The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Thojf ?qlomcci, SaUegy prfTfc""dqT SnHwJxT t lt3j
History didn't repeat after all at least not in this ease: Back around
the turn of the century one "Bed" Griffiths, formerly a teammate of
local lawyer man Fred Williams at Iowa (1899), signed on as coach
at Idaho. When he became acclimated he installed a brand new sy-
tern, Tne laano fipreaa, u was g
called, and proceeded to win the
championship of the entire North-
west. That was in the days when the
northern diyisibners didnt play the f
southerns as they do now. So what? f
So this year Dixie Howell did a f
few new installations nimseli at
Idaho, mostly with bis "Maybe-T".
But alastherell be no champion
ships for the Vandals after that 41
0 thumping at Eugene. One leaning
to the prankish side could say,
There is no maybe about it either."
(Awright, so it stunk!) ... We sat
in on the Portland U. vs. Nevada
mix Sunday and saw that it was a
case of the boys getting mixed up
with the men as the 53-27 final In
dicates. But look out for the Pilots
in the next couple of years. Boss
Harry (The Horse) Wright now has
a freshman team, most of its per
sonnel from the east, which gets LES SPARKS .
quite a bang out of beating hallelujah out of the varsity during mid
week scrums. Wright says he has to keep the doors locked on such
scrimmages, as he doesn't want the public to see it . . . Speaking of
strong football teams in the offing, keep an eye on Bill McArthurs
OCE outfit at Monmouth. Bill definitely has something besides over
60 men on his huge squad and should dish up a few surprises for those
teams which will be favored over his this autumn. The Wolves are big,
quick and laden with experience. They should easily amount to the
best football team Monmouth has had since the golden days of Larry
Wolfe. Smack in the middle of It calling the plays and throwing the
passes with his sling-shot arm is Roger Dasch the ex-Viking. Looks
pretty pert at it too . . .
Heavy Salem Representation on OCE Team
Dasch isn't the only Salem player on the team. Freddie Sproule, Bud
Michaels, Bob Funk, Ray Cummings, Bruce Hamilton and Dan Colle
ran are present also, but Hamilton and Dasch are the only regulars.
A few other former preps of this vicinity now under McArthur are
Paul Lee. the onetime Corvallia whiz: Dennis Posey and Dewey and
Don James from Independence; George Watts of Amity; Dave Powell
of Lebanon; Ken Main of Coos Bay, a transfer from the U of Oregon;
Glen Schroeder and Marv Hiebert of DaUas; Don Stryker of Albany
Max Parker of Monmouth and Louis Cockerham of Dayton . . .
From the appearance of first round statistics, looks as if the .
, Marion County B league elevens will be seeing quite a bit of the
. Poole brothers, Leo and Larry, on Burton Burrough's Mill City
i entry this fall. In last weekl St- romp over Turner, Leo barred i
24 of the points and Larry the other eirht . . . Baseball umpire and
" basketball-football official Bus Bigham is now a Salem resident
while learning the ABCs of the state parole board. He expects to
be stationed eventually In Pendleton and will Hawkshaw that
area . . . Visiting as well as local newsies who are to cover the
Willamette (rid games are In for a pleasant surprise. Beinr erect
ed this week at 8weetland field Is a 12-man press box, for which
same newsies likely will devote at least 17 paragraphs of colum
nar thanks. If there were any In this world worse than the old
box at SweeUand. it must be embalmed In the Smithsonian insti
tute's antique dep't ...
What Will the New WU Stadium be Named?
Re the sudden splurge of improvements on all forms of athletics at
WU, which has been definitely noticed the past few months, the high
pooh-bahs are still wondering what they'll christen the Bush pasture
field when it's finished. One suggestion (it isn't ours, although we cer
tainly okeh it) would have it called "Sparks Stadium" as a measure
of thanks to Prof. Lestle J., who has stuck with the school through
thick and thin for almost 30 years. Another would have the premises
bear the name of Roy (Spec) Keene who did so much for the "IT dur
ing his 17 years there. Inasmuch as Spec is now the athletics boss at
Oregon State, chances are this one won't be considered too seriously.
