The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    '.-ST" W.
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Grade School
Nearly Ready
. Staicsnua Newt tcrrlc
. WILLAMINA Construction is
proceeding, rapidly on the new
Willamina. grade chool building
now that glass has become avail
able to the contractor in charge.
Kenneth Ramey, school principal,
said the; school will probably move
into the new building in Novem
ber. - I .
Willamina's Parent-Teachers
association held its first meeting
of the season Tuesday when teach
ers were given special recognition.
Mayor J. A. Newton, spoke briefly
and Dal Johnson sang several so
los. Past president pins were pre
sented to Mrs. A. H. Yoast, Mrs.
Clarence Park and Mrs. .' A.
Installation of the new ' inter
communication system has been
completed at Willamina high
can be
The controls are located in
the principal's office and messages
transmitted to 17 rooms.
n 'if !
Zwemke as magazine!! representa
tive; Mrs. H. Reese as leader in
opening all meetings! and Nancy
Lee will assist with the children's
program. f s I
Special plans were made for the
first public meeting bn the eve-
nlngl of October if when the
teachers reception will be, held.
Mrs. Charles Norton,! membership
chairman, will' start tier drive at
once i: and hostesses for the social
hours of the regular meetings will
be chosen from the list of parents.
Dana Marshall was I present and
of red his services inl plowing and
preparing the school'! grounds for
lawn seeding.
PTA Committees
Named at Swegle;
Reception Planned
luuuui News Sr1c
SWEGLE A special executive
meeting of I the Swegle Parent
Teachers association was held at
the school house Wednesday light.
Several committee chairmen
wire named and plans for the
yearly program were considered.
Mrs. Henry (Martin, program
chairman, will be assisted by Mrs.
John Jansen, Mrs. Howard Lee
and Mrs. Arthur Wiliard. Mrs.
Ray Berenardy will serve as hos
pitality chairman; Mrs. John
Wbodburn High
Announces New
Class Officer List
? f:
WOODBURN 21as officers for
the school year of 1949-50 have
been named at Wobdburn high
school. Results of the flection were
as follows: If-
Seniors Art Nelson, president;
Jack! Wells, vice president; Patri
cia House wear!, secretary; Fri
OrUtonherson, treasurer; and
Eldon Erb, student council repre
sentative. Juniors Charles ?tuud, presi
dent; Howard ZutJinden, vice
president; Alice Bafglien, secre
tary; Burma Gaas, treasurer; Andy
Ricei student council representa
tive; Charles Addictt, sergeant-at-arms.
Sophomores Scott i Odgers, pres
ident; Jim Ballwebeir, Vice presi
dent; Dorothy Rice, secretary; Ar
lene; Schervum, treasurer; Oscar
Larson, sergeant - at - arms; and
Jerry Vielbig, student council
representative. J
Freshman Bob . Vfithers, presi
dent; Delmar Wolf e, vice presi
dent; Colly Cummiitgs, secretary;
Joan Mattson, student council
representative; and Robert Bau
mann, sergeant-at-arms.
re i rn
. ..... .y f? .
Lyons Rebekah
Lodge Opeh
Season's Work!
Stalcsaaaa Neva Serrtea
LYONS Faith Rebekah lodge
met this week with Noble Grand
Frances McCarley and Vice Grand
Blanche Wagner presiding.
The good of the order chairman
gave a quiz on ritual work. Alama
Clmstead, Garnett Bassett and Ver
na West entertained during the
social hour, honoring members
with recent birthdays.
Following lodge, the Three Links
club held a short business meet
ing, electing Beulah Lewis presi
dent; Gertrude ' Weidman, vice
president, and Helen McClurg, secretary-treasurer
Plans were dis
cussed for holding a benefit show
before Christmas. The club decid
ed to hold its meetings following
the regular lodge meeting on the
fourth Wednesday of. each month.
4-H Leaders Plan j
Work at Keizer
statesman News ferric
KEIZER Anthol Riney. Mar
ion county 4-H club agent, met
with a group of 4-H leaders in the
school Tuesday to discuss organ
ization of new clubs in this area.
