Stock Market Prices Show SI 1 frht Retreat O NEW YORK, Sept. 26 -JP- ABBeAir ket was halted today with prices falling back slightly. The pattern was highly mixed with losses of fractions to more than a point and gains running to nearly 2 points among the leaders. But the losses outnumbered the gains by a slight margin, and the market on average dropped back notch. . In the final three trading days of last week there was a sharp re covery from one of the heaviest breaks of the year on Monday and Tuesday. Traders viewed today's market action as sCdisplay of underlying strength. A set-back such as the one encountered today Is not un usual after a brisk run up. Steels declined slightly through out the day without much activity. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dipped .1 of a point to 63.4 with the industrial and rail components of the average losing 2 of a point and utilities off .1 of point. Trading volume was 1,020,000 shares as against 1,290,000 Friday. Of .1,015 Issues traded 353 advan ced and 408 declined. Despite the fall, 45 Issues reached new highs for the year and only 3 touched new lows Another -indication of-underlying strength was the fact thjit only four of the IS most active Issues declined. IJoyd Riches Enters Pasadena Hospital Lloyd Riches, vice president and general manager of Western Paper Converting Co., flew to Los Angeles Monday to enter Hunting ton Memorial hospital at Pasadena for major surgery. Riches underwent an operation at Salem General hospital last month. He had been recuperating at his home, 695 Tillman ave.-, the past 10 days. Mrs. Riches ac companied him south. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Sept. 26 (AP But terfat tentative, subject to Immediate change: Premium quality maximum to ,53 to 1 per cent acidity delivered m Portland. 3-Mc lb; first quality 61 4c: second Quality. 57-60c. Valley routes and country points Sc leas than first. Butter wholesale f.o.b. bulk tubes to wholesalers: Grade A A, 93 score, 3c lb.; A. 92 score. 61c lb.: 80 score gc lb.; C, 89 score. 56c lb. Above prices re suncuy nominal. Cheese selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. tt-40c; Oregon (-lb. loaf. 42-43c lb. Egg to wholesalers: A frade large 3't-ootyc: A grade, meoium. -'. tc; t.-..rfU 4Zftc-B grade, large e-e'i-SO'iC Live chickens (No. 1 Quality f.o.b. plants): Broilers, under IV4 lbs., 25- inc; fryers. Z!-J lbs. Z5-30c: - lbs. - Sic: roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 31c fowl. Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 17-19c ever 4 lbs.. 20c; colored - fowl, all FHA Siale Finance Co. it lUA Loans svMc-TlssM Farm Leans. License 8-211 and M-Z22 Personal and Ante Loans ak-aaaaaaaMsaaaaaami Wo Vant Your Always a Dependable Caah Market If ye-fj don't bring them to Cnrty's we both tote. Curly's Dairy rairgreaada Read at Hood Ph. I-I7I3 Or.T.TXaJBwN.D. Dr.O.CbasuN D DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINISE HERBALISTS 111 North Liberty Pfstslrs Portlaod Geaerai nactrt Co. Office opea Saturday oaly 1$ a. as. to 1 a. ssl. I U 1 p.m. CeosaJ tsMasL sHoed pressors mm4 miim teeas are tree charge. PracOcee .loco 1SIT. Constipation (Colitis) Is f symptom, not a disease. Rectal ailments are the underlying factor. Hemorrhoids and other colon ailments must be corrected. .No loss of time No hospitalization Tree descriptive booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Proctologist Natara-leetal Specialist 1144 Center ft. Salem, Ore. WANTED Walnuts - Filberts 4Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DEUtEXY FOE ORCHARD RUN. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. Morris Klorfcin Packing Co. let N. Front Street TNow York Stock Quotations NEW ; YORK, Sept. 26Vfyko&f Closing- Quotations: American Can 85 Gen Electric 37y!Rdio Corp Am Power At Lt 12iGen Foods 44 Jtayonier Am Tel Tel ly4!Gen Motors Anaconda 264 Goodyear Tire 29Vijlnt Harvest 27'Int Paper 20 'Kennecott 34 mtlUbby Mc N & Behdlx A via Calif. Pack Canadian, Pac Case J I 36 Long BeU A (Caterpillar 32 iMont Ward Chryiler 31 iNash Kelvin Pom-a-lth Sou 5 Nat Dairy Cons Vultee -i0i!N Y Central Continental Can 35 (Northern Pac Crown Zi 2Ti jPac Am Fistr Curtis Wf 7 s Pac Gas Elec Douglas Air - 60T T & T Dupont de Ne 32V4!Penny J C weights. 22c; old roosters, all weight. lS-l&e lb. s s Rabbits-M average to growers): L.ive white. 4-S lbs.. 18-200: 5-fl lbs.. 16-18c; colored. 2- cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. S-12C lb.; fresh fryers. 90-530 lb. f Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per cwt): Beef: Steers, good, sw-sw ids., hj- 46; commercial. $35-41; utility 831-34. Cows: Commercial. S33 - 35; utility. $27-31; canners-cutters. 824-28. Beef cuts (good steers): Hind quar ters, $55-37; rounds, $52-55; full loins. trimmed. 873-77; triangles, sji-m; square chucks. $30-41; rib. $52-55; lorequarters. sji-.hi. Veal and calf: Good. $38-39; com mercial. $32-36; utility. $26-30. Lambs: Good choice spring lambs, $41-46; commercial. $36-42; utility. $33- 26. 1 : Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down, io-m. Pork cuU: Loins J No. 1, 8-12 lbs.. $5t-2: shoulders, 1$ lbs., down, 840 42; spareribs. $47-49; carcasses, $33-34. Mixed weights $2 lower. Wool: coarse, vauey ana nwaium grades. 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 25c IB. on 12 month growth. Country-killed meats: Veil ton oualitv. ! 30-32C lb.: other grades according to weight and qual ity with poor or heavier 20-25C. Hogsi Ugnt mockers, ai-aae id.; sows. J4-38C. Lambs: Top quality, 3-i7 id.; mut ton. 10-12c. I . Beef: Good cows zz- a. 10.; can ners-cutters. 