There is even talk of conducting a widespread contest to select the
new layout's name. ,
There also Is the talk of hnaUIng up another drive to raise funds
.for the building- of the stands and lighting equipment for the pas
ture, as right now there aren't too many sheckls In the pot for
"such Important Items. They may even borrow the plan with which
Medford realised a snazzy 300tseat concrete stand selling 500
seats at $60 each, with the buyer's name to go one one seat for five
years. Medford raised $30,000 In this manner and still has 2500
other seats In the new stand to rent out for each game ...
Jockey Gus Dye may have been the darling of the recent Portland
Meadows hosrmeet, but he's Just another rider at Bay Meadows now.
Jockey listings from the BM track have Dye far down near the bottom
with but two winners ... ' . t
Keiter Second Graders Picked 'Em Also
We picked 15 out of 17 college football winners last week and
11 out of 12 the week before. It wasn't hard, we told our young
daughter, a second grader at Kelser school. "No It wasn't," she
..... ,1 Mail W 1.1- l l9aam. At A It liUI " Vmm th
looks of what's on the menu for the coming weekend our .897 bat
ting average of the present will look more like .097 a week hence
... Come to think of It we believe well let the daughter do the
-1-1.1 v r TirT a . Mllilnii California- .
" OSC, Willamette-Chic and OCE-Linfleld tilts. Well take over
for the Notre Dame-Washington, Idaho-Texas, Minnesota-Nebraska,
Southern Cal-Waahlngton State and Oklahoma-Texas A
M -toesups." ... ;
Sacred Heart Nips Vik JVs
With 3rd Period Touchdown
f acred Heart Academy's Cardinals nabbed a 0-0 victory over the
Salem Junior Varsity last night in a fumble-filled but hard played
grid clash under the Leslie field lights. It was Sacred Heart's first
win of the season, after three starts. It was Coach Ken Brophy's open
er for the Vik seconds.
The lone touchdown came in the
third period after two passes, from
Quarterback Al Pearl to Ends Jim
Colleran and Clark Ecker, had put
the oval on the Salem one-foot
line. Jim Lancaster sneaked It over
from there. The conversion try
was muffed.
The Viks made one serious scor
ing thrust, to the SHA eight But
the half time gun stopped them
there. The drive was sparked most
ly by Halfback Johnny Gundren
and rullback Gary Meissing.
Salem was on another spirited
drive at the game's end. They were
on the Cardinal 32 at the finish,
after driving fro m their own 12.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept. ll-VP)-The
University of Idaho football
squad headed for Austin, Tex,
tonight bent on spoiling the Uni
versity of Texas perfect defen
siyt record Saturday afternoon.
Head Coach Dixie Howell and a
36-man squad started on a com
bination rail and air Journey that
will take them to Austin In time
for a workout tomorrow night
Dig Six
O AB It H Pet
Will lama. Red Sox 152 558 148 13 J4
obtnson. Dodgers .153 Ml ISO 1M .343
Ktu, Tiger 131 314 97 .343
Slaughter. Cards 147 frts 1 lis -337
Muslal.- Cardinals 153 53 124 19 JM
Mitchell. Indians - 145 (23 71 187 J17
Home runs American league: Wil
liams. 41; Stephens, Red Sox 39 Gra
ham. Browns. 34; National league:
Kiner. Pirates S3: Musial. Cardinal.
34: Sauer. Cubs. 3.
3 una batted In American league:
. : llannf. Red Sox 1S9; Stephens. Red
Fox 1SS: Wert. Tiger 133; National
learnt : Kiner. Pirates 125: Robinson.
