ox7 Ydrlr Stock Quotations r ; NEW YORK, Sept. 23 Today's closing quotations: American wan x Am Pnnrer St Ut 12 a rvl . T1 1S4UI Anaconda . 26 Goodyear Benaiz aTU in nrvcsi 21 njcauaa rVth Steel . 23 i lint Paper Boeta Air ' 21V4 Kennecott Canadian Pac 13 Vs Li boy MrN eees IT TnTI Case J I Caterpillar 32 V! Moot Ward Chrysler 52Vi!Nash Kelvin rvnwith Sou S4!Nat Dairy tr..i 11 W V CMitnt Continental Can 33 Northern crown iei iin, i Curtis Wr 8 ?c Gas Eec 33Vi(U S Steel Douglas Air S3 P T t T 14i (Warner Bros Dupont de Ne.. S3SPenney J C S3jWoohrorth Salom Market Quotations (As of 1st yesterday) surrrsmrAT praratuat N. t 4-i No. I SI .CT .12 BUTTI Retail KOGS 0wya (Wholesale price ranges from I cents over buying: price) Extra larg AA Large AA fcfiunAA .. Medium A , i Pullet -J to 7 .5 M JU M XI Creek MULTIT A Leshora bens B Leghorn hen C Leghorn hens A Colored ken Colored hena C Colored hena A Colored fry IS 4x B Colored fryers C Colored fryer k old rooster B old roosters .11 ai .00 31 J I. x M .14 .IS .10 M P) old roosters LIVESTOCK ky Valley Pacs; Fat dairy cows tt to Cutter cow 1 00 to Bulls : H.00 to Top lambs 1100 to Feeders 12 00 to y wes j oo to Good veal 130 to 200 lbs. 18-00 to 1150 1090 IS 00 M 00 1600 400 30.00 Stocks and Bonds CoTPtled by me Associated Pros STOCK ATUAGES 30 IS 1$ Indust Ralls UUI Met ehanco Al. AS uneh Wed. Hi 3S2 41. S Prev. day 01 0 34 41. 3 Week ago 91J S3 41 2 Month afo 902 33 0 40 7 Year sgo ..S0.7 43J 40 1 SO Stckt A.7 3 40 047 3.7 7.1 BOND AVBBAGES m i i is Rails Induit Util Forgn "Net chans unch unch uncn tVed 00.7 10a. 104.2 F-rv. dayo 00 T 10J6 104 1 Week soIZ0 3 10J 6 104 3 Month ago 1021 104 0 Year aa ; 0.7 100S i OSS Di4 fo 70il 10 S sss Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, SepC ZS (API Cash wheat (bid): oft white- I.17M.: oft white (bo rex) S.17: whlto club S.1T. Hard red winter: ordinary S.17tt40 per cent J71: 11 per cent l it; If per cent 1J0. . Today's ear recelpU: wheat 33; bar ky 31; Hour S; corn 1; oats 1; mUlieod Portland Produce PORTLAND. Sept. SS AP)-r But terfat tenUtty. subject to Unmediato haafe: Premium quality maximum to to 1 nr cent acidtty delivered tat Portland. 3-c lb.: first quality 01 Uc: second quality. S7-0c. Valtey route and country point 3c leas than first. Butter whole fob. bulk cube & wholesalers: Grade AA. S3 score. Rt.; A. SS acor. Sle lb.: SO score lb.; C. SS eore. Mc lb. Above pries are stricUy nominaL Cheese selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oreaon singles. J9-40c; 6rrs;on S-lto. loaf. 42 -43c lb. , . teg 4o wttolesaleTs: A (rad large Sttft-SSttc; A ft-rade medium. Sl-4"c; small, 4lc; B pa.1 larft Mii-4Ss Uve chickens (No. 1 auslltv f ob. plants): Broilers, under I'-i lbs, SS Fe fryers. Hi-3 lbs, 27-2c: 3-4 Ibm.. JOc; roaster. 4 lbs., and over. 30c: fowl, Leghorn, under 4 lbs, -30c: over 4 lbs, 20c: colored fowl, all weixhts. 12c; old rooster, all weight. JS-lc lb. Rabbit (average to growers) : Live white. 4-a lb., l-ZQc: S-o ids, i-ibc; colored. S ceotslower: old or heavy does and buck, -12c lb.; fresh fryers, SC-Uf lb. Tresh dressed meaU (wholesaler to retailers per cwt): Beef: Steers, good. S00-000 lb.. $43 43; commercial. S35-38; utility, S31-34. Cows: Comtnercial. S31-33; utility. B2730: eanners-cutters S23-2S. Cows: Commercial. $33 - 35; utility. 