20-22c. ' . Onions:- Supply moderate, market steady; 50 lb. sack Ore. yellows, boil ers. $1.50-60; med. No. 1 $2.23; 10 lbs. Oe- Wash. Yakima S Danish No. l; $J .25-50; yeUows. large. $2,00-28; med ium $1.75-85; 10 ids. so-wc; Douers. iu lbs.. 27'i-30c; Idaho yellows, medium- large. $2.25-50; 10 lb, sacks 4lc; white. $1 65-75. Potatoes: ore. wescnutes nusseis no. 1-A, $3.65-75: No. 2.150 lb. sacks $1.10- 20; Wash. Netted Gems No, 1. $3 35-55; 25 lb. sacks $1.00-10; 15 lbs. 49-52c; 10 lbs. 3 -40c; No. z, so lbs. 00-100; 10 OZ. min . S3.3B-50. Hay: New crop stock baled U.S. no. 1 green alfalfa or better, Truck lots f.oib. Portland. $35-36; US. No. 1 mixed timothy. $35-36; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay, : nominally $23-26. depending on ?iuallty, paled, on wuiamene vauey arms. Salem Obituaries BARKEK Mrs. Margaret Barker, late resident of 1368 Nebraska st at a local hospital September 23. Survived by sons, Char- lea V, Barker. Herbert H. Barker. Sydney A. Barker and Albert X. Bar ker. all of Salem; a daughter. Kdith C Knuths of Pistol River. Ore.; a sister. Mrs. William Doy in England; six Srandchildren and two great grandchll ren. Services will be held Tuesday, September 27, at 3 p.m. at Clough-Bar-rick chapel with the Rev. Louis C. Kirby officiating. Interment in Lee Mission cemetery. B AO LEY T Mrs. Edith Field Bagley at the resi dence, 3795 Center St., September 24. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Grace Per son.; Salem; sons, Ambne Bagley. Sa lem, and Ferns Bagley. Pebble Beach. Califs sisters. Hette Field, Salem, Mrs. Harvey Heritage Spokane, Wash.. Mrs. Mary Wlpple, Vancouver, Wash . and Ruth Field. Salem; brothers. Ambne Field. Landdown. Pa., and Floyd Field. Atlanta. ; Ga.; and six grandchildren and two! great grandchildren. Services will; be held Tuesday, September 27 at 2 p in. lit the V. T. Golden chapel. 605 S. Commercial it. ! interment in the I OOF cemetery. Dr. Robert M. Gatke will officiate. WALKER Dayton C. Walker, late resident of SM N. 20th at., at Portland. September 24. v Survived by . Bisters, Mrs. Nona. Clark and Mrs. Minnie B. Sperry. bo'.h of Salem, and Mrs. Delia Skeen of. Monmouth: nieces, Mrs. zoa namman and Mrs. Gladys Beardsley. both oi Salem, and Mrs. Eileen Reg of Hills- boro; nephews. Warren A. Sperry, Glenn E. Walker and Kenneth Clark, all of Salem, and Harry W. Good of Donald: and 10 great-nieces. Services will be' held Wednesday. September 28. at 1-J0 p.m at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with interment at Belcrest Me- mortal park. EDWARDS i Anna M. Edwards, late resident of Medford. at a. local hospital. September 25 at the age' of 69 years. Survived by three sons. George M. Edwards and Ray Edwards, ' both of Medford. and Sgti Eugene Edwards of Albuquerque. NJ4.; and two daughters. Mrs. Elsie Hodges of Bellingham, Wash., and Mrs. Came Pines of White Pine. Calif. Shipment has been made to Medford for '. services and burial under direc tion of the Howell-Edwards chapeL MARK ' ' John Marr. late resident at 1215 N. ltth St.. at a local hospital, September 26, at the age of 82 years. Surviving are ' tho ; widower Mrs. Johanna Marr, Salem: a daughter, Mrs. Carl Fischer. Monmouth; four sons, John G. Marr, Salem; James Marr, New York City; Charles Marr, Portland; and Edward P. Marr. Tillamook; seven grandchil dren and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesday, September 28. at 2 p.m.. at the V. T. Golden chapel. 605 S. Commercial St., with the Rev. B. Earle Parker offici ating. Interment in City View ceme tery. , BCOTT t . Larry Dean Scott, late resident at 5084 Newberg dr ; September 26 at the age of 2 years. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Scott. Sa lem; brother. Gail Scott. Salem: grandparents. Mri and Mrs. Frank Bales and Mrs. Evelyn Scott, all of Salem; ; and several aunts and uncles. Service, will be held Wednesday. Sep tember' 28. at 3 p.m. at the Clough Barrick chapel with the Rev. George Eads officiat-n'- -f'erroent in Belcrest Memorial cemeterr. Breithatipts Salem's Oldest Name i In Flowers I Paul Heath 1 Helen Breithaupt Heath 417 Cenrt 8L j Ph. 1-H79 IAU3C Telephone S-7S3S Ills rezyRayonier pfd 39 Reynolds Met 2Richfield 514jSafeway . 46 Vt 'Sears Roeb So Pacific- L SIStan Oil Cal . 19 40 21 Y 41 41 68 Vi 22V, 11 13 32 80 13 23 11 44 23 Studebaker 50 Sun Mining Transamerica 34 H Union Oil ; 10'Un Pacific 16i Un Airlines -13 j 33 V S Steel 99 7: Warner Bros . 55;Woolworth Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Sept. 28 (AP) USDA) Cattle saUble 300; calves 550; mar? ket uneven; steers grading average medium and above, steady; others and beef cows-heifers weak to 50 cents lower; many unsold at noon; canner cutter cows mostly steady-weak; bulls steady; load good 1085 lb. fed steers 26.00; odd head 26 50: several lots high medium-low good steers fed grain on grass 24.00-25.25; few common steers 15.50-17.50; load medium-good fed heifers with few steers 23.00; odd medium heifers 17.00-10.00; common mostly 13.50-16.00; eanner-cutter cows largely 11.00-50; few 12.00; scattered sales down to 10.50; shells down to 9.00; common-medium beef cows most ly unsold; few 13.00-15.00; good young cows 16.00-50; cutter-medium sausage bulla 12.50-16.00: odd good bulls 17.00; rood -choice vealers 21.0023.00; good 300- 350 lb. calves 20.00-22.00. Hogs salable 1.000; market slow, 75 cents lower: good-choice 180-230 lbs. 21.75; extreme top 21.85; few fat-type unsold; good-choice- 250-270 lbs. 19.75; good 350-500 lb. sows 16.50-18 00; few good-Choice feeder pigs 21.00-22.00. Sheep salable 2.200; market rather slow; opened steady; later weak-50 cents lower: good-choice spring lambs mostly 21.00-50; medium-good 19.00 20.00; common down to 16.00; good feeders 17.00-18.00: good owes steady at 8.00-50; common-medium 3.00-5.