tlTh Cl(rtttman Seism, Oregon, Saturday; October t. 1843 The Bible Story IGRE ATIO N . - - ssttksrtM In th ttarknee is ( . If i- to ts first f a acrlM f stadia frasa the OM k-i-w . til W - ....tiJ ah lataruw U Tit llllcaui. w k iiik Prm. Tba text is eaaieas frsea th Kin jmm rats, with lctkma HnilM Hartj. Texas Mwspaper rtrmittat, are else fres M . . - ( ' beginning God created the heaven and the earth; and was unon the face of the deep.; !l i a. a clLa mmA T tw hat TIrht- and thrs was liarht. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it divide the watert from the wateri: and it was so. And God said, Let the waters under we heaven be fathered together unto one place, end let the dry land appear: and It was so. And God said. Let the earth brinf forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit, upon lhe earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the 4ay, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God! set them In the firament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. And God created every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, and every i winged fowl. And God made the beast of the earth, and cattle, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth: and God saw that it was good. . And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our; like ness and let them have dominion over all the earth. So God created man in his own image; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dom inion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the :air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. !; ; And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very god. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus ihe heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them! And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: be cause that In It he had rested from all hi work which God creat ed and made. (Copyright. INS. Oxford Ualvsrsitr rr, l . j I im'H iwf wr ,n mil SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time x : aUeercles: FM: 1m , i K8LM 130. KOCO 14M. KOIN f7t, KGW 2. KEX 110 Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW loo.a; iniy hovk! 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN SOW KEX 09:00 Church of Alt Radio Pulpit B. Box JUvua 00:11 00:30 IMuaic 'Church of Air yiadio Pulpit .B. Box Revue I- ! Church of Air IMuaic i Music Tim 100:45 I Lutheran Ch. i- Church of Air I Music I Music Tim 0 KSLM KOC KOIN KGW rirst BapUst Uvtr Boyi 4wsmakers done tevival Hour First Baptist Newt ' -Howard Smith I Serenade Revival Hour I Phophecy I Fellowship ' I Tabernacle I Home Church Revival Hour I Prophecy Fellowship I Tabernacle I Home Church I Revival Hour ActorsNamed For Students' BiblicalPlay Reliction of Salem persons who wiu portray several roies in me Biblical drama, me ugnt jLier nad," here Wednesday night was announced Triftav br Anne Cor- tneu, casting cliairman. ana wrs. Mabel Asmundsen, director. The nlav. for which rehearsals are under way, will be presented at the senior nigh scnool oy wes 1t iellowshin of Willamette uni versity to benefit we lnterna- tinnal Oiriirtian univenitT be in 2 foimd(bat Tokvo. Japan. Actors are university ana man scuuuti students and business people. Joseph will be portrayed by James Purdy, youth director at First Methodist church. Among Joseph' brothers are Charles Dodd as Reuben. Steve Anderson as Judah, Franklin Ward as Sim eon, James Kuhn as Levi ana Richard Scott as Benjamin.' Ktarns Cushinff. 