127-31; eanners-cutters. $34-2. Beef ruts (cood steers); Hind Quar ters. S5V-S7: rounds. SSS-U: full lot n. trimmed, S73-70: trianeles. $31-33; ouaio chucks, $30-41,' , rib. $S2-S3; forequartera. $37-3$. Veal and calf: Good $37-40; commer cial. $33-38: utility. $28-32. Lamb: Good choice spring lamb S41-46; commercial. $30-40; utility. $33- Mutton: Good. TO lbs, down. $10-1$. Pork cut: Loina, No. 1. S-12 lbs. $34-47; shoulders. 16 lbs. down, $40-42; Sere ribs, $47-90; carcasses, $33-23. ixed weight $2 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 23c lb. on 13 month growth. Country-killed meats: Veal top quality. 30-33c lb.; other grade according' to weight and qual ity with poor or heavier S0-2Sc. Hog: Light blocker. 32-33 lb.: aow. 24-S6C. Lambs: Top quality. 33-37c lb.; mut ton. 10-lSc. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled proposals will be received by the Board of Director of the Kelxer Elementary School District No. SS. Mar to County. Oregon, for the construc tion of Additional Unit to the existing school building, also for removal and relocation of the original classroom building. Bid will bo received at the office of the School District. Keizer. Oregon, -until 7 JO p m. Thursday. Sep tember 29. 149. at which time the bida will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after tn time fixed fog the opening will not bo considered. Plan and specification, also forma of 'Bid Proposal' may be obtained from the office of the architect. Frederick H. Uey. SOS North lth Street, Salem, Oregon, upon deposit of a cash sum eg $23.00. The plans and specification must be returned us good condition be fore a Bid can bo accepted, and upon auch return the deposit wtn be refund ed tn full; if plan or specifications are mutilated or damaged by markings or annotations a deduction will be mad front amount of deposit sufficient to cover coat of replacement of such dam aged portions. Each propria 1 must be made out on a 'Bid Propoul form to b obtain fr wn the architect. It shall be accoro panied by "Certified Check' or 'and Bond, made payable to the School Dsstrirt. m eat amount-not leas than 0ve 9) per cent of the amount of their Basle Bid. Tbe Board of Director reserve the right to reject any or all bid which may be received, or to accept such portions or portion of any bid a K may consider advisable. By order of the Board of Directors, reboot District No. SS, Marlon County. eeon, at a session held SeDutnthar It. liMS. Gas 1 Clerk To be puboatsed Sept. 15. Gen Electric 37 Vi Radio Corp Gen Foods 44 Rayonier 12 29 IGen Motors (3 Raronier pfd Tire 39 Reynold Met It .39 574!SafewT , 27 . 40 41 67 . 4H Sears. Roeb L, SHIStan OU Cat s l.IC4.&Jii..l.u 23V!Studebaker 22 11 50H!Sun Mininf . 13 Tranxamerica 34 (Union Oil 13 29 lOKjUn Pacific tl Pac 17y,(Un Airlines' mi I 23 Vt 11 43 Beef: Good cows XS-23 c lb.; eanners-cutters. 20-22C. Onions: Supply moderate, market steady: 90 lb. sack Ore. yellows, boil er. S1.30-S0; med. Mo. 1 9X29; IS los. 4c. Wash. Yakima Spanish No. L. z-o: yellow, large. 