The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    This is Jfoic TFaters Field Will be Used for Football
Walk Forest
. ! 1
Texas Voctouts
V f
, -ri-;x il -t ' - r- j P.. vi
vty . -v - - .' v N - - ,:t! " tf.Hv'.ull 4V.i
- f ,."-7jF; ' . ... . V; ' vrt teH VU
Salftn high' Vikings will this icison use Waters field for home foot-.'
bd'l Kames, the first ever played in the baseball arena. The above !
serial photo of the premises shows how the gridiron will be laid 1
Upsets Shake
Idaho Eleven
Runs Rampant
41 Points Tallied
f In Fourth Period
Ida., Sept. 17 (Special) This IS
the football year for Idaho's Van
dals. If you think not, sjsk any
member of the Willamette Bear
cats wh( today were crushed by
Coach Dixie Howell's team in the
1949 opener for both . teams. The
final score was 79 to 0 and a
First downs 21
Net yards gained rushing 431
Forward passes attempted 20
Forward passes completed 4
Yards forward passing 154
Forwards! intercepted by 3
Yards ruiM-back intercept. i
Punting ,a.veraRe
Total yards all kicks ret. 115
Opponent fumbles recov. 2
Yards lost by penalties 50
8 !
crowd of around 5000 watched the
rout- ... j
The Vandals, four and five deep
In every position, romped to a
26-0 firk auarter lead, made it
38-0 at halftime. failed to score
, ,il ih fhirri nrriod and then !
at all in the third penon ana men
threw a 41-point avalanche at me
-4?sser-manned Bearcats in the
final frame.
. That third quarter playwas the
only impressive part of Willa
mette's sifternoon. The Cats came
from their mid-game talk with
Coach Chester Stackhouse a
tougher outfit, held the Vandals
scoreless and uncorked one drive
of their own that got as far as
the Idaho 35. Halfback Bill Ewal
iko riDoed off a 49-yard run to
help the drive along. Late in the
fourth quarter Halfback Roy Har
rington almost personally escort
ed the Cats to the Idaho 27, but
that was as far as they got.
-Howell used all his squad mem
bers in the massacre and they
rolled up a net yardage of 585 to
Willamette's 86. First downs were
21 to 4 It wasn't a very pleasant
debut for Stackhouse as WU
roach, but then he had nothing to
do with the scheduling- of this
game. t
Idaho took the opening kickoff
and marched 79 yards to score,
Triple-threater Johnny Brogan
going over. Brogan. Glenn Chris
tian, Boh Mays, Jerry Diehl and
Bud Riley all ran and passed re
peatedly for long gainers there
nfter, and touchdowns were tall
led by Center Ken Larsen, on twp
pass interceptions, Fullback Al
Schiereman, End Ben Jayne,
Christian, Fullback Jim Cbadbund,
Riley and Ken Foucar. Christian
booted three conversions and Tac
kle Will Overgaard four.
Howell's new "Maybe-T" offen
alve a combination of Ti-formation
and Notre Dame bojc at
times looked ragged. But he used
his whole outfit for the experience
It would get in trying it out. Just
how good the Vandals really are
will be known next Saturday
henthey play Oregon at Eugene.
