The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    tLaadleijs LEinmeirg nnn W VDJ, Marnim (BirnciD itesdees
as he once did In the Klamath Falls area but a new resident of the
village is Bulldog Jackson, the ol rasslin' rowdy himself. The famous
character may not stay! moored here long, however, as every) time he
V j
inai rassie and Its crushing climax
Bv on the ropes now. two years
be the first guy to greet you when
the new Sears store, and will gladly sell you a radio, washing machine,
tove or refrigerator, or all four . , . Anthony Q. Ross, the new Coast
Junior heavy mat champ, wouldn't rassie with "Gingeir" the bear here
In our muscle museum, but darned if he didn't climb in with the bruin
In Vancouver, B. the the other night It was a seven-minute match
two for Tony to get into the ring, three for the bear to flatten our
L hero and two more for him to leave the premises after loudly snorting.
I wai rooDed." .... j
Silver ton Not Big, but Certainly Quick
Marl Anderson ever at Silverton
. biggest football team la the Willamette Valley argument, bat from
what we saw of It the other night he has the fastest . His top three
j ball carriers, Jim Lance, Larry Lincoln and ! Jerry Demon all
- weigh considerably less than 119 pounds, bat how they do ramble
In Anderson's model-T. Their game with Molalla was one of the
most wacky we've seen la a long time. I .poking to be as ; good a
team m Silverton, and one considerably bigger, the Molalla, eleven
fumbled three times near their own SO yard stripe la the third
quarter, all within the space of Ave minutes' playing time, and
SUvertoa tamed all three bobbles Into touchdowns for the final
11-t victory. Lightning Is said to strike In one place only once.
In that game It leaned even to the monotonous side . . . I
No more wise cracks (not this
picks, as surprising as it actually
prognostications over the weekend.
racy time of it in the high school
wrong 4. College "batting average1
- 410; high school 18 right 19 wrong
Television Took Starch Out
No aaesUen bat what television In oar neighborhood state to
the south la taking a big bite out of Satarday afternoon football
attendance figures. A peak at the customer totals for both the
Stanford-UCLA and Southern Cal-Ohlo State games Is evidence
. enough. Both were clashes on the "big" side and, without video, the
t Ktanfnnf .ITfT.a ml. hnM km rijtn ml lratt 7B BAA Miuf thu
USC-Ohio Stater 90,000. Instead,
A mtk AAA 1L.
' We don't know how they divvy
vision, or how much they have to
game was paid any $90,000 for the
ys is about what each tilt lost off its gross take at the gate . I .
Going nowhere In particular, so far aa the PCC championship
Is concerned. It's Interesting to note how Kip Taylor at Oregon
State has turned to his sophomores and juniors for much of the
Beaver action. Many of the lesser lights played much of the
Washington game Saturday, and with an eye on the future It's
likely Taylor will keep right on using them the rest of the season.
Sophs In action at Seattle were Salem's Carlos (Cab) i Hoack,
McMlnnvllle's Fete Palmer, Bend's Bill Shef fold and Wrs Hog
land. The Dalles' Gene Morrow, Honolulu's Herm Clark and
Klamath's Don Zarestnskl ... t
Sneaking of McMinnville. natives
Grizzly preps aren't to be counted out of this fall's prep football whirl
despite what you hear and read of such stalwarts as Grant Medford,
Grants Pass, Eugene, Hood River, Klamath Falls and La Grande.
They'll also tell you that Orile Robbins has himself quite a team at
"Mac" Just wait 'n see .. j
Vikings Still Much in Grid Title Scramble j
Far as that goes, Salem can't be considered as out of the title
scrsp either, despite the losses to Vancouver and Klamath. The
Vancouver setback can be wiped off. Inasmuch as oat-of-stato
competition doesn't count In the Oregon derby The 7- defeat at
the hands of the Pelicans isn't by any means a disgrace,! and the
later victories over both Albany and Bend have vaulted Loren
Mart's lads back Into the thick of things. They have some tough
outings coming up, but the way they have been Improving lately
could eventually send them against Eugene next month In a very
erurlal contest. r I '& i
The Viks play at Springfield next, and should win that one lri a
walk. Hillsboro comes after that one and although the Spartans are
rain In the non-DUshover class, a
vallis is next, and they proved via
they can be had. After that it's Astoria, with ohe of the better teams
In recent years. But we still can't see them knockink over Salem,
Then comes Eugene iiKjhe finale, at Eugene. So to go frjm here on
In with nothing but victories will put Mort and his team Into the
playoffs for sure.