93 09-23; med tarn $175-03; 10 lb. SO-SSc; boilers. II ma, ir-oe: Idaho yellows, medtum- sree. vz-za-ee, e in. sactta lc; white $1.09-73. Potatoes: Or. Deschutes Raaaet No. I -A. $3 4-73; No. 3. M lb. sack S1.10 30; Wash. Netted Gem No. 1. SSSS-SS: 29 lb sack S1S0-10: IS lbs. 49-Uc; 16 Baa. 3S-0c; No f, 80 lbs. 0S-1SQ; 10 ox. tnln, fi ft tO. Hay: New eron stock baled HA No. 1 green alfalfa or better. Truck lot f e-b Portland. S39-4S; U. No. 1 mixed timothy. $33-3; new crop oat and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay, nominally $23-2. depending on quamy. Daieo, on Willamette vaDey farm. CXECUTOK'I NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Keitb Brown has been, by order of the circuit toun oc tn state of Oregon for Marion County, appointed execu tor of toe estate of EMMA MURPHY BROWN, deceased. Any perons hav ing claim against said estate are re quested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said executor at 31 Pio neer Trust Bids, Saiem. Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this lilh day of September 149. KEITH BROWN Executor of the Estate of Emma Murphy Brown. Deceased. RHOTEN Sx RHOTEN SAM T. SPEERSTRA 31S Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorney for Executor. S-1S-22-29. O-S-13 300 Personal 310 Meeting Nottcos Chemeketa Lodge No I MOOT every Wednesday Bight 312 Lost and Found LOST Puschia and blue pur silk scarf Imprinted with ballerina fig ures, on Com'l. between Holland Bakery and Quisenberry corner Sat urday noon. Please return to Mrs. Lehnherr at Oregon Statesman office. rOUND: Lady' wrist watch at State ralr. Jonathan Crockett, Rt. S, Box 37 A. Lebanon. LOST- Small black corde' purse down town. Contains 1 key, compact, small change, etc. Reward. Finder pleas can 1-1741 after 0 pjn. ilS PmnoaaT SALm NURSING HOME, 3593 "D" St oaiern. tjregon. m. W. Cruickshank Detective - a Agency 300 Stat St. Km. SOS Salem. Or. CIVIL. CRIMINAL PRrVATX DomasUe - Commercial - Industrial and Insuranea INVESTIGATIONS REASONABLE RATES Phone 2-T94S After S p.m. ax Sunday Stayton Blue 16 400 Acnltiire 402 Iirwatock GOOD REGISTERED Duroc Boer. Age six month. Phone 22070. E. J. Good. Kt ' ml East of Middle Grovg. KtlTiA T6 freshen soon. Amnon Cric. Ph. MF13. Orchard HeighU WANTED: Horses for fox feed, also want wortnics catue u allva. 206$ - n.her Rd nh 9VsUt CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChien. HA n atn pn. 2-1 do. LICENSED live stock buyer Harold E Snethen. Turner. Oregon. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed. ward Rt. 3. Box 099E. Ph. 3-1144. AT STUTj. Reg Palomino quarter horse H. L Stiff, ir. Rt. 2. Bo B7 BONDED LIVESTOCK 'PS- McCandlish. 1127 A 25th. S-S147. 404 Poultry and DRESSED HENS, delivered by ap pointment. Ph. 27263. fPULETS laying 30 rod. Colman gas . stove, new. Albert Franck. Rt 7. 2 Box 329. 3 mi E. of Totem Pol at r"olnt sign. NEW HAMPSHtftK chick .vary Thur: day. Order Fry or Hena now at pedal quantity prices for your lock er. lAistom dressing a specialty. Ph. s-zoti. Lee s natcnery. j NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for immedl ate or future delivery. Hatches every 'Tuesday. Foxes Hatchery. 383 State rn -! WINGS RAHBltRY needs rabbit. Top . price 383 State. Ph. 3-1489. 9 N. H HENS. Lying $ij each JUb S. 23th St. Ph. 3-8253 Red Fryers Uve or dressed. Rt. 7. Box 434A. Mo Cain Ave. off Silverton Rd. 408 Pets MALE COLLIE, registered, black A white. 