British Imp it read "India, that is Bharat," in the English text and "Bharat, that is India," in the Hindu text. iort fnces Likely to Rise Again Follovvuig Declines By The World Staff ef The Associated Press ' Prices on British goods will be cut as a result of devaluation of the pound all right, but trade experts say you can look for them to inch back again in coming months. . i . They say that almost every time a country has cheapened its cur rency prices have gone up again enough to absorb all or most of the amount of the devaluation. P ; I I ' Prices In some cases will fall more than called for by devaluation. Lowering the pound permitted lowering the dollar price of British products sold to America, but few if any can be cut the full 30.5 per cent sliced off the pound. "Some merchants, however, may do it anyway, if their goo-fs were . over-priced to begin wit! . De valuation gives them an excuse to lower prices without losing face. On th other hand, British merchants may raise prices on some items if they decide compe tition is only a small threat. After all, devaluation is aimed at getting more American dollars not at accomodating the- American cust omer. Bermuda, with its fast-approaching American tourist sea son, is likely to get the biggest immediate profit from devaluation. -Anybody with dollars to spend '" there will get the full 30.5 per cent advantage immediately. Gold will be getting increasing attention the next few weeks be cause of its ruling position in the monetary field. All the devalua tions the past week actually were against gold. That's because all other currencies are quoted in terms of the dollar and henct in terms of gold. JET TRANSPORTS WASHINGTON-W-The British Jet transport publicity blast is. ex pected to push the aircraft indus try and the military serviceinto taking a position on a bill under which the government would fi nance the development of new transport planes. Both begged off when called before the senate commerce com mittee earlier this year. The break may come when Ma). Gen. "Laurence S. Kuter, chief of the .military air transport command, appears at a hearing about Nov. 1. VICE-VERSA LAND NEW DELHI -(JPt- The." new country of which this city is the capital 'may be mentioned as both India and Bharat in its consti tution. , Bharat is the ancient name of India. Constitution drafters are reported to have decidedto make MARGARET'S VACATION WASHINGTON ; -VP)- Friends of Margaret Truman say she has been trying to arrange her con cert engagements to end late in November so she can join her father in a vacation he plans at Key West f; TV SALES NEW -YORK 43V f Television manufacturers are beginning to think predictions of 3,000,000 sets in use by the end of the year may have been pessimistic' Sales hit a slump during the summer, but in the past few weeks therq has been such a buying rush i that many set makers have had to allocate their sets to dealers.. CZECH CATTLE PRAGUE -UP)- The director general of state estates says Czechoslovakia is going to breed cattle according to the theories of the Russian scientist Lysenko Lysenko holds that "acquired characteristics' can be passed on to succeeding generations. (Ah example might betan attempt to increase the milk flow of cows by feeding more corn over sev eral generations. Most scientists deny that this sort of approach would work; they say the way to do it is to mete the offspring of cows already high in milk pro duction, then mate the best of their offspring, etc, through sev eral generations.) KRTJG TO QUIT? WASHINGTON -OP)- Rumors that Secretary of Interior Krug may resign (so prevalent just af ter the election) are cropping up again and again Krug is not talking. This time the reports would have him stepping out shortly af ter congress adjourns, to be suc ceeded by President Truman's good friend. Under Secretary Os car L. Chapman, even though that would put another westerner in the cabinet. i Guessers around the depart-: ment point out that Krug recently chose his top aide, Carlton Skin-. i ner J to be governor of Guam. They recall how former Secretary Ickes named his own favorite, Michael Straus, as commissioner of recla mation shortly before he resigned. ' i VDjLAW IN ROME ROME -UP)- A bill before par liament would bar Italians from emigrating until cured of any venereal disease. Jess Lar- WAR SURPLUS WASHINGTON -(JP) son general services administra tor, says he plans to complete liquidation of the war assets ad ministration (WAA) by Dec. 31. WAA handled disposal of surplus. war CENSORSHIP CAIRO -(JP)- The censor-general has promised foreign news men that Egypt's censorship of outgoing news, considered by many correspondents 'the' most rigid In the world, will be relaxed. SWAPPING WASHINGTON -(3V Some food processors are meeting increased transportation costs with an in genious "tolling' arrangement For instance: An eastern and a western canner both pack toma toes. The easterner will pack his own as usual, but in addition will pack some eastern tomatoes un der the brand of the westerner, to be sold in the east The westerner will do the same for him. Both save freight The "Mason and Dixon Line" actually was survey by two Eng lishmen, Charles Mason and Jere miah Dixon, in the 18th Century to settle territorial disputes be tween the proprietors of Maryland and Pennslvania. Nationalists' PlanesShell unks at Amoy f CANTON, Sept 24 -(JP)- Na tionalist planes took to the air today against an armada of red junks swarming around Amoy, Island port 300 miles up the Chin ese coast ' This was the word brought to Hong Kong by passengers on the last plane out of Amoy, the last good port left to Nationalist China. , These arrivals said red artil lery was shelling the Amoy air port from the mainland, and that nationalist planes were operating from an emergency strip set up on nearby Kin men island. Amoy island is about 35 miles around. The Stcrfetman. Salem. Orxyon. Bandar. 8ept 13. 1149 It The communist junks, these ar rivals said, were massing off Amor's southwestern shore with the obvious intention of landing there. If they do it tens of thousands of nationalist defenders on the port island will have their escape sealed off, they said. Meanwhile the nationalist gov ernment here conceded the loss of Changchow, railhead 30 miles west of Amoy, days after other sources reported it lost to the reds. Other I accounts said meanwhile the reds had pressed down through the mountains of northern Kwang tung province and bad strength ened their grip around Yungyun only 105 miles north-northeast of Canton. A nationalist destroyer which had deserted to the communists was bombed and left sinking In the Yangtze by nationalist planes, stated unofficial . reports. Gun Accident ? Kills Angler 1 REEDSPORT, Sept 24 -i As accidental pistol shot killed Mil ton Morin, 22. Yoncalla, on a fish ing trip near here today, j police said. - 'i A companion, Frederick Eugene Merk. Yoncalla. said he accident ally pulled the ,1 trigger : when Morin handed him the revolve butt first State Officer Johnson said Merk related that Morin had first shot at a turtle and missed. The officer said r Merk admtitedl he had chided his fishing . com panion about missing., which prompted Morin to hand the gun to Merk. i i John Adams enjoyed the great eat longevity of any Amarieaft president He lived to be SO. C ChtinC 1 .... :.y THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION Consult Christine have her create a per sonalized hair style for you! Uoaue deautu a a 341 State Street timer's Cosmetics oom& Salem, Oregon Phone 3-5654 m 8JRGAff f(Vfr8& 4R fLOCXfG TO SB So for this big EASY Spindrier Bargain! in 1 vvininrnv ifOTievfiE) Only $169.95 1.49 a Week Feotvre- for -feature, this new Easy SpWvJriar is your best washer bargain. Two tubs work at once to do your week's wash in less thon one hour. Exclusive Spiralatof roll over washing action washes more clothes cleaner, faster. New, improved spin -action Power Flush-Rinse rinses a full load right in spin ning basket. Easy pocked with time and labor saving features see it in action today! COL w r o oVx vk0 CONVt rrr CASE ON us-' AND Beautiful Beautiful bizoii Broadloom. . . Open Friday Til 9 P. M. Immediate Delivery Friendly Credit 115 So. Com'l. mixtm min t Hum lrnuia i itxt niziuus Ph. 3-9 148 n .il! , J - I t s: - . . ? . --t . i . : if v J 1 s s L. I o y ., y-a.' -'SIP . V t'? , 'V i -NT - - ' - - ' - ' - M. M 'anngly new, Alexander Smith's Barbizon is the first broadloom to give you the serene beauty of self-tone shadow pattern, in luxurious V piled carpet. For Barbizon s gentle pattern is created, not with yarns of different hues, but with yarns of different textures. The plume-and-scroll design is soft, plushy, high-piled. The background is loomed of twisted yarns, dyed the same subtle shade. And the design is sculptured, to heighten the bas-relief effect. See how gracefully Barbizon blends with both traditional and modern furnishings. Feel iti luxurious texture. Choose from five lovely shades green, grey, beige, blue and i rose. Order it for wall-to-wall carpeting, or cut and bound as a rug for your room. $10,95 $q. ycL i FREE PARKING; We Maintain a Large Parking i Lot South of the Store For Your Convenience While Shopping at Hamilton's 4 ! I II ggtemmmmmmmm m mm m m mibb' hP1 1-11 '. V HAMILTON FURNITURE SALEM. OREGON BALCM OilECOM CITY ; - . i . i i. i . . , , . . ' i , i 1 i i U U i J j M u i ii 1 1 UM1I ( I Ml M 1 1 1 i 1 1 f 1 2 .41 i 23 O CHE ME It ETA