Rest Due for Bearcat Squad;
Jayvees Sited Portland FrosI
Back on their home lot and fully convinced College of Idaho's Tom
Winbigler, who tallied SO points against them Saturday night in the
41-14 loss to the Coyotes, is all that his press notices insist Willamette's
Bearcats have this week off on their 1949 grid Schedule. ?Tiey return
to action next week, at Tacoma
with the College of Puget Sound
ers. .
ltisn't a week off fy the Jay
vees. however, as they have a Fri
day afternoon mix slated with the
rugged Portland U Frosh, on
Sweetland field. The WU varsity
lesser lights will have their in
nings tn this one, according to
Coach Chester Stackhouse.
Although the score indicates
that his team took a lacing at
CaldweU, Stackhouse reports the
game wasn't nearly that one-sided.
"We played good ball our best
game of the season so far," the
head man told Monday, "and I
have no criticism, for our men. We
outplayed them in the first and
third Quarters and our passing
looked improved. We had nine
completions In 20 tries. Fumbles
hurt our chances to score at times
and changed the complexion of
the game."
Coach' Clem Parberry of the
Coyotes told after the tili that his
was the finest team he has ever
coached at Caldwell, and all hands.
Including Winbigler himself,
. agreed the big backf ield star never
has had a better ball game in his
eft-illustrious career. Just every
thing he did was right which
seemed to be the fate of the entire
Coyote team also.
Stackhouse added that the play
of both Al Minn and Bob Hall
stood out in the fray. There were
bo Bearcat Injuries, j
Penguins Lose
Victoria Cougars defeated Port
land Penguine 4-1 today as more
than 4,000 Canadian Thanksgiv
ing day fans turned out to wit
boss the opening game of the Pa
rifle Coast hockey league sched
tile here.
HW mnn -
hears a zugni ox geese overaeaa
he starts! moving around like a
cornered bear. . The Bulldog Is
quite a goose hunter, with for with
out shotgun, and is usually in
command of a large hunting area
in the Klamath-Tule Lake sector
. . . The Bill Mulligan--SOS-
Committee meeting hasn't come off
yet. but is booked for this week.
The outcome? You guess !. . . Add
for they-haven't forgotten -dep't
It was a fine tribute to Bill Bevens,
that dramatized replay of his 1947
World Series incident with Cookie
Lavagetto, which was radioed by
Bill Stern the other night j And the
numerous mention of that game
and our Willie during the 149 series
'casts was on the wanning side
also they'll still be talking about
100 years from now. Has it out
later. Heck no. He'll ibrobably
you enter the appliance! dep't. of
doesn't by any means have the
week anyway) about our pigskin
la we nailed 21 out of ZS college
Might add we had another real
field, however, being right on 5,
to date; is 64 right IS Wrong for
for .310 . . .
of Gate Figures
only 40,600 paid to see the form-
I " !4
; It
up the revenue gained from tele
divvy up. But it's a cinch neither
video rights, which our figures tell
of that territory will tell you their
-Salem win is indeed possible. Cor
their lopsided loss to MllWaukie that
i i;
Reunort of '99Uowa
Team Calls William
Fred Williams, lockl attorney.
Is leaving today for flow a City.
Lv, and the reunion pf the; 1899
University of Iowa football team
of which he was a member. "The
99 team was the last unbeaten
club to be fielded by the uni
versity, j
WillUms wUl Join seven others
out of the original 22 team mem
bers In the fesUviUesj which wUl
Include taking In Saturday's Iowa
Indiana game as honored guests.
(Capitol i AUeVt)
STARR FOODS 1 4 OUnger Ml.
Lenren 491 1 Powell 5031 Arehart SSI
(U Stratum 448. Gannon 477. Brail
Uer SM. Milford 504. MeCluskey MS.
Bidder 537. lAlbrich 4691 Link 485. K.
MUler S14. Jl Miller S12. IgOLDHTS OT
SILVERTON 1 J. Hrr 527. Howell
43. Frank Sot. G. Her M Bentson
ino S77, Pekar 469. Davenport 587.