Present were Mrs. J. C. Mount,
director of youth groups, Mrs
Donald McCue. Mrs. Carl Schid-
ler, Mrs. Wright Noel, Mrs. T. Al
lison, Mrs. LeRoy VanCleave, Mrs.
Donald Wolf, Mrs. Lauren Stett
ler. Mrs. A. Hill, Mrs. Louis May
er. Mrs. David Friesen Mrs. J.
Sutherland and Mrs. B. Renter.
AMITY The city council this
week voted to maintain rural fire
equipment which will be manned
by the Amity fire deoartment.
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Donalcl Women
Attend Session
ftaiesaua News lerrice
DONALD The Marion county
home- extension training meeting
was recently attended by members
of the Donald Club unit Mrs. L.
Whitsctt attended pubUcity; Mrs.
Tom Pramas, Azalea House build
ing program, and Mrs. K i 1 i a n
Smith, Associated Country Wom
en of the World.
The first meeting "Unifying
Home Furnishings' will be at the
home of Mrs. Myrtle Miller on
October 11 at 1:30 pjn.
Swegle Women
Plan Work
Newt Service
SWEGLE Mrs. Lewis Neuman
and Mrs; Helen Enloe were host
esses for the October meeting of
Swegle Woman's club at the Neu
man home Tuesday afternoon.
They were assisted in serving lun
cheon by Mrs. Lou A. Neuman and
Joan Neuman.
Present were Mrs Austin Kyle,
who will be a new member, Mrs.
Ralph He in, Mrs. Clifford Yost,
Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. Charles
A. Salter, Mrs. Albert Patz, Mrs.
E. E. Brandt and two grandchil
dren, Mrs. Ralph Becker, Mrs. Ho
mer J. Conklin, Mrs. William
Hartley and the hostesses.
Mrs. Neuman, president, presid
ed at the business meeting. Plans
were made for a luncheon to be
served at Elf Strom's store Decem
ber 17. The club will assist any
boys organization sponsored by
the PTA.! Mrs. Charles Norton
has been appointed as a member
of the standing committee of the
Marion County Federation of
Woman's clubs. She will speak on
the program at Aurora October 28.
Mayor Frank Chambers presided
at the meeting.
Juniors Elect
New Leaders at
Central Howell
lutnau News Service
tral Howell Farmers union's Jun
iors met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Beutler recently for
an election of officers. Lloyd
Beutler. acted as chairman,
Robert Beutler was elected pres
ident and Donald Bassett secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Leon Flux
and Mrs. Lloyd Beutler are group
leaders. ' I j " " '
Mrs. Evelyn Sainsbury led a
song session and the group dis
cussed the downward trend of
grain prices this year. It was re
vealed that 23 per cent of this
year's hop crop was left on the
vines because j buyers are lacking.
Others attending the meeting
were Eldon Beutler, Mrs. Vera
Bassett, Juanita McDevitt, El
mer Haury; Donald Satter and
Dean Way. . j
Kindergarten Classes
Planned at Lyons
Statesman New Service
LYONS Following a meeting
held at the home of Mrs. John
Prideaux Thursday evening, plans
were made for the starting of
the kindergarten school which
will be held twice a week Wed
nesdays and Fridays at the Twin
Cedars school house. Mrs. Charles
Power will be the instructor, as
sisted by the mothers. The first
class was held Wednesday, Octo
ber 5.
Present at : the Prideaux home
were Mrs. Robert Fetherston, Mrs.
Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Ol in
stead, Mrs.-William Prichard, Mrs.
George Allabery, Mrs. Charles
Power and Mrs. Phelps.
Seattle Woman Honored
At Hubbard Reception
Itatesnuui Mews lerrice
HUBBARD Mrs. Charles Ar
nold, Seattle, was honor guest at
a tea Wednesday at tha home of
her daughter, Mrs; Bert Pratt
The guests were entertained with
a collection of novelties, especial
ly by a group from the Holyland.