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Sept. 28 (AP) Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Koft white 2.17; soft white (excluding rex) 1.17; white Club 2.17. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1-17; 10 per cent 2.17; 11 per cent 2.18; 12 per cent 2.20.. Hard white baart: Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat $2; bar ley 17; flour 16; corn 2; oats 9; mill feed 19. Salem Market Quotations (As of lata yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER Wholesale .69 .63 J7 .67 .72 Retail EGGS (Baying) (Wholesale price ranges from to 1 cents over buying price.) Extra large AA Large AA .68 .67 .65 M M J7 .40 JS .18 .13 Jl .10 Jl JZ1 .15 .15 .10 .08 Large A Medium AA Medium A - Pullets Cracks POULTRY Pullets A Leghorn hens ,. B Leghorn bens , , , i , a A Colored fryers Ibsf-md up C colored hens i .. A colored fryers, i lbs. and up. B colored fryers , C colored fryers A old rooster B old roosters C old roosters LIVESTOCK by Valley rack Fat dairy cows 9 00 to 11.50 Cutter cows 8.00 to 10.50 Bulls 11.00 to 15.00 Top lambs 18.00 to 20.00 Feeders : 12.00 to 16.00 Ewes : 100 to 4.00 Good veal 150 to 200 lbs. 18.00 to 20.00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Arociated Prcaa Sept. 26 STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 Indust Rails 15 SO Util Stcks Monday .: 91.6 35.0 41 6 65 4 evous day 55 2 34 1 32.9 42.2 41.7 41.3 40 6 398 65.5 65.1 635 65.0 wvn g(u . . m Month ago 89.9 Year ago 89.0 bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Forgn 90.7 102.6 104.3 70.2 wu iiua r M Previous day .... 90.6 Week ao 90.7 Month ago 91.2 Year ago 90.5 102.6 102 8 1023 100.9 104.3 104.0 104.0 100.1 703 706 70.3 62.4 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Friday, October 14, 1949 NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that a special- election will be held In the City of Salem. Oregon, and In the area or territory hereinafter describ ed, for the purpose of submitting to tho registered voters of the said City of Salem and the registered voters residing in said territory, for their approval or rejection, the proposition of annexation to the said City of Sa lem of such area or territory, to-wit, the area or territory described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the west line of Market Road No. 91. tho samo being known as South Twelfth street. In Section S. Township 8 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Me ridian, Marion County, Oregon, the same being the southeast corner of the Fabntus Smith Donation Land Claim No. 40; thenco North 88 11' West along the south line of Out lot 18 of Morningside Addition to said county and state to the south west corner of said outlot 18; thence Northerly along the west line of said Morningside Addition to tho north east corner of Lot 1 of Smith's Fruit Farms No. 3; thence South 89 30 West along the north line of said lot 1 to a point that is South 89 30' West 1813 feet and South 0 45' West 40 feet from the south east corner of that certain proper ty conveyed by deed to Lewis Jud son and recorded in Volume 201. page 616. Deed Records for Marion County. Oregon; thence North 0 45' East 203 02 feet; thence North 59 55' West 257 J feet: thence North 14 33- West 159 2 feet; thence North 21 3? West 314.18 feet to a point on the easterly projection of the south line of Block 26. Nob Hill Annex: thence westerly along the said east erly projection to a point that Is 50 feet easterly from the southeast cor ner of said block 26; thenco norther ly and parallel with tho east lino of said block 26 to the south lino of Hoyt street, thence northerly to the southwest corner of Block 18. Nob Hill Annex: thence northerly along the west line of said block 16. to the quarter-section lino running easterly and westerly through Section : 34, Township 7 South. Range 2 West of tho Willamette Meridian in said coun ty and state, the samo being tho now existing southerly city limits line; thenco easterly along tho said south erly dty limits lino to a point where tho northerly projection of the west lino of Lot 15. Subdivision of Lots 8, 8, t. 8. 9 Ac 10 in Garden Homo Tracts would Intersect said city limits line; thenco southerly along said northerly projection to a point on the North lino of a 60 foot county road commonly known as East Hoyt street, said point being also 30 feet northerly from tho northwest comer of said lot IS; thence westerly along said north line to a point where the samo in texsects the west line ol the Southern Pacific CotnDanyS right of thence southerly along tno won one of said Southern Pacific Company's right of way to o point where tho samo would Intersect the northerly projection of too east lino of Tri Moun tain View Subdivision; thenco southerly along tho said northerly projection and said oast' lino and also tho southerly projection of said east lino to tho south line of Market Road No. 23 where tho samo runs easterly and westerly; thenco easter ly and southeasterly along tho south, and southwesterly lino of said Mar ket Rood No. 25 to a point where tho samo would Intersect tho easterly- lino of that certain tract of land con-eyed by deed and recorded la' Volume 173, page 86, Deed Records for Marion