10 months old; Butt bantam. Interested in Manx kittens Th. a ei. BLACK COCKER and terrier pun- nio A grtvaa aisraw CSV .' 1 IAS , "w ST IS. a-UUy. DACHSHUND PUPPIES. Reg. Am. svkhimu ciuo, atrs. uon uuoow. Ph. 24. AuntsvUle. 410 SwskU and PlantT A BRUZZI, RYE. 4i rtnU pound trooe tor n restock, pp. 492 Jeff ert D. W. Cilmore. Jeff 412 Fruit and Farm Produce) ItMM mil 4e m Can tnm l hi rK noM TOMATOES. Rt. 2 box 72A fiC"X4L 3,029 WholwsaUre In th UititsM Shitoli ncf Cancrcia hav usitj our ttrvict. Grxccs SAW CanrAM ErrobCirWd 1925 400 Agrlcoltnre 412 Fruit and Farm Produce) CAMPBELLS EARLY grape. Bring container. R. H. Wackea. Rt. 1. box 337. Ph. 23100. If. on SOS. right at Totem Pole. Right at Rickards Re- pair service. ml. aotith. CAAMINU TOMATOES for aalo. SI bu, U peek. Grant Asber on Grand , llnd. - - COOU oriad prunes on the old Hru- rOR SALE: Crapes for juice. 7c Del v& gi.tr- i..; irr- r-n. -. CONCOiU) grapes. Dillon Jones. Out surge, sta novse to kit past Laa- rier vr. VLkV MeJ CRAPtdt. i kind. 4c B. Bring boxes. J. R. Melvln. Rt. 0, Box so, i ant m. awsgie acbool on EiLSiJiTS U-pick. 10c lb. W pick 13c. Clo in. E. 3 tnilas. 23$ riaher Rd. tr. eve. 2-131B. TOatATOXS U-pick. L. Zielke. near Rohert sch. Ph. S-137S. ToMATOCS. ?Se bu. U-pick. LuUh man rare. 4e an. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-0T7. TOMATOES " Bushel ot e ton. Sweet and good flavor. You pick. SI SO bushel. HoTmaa'a. Jef- eraon. or u sai. aewth of Solent on oW Jefferson tun at Midway. CANNING CORN, green baby luna awemucky . wonder green and totnatoe. Ph. 2-9882 eve- 425 Aiicflon Solos 2S DAIRY COWS SS AUCTION SUNDAY. OCTOBER t. 10 MC KILGORE'S AUCTION On the Amity-Dayton Hiway SPRINGERS SPRINGERS This herd conaiste of 2$ dairy cows. Jersey A Guernsey, some close spring- some Just fresh and not young stock. One registered Guern sey bull 17 months old. Party has leased his place and must sell everything. Auctioneers note: We have inspected tnese cows and nnd tnem to oe of the best. W have had the good for tune to sell, if you want really good cow be there! AuctJanera: Oren E. Sudtell Claude M. Klleor KILGORE'S AUCTION ON THE AMITY-DAYTON HIGHWAY Notice Immediate cash - for yon. The East Salem Auction center located at 978 Lancaster Dr operate aa a service for everyone Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7 JO pjn. For informa tion cD 3-1221 If ou have anything to sell call 42923. We sell xn commission or will buy Auction every Monday 7:30 pjn. Leek'a Auction 4 miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sal) HOUSE PULL of furniture. This week only. $43 Bluer sL North Front. Ma nleton Add. REG. $114.95 Coleman Super oil cir culator, used 1 winter. $33. Phone 3-1 33. 4 RM. size oil circulator, good cond. Call after 3 p. m. or Sat. 4 mi. E. on Center to Rt. S. box 202. MW SUNLIGHT oil circulator, $23. 253 Division. 1 MINUTE washing machine, good cond. Carom wringer. $63. 1300 N. Coml. SEWING MACHINES New Home Electric $30-93 and up. Ph. 9-3139. - r RALPH JOHTJTOTf APPLIANCES VARIOUS PIECES of furniture, uphol- aterea witn nsodJ point. 39 univer sity. SAFEWAV 6fL SfdVf. five room six with tank. 943. 