The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    jt-Ttf fte-y gc Progyy trAr, PcHbef f.
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Choose Your Color In Mutation Mink
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Three of the most popular mink mutation or pictured above In three, unusual Jacket
designs. Left to rl7hV Mandarin Jacket in SUverblu with cardigan neckline and slim bell
sleeves; center a tunburtt Jacket in Royal Pastel with, calyx shawl collar and tapering
sleeve and at the right a dolman, peUerin in natural white mutation mink.
: Music Teachers j
To Open Season
Salem branch, Oregon Mmk;
Teachers association will hold its
first fall meeting Monday night at
the home -of the president, Lois
Plummer Schmidt, 410 S. 24th
street, at 7:45 o'clock. The asso
ciation is composed 'of accredited,
teachers of music, who have met
requirements of the Oregon state
board of education for certifica
tion as qualified teachers. Any
persons desiring membership Is
asked to , call Charles Hargrave
for information. f
Officers of the association this
year are Mrs. Schmidt, president;
Vlrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson,
vice-president; Raymond Ctrl,
secretary; and Charles Hsrgrave,
Assisting hostesses will be Mrs.
Mickelson and Mrs. 1. Donald
Jessbp. Several new members
will be welcomed at the meeting
and reports from the state conven
tion in Portland will be given."
Members having interesting ex
perience or trips during the sum
mer will give short talks.
Circle Meetings '
On Wednesday
Circle meetings of the First
Methodist church will meet Wed
fiesday. October IX, at the follow
tag places.
Circle 1. Mrs. Preston Dough
ton. assisted by Mrs. X. B. James,
llJlfN. 14th at., at 1:15 p. xm.
Circle t. Fellowship room,
ahurch. Mrs. Alma Shipley, host
ess, assisted by Mrs. Julius Plneu
and Mrs. 'Harold King, at 1:11 p.
Circle t,i Mrs.. O. W. Immons,
assisted by Mrs. Frank Bennett.
Mrs. Bess Stevenson, 1730 Court
ct., at 1:15 p. m.
Circle 4,. Mrs. H. L. Marsters,
ssisted by Mrs. Theodore Ulak
o. 1738 Court St., at 1:15 p. m.
Circle I, Mrs. Edna Waterman,
Misted i by Miss Florence Cun
ningham and Miss Kste Voice, 483
N. Cottace st.. at 1:15 p. m.
Circle 8, Mrs. Paul Acton, .280
Hansen avenue, at 1:1$ p. m.
Circle 7, will meet' on Monday,
October 10. at the home of Mrs
Austin Davis, assisted by Mrs. G.
A. Love and Mrs. Gharles Dodd,
123 Park Lane at 8 p. m.
Rotana Club to
Hear Dr. Beal
Mrs. Lyle Rains will entertain
Rotana club at herf home. 1580
Jefferson street, Monday evening
at 8 d. m. for the regular meeting.
Miss Zelme King la assistant host
ess. Mrs. Rain will be leaving
soon to make her- home in Port
Dr. Paul BeeL professor of ro
mance languages at Willamette
university, who has just returned
from s year's study in Paris, will
apeak on Trance As It Is Today"
and will give highlights of his trip.
- i
friends and relatives ' surprised
Mrs. LUlie Cwynn with birth
day party at her home Monday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wyani and Mr. and Mrs.
James Cooper of Springfield; Mr.
nd Mrs. Allen Purvine and Mrs.
George Porvine of Parker; and
Mrs. W. B. Kann. Mrs. Belle
Kerns, Mrs. Richard Alderson,
Mrs. E. F. Black, Mrs. Frank Fish
er and Mrs. Carrie Smiley, of In
dependence. The finance commit
tee of Adah chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, are. planning to hold
an apron and candy sale Novem
ber 12.
-A- Fireplace Material
Lath A Plaster Materiel
it Insulation Material
Fiber, Glass ft XeleJite
if Metal Windows
it Oarage Doers
i J
Bleek A Sepply Cm.
Mrs. iIcKay Hom
Mrs. 1 Douglas McKay, wife of
Governor McKay, will resume her
weekly at homes on Tuesday aft
ernoon at the McKay.; residence
on Jerris avenue. All p interested
townspeople are Invited to call
during the afternoon, jl
Luncheon Opens
Club Activities
pendence Woman's club opened
its fall actiities with a luncheon
Tuesday. Hostesses were Mrs.
Erma Cooper, Mrs. Etta Welch,
Mrs. Dwlght Hoag, Mn. I. R.
Grantham, Mrs. James Hart and
Mrs. Margaret Prather. Bemlce A.