Codgers ill; Musial, Cardinal US.
f - -Y
Indians Snare
Padres' Flores
Purchase of Righthanded Pitcher
Jesse Flores from San Diego In
the Pacific Coast league was an
nounced today by the Cleveland
Flores, 22, won 20 and lost 10
this year while starting SS games
and finishing 25 in the AAA cir
cuit Hell report to the Indians'
Tucson, Ariz., training camp next
spring. The price on the five-foot
10 and half-inch flinger was an
"unannounced' sum of money and
a player "to be named later."
(Capitol Alley)
Sr. tlO Stralton S02. Bone 43. Oslund
91. Hickman (1) 189. ACKE MOTOR
CO. (2) Mirich 579. rrtesen SOS. Irons
11. Steinbock 403. E. Hartwell S52.
CAPITOL BED DIN Q (1) Young S21.
WUkerson ISS, Nuber 179 Xarson 503,
2 Kitchen S4S, Ounger S3. Perry
MO. Foreman S13, Adolpa 547.
II) Kennedy Sat. Ross 133 Starr 179.
Coe 37. Seitslneer 54S. LA VON S OF
McMINNVILLX (1) Myers 55. KyUs
519. Kraft us, Mmoer aw. oioax so.
MAR'S LUNCH (3) Crbrwell Ml.
Gresory S79. Reeve 21. Seal 44S.
Thede 54, Phlpp SOS, Logan 56. Ray
burn 571. West 543.
CUPBOARD CATC (3) Henderson
S54 White S2S. McCluskey S14. Evans
GOODS 40) B. Valdes 51 L Woodford
528. Wieklund 483. D. Page ft, H.
Pare 24
Co. 304S.
Willamette Valley Leaguers'
Their Jamboree at t-taeada
ever and aa usual a success, the
Willamette Valley league foot
ball teams Friday open their
round-robin schedule with four
games. In the openers It will be
8Hvertoa at Weodburn. S P-m.:-Eataeada
at Mt Angel, t pa;
Melalla at Sandy. S PA, and
DaUas at Canby, t P-m. .
Excluding the brief appear
aaeea of the teaane la the -Jam
Tuesday night, pre-league skir
mishes have established as strong
poasibClUes for the champion
ship a leas thaa four members.
They are Melalla which has
reaped as two wins ever Sac
red Heart sad Stayten, Eataeada
which has done the same la
tUt with White Salmon and
Ode-, Woodhurn which wallop
ed Willamlna last week sad ML
Angel.- the defending tiUisi. A
true ttagkhorse resides ta 811
verton, as Coach Marl Ander-
Wet Weather
May Aid Hunt
Gov. Douglas McKay 'said
Wednesday that Oregon hunt
ers might yet bo able to take
to the Northwest Oregon woods
The rain eased the forest firs
situation so mack that McKay
said he might be able to cancel
Tuesday's order postponing
opening of the deer season ta
this part of the state.
The governor's decision will
depend on how much more rain
George Spaur, acting state
forester, win make a recom
mendation to Jthe governor to
day, i
Viking Lineup
Changes Set
Salem high's Vikings romped
through more scrimmage Wed
nesday in preparation for Friday
night's Big Six league opener
against Albany at Waters par
and following the session Coach
Loren Mort announced several
changes in his starting lineup.
Bob Santee, 190-pound trans
fer from-Hillsboro, will open at
left guard, working mostly on
offense. At right tackle HH be
205-pound Layton Gilson break
ing -Into the starting crew.
TWo lads who have looked
good J in practice all week will
hold down halfback berths. Jim
my Stewart, only 135 pounds but
speedy, will start at left half
while Captain Jim Rock, nor
mally at that post will switch
to fullback. Gene Jones will hold
forth at the right half slot in
place of Dale Olson who Is on
the sick list
An injury has hobbled Deb
Davis, the Viks fullback starter
in the opening games.
Mort will send his ' charges
through tapering drills today.
