1 1 i f Tli Statesman. Balam. Ofgon. Friday. Octobe 7, ItH THE VALLEY NEWS COLWANS From Tha Oragon Statesman's YoBa CocrepoicWnrs Civic Group Plans Meeting At Clear Lake lUUflui Staws Serrica CLEAR LAKE The Clear Lake Community club will hold its first .nr,- ha tMinn Fridar. Oc- umuu ; . ' tober 7.i Refreshments will be served following a short emer Uinment program. The annual Rally day and har- t,nm. Mtkrin of the Clear VV9fc.ftAW.uw w - - Lake Methodist church will be held Sunday, October . a d ' kit dinner will be served at noon during the all-day session. . ..kl. "i.U!V.i,aVi Rnh Miller and Wilbur Browning returned Sunoay xrora a duuiuii w-v. Willi . . Mrs. Nettie Kirsh r Dallas Is eonvalesclnc from an Illness at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luthern Chapin. i ' . Varan- Knranion. .Oenoa. Neb, is visiting at the home of s her son and daughter - In - law. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Sorenson. the has also been a guest at the home or her oaugnier, wn. iw Rir in Keizer. Mr. and Mrs. Reese HaU have nrv th hlrth of a erand- ehild. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lindseir are tne-parenis. - I Lunch Program Started at Amity Grade School SUtMmta Nwi SrrU AMITY A hot lunch oro gram was started at Amity grade school Monday with Mrs. Earl " Tallman and Mrs. Fred Buck la eharge Of the kitchen. A total of 261 pupils now en . rolled will be served under the . program. The U. S. government delivered II boxes of pears on the opening day of the program. These were sent to. a McMlnnville can .. nery to be prepared for use dur ing the jwinter. Bible ! Gasseg Planned In Ke-lzer District Albany Hardware Store (Purchased lUUtau Nwt lervtce ALBANY After 28 years In the hardware business in Albany, Roscoe Ames has sold the Ames Hardware ; store to W. S. McNab of 'Detroit, Mich, and is retiring from business. , Ames came to Albany from Sil verton in 1922 and bought the Hulbert - Ballack hardware store. In 1926 he bought the! Barker hardware, and a year: later con solidated the two stores, moving the stock ' from the former store to the Barker building where it has been continued since, McNab for 15 years was an of ficial with General Motors in De troit This will be his first ex perience in the hardware business. is- SPECIAL ' SERVICE! PLANNED SILVERTON The Rev. Ho mer Williams of I Portland will speak at i four special meetings, Thursday through Sunday, at the Pilgrim Holiness enurcn, sz s. Water st, reports David E. Olson, local pastor. The meetings start at 7:30 each night and there will be special services for the young people maay night. Dallas Rose Expert Returris From Utah Stauaaaaa News ttrrlee DALLAS Dr. Earl W. Ben bow returned Monday from Salt Lake City, Utah, where he at tended the annual meeting of the American Rose Society at the Utah hotel- The Utah Rose society, was host to the 280 registered delegates from all parts of the. nation with Oregon, Washington and Califor nia being weU represented. Dr. Arthur H. Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grayson all of Eu gene and Benbow. who was a member of the nominating com mittee, represented Oregon. Utah has many beautiful rose gardens especially the municipal rose garden of Salt Lake City, Dr. Benbow stated. A rose show was held at the capital building for the visitors. The new officers for the en suing year will be: Dr. William L. Ayers, Dean of school of science, Purdue, LaFayette, Ind president, C. Eugene Pfister, Mundeling, 111, vice-president; Dr. Roy Allen, secretary-treasurer. The Tri-cily Rose society of Davenport, Iowa, will be host to the American Rose society in June, 19S0 and the Seattle Rose society will be the host In 1951- Nine Ole Miss seniors are in line for their fourth football. let- ten this season. IMUmm Ntwi StrvUe KEIZZR Mrs. Paul Oeil was hostess at a Wednesday luncheon for Keizer residents interested in neighborhood Bible classes.