A Birthday f - ' ' ' , ' c ' Becky Purvine, daughter of Dr. And "Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, will celebrate her second birthday at party on i Thunday afternoon t 3:30 o'clock at the Purvine home on Saginaw street. A pink and blue color acheme will be carried out in the decorations and ifavors and Becky's brother. Bill, will assist bis mother Informally. Honoring. Becky will be Mrs. Carlton J. McLeo and Franca, Mm. Conrad. Paulson and Kristen. Mrs. Richard L. Cooley and Chris ty, .Mrs. Charles Mills, Bobby and . Martha, Mrs. Stewart Johnson and Katrinka, Mrs. Gordon Brewer and Janet, Mrs. Arthur Fisher and Susan, Mrs T. W. Creech, Mrs. Frank H. Spears and Mrs. Robert Herrall. Duplicate Tourney Now Underway i Mrs. Ward Graham and Mrs. Dewey Howell had the highest score In Che opening duplicate tournament in a new series of sev en just started by the Salem Elks : Bridge club. Mrs. C. C Gabriel and Mrs. Dorothy Remmy of Browns ville werei second, while other teams in order were: Mrs. Rupert Park and Mrs. Elmer Berg; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Oakes: Mrs. Har ry J. Wiedmer and Ellis H. Jones, arid Mrs. M. D. Parker and wu liam F. Leary. Extra rating points will go to those with the best averages at the conclusion of the weekly series November-14 being played at the Elks club on Monday evenings. The October master point tourn ament will be held Wednesday night.' October 3, with several teams expected from the Portland clubs. On Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. Is it correct to sendout in formal handwritten invitations fpr a very simple wedding? A. Yes, ! such as, MDear Jane John and I are being married at four o'clock Thursday, the first of this month. The ceremony will be at such-and-such church, we nope 'that you will come. Affectionately yours. Maty. r Q. Is it considered proper for a guest at a dinner to stack his used dishes when he has finished eat ing? A. No; it is much better to leave them as they are. Q. Is it obligatory for a guest at a christening to bring a gift for the baby? r A. It is not obligatory, but is customary. Edwin Lyle Has Birthday Mrs. Edwin Lyle entertained for her son Edwin on his sixth birth day. Assisting Mrs. Lyle were Mrs Mae Hart, Mrs. White and Mrs. Holcomb. Guests were Wally Belt, Johnny Stiffler, Eddie Klumpp, Jackie Waterman, Dennis Fleck,' Jimmie Sidwell, .Mike and Jerry Holcomb, Sammy White, Tom and Jim Wendt and LaWauna Lyle. 8COGGEM8 'PLANS TRIP AMITY y William Scoggins, owner of , the Amity barber shop, will leave this week for a vaca tion trip to Kansas. J. E. Dugan, Dayton, will operate the shop dur ing Scoggins absence. Today! Pattern it. i any m m I II ll I AQClA S2ES 11-17 fc W. v Vix. and Mrs. Chdrrles Hawkes (Ha Crittenden) who were married on September 18 at SL Paul's Episcopal church. The bride is the daucjhter ot the Ray L Crittendens and the crrooni is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hawkes of Salt Lake City. The couple will live in Eugene. (Kennell-Ellis). - . l I vu. ; , .v. A '-i 1 I . 1 It ' ' i r - vb , TMsrssMsMBsswsssMM iwrnni AMITY Mr.-and Mrs. James Robert MischM (Mar- gery? Anne Turner) who were married at J St. Jo seph's Catholic church, Salem, on September 11. (Gilldm's Camera McMinnville) Shop, PETERSON IN MILL CITY SILVERTON Mi and Mrs Walter Peterson (Gladys Dahlen) at one time -with the: local Safe way store and later with the same firm in the St. Johns' district in Portland, are now living in Mill City and report theyj are liking the change very mucn. Peterson is now; constructing houses in the Santiam Canyon area Top speed of the told covered wagons which helped pettle Amer ica was about 20 miles a day. Vriliey"'!;. Briefs Amity Methodist Pastor to Attend Church Conclave State uaaa Ntwf Service AMITY The Rev. Fremont Faul, pastor of the Amity Method ist church, will attend a planning conference of Oregon Methodist churches for three days at Camp Ma grader starting October 10. The church's Sunday school and Christian education program will be set up in the conference. The years activities, for Methodist camps will be received. The conference board of evan gelism will meet. Following this, the inter-board council will meet to coordinate the total conference program. The Rev J Faul, an outstanding state leader, has several projects to report and promote in this ser ies of board