County. Oregon; thenco southerly along aaid east line of property referred to In said Volume 373. page 86 to tho southeast corner thereof; thenco westerly along tho south lino of said property and tho westerly extension thereof to tho west line of County Road No. 839. the same being a point on tho oast line of Outlot 7 of Morningside Ad dition; thenco Southerly along tho east line of said Outlot 1 to tho southeast corner thereof; thenco westerly along: the south lino of said outlot 1 and the westerly projection of the same to the point of beginning. The registered voters of the said City of Salem, and the registered vot ers in the territory above described, hereby are invited to vote upon tho proposition of annexation of tho aaid territory to the said city. The polling place at which said elec tion will be held in the territory above described is designated to be at 2830 So. 12th Street, in garage In aaid ter ritory. ' The polling places at which said election will be held in the City of Salem are designated as follows: WARD 1. which includes Precincts t. 10. 15. 22 and 38. at Grant School. Market Street, be tween Cottage and Winter Streets WARD 2. which Includes Precincts 2. 11. 23, 27 and 29. at Wash ington School. 12th and Cen ter Streets WARD 3 : There will be two polling I places In this ward as follows : For Salem Precincts 16. 17 and 31. at tho City Hall. Sec ond floor corridor. High and Chemeketa Streets For the Kingwood precinct and all that part of the city In Polk County, at 1094 King wood Drive (entrance on , Glen Creek Road) WARD 4, which includes Precincts 4, 5. 12 and 30. at the State Heating Plant. 12th and Fer ry Streets WARD I. which includes Precincts 7, i 8. 14. 21. 26. 32. 3$, 36. 37 and 42, at Mayflower Milk Distrs Dairy Coop. Assn., 2135 Fair grounds Road WARDS, which Includes Precincts 1. 3. 19, 20. 25, 28 and 39. at the New High School (Salem Sen- lor High School). 14th and D Streets WARD 7. which Includes Precincts I, 13. 18. 24, 33. 34, 40 and 41. at Leslie Junior High School. Howard and South Cottage . Streets. Tho said election will bo - held at said polling places, and each thereof, beginning at S o'clock in the morning and continuing until S o'clock in the evening of the said 14th day cf Oc tober, 149. BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Salem. Ore gon, tho 12th day of September, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT Recorder of tho City of Salem, Oregon. S.13-20-27-O.4-11 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. Probate Department, his duly verified Final Account, as executor of the estate of Bertha A. Burgess, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of Oc tober, 1949. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In Marion Coun ty. Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of August. 1949. Harold E. Farris. Executor of the Estate of Bertha A. Burgess. De ceased. Ronald C. Glover, Attorney -or Executor, 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon A.30-S.6-13-20-27 300 Personal 310 Mooting Notices Chemeketa Lodge No. I IOOF. meets tverv Wednesday night Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. AF & AM Tues.. Sept. 27th. M. M. Degree 7:30 p.m. 312 Lost and Found LOST Fuschia and blue pure stlk scarf Imprinted with ballerina fig ures, on Coml. between Holland Bakery and Quisenberry corner Sat urday noon. Please return to Mrs. Lehnherr at Oregon Statesman office. LOST: Boxer puppy, fawn colored. 4 months old. Answers to name of , Buggy. Clint Ault, 585 Highland ave. ftl 2-MZS. LOST: Small black corde' purse down town. Contains 1 key, compact, small change, etc. Reward. Finder please can 2-1741 after S p.m FOUND: Lady's wrist watch at State Fair. Jonathan Crockett, Rt. 3, Box 37A. Lebanon FOUND: Black &. white Springer in "ollvwood Dist. Phone 3-6585. LOST: Ring with 6 keys. Return to . Nelson's plumbers, 355 Chemeketa Street. Reward. 5TFT ersonc William W. ! Gruickshank 360 State St., Rm. 203 Civil, criminal, private, domestic, com i mercial. industrial, insurance investi ! gations. REASONABLE RATES 1. i2-7945. After 6 p.m. and Sun., Stayton, Blue 148B. i Wm. W. Cruickshank Detective Agency 360 State St. Rm. 203 Salem. Ore. CIVIL CRIMINAL PRIVATE Domestic - Commercial - Industrial and Insurance INVESTIGATIONS REASONABLE RATES Phone 2-7943 After S p.m. tt Sunday Stayton Blue 148B 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChlen. 2495 N 5th. Ph. 2-1656. LICENSED live stock buyer Harold e. snetnen. Turner. Oregon. BONDED livestock buyer Claude Ed wards Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph. 3-1144. AT STUD. Reg. Palomino quarter- nome. ft. l &tin. it. Rt. 3. box bto BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandhsh 1127 S 25th Ph 2-8147 TRADE 3 YR SADDLE Pony for milk cow. Pay dif ferenco. i 3495 Cherry Ave, fnone 4-2833. FOR SALE: 19 two Ac three year old Ewes. 1 two year fullblood Shrop shire buck. Phono 3-8114 20th St. 1740 N. 404 Poultry and ftabbtts) NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at special quantity prices for your lock ers. Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. i-zaei. Lee s Hatchery NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for inunodi 1 ate or future delivery. Hatches every Tuesday. Foxes Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4960. WINGS RABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices. 3983 State. Ph. 2-1489. S N. H HENS, laying. $1-50 each 33 s. 15th su rn.i-2u. 400 ApricnlMiro 404 Potatory cmd "Rabbit ' Red Fryers ; Ltvo or dressed. Rt, 7. Box 4S4A. Mc Cain Ave, off SUverton Rd. 408 Pots! DACHSHUND f PUPPIES. Reg. Am. Kennel dub. Mrs. Don CUdow. Ph. 24. AumsvlUe. 