Kenyon JlS.i King 462. ORVAL'S USED
CARS (1) 4- CrawforOi 556. McClary
526. Oabel 960. Ron 526i Boyc SOS.
miller SI 4. : Stealer sei. Adotph 504.
Hendrie 500 W. ValdeKSSS. WALTON
BROWN 0i Perry $03. Singer 473.
Aldertn 467j Stlke 530. Riches 425.
MASTER BREAD (J) t- Msttson 41S,
Prlem 582. Coomler 590. Powell 550.
Farmer 55. SENATOR RADIO 4k
PHOTO (01 Cady 328. Hara J4I,
Wiltaey 502. Brlggs 487. P. Valdes 444.
HtKh Individual gam- Io Miller Of
Knights of Columbus -4 248.
Hich individual sri4 Jo Miller
Of Knights of Columbu 412.
tugn team gam Starr roods Inc.
fitch team
Morton Creamery
j Football Warfare ta the Wil
lamette Valley and Marion coun
ty B leagues have, after two foil
rounds la the former and three
ta the latter, established the.
men from the Dors , as it were,
and tends the circuits Into more
action next Friday.
la the Class A Willamette Val
ley the two northermost elevens,
Sandy and Estaeada, have a
strangle hold oa first place as a
result of two straight wins. San
dy has yet to be scored upon,
while Estaeada has yielded 14
points. But those two squads are
expected to have considerable
competition for the lead from
both Woodbora and SUvertoa
who last week notched wins af
ter themselves battling to a IX-11
'Gorgeous George' Appears
In Tonight's Main Feature
On Armory Mat With Szasz
The illustrious "Georgeous George," he who has climbed to the
extreme heights in the wrestling world, but who can (and usually does)
start a riot more easily than a strikebreaker, invades the Salem armory
J. M A. . M A A 1 T W4.A . I . A At
lonigni as vop ieaiure ox AoaicnroaKer xuion uwen i weeniy onenng.
v -
A first look at the above picture
might prompt something like,
"Gosh, ain't he party?" But ae
tuaUy the gent Is "Gorgeous
George", the famed (and
strictly a meant e) ramler who
tonight appears at the Salem
armory In the main event match
with AI Ssasx. No, Georgie
wont be attired thasly for his
local excursion.
Vikings Open
Miller Drills
A gang of Salem high Vikings,
enjoying a share of the Big Six
league lead off of two straight
wins. Monday plunged into open
ing drills for Friday night's circuit
mix with the Springfield Millers
at Springfield.
Coach Loren Mort and his boys
are not taking the Millers lightly
even though the Lane county
crew has been less than impressive
so far this season. On their home
lot the Millers are always tough
and they always point for the Sa
lem tilt
The Viks escaped Injury In the
Bend game Friday night other
than for a bruised hip suffered by
Halfback Jimmy Stewart. The
pocket-sized speedster is expected
to be ready Friday night how
Mort and Assistant Hank Juran
spent Monday working the Viks
on fundamentals and pointing out
some of the errors made in the
Bend go. As a whole, Mort is
pleased with the way his club is
coming i along. He particularly
praised the work of Halfbacks
Jim Rock, Vic Schweitz and Burt
Harp and Tackle Frank Parker in
the Bend fray.
Harp, : a sophomore, showed up
exceedingly well in the kicking
department, and Schweitz execu
ted some nice blocking.
Scrimmage Is in store for the
Viks this afternoon.
PULLMAN, Wash., Oct 10-(JP)-The
Washington State college
Cougars worked hard today in
preparation for the Idaho battle
Saturday. Coach Phil Sarboe em
phasized rugged offense and de
fense drills. 1
(VBiTersHy Alleys)
Gregory 219. Slick 207. Jones 22. Ray
Settlemier 966. Mulcahy 311. Craven
416. Plautt 382. Scharfl 351. .
CURLY'S DAIRY (0) Owens 363
Rath 311. Maestretti 317. Vlbbert 303
Carper 843. BROWN S JEWELERS 2)
rurrer 336. Smith 338, Lawrence 249.
ncmae Jicenan u.