Batchelder, a first gride super
visor in the local schools, gave a
talk on her experiencee while
serving at the Minidoka relocation
center: during the wary
Delegates elected to !attend the
annual convention of ii the third
district Woman's clubs at Port
land Friday were Mrs.; Ivan Mar
ble, Mrs, Ralph Evans. Mrs. M. J.
Buller, Mrs. Walter Smith, and
Mrs. M. M. Nalaoa. ji .
Comes North for Rites
- . . ii
Miss Jans Walsh, daughter of
Mrs. Raymond Walsh, who la now
living In San Francisco, twill 'ar
rive in Eujene Tuesday; for a short
visit. She has come north to be
bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss
Mary Katerine Wilbelm, and
Thomas Edward Brubeck on
Thursday, October 11 at St Mary's
Catholic church at 10 o'clock In
the morning. Miss Wllhelm, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Mathlas Wilbelm of Eugene, has
been a lifelong friend of Miss
Walsh and the girls spent the sum
mer fat New York three years ago.
Mrs. Raymond Walsh will go to
Eugene for the wedding. Miss
Walah will return to Salem with
her another for the weekend, re
turning to San Francisco on Octo
ber 11 ii r-
Salem Memorial bospfUl aaxfl-
iary will meet Monday? at the cha
pel at one o'clock with a special
board meeting preceding at 12:45
p. m. The chairman is Mrs. Thad
More land with Mrs. Frank Jirak,
Mrs. George Hewitt, Mrs. A. J.
Becker and Mrs. Rlehard Upjohn
assisting. j;
Governor and Mrs. Denglas Mc
Kay will be in Portland Monday
night to attend the horse show at
the Pacific International Live
stock Exposition.
Strains to Be at
Home Today
The Rev", and Mrs. Dudley Strain
will be hosts for an open house
this afternoon at the church par
sonage, 1593 Jefferson street, be
tween 8 and 5 o clock. All mem
bars of the. First Christian church
and friends are invited to attend.
Girls of the Phi Zeta Christo,
college youth group, will assist in
showing guests through the house.
Pouring during the afternoon
will be Mrs. A. J. Flint, Mrs. Wal
ter Noff, Mrs. Glenn Utterback
and Mrs. Beulah Buckingham.
Gaiety Hill, at Smiths
Mrs. Walter Smith will enter
tain the Gaiety Hill Garden club
at a one o'clock luncheon on Mon
day afternoon at . her Mission
street home. New officers of the
group will take over at the meet
ing and include Mrs. Ronald Jones,
president; and Mrs. J. N. Bishop,
Just ' returned from the national
PXO convention in Chicago, will
give highlights of the convention
at the meeting of her chapter, BQ,
Monday night at the Saginaw
street horn of Mrs. Ralph E. Pur
vme at 7:48 o'clock. Mrs. Lillian
Ekblad willl be the assisting hos
tess. Jeb's Daoghters Mothers elmb
will meet for a 12 o'clock lunch
eon on Wednesday at the Masonic
temple. Mrs. George Hewitt heads
the directorate and assisting are
Mrs. James BarrelL Mrs. Herry
B Johnson, Mrs. James Mott, Mrs.
Ruth ' Herndon and Mrs. L. H.
A film en surer will be shewn
at the Salore elub of the YWCA
at Its meeting Monday night at
the YW at t o'clock. The picture
shows the history of silver and
how it Is made. Mrs. Katharine
B. Hughes will be present to give
the introduction and answer ques
tions. Miss Lavonne Schuessler,
president of the club, la inviting
all Interested persons to attend
the meeting.
Associated Press Fashion Editor
Time was when a mink could
not change hi stripes, and all
mink coats were brown.
Today the color range in mink
rivals the rainbow, and lady
may choose from a dozen muta
tions tiie tone most flattering to
her skin, eyes and hair. 1
If she a a honey blonde, there's
a Royal Pastel mink mutation
in a tawny blonde shade which
will look aa If It were grown for
her. If the has gray hair, she I
may find flattery in some of the
Sllverbiu tones. If she's a bru
nette, she may choose a ranch
mink as dark as her own tresses.
Newest and rarest of the mink
mutations is Aleutian Blue, which
has a bluish taupe east with a
darker stripe.
Among the most dramatic is
Royal Kobinobr, n white pink
with a black Up, used mostly for
trimmings. .
Then there is Blue frost, which
is a dark, almost black mink,
with a white tip, resembling the
effect of silver fox.
A favorite with blondes is
Breath of Spring Royal Pastel, a
beige mink with white sides, or
Breath of Spring SUverblu, which
is pale gray and white.