Friday night's clash is set for
8 o'clock, and will be played on
a Waters grid which has been
moved in for better visibility. The
playing area now parallels the
left field line.
Bear Rassle Program
Hits Snag, Vancouver
proposed tussle here between a
medium-slsed wresUer and s 600
pound bear hit a possible snag to
day. The S.P.C.A. stepped Into the
picture and began a "complete?
Investigation Jnto the match,
scheduled for Oet 5.
Said David Rleardo, S.F.C.A.
secretary-manager: "On the face
of It It doesn't seem like a good
Likely he isn't worried about
SEATTLE, Sept 28 -(JP)- Two
former University of Washington
basketball stars headed east to
night for prefessional basketball
engagements. Jack Nichols is re
turning to the Washington Capi
tols- and Bill Vandenburgh will
loin the Boston Celtics. Both
teams are in the Basketball As
sociation of America.
NEW HAVEN. Conn, Sept 28
(AVBecause one of Its players is
in a hospital with a mild case of
Infantile paralysis. Yale univer
sity late today cancelled its foot
ball game with Fordham. Two
other students, neither an athlete,
also are mildly ill with the dis
ease. The contest second on Yale's
schedule, was to have been play
ed In the bowl here Saturday.
Bud Barker, Syracuse U. back
field coach, is the former head
basketball coach st Muhlenberg.
HIGH PiD. GAME, rrtesen 363.
(University Bowl)
SALEM LIONS No. 1 (3) Porter 45,
Henderson 449. Hoy 408. Bauer 431.
Rostel 419. JR. CHAMBER Schmidt
X7i. u. porter aw, acnaefer 375. Doerk
47S Zisler 434.
aa 3. Mootry 3J. ' Boon 424. VUlespie
37S. Collins 39ft. KTWANIS (1) Stux
man 39S, Hutchinson 309, linebcrry
SOT.Test 453. PtckreU 401.
SALEM LIONS No. 9 11 Tonns SS2.
Todd 35, Hahrorson 320. Walker 32S.
Delaney 482. MOOSE (2) Thompson
489. Smyres 413. Prudent 405, Rob
erts 294. RusseU 441.
370. Porter 382. Brown 429. Tindaal 342.
Donaldson 403. SALEM LIONS No. 2
(3) Gedde 427, Seamster 475, Smith
473. Holmes 87S. Starrett 48S.
HIGH 1ND. GAME Seamster. Salem
Lions No. 2. 212.
HIGH EfD. SERIES, Holmes Salem
uon NO. 2. 3S.
I, a, on.
'son's Foxes held Beavertoa to
a 7-7 tie ta the only game play
ed by them thus far. Neither
. Canby. Dallas or Sandy loom as
strong teams, oa the basis of
their pre-leagae records. But
Hopes to Hurl
' " s ' ' , " ' ' f ; : v.. : ' Z. . . , .. ...
... . .. . ...-:'.'"..!. ' . . , : " -' ' ' . : ..
- ' ' - W ' '
Pi if- '-4 - y
Carlos (Cub) Houck, former all-around athletic ace for Salem's Vik
ings and now a promising soph oa the Oregon State football team
aa a quarterback, hopes to do some pitching Saturday at Portland
when the Beavers battle the California Bears. Houck played la last
week's 27-7 win over Utah.
Game Boss Asks Caution
During UpcomingSeason
By C. A. Lockwood
Oregon Game Director
With the opening of the deer season in certain parts of Oregon on
Saturday close to 200,000 hunters will go afield. It is fine that so many
will avail themselves of the opportunity to enjoy this fine recreation.
However, the very numbers who will hunt place a heavy responsibil
ity on each hunter. This is a re
sponsibility that is manifold and
one that must be assumed by all.
That each hunter must observe the
game laws is obvious if these re
sources are to be maintained in
the face of pyramiding pressure.