412 Fruit and Farm Pradac : Canning Tomatoes $1 bu. You pick, Leonard Kinkald. Ph. 2-3082. CRAPES: Moore and Campbells, early 4c lb. Concords later. Prunes le lb. U-pick. No Sat. calls please. Mrs. R. A. Kites, 4580 Dierks Rd. 1 mi. N. from underpass. W. on Claxter road to o. E. track. Turn north, stn nse. n. FILBERTS U-tick. 10c lb. We pick 12c. Close tn. a miles. z jisner no. Ph. eves. 2-1316 T6MATOES U-pick. L. Zielke. near Roberts sen. Ph. 3-1578. TOMATOES. 75c bu. U-pick. Imlah Fruit Farm. mL Wallace no. rn. 2-0374 CUCUMBERS, you pick. 2c lb. Arthur Evans. Rt. 2. box z4 at ciconaae. , TOMATOES " Bushel or a ton. Sweet and food flavor. You pick. Sl oe DusneL Hoiman s. Jei Jerson, Ore. 12 mi. south of Salem on old Jefferson hwy at Midway CANNING tomatoes, near Roberts school. L. H Zielke. Ph. 1-1578 GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn. 20c dot Ph 2-1326. CANNING CORN, green baby lima beans. Kentucky wonder green beans and tomatoes. Ph. 2-5982 eve nings. 425 Auction Sales Notice Immediate cash - for - you. Tho Cart Salem Auction center located at 976 Lancaster Dr. operates as a service for every one. Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7 JO pjn. For Informa tlon call 3-1221 If you have anything to sell call 42923. Wo sell on commission or wui ouy. Auction every Monday I'M pjn. Leek's Auction 1 Tflalfg from Salem on .Dallas Highway Auction TONIGHT Glenwood 4 miles North on 99 E. Dont miss tt. Large lots of new & used furniture, also large consignments of tools. Lot 1 o Elec. grinder Sc table e Saber saw & table O 7 in. table saw It t blades e 2 hand saws O Misc items Lot B e Bench grinder Large vice o Outside mike o Bench tool chest o Body St fender tools e Bray sander e Elec. welder e Small tools screw drivers, wrenches etc. Lot 3 e metal office desks e i office chairs Lot 4 o Washer O Console radio o Oil heater o Kerosene rang e Wood range Lot 8 o Bedroom suit o Daveno o Dinette set o Deep Sleep I.S. mattress o Floor lamp o Table lamps o Walnut desk O Vanity O Elec. range o Large amount of gift items Many other items too numerous to mention. Glenn Woodry Auctioneer W buy outright or sell for you on commission. TONIGHT 7 JO CAR AUCTION. Consign your car. truck or trailer before 7 p.m. East Salem Auction Cented. 1025 Lancas ter Dr. Phono 2-1221. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools ONE used Caterpillar D-2 wide gauge; one Allis Chalmers W C : one Minne apolis Moline standard U. EYERLY TRACTOR St EQUIPMENT Silverton Road Ph. 38855 455 Household Goods For Sale WRITING DESK. $10. 1025 Wilbur after 5:30 nm. FOR SALE FURNITURE: 1 daveno. 2 breakfast sets. Ph. 2-4697 or 3-4474 NICE Davenport and chair, $85. 571 S. 17th. Ph. 2-4751. , USED SEWING machines, reasonable. Ph. 3-3139. Raloh Johnson Appliances. SF.WIXn MACHINES New Home Electric $89.95 and up. Ph. 3-3139. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES FOR SALE: Oil circ. heater, good cond. 715 Ferry St. AUTO. OIL Burner St control tot lux nace. 255 8. 14th. 1 DBL BED, 2 dbl. springs. 1 single bed. springs and mattress, elec. range, like new, chairs, washing ma chine and other articles at 1790 Wat cr St ; WALNUT GATELEG table, six chairs. Phone 3-5202 after 6 p.m. 456 Wanted. Household USED rURN., Immediate oppralsal.: highest prices. Valley Furniture, 285 N. Commercial. Ph. Z747Z, CSED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture Ph 3-5110 woodry. D? YOU have furniture, appliance sporting good, etc. to sell and want top prices call TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 38558 days. 24407 458 Building Materials SIDING Now Asbestos siding $10 sq. Car load supply, a fire proof material, no paint required. C. G. Long. ph. 25821, l Mi. n. of Keizer school. LUMBER. 2x4 by iitney load. $10 per thous. You hauL Independence Lum bcr and Mig Co.. Independence. Ore. NEED LUMBER For larger amounts, builders' are real izing ; substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4 2x4's and 1x8 shiplap, 817 per m. 2x8, 2x8. 2x10. $15 per m. No. 3. 2x4 s St shiplap. S3S per m. Prices include de livery. W. Salem Saw MilL 1050 Wal lace HJ. Ph. 3-9S93. PLYWOOD New supply - complete stock Interior: plywood. Pick your choice of ma terial. Quality at lowest prices. Open all day Saturday Se Sua. mom. C. G. Long, ph 2-5821. 1 mi. N. of Keizer. CEDAR SIDING. Mow shipment oi Vx r and 4"xl0" cedar siding. All grades Keith Brown. Front it Court sts Salem. Shingles - Shakes No. 1 shingles - 87-75 sq. Coda shakes tn carton $12 oq. C. G. Long, pn. a-anzi. i mi. n. oi noner. C 4c Btr. finish lumber 4" to 10- widths. Ideal fot cabinets St window frame material $130 per 1000. 8 framing 2x4's. good stud material, $25 per 1000. rPh. 2-2054. Epptng Lumper Co, taw nsaer ro. DOORS rfuali Interior exterior doors- Just a few price. Keith Brown. Front As Court ftts, Salotn. 450 Merchandise 453 BufldLag Mctosrtala DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist en your con- nacior m carpenter asms in nnen old growth, vertical grain yellow fir finish lbr. tn Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lbr. Co, Ph. -43S, 23 Lena Ave, CEDAR GU riLK. Just received small stock, hard-to-get -clear" and "tight knot grades 3x4" cedar gutter. Keith Brown. Front St Court Sts., Salem. RED CEDAR SHINGLES' No. 1, 7.75, any am't. del. t-oasT or Mountain timber, loo sq. of No. 2. Sin. clear, suitable for roof or sidewaUs. $3 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-U9S Salem-Iodvpen-denco Hwy Insulation Now fiber glass Insulation, at bargain prices. Easy to Install between stud ding and Joists. Insulation board 4x8 sheets 5c foot S1.S4 sheet C. G. Long. ph. 2-682 L, 1 mL N. of Keizer. 