The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    CniLy News IKnrielfs
Roderick L. Porter, Portland, U
being promoted from senior resi
dent engineer to assistant right-of-way
engineer with the state
highway department, personnel
officials announced Wednesday;
Porter will work in the legal de
partment with offices in Salem
He succeeds J. D. Walker, now an
assistant division engineer.
Orwig'g market has young fresh
killed turkeys, 39c. also baby beef
for locker, 37c. 4375 Silverton Rd
Ph. 2-6128.
The Flower Basket 2-4802.
Tech. Sgt. George E. Bartlett,
attached to the marine corps re
cruiting office in Salem since
February, 148, has received or
ders transferring him to Camp
Pendleton, Calif. Bartlett will
leave Salem Friday with his wife
and two daughters
Gilbert Cabinet Shop, 1865 Fair-
grounds Rd.
Lt. Comdr. John Lindbeck, for
mer Salem high school and Wil
lamette university student, has
been appointed inspector-instructor
of the naval reserve at Eugene.
Lindbeck, a 1942 graduate of An
napolis, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Lindbeck, 540 N. 22nd st.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 50 State st
Hunters Attention - order double-
wrapped Master Bread for your j U. S. CIVIL SERVICE
An Albany couple was arrested
by West Salem police Wednesday
on Eugene municipal warrants
charging 'obtaining mosey ty
false pretenses. Richard and Doris
Wayman were held at Marion
county jail for Eugene authorities.
Sheriff Denver Young said the
charges involved a bad check.
Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
$4 85 sq yd. Ph. 3-7648 oi 3-3364
A group of about 35 language
students will travel Jto Portland
Thursday night to attend "La
SympHbnie Pastorale" from the
novel by Andre Gide. The French
film is being showed at the Guild
theatre. "
Hunters Attention - order double-
wrapped Master Bread for ycur
trip from your grocer.. "
Garage for rent. 585 S. ComT.
Permits to erect four dwellings
were obtained at the city hall
Wednesday. Getting them were
R. M Dahl, for a structure at 1380
N. 23rd st. costing $10,200; Earl
Seamster, at 1380 N. 24th sta
$8,300; and A. G. Hamilton, for
houses at 2780 and 2790 Bone
steele ave. costing $7,000 each.
Rummage; Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 28
k 29. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. 109 N. Coml.
Next to Pioneer Trust. Daven
ports, gas stove, etc.
trip from your grocer.
i Certificate of assumed business
name as The Book Shelf, 370
State st., a rental library, was filed
with the Marion county clerk
Wednesday by Margaret Drager,
776gShipping st.
Painting, 20 yrs. exp. Ph. 3-7552.
Examinations for four classifi
cations of electricians were an
nounced Wednesday by the U. S.
civil service commission. Examin
ationsMnust be filed with the board
of examiners at Coulee Dam,
Wash., by October 10. Further in
formation can be secured from
William Fischer, local commission
secretary, at the Salem post office.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent dividend 2' See First
Federal Savings First. 142 S. Lib
erty Phone 3-4944.
CrilCVK Tn Mr anH Mi
Rudolph Schenk, McMinnville
daughter, Wednesday, September
28, at Salem General hospital.
JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Johnson, 1230 S. 16th st.,
a daughter, Wednesday, Septem
ber 28. at Salem GeneraL hospital.
GREENE To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Greene, J2370 Adams St.,
a son, Wednesday, September 28,
at Salem General hospital.
BARNHART To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Barnhart, Hoskins, a son,
Wednesday, September 28, at Sa
lem General hospital.
LEU To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Leu, Stayton, a daughter, Wednes
day, September 28, at Salem Mem
orial hospital. r
GARDNER To Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Gardner, 2255 Hazel ave., a
daughter, Wednesday, September
28, at Salem Memorial hospital.
VILLWOCK To Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Villwock, Dallas route 1, a
son, Wednesday, September 28, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
IIOESING To Mr. and Mrs.
Roman Hoesing, Woodbunu route
l.,a son, Wednesday, September
28, at Salem Memorial hospital.
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors for ' their
kindness, sympathy and beautiful
floral offerings in the loss of our
i . . : 1 1 1
j oenerai erean practices win oe
Friday noon
credit luncheon at the Golden
Pheasant restaurant. The discus
sion will center around terms that
should be granted customers at
the present time.