1S3S Park Ave. 4 FT. LEONARD refrigerator A Roper um range, saw. Botn in excel, cooa. Ph. 3-S234. USED SEWING machines, reasonable. Ph. S-3139. Ralnh Johnson AncllsBcei. AUTO. OH. Burner A control for fur nace. 259 S. 14th. , SAVE 1590 4-plce Umod oak bedroom suit corn plate with innersprtng mattros and matching box spring. A tremen dous value at only $99 Jo. $10 down den vers. SAVE $40 Beautiful modern daveno and match ing club chair with blond trim. A truly sensational buy at only $119.93. $12 down deliver. IL & H. Furniture Co. 153ft Fairground Rd. Ph. S-27S7 jCnfaung Until S p.m. 1 DBL BED, 2 dbl. springs. 1 ingl bed. springs and mattress, elec. range, like new, chairs, washing ma chin and other articles at 1790 Wat cr St ; ' WALNU? 'CkTELXG table, six chairs. Phone S-320S after S pjn. 456 Wanted. Household Goods WANTED TO BUY: Good used Grand piano. Ph. 3-5583. USED FURN, immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture, 2&5 N. Commerci!. Ph. 27472 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 NEED AT. ONCE. Urge quantity used furniture. Ph 3-3W0 - Woodry 9 YOU have furniture, appliances, porting good. etc. to sell and want top prices call TRADER LOUIE, 305 Portland Rd. Ph. 38S5S days. 24407 458 Building Materials NEW 63 ELEC water beater. $80, 2300 K.W. Wesex waO beater. $30. 7" skill saw with extra blade. $75. Ph. 3-4479 PLYWOOD New supply complete stock interior plywood. Pick your choice of ma terial. Quality at lowest price. Open n day Saturday Ox Sun. morn. C. G. Long, ph 2-5&21. 1 mL N. of Kctaer. CEDAR SIDING. New shipment of fex S and "xlO" cedar siding. All grade Keith Brown. Front A Court st., Salem. LUMBER. 2x4 by Jitney load. $10 per thou. You hauL Independence Lum ber and Mfg. Co, Independence. Ore. Wo Want Your Always a Desnrndsbj) Cask liarkei. If ye dent brtns; theaa te Cnrly's we beta Curly's Dairy lmirswvwdk steed at Deed Ph. i-rj$j L1(SS 450 'Merchandise 458 Bnadlnq Mcrteriala DeWALT RADEL SAW. Bke new. 3 h p.1 See at Houaer Bros. Make offer. Shingles - Shakes No. 1 ahtegle - $7.73 aq. Cedar shake tot carton. 912 aq. C. G. Long. .ph. 2-321. 1 ml. N. of Kefaer. SIDING New Asbestos siding 210 q. Car load attpply. a fir proof material, no paint required. C G. Long. ph. 2321. I Ml N. of Keizer school. NEED LUMBER For larger amounts, bunders are real izing substantial savings on an grade of framing .lumber. No. 4 ix4's and lx shipiap. $11 per m. 2x6. SxS. 2x1. $19 per en. No. 3. 2x4 A shipiap, $3 per m. Price nchtde de krery. W. Salem Saw Mill. 103 Wal (ace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. DOoaS Flush interior Sc exterior doora. Just a few left at special price. Keith Brown. Front A Court sw.. iimi DkAH CUSTOMER, Insist oo your con tractor A carpenter using the finest old growth, vertical grain yellow fir nntsn lor. tn saiem. on hand at Dick Meyer Lbr. Co. Ph. 3-439. 23 Lana Ave. CEDAR GUTTER Just received small stock, hard-to-get "clear" and "tight knot grade 3"x4 cedar gutter Keith Brown. Front St Cowtt Ss . Salem RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1, 7.75. any am't. del. Coast or Mountain timber. 