WESTERN PAPER 13) Anderson
316. Otto 299, Seamster 281. Fleck 370.
STATESMAN 111 GreSS 308. Kits
miller 337, Cordier 382, White 344. Tal
maage azi. j
TOP HAT (1) Hamilton 454 Che
ney 350. GouM 324. Delaney 315, Welch
304. STOP-LITE Locken 353. Marks
354. MeWain 381. rreOricksoo 344. Kun-
Rath 113. CttrtM 363. Lewis 357. Ben
nett 414, Rodarmel 372, SkaUtt 215.
fove 360, Kufner 347 Longea 330. Set
tlemier 284. Mlchaud 34L
High individual game: Mary K
Ban. Brown's Jewelers. 179.
High Individual series: Chris Ham
ilton. TOD Hat. 458.
.High team series: Stop-Ute Coffee
week before. Weodboxa
oat Mi. Angel IX-IX and
Silverton'i swift-moving Foxes
wtllamzttb vaixet uaccs
is e
M 14
34 13
St u
n is
1 M
8a4y .
SUrertoa .
ML Aagel
swept over Molalla 21-t. Sandy
blanked Dallas 20-0 and Esta
eada toppled Canby 13-7. Chuck
Sherqn's Blue Bulldogs and Murl
Anderson's Foxes are unbeaten
la league play, consequently, and
have only .the tie aa a mark oa
their records.
The perfumed and prissy char
acter, who has packed 'em in all,
over the country and who has Just
finished making a movie in Holly
wood, tanglgs with Affable Al
Szasz, the hustling Hungarian who
has compiled a four-straiirht win
binge locally. That is, FJ Gor
geous will do his tangling after
his grand entrance into the arena,
in which plush carpet valet with
perfume atomizer and other such
pagantry will figure strongly. The
colorful cruncher might even come
In aboard a white charger.
At any rate, when the actual
grappling begins the customers
are sure to see one of the game s
top culprits in action. Georgie
Ian t a cleame, in other words.
Szasz goes about his chores swiftly
and scientifically, and is one of
the more popular gladiators now
operating in the Northwest
Supporting matches, starting at
8:30 p.m., put Pierre (Frenchy)
LaBelle on with Pete Bartu, the
New Mexico nasty, and Buck
Weaver against Maurice LaCha
pelle. Harry Elliott wiU referee.
In keepmg with his policy of
showing the very best available
features here at popular prices,
Matchmaker Owen is not hiking
the admission tariff tonight The
regular fee prevails.
UO's Prepare
For Colorado
EUGENE, Oct 10-ifP-Oregon's
Webfeet back in the win column
after their 21-0 victory over
Washington State, started drilling
today for Saturday's clash with
the University of Colorado Buf
faloes on the Hayward turf Sat
urday afternoon.
The Buffs, members of the Big
Seven conference ' and coached
by Dallas Ward, employe the
single wing type of offense and
Jim Aiken will this week aim his
defensive drills accordingly.
The Ducks came through the
WSC mix in fair shape physicaUy.
Beavers Face
Montana Next
CORVALL1S, Oct- lHP)-Ore-
gon's State's footballers, heart
ened by their surprise 7-3 win
over Washington : last weekend.
plunged into workouts Monday
for Saturday's Bell field collision
with Montana's Grizzlies.
The spirits of Coach Kip Tay
lor's lads were high but Taylor,
cautioned his Beavers not to take
too lightly a Grizzly team which
gave Washington State a rugged
game several weeks ago.
Logger Shoots
BeavA Times
Not Enough
PORTLAND, Oct 10 -UP)- Wil
liam J, Hicks, 41, logger, recounted
today how he shot a bear four
times and still had to run for his
Hicks, hospitalized here with a
minor wound suffered in the af
fray, said a 250-pound bear had
been prowling around his cabin
near the ML Hood community of
So he got his 21 caliber rifle
and winged the bear last night.
The bear just grunted and ambled
off.' Hicks fired again, then set
after bruin. The bear met him,
face to face. Hicks shot twice
more. Then bear swung, cutting
open Hicks' right hand between
thumb and forefinger. Hicks got
out of there fast
His wife and brother brought
him to a hospital here. The bear,
last seen, was ambling back for
the woods.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Tart, Oregon. September,
m (compiled by U.S. Coast and Co
detia Survey, Portland. Oregon).
raetne staaaars Tim
11 .
bich warn
tie a
Tim HL
S3 ajn. 4 f
S OS p-m. X
4 M a m. 4 S
1:41 pjn.. 41
23 ajn. 4-1
pjn. 4 4
4:4 ajn. 41
s p m. sa
1.-48 ajn. 45
S.-4S pjn. S T
8 J7 jn. 4 S
TM sun. S T
IT ajn. S 3 .
