The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 05, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    t The Mtm, 8oW Oreqoaa, day, October S. ItXI
vfff n fa
ii. C . K
SALEM HEIGHTS--Thl,ditrlf 1949 Cornmunityj Cheat drive was set in fmotioa Tues
day when women of the community gathered ert the horn of Mrs. Edward A. Carletod, 110
W. Ewaki air: Attending . th kkkoff party, from lft lit back row, ar Mesdamei L S. Bayn.
WUlard W. Day, Frd Cord. Rollin Bakr, TL L Zwl4kr, Gorg Beane. E F.Carleton.
Paul Harvy. Jr., and Edward Carletom fated in front from th left, Mesdames Harold Ba
con, T4d Ron, C. B. Matlock, Dl Ramsdell and Carl Harris. (Statesman photo).
Spinsters Add Twelve Npw
Members to Their Roster
txr of Kappa Kappa Gamma
. 4 Br Jmtkm w-r"-i. v
ttaUMMa Sectoty Kdttor
Twalra new membara hare been added to the roateif of the
SpinaUrs, philanthropic orfanlxation, according to announcement
made by the president. Miss Betty Jean Manolea.
Aa a majority of the firla are away at college they will not
; be offieiaUy welcomed at a meetinf until the holidays, but those
la Salem will attend their first meeting on Monday nlfhjt, ucto-
ber 10 at the home oX Mrs. Carl O.
Collins on Market atreet with Miss
tether Blard and Mrs. James H.
Nicholson, Jr, aseistlnf.
The new member? and a thumb
all sketch of each are as follows:
MlM CherletU Alexaader, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Alex
ander, a Junior at the University
ef Oregon 'and a member of Gam
ana Phi Beta.
Miss Beverly Briggs. daughter of
- lln. Myrtle Briggs of Long Beach,
Calif., a graduate of Willamette
university end a Pi Beta Phi. She
la now employed at the Marion
eounty welfare commiiaion;-
MUa Naatey Bnrea, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott . Buren, a
senior at Oregon State college, and
member of Pi Beta Phi.
MJu MarUaae Beneateele, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bone
tteele, Is a Junior at Oregon State
college and a Kappa Kappa Gam
ma. She attended summer aeaaion
at the Umlveriliy of KawaiL -
Miaa felly Aan Barr, daughter of
v Mr. and Mra. Lester Barr, attend
ed the University of Oregon. She
remained la Eugene until this fall
and la now In Salem at the home
ef her parenta.
MIk Jeaaae Fltamaatice, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. ritz
maurice, a Junior at the University
St Oregon ana a memDer or Kappa
lappa Gamma.
Miss Susanna Hug sins, daughter
ef Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hug gins,
Junior at the University of Ore
gon and a PL Beta Phi. She also
attended the University of Hawaii
summer session.
Miss Virginia Hasten, daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Huston,
currently traveling In Europe with
bar mother and sister, Harriet, who
Is also a Spinster. She attended the
University of Arizona and the Uni
versity of Oregon, and is a mem-
Mlea Sssaaae Saaall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small, at
tended the University of Oregon
and a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. She is now employed at
the state vocational education de
partment. Miss Barbaret Snndet, daughter
of Mr. and' Mrs. J. VT. Sundet. is
a Junior at' the University of Ore
gon and a PI Beta Phfe j
Miss Mareella SekwartS. daugh
ter of Mrs. Lucy Schwartz, la em
ployed at Ladd and Bush branch.
United States National bank.' She
attended St. Ludgera academy at
Creighton, . Nebraska. j
Mlae-Xeberta Teasiag, daughter
of Mr. and . Mrs. Aubrey S. Tus
sing. a junior at the University of
Oregon and attended summer ses
sion at the University of Hawaii
She is a member of Pi Bta Phi.
Cordl Taggerj v
To Head Troop
The Junior Catholle Daughters
of America, Star of the See troop
met Saturday at the noma or miss
Charmaine RoguskL with the fol
lowing elected as the new officers:
Miss Coral Taggart, president; Miss
Dolores Riley, vice president; Miss
Mary EtzeL secretary; Miss Patsy
McReal, treasurer; Miss Ann Marie
Burdick. reporter. 1
' Members of the troopi were di
vided Into two teams to sell the
Catholle Digest with Miss Evelyn
Drummond and Miss Josephine
Schlageter as captains,
The group la making' plans for
a troop picnic at Silver Creek falls.
