overflow land be tween mean high water and mean low water line lying along the south bank of the Klasksnine Riv er adjacent to the easterly 1009 feet of Lot 7. aU of Lots 8 and 9 of Section 14 and all of Lot 3 of Section 13: also'lving along the north bank ef the Klas-anine Riv er fronting on the easterly 400 feet of Lot 3 and aU of Lota 1 and 2 In Section 14 and all of Lots 1 and 2 of Section 13 all in Town ship T N. R. 9 West Willamette Meridian, excepting therefrom a strip of said tide and overflow land along the northerly bank of the Klaakanine River beginning at the meander point between said Sections 13 and 14 and extending up stream a distance of 1363 feet. Bids must be accompanied by a cer tlfled or cashier's check or Postal Money Order for the fll amount of the first year's rental, and no bids win be considered for less than $30040 per annum, lease to be for a minimum period of ten years. In addition to the amount bid. the successful bidder snail pay the cost of advertising. An bids should be sealed end addressed to F T. Pierce. Clerk. State Land Board Salem, Oregon, and marked "Bid to lease overflow land.' Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 3rd day of October, 1949. E. T. PIERCE Clerk. State Land Board 0.19-22--9-N4-12 Connecticut's name comes from the Indian word "Quonectecul meaning long river. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices Chem eketa Lodee Ne 1 everv Wednesday night tOOF meets 312 Lost and Found HEIFER LOST, see 3. C Brown. Box 16Z. Turner, Ore. 314 Trcis portcrt-OT. DRIVING to Mnna Nov. $. Carry 3. share expenses. New car. Ph. S-754-. 316 Peraonal ITANt r -f-ene Prodtacta. J. M vail. 3043 Sunny view. Ph. 14453. L-J-t iU-S-N UOWLUM 400 Airicnltnre 482 tteeetoe- CATTU WANTETX. Earl DoChSsa. -495 R 9th. Ph. 1-1959. -9uD bvestock borer. Claude Ed- wi da. Rt S. Bo- 99S8, Ph 9-1144 COWS' 1 white face heller ealf 1 l 4 Seeder plra. taNew Kmp. wallet ts-inf. Bui. Best 4-9. hk sni. u wee. 1 ant Set Central Heats ach. St. J. OtrrUrr. House tn reer. BTUX. RV1CE. your piece, 9440. Here r- fa Tin. 1 - -1 f in i KH see. i areen at i a. Has aea ureee . 37 H Radio Corp the) StcrtaaTncccw Salem, Oreqron, 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock LICENSED lire stock buyer , Harold E. Srtethen. Turner. , Orrgon. PALAhlNO UAEI, coming X found tt gentle. New saddle, bridle St mar tingale. Fat bens. $1-33, Ray Wai ter. 124S Clearview. UUtiOk4t UVt-STUCK buyer C C McCandltah. 1171 S SMn Ph S-S14T 404 Poultry and Rabbita FRYERS. SOS 8. ESma Ave. Pen 4 Cor- rem. Prt 4-2571. Nt HAMPSHIRE chicks ever Thurs. day Order Prys or Hens now at special quantity prices for your lock ers Custom dressing a specialty Ph. i-zaBi Lee s Hatchery NLW HAMPSHIRE chirks' for Immedl- ate or future delivery Hatches every Tuesday Poxes Hatchery 3830 State Y "CAR -OLD. HENS for locker. $1 ea. Phone 3-1919. 408 Pets POINTER ready to hunt this tall, for ae. rn. Z-1CM3 WANTED: Home for spayed Springer spaniei. is monms old. Ph. O-sn-e Canary Siiieem. $10. ph. 1-5.29 REGISTERED COCKER " puppies from mampion stoca lack ac Golden. rn. z-lz. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce" DELICIOUS Spitzenberg Jk . Banana apples. Bosc St Cornice peers. J. C. svsee st W a con da Ph. 31-447 ALL VARrriXS wmter apples. 