34 pjn. ia
J5 pjn. Sa
SUA ajn.
-3a pjn.
Jf ajn.
1421 pjn.
33 ajaw
1133 pjn.
10 JO ajn.
13S ajn.
13:04 pjn.
131 ajn.
134 p.m.
337 ajn.
3:44 pjn.
3:14 ajn.
3:44 pjn.
Next Friday's games, all are
lighters, pat Marv Goodman's
Caaby Cougars at Molalla to face
W L T Frt. FF FA
St. Fan! 3 l.SOS 41 S
Asms Till SIS Ml 31 14
Gervals - IIS .M7 39 14
Cheatawa X 1 .OCT 31 33
MU1 Ctty . 1 11 JOS SO XS
Jcffmoa 1 S J33 M M
S ah Unity X 1 Jf it is
Turner S 3 t , 13 C4
Kar Reifs Indians, a club that
definitely Is better than the two
looses oa Its record indicates;
Ken Jacobsea'a Dallas Dragons
at Estaeada to meet Don Bry
ant's Impressive Rangers; Wood
bora at Sandy la what certain
ly Is a key game, and SUvertoa
at ML Aagel to play Gene Bar
12 The Statesman, Sodom, Oregon, Tuesday, October 11, 1949
A Happy Bunch -- Those Yanks
-' i r- " t L 1
W -
4 !
'f. -
Vs. rtlaw
NEW YORK Manager Casey Stengel and some of his players raise
the roof in the New York Yankee erobhonse after taking the World
Series , from the Brooklyn Dodgers Snnday. Left to right: Gene
Woodling, Phil RlzxBto, Stengel. Joe Page and in the rear. Cliff
Ma pes and Gas Niarhos. (AP Wirephote to The Statesman).
Gopher Head Wants
PCC-Big Ten Bowl
Pact IFaces Threat
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct lO--President James M. Morrill of the
University of Minnesota still is opposed to the Rose Bowl pact between
the Western and Pacific Coast conferences, he said tonight
Minnesota and Illinois were the only two conference members
voting against the pact when it
was instituted four years ago. It
has one more year to run and Dr.
Morrill said he would "do all in my
power to see that it is not renew
ed." The Minnesota prexy repeated
some of his previously voiced ob
jections to the pact whereby the
big ten titlist meets the Wast Coast
champion in ah annual tilt. . He
said: The intersectional contest
puts greatly added pressure on
teams and coaches; the contest has
failed to better relations of the
western colleges m Pacific coast
areas, and it dims big ten prestige
because, prior to the signing of
the pact the conference stood
adamant against post season
Dr. Morrill refused comment on
a report he was seeking to line up
other big ten colleges to vote
against the pact when it comes up
next year for renewal. But it
was reported here Minnesota
might possibly have the support
of Michigan State. Ohio State.
Northwestern and Illinois In the
anti-column when the question
comes to a vote.
Commissioners of both confer
ences, Vic Schmidt or 'the Pacific
Coast and K. L. (Tug) Wilson of
the Big Ten, said there has been
no discussion yet on renewal Of
the pact and that there probably
will not be until after; the National
Collegiate Athletic association
meeting in New York in January;
Duck Pins
Ladies' league results last night
at the Portland, road alleys: Serv-U-Self
Laundry 3, Randle Oil 1;
Hubb' Real Estate 3, 'Master
Bread 1; Dick Meypr Lumber A
Ladd and Bush Bank 0; Memorial
Hospital 4, Highland Market 0.
Memorial Hospital had hffeh team
game and series with 701 and 1942
Charlotte Hughes 170 for Master
Bread was top individual game
and Gertie Carr, Highland Mar
ket hit a 427 for high series.