460 Musical Intrtrtrments C MELODY saxaphon in excellent cond. very reas. ideal for beginners. Ph. 37894. NEW St used Musical Instruments St Spinet St Grand pianos at reduced prices. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4641 EXPERT Musical instrument repair au work fully guaranteed. Jaquith MUSIC CO Ph. 3-4641 COLT WOODSMAN. S in. barrel. Hol- ster and 2 tooxes ammo. Excellent condition. $50. Phono 2-8083 eve nings. 462 Sports Equipment BRAND NEW . model 12 Winchester heavy Duck gun. half case 3" shells. sheepskin case. 2145. 1740 S Winter 30-30 WINCHESTER. 30-06 with scope sz special M in. UDertT LIKE NEW Remington 35 automatic. oil finish stock and forearm. 2 boxes shells, sheepskin case. $145. 1740 S. Winter St. 348 WIN: 35 Rem. 30 Rem. auto, with scopes Ph. 3-bR3 NEW MERCURY outboard motor. 8 HP. Harry V. Doe 2855 SUverton Rd. BEAUTIFUL, custom 270 Mauser, per xect condition, priced below cost, 513 S. 21st .270 CUSTOM Mauser Alaskan. .257 custom Mauser Echo Mt . J(0 Savage Manlicher stocker. 22-250 Varminter K2's with 8 power Litchert. P. 3-5398 30-30 WINCHESTER Carbin. Rt. I. Silverton. Pete Scymanski. 30.06 SPRLGFILD.$&5. Will take trade. Also have shells. Ph. 2-0664. 2460 Maple WINCHESTER 30-08 Springfield. Beau- tifully figured stock, Kedfield site, worth 8125, wUl sell for S95. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. ENGLISH STYLE saddle for sale or trade for shotgun Ph. 3-7520. DEER RIFLE. CHEAP 1338 N. Winter St. WILL PAY up to $50 for deer rifle. Private Phone 3-1170. 30 REMINGTON new for S85. Ph. 3-8021. 30.06 ENFIELD S porter ramp front right Kedfield peep. Like new. $85. Call after 4. 1770 Lee. 464 Bicycle MAN'S heavy service bicycle. 115 See Mr. Clark, Statesman. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds. Ph. 9-7773. Max U. Buren, 745 Court St Salem GOOD USED Piano H L Stiff U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous Cushman Late 1947. excellent mechanically, new paint, new tires, lots of accessories. A real buy at $200. Call 2-6482 after 7 p.m. 25-35 DEER RIFLE. Otto Timm. Rt. 4 Box 890 Airport rd. west of Pen an nex. r"n. z-bizh. LAUNDRY STOVE, also library table. Phone 2-8803. OWNER will sacrifice like new genuine Bl 7X50 field glasses, coated lens, (cost $195) or consider trade on per fect sporter deer rifle. 1740 S. Win ter St 9x9 UMBRELLA TENT! PHONE 2-7924 All famous makes of small Appliances. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Westinghouse radio-phonograph Con soles as little as 889.50. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Hunters: Attention save your gam In a Deepfreeze Home Freezer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa USED WASHING MACHINES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa OH Circulators drastically reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa SLIPCOVERED davenport and chair, 8 pc. pnu. manogany ur. set, oversiz ed criss cross curtains, drapes. Want gate leg table. Ph. 1-4681 afternoon. ALMOST NEW folding baby buggy wui trad for ni-cnair and folding stroller or win sen. pn. ?-WB9 fcLEMW k fi it J Vitamin Ph. 3-1413. Sewing Machines Free-Westinghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement. Ready- mix, Concrete, Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and witching. 4 vd shovel 8c drag line. Phone 3-9249 ATMORAYSHarley Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. USED ELECTRIC RANGES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Todds Septic Tank Service Complete Service. Call us Collect 2543 State St. Phone 2-0734 Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand St fhl dirt. Screened gravel tt sand for concrete. Imm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4002. res. 3-7146. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables, desk types, complete tin ser vice any make machine. Ralph John- son Appliances. QUARRY ROCK for road base. Crush ed rock, fill dirt We deliver. Croisan Quarries 1565 S. Coral St. Ph. 2-6417 Plant, Ph. 3-1231 Res. 2-3075 FENCE POSTS, poles, all type, shingles fertilizer St Oatrock, Phil- Up Bros. RU 8. BOX 118. Ph 3-1458 PlasU-Kote the cellophane-like finish for your floors, woodwork or lino leum, no waxing required. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa tARPS at your War Surplus Store IS os Waterproof. Grommets 9x7 $3.15 fx t $5.87 8x8 $422 9x10 $8Jt AA other size in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. Sc Church St Used Electric refrigerators YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa 1949 ROYAL ARROW portable type writer. like new $70. Call S-49S7. 60 Beach Ave. Unheard of Value Hollywood bed with genuine Drann headboard with high quality box spring and innerspring mattress 859 JO. You must se this to apprec iate the value. Terms of course WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer St. SINGER elec cabinet sewing machine. Guaranteed machine, thoroughly re cond. wttn new walnut cabinet as motor. Perfect cond. Bargain $114 Terms arranged. Singer Sewing Ma- chtne co. IM ri. commercial Jl CALIBER deer nfle. 120. Wbizzer bike. SH. Ph. 2-2355 after S pm. UMVXaSAL gaa range. Table top model, automatic even. $95, 104 E. uaon. ..... 