Thjrewere no Willamette in
juries! thankfully, in the clanly
playe game..' The Bearcat team
departed by train at nightfall and
was scheduled to arrive tn Salem
t 9 a.m. Sunday on the Shasta
Davlight. Lineups:
Fwnlikft ;
Cinbaugh ' -
ldho itcoring
U Block
Touchdown Brogan
Javie 1. Ijrwn t
, 1 ' Schiremarti
CbrisUan X. 0idhand 1 Riley 1. Fou
car 1. Jrint -fter touchdown: Ov-er-rurd
(41 placements: Christian (3)
AbK.H O A FRhl
Gordon. Indians 0 0 3 4 0 1
Pesky. Red Sox J 0 11 0 0
Whitman, Dodgw ,) , f t
Smeaiii Bearcats; 794)
This 'n that about thb 'n that: '
Everyone enjoys success whether it be In business, matrimony or
shooting craps. And to Bruce Williams, the KOCO sportscaster,
lawyer, Quiniella tout' and one of the key figures in the "Save Our
Senators" movement wept a full cup of it late in the week. Briefly,
he won his first "majorf league" case in court by acquiring a not-
guilty r verdict for a client. Who
was most proud afterward? No, not
Bruce, or even his client Father
Fred A., a barrister himself, took
over that department . . . Looks
like both the U of O Sand OSC
might have missed one: here, for
Phil Gillis of Bend, quite I full
back prospect and a dandy skier to
boot has bobbed up in ihe Wash
ington Husky frosh football turn-
. Considerable squawking
by photographrs about the new
PCC rule that keeps them 10 feet
from the sidelines and 20 feet
from the end of the bench. But J
when you remember now pome of I
the click-click bovsl have been -
bowled over through inability to GINGER
escape an errant runner or tackier you feel that they've been done a
favor actually . . . Nothing may come of it, and then again perhaps
spinet ning will. At arijf rate Jack Rainwater, remembered as a pretty
Pei: welterweight in thfcse parts years ago and a village resident now,
i-ttino him Kn h. t;n; -,tv,
the ; i mory shows . . . The worst "Hearts" player in the majors must be
Johi.ny Pesky, former; Portland and Silverton sandlotter now with the
Red Sox. A piece in the current "Sporting News'' tattles that Johnny
"ea's" the "Black Dahlia" (Queen of Spades to you) so often in the
intra-squad games that it has become a jovful topic for all frolic-minded
players in the league. In fact when Pesky picked up his glove at
third base, both in Cleveland and Detroit recently, he found a Queen
of Spades carefully placed therein ...
Odd things a fOv will do for money now and then. For
example our venture of next Tuesday night in which, we will be
the referee for the armory grappling match between Tattoed
Toughie Stockey Kneilsen and Ginger, the 310-pound bear. Match
maker Elton Owen made the mistake of betting us a fairly hand
some sum that we were afraid to officiate the thing. Figuring
not even a bear can be as nasty as some of the basketballers we've
run arross (and making rertain that Mr. Bruin will be decked
out in a muzzle and heavily padded paw after being well fed),
we arrepted the challenge. And if we've overlooked anythlnr.
we do know that Ginger will have to be very fast afoot and an
expert high jumper if he has any aspirations toward said referee.
IleV apt to find u well glued to the overhead arc setup at the
slightest provocation ... j
Senator Money Pledgees IVol
The Salem Senators purchase
Salem, Silverton, Woodburn, Dallas, Independence and way points,
are reminded that the poll now being conducted is only a method
Dy wnicn the total sum or purchase money might be realized. In
writing in to either Salem newspaper or radio station your name, ad
dress rnd the amount of money you would invest in the home-owned
corporation project, you are not subject to the payment of that
money. After the poll is completed late this week, all so-called
pledges received will be totalled so as to determine just how much
money there is behind the buy-the-Senators movement. The com
mittee that is to again meet with General Manager Mulligan will then
know whether it can talk turkey with him should he lower his price
tag to around $60,000,
If the returns from the poll are Insufficient, ehances are the
entire deal will be dropped. If not, the additional meeting witk
Mulligan will be held. So post-card In your pledge, even If It doea
sound like a costly word, and let's see just how much money there
Is behind the move ...
Yes or No for Idaho Due Next Saturday
If this is Idaho's' big surprise year in the Coast conference, as
publicity from the Palouse country indicates.w e'll be finding out, next
weekend. The Vandals play Oregon at Eugene Saturday. An example
(Continued on next page)
Huskies Drop Vte Club, 14-7,
Via Last Second Punt Return
: : Br Jack Hew ins
SEATTLE. Sept.,'l7(;p)-An 80
sub-!ullback Henry Tiedemann as
the UrJversity of Washington a 14
opciing game of the 1949 football
A crowd of 28,000 law the tussle,
first between the two schools since
The flame-helmefed Utah Red
skins had fired one arrow, fought
back as Washington : thrust two
yards short of the goal and quick
kicked the Huskies - Pizzy before
the roof fell in. 1 1
With time running out as they
stalled the Washington attack it
seemed the Utes were (Sure to wind
up with the 7-7 even break they
had earned. Then Herb Anderson
lofted a 42-yard punt to Roily
Kirkby on the Washington 20.