Another responsibility, not quite so
obvious, is that each hunter going
afield is also responsible for main
taining the habitat in which game
animals live. Fire must be in our
minds constantly. How easy it is
for Just one small thoughtless act
to destroy thousands of acres of
deer food. One campfire left un
tended can destroy a whole water
shed which, in turn, means not only
loss of valuable timber but means
loss of trout streams and loss of
life-giving top soil as welL One
cigarette stub flipped away can
mean hundreds of starving deer.
Let's be extra cautious this year,
whether we hunt in the forests or
on the desert ranges, for fire means
loss to all.
Our responsibility, however, does
not stop here, for each hunter is
carrying in his hands the greatest
responsibility of all the responsi
bility of life itself the lives of our
fellow men. Better that we never
get our buck than to destroy a
human life. During the hunting
season in Oregon last year six peo
ple, lost their lives from gunfire.
We all know that one fatality, even
one accident is just one too many.
We must keep this in mind. We
must handle our firearms with the
greatest of care and never shoot
until we are absolutely certain.
We ask your aid. We ask you to
observe the game laws. We ask you
to be careful with fire and above
all we ask you to use your fire
arms with the greatest of care.
Let's make this season a safe hunt
ing season!
Leo Likes Cardinals
-(AVLeo Durocher, manager of
the New York Giants, picks the
St Louis .Cardinals to defeat the
Boston Ked Sox la the World
Addressing the B'Nal OTUth
lodge here last night. Durocher
-I like the Cardinals la the
World Series.
He said he believed the Ked Sox
would win the American league
pennant with the Cards taklag
the National.
Deck Pins
In the Mens Automotive league
duckpin bowling action at B tc B
count . last . night Oldimobile
swept four from Ford. Buick did
the same over Hudson, Cadillac
made it a ditto over. Kaiser-Fra
zer and Warner Motors had a 3-1
night over Dodge. - Dorvin Holt
had a 185 high individual game
and Dewey aurogart a 47s ser
ies, both for Oldsmobfle". The
Cadillacs had high 2065 series and
70S team game. .
-fan mTWfmfWf
Open Friday
there have been many u pacta la
WVL play la the past league
officials are quick to attest
The top opeoinr round clash
appears to r be the SOverton
Woodburu mix. Estacada aad
Mt Angel could engage ta a
young war themselves, as could
Dallas and Canby. Kay Keifs
Molallans arent expected to en
counter much trouble at Sandy.
Kea Jaeebeea at Dallas has
lost a heavy list of lettermea,
and accompanied with the Dra
gons' loss to Taft last week
these are reasons why Dallas
Isn't figured Into the title pic
ture at present Gene Barrett
is ta a similar fix at Mt Angel,
even though the Preps blasted
Sacred Heart 3S-S last week.
Chuck Sheron's Wood burns look
ed like title timber ta their Wil
lamlna game, a snappy come
back after a previous less at
Hood River.
Against Col
pefeat Stuns
Red Sox Gang
WASHINGTON. Sept 28 -(F)
The Red Sox dressing room, as
you might expect looked like a
morgue after the Sox' 2-1 loss to
the Washington Senators today.
Saddest of aU was Mel Far
aeU, who wild pitched the win
ning run home.
Farnell was . adjusting his tie,
a brilliant blue one, and the only
bright thing ta the room.
What had he been trying to
throw? reporters wondered.
"A rum," ho said.
What happened r
1 guess I held onto It s little
too long," said ParnelL
Did the rain bother him any?
No, he said, and kept work
lng on the tie.
Coming out of the Ked Sox
dressing room, you could still
hear the ' Senators across the
way. whooping It up.
In the Major-
AB R H O A E Rbl
Gordon, Indians -.3 0 3 3 0
Pesky. Red Sox 4 9 2 9 9 0
Doerr. Red Sox 1 S 14 19
: I-
S Chssifiad Section for Wi
s J -
S iJ.