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous BEAUTIFUL young male bloodhound, untrained, good voice St no. Ph. 3-1171 SPORKS oil heater, nearly new, Clint Kuhn. 1233 Edgewtter. FOR SALE: Sears shallow well pump, used S mo". 850. Clifford F. Pratt, CHICKEN fertilizer. wli deliver. Ph. 3-1816 PLANTS: Can tor bury Bells, all colors. Mrs. L. C. Cooney, 390 S. 14th. Ph. 2-8918. m. a. oox z Ltanon. Ore, 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous! i PIANO TUNING Wms Mutir Store Salem FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile ft. Lancaster Dr, Auburn rd. Claud Wanted. Two 20 x i, tires, wnt Box 300. Statesman. Attention Loggers Good logs wanted. 2nd or old growth, : can handle any amount. Top prices. Burkland Lbr. Co.. Turner. Oregon. Phono 1125. Salem evenings 2-1982 or 2-7826. CASH for newspapers. 1790 N. Front. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates f&r Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST . Adolph Bldg. Stat St Com7Ph3-33il Window Clear-Ins Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG U AIN'T. CO tf ANf t6 Buy used cameras at lei "ntwia mow onop aa atat. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work I Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer 8c Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-s yds 10 B-, yds D-7 Cat it Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer Se us about ditching by tho fool Phone days 3-940S Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon WATER WELL drilling. DomesUe or irrigation Ouffield Bros. Rt 9 boa 58. Phone 2-1313 r22793. FILBERT and walnut drving. Special service tor small lots. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. ATTTO PArNTfXG. fust a shad better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 2-4069. 476 Fuel 10 DAY special Old growth block wood from valsetx flO cord delivered off car Kill dry planners. 2 cords SIS Pb, 2-7721. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. R. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer trim. 1260 Candlewood Dr Ph 2-2.182 Tri City Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-ln. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR S 8c H GREEN STAMPS West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRV PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. cleaa no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St W. Salem. . Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash, maple, oak. 4 fir, 16" : slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458. CTTOL4JSfDtpiaCED7 WtH. SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE Sc DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 3-6444 OREGON FUEL CO. Good clean sawdust Dry slab for furnace or green Green edgings, 85.80 load, dbL load $10 Dry edgings. 88 load. Ph. 8-5533 VALLEY tV'UlCO. Oak, slab, maple, old fir. sec. growth and cherry. Also do wood sawing. Ph. 2-427S or 3-3523. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities NXARLT NEW fully equipped Grad A restaurant on 99E N. 5 910 Acres with 90 filbert trees. Illness forces sale. $23,000. will take terms. Phone 3-7248 or 2-6258 12 UNIT MOTEL elec heat, good loca tion. rm. house C W. BartelL 2355 Portland Rd. FOUNTAIN LUNCH for sale. In good location. Ideal for cpl. Will take hae m traae pn l-enz FOR SALE BY OWNER A nice going business, nines of Bro. force sal. Se mc or writ 1365 . S. 12th St, Salem. Or. 510 Money To Icra" Private Money On Cars. Trucks Bi Trailer Home Long or Short Term Payments Roy II. Simmons US S. Commercial St. Ph. S-1S1 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church SL Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Uc. M159-S154 $ CASH $ f $29 00 to $500.00 Furniture. Livestock. Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up to $500.00. Come In or phono. Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7032 Ue. No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. f CASH - NO $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest homo-owned loan company offers money when you need itl You can pay anytime to reduce net No endorsers, or help from friends t On ears, trucks, trailer homes to 1300.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary or other personal property up to 8300.001 Phone or visit our office today I Lie No. S13S and M33S General Finance Corp. PH. 2-ei81 138 8. COMX ST. fARM and Cll! L6AN3 ! 4',, and Teue own terma of repayment wtthla reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECUIUTTES CO. SW Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 2-712 When PURCHASING or ' SELLING your Home, determine amount of funds available, estimate of property value by securing an FHA condition al mortgage commitment. Full parti culars at no expense. RFT SAN FORD INC. - 184 So. Com! Tel. 2-8389 FHA St Conventional mortgage Joans 515 lnTStrtment FIRST MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS Htm mwUmr mKlaet to nrior aaie. soma very attractive farm and city first snortgage loans to yield aix per cent interest. Monthly payment and traignt loans, i w i years. ltsa oAiif .tiu 1M Se. ComL t L 3 .?-!) 1 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male FRY COOK for night shift CHn Johnston Food Shop 444 N. Church. EXPERIENCED man. for camera dept. Must know photography. Sears Roe puck at co. see Mrs, graasch.' EXPERIENCED Service Station 5 tendant. Union preferred. Union Dealer. Ahlers Union Serr. 3590 Commercial St. J lit . f 606 Help Wcmtexi, female" TELEPHONE OPERATOR and1 typist, good salary. Transportation can be arranged. Apply Independence Lbr. 4k Mfg Co.. Independence Ore.1 ' ? EXPERIENCED WOMAN for I variety store. Stat age and experience, BoS 2 GIRLS with tountalin-lunch exp.1 B as B Bowling Court. fOB5 Portland Rd. EXPERIENCED stenographer for in surance office, shorthand required. Apply in person Huggms Insi 373 N. inurrn. WOMAN for general housework and children Rm, board and salary. Ph. 2-0747 f LIGHT HOUSEWORk it car of ciil dren. Room, board at salary. Call WOMAN fot light housework and! car n S . v M ... .1 T J - MOTHER'S HELPER light housework. Rm, board 8c wages. Phone 70. GIIiL WANTED for; housework. Good wages. 