1 ml on waiiaee ra.. rt. U box 300. COMICE and DeANGEL pears. Lusiaua winter pears 3045 Ptld Rd. Alrima Motel. Ph. Z4510. Brine boxaa. pried prunes. Ph 47J. APPLES. Spitzenberg it Rome Beauty eartra xancy. order . winters supply now. Dee red Call Hancock loud. OATS A VETCH hay. good quality. No rain. Oscar T. Mikketeon. Rt. 4. Box 994, Salem. Ore. Ph. AumsvOle 7Z4. WALNUTS, U-plcW. lite lb. 1 mi. W. or sr-sw. i. S3F. ; APPLES it PEARS, all varieties, will deliver. Psul Schssd. Phone 3-1853. FRANQUETTE walnuU. U-pick. 10c lb. Turn left at Kelter Sch. follow pave ment i ml W. L Woe lk, Rt. 3. BOX 170C. Farm E qui pment ONE USED Model D2 "CaterpiUar" wtin very rew nours. in nne con dition. S2.50O0.0O. One used Model G John Deere Tractor lust overhauled in our shop. $1,000.00. One used Model A John Deere Trac tor just overhauled in our shop. sauo-W. One used John Deere Model H Tractor S790.00. One used IHC Model ri3 Tractor with plow and cultivator. $750.00. One Model L Case with 15" rubber. A real buy at 91.000 00. Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co., 3053 silver-ton Koad. Salem. Oregon. Phone 2-4191. 425 Auctron Sales AUCTION 3610 SILVERTON RD. Saturday.' II a.m. Furniture, appli ances. & everytning. come early. Joe Burke, Sale Barn. mL E. of State fairgrounds. II ou hsve anythu.g to sell csll 4-923. We sell on commission or will buy Auction every Monday 740 p.m. Leek's Auction 8 miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 455 Rooaehold Goods Fee Sale UNIVERSAL Gas Rang.. Also, hot water tank St gas hot water heater St -as nlate. 940 N. 14th. AUTOMATiC !lectrlc rani EE heater and tank for Wav. West Salem. $01 Park FRIGID AIRE. daveno. ail healer ( Spark . rug. Portable mirror, wash ing machine, radio cabinet. 3030 N. Commercial. G. E. REFRIG.-GAS Range. 2 rockers. mirror, window sink. Saturday. 593 N. Summer. OIL RANGE converted from wood to oil. Also oil burner unit for range. See at W. E. McMiller, Rt 9. Box fi.V). SINGER feather-weight sewing ma- chin- with extra attachments. Ph. 1-0673. RECONDITIONED Easy Washing Ma chine. $25. 3119 Doughton St Ph. 3-7370. NEARLY NEW MW washing machine 9U. Call 4-2973 or 2-23. 4 PC. WALNUT Bedroom set $65. (former price $125.) Good as new. 730 N. Front 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 4 RM. Custom Aiie oil heater. $20. 3635 Crerry Ave. COMPLETE household furniture, must sell. Ph. 4-2631. NESCO CHEF Electric Range. $50. Call 3-32M. MUST SELL white porcelain gas range. cheao. Ph. 3-8958. MONT AG RANGE with oil burner St blower. Very good. $3440. Trader Louie. 3055' Portland Rd. MAYTAG WASHER, 3 mo. old. $85. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. Chrome nook set $30. winthrop Mahogany desk. $80. Mohair daven port very cheap. 9 x 12 rug St pad, $50. Ph. 3-9321. 2 CIRCULATING HEATERS, oil -rum with each. $35 $30. l rocker. $7.oo. 2 steel cots. $4.50. small davenport. $15. round table, lawn mower. Other articles not listed here. Call morn Ines. Msbelle Snyder 977 8. ComT. USED fURNITURE at Bargain prices. See Valley Furniture Co. before buy hie. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 1-7472, SEWING MACHINES New Home Electric $994$ and up. Ph 3-3139. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 456 Wonted. Household Goods USED i FURN- immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture. 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 27472. NEED AT ONCE, Urge ouanUty used furniture Ph 2-51 10 woocrv IISFJ1 rUHNITURE Phone 3-9185 Or YOU have furniture. apoU-ncea, V snorting eood. etc to sen and want top prices call TKAOEn U )U1E. S09S Portland Ra pn, oars, itwi 458 Buik-ina Materlala" Builders Plywood, sheet rock. Insulstlon board, doora. ahlneles. windows, asbestos siding, cedar shakes. Electric water beaters, toilets, wash basins, medicine eijrts. cocnbinaUon storm doors. waterproof wall board, large front windows. ' We seU it cheap. C C. Long. Ph. t-UXL One mile worm ot i-etrer. NEED LUMBER For larger amount-. buOders are real tzing eubst-na 1 savings on all n lee of framing lumber. Ne. 4 fx4'a and 1x9 shiPlaD. $17 per an. 2-9, 2x9. txie. $19 per n. No. 8. 