The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    ft i
From Tht Oregon Statesman's Volley Corrtspondtas
Recruiting for
Blood Donors
In Woodburn
Ititwn Hews Servlee
WOODBURN Racruitin of
blood donors from this area for tht
visit of tht American Red Cross
"bloodmobile" on October 21 to the
Woodburn American Legion build
ing is underway. A' quota of at
least 100 donors has been set with
Mrs. Eugene S toller as chairman
of tht drive in the Woodburn area.
Registrations should be made as
soon as possible, states Mrs. Stoi
ler. Cards may be obtained from
the chairman or at the Woodburn
Independent office. Organizations
oooperatinf for the campaign are
the local Woman's club. Junior
Woman's dub, tht American Le
gion and auxiliary, tht Business
and Professional Women's club and
various local churches.
Mrs. Charles Vredenburg is
chairman of the blood donor pro
curement program in the Hubbard
area while Mrs. Pearl Rondeau was
appointed this week to head the
drive in Gervais..
Most people between the ages of
21 and 60 art eligiblt to makt
blood donations. Those between 18
and 21 may sign up with their par
ents' consent The amount of bicod
that is available to Marlon county
hospitals Is equal to the atnount
donated from the area.
Pringle Woman's Club
Appoint Committees
Stateamaa News Service
PRINQLE Several committees
for tht cominf year were appoint
ed in a meeting of the Pringle
Woman club this week.
Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. F. R
Clark and Mrs. Lylt Lorenz wtrt
ehosen to purchase a new electric
range for the club. Mrs, Charles
Klingler, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. El
oise Moyer will serve on the fi
nance committee. In charge of hos
tess books will be Mrs. Elmer Wool
ridge and Mrs. Joe Newhardt.
Eighteen members attended tht
sneetingi Quests were Mesdames
Jack Martin, Vernon Martin, E. A.
Serglund," Warren Higginbotham,
dward Squin, P. V. Bohnstedt and
Joe Newhardt. Secret pals (or the
year were drawn at the conclusion
Of the meeting.
Saleni Heights Room
Mothers Plan Party
IHtiMii News Snrl .
Seine was hostess to officers and
room mothers of Salem Heights
Mothers club Thursday.
' Plans for the teachers reception
were made. Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren
was named as chairman, and Mrs.
John Rentage assistant. The date
for reception win be October If
in tht school library, b j
The Harvest festival will take
place at tht school November 4.
Present were Mesdames Fred
Cords, Roy i McElroy, Lyle ZobeL
John Ramage, Herbert Marggi, E.
L. Whltacre, Leon rrahm, Kenneth
Zwicker, George Bean and Ralph
NohlgTen. I j
Bethel Farmers
Union Elects
New Officers
: ; ; ; H - '
tatesamaa News ferries
BETHEL At the monthly meet
ing of Bethel local of the Fanners
Union Roy E. Marchand was re
elected president; A. L. Schulz, vice
president; Mrs. Charles Sapping
field, ' secretary-treasurer; J. R.
Carruthers, chaplain: George
Bahnsen, conductor; Paul Pertich,
doorkeeper; Gus Schlicker, J, K.
Neufeldt, A. C Spranger, txecu
five committee. Committee chair
men will be appointed later.
There was group singing, com
mittet reports and discussion on
legislative matters and fanning
methods. Mrs. George Hain and
Mrs. Spranger were in charge of
serving. j;
Ladies Society
Holds Meeting,
Middle Grove
SUUunaa News Service
Bartruff was hostess: Wednesday
to the Ladies Aid society of the
First Evangelical United Brethren
church of Salem. A covered dish
luncheon was followed by a busi
ness meeting. Club officers are
Mrs. Tom Ross, president; Mrs.
Robert Seegar, secretary, and Mrs.
William Paul, treasurer. Fourteen
were present. .
Robert Bartruff returned this
week; from the Silver lake area
with a small buck deer shot by
John VanLaanen, who will remain,
in the area until the end of the
week. Another Middle Grove re-,
sident bringing home a deer from
the same area was Cleo Keppen-ger.
Sid Togs Popidar Feature of Miller Revue
Mist Bernlet Isham and Miss Gwea Grey pictured la tht ski tegs they medelei at Miller's annnal fall
fashion rent Thursday night at the Salem High scbeel odJtertvna. Thirty-one models took pert la
the snow, which featured five groups of autnmn fashions with musical Bombers. More then U0 per
sons attended tht colorful event (McEwan photo.)