1r. has the role of Moses, which Frank Lock- man has been cast as tne grand father, who carries the first and last scenes of the nlav and acts as announcer. He is supported by Gilbert Jones ana Adeline wuson as a modern father and mother. Children's parts are taken by Don Bunse and Sharon Cushing. The Pharaoh of Joseph's day in Egypt will be portrayed by Edward Taggart. Others In the court scenes include Don Bennett and Rex Lindemood, guards; Mar tha and Marilyn BrooKS, court girls; Jim Osborn, chief steward Dallas Church Programs Set For Activity DALLAS, Oct. 7 The Rev. George L. Edstrom will be the song leader in the Dallas cityf wide evangelistic campaign, to be conducted by Paul Rood from Ocr tober 18 to 30. A tenor soloist, Edstrom has had many years of work with youth movements, including Youth for Christ. Mr. and M. P. H. Quiring have receiveed a (cablegram from their daughter, Mary, that she will ar rive in San Crancisco, October 15, on the'SS General Gordon. Miss Quiring, a missionary in China since 1946, was driven from her mission field jvhen the com munists overran it in the spring. During her first stay In China she was interned by the Japanese and later released to return home on the Gripsholm. J., ' Dr. Roy A. Fedjef Salem district superintendent of the Methodist church, will deliver the sermon at fthe Methodist church Sunday morning. Following the service will be a fellowship covered dish dinner and the first quarterly con ference of the church. . Dr. Robert Sandllands; physi cian and surgeon of the Presby terian hospital in Elat, West Af rica, will be guest speaker at the morning service of the Presbyter ian church Sunday. He will speak about the problems of the Chris tian work in Africa. Dr. Sandi lands is supported partly by the gifts of the local church. Mrs. Sandilands was formerly Marie Neufeldt of Dallas. Dallas Churches Cast inReligious Play ! .-ji-'Jiny it.'f y x7 Vk - . J y . " ' ... ... '.. ' . 4 f ' J - ' ' ' " '" ' ' - ,v'' a '- V ' K. V AW-:- Guests to Give -1 .: ' : '. - - : i I " ' ' ? I ' I I ' ? f I 1 ; . . J ' . i - -. J.I, - ' - - Z . - " , ' ; The roles ef the three wise men ef the Bible are to be enacted by Willamette vnlverslty staff members in the play, "The Light Eter nal presented Wednesday at 8:30 ia, sponsored by Wesley fel lowshlp of the Bnlverslty. The religious play has an all-local cast. The wise men above are (left to right) Prof. R. B. Hill, Registrar ' Harold B. Jory and Dr. Daniel H. Schnue. (Statesman photo.) u I emD Churches 9 KSLM EOCO EOIM SOW mix Bible Class Ehapel ol Alt earning News outhernaires Bible Class Clark Dennis Learning To Veto. ISouthernalres Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hr. Ave Maria I Ave Maria Guest Stars News To Be Advised To Be Advised Prophecy I Prophecy 10 KSLM News , 'Hawaiian I KOCO Wlldwd Church, Organ Loft I KOIN People's Plat. People's Plat. KOW Organ Organ KBX News I Highways News Sacred Heart Bandstand Round Table Vespers I World Series Wayne King I Bandstand j Round Table I Vespers 11 KSLM Werld Series KOCO fun. Service KOtN Choraliers KOW Univ. Theatre KBX V. Undlahr World Series Sun. Service j Choraliers Univ. Theatre: Frank-Ernest . World Series World Series I Sun. Service !3un. Service Gallery Gossip News I Univ. Theatre I Univ. Theatre Piano Play. I Piano Play. 12 KSLM World Series KOCO Str- Serenade KOIN Symphony kow Mr. rum KEX News (World Series World Series I World Series I Str. serenade 1 l united nauons Guy ixmDrao Symphony I Symphony (Symphony News I Quiz Kids I Quit Kids Foreign ; I Hour of Faith Hour of Faith 1 KSLM World Series World Series I Private Eye Private Eye KOCO' Woraa-Muslo JWords-Musie Daydreams Daydreams KOIM fymphony I Symphony ; I My Serenade News KOW i United Nations United Nations 'Voice St Event Voice Mt Even! KSX Wk s World I Week's World 1 Israel I Israel 2 KSLM EOCO KOIN KOW KEX Shadow Music Jtoom Muite Playhouse . Melody I Shadow Music Room Music (Playhouse (Song Sales. (Mysteries ' Showcase . Symphonette I Star Harvest I