October 8. The honor, nature itudy,
was worked on with Moxs Drum
mond and ' Miss Etzel f chosen to
mount the work in the jscrapboolu
Mrs. Robb to
Head Credit
Mrs. Vane Robb was elected
President or me saiem ureou
Tomen's Breakfast club at the
breakfast meeting of the group
Tuesday morning at Nohlgren's.
Other new officers elected to
serve with Mrs. Robb are Miaa
Beverly Hartzell, vice-president;
Mrs. X. X. Sea ton. secretary; Mrs.
T. A. Pickett, treasurer; and Miss
Ann Anderson, historian. Mrs.
Donald Walker la the outgoing
Annual reports from the retir
ing officers and chairmen were
given. The installation banquet
will be an event of Tuesday, Oc
tober 18 at Chuck's Steakhouse
at T O'clock, Mrs. Lloyd Myers
gave a report on the . Oregon
basin regional conference to be
held In Salem on October 18.
Honored at the birthday table
were Mrs; Lloyd Myers. Mrs.
Blanche HulL Mrs. L. A. Lucas
and Mra. Vernon Decatur.
A Surprise v
Mrs. Thomas Wright, Jr. was
hoateee for a surprise party-Tuesday
night at her home for-the
pleasure of Mra. Donald DHL The
evening was spent Informally and
a shower feted the honor guest.
Refreshments were served by the
Bidden to compliment Mrs; Dill
were Mrs. Wesley, Sullivan, Mrs.
Robert Gangware, Mrs. Conrad
Prange, Miss Maxine Buren, Mrs.
Wheeler R. English, Mrs. Kenneth
Bell, Mrs. Wendell Webb, Mrs,
Erie Bergman, Mrs. Lester Cour,
Mrs.; Charles Ireland, Mrs. Win
ston Taylor,, Mrs. , Harold Larsen,
Mrs. Wayde Dryidale, Mrs. J.
Gordon Thornton, Mrs- James
Go in and Mrs. Al Lightner.
Miaa Claire Dolores Maxwell hisj
been; pledged to Alpha Phi sorority
on the Oregon State college cam
Junior Court
Officers of Court Capital City,
Junior Catholic Daughters of
America were formally installed
on Sunday evening by state Jun
ior j chairman, Mrs. J. D. White.
One hundred members of the
Junior Court accompanied by
eight counselors attended Holy
Hour services. . at St. Joseph's
church preceding installation. The
Rev. T. J. Bernards, retiring chap
lain of the Junior Court offi
ciated at the Holy Hour services.
The installation was held at the
Salem Woman's club. Miss Do
lores BnmfeeL a senior at Sacred
Heart Academy, is the new presi
dent; Miss Marjorie Davey, vice-
president; Miss Grace Corey, sec
retary; Miss Nancy j Brown,' re
porter, and the Rev. George L.
O'Keefe, chaplain. Opening the
meeting was Miss Lois Schwab,
retiring president. Mrs. Margaret
Brown, grand regent of Court
Capital City, brought greetings
from the senior court.
Mrs. H. E. Corey. Salem Junior
chairman, was in charge of ar
rangements and the Juniors of
Troop Star of the Sea, assisted
by iheir counselor ! Mrs. John
Pryzibilla and Mrs. Theresa Ro-
guskl, served refreshments. Moth
ers of the girls, members of the
senior court and the Rev. T. J.
Bernards were guests.
Students injRecital
Friday Afternoon
Four students from the College
of Music at Willamette university
will be presented in a recital Fri
day afternoon at 1 o'clock In the
auditorium of music hall: Both ar
tists of voice and piano will per
form on the program.
Opening the afternoon program
will be soprano. Miss Gloria Stone,
who will sing "Air de Lia." from
L'Enfant Prodigue by Debussy.
- Art Dimond, tenor, will be heard
fa two numbers, Tex la gloria" by
Bononcini and "Amarilli" by Cac
cini. Lloyd Hanson will play a pi
ano number, "Sonatina, Op. IS,
rirst Movement by Kabalevsky.
.' Closing the afternoon's concert
will be several numbers from the
"Dichterliebe, Op. 48" by Schum
arm sung by Robert Gwinn, baritone.