Woman's Club
Convention Set
At Liberty
gutassaaa News Service
LIBERTY The Liberty Wo
man's club met Thursday for a
get - acquainted dessert luncheon
and tea at the Liberty lunchroom.
Mrs. Wayne Blaco was in charge
and Mrs. W. J. Hall decorated the
tables. Mrs. Don Griffith and Mrs.
Roland Seeger, past presidents,
poured. There were S2, with Mrs.
Wilbert Kurth presiding.
Delegates appointed to attend
the county federation meeting Oc
tober 28 at 'Aurora are Mrs. C W.
Stacey and Mrs. Roland Seeger,
past presidents, Mrs. Harrv Knep
per, Mrs. Wilbert Kurth, Mrs. Le
titia Clark, Mrs. Lester Clark and
Mrs. John Dasch.
Mrs. Roland Seeger reported on
the card committee and Mrs. Paul
Wishart for Ah tick committee.
Mrs. C. W. Stacey reported for the
child welfare and told about the
new cottage at tht Children's
Farm home In Corvallis. It will be
dedicated on Sunday it I p. bl,
and the dedication services art
open to the public.
Honored guests were Prmttpal
and Mrs. Marion Miller, vioe
principal and Mrs. Louis Bartlett.
and Mrs, tilery Parrish, wife of
tht pastor of tht Liberty Christian
Church of Christ. Mrs. Mary Lov
ett, Mrs. Florence Whelan, Mrs.
Agnes Palmer and Mrs. Robert
Hammond wert also introduced
Liherty School prownit
Troop Holds Meeting
ataUsmaa Nssrs sffvise
LIBERTY The Liberty
Brownie troop 112 met Tuesday in
the school lunchroom. Each mem
ber brought a small plant to form
a terranumium. Cheryl Faye Fries,
and Eileen Beck were the hostes
ses for the meeting. y.
Brownies present ifi Were Joan
Lustoff, Carolyn Griffis, Donna
Stringer, Deanna SchendeL Helen
Bonofogski, Marlyn Clark, Patri
cia Whelan, Arlene Rybloom, Joan
Wirth, Doris Rybloom, Marilyn
Kncpper, Sharon Robertson, Betty
Knepper. Cheryl Faye Fries. Joyce
Clark, Eileen Beck and Patricia
Mrs. Arthur Wirth, Brownie
leader, and Mrs. Charles Rybloom,
assistant, art in chargt i of tht
- ' ': I
Brush College Home
Extension Unit to Meet1
Statesman News Service
College home extension unit of
Polk county will hold tht! first of
a series of meetings planned for
adult education. Thursday', Octo
ber IS, at 1:30 p.m. at the homo
of Mrs. Frank Rivet.
The subject. Tips on Tailoring,"'
will be presented by loaders, Mrs.
Oliver Sargent and Mrs. R. F.
Garinger. Those attending are ask
ed to bring thread, noodle,! thimble
and a piece of material approxi
mately tight by 14 inches.
LIBERTY Red Bills grange will
meet Tuesday, October 11, at f
p.m., for a covered-dish dinner at
the Grange hall on Liberty road.
There will bo a business meeting
at 8 pm. Lewis Judson will preside
at the meeting. !
.1- m ' ii: ' 1 " .1.
Middle Grove
Mothers' Club
Opens Season
Statesman News Service
Grove Mothers club held its first
meeting of tht ytar Wednesday at
the school with A9 mothers at
tending. Also present were super
vising school principal, Mrs. Mabel
Drorbaugh, Cord til a Griffin,
teacher, and Principal C. D. Irving.
The first - second grade room
received an award for having the
most parents present
Tht club discussed plans for Its
rummage salt November 11 and 12
over Oroenbaum's store in Sa
lem. Rummage should be dellv
ered it the school basement Octo
ber 28. Regular meetings of tht
club will be held the first Wednes
day of each month at 2 p. m.
Refreshments were servtd by
president, Mrs. Jot Slimak, and
secretary, Mrs. Krnest Crum. Mrs
Lewis Patterson is treasurer.
Prune Harvest Ends In
Orchard Heights Area
Stateeauut Sfews Serrlee
prune harvest was completed this
week on the Simmons and Adams
farms, the last to close down their
dryers for the season. The crop
was, tht largest In several years.
Jack Rodgers, Frank Captain
and Doug Captain returned this
week from a hunting trip In east
ern Oregon, each with his deer.