Kirkby handed the ball to Tiede
mann on a criss-cross land the 190-
pound-Berkley, I1L, sprinter went
u the, waj . yjth , great blwnfcfrpm, 1.934 le, W4U t m m
oat. Reralar grandstand seat will be aronnd 130 feet from tne
neai-est sideline. The Vikings play Klamath Falls In the new layout
nest Friday night, the home opener for SHS.
S6C Title;
Bound lo Committments
- minded enthusiasts, be they In
- yard sprint down the sideline by
the clock was running but brought
- 7 victory over Utah today in the
Washington's first score came
late in the third period on a short
plunge by Halfback Jack Seth.
The tally was set up by a 36-yard
pass by Don O'Leary to Fritz Ap-
Washington out-downed Utah 17
to 4 and gained 245 yards from
rushing holding the Utes to 64
In passing, the Huskies picked
up 143 yards and Utah 56.
Benny Friedman, Michigan All-
America in 1926 who now is ath
letic director at Brandeis Ur ivers-
I ity, was footbrll coach at CCNY
Win Needham,
Sheldon Lose
Deadline for Firgt
jMatches Due Tonight
0nly a fraction of first-round
marches had been played through
Saturday night in the annual Sa
lem Golf club championship tour
ney but already a couple of re
sounding upsets had been carded
Top stunner was dashing of win
Needham s hopes for a second
straight crown as he succumbed to
Ralph Mapes 3-2, in title flight ac
tioh. Another A-l surprise in the
championship flight was Jim
Hunt's 1-up victory over one of
the top favorites, Jimmy Sheldon.
In.' other title flight action to
date-Clay Carson beat Roger Put
nain, 5-3 and Ned Ingram got by
Bqb Johnson, the ex-Willamette
hopp whizz, 1-up.
n the second flight Pat Miklia
downed Floyd Baxter, 2-1. and
Bill Schefer topped R. I. McCal-
lister, 7-6.
Jn the fourth, Jack Hay nipped
Rlph Gurnee, 3-2; Dale Arehart
beat Jim Zigler, 6-5, and Jim
Clark defeated Hugh Harris, 2-1.
Ken Potts turned back F. M.
Johnston, 3-2, in the sixth flight,
and in the eighth Bob Price beat
BCb Thompson, 3-2, Bill Wolf top
ped Bert Thomson, 1-up and Jack
Etickson beat Claude Johns, 1-Up.
jAll remaining first- rounders
rflust be completed by tonight.
Big Six
i C AB R H Pet.
Williams. Red Sox 144 S32 140 185 .348
Robinson. Dodgers 144 954 112 191 .345
Kell. Tigers 130 51J 97 174 .341
Slaughter. Cards 138 S13 86 174 .339
Musial. Cardinals . 144 558 117 184 .330
Mitchell. Indians .. 135 582 72 182 .313
pillmger. Browns 126 501 . 61 157 .313
(Horn runs American League: Wil
liams. Red Sox 38: Stephens. Red Sox
38: Graham. Browns 24 National Lea
gue: Kiner. Pirates 49: Musial, Cardin
als 32; Sauer. Cubs 28.
! Runs batted In American League'
Stephens, Red Sox 149: Williams. Red
Sox 147; WerU. Tigers 129. National
League: Robinson. Dodgers 118: Kiner.
riraies iii; Musial, cardinals 109.
National Leagoe New York at Pitts-
burgs (2) Jones and Kennedy
tn-u) vs. cnamoers (10-7) and Lom
bardl 5-4) or Chesnes (5-12). Brooklyn
at Chicago Branca M2-5) vs. Dubiel
H-8). Philadelphia at St. Louis Rob
erts 115-13) vs. Munger (14-6). Boston
at Cincinnati (2)Bickford (14-10) and
Sain (10-15) vs. Vander Meer (5-9) and
rerkowskl (0-1).