- Myrna Stove, city director of child evangelism, was1 a guest. Plans were made to hold classes in homes throughout the district. Class will probably begin Octo ber 12.1- Present were Mrs. " Walter Woodcock, Mrs. Charles Ronk, Mrs.: Giustav Krempel. Mrs. Ed gar Sawyer, Mrs. Frank Hughes, and Mrs. Lee Wiens. - I jjwW-- r' I (rrfi"'iWir.vrrqt!ii:V "IP - . , :q exam jj ii i mmm am BCSTSfLLCft AT CKOCERft EVEJtYWHCJtC iia-r Oreniite dfem? to o 'A 11 We could simply claim like others d that SW is the best yoa can buy. But we prefer to let our Fine Foods speak for themselves Everyday, in stores throughout the landemahe this simple tesc We Invite thegxoccr to select other brands any brands from his shelves. : Then together we open each can and compare its quality with SW. For more than 50 years, grocers who have made this actual store lest have judged S W best, rrery riaiB. $ for Yooraalf Try any SaV Fine Food fruits, vegctablfs, juictft oven-baked beam and brown bread, or delicious SaW mellow'd coffee. We ese confideot you will agree that S aW is in a class by itself. Sy quality is so much better . ill tMaaBSsasssssssssssaMSasMSSSssssssasjaasa" " ' ' mi - - I FINEST QUALITY l l Yes EniCKSOII'S has something lo crow about in the high quality foods and noney-saving prices found here. Yon, ico, will like both onr high quality and low prices. Shop EBICK SOII'S today and everyday and teenre fall benelil ol the savings and qnaliiy. PBICES EFFECTIVE? thhough SUIIDAY WEB IE .v Quart Swift'a Jewai Jar 0 Pure Vegetable Shortonliia Idnner'a .. oc pkg. Pint lb. 3 pkg. 7 0 Batty Crockar. Party eake mix or Devil a Cake, Mix. . reg. pkg. GBfiQDLaiED Sifll? 10c Coupon in Each Package WaPflLRB BE3B0SSED IWIW Peeta .Jge. pkg. lbs. 3Le 0 Zee 124 ft. ron 0 Zm Pkg. of 80 ,; STEAXS Grade A and Commercial Sirloin . . Ih. 49c Bound ... 1. lb; 65c I-Bone . . . . lb. 55c Swiss ...... lb 52c VARIETY MEATS Cool weather appafitoa ; oak tor mora Vllrrmlna. Hera'a the Answer. Baby Beef Liver j 55? Beef or Calf Hearts 29c Beef Tongues or Pork Hearts 35 FRESH FISH Oysiers uz. 59c Sliced Salmon bright color & ire sh, lb. 55 HAII Armour's butt-cuts lb. 59 c Swift'a- shank cuts lb. 49 V7EIIIERS 2:7Lt 3 t $100 All moat U. 8. Inspected Juicy Tender SAUSAGE Bulk country style . 35c LlilG COD FISH No. can CAiniED SHAD cans 25 Sflrer Lake no. Vi cans cans EconomlcaL makes delicious fish loaf CAIIIIED SHRIIIPS 29 Dewey No. $V os. can GRAPE JUICE Island Bell Quart bottle .. 25 PIIIEAPPLE JUICE Del Monte f f No. 211 can A TOMATO JUICE 23 SWEET APPLE CIDER Tree Top Gallon Jug SPRY SHORTENING Vi-gaLug39e 3 ib. 790 Swift's Premium 48 os. can KRAFT MAYONNAISE ' Pint )ar - 350 Quart Jar 63 1 Grapefruit Ariaona .. Dozen 350 Swoet and Juicy Fresh Tomatoes Firm red Tub 150 3 ib. 250 Tokay Grapes roToble and Salads 1 pkg. 190 Cranberries Tha finaal orown Danish Squash bg 3 u 100 Polalges 50 . 890 m&m Tuna Fish 23 Dae lifht and dark meat Tuxedo Gratad No. Vi can 2St Smoked Nelson P" ssssm sm r yi can w w Oysiers Crab Ileal 49 Fancy Alaska VIOLET Canned Salmon c 25 HARPOON lib. A Pink Salmon Jul 41 Burger I os. cans ...... Dannison's No. 1 tall can Tuna Fish Bumble Baa, Light Meat. Solid Pack OTFt No. V, can O Lowast pries yet Chili Con Carno 21 cans s29 25 Weiners 0,,7 39 Pig's Fee! 29 SMITH'S CANNED S Spaghetti 3 c'28 FRANCO AMERICAN 1 Spaghelii 2 25 cms TOMATO U.ICHW Lee. Settle v I SI 121112 f omalo Sonp reg. saonsii-.. ' : J J : I A 1ULLT I 1 ay Flnsat Hard Wheat S,!l$1.C3 lSS8Sc I Nestles Inslanl Cocoa 1 v Uib. lib. ArJ con can: w?le IkmsGi fZfa&.fc I flESTIis SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE T0U HOUSE! COOKIES! rkss,' 350 '"V t : it r,' STANDBY Fancy Pomplrin 15 SEASIDE Lima Beans ?-TL 33 MERB2MAC CAJ D.e. Foncr-No. r JWCC1 JTCCU COTTAGE BRAND 3 cans Larga No. 2V4 can AUUiCUUCd 2 cans Shoe Siring PcSaloes Bis Bell New SVs can 33 33 Pilled Cherries RTnTFTFV f Bad. Sour No. 2 cans . DEL MONTE Whole unpeeled No.-2V Jar . KITCHEN PARADE Crushed 9e Apricoli 29 25 Pineapple No. 2 can Chunks No. 2can Peaches No. lVt can STAB DEE 2 cans iSc i . . .. u S089 Portland Road 3729 E. State SL V- ' Ml