Mink breeders say the world's
finest mink is Labrador wild
mink, slightly lighter to tone than
the dark ranch mink, with a
bluish tinge.
The reddish toned mink that
Grandmother used to wear is
frowned on by top dealers these
days. They say it is an inferior
grade, and an unflattering color.
But wild eastern Canadian mink
is accorded a gold star for ex
cellence. A one o'clock no-host luncheon
will precede the meeting of the
Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church Tuesday afternoon at
the parish house. September and
October birthdays will be obser
ved. Mrs. W. C. Gabriel is the
chairman and assisting are Mrs.
J. W. Burr, Mrs. E. E. Boring and
Mrs. R. E. Meredith. Plans will be
made for the annual rummage
A new elaea ft textile paiaiiag
will be started at the YWCA on
Thursday, October IS, at 7:30 p.
m. The course will run for six
consecutive weeks and each ses
sion will be for two hours. AH in
terested persons are asked to call
the YWCA for further information.
Extension Unit
Talbot . homo extension unit met
Tuesday at the borne of Mrs. Wil
ms Eagle. A, sack lunch was served
at noon, Mrs. Carter, state demon
strator, explained window treat
ment. Miss Boeracher, county ag
ent, was also present.
Members attending were the
Hesdames Robert Sears, Al Nu-
som, Walter Franz, Oakley Coch
ran, Glenn Edwards, Frank Gil-
motnv Elmo Brown, J. O. Tarr,
Rex' Hartley, William Wiederkehr,
Jack Craig, Albert Davidson and
Mrs. Eagle. Assisting hostesses
were Mrs. Franz and Mrs. Coch
ran. Next meeting of the unit will
be oa November 1 at the home of
Mrs. Elmo Brown, with Eleanor
Trindle, county agent, speaking
on "Unifying Home Furnishings.'
Attending a recent officers
training, for homo extension units
at Salem YWCA were Mrs. Wttma
Eagle, chairman; Mrs. Oakley
Cochran, vice chairman; Mrs. Hat
tie McCarty," secretary, and Mrs.
Walter Franz, treasurer, from the
Sidney-Talbot unit. Mrs. Ernest
Freeman, Azalea house chairman,
attended a chairman's meeting In
Salem. Mrs. Elmo Brown attended
as publicity chairman from Sidney-Talbot.
it lam v nocturne. . .
October nights ... glorious! Smokt from burning
leavtt . . frost at your chtsk. And tht social twirl
of gay parties. Parties where dancing meorts yoir two
waltzing fttt may deny you ... unless, perhaps,
you've gone RIGHT TO RAEMAR for tht supreme in
footwear by 9
The October path leads right
to RAEMAR . . . then on to
Aa economictJ mdiridual
package of this dainty ad
lasting fragrance.
cocot cat wan w
tit cpertt sex'
If your attorney Suggested you pay him $10.00 and he
would guaTantoe that you would not be called upon to
pay a personal liability htdgment during the course of the
next year, would you accept? We think you would. A
$10.00 bm wisely invested in a COMPREHENSIVE PER
AMERICA AGENCY will make that guarantee up to
K .11. Hi! m . CHirr
si 9
ITS It. Chisrch
Phono 3-SllS
OiScet tax Salem, Coos Bay. Myrtle Point Gold Beach
Customet Parking at our New Location.
' "
Here's e snodent miracle. Now et lest, you can enjoy the slunsning. trimming
etrle thru! of a high .waist girdle without the annoying discomfort of poking,
pinching bones or stars. Remember these exclusive features!
O Tewr mfm mtm lift" High WmUt Girdtm ttmym mp (ctthout mtmr front er fcedtt
O Mmgim JweeSe dm tfce trtekcmm't wrimkU emn't rott orer emn't bind. .
O CmmtrtU in comfort gmmrmn imi hmmlthfut, Imsting tupport.
O Flmtttmm yomr tummy aHwmm ymmr mmiat trim yomr hlpm oUminmtM fmiat&fm "rotT,
O Smpmhly afybe? with tfyUm KimUU Sidmm mmd Smtin Leases Peacel. i
' f
O JTear U dmUr mmh ft nlgktfy thm Mmgie In la in front mnd bmek pmmoU eUeS
SW Ke of tho mmrmmnU
be fitted in a fashionable
Follow the lead of smart women everywh
Termailft' High Waist Girdle today, and enjoy the comfort and beauty you
want. In White. Sizes 25 to 32.
lleie mj the ssekers ef Tetswlift"
rlaMrka 's favorite Bra vitlj
Uu jo down"
GT9 f)
ejJItWI ej I Wl e-V a w
Reasonably prised
$10.0O in our
Comet Department
M r
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