Hunters Attention - Order double
wrapped Master Bread for your
trip from your. grocer.
Home baked food sale Thurs.
P o rt 1 a n d Gas & Coke, 109 S.
Mayor R. L. Elfstrom left Wed
nesday night for Portland where
he and several city officials are
to attend sessions of a League of
Oregon Cities conference this
Landscaping and designing. No
job too large or too small. F. A.
Doerfler and Sons Nursery, 150 N.
Lancaster Dr. at 4 Corners. Ph.
The Salem Army air Reserve
squadron will meet for a special
training session at 8 p.m. Thurs
day in the reserve quonset hut at
25th and Lee streets.
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol St.
Elaine Sutter expertly trained ad
vanced hair styling and shaping
Lip Stick Beauty Salon. Ph
Nine Indicted
By Special
Grand Jury
Seven men and two Juveniles
were indicted at a special session
of the Marlon county grand jury
Earl Knothe and Richard Bailer,
both of Silverton, were indicted
on charges of contributing to the
delinquency of minor girls. The
charges involved Knothe on June
5 and Bailer on June 20.
A true bill was returned against
Albert J. Wilson, 160 Union st
on a charge of larceny of an auto
September 13 from Estella E.
Pomeroy in Salem.
Everett Ward, Stayton, was in
dicted on a charge of promoting
a lottery at his tavern. Ward was
arrested July 13 by the sheriffs
office and three punch boards were
confiscated at that time.
Two Silverton men, Robert Mc
Cully, 20 and Larry Fields, 21,
were indicted on charges of giving
alcoholic liquor to a minor boy
September 14.
Indictment on a 'charge of at
tempting to pass a bad $40 check
at Vince's Electric, 157 S. Liberty
st., September 21 was returned
against Roy Clifford Bruaas, a
transient from Baltic, S. D. He
was arrested last week by city
police and charged with attempt
ing to obtain money under false
Two Salem - juveniles were in
dicted on charges of assault with
mtent to commit rape against a
Salem woman July 28.
No parents of delinquent chil
dren were indicted at the session.
Such action had been considered
by District Attorney E. O. Stad
ter, jr., as a measure to attempt to
slow juvenile crime which has
been heavy in this area recently.
Mrs. Paul A. Hale
Injured in Accident
Mrs. Paul A. Hale. 490 Manhrin
dr., Salem, is recovering in Sis
ters nospital at Santa Cruz, Calif.,
from injuries incurred in an auto
accident in that vicinity Sunday.
Mrs. Hale, who was visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Jerome Simkins, former
ly or ialem and now residents of
the Santa Cruz area, incurred a
cracked vertebrae. She is in a
cast but is expected to be able to
return to Salem within two or
three weeks.
The Magnificent
Jbwofi GtJnwiofitaa
WMt U-w ItH f4 Inn, HYM
MA TIC Imwiiilw 1 lr Mt
it Generous terms and trade -In
New "Salon-styled" interiors
HYDRA-MAT1C transmission
k Immediate delivery
it Best deal in town
For thirty days we are
offering you a very
special allowance on
your uaed car. Come
in and check on it
before deciding to
buy any other make
you'll be surprised.
America's Most Distinctive Carl
Nancy M. Emmons vs. Floyd H.
Emmons: Order dismisses defend
ant's appeal to state supreme court.
Charles Wayne Savage vs Lor
etta Rae Savage: Defendant files
answer admitting and denying and
files counterclaim for divorce, asks
custody of three minor children,
$250 monthly support money and
settlement of property rights.
Sarah Vinson vs Dr. Harry
Brown: Defendant files answer ad
mitting and denying.
Pearl Asbe vs Donald As be:
Complaint for divorce alleging
cruel and Inhuman treatment, asks
restoration to plaintiff of former
name of Pearl Skipper. Married
LMay 27, 1947, at Vancouver, Wash.
JLyie a. waitnrop vs waiter a.
Thomas and others: Plaintiff files
reply admitting and denying.
Lucille Hadden vs George Had
den: Default order for defendant.
Bertha Dinwiddie vs Ralph D.
Dinwiddie: Default order for de
Arthur J. Findley, Portland,
charged with driving while in
toxicated, continued for plea to.
September 29; held in lieu of $350
Lurena Pearl guardianship es
tate: Order waives appraisement
of estate.