1420 Market SL 610 Sol Persona Wanted I OPPORTUNITY for 2 men to sell Wear Ever. New method of cooking Uten sils on time payment plan. Advance ment rapid, car necessary. Pit. 3-8504 for appointment, f EXP. furniture salesman. List- ex peri, ence St qualifications.. Writ Box 247 "r Statesman. j i " ': I ; SALESMAN with car must be ablo to sell to farmers, horn every night. Salary or salary; and commission. State references ? and experience. Write Box 278. Statesman. ; j ? RFAL ESTATE salesman wanted! Car and knowledge of City property necessary. 945 S. Commercial. PR. 3-4590. 615 Situations Wanted Bookkeeping Service' with monthly financial statement. neasonaoio rates. VU i-Ww. ' STRONG, husky high school boy wan 1 work for board St room or ama wages Ph. 22914 DAY CHILD CARE! Large, clean 'play room, near downtown. Ph,. $-7823. EXPERIENCED typist desire tyaUt and folding at home. Writ P.O. Tool 92. saiem. CHILD CARE by day. Ph. -868S " BABY SITTING. PHQ"n T-4014 ' " REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing. FX. 3-1339 or 2-0218. ; '. CHILD CARft l per day. Ph. 3-85" NEW LAWNSV STATrT TO ffislSTL LOT TRACTOR WITH DOZER. P 2-8127. i WANTED outside house palnUngJ C. I. Stahl. Ph. 2-8844. i ; - WILL do tnj kind of carpenter worl reasonably. 1181 Vnion, Ph. 2-1487. CEMENT work. AffTdnds. Ph. 2-485t Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Ph. 2-4367 , 3908 State 81 t) RAW IS; G house ptana7TtCT62L SEWERS and sepUc tanks installed an4 repaired. Schartf Bros. Ph. 2-5568. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, rX moving. Ins. op. Work guar. W, ft. McAllister, 840 Trade. Ph7 2-1498. j WILL CARE FOR (Child in my hom. Ph 3-5037. BABY SITTING evenings. Ph. Ml A-l MECHANIC desirea oosition garage or service station. Have p tooU. Call 2-3079 befor 7 JO or ter 5 n.m. f I WANT WORK with a tractor. Ph. 2-2285. Rt new ' Fort f. Box l iLiberty DUt.) t CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-S87sl 618 Education INSTRUCTION MALE. Big demand, high pay for AUTO BODY -FEND EH men. Train in few hours weekly while you keep j present Job. In. eludes welding. painUng, metal work. Mechanically ' inclined : men given personal ; interview. Write Auto-Crafts Training. Box 305. Statesman. 700 Rentals 701 Sleeping Rooms. 'Board SLEEPING ROOM , for rent at USt HEATED sleeping rms. 190B Tf.Summaf. Ph. 28S55. ROOM for gentleman UcV lit, g32 W. Winter. : NICE sleeping rm. Business gehuemirL M cwgter. LfcnteT. HEATED SLEEP, rm. for amp. lady. kitchen priviiegei, 2-5Qbs. nag lu tt WARM sleeping room, got IOC., f home. Ph. 3-5539. 1795 N. Winter Z UUUU Sip. ! ent. Ph. 3-97J1 J M. J. J. I ' rmv HajMne.De rn. SLEEPING RM Ce LARGE sleeDtng rm.. ioyed 4 N. Winter Bt. pn. a 451 RewLV decorated fv urn. Sleeping rTKL rin In Ph. J-AS17. PLEASANT sip. rm. for IentiiKaX 1050 Nonssy. pn, s-4247. 1 G06b. CLEAN room. Brakfaat Jk d inner privilege. Tel. 2-8388. ; RTtcUlN. S extra larg lurn slWtW ins rooms: 1 can be usea lot in. On bus line, eloa in. trap, women or family adults. No smokers or dnnkers. After 10 a m 879: No. Cot- tage. i: Id. EXP. PRACTICAL nurse has vacanct for invalid woman at her own home. Ph. 2-7515 or nil: at 559 N, Ubg COMFORTA BLE. heated bedroom. N. IBth. Phone 3-7058. 2-4335. I 705 ApartmenU for Rent SMALL APT. nicely furn. l&omee. or girls only. 1118 Qk St. - ; FURN 2 rm. apt. Working coupli. AdulU only. 4 rm. apt. Oct. 1SL? pb. pRlVAtt 2 rms. partly fdrh. !! Garage. Clew to bus. 850 mo. 350 Portland Rd. SPACIOUS ALL electric hew aparT- ment. Phone 2-7071. j ' t BASEMENT apt. HP week Ph. 3-8412. UKMaHtu cottage. ti3 rortianq it X tUCI. An, ,iean iimvuif. n 1. IflMt f Sl, coie. iw 1.. - r NEW 3 ROOM duplex. Adults. s No smoning. T-ntrrwg f-uon. ; t PARTLY FURN. 2 larg rooms. HgMa - Ul DVinn LVMl $45 FURN. APT. to trap. , single St couple. 430 N. 13th. ; 2 RMS. FURN. Right for 1 or E M. uocrtj. rn. a-vsi. ; 707 Houses Fot Rent 3 RM. furn.'house. 265. JPb. t-250t , 2 BR. HOUSE 1 blk. to Parriahand .A schools., MEDIUM sized house, only few articles 1 BR. HOUSE partly furn. 4 ml. E. of 4 Comers. A. C. Spranger, Rt, t, Box 153. i ' i - I BEDRM. mod. house, garden acreage on Willamette river, I miles from Salem. 835 mo. to responsible party. ji ..' i- r 'I ettra .111 iznu rnrximna rra ' ' Refs. required. Ph.- Turner 241F, ST- ' - tW.kJB III ALL ElIECT. 1 BR, house on bus iifti. 1173 6th. W. Salem. Ph. 2-0908. J BSE FOR RENT, optioo to buy. Owner in town 2 days.: 455 Wayne Drive. Manbrin Gardens. 1 NXW l BR house, garage. Adults. S pet. Inquire 184 n. 5th. ' CtUK UJLS. HMJtt: in Excellent opportunity to buy this well built 2 BR. ranch style home ta King-wood Heights from owner with, some down payment and balance like rent. L R. with fireplace.:: DR. 1 kit, bath, larg uUUty, Bendljfi and dun washer. Two bike, to bus, 1st street sbove Falroakt, 1718 Lot'yview. Available dct. hu attraeuv. clean , unfurn 1 B-R. house elec stove, re frig, laundry room. H Sk C water furn. S2 50 mo. - 745 S. CommciaL iLDRM HOME 'in Engtewood SuX. Wi. son. aei . j uign 6t, . !