LOS ANGELES, Oct.' 10 -OfV
UCLA's unbeaten Bruins should
bo in better condition when they
go against Santa Clara Saturday
than they were against Stanford
last week. Coach Henry Sanders
said today. "We played some poor
football and Stanford played some
poor football," Sanders said 1 in
discussing UCLA's 14 to 7 victory
i. at Palo Alto.
rett's Preps, who have lost their
first two only after It looked for
much of the games as If they
were to win.
la the Marion B chase, right
now It's all St PaaL Ned Gea
soa's Bucks have won their first
three and are a game up oa
AumsvUle, Gervals and Cbema
: wa, all Ued for second with 2-1
records. The Saints' record Is
even more impressive when it Is
realised that their three victories
came over the trio Ued for see
: end. The Bucks had trouble top
; ping John Selm's A urns vi Ilea,
; but did It 7-C Chemawa get by
Sublimity by the same count and
Ordie Hoy's Cougars rolled over
; .Turner 2t-t. Don Reed's Jeffer-
t v , v I
w I J
Tieup Junked
Louis to Go
Into Training
Louis disclosed tonight he is going
into training soon for a series of
six to eight "ten round exhibition
matches with 10-ounce gloves."
Normally, exhibitions last but
four rounds and are. staged with
16-ounce gloves.
Louis, appearing in fairly good
shape but carrying a roll of fat
around his midriff, boxed a four
The Last Word
In Modern
Wt havt Just recently put into operation a new heav duty
wrecker. Wo are now equipped to handle any job. We have
an experienced wrecker driver standing by 24 hours a day.
2 -Wreckers
Day and Night!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
510 No. Commercial
PfiotM 3-3175 Day e Night
son Lions bounced Into the win
column last week la another
one-pointer at MiU City, 13-12. :
This week, all Friday after
nooners. St Pan! plays at Mill
City with Burt Burroughs Tim
ber Wolves, BUI Patterson's In- :
dians go to Jefferson, Bob Stew
art's Turners are at AumsvUle
and Father Mai's Subs are at
TL Marlon-Polk league gets
under way with Its' pennant race
this week also, with Stayton
playing at Monmouth (I pjn.),
Salem Academy at Independence
(7:39 pjn), and Philomath at
Sacred Heart (2 pan.), all oa
Friday. ' .
In AP Voting;
Army Next: Michigan
Drops to 7th Place
By John Chandler
NEW YORK. Oct. 10 -(At- Notre
Dame is the top college football
team, the expert decided today
in the second Associated Press
nationwide poll of the season.
But the Fiehting Irish landed
the No. 1 spot by only a slim mar
gin of 30 points over Army, which
oolished off last week's leader
Michigan in a 21-7 upset Satur
dav at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, which received 34
first place votes a week ago. didn't
get a single one this time, but the
sports editors -and soortrarters
still thought enough of the Wol
verines to land them In seventh
Notre Dame, which brushed
aside Purdue Saturday, 35-12. to
remain among the undefeated and
untied, collared 87 first Dlace votes
and a total of 1,489 points.
- Army, which was seventh in the
first poll, was right behind with
1.459 noints. The Cadet got 58
first place ballots, as 172 sports
writers and broadcasters took part
in the poll.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth
teams last week Oklahoma. Tu
lane, Minnesota, and North Caro
lina, remained right in that order
A newcomer to the too 10 i?
Kentucky, which jumped from
15th place to eighth after handing
Georgia a 25-0 shellacking Satur
day. California moved up from
tenth to ninth, trading places with
Southern Methodist, which was
idle last week.
One team was bounced from the
leading 10 Southern California.
The Trojans, whp tied Ohio State.
13-13, fell fromighth to 12th.
On the basis of that tie game
the experts came remarkably close
in balloting on Ohio State and the
Trojans. Ohio State got 208 points
to retain 11th place, where they
were a week ago, and right behind
came Southern California with
181 points. 1
Notre Dame entertains the No.
4 team, Tulane, at South Band, in
the headliner this weekend, i Two
other tilts could decide the Rose
Bowl contestants as Minnesota
(No. 5) plays Ohio State (No. 11)
and California (No. 9) meets
Southern California (No. 12).
-Stan Leonard, Vancouver ace,
fired a one-under par 70 to take
the lead in the $2,000 British Co
lumbia open golf championship
tournament today over Point
Grey's rain - swept course. Ed
(Porky) Oliver, of Seattle, was
next with a 71.
round exhibition with Curtis
Sheppard .here tonight.
Asked if he is planning a come
back, Louis replied:
"I'm not thinking along those
lines now."
lnopk MW.