Greatest Story Mysteries Showcase Svmphonette Star Harvest Greatest Story 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gregory Hood Serenade ramlly Hour Music of Mas. ralk of Songs Gregory Hood Serenade Family Hour ,: Music of Mas. Talk of Songs Nick Carter I Nick Carter Sun. Music Sun. Music Bos. Blackie ' Bos. Blackie HoUywood CaU Hollywood Call Mr. President IMr. President 4 5 KSLM News , I Music : I Top This KOCO Don Stewart Don Stewart I Don Stewart KOIN Jaek Benny (Jack Benny I Amos 'N Andy KGW HoUywood Call HoUywooA Call. Harris-Fa ye KEX Live Vole lUve Vol&s ;. Chary.. World Music Don Stewart Amos 'N Andy Harris-Faye Music KSLM Music tor You IMusie for You t Music N KOCO Ministerial !Ed Arnold ISalem College Salem College KOIN Bergen Ac Me. I eren Si Me. I Roc icy Jordan I Rocky Jordan KGW Sam Spade ' (Sam Spade 'Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild KEX Stop Music (Stop Music , IStop Music' I Stop Music 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX lee. Mission pave Dennis Ceruas Arch. Theatre Guild Wine hell Sec. Mission ' Dave Dennis Corliss Arch.' Theatre Guild Lou Parsons : Fam. Theatre News Horace Heldt 'Album Music ! Life. Chance 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN EGW HEX Medical High. Sun. Salon Contented Take-Leave It 3. Fidler - 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KBX - i O Questions tfazarenc ! kliss Rrooks i m Family rearaoo Newt i Sun. Salon ' iContented I Take-Leave It (Ted Malone ' JRoy Rogers Nazarene I Wh littler lArmen Show i Guest SUr I fam. Theatre (Inside Story (Horace Heidt ! Album Music :Llfe. Chance IJtoy Rogers I Nacarene IWhistler ! Armen Show I Chapel ISO Questions: I Nazarene "iMiss Brooks f ne Family Headlines .WlncheU I Frank DeVol 'Bergen & Mc I Symphony IWiacheU it. Parsons i Frank De Vol Bergen St Mc. I Symphony llntermeazo 9 EILM KOCO KOIN KOW News Sua. Reverie Red Skelton Symphony Fam. Closeup (Editorial ; I Sun. Keverie; (Red Sketton I Symphony (Fam. Closeup Music 1 Sun. Reverie Jack Benny Dance Orch. Orchestra I News Sun. Reverie I Jack Benny I Dance Orch. (Orchestra ll KOCO Sun. Reverie Sun. Reverie. Sua. Reverie Sun. Reverie 111 KOIN J Star Final Night Editor Music; Music I 1 W KGW News Mary Mercer Catholic Hour 1 Catholic Hour ' I EEX Reporter Sokolsky , Orchestra Orchestra 1 1 1 koco I- t I I KOIN Serenade Chlcagoans i Prelude to Mid. Prelude to Mid. I I BOW pews Wax Museum, Wis Museum (Wax Museum I KEX Pearson Nocturne i Nocturne i Nocturne aA if KSLM .. ) - j KEX Jttra Kour Xtra Soar j Ixtra Hour Xtrn Hour UPOSTOUC FAITH Church and Court Sunday school S:30 a. m Services 11 a. m 7:S0 p. m. Sunday. 1p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. BAPTIST First Washington st Sunday school 1:43 s. m Services II a m.. 7:30 p. m Sun da v 7 ZO d m. Thursday. CATHOLIC St. Philip's W Washington st. Masses S:1S a iq second and fj'.inh Sundays. 10:11 a m first, third and fifth Sundays. CHRISTIAN First Jefferson and Clay Sunday school t:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7 JO p m. Sunday " CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY AIXIANCE Shelton and Mill. Sunday school S 43 a. m. Services 11 m, 7:45 p. m. Sun day. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 410 Mill Sunday school S:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. S p. nv. first and third Wednesdays CHURCH OF CHRIST Levens and M11L Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, S:S0 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD lOlt Ash. Sunday school t:4 a. a. Services 11 a. m 7 JO p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Basement of city library. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service 7 p. m. Sunday. EPISCOPALSL Taemu Cherry St. Sunday school IS and 11 a. m. Services 11 aw m. Sunday. EVANGELICAL MENNONITE BRETHREN Howe St Sunday school 33 SJti. Services 11 a.m 7:43 p.m. Sunday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and M11L Sunday school S:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7:9 pjn. un day. FRRB METHODIST 224 Mill. Sunday school S:S a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7:43 p tn. Sunday. MENNONITE Grace ' 207 Jefferson. Sunday school It a. m Service 11 a- m. Sunday, LUTHERAN Trinity ! 210 Washinaton Sunday school a tn. Services 11 a nv Sunday. 1 ASSEMBLY OF GOD Birch and Stump Sunday School 1:41 a ra Services 11 a. m 7:45 p. m. Bun- aav i 3 o m weanesaay, i MENNONITE BEETHEEN . Washington and Hayter. . tumday school S:4S a. m. Services 1S4S a. aow 7 .Aa p. m. Sunday. METHODIST First afaUTnear Main. Sunday school a. m. aerac) u a. s&. 1 mm p. i Sunday. - j PRESBYTTJUAN First Court and Levana. Sunday school tS a. as. Servlee U a. an. Sunday. SEVENTH DAY ADYENTIS i Washlngtosi and Jefferson, Sabbath school $a$ a. an, Esrvkto U a. as, Sat- SILVERTON, Oct. 7 Rev. P. W. Eriksen of Salem will be guest speaker Sunday at 11 o'clock at Calvary Lutheran church. The Quarterly business meeting of the congregation will be Tuesday night. . Business and Professional Worn en's club members will be guests at Trinity church Sunday morn ing when the Rev. R. G. Hovland of Salem will speak. Mrs. Donald Burch, director, has arranged spe cial choir music. Dorcas society will serve fellowship dinner im mediately following the morning sermon. Word was received Friday that the Rev. Laverne Hanson,. Orton ville, Minn., has rejected a call to the partorate of Trinity church. Another call will be issued from the quarterly congregational busi ness meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. for a successor to the. Rev, M. J. K. Fuhr, who moved to Washing ton in September. The Rev. S. L. Almlie will speak at Immanuel church Sunday at 11 o'clock. The morning service is to be followed by a congrega tion dinner sponsored by the Women's Missionary federation. Almlie will attend the Oregon cir cuit of Lutheran churches at Cen tral Lutheran church in Eugene Monday and Tuesday. The church council will meet Tuesday at the H. N. Omhalt home; Bethany cir cle Wednesday afternoon in the fireside room with Mrs. Nels Nel son and Mrs. C. H. Baxter as host .esses; Mizpah circle Tuesday with Mrs. Geor ge Walker and Mrs. Marie Thorkildson as hostesses. "Lawful but not Expedient" is the subject of the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates for Sunday morn ing at First Christian church. At 7:30 the choir, under the leader ship of Mrs. P. T. Plpyhart will give a musical program with Mrs. Clyde E. Williamson, Albany, as guest artist. Homecoming Set For October 16 by United Brethren The ; annual Rally day and Homecoming will be celebrated at First United Brethren church, 1145 Mission st, Sunday, Octo ber 16. Few people here were here when this church was built and dedicated in 1890, but it is hoped that all those who are still living, in Salem, as well as those whonave attended since that time, will come to the rally. The puouc is invited. Regular services will follow Sunday school at 10 a.m. and at noon a basket dinner followed by baptismal services' at 2:30 p-m.. conducted by the Rev. Noel W. Bowman, conference superintend ent, and evening services at 7:30. Revival meetings will be held every evening the following week, with the Rev. O. E. Marsters of Myrtle Point assisting the pas tor, Lloyd L. Rice. (Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. unless otherwise noted.) ASSEMBLY OF COD Evangelistic Temple pars: ana Mar ket. 11 a.m.. 7:43 p.m. Sunday. i:a p.m. Thursday. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a. nu T:43 p. nv Sunday. BAPTIST Bethel Cottage and D. 11 a m. 7:30 p. m. Sunday Calvary-Liberty and Miller. 11 a m. TJO p. m. Sunday. 7:30 p m. Wednesday. rirst Liberty and Marion. 11 a m. S p.m Sunday. I'M p.m. Wednesday Inunaaael (GAXB) nazal at Acaae- my. 11 a. 7 aw p. m. sunuij. p m. Wednesday. Bible reuewsnip asemonat ncwpiiaj shape 1. 11 a. m. Sunday. CATHOLIC L Joseph's Cottage and Chemeke- ta. Masses i:S0. I. I. 10. 11 a. m. Sun day. Devotions 7 -30 p. m. Sunday and Tuesday. St Vincent ae Paul Myrtle and Co lumbia Masses 7 M. 9. 10 .30 a. m. Sun day. Confessions 4:30-3:30. MJ a, m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN Cenrt Street 17th and Court 10 SO a m..i s p m sunaay rirst Center and High. 10 JO a. m., 1:30 o. m Sunday. S:00 p. m. Wednes day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 3th and Gaines. 11 a. m... 7:30 p m. Sunday. 7 30 p m Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCISNCE rirst Chemeketa and Liberty Sunday school II a. m. Service 11 a. m . 8 p. m. Sundav. 8 p. m. Wednesday. Reading room. 148 S. High. CHURCH Or CHRIST ratral Cottace and Chemeketa. 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Or LATTER DA SAINTS Sth and Madison. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 1120 a.m., 8 30 p.m Sunday CONGREGATIONAL rtrst Cottage and Marlon. Church school 10 a m Saturday 9 45 a m. Sunday. Services 10 a m. Sunday. Knight Memorial 19th and Terry. 11 a m. Sunday. EPISCOPAL SL Paul's Church and Chemeketa. Sunday school 9-30 a. m. Services 7:30. 9:43. 11 a ra Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND RErORMED Bethany Marion and Capitol. Sun dav school 10 a. m Services 11 a m 7:45 p. m. Sunday. 7:44 p. m. Wednes day. EVANGELICAL CN1TED BRETHREN Enslewoed 17th and Nebraska. 11 a. m, 730 p m. Sunday. rirst Marlon and Summer. 11 a. m.. s.m. Sunday. 7 30 p.m. Wednesday. rUENDS Highland Avenue Church and High land. 11 a. m, 7:30 p. m Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday Booth Salesa Commercial and Wash ington. 11 a. m 7 30 p m. Sunday. 8 p m Wednesday ERIE MLTHOD1ST Winter and Market 11 a. T30 p. nv Sunday. 7 30 p. nv. Wednesday. IXIX GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL, Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty. Sun day school 10 ajm. Services 11 s.m.. 7:43 p.m. Sunday. 8 p.m Tuesday and Priday Charck et Cod 940 S. S2n4. Sunday school 10 a. m Services 11 a. m, 8 p. m Sunday. I D. m. Wednesday and rridsy. ralth Geepei Tssermacle 1309 N. Sth. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a m, 8pm Sunday. p. nv. Thurs day and Saturday roarsaaare 490 N. 19th 11am. 7:43 p. m Sunday. 7 45 p m. Thursday. - Jesus Naass) reateeostai 1173 Lcwia. Sunday school 10 a. m Services 11 a. m. 7:45 o m. Sunday. 730 p. m. Wednesday; Catted Pentecostal 443 Perry. 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Sunday, 730 p. m. Wednesday. INSTIrTTE Or RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 460 N'Cottage. 1030 and 11 a.m. Sun day. JEWISH Tesaple Beta Shelom Madison and Broadway. Church school Ham. Services I p. m Friday. LUTHERAN Central (American Conference) Capitol and Gaines. 11 am. Sunday, p "m. Wednesday. Christ -(American Church) State and !8th. 8-4S and 11 s.m Sundsy. St John's (Missouri Synod) 16th and A services 9 and 11 a. m. Sunday. Sunday school 10 a. m. St Mark EvaageUral (United) -343 N. Church. 11 a. m. Sunday. METHODIST rirst Church and State. 8 50 and 11 a. m. Sunday. 730 p. m. Thursday. Jasoa Lee Memorial Winter and Jefferson. 11 a. m 730 p. m. Sunday. LetUe Commercial and Myers. 11 s.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 730 p.m. Thursday. NAZARENE n rat Center and 13th. 10:50 a. m.. 7:30 p. m. Sunday. 