Slhiaire Leadl
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Boston 95 58 .839 PhOadlpa 79 73 .523
New Yrk 95 54 JS29 Chicago .82 SS .413
Detroit S7 4 -576 St. Louis .91 100 -33
Clevelnd SS S3 J7 Wshngtn 49 102 J2S
Wednesday results: At Washington
t Boston 1: At New York 7. Philadel
phia 5; At Chicago 2. Cleveland 4. Only
games scheduled.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
St Louis 95 55 .833 New Yrk 73 79 .480
Broklya 94 58 .827 Prttsbrgh 89 82 .453
PhUdlph 90 72 J2 Ctncinnat 81 90 .404
Boston -73 77.487 Chicago 59 92 -1
Wednesday results: At Philadelphia
2. New York 9. At Ptttsbunh-St. Louis.
rain; At Boston-Brooklyn, rain. Only
Joe Doubtful Starter
NEW YORK. Sept 2S-4VFW DIMaggio. f lN.fof a year ren
tier fielder el the New York Yankees, remains a doubtful starter la
the million dollar series against the Boston Ked Sex this week end.
The Yankee Clipper, stricken with a virus Infection s little over
a week age, worked out briefly for the first time today prior to the
Yanks clash with the Philadelphia Athletics,
DIMaggio eat at IS pitches aad banged one late the stand but
complained of weariness and expressed deabt of participating la
the aU Important series with the Ked Sox.
DIMaggio nervously puffed a cigarette la front of his locker
after the drilL He looked extremely tired and his loss of weight
was apparent. Regarding the workout DIMaggio said, "At the end I
felt as If the bat was swinging me."
Manager Casey Stengel said. "I won't ask him to play until he
says he's ready."
Stars, Acorns Victors
As PCL Playoffs Open
Hollywood's Champion Stars and the second-place Oakland Oaks
came through with victories as the annual Pacific Coast league Gov
ernor's Cup Playoffs opened last night.
Hollywood edged out the Sacramento Solons, third-place finishers
riurinz the reeular season, 4-3 in a
thrilling 12 inning battle wrucn
saw Johnny O'Neil 5lide home on
a wild pitch for the winning run.
At Oakland the Acorns plaster
ed four San Diego pitchers for 18
hits and an easy 13-3 triumph.
The Oaks peppered the Padres for
12 runs in the first three innings
including five in each of the sec
ond and third frames.
The semi-final series continue
tonight with the teams which
first win four games going Into the
finals next week.
Sacramento 001 101 000 000-3 18 0
Hollywood 000 000 021 0014 13 1
Mallettc Johnson 8. and Ralmondl;
Ramsdell. Salveson (9). Roy (10) and
San Dieto 000 010 011-
Oakland 253 000 Ola-
Adams. Jurisich (2) Kipp (1)
son (3) and Moore; Candlnl a
17 in Turnout
Vik Swim Team
First call- for aspirants on the
1949-50 Salem high school var
sity swimming team brought out
17 prospects in all, including five
lettermen and nine sophomores.
Three were Juniors. Veterans are
Dale Sheridan, Don Clark, Ger
ald Ullman, Marlin Nelson and
Bob Hamblin.
First meeting of outside com
petition for the Vikings has not
been announced.
CHICAGO, Sept. 28-WVThe
Notre Dame football squad 38
strong passed through Chicago
today en route to Seattle, Wash.,
for its game Saturday with the
University- of Washington. Coach
Frank Leahy said four members
of the squad still are on the in
jured list but are expected to see
action. The fighting Irish will ar
rive In Seattle Friday morning.
American League
.000 001 0001 4 9
000 000 0032 9 9
Stobbs. Kinder (9) Farneu (8 and
Tebbetts; Scarborough and Evans.
Philadelphia 000 000 5005 9 1
New York ..101 002 30x 7 9 1
Coleman. Kellner (7) and Rosar.
Cue its (8); Byrne, Sanford (7). Page
(7). Reynolds (8) and Berra.