Maecabees Capital Tenthlve S4D
will meet at Beaver hall Thursday
night at 8 o'clock with Ivan Mar
tin presiding. Folk dancing classes
will begin at 8:30 o'clock with Ches
ter Goodman the Instructor. AH
Maccabeee and friends are invited,
and refreshments will be served
following by Mrs. Charles McEl-
roy, Mrs. Edith Strang and Mrs
J. Edgar Reay.
More for Your Money
s for ! Gombination
Storm and Screen Windows
By Mrs. Genevieve Smith
Even though your house may
stoop a little with years, today
there are new gadgets on those'
"cornblnati o n
itor.m - and
v $ screen windows
Vithat wffl enable
you to fit them
into frames that
I f , shaned.
! What turns
this trick is a
series of. flanges
on the outside of
S. t h e f r a m e j ,
. which are used
to give the nec
essary tight fit when the in
stallation is made. Once these
combination windows are in.
switching from one season to
another Is a small chore indeed.
The. lower screen sash is re
moved, and the storm window
la slipped into its place. The
upper sash is a storm sash that
atays permanently in place.
This is the Voice of exper-
lence speaking. We Installed this
type of combination in our old
country home, when it was re
built with a series of Blending
like ; ups and downs a couple of
years ago. The price we pay
for the sweeping view of hills,
is complete exposure to winter's
howliojr winds. However, we
find these combination storm
windows plus a new accordian
pleated type of aluminum foil
insulation, combine to give as
a tight 150-year-old bouse that
keeps fuel oil bills to an amaz-v-fag
minimum, even in a New
York state winter.
Of course, in a new house your
windows should be dumb, which
means no fitting difficulties. In
cidentally, the range i of stock
sizes in the combination storm
and screen windows is now
quite large, and youll find them
not only in building supply
houses, mail order houses, but
in a good many department and
hardware stores as well.
(CopyrUht 1S4S. General Features
Corp.! ,
Carroll Gragg
Tells of WAVES
Capitol Unit 9. American Legion
auxiliary held the first meeting of.
the year at the Salem Woman's
clubhouse Monday night, with
Mrs. Walter Spaulding. president,
presiding. An unusually large and
enthusiastic attendance made plans
for the coming year. Reports were
given by i Mrs. Clara Poland and
Mrs. Raymond Bassett on the state
convention held In Salem in Aug
ust, and a program presented for
rehabilitation and child welfare
for the year. A generous contribu
tion was made to the emergency
polio fund. A rummage sale will
be held by Capitol Unit on October
21 and 22.
The business meeting was fol
lowed by a program with Robert
Gwynn of Willamette university
presenting a group of songs, ac
companied by Mias Lois Gottwald
at; the piano. Miss Carroll Gragg.
a member of the Waves, home on
leave, gave an Interesting talk de
scribing her work' and activities in
the service. Miss Gragg and the
unit were serenaded by the Capi
tol Post 9 drum and bugles corps
during the evening, with Leon
Brown, in charge of the group, giv
ing a short speech.
Visiting in the capital this week
week, are Mrs. Clyde Carroll, r,
and sons, Patrick and David, who
are guests at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LangOle.
Hospital Tea
Date Is Set
Tuesday, October 18 is the date
announced for the annual silver
tea to be given by the Salem Gen
eral hospital auxiliary. The af
fair, always one of the largest of
the fall season, will be given at
the South High street residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Jr.
Calling hours will be from 2:30
to 5:30 o'clock and tickets to mem
bers win be In the mall this week
end. Plana for the affair were
made at the first meeting of the
auxiliary Tuesday morning at the
TWCA with Mrs. Carl E. Nelson,
president, presiding.
Co-chairmen for the tea are
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and Mrs.
John Carson. All proceeds from
the tea are used to buy equip
ment for the hospital.
Miss IJlHan McDonald, super
intendent of the hospital, was
present at Tuesday's meeting and
told of present needs at the hos
pital. Mrs. W. Q. Walker waa elected
president of the Missouri club at
its luncheon meeting jam Tuesday
at the Walker home. Other officers
are Mrs. P. C. Harland, vice pres
ident; Mrs. wade Weekly, secre
tary-treasurer, and Mrs. Earl Kas
son, press correspondent.
Traffic congestion has reduced
real estate values In some down
town areas of American cities.
! :
SU'PauTs sulld. St. Paul's Kotoeonal
church at pariah house, IS JO pja.
cohered Ush luncheon.
On trail tempi Pythian Sisters
mectiagaad decree staff practice.