Mrs. Arnold left for her home
Present were Mesdames Elsie
Wiegand, Clara Hardesty, Alma
Belknap, Pearl Dentel, Rae Purce
ly. Edna Brandt, Ray Smith, Wil
liam Brackett and Miss Ljzzi Fry.
Thm Stat mem, Salenu Orcott, Sunday. Octobf 9. 1949--3
Lyons Rebekahs Stage
Afternoon Card Social
Statesman Newt Service
LYONS i The , first of a series
of afternoon card parties was
held Wednesday afternoon at the
Rebekah hall with Mrs. Arthur
Olmstead the hostess.
Following the dessert luncheon
several tables of 500 were played
with high score going to Mrs
Orviile Downing, low score to
Mrs. Bob Carleton and Mrs. Cal
vin Trahan receiving the guest
Guests were Mrs. Bob Free,
Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Mrs. George
Huffman, Mrs. Walter Bevier,
Mrs. Albert Bass. Mrs. Pat Lyons,
Mrs. Vern Nydigger, Mrs. Calvin
Trahan. Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Bob
Carleton, Mrs. Orviile Downing
and Mrs. Olmstead.
Lions Auxiliary
Names Officers
Statesman Valley Correspondent
SILVERTON Mrs. Howard Eg
giman has been advanced from
vice-president to president follow
ing the resignation of Mrs. B. B.
Howell, president of the Silverton
Lions auxiliary. Mrs. Howell has
gone to Idaho to make her home.
Mrs. V. V, Runyan, treasurer,
who is also leaving town, resigned
her position and Mrs. Loyall Timm
was elected to fill that vacancy.
Mrs. C. H. Dickerson was pre
sented a past state secretary's pin
at this week's meeting for her ser
vices in that position. Mrs. A. L. V.
Smith, past state president made
the presentation.
Mrs. George Brazier, mohter of
Mrs. Dickerson, was a special
guest and surprised on the occa
sion of her 71st birthday anniversary.
Infant Pioneer Girl
Honored on Birthday
Statesman Newt Service
PIONEER Mrs. Robert Dorn
hecker honored her year-old
daughter, Sylvia Del, with a birth
day party at the Dornhecker home.
Attending were Sylvia's grand
mother, Mrs. Frank Dornhecker,
Mr?. Harold Cooper and Ricky,
Lyons TeachersIIonored
At PTA Reception
Statesman Newt Service
LYONS The Marion-Linn Par
ent - Teachers association honored
local school teachers this week at
a reception in Rebekah halL
John Prideaux presided over the
business meeting in the absence of
Burl Smith. Mrs. Wilson Stevens,
school principal, Introduced the
teaching staff.
A short program of musical num
bers were presented after refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. Arnold Bradeji and Beverly,
Neil Dornhecker, Mrs. Robinson,
Marlene and LiDda.
Zena School Patrons . :
Hold Food Sale I !
i i .
Statesman News lervtee ;
ZENA 'Patrons of Zena school
district held a cooked:' food sale
recently to raise funds;! for school,
recreational activities. i .
Mrs.' Phillip Brandtj Mrs. Har
old Washburn and Mrs. Joe Shep
ard were in charge of the sale. The
school basement has been painted
and will serve as a playroom dur
ing the winter months.
LINCOLN A family dinner
was held Sunday at the Dot Wal
ling home. Dinner guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling,
Wayne, Sally and Jean. Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Walling; Gary and
Sharrol, and the hostess.
Free Book on Arthritis
And Bhennalisn
Excelsior Springs, Mo., Oct. 8
So successful has a f, specialized
system proven for treating rheum
atism and arthritis that an am
azing new book will be sent free, to
any reader of this paper who will
write for it. f
The book explains iwhy drug!
and medicines give only temper-.
ary relief and fail to sfemove the
causes of the trouble; explains
how you may obtain .relief from
the rheumatism and arthritis, j
You incur no obligation in seed
ing for this instructive book. It
may be the means of , saving ) ou
years of untold miserj. For Writ
ing promptly, the Clinic will-send
their newly enlarged book entftled,
"Rheumatism". Address your letter
to The Ball Clinic. Dept. 2612, Ex
celsior Springs, Missouri, but be
sure to write oday. Pd. Adv.'