2x4 s St abi-lan. 939 nee m. Prices include de- hveryC W. Salem Saw MOL 1099 Wal lace ltd. pn. --. DEA CUSTOMER . It ea TOUT tractor car-enter usng the flaset old growth, vertiesl grain yellow fir finish Ibr. la Seleea. On hand at Dtck Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. S-aM. Si Lane Ave, -r-.-. A1.. ..a.j t kviAJS a n t m NoJ 1, 7.75, any im't del- CeMt ee Mountain timber, 109 ao. ef Me 1 ata elenr. auttable ! sidew alia. $3 per aq. Ted Mu-er Ph i Salem S-1199 Saleea- eence Hwy HjHEOL 2x4 Pt litney toed $19 l . thoua. feu haul. Indepeodcnce Lum ber aad Mig Ca Iadepea deace, ore IX llxmicak XI TDK. TTSC IMwrnev at Catsn. cona. -see amm new. kmu m wuim. Sxrh-rdcry. October 13. 1949 8 450 Merchandise 482 Sporta Equipment REMINGTON auto, shot gun. 18 gage. Used 1 yr. 990. M. W l'a H. P. out- board motor. 949. Ph. 97M. Inde- penoence. 12 CA Kemington auto, shotgun with recoil ' pad and rase. ExcelL cond. 1"5 N. Capitol Ph. 3-9448. -u-ua aPRlNGEIELD. Red field peee. vtade for 30-39 or $85. Ph. 2-08M -0-0 CARBINE. "New. $UJ TradTr louie, S055 Portland Rd . 33 H P Evinrude motor extra prep. 1948 mod. Canoe $20. Ph. 2-0783. 464 BlcTclea MAN'S heavy service bicycle. $19 air Clark, Statesman 486 Trade. MlaceIlrneoua ELEC. GUITAR, practically new. Will sen or trade for typewriter. Ph. 3-9415. 488 For Rent Miscellaneous OOon tfm Piano H L Stiff U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets rura 197 a Liberty- Pn 3-eu-z. 470 For Sale, Mlsce oeoua Bargains in New and Used Furniture Used Davenport set. $24.90. Antique organ. $35. Used crib. $12.50. Book esse Ac desk comb. $15. Used chest, $940. 5-pc. BR suite. Early Californ ia n style. $55. Modern club chair. $a SO. Baby stroller. 9 Wood heat ' er. $740. 5-pc. dinette set, $740. New modern occasional chrs. $14.95 St up. Wallet 1 drawer knee-hole desk, a bargain ot 93949. New Deena floor lamps. 91245. Daveno. $25. New dav eno. $59.90. Woodry I Mkt, 1803 N. Summer. WRECKING '41 Chrysler, parts reason able, new radiator, good motor, fluid drive trans., hester. etc. Ph. 3-5445. " WARDS PORTABLE MILKER Is Ideal for small herds I No pipes te Install! This unit is on Its own two wheeled, rubber-tired, sturdy truck I Has Si h. p. motor and removable vacuum tank. Less pall 9118.00. Wards Farm Store. Trade and High Sts..Sa lem.Oregon. - SPRAY PAINTING machine, complete outfit, ladders A all. set In trailer, ready to go. Make offer. Ph. 97M Independence for appointment. SMALL CRAFTSMAN metal lathe with ',a H. P. Capacitor motor like new, used 1 month. Sacrifice at $40. 38$ Evergreen. . FOR SALE or TRADE: No. 30 Catapil lar In good working order, will trade for good truck and cash or some thing of value. 534 Jersey St., Silver ton.. . 10-' a IN. PLYWOOD piano boxes, 8145 each. 2 Stanley groover weatherstrip motors. Ph. 2-0500 eves. ; 12 IN SAWDUST burner. Will install reas. Also chimney extension. Stops down drs ft. rsln" Ph. 3-0500 eves. USED MOHAIR davenport and chair. Also kitchen built-ins and sink. Ph. 3-5703. . ' ' . NAT. ADV. spring mattress. Rtd. Fron 949 50 to 939 50. psplUl Bed Co. 3-4069. NEED ROOM: Must seU Ice cream cabinet. 