Cleveland 003 100 0004 8 9
Chicago .000 000 1012 5 1
Lemon St Hegan; Bruner. Pierce (7),
Kbeman IS) ex Tipton.
Hational League
New York 000 000 0009 8 9
Philadelphia - 010 000 lOx 2 4 9
Jones and Westrum; Meyer and Lo
pata. A Sam's gigantic sals spacUb
nd Pad-
Stengels Beat A's as Rivals
Bow 2-1; Cards, Bums Rained
By Kalph Kodea
NEW YORK, Sept 28-0P)-The lowly Washington Senators knock
ed the Boston Red Sox into a first place American league tie with
the New York Yankees tonight, beating the Sox. 2-1. The Yanks, who
trailed the Sox by a game at the start of the day, defeated the Phil
adelphia Athletics, 7-5, In the afternoon.
Lefty Mel PameD's wild pitch enabled the winning run to scora
In the ninth after Al Kozar had singled Ed Robinson across with the
tying run.
The victory snapped an 11 -game Boston winning streak. Pitcher
Chuck Stobbs doubled and scored Boston's lone run in the sixth in
ning on Dom DIMaggio's single. Rae Scarborough went the distance
allowing the Sox only four hits.
Meanwhile the National league pennant battle was temporarily
halted by rain. The game between the first place St Louis Cardinals
Pennant Picture
W L Pet. GB To play
3 93 58 .829 3
York 93 58 .829 3
W L Pet. GB To play
Louis 96 53 .633 4
4 56 .827 4
PULLMAN, Wash., Sept. 2i-(JP)
Coach Phil Sarboe ran his Wash
ington State college football team
through another rough scrimmage
today, but locked the gates while
he prepared special plays for the
Southern California Trojans. The
Washington State squad will leave
by air Friday for the Saturday af
ternoon game in the Los. Angeles
Did you know you can save 20 lo SO pec cent oa your fuel bill
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Zonolito b not a luxury. It is a practical, perssanent. soap nve
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A lew hours oi your spar time spent pleasantly and profilably.
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Start to ZONOLTTC your home now so that you cos cut fool bills
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Without obligation. oaU oa u for full particulars. Flad out wky
we recoouaead ZonoBl the laoat Insulation that saoaey can buy I
the Pittsburgh Pirates was
washed out as was the contest
between the runner-up Brooklyn
Dodgers and the Braves In Bos
ton. The Cards lead the Dodgers
by a game.
Stobbs had a four-hit shutout
working entering the ninth but
the Senators quickly went ta
town. Roberto Ortiz singled to
left center to open the ninth and
Gil Coan ran for Ortiz. Ed Stew
art batted for clyde Vdllmec and
sacrificed. Eddie Robinson legged
out a scratch hit, Coan moving to
third. Al Kozar singled past third
to score Coan with the tieing run,
Robln.on stopping at second.
Stobbs gave way to 23-game
winner FJlis Kinder. Sam Dente.
another onetime Red Sox. greeted
Kinder with a single to right but
sharp fielding by Al Zarilla held
Robinson at third. Buddy Xewis
went to bat for Al Evans and
Parnell. 25-game winner, rushed
in from the bull peri to pitch to
the lefthanded swinging Lewis.
The Senators put on the
squeeze but the Sox apparently
were hep to the move. Parnell
pitched so wide that Lewis
couldn't reach the ball and Robin
son was out at the plate. Kozar
made third on the play. Parnell
let go a wild pitch and Kozar
scampered across with the win
ning run.
New York plays the Athletics
again tomorrow while Boston
hooks up with the Senators. The
two contenders then close out the
season with single games in the
Yankee stadium on Saturday and
(Continued on page 11)
UCLA'9 football squad took its
final rugged drill today for the
invasion of Oregon Friday night
and will be at full strength for
the favored Webfoots. Second
string left tackle Roy Jenson ap
parently will be the only absentee
from action.
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