meetings. j ; lUttiau Hcwt Service North Santiam The first meeting of the North Santiam home extension unit will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Hatch at 10 son. Thursday, October 6. AH women of the community have been invited to attend. Frvitland New ! residents of this community are Mr. and Mrs, William L. Hunley 1 and family, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Winn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Dahl and family and Mr. and Mrs. C R. Engh. Snvertoa Mrs. Clyde E. Wil liamson of Albany will be guest artist at the, musical program to be given by the First Christian church choir Sunday night. Octo ber 9, at :730 pjn. A free will offering for the church organ fund will be taken during the meeting. Mrs. P. T Ployheart is directing the choir. i SUverton The quarterly con ference of the local Calvary Luth eran church will be conducted Tuesday night, October 11 with the Immanuel and Trinity churches holding their quarterly conference, the final ones of the year, Wednesday night, October 12. " - ' Mehama The Mehama home extension unit will meet Friday, October 7, at 1:30- p.m. in the Women's clubhouse at Mehama. Eleanor Trindle, Marion county home demonstration agent, will explain the month's subject, "Uni fying Home Furnishings. - CIRCLE MEETINGS SET SILVERTON Sarah Jane cir cle. Women's Society for Chris tian Service, will meet at the C. W. Newton .home, 218 Fifth St., School Institutes " J Hot Lunch Program Itaietsaaa Xcws terriee h SILVERTON Hot lunches are being served school children at SL Paul's Catholic church. The Thursday, October . 8, at 2 pm. The Martha circle will meet Wed nesday, October 5 at the home of Mrs. A. J. McCannel, route 3, lor a dessert : Juncheon. Mrs. Jack Tuggle and Mrs. B. F. Browning were made a committee Sunday to look after transportation to the McCannel home, i innovation was put Into . effect odas ! t4r the , curecuoa , Mrs. LeinlidHudson. 1 ' i : Final arrangements for the hot lunches were made Friday at first fall meeting of the Mother's club at the school social rooms, with Mrs. Hugo Boehmer presiding. By having the largest number of mothers at the meeting, the pri mary room, supervised by Sister Edward Mary, won a new book for its library. Europe has seven midget prin cipalities: Trieste, Andorra, Liech tenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Vatican. City and Luxembourg, the largest (999 square miles). v Bliotlotlentlmn Special Flowering sizes of Standard named : ' Yarietie of Rhododendrons 3 00 o $ S00 (Supply Limited) Tree Roses $3.00 Bash Roses $1.10 In containers for -Immediate planting. Clematis $1.25 Bulbs - Peonies Honeysuckle Vines $1.25 KIIIGHT PEARCY IIURSERY 875 S. Liberty 3 Elks, South of Stale Open Daily (Not Sunday) 9 Till 5 J at the little french shop . for just 4 days I fall-fashions sale! DRESSY DRESSES Just 751 Beautiful new fall dressy dresses In crepe, taffeta, corduroy , and wool.; Previously sold from 16.95 Aia aa to 19.95! Sale price lU.UU n COATS styles 50 ONLYI New: fall fleece, covert-suede 39.95 to 46.95. Now just , .,, . In tweeds, originally $29.95 HATS JUST 501 Beautiful fall wool and fur fe hats. Sale priced at only $5.00 the little french sIiqd 115 NORTH HIGH 1 Crews Completing NeW Grade School At Four Corners , Stateinua Newt S.rvte F6UR CORNERS Work on the new Lincoln grade school is progressing. v The library is finished and llar jorie Chester, librarian for the Sa lem school, and her assistants have placed books for the school. This week the asphalt will be laid in the rear of the building for the children's playground, and the kitchen will soon be completed. Mrs. Rebecca Burnham has been transferred from the Auburn school to teach the fifth grade at Lincoln. Shirley Payne, who be gan with the fifth grade, now has the mixed third and fourth room. This makes eight rooms and eight teachers with a total enrollment of 230. It Is believed that the number of big game animals in the United States t is increasing. "The masculine verdict on this Is WOW! Easy-sew suit with easy Care skirt and back-Interest jacket takes -'em by storm! This you MUST have! Pattern 4906 comes In Jr. UIss siaes H. IS, 13. 