4x9 ft. Best offer takes, ra. 8MB Coldsoot Mkt. Stayton, Oregon. AD famous makes of small Appliances. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa STORM DOORS St sash made to or- der. Glass replaced, rurn. repaired. Salem Screen Shop 1430 S. 12th St. Repair Now! An makes of washing machines, vacu um cleaners sewing macnines. Pick up and deliver. W. Davenport. Ph 3-7H71 eUARHY ROCK tor Crusti- ed rock. Oil dirt. We deliver. Croisan Qnarrics IKS S Coml St Ph I-941T Plant Ph. 3-1X11 Rea--07$ polea. all types. l-NCX POSTS shtnrl fertmaar Si Oatrock Phil- MpsBros, Rt 9. Box 119 Ph $-1459. pUstl-Kote the ceUophane-Uke finish for your floors, woodwork or uno bum, ne waxing required. YEA TER APP-JANCE CO. 379 Chemeketa Prc-Invcntory Sale at Keith Brown Aluminum griddle $245. was $3 95. 19 in. St 24 in. Poreeiain towel oars Reg. to 91.90. now 19c 9 in. Hand tool grinder. Reg. 9845. now 93-99. Assorted door latches. Reg. to $2.7$, now $19. Scores of other Items tn this gtgantie KEITH BROWN PKK -INVENTORY SALE Frdht 8c Court Sts. Salem ELEC. RANGE with garbage burner attached $15. 1419 N. 4th n. Ph 3-9S40. TWIN SIZE baby buggy, like new. Wss $70, now $39. Tri adel r Louie. 305$ Portland Rd. SMALL PIANO. Uke very reas. 1MM fnttmrm OIL FLOOR furnace tank. gd. cond!. Ress. I960 Nebraska St. Combination hlle enamel isi i range St gaa Ph 2-7830. water heater. Cheap FULL SIZED 4 Ib. 100 wool fill lied ; ighij ouiits. 9 full sues heavy wen feather quilts made by Thomas Bed-,' ding Co.. Denver Colo. Ph. 3-9891 be - fore 4 pm. GOOD 1 WHEEL traiSerT cover. 29W . S. Com'l. J Peterson. Ph. 3-7-43. Used Electrie refrigerators Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chomoketa'- Sewing Msrhlnes Free-Westlnghousa YEA TER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa Hunters: AttenU ve your game la Deepfreeze Home rree-er. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO. 1 379 Chemeketa ELEMIN St O St J Vitomla Ph. 3-14ll GOOD floor furnace, or trade lor Kooi oil circulator. Ph. 28388. 3 BURNER GAS stove, also wood cir culator. Ph. 3-4809 or 3-7700. ; Westlnghouse radio-phooogrsph Con soles as tittle as 98940. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 379 Chemeketa I Used eiTctric ranCeS ? YEATER APPLIANCE CO 373 Chemeketa . i CHICKEN fertiliser for aale. Will de liver. Phone 3-1819. ONE ALLEN cash and adding ma chine, like new, $1-5, 9 ft shew esses. Inquire 1439 8. 12th St. 6H Clrcula tors dxasUcy reduce! prices. YEATER APPLIANCE f CO. i- -- - jij yi -ireaeta Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement Ready mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull, dozing, drainage and witching. vd shovel St drag Una. Phone 3-v249 aTMORAVs. Bar Used U YEATER APPANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa :' Valley Sand & Gravel Co. SUt Sand fill dirt Screened grave! a sand for concrete. Intoa deL Exca vating 19B Shovel aad rata. Tractor coop and truck for dirt moving. . Ph. office l-toor res. $-7149. NEW HOME eewtog a-ac-laae. Perv- abtae. aea t , vice any aaake son Appllaacea. 472 Wcmtad. i41acknMe-W Attention Logger. I Coed logs wanlsd. S 1 er old grewth. eea handle any aeasisat. Tee prseeav Burkiaatf Lbr. Ce, Turner. Oreeoa. Phone 112$. Selean svsalngs t-199i ac 9-783S L, GOOD egT el madsra e-fe bS3- ture. Ph. 9-1795. ' . WANTED- Large as aiak. write Boa 300 Statesman. WAM-IO): T SO x '. tires Wrlle Boy SOU. State uw. fHfWiLN UT irywe. I mile E. . Lanes-tar pe. Auburn aoed. Claude McKia-y. r -18 i lli Ml. t . i I i, - I ! I-- 11 '. i ! f --M-;iirti irr, tr; ...-.'.-. ' . ' . - . ;- , . it '