New Hearing Device
Has No Rctivor
Button In Ear
Chicago, 111. Desfened people
are hailing a new device that gives
them clear hearing without ma
ing them wear a receiver button
in the tar. They now enjoy songs.
sermons, friendly companionship
and business success with no self
conscious feeling that people are
looking at any button hanging on
their ear. With the new Invisible
Phantomold you may free yourself
not only from deafness, but from
even the appearance of deafness,
The makers of Beltone Dept. 40,
1430 W. 19th St., Chicago 8, 111
are so proud of their achievement
they will gladly send you their
free brochure (in plain wrapper)
and explain how you can test this
amazing invisible device In tht
privacy of your own home with
out risking a penny. Write Bel
tone today. Advertisement.
by Mrs. Louis Kurth who won a
gift for inviting the most outside
Tht November meeting will be
held at the homo of Mrs, Lester
Clark. The club will hold a plant
shower for Mrs. Wayne Blaco, who
is Duiiaing a new home.
Height Boy Seouta troop' II wta
hold a court of honor Tuesday.
October 11, at tht Community bal)
at pjn. This meeting Isropen ii
the public and the parents of th
scouts art especially Invited: to at
tend, f i -i
W Mm (mm tfto
sskiT aow
, i '
It's vr To you. By starting a g o-to
tolltgt aavlngt account tor Eyour.
youngster and adding to it regular,
ly, needed funds art tasily accumu
lattd. Htrt your cntirt account;
tarns better-than-average retuma
safely. You dtcldt how much and
how ofttn to savt. Start nowj
Regular earnings paid ond ttsapovndtd twjst yearly
e An account to suit every purpose ond need
e Pwndt fully protected ... reody o use when wanted
l.lLrViii I.I
4 V t i
ore than 120,000 Oregon men,
women and children have,prepaid O.P.S.
medical and hospital protection through
i .
membership; in your doctor-sponsored
" I '
plan . . . Why don't you join them? There is
a choice of plans, and a choice of doctors
and hospitals. The cost is reasonable.
1214 S.W.6th, Portion'
455 Ferry St., Solm
Mtdford Bids., Mtdford
I if i i - ...).
-J - . r
"f ssssasaasfc -M, - &
-- A
i -
ONLY on make of car in all the land
can giv you th sweet vn easy
luxury of Dynaflow Driveand that
But look how much territory that takes
in how many different-sized budgets
can now afford the only drive) with
neither a clutch pedal nor gears that
"You can have Dynaflow as optional
equipment on the tidy, sparkling, new
Buick Special, with its truffic-handy
size, stepped-up roominess, and bold
new front-end treatment.
You can have it, again as optional equip
ment, on the neat and nimble Super,
with its sleek lines, 110 or 120 horse
power Fireball power plant, and triple
Ventiports. j .
And of course Dynaflow is standard
equipment on that best buy among fine
cars, the magnificent Roadmaster.
. i
faaxw UOJOMAtTtKmlm mm mm m Wt f I mU UtCUimmUm,
There it combines, with matchless ride,
the stirring lift of 150 Fireball! horse
power and truly regal size and bearing.
So look at the Special, the Super and
Roadmaster, three Buicks that match
almost any price range you have in mind
and remember that all of them offer
the added enjoyment of Dynaflow Drive.
On every one it is tne same silky, sweet
handling delight. On every one it cuts
driving effort to the minimum, takes
YOU Kir TO Off ATM Vau
tension out of traffic, brings you' to tht
end of day-long drives with turprising
freshness and relaxation. . j
Sooner or later we predict that youTt
join the army of car owners who
wouldn't think of passing up what Dyns
flow has to offer. f
, jt .j
Why be among the late-comers? You
Buick dealer will be tickled to show you
how quickly and how easily you oaq
have Dynaflow to enjoy-riA now I,
ewjr ewcee)
BUtCn alone has alt thef feature f
nrVIW SACf tirritiOM sWSs 0 Q mmVtm mmm,wm Mu COH
iMr rstssuu srsjuoMTMMr rows wu.mmm vaivs unsts (oy s w
pmj$ M.foiflD mwm mctMtmnt
i turn mm SAflfT-
tmm mtm
HJUXMAUmKmmm mmd L't rmm e SOOT ST
SWvrf m SCMOMAJTEf, ejrione e mm tmH e SUr m4 9K3H.
amj. wvjf-rmm-AVL
TkuntUy mm TelmUmm
tmm Si fSSMRT i. TAMO, ABC Ntet, mif Mwea, eawbisa
.Tfstsfss hotter mmtnUm
hmUi mi'iCK mrUI kmlld
SSI N. Comnwrcisl St.