' n ' : -rr n in n t -n
IPM r ft
i p.
a ; i no
! . !
0 0
(Why Fuss With a Meter?)
' ' TO i
Cooking at
It's Finest!
Check These
Model ER487
Pay Only
12.00 per Mo.
Cost of Wiring from Meter to
Range May Be Included in Payment!
Save $50.00
On This Brand New 210 lb.
R.g. 269.95
WhiU Thy Ut
Separate Fast-rreedn 8ectla!
Tw Wire Storar Baskets!
Cenpaet Take Less Floer Spate! t
Refrigerated! by Kelvina tor's Famoas
neavy-DHty Palarapbere!
Bailt Cempletely by Kelrlnator!
NattaaaUy Papmlar Siae!
Halds XII raands Fraaea Tdl
4-WaU KefrlxeraUaa! ;
W 69.93
SO Day Demonstration Trial I
Nothing Down Monthly Paymont $10
Pay Nothing Down $15 per Mo.
IVi cable feci withl Ike shelf area, plus Z. cable feet . . .
sed by refrierate4 Fralt Freabener . . J all la a refrlferatar
vain no more floor space than a 1 eabie foot model!
Spacleue General Storace Compartment . . .pleat? of shelf
Maaic Shelf oejmstable for bulky food storace!
Larce Crisper Drawer . . . 12 ta. total capacity!
KelTinators excluslTC new Fralt Freshealr . . Moist
Cold preserration!
Cold-Baa Door Trim cleaa. amootti ... bo visibl screw-
heads! . I
Enjoy Amazing Low Operating Cost!
Fowler Water Heater
May be added with
Kelvinator Range for Only
Additional Monthly Payment
Scientific S-way Insulation keeps the
heat IN the water!
Eajey 2t Tears af Service.
A Fowler briars trouble-free service
for many years to come with long:
life "Black Heat" elements, rust-re-sistaat
poreelaia-Uaed tank, and ad
justable economy temperature con
trol. Every standard Fowler FORCE
LINED water heater Is backed by a
21 year prorated warranty.
. R j)
Model ER482
Nothinf Down $19.00 per mo.
and you may Include wirlna
charge ia the payment!
Model ER483
Nothing Down $10.00 per dm.
and you may Include wiring
cost ia the payment!
Model ER483C
Nothing Dowa $10.00 per me
you may include wiring
coat la the payment!
5: (
Streamlined, f It-rvur-kllckea 4algo.'WBii oisa.
PANEL. Top-of-the-ranfe. Eaay te am,
tmmr to roach. Toe) Soodlifthtt appJUuc
xtMt. automatic ca-ttmrf aoiaMta.
Bar. warning Mil.
joj a vraausu a a mm uwkaU jam mm rua . aruvV PKCum
la oTm. 71 mini control lwia om (bo w
tmU UauM tb tull. tWM Off CuMTMt,
a thrtf ry deep well cookrf. I 'o, t' aa wtra
toctric-faat atwfaoo aoit.
uarm naat IMt aof vary.
aaat aortaco aadta ... aeaaaaar
aaoa faat. f.
I yoa
with i
oraaly aiatiibejtaa yoa get parfaet rulto
NQwr219DSr um , I .lS '7'(o)rR I
! J J I W It J I JU CI- I
; i i 1 s y i s y -
! ' . . i I - -
- . . fit .. . : i ; - - : - - i ' . ' ' ' '
Ha aaa, aoc two, mmt taraa kHg. aalae.
9 Orawaral Oalac Staray.. fiagaT-dp
ooOa . i '
Model ER489
Nothing Down f 15.00 per month
and you may Includo wiring
charge la the payments!
: .1
i J
.r Hi'-
i f
-.- f
t . : .
l !
H -f. -
I 4 . V'"VAf.-- 0T T" al -af - tf4