American Leacoe Cleveland at New
York Benton (8-5) vs. LoDat 114-8).
Chicago at Boston Gumpert (12-14) vs.
Kinder (20-3). St. Louts at Pruladelphu
a) carver (lu-17) and Raney (0-0)
vs. Keilner (17-11) and Brissie (14-9).
Detroit at Washington (2) Trucks (17-
10) and Newhouser (16-10) vs. Calvert
(6-15) and Hudson (7-15).
jssssgsw swfcaiaAfcar 1
I W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywd 102 76 .573 3. Diego 01 87 .511
Oakland 100 78 362 S. Fran. 84 94 .472
Sacmnto B3 85 .523 Portland 81 95 .460
Seattle 93 85 .523 L. Ang. 66 110 J75
: Saturday results; At San Diego 10.
Portland 0. At Los Angeles 6. Oakland
13. At San Francisco 2. Hollywood S.
At Sacramento 3, Seattle 4.
I W L Pet. W L Pet.
6. Louis 90 51 .638 New Yprk 07 74 .475
Brooklyn 68 54 .620 PitUb gh 62 78 .443
Phldlph 76 67 J13 rtncinnaU 57 84 .404
Boston 69 73 .486 Chicago 37 S3 .401
U Saturday results: At St. Louis 2. Bos
n 4 At Pittsburgh T. Brooklyn 2. At
Chicago 4, New York 2. At Cincinnati
0. Philadelphia 4.
W L Pet. W L Pet
N. York. SI ,63 Phldlpna 74 68 jsn
Boston SS 55 .615 Chicago 50 83 .413
Clevel d . 82 50 .582 St. Louis 49 94 343
Detroit 82 S3 .369 Washing's 43 96 JI0
Saturday results: At New York S.
Detroit 4. At Boston S. St. Louis 2. At
Wainlngtoo S, Cleveland S. At Phila
(Sekphsa Ji .Chicago a, ,tt..
'Frogs Smash
Kansas Eleven
Iowa Staters, West
Virginia Also Win
NEW YORK, Sept. 17-P-Tex-
as Christian, Wake Forest, and
Texas got off flying today as the
first Saturday of college football
crashed the national sports pic
ture. T.C.U. dark horse of the south
west conference, rolled over Kan
sas, 28-0; Wake Forest downed
Duquesne, 22-7; and Texas, a per
ennial southwest power, whipped
Texas Tech, 43-0.
Other results found Iowa State
trampling Dubuque (IA.) 64-0;
and West Virginia Elashing Way
; nesburg. 42-7.
Lindy Berry s passing and
methodical ground, attack gave
Texas Christian, its victory over
Some 32,000 fans a record
home opening for Kansas football
watched Berry engineer T.C.U.
to a 21-0 halftime lead. Berry
tallied the Frogs' first and last
touchdowns, as the Texans re
mained undefeated in seven meet
ings with Kansas.
Wake Forest spotted Duquesne
a quick toucnaown ana men
scored in each of the first three
periods to win.
Texas scored in every period as
it massacred Texas Tech. Use of
third and fourth stringers did not
slow the Longhorn's scoring pace.
West Virginia's mountaineers
also tallied in each period in
crushing Waynesburg- Leading at
halftime, 14-7, the victors ham
mered over two third period
touchdowns in quick fashion and
added two more in the final ses
17 -(JP)- Pacific university and
Pacific Lutheran college played
to a 20-20 draw here tonight.
The Badgers had a 20-0 halftime
lead but it was wiped out as the
Lutherans rallied in the final
High School
Hood River 26, Woodburn 0
Kelso 19, Benson Tech C
Idaho 79. Willamette 0
California 21, Santa Clara 7
Washington 14, t'tah 7
Stanford 49, San Jose St.
