1 1 rntilf f'l i ! Coffene Eelhs at WilfametU By Jfryme rnttisli Statesman Society Editor The Willamette university campus was once again the scene of much activity this past week with several huiridred freshmen registering and new faculty members becoming acquainted with other faculty members and the tsrnpus. Also a highlight of freshman week was fraternity snd sotcr ity rushing, which came to a close Saturday nriu. S O C I ETY C L UBS MUSIC S9 As an official welcome ot the fresharn and rey stu dents on the campus President and Mrs. G. Herbert rrith will be hosts for an informal reception Mordjy" n:?ht t Un iversity House. Calling -hours are from 8 to 10 cK.ck. Russell Tripp, president of tle student lody. will intro duce the students to Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Dr. ar.1Mrf. Ro bert Fenix. Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gre;g. Dr. andi Mrs. Raymond Withey, Dean Kegma Ewalt and Dean ar.d Mrs. Melvin Geist. . Pouring .will be Mrs. Fay Owen, head resident, tt u sanne hall, and Mrs. Harry T. Morris, head reirirt of Ifcix ter haU. Twenty upper class students will asyi't in ser ing. Assisting about the rooms will be Mr. and Mr Charges I ZJ o mm" - i f J- V; ('J,L. L A ; itJ;:"'l-'.-- --L -vTi V -OA 1 ' 4: J v I - . j (J i if I T I f I i i Paeth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jory, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ko- I ger Nelson and Prof, and Mrs. Herman Clark. Fashion Premiere Slated ... Members cf the General Federation convention fundi eomnrttee, of the Salem Woman's club, are bfsy making ji final arrangements for the 1 o'clock dessert luncheon to be J held at the clubhouse. Monda, September 2C, foVowed by Schlesincr's and Sa!ly' F all Fashion Premiere. Mrs. Charles C. Clarke will be the ivmmenta'.or and Miss Dorothy Peder- t son will be at the piano. Models will be Mrs. Ross Cop- t pock, Mrs. Donald Fisher. Mrs. Farley Moan, Mrs. Cedric i T. Reancy, Mrs. M H. Saffron, 'nd Mrs. Sidney Sch.lesinger".' Biidpe and p:nK-hle will be in play later with gucsfs bnntir.g ti eir own table accessories. Tickets may be had at Schlrsinget 's and -Sally's, and from members of the rum- f m't'ee. Mrs. David Cameron. Mrs. Mervin Kidlei, Mrs. Hen- ry Hancn. Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. Frank Myeri Mrs. Ralph Ccoley and Mrs.. Bert A. Walker. Mtjs. Xcrrnan K. Winslow and Mrs. Merie Tra is will be at the door. Trust the final benctit U r this purpose to be giveir this seeson. 'ls.'Gcorse W. Ailing president. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers X and Mrs. Eitill Brunk are chairmen of the convention com- I mittce. The library buildinq on the Willamette campus vill prove to be a popular study place for students dur ing the year. Taking a preview cf the library during freshman week weie Joyce Edgell, standing, and Alfcer ta Fern, who have enrolled as freshmen from Saiem. rhree freshmen coeds pictqred cn one of the porchVs cjt Eaton"' hall, the -administration and liberal arts building on the Willamette un-: ? . iversity campus, are Marilyn Quamme, Joan Luckef and Leah Case." Joan ha3 come f'om Washington. D. C, to enter Willamette and will . be with her aunt, Miss Edna Lucker, lor the winter. (Alt candids by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer). " . Jeanne Myers to Wed Navy Mail Revealing wedding plans this weekend is Miss Jeanne Maiie Myers, whose marriage to Ensign Henry Biddle Johnson, USN, Will be an event of Sunday afternoon. October 2. Invitations to the wedding were in the mail this last week and to the reception in the church palrorsj, v hkh will follow Mie 3 o'clock service at the First Presbyterian church. The bride-elect is ti e twin daughter cTf Dr. and Mrs. Burton Allan Myers and her fiance is the ecu of Mrs. Dora Johnson. I ! Dr. Chester W. Hamblin will perform the nuptials. Mi's. Robert Siddoway of Portland will sing and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will be the organist. Mrs. Lloyd V. Lewis of Eugene (Janice Myers) will be her twin sister'sl honor matron. Miss Grace Shields will be the bridesmaid and Sharon McNall tr e flower girl. Daryl Sim will stand with Ensign Johnson as best man land ushers in ckide Bland Simmons, Portland, -Courtney Jones, Wallace palmateer and Lloyd V. Lewis. .. s I: ' ". ... ' . : 3 ifei jo 3 .W, ' "0.' W - I ' . ' J ( 1 Vr -y, j A y - V 5 - J r m r V iawitiWi. n i l J tel.. i, t M. . t 'I - ;V. ... 