Paul Asper guardianship estate:
Order approves final account and
discharges Luther Asper as guardi
Albert Walker guardianship es
tate: Order appoints John and
Charles Heltzel and Mildred Win
slow appraisers.
Blandina Kenny estate: Order
admits will to probate, appoints
Blandina K. Davis executrix and
Earl Daue, W. E. Keyes and L M.
Raetz, appraisers, f
Roger B. Price estate: Order ap
proves supplemental account of
Harold J. Warner as administra
tor, c.t.a., discharges administrator
and closes estate.
Mary Aplin estate: Order au
thorizes settlement of damage
claims of estate against Joseph A.
Zielinski in amount of $250.
Mrs. Grace Olson guardianship
estate: Order authorizes sale of
real property.
Claude Lester Rodgers, S3, truck
driver, and Joyce Johnson, 17,
domestic, both of 3837 Portland rcL,
Ohio Educator
To Survey
State Schools
Oregon's public schools will be
surveyed by an Ohio educator,
the state board of education de
cided here Wednesday.
Dr. Thomas A. Holy of Ohio
State, university will make the
survey of effectiveness and ad
ministration of schools, as auth
orized by the state legislature's
interim committee to investigate
In another action, the educa
tion board instructed Rex Put
nam, state educational depart
ment head, to determine whether
Lewis and Clark college. Urn
versity of Portland and Pacific)
university are qualified to offer
elementary teacher training pro
grams. Besides checking these for
undergraduate courses Putnam
Nothing Down. Pay Monthly
And Shades
We also wash, re tape, paint and
reslat your old Venetian Blinds.
Call Any Time For Free
Estimates Phone 3-7328
1453 Roe St " "W. Salem
Wo Give SH Green Stamps
Excellent location for medi
cal, dental, legal and insur
ance professions.
Telephone 3-3711
The Statesman. Salem. Ore Thuraday. September 1. 19493.
will see if University of Oregon
may conduct graduate level edu
cation schooling. 4
The board named Vtannette
Schmuki a vocational rehabili
tation counselor for the state
tuberculosis hospital here and
gave three months leave to Elmer
Sullivan, farm training program
supervisor, to enable him to take
part in army maneuvers at Ha
waii, as a reserve officer.
Another board action reduced
from $23 to $10 the out-of-state
resident's tuition fee per term at
Oregon Technical institute, -Klamath
Fall. That school also n
authorized to seek a federal lic
ense to operate a radio station.
The European housesp arrow was
Imported to the United States in
the 1850s to aid In the extermina
tion of the geometrld caterpillar.
1000 pairs warn out, outgrown chUdren'a shoes for dlstrl
button la this area to needy children. 8 off on your repair
work far every pair discarded chUdren'a shoe.
ILeave - E3ail - Gall
ak an Shoe Shop
4947 N. River Rd.
Xoiaor Did. Shop
444 N. Winter
Salem Agency
Lodges, dubs, etc please note all needy Children are
not overseas.
An assumed business name cer
tificate as Thermo-O-Seal Insula
tion company. 1192 S- 16th st . was
filed with the Marion countv !
clerk Wednesday bv William 1 I
Muyskens, 3880 Welty ave., and
U. V. yuillin, 1192 S. 16th st ;
Modernize, repair and upholster
iurnnure, expert workmen. Mc
Alvin Top Shop, 545 N. Church.
The state hiehwav pnmmiccinn
Wednesday awarded Byers . Bro
thers, Astoria, a contract for grad
ing and Davine .A3 mile nf the
Warren ton secondary highway In
warrenton. me company sub
mitted a low bid of $38,923.
VI V 44
in fyg the VCAE
Save J,
1 0$)
Try it with FuHcoat the one
coat oil wall paint. Rolls paint
on walla and
ceiling so fast,
so smooth,
so easily!
430 Hm Commercial St.
Phone 2-2487
171 South liberty St
. YM
fx A?
rkhfw "
Is a Gift . . and
MLY'S 'has oft
Fine all-wool Coats
for Fall and long
after . . . and they're
a Gift---at only
' v..
L - iv . 1 ' -
AM .
:U ji rK tt
Coat Department - Mezzanino
Sizes: 8 to 20
Open Till 9 P. M.f Friday
Corner Court and Liberty
Coma in for This Superb Codt Valuo Today!