WSC 33. t'tah St.
- Portland 33, Cent. Wash. 0
Pacific 20. Pacific Lath. 20
St. Martins 21. IBC
Lewis & Clark 19, WWCF.
Coll. Idaho 31. So. Idaho 6
Pepperdine 39, Arizona State (Flag
staff) Univ. of San Francisco 6, CoUege of
Pacific 7
Montana 31. South Dakota 13
Adams Muzzles
T winks Cling to 2-Game Lead
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Sept. 17-P)-Red Adams pitched two-hit
ball today to shutout the Portland Beavers, 10 to 0, and give the San
Diego Padres a 4 to 1 edge in their current Pacific Coast league series.
Max West belted out two home runs for a total of four runs as
he tied Jack Graham's all-time Padre team record of 48 homers.
In other games the Hollywood Stars hung onto their two-game
margin at the top as they beat San
Francisco, 3-2, while the second
place Oaklands were slapping Los
Angeles, 13-6, with the aid of a 22
hit attack. Guy Fletcher racked his
23rd victory as Seattle beat Sacra
mento, 4-3.
San Diego
Mara 4 16
0 E Ad' 5
0 Wiet' 5 4
Tho'sJb 2
RuckrJf 4
Wen'r. rf 1
Bas'kUb 3
0 10
0 0
6 Mmoso.lf 5 3
0 Rosen.3b 4
0 Clark .rf 4
liMoore.c 4
1 Wilsnb 3
OC Ada s.p 4
Burg rx 0
Austin js 2
Flem'g.p 2
Diehl. p 0
ferna's 1
McN'ty.p 0
Totals 23 2 24 8! Totals 37 13 27 12
Struck out for Diehl in 8th.
Portland 000 000 000 0
San Diego 200 103 W 10
Losing pitcher Fleming.
Pitcher IP AB R H ER BB SO
Fleming 5j 16 6 7 S 2 3
Diehl li 7 0 2 0 2 0
McNulty 1 7 4 4 4 2 0
C. Adams ....... 23 0 2 0 7 8
Errors none. Horn run West 2.
If TOD . .
You need a ComprehentdYe Personal;
if you
1) Maintain a residence
2) Harm guests call at tout
3) Axe a sports enthusiast
373 N. Church Phon 3-911 SsJea
Offices tv: Saleas. Cees Bay. Myrtle retat, Geli Beseh
i i, - . .
Customs rMWMtMi at our new jlocaSon.
-nro wm i mm l r i ii, t.-T-Tb i v - l
k Th Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Sunday. September 18. 1949
Cal Gridders Belt
Bronco Crew, 21-7
Waldorfs Combine Power, Passes
To Capture Opening Mix of Season
BERKELEY, Calf., Sept. 1 -California's Bears roared into
the 1949 football season today with a smashing, impressive 21 to
victory over the University of Santa Clara Broncos. j
A crowd of 62,000, perspiring in summer-like weather, saw Coach !
Florists Gain
Softy Finals
PORTLAND. Sept 17WyP-The
Portland Lind Florists edged
out a 2-1 win over the Frenso
Rockets in 14 innings tonight
to earn a berth in the finals
of the Women's National Ama
teur Softball tourney.
The once-defeated Portlan
ders will meet the unbeaten de
fending champions from' Phoe
nix, Aril., tomorrow afternoon.
A second game will be neces
sary If the Florists topple !-te
Arisonans in the first.
, The Florists topped two other
teams today, beating Boise, 10
innings, and blanking Peoria,
I1L. 3-0.