Salem, Weavers guild with Mrs. Bush
Morrow. IMS Stat st, S pn.
Ladies Aid. Central Lutheran church,
neat at church. 2 pjn. ,
Oregon Crane Camp, Royal Neigh-
oors or Amerspa.. meet at vrw
formal tninatww. ranraahments. ;
Board mcetms. American Vtt
auxiliary 138. with Mrs. Edward lQii
pert. 1221 Chemeketa at.. S p.m.
Ladies ( GAS meet at YWCA. S
P-Rv. toustneas aaston.
Sons of Union Veterans and auxil
iary meet at Salem Woman's club
house, 7 JO pjn.
Prinele Pleasant Point social club
with Mrs. Ceorc Grabenhortt, ltiS
Fir sV, all day meeting, luncheon at
Mcsnbers ef It Jehtra ltherta
Guild will meet for a 730 o'clock
dessert supper Thursday night. at
the parish house. Hosteasea will be
Mrs. Edward Kilber. Mrs. Albert
Kreft, Mrs. W. Jarms and Mrs.
LAnna Johnson. A baby showergwill
oe neia xor ine guua s aaoptea
Polish family.
Raphatertans with Mrs. Lee Chruh.
SSS O street. SJO p. m.
Maccabees Capital. Tenthlve S4D.
meet at Beaver hall. 8 p.m.
Nebraska club, no-host supper at
Vrw haU. S JO p-m.. social meetin for
members and friends.
Grace Lutheran Ladies Aid aneet
with Mrs. Henry Stortie. SSS O street.
Independence. 1 pjn.
Barbara Frtetchte tent. No. Z. Daugh
ter of Union Veterans, meet at Salem
Woman's clubhouse, 2 P-m.
Enclewood Woman's club with Mrs.
Ralph Maud, route 9. box M. 1
o'clock dessert luncheon.
WV la
Relieve stoffy bead C
ttua ears way. Put a , if .
Xew Vlcke Va-tro-noi
. Noes Drops In each
nostra. ' .
y vs-iro-noi Brings n r
mares breathing
easier., .myites
restful sleen. i
i i
.e-ry 5a '
a unoothT, mof radiant comptpxiofT
Imports brecrth-toktno, new beauty ..
See how it give o smooth, even lone that totti for hour
with intptrtng pertecrion.
Non-drying SATIN TONE hides tiny line, can be worn
wifh or without face powder.
SATIN TONE is a superb blend ef v per -tine powder In
a rich, emollient creme base
H comet m (We thriltina fathton-rlght ihodei,
one for every tvoe
e Discover this dramatic new loveliness today at
. Liberty "On the Corner
a 9
kmks VIII
I rKUM mi
linU Till INSIDil waf.l"a!Plal ft
1 RWIM e .www - "-w ,
iocs Ea; :if ,.7
i There's aomething about Venetian blinds that
J make a world of difference in the way your
home looks. They have an Individual beauty,
j a cleaner look . . . they whisper to passers
3 by "here's a home in good taste!" Sears Har
! mony House Steel blinds are the best money
1 can buy. Also available with Wood or alum-
i lnum slats. As low as t4M. Till in the cou-
Em below for a free estimate. No obligation,
ail or bring if to Seara. i
t m u Y ' ja
HMI ' tJ. y- I '
.'.-.-.; . .
CTT i i
AT 1 1 f A C T I O M O UA A M 1 1 10 AT
AirCcaadlflosawd Comiort
Stare Beasra:
fe to ft DaJSy
U te Friday
Pleniy of Fsm Pazkinfj :
SMN.Ccrphol Ph.3-8181
er's Annual Fall Fashion Revue
Thursday Night, October 6th, 8:00 to 9:30 n
It's FREII For Th Who! Family
i-- Fash
1 y-yr!nir Produ
f AU AND . Uj Cn
winter umfr 1 ?lca
1 TO FIRST ,r- A
V 500 ' I Pf :
: I. --X OA1 1
X 0PEN V 1
y;00 ) V
High School Auditorium
Doors Open at 7:00
Commentator: Margaret Allyn
JTn.dreh coa.
TddY Jenk, specalry baflet number.
. Sportswear . j
group no. 3
Rne k .
45 people In cast
Bridaf Party.
. . . SI Kw! j .
HakMU . mooeis
I Ce.
- w ai '- I ' aw
ct (teat JKCftttf &c JLHlla