100 sq. of No. 3. Sin clesr. suitable for roof or side ws 11. $3 per aq. Ted Muller. Ph Salem 2-1196 Salem-Indepen-dence Hwy Insulation New fiber class insulation, st Bargain prices. Easy to install between stud ding and Joist. ',,- insulation board 4xS sheet Sc foot $1S4 sheet C. G. Long. oh. 2-3S2L 1 mL N. of Keizer. 460 Musical tnstrtrmsmbs FOR SALE: Upright piano and bench. si.w. i53u w.'iatn. NtW St used Musical Instruments A Spinet Sc Grand piano at reduced nrtTS Jqmth Music Co. Ph. 3-4641, f XPERT Musical instrument re pair au work fully guaranteed. Jaquith Huae Co. Ph. 3-4641. 462 Sports Egrdprnornt Si H. P. TWIN outboard excel, trol ling motor reas. Ph 38547. DEEH RIFLE. 30-40 Krag. 3 boxes snellS. 939. Kt. 9 BOX 290. S ml. S. of Liberty Store. fltftELD 30 06 KL 1.5 Scope. $30.00 with ammunition. 980 N. 17th. 25-35 WINCHESTER Model 94. 3 boxes of shells, peep site. exc. cond. Ph. 3-4253. COLT WOODSMAN. 6 in. barrel. Hol- ster and 2 tidxes ammo. Excellent condition. $50. Phone 2-6083 eve- nns. 30-20 WINCHESTER. 30-06 with scop. 38 special. 594 N. Liberty. 348 WIN. 35 Rem. 30 Rem. auto, with cote Ph. 3-583 270 CUSTOM Mauser Alaskan. IS7 custom Mauser Echo Mt , .300 Savage Manlicher stocker, 22-250 Varmlnter K?., with 8 power Litchert. P. 3-539S. 30-30 WINCHESTER Carbine. Rt. I. Si'verton. Pete Scymanskt. 30.06 SPRINGFIELD, $85. Will take trade. Also hav shell. Ph. 2-0664. 2480 Msole. WINCHESTER 30-06 Springfield. Beau- u run y ngured stock,- nedneld site, worth $125. win sen for $99. Trader Ioule. 3055 Portland Rd. ENGLISH STYLE saddle for sal or trade for shotgun. Ph. 2-7520. 464 Bicycles LADY'S BICYCLE, cheap. Ph. 21 SOI. iso s. 12m st. MAN'S heavy service bicycle. $15 See Mr. Clark. Statesman. 468 For Rsmt MiaceDcmeoua WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital bed. Ph. 3-7779. Max O. Buren. 749 Court St Slem. GOOD USED Pianoti L Stiff U-DRfVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan keta fum. 197 A Liberty. Ph. 2-9082. 470 For Sole. MlsceDaneoua SEWING MACHINE, wood circulator. 231$ N. Uberty or ph. 2T66. TRAILER. Steel baa. 1 wheel. HoSl er pleasure, cheap. 730 MUX FOR SALE or trad: 2 wheel steel trailer Briggs A Stratton electric engine. 50 lb. ice box. 2390 Claude or Ph. 20905. FHA sLng-T1m Slafi Financt Co. FHA Leans Ueense 8-211 and M-22S Feroeaal sad A ate Leans A Or.Y.T.LasaJ O Dr O CaaaJg D DKS. CIIAN . . LAM CHTNCSE HE1BALIST8 Ml NertB Uberty Oaatalr PertlaaS General Co Office open Satnrday only 10 a. as. a i sua s to T psa. c DMson Bleoe preasar tsssa are tree mt eatargo tnc 1911 Constipation (Colitis) Is a symptom, not a disease. Rectal ailments are the underlying; factor. Hemorrhoids and other colon aliments must be corrected. No loss of time No hospitalization Free descriptive booklet Dr, R Reynolds Preeteletast NataWw-XecUl Specialist ' 1144 Center SL Mesa. Ore. ia PT1 470 For Solo. MlacIlo3MKms 120 7 FT. fence posts. $30 for all. Call 3053. LUGGAGE trailer with enclosed top, well balanced $40. 130S N. Comt W eating house radio-phooograph Con soles a little as SM.SO. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 37$ CTsemeketa Hunters!! Sleep Drr!! Compact, folding tent trailer, factory built, walk In type with floor, glstp A ready to awe In 2 minute. Room for equipment and game. Convert to utility trailer. $223. cost new $430. 