Colorado A A M 14. Colo Coll. 7
Wyoming 58, Idaho St. 13
Texas Christian 28. Kansas
Texas 43. Texas Tech 0
Hardin-Simmons 11. North Texa? 7
Texas West. 47. Brigham Young 6
Tulsa 27. McMurry 26
Iowa St. 64. DuBuqje 0
Nevada 41. CinrinnaU 21
Marquette 66, V Oak. St. 0
Vlllanova 35, Texas AAM 0
West Virginia 42. Way nesburf h 7
Wake Forest 22. Doqunnt 7
Quantico Martlnes 33, Virginia Terh
Kentucky "71, Miss. South. 7
Beavers, 10-0
Rosen 2. Runs batted in West 4. Rosen
2. Moore, C. Adams 2. Wtetelmann.
Double plavs Moore to Wilson. Rosen
to Wilson to West. Wilson to Wietel
mann to West. Moore to Rosen. Time
2.04. Umpires Somers. Runge and Mu-
tart. Attendance 3.48 (officials).
Hollywood 102 000 0003 S 0
San Francisco Of 100 1002 11 3
Moulder, Roy (7. Salveson (9i and
Unser; Feldman and Partee, Brocker
Oakland 302 004 03113 22 I
Los Angeles . 100 030 110 6 10 3
Harrist, Gassaway (5) and Pargett:
Watkins. Brown (3). Anthony (5). Oa
klet (6) and Burbrink.
Seattle 000 300 1004 9 1
Sacramento 020 100 0003 12 2
Fletcher and Warren: Holcombe, Do
bernic (9) and Raimondi.
Construction of a $1,500,000 har
ness racing plant on the Pulaski
highway outside of Baltimore has
been pproved by the Maryland
Racing Commission.
liability Policy
i 0 j . CHcrr
tri- " i X - c ; '
The Coast conference co-champions
and Rose Bowl losers made
their initial bid for the title with
aeombination of nowerhnuse foot
ball and sharp passing attack.' j
The Bears, after yielding a !
touchdown in the first period,
came back with a charge that j
netted them two scores in the 1
second quarter.
They made it a convincing de
cision with another touchdown in
then last period. The touchdown
marches were for 76, 75 and 52
yards, respectively.
Santa Clara, believed to be the
strongest among the Independent
schools this season, went into ac
tion with a bang. The Broncos
received the opening kickoff and
pounded 58 yards on 12 plays to
jFor the first few minutes,' the
contest looked almost like a walk
away for Coach Len Casanova's
experienced club.
Pilots Wallop
CWCE's, 32-0 .
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 17-C4)
Coach Harry Wright's Universitv
of Portland Pilots opened their
season today with a solid 32 to 0
victory over Central Washington
College of Education.
I he game, held at Vanuhn
street baseball park here, drew
a surprising 5.onn crowd. It was nimn iriumpn. nan saueif slam
the inaugural performance for the'me his 28th home run off Dave
Portland team under, a'i Ktelo to help Dutch Leonard reg
Notre Dame product. ; ister his seventh triumph for the
The rugged little Central Wa- I cubs. Russ Meyer, aided by Andy
ington team held the Portland of- j Seminick's homer, blanked the
fensive scoreless in the first quar-1 Reds with thcee hits.
Li,bU4 tef thA il Vs .t00! Gene Bearden Von his first
T.V": "" m eismi
one a il yard surint
by John Freeman
in tne second quarter.
i ne f iiots roued up
a total of
63 yards net in rushint? Thev !
used a T-formation. lots of pitch -
outs and plenty of baffling cross
bucks in the display of power.
The Wildcats were able to gain
possession of the ball in Portland
territory only once.
Portland 0 19 7 632
Touchdowns: Jack Grieg 2, John
Freeman, Bill Hatcher, Jack Pet
erson. Extra points after touch
down: Joe Marshello 2.
Eugene Posts '
Softball Win
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 17
-P)-Eugene, Ore., stayed in the
running in the National Softball
tourney tonight by nosing out a
1-0 win over Wilmington, Del.,
in nine innings. Willoughby held
the losers to one hit. The loss oust
ed Wilmington. Denver eliminated
the New York Grummans via a
1-0 win.
terser .vr-
0CyfisMIsslTaytsslAsitlstsg4 J
"Thai reminds me I simply must lake my car, by OTTO J.
WXLSOn CO. for a check-up."