17. Size 13 takes I yards 54-lnch fabric. This -pattern, easy to use, aim pie to sew, is tested for fit Has complete illustrated Instructions. Sead TWENTY -VTVS! CENTS bl MbM tor thu pattern to ANNE ADAMS, ear ft SUtMinan, Patter Department, P.O. o 7). Cbtcayo SO. 111. Print plainly Ol NAMEl ADDRESS, CONE, SIZE, STYLE NIMBESU r . tend for our new Tttl and Winter ANNS ADAM Pattern Book I PagM of C Items for the family, plus good ditoa Upa. Ouiatmaa (Uta yew aaa fnaa. Free pattern of hat. a head uin helmet, la printed la book. Fifteen ttnti more brings yoe tbia eatAUg. , D RHEUMATIC PAINS, ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS STOMACH AILMENTS, WEAK KIDNEY and cucb complablta a Beadachea. Nerrotameas, Acids. Toxtna. Bloating, ; Lack ot Vitality Energy. Poor Appetite, Underweight. Piny SpaUa. ! Drugless Health! NO MATTER bow long yon bare beea suffering from stomach, kid ney and rhenmatie distress, and wkat drnga yon ham tried before, yon ran, now-, nope for relief If yon take NEO-MINERAL. With you 'Qtxos SEE the results tarea days - niter yon start taking H. DRUGGISTS, ChemUta cannot aaake NEO-MINERAL. It comes from the earth-Natare'i laboratory. Contains NO dope. NO alcohol, NO oO. ONLY .Nature's nsinerals the oldest, moot reliable remedy for "fceanuiUsm, arUulUa, kidney atomarb ailments, j 1 Wonder Minerals - FOS THOUSANDS ef yars sat. farm, on adrW jf doctors, go to mineral asrbus to get rare, or re lief. Tha Uta President Rooarrrit naed to go to Mbieral Springs n Ceorfta. Ho was Mpe4 or wonld not bar gone thera twico year. WE RATE all heard ef the itracaloas rartsgs ef Leartfes, Francs, and fauns Tbronion bt ancient Grooco, where, according to legend, Hercnlea, tb god of eternal treagtb and yath, drank Its waters and bathed to he foreret - lTTOU Atta'sna not go to the Bainerai nprtatga, try NEO-MLVERAIf which contains Mend ef the saaM snineraU that can bo fonmd at tb worids beat aprings. Tbo minerals ist It mar work ' Amazing Results WATCH your eHmlnatkma from you bowels two or three days after yon start nsing nct-au.UkAL Tbo waste, black as coal, wiU break ¬ away and yon will SEE it! Also ex amine you nrine. Yon may nee fan puities poisonons waste coming ont ot year kidneys, and feel the relief. Be snro to watch for all tbia to realise its priceless value. NEO-MINERAL is not a physic. and does net Interfere with the foods fas the Intestines. It gets down to tbo root, r twining and purifying, throwing away poison gas. toxins and bloating. Not like physics, oils and cathartics do, bat la a mataral, harmless, oafo way. WHEN the notions are ont of the system, and the kidneys are pare, when the gas, acids ana toxins that ennso acid condition hi the blood, are gone, wo begin to fori the rbon matkm and arthritis learmg as, and Natare starting to compUU the ro- Our Guarantee WX URGZ yon to try NEO-MINERAL, Tome to this drag store NOW and get one bottle. Use It foe can week. If yon are not 1M per mtisfled. we wiU rernnd you he the romedy . . -A aaonry m fall. TRY m It i ng tbo boot ; foe you health. It amy do wonders for yn rnsss yon leei, ant, sleep, work and en)oy life hatter. NXO-MTXTXAL Recal Price latthL2HMLM vsonuG STOUE f US S. CewnaorrlBl Street mmu urners w adotv Aeoraae The KfTXAIi. Store ' Salesn, Oregea (Add It for roatagt) o o And Your Au ' iJ Is keeping! abreast of it. There are Good Reasons Why lino Has Shown the Same Tre mendous Growth as the Area It Serves The Questions and Answers At the Right Tell the Story You Can Keep Right up With Neics, Pictures, Sports, Farm, Valley, Society EVERYTHING In THE STATESMAN Q.-- What makes a paper? COMPLETE hews- A. The latest world, national, state and valley news, and. the finest fea tures available - plus, publication EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Q.Why has THE STATESMAN grown so tremendously? A. -Because of its unrelenting efforts to pubHsh the finest newspaper any where, geared -specifically to Its great territory and based soundly on a policy of fair play. Q.-With the newsprint shortage now less severe, can anyone obtain THE STATESMAN?" A.-Ye$; If there is q carrier in your neighborhood you need only phone Salem 2-2441 and service will be started immediately. Or receipt of your check for a mail subscrip tion will .bring the same instant response. mm. MOiiflE .nlwspaper $1.20 per month by carrier, $9.00 a year by mail in Ore gon for DAILY and SUNDAY, including on Sunday the outstand ing 16-pago comic-feat uro section and the full-pago. Associated Press news roviow of iTho World This Week." f 'or a newspaper ichich has EVERYTHING, Ws THE OREGON STATESMAN if