10 Cross Ave, 2 blk NX of D St. and Park Ave. OLD HOUSE to be wrecked. SOxJOxie' wall. Ph. 3-1763. rURNITURX A other articles. SSO Bcf- roont St. Hunters: Attention -save your game tn a Deepfreeze Home Freerer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeket GOOD BREAKFAST table A chairs. cheap. 1052 Saginaw. Ph. 3-8754. BEARDED IRIS BUtSs." special. $2.50 doz. Regular $5 to $19 value. Ph. 2-5894. ROYAL TYPEWRITER, touch control $35. Call 3-4123 Ext. 241. ' rLLTTNG ARBOR SAW A stand. Almost new. 955. Ph. 3-8459. NEW MODEL 70 Winchester. 375 M.f nura CaU 3-9905 after 3 p.m. or lSS McCoy Ave. ALMOST NEW folding babv buggv. win trade for hi-chair and folding stroller or will sell. Ph. 3-99S9 ELEMIN Sr G Sc J Vitamin Ph. 3-1413. OU Clrcuia tors drastically reduced YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 975 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads A driveway. Cement. Readv. mis. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and witching. vd shovel Sc drag line. Phone 3-9249 ATMORAYS. Harley Pugh. Ph. 2-S7g7T USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 379 Chemeketa Ports Regular $50 1 Pant Suits NOW WITH 2 Pair of Pauls For Only .50 Fresh new styles, clear-cut worrtexLs. hand detailed tail oring, singl) and double) IkToastwd models. Patterns, colors and sizes to sattsfr your taste and fit in rwaulars. sJiorts, longs and stouts largo variety. Ilany Other Hew FALL SUITS In Super Quality 100 Wool Worsted Fabrics. Expertly Tailored 1 and 2 Tailored 1 cmd2 r,29.50 ,.69 IIEW FALL TOPCOATS Genuine Reigstered Crarenetted Bain-Repellent 100 WOOL GABABOniES $3450 At Others $29.50 to $45. 100 Wool SPORT COATS Al Vi Price Wert) S2&00 NOW 50 100 Wool Shells Cr Paxils Boo. $14.95 to $22.50 '1095 to $1495 NOW OPEN FKTDAY NTTE till t oraxxx Koines O Shop 337 STATS STJtEET X Doors West ef liberty 8L Next to nsjtmaa's Jewelry Store SUIT ME 3 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, MlscenarMous Todds Septic Tank Service Pe SerrW CaB as Collect 1343 State St. phone 1-TM Vallev .Sanrl X Hr.! r Sat San3 A fiQ dirt Screened gravel A sand for concrete, lrom del Exca vating 10B Sbevel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. ' m-ma. res J-TIS. All famous make of smsH AptlUncea. YEATER APPLIANCE COt 375 Chemeketa na outu sewmg vie any make anacfilna. UARRy aorrKr ed rock, fill dirt. W nearer. .Croisan Quarries ' Com! St Ph. 2-6417 r-ws,rn. S-IZ31 TKNCA PfiSTS Raa. ail shingle fertUtaar mv Ken sty a Sfejv its im. . Plaau-Kote the cellophane-hke Aniaa jvsr uoor. woooworX or teum. no waxtng required.- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3T5 Chemeket TARP3 st your War Surplus Store 16 ot. Waterproof. Grotnoteta Sx7 $3.15 Tx $37 S $4 32 txi Sjo AH other sties ta Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO Corner Fairgrounds Rd. St Church St The warm weather having wo again have a complete) FRESHLY GROUND ftg FRESH COUNTRY AQ HamLnrger . . lb. uuC Sausage . ... lb. uuC EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD gwm EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD is- Beef Boast J . v lb. O0C na, Sfeak ... lb. 13C Ana Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps ' EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD AA EASTERN ORE. HEREFORD