1 . r A r -! Along with new rtudents on the Villametf cpmpus. new faculty members and their families are alro welcomed. Mrs. hesi;r Stackhcuse, wife cf the football ccoch and; director, cf athletics, is pictured here cn'the campus with daughter, Ann, who hds regis-; t?red as a freshman at Vitame.tte. Sen, Don, a Salem high school student, could not be' present when the picture was taken, so sent his collie, "Viking." to take his place. Ufttj-1 they build a i;ev heme the Stackhcuse family is temporarily located at 701 11. Church sL Popular meeting place on the campus Is the cement seat encircling the large maple tree in" front of historic Waller hall and pictured here talking over freshman days are Cathy Person, Gloria Spencer and Joyce Kirby, all of Salem. - Silver Tea at Elfstrom Home From the east have come Mil- A. Freeman Holmer and seven weelcs old son. Alan, and BUI. Mr. Holmer is assistant professor of polit ical science at Willamette university and was formerly on the .faculty at New Yorlr university. Mrs. Holmer and the baby arrived in Salem by plane when he was just two weeks old and the: rest of the family rl - -3 ws-t" They are living at 7?5 Foih Capibl street ' '' "- . ; " , L . ! 1 . '. " . : The Women's association and the Westminster Guild of the First Pres byterian church will hold a silver tea on Wednesday. September 21 at the Fairmount Hill home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. All church wom en and interested persons are invited to call between 3 to 5 o'clock for the first get-together of the fall season. Receiving guests at the door will be Mrs. Malcolm Hawke and Mrs. C. E. Illidge. Mrs. L. C. Dean and Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh will introduce to the line which will include Mrs. C. S. McCollam, Mrs. Charles Layport, Mrs. E. A. Collierj Mrs, Bertha Junk Darby and Mrs. Elfstrom. Inviting to the dining room will be Mrs. William L. Phillips, and Mrs. Hobart Jackson. Asked to pour during the afternoon are Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, Mrs. Charlrs A. Sprague, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Chester W. Ham blin and Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Assisting about the rooms will be Mesdames Robert H. Stutzman, La Verne Young, Tinkham Gilbert, Abner Kline, James Hradie, Russell E. Pratt, Robert F. Wulf, L. V. Benson, W. D. Gilchrist, M. E. Moore, George Allen, ti. J. Lindgren, A. E. Archibald, Curtis Hale and John Anderson. ! : , Mrs. P. H. Brydon is arranging the program which will include clarinet numbers by Loren and Ronald Bartlett, accompanied by Ann Gibbens, and piano solos by Miss Gibbens. . Serving in the dining room will be Mrs. James Haworth, Mrs. William Bush, Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Scmuel Harbison, Mrs. Paul A- Hale, Mrs. QJen E. EraveL Mrs. Maynard -Sbiiler, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Mrs. Edgar Bumside and Mrs. Eugene Crothers. In charge of decorating are Mrs. Lewis Judson, Mrs. Lee Canfield and Mrs W, L, Phillips. General chairman of the affair is Mrs. Herman Lafky, as- -svt?d bv 5r. T?-- .-ron. ' . ; . t ' ' ,''f K vi''iJ 4; t j . : -- i Pitrida Fitzsimmans and Sue McEHnny, Salem coeds, who registered as freshmen ct , A'illametla laUversiiy this week. Harold Jory. registrar 1$ pictured m his office offi-, otrHy regieririg the r's and ceckiivy thel-fe. 1 I i C