Yanks, Gardsl
Keep Margins
NY, Bosox Triumph j
Dyers, Brooks Lose
NEW YORK. Sept. 17-aThe 4
major league pennant races re-
mained unchanged today. I The 5
New York Yankees and Boston f
Red Sox won and the St. Louif !
Cardinals and Brooklyn Dodgers I
lost. j J
The Yankees prottcUd their f
two and a half game margin in
the American league by defeating I
the Detroit Tigers. 5-4, while the f
Red Sox were nosing out the St. f
Louis Browns, ?-2.
Brooklyn lost a grand opprtun-
ity to cut into Stf bouis two?and a I
half game leadVin the National, f
dropping a 9-2 decision to the
Pittsburgh Pirates, as the Boston
Ftrave rlnwnrl ths Pariii A n i
tne other Natifmal le ' g m .
Philadelphia's fighting Phils shut
out the Cincinnati Reds 4-0 and f
th? chicag0 Cubs wh th
New York Giants. 4-2. In the Am-
encan, Cleveland walloped the
Washington Senators, 8-3, afid the
Chicago White Sox downed the
Philadelphia Athletics, 8-5. I
Stout relief . pitching by Joe
- rage neiped the Yankee turtt
back a belated Bengal rally Un the
last three innings. Fred Sinford
was sailing along .smoothly; on a
5-0 two-hit shutout over six in-
nings when the Tfgers suddenl :
erupted for three runs in thip sev
enth and one in the eighth tci make ?
it 5-4. Homers by George Vifo and ;
pinch hitter Paul Campbelf were i
the big blows. Page, who relieved I
Sanford in the seventh, ppt the;
potential tying and winning runs
on the bases inthe ninth, but!
forced Johnny Lipton to ht into
a game-ending double play to end
the threat. Art Houtteman was the
loser- :
The Red Sox collected onjy five,
hits off Cliff Fannjn, but three of
them were run scoring doubles;
that helped them gain their 16th;
straight home vhrtory. Joe Dob;
son gave up nine hits for his 13tW
iumph. j
The Braves also'collected only
five hits but three of them tamo
in the second to account ifor as
many runs. Voiselle himself
doubled inthe final run. AI Rrazl
was the loser. A five-run oijitburs
against relief pitcher ErvjPalica)
enabled the pirates to snap a 7-
tie and go on to victory, j Wally
Westlake'striple with the: bcyes
loaded was the big show. IMurry
! Dickson allowed five hits for his
name in nearly two month holnU"
; .u- ..
ti wic Piejonnny ostrowski hit two double
and a single teflead tho White Sok
to victory over the A's. i
1 American leagte
Cleveland 102 002 12i- 1 if,
Washington 201 000 0003 8 :
Beerden and Hegaii, Harris,. Ha ni
( an3 Evans. ( . J
M Louis 010 100 000- 2 f t
Boston 030 001 00 f- 3 t ;4
Fannin and Mo. Dobson and Ten-
letts. i
. OfK) 000 310i- 4 6 1
020 111 00'f-S I i
hitt H. Trout! 7 ana
i8; Sanford. fas.e 7
Robinson. Rieb
and Berra.
Chicago Soa'BJl OOOr-S r''9
Philadelphia K OOft 0Ut5 9 t
Haefner Pteretti ii and :Ma!or;
Scheib. Harris 13). Shantz 15) r4
Guerra. i
5 '. s ;
7 13 i
8i and
Brooklyn 000 100 100-1
Pittsburgh 110 00 30
Banta. Palica (4i. Hut ten
Edwards: Dickson and McCullousJi
New York WW Oil 000-2 71 t
Chicago 020 000 02-4 10? 4
Koslo, Higbe (8and Westrqm; Io
nard. Schmitx (9 and Owen. ! i
Boston ... . 030 000 100U4 Si' 6)
St. Louis 7. ... 010 000 0102 9f
VoistUe and Crandall. Brazle, W.lh
(2i. Staley (8) and Garagiola.
Philadelphia 000 200 0024
Cincinnati '000 000 000- 0
5 1
Meyer and Seminlck; Wehmeier
Sk asr -r "
if '
; ll.