rmg . , CQm T-Bones lb. 59c Hew Yorli Cnl lb. D"C ; aSWaBBBBBBBBBUSBnBB SPECIAL GRADEA mm VSTS Z sv 39C Veal awah It. 45t SPECIAL GRADE "A" mg SPECIAL GRADE "A" an . mrmtmn II UQm Veal Breast lb. 19c Veal Chops .. lb. 03C TENDER SXJNLES3 Yotna Colored. rreswdADtxrwii yip Uioners . . . . . lb. JSC Hens n, slaC Salmon Siealr , Bed Snapper LocltSLf Eastern Oregon Herefords. Young and lender. Compare lliis price! lb. BASHER'S food 1288 CANNED FOODS SALE Now is the time ta Stock Up on New Pack Canned Foods XTO those cupboards and pantry shelves with Quality Foods at these Real Mcsaey Serving Pricee. PEAS VTzfJ-- 2 19c 125 conii s,TUc'J,n 2 23c 2.69 SLICED BEETS No. 2 cans ,. 2 com 25 2.79 lUT-CcJunibia No. 2rs cans 2 cans 23 2.69 WAX BEANS No. 2 cans 2 cans 35t 3.93 PDlIPiall ZS? 2 can. 15C 1.79 GDEEII BEAIIS : 2 25c 2.S3 ASPARAGUS Center Cuts No. 2 cans 2 cans 39 CATSUP Van Camp' U os. bottles 2 l 29 1 3-39 PORT & BErNS Dennlson-s , 2 cans 19 2-25 TOIIATOES 2 "35 3.S3 SABDCIES Ti" Tomgto 2 39 c 1 FUESn YAIIS HEW WNfTf 45c wit Ceeso Tha StalarcmaB. Salenv OrL. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sola. KQscananeous TEA TEH APPLIANCE CO, 3TS Cheuielteta price. Ironing board. Ph 3-QS3S SINGER elee cabinet sewing asachlne. Guaranteed machine, tnoroughly re eond. witn new walnut cabinet St motor. Perfect cond. Bargain SIM Tertna arrange. Sanger Sewing Sto- rnw fa. 13 ft. Cumniei'Hal. UNIVCR&AL gas rang. Table top ntodei. entonutne oven, SSS. 104 tl Sewing Machine Free-Westinghou. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 279 Cbemeketa BEAUTlfUL young male bloodhound. un framed, good voice st a ass. Ph. Hill SPARKS U beater, nearly new. Clint ltuhn. 1?33 Eorewater. FOR SALE: Sear ahaliow weU punp. used 6 aao SSS Clifford F. Pratt, Ft. 9. Box 2 lebanon. Ore. CHICKEN fertiluer. well deliver. Ph. 3-tl VseS' WaIhTMc MX TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 27$ Chemeketa 472 Wanted. MlsQaneous WANTED: Two 20 x 2 tlr. Writ Boe 309. 5utrmn. PIANO TUNING Wills Masie Store SsJeas passed, we feel that you folks will bo Interested to know that selection of fish, at bargain price, too. FUESII FISH ITEIIS . lb 39c 29c State Street Phone 2-3237 2 ib, 15c Tonalces . FosCarmlag 89c TLarsday. Sptsmbwr IX i4Sl 450 Merchandise 472 Wanted. llls?41azts)oas FILBERT-WALNUT drying. I nO K. Lancaster Or, Auburn re. CI ode t McKlnneyph. S-1S32. Attention Loggers Good logs wanted. 2nd or old growth, can handle any amount. Top pries. Burklaod Lbr. Csx. Turner. Oregon. Phono 1US. Salera avenlngs 2-191 oe 1-TS3 CASH foe news pa para. 179 N. FreoC " 474 MIseJlaBaota RAWUNS MUSIC STUDIO Violin t piano. SUte ecredtt4 or. pa. s-eou Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERvTCR Ot kSOSTT --' CASES Brlnf or Mall Your Plata for ReooSt DR. HARRT SEM1XR. DENTIST Adolph Bids. Stat at Coca, Pn 9-3311 Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor veatai Buildings - Factor! - Hams Estimate without obtigstlon AJSERICAN BLDG. atAlNT. CO. Ph. Slem 3-9133 TaWT TO ftny need cnsr it less7 McXwaa Photo She. 43$ State, 34423 mm1 i ... Ilalibiil Sleali . lb. 39c Fresh Oysters pL 65c s&mm Cass Pries 24 Cans Price lSectiTO Thnrtw--FrL SaL SepL2a Oct 1 Shop Ci Save BllSEItSIlS 12l!i Ci Side Sis.