730 p. m. Wednesday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 a. 7:30 p. m. Sun day. 730 p. m. Wednesday. PRESBYTERIAN first Chemeketa and Winter. 43 and 11 a. m. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER OAT SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa Sunday school 10 s. m Services 11 a m 730 p. tn. Sunday. 'v SALVATION ARMY 241 State. Sundav M-hool 10 a. m. Ser vices 11 a m.. 7:30 p m Sunday. 730 p. tn. Thursday snd Satui jiy. SEVENTH DAT ADVK.NTUT Johnson Memorial -Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school 9 30 s m. Services 11 a. m. Saturday SPIRITUALIST First 248 N. Commercial 7 30 p.m. Sunday. TRUYH CENTER and Library 262N Cottage 2 p m. Monday and Wednesday, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday. UNITED BRETHREN Ptrst (Old Constitution) Ii45 Mission. Son day school 10 a m. Services 11 a. m, 7:30 p. m. Sunday. 730 p. m. Wednes day. . HESLEYAN METHODIST 13th and Mill. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a m- 730 p m. Sundsy. SilvertonChurches Baptists Plan Extra Giving For Missions Good Samaritan day will be observed in First Baptist church Sunday at a time of annual sacri fice for the cause of . missions when an "above and beyond' of fering will be given. All will go to the Conservative Baptist For eign Mission society, with 168 mis sionaries and appointees in nine areas of the world. Sunday will be highlighted by the preaching of the Rev. Alfred Danielson, western representative of the Mission society, at both morning and evening services. Other -special meetings of the week will include: A missionary speaker, Mrs. Ralph Gorsline of Brazil, at the yoyng people's meeting at 6:15 pjn. Sunday. Talk and airbrush illustrations Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. prayer meeting by Marlow Magnus of Astoria. At 9 pjn. Wednesday church re ception for the Rev. Victor Loucks, new pastor at Four Cor ners Baptist church, and Mrs. Loucks. T Suburban Churches BPW Club Attends Sunday Services Business and Professional Wom an's club of Salem will worship at Jason Lee Methodist church Sunday at 11 a.m. The pastor, Dr. Louis C. Kirby, will speak on "Religion in the Life of the Business Woman. Airs, uien Humiston will sing "The Ninety and Nine." At evening worship a duet will be sung by Mrs. Mildred Yunker and Robert Klempel. NOTICE Special Meeting Sunday, 3 p.m. Salem Heights Community Hall Special Music OM Tlm Gospel Preaching Iveryone come and bring j yevr friomU ' ASSEMBLY OF GOO Yront st. Sunday school 8:45 a m. Services 11 ajn 7, I pjn. Sunday, I pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. CATHOLIC St. Paul's Pine and Grant Masses 8. Id a. m. Sunday. 830 a m. weekday!, 730 a, m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN rtrst Park and 1st. Sunday school 8:4J a m. Services 11 a. m., 7 30 p. m. Sun day. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE " too N. 2nd. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 7:45 p. m. Sunday. 7 :4J p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' 3rd and Lewis. Sunday school 18 a. m. Services 11 a. tn. Sunday. CHCRCH Or GOD 2nd and A. Sunday school IB s. m. Services 11 a. a p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Wednesday. CHURCH Or JEICS CHRHl OF LDI Knlshia of Prthlaa hall. J3a and services a p. m. Wednesday. LUTHERAN Calvary 210 Jersey. Sunday school Walcher New Pastor At Stayton Assembly STAYTON, Oct. 7 The Rev. P, C. Walcher has arrived from Yak ima, Wash., to be pastor of the Assembly of God church here. He and Mrs. Walcher have one daughter, Peggy Anne. 13. Services include Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., Sunday services at 11 ajn. and 8 pjnM young people at 7 p.m., week-day services at 8 pjn. Tuesday and Friday, AN KENT COMMUNITY Ankeny achoolhouse. Llberty-Buena Vista road. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m 8 p. m. AUMSVILLE BETHEL BAPTIST AumrvUle Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a. m, 8 p. m. Sunday. 7:4 p m. Wednesday. AUMSVILLE WESLEY AN Aumsville. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:4J p. m. Sunday BROOKS ASSEMBLY Or GOD One-half block south of Brooks school. Sunday school t:4S a m. Services 11 a. m, 7:41 p m. Sunday. 7:43 p. m. Thursday. CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL. UNITED BRETHREN Wheatland Terry rd. Sunday school 11 a. m. Services 10 a. m. SOnday. EOLA COMMUNITY Eola. Sunday school 8:43 a m. Ser vices 11 a m. Sunday. rOUR CORNERS BAPTIST State and Elma. Sunday school 8:43 a. m. Services 11 a 7:30 p. m. Sun day. 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. FRUITLAND EVANGELICAL. IINITFn BRETHREN 5 miles east of Salem. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. H ALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST HavesviUe. one mile north of V9E undemass. Sunday school 8:43 a.m. Services 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 7 JO p.m. Thursday. KEIZER CHURCH OF CHRIST 1030 Dearborn. Sundav school 10 a m. Services 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Sundsy; 8 p.m. Wednesday. KEIZER COMMUNITY Elizabeth and Churchdale, Sunday scnooi :a a. in. iicKmi 7:45 p. m. Sunday. 730 p. m. Wednea- day. LABISH CENTER COMMUNITY (Evangelical United Brethren) 3 miles east or urooKs. sunaay school 10 a m. Service 11 a. m Sun day. LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIST Liberty church. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH Or GOD 975 Vista ave. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. ru S p. m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMUNITY ' Macleay school. Sunday scnooi ig a.m. MARION TRIENDS Marlon. Sunday school 10 a. m. avir vices 11 a. nv, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. MIDDLE GROVE COMMUNITY Middle Grove school. Sunday school 10 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North Howell. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m, pjn. Sunday. 8 pm. Wednesday. PRATUM IMMANUEL MENNONITB Pratiun. Sundav school S :S0 a. nx. Services 11 a. m. 7:48 p. m. Sunday. PRATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday school It a. m. Bar- vices 11 a. m. Sunday. PRINGLI FRIENDS Baxter rd. west of BSE. Sunday school 10 a m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. COUNTRY CHURCH Or SALEM Roberta school. Sunday school l:s a m. Services 11 a m 7 JO p. m. Sunday. ROSED ALB FRIENDS Rosedale. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Liberty and Madrona. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. SWEGLR COMMUNITY SweKle school. Sunday school 11 m. Services 11 a. m. TALBOT COMMUNITY Talbot. Sundav school 10 a. m. ser vices 11 ajn. 8 p.m. Sunday, I p.m Wednesday. KINGWOOD BIBLE ' 1123 Elm st West Salem.. Sunday school 8:4S a. m. Servtcee 10:43 a. m 7:30 p. m. Sunday, 7 JO p. m, Wednes day. WEST SALEM METHODIST Ird and Gerth. Sundav school V:4S a m. Services 11 a. m- Sunday. ZENA COMMUNITY Zena. Sunday school 11 L a II a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday, t p. m. Thursday. Inunaaael N. Church st. Sunday school io a. m. Service nam. Sunday Trinity 2nd and A. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a m. Sunday. METHODIST Main and Flake. Sunday school 1:43 a. m. services 11 a. m. Sunday. Maronam Sllverton-Marquam high way. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 943 S. ater st. Sunday school 8:45 a, m.' services 11 a. m. 7 jo p. m. sun- day. 7 jo p. m. Wednesday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTTST Park and 2nd. Sabbath school 1:41 a. m. Services Ham. Saturday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Invites you To Hear Dr. Harold J. Fickttt ii Ceatarille, Pennsylvania 1 TWO GREAT I SERVICES f 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. " s 9-.45-Kibki Classes for afl afles . 60-BapHst Youth NHowshlp Tne) church whh a warm and frlncfly hMrt' Church Briefs FILM FOt TOUNQ PEOPLE 3 The sound film, C3iooslng, Rather." will be presented by Harold Johnson - at 6:30 1 o'clock" Sunday eveninf at Bethel Bap tist church to the, two young peo-. pie's groups of the church. The film presents the Christian wit , ness and musical talent ,of four young people. The public iMn vited. i, LOSIE AT ATJMSYILTJC f AUMSVILLE The Rev. Charles Losie. treasurer :t of thai . Conservative Baptist association, will speak at Bethel j Baptist . church here Sunday at 7:30 in we aosence oi tne Key. ran t errin, regular pastor. MEN TO HEAE BERRY The Men's club of First Con gregational church Will i have t dinner Wednesday at 8:30 pm, in the church. President ; Kenneth Toreson announced thel speaker as Edwin C Berry, executive sec retary of Portland's Urban league on Oregon's new fair ' employ ment practices act, for which he) is a special consultant PRESBYTERIAN MEN MEET "Ben Hazen. Portland hndnMt man and civic leader, will speak ai tne first meeting of the Pres byterian Men's club Tuesday at ff:30 cm. In the church. Officer led by Paul Bale, president, have planned several novelty . features for the winter's program. Dinner will be served bv women of tha church. . ij VIX GUEST SPEAKER FRUITLAND The Rev. Henry Vix wiO be ruest srMaktr at Fruitland Evangelical United Bre- mren cnurcn Sunday at 11 a.m. A fellowship dinner will follow the service. j ? GOSPEL TEAM CONDUCTS SALEM HEIGHTS !A gospel team from Salem First Baptist church is conducting the 11 a.m. service each Sunday at Commun ity church. This Sunday com munion will be served. ( FORUM STARTS SUNDAY i John W. Berry, professor of sociology at Pacific university, Is to be the main speaker Sunday at 8 p.m. at First Congregational church for the first of six public forums sponsored by the Young Adult group. Subject of the first meeting will be "The j! Christian Appraises His Task." Additional Churches en page f. 9:43 ajn. Sonday School lf:50 ajn. Rev. Howard W. Sweeten :15 pjn. Young People's 7:30 pjn. Evangelist Howard Sweeten This service broadcast over Station KOCO; 1490 Key. Hear Prof. Gilbert Rushford Sing! First Church of The Ilazarene Center at 13th Sta. Orrilla W. JerJdns, Pastor "The Singing Church" Open Bible Standard Church j Henry's Hall I Cor. 12th and Leslie Dr. ; Sunday School 10 a.m. : Mom. Worship 11 EvangoUstic Ser. 7:45 pjn. Good Music Gospel Preaching Everyone Welcome Rev. A. C. Grimes, Pastor , Worship makes us more Appreciative of human r Values 9:43 A.M. Church School 9:43 and 11:00 A.M. Identical Church Services "The Trickster Sermon by the Minister ! 6:30 P.M. Junior High Group 6:30 P.M. High School . Fellowship! FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, , Assistant Pastor Evangelistic Temple Assembly oi Ckd Market St. and Park Ave. Nunes Revival Meetings Continue with much f f ' Blessing SUNDAY OCTOBER g 9:45 AJ. Sunday School RALLY DAY Special Music. 10-y oar-old Bobby Nunes Slnas ! 11:00 Why Increase Church Attendance? Sermon by thej Pastor 6:30 Youth Groups 7:45 Evafagelistid Nunes Speaks I' "Sinister..Shadow..of Coming International Events" Also services each Night at 7:45 except Monj; & Sat Radio Program 5:30 P.M. Saturday KSLM .f Rev. Walter S. Frederick. Pastor I . FIRST IIETHODIST CIIURCH Down Town The Tall White Spire I Tuo lorning Services 1 8:50 and lltOO cun. Church School Dally Day-9:4Sa.m.i lermoa by he pastor Brooks H. Moore 7 araay.