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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1949)
I ity Hews UBirfieffs SEEK TO LEAVE DISTRICT Exclusion of their property from the proposed Salem Heights-Liberty rural fire protection district is ought in a petition filed Thursday with Marion county court by 16 residents of Ewald avenue, Scenic View drive, Duplex street and Mary avenue. The area is adjacent to a section whose owners had similarly applied Wednesday. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxil ary rummage sale Sept. 16 & 17 at 363 Court0 St. upstairs. Opens at 8:30. - ; ARRESTED FOR ARMY Robert Ralph Folk, 265 N. Com mercial st., was being held in Mar ion county jail Thursday night for the U. S. army after his arrest Wednesday night by federal and city authorities. Nature of the charges was not disclosed. Circus Uses Trucks Ev en to Water iflepliants Thex Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday. September IS IMS 3 EKTSGAARD IMPROVES Lynn Ertsgaard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ertsgaard, 18i90 N. 4th st., is convalescing at his home following an operation Tuesday at the Salem General hospital. Erts gaard will be able to receive vis itors Saturday, according to his mother. n Rummage sale Fri. and Sat. 2381 State. f CALVERTS BACK FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Calvert, 210 E. Washington st... have returned from a flight to Chicago. They al so visited Muncie, Ind., where Calvert's Porta-drive Power tool is in production for national dis- 1 tribution. 1 ; Back to school bargains. Rummage sale, Argo Hotel, today and to morrow. Sisterhood of Beth Shol om Snyogogue. - 'r.,rv' i ; -1 - -sr. , - .'k x " ' t v- t M '- r-?r- - til - - ' T' - - r is really keeno Have it rooked MAJOR OPERATION by Nick Marino, "Salem Supper: Club." DECISION DELAYED Appointment of a deputy con itable for the Brietenbush justice of the peace district was postpon ed Thursday by Marion county Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Salem route 2 underwent a major oper ation Monday at Salem General hospital. It is expected she will remain in the hospital until Tues day or 1 Wednesday Salem circus-roers found that today's bir cirrus Is mechanized more than ever before. The four boys at left above were seen walking slowly past the spot where attendants watered elephants, fiotinr that no j longer do little boys carry bucket after bucket of water to thirsty pachyderms In hopes of getting a ' free ticket to the circus. Instead the elephants are n ow watered by hose from a tank truck. Even the elephants find it tough to justify their position with the circus now that bulldoiers are replacing them as power for moving carts and hoisting the big top . The boys, left to right, are Bill Hamilton. 13, 200 Evergreen ave.; Wayne Olson, 12, 3020 Brooks ave.; Raymond Kronser, 13, 2476 Fairgrounds rL; and Jerry Propp, 11, 995 N. 14th st. ( Statesman photo ) Launderette 1255; Ferry St. court until October 17, after the j gill .DING PERMITS October 13 election on the propos al to incorporate the Detroit-Idan ha area. Petitions have been filed urging appointment' of Valderia Walizewski. Business & Professional Women's rummage sale. 129 N. Com'l. Fri day & Saturday, Sept. 16 & 17. ? C. S Orwig's Market & Grocery has fresh killed young turkeys. 39c. Also young beef for locker. 39c lb. C. S. Orwig, 4375 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. A building permit to construct a $10,000 office at 3085 River rd. was, issued to Louis Schmerber Thursday by the ; city . engineer's office, W. H. Epping obtained a permit to construct a $5,500 dwell ing at 2055 Laurel ave. : Wantj piano player Phi 3-5110. SEABEE MEET TONIGHT Organized Seabee reserve unit 13-9 is to meet tonight at 8 o'clock for drill at Salem reserve armory. J Spectacle of Circus Seen By Thousands DRAW JURY PANEL. Insured savings earn more than I turn nr ronf at ' Qalm Ff-Hpra I Another 100 names were being ; SavjnBS Assoriatioh. 560 State st selected Thursday by, Marion coun- 1 ty court to augment this year's PENSIONERS TO MEET jury list for the circuit court. All ! American Pensioil club will meet but 26 of the original 500 names at o'clock Saturday night at the have already have been drawn for ' Salem Woman's clubhouse. Re duty. I freahments will be served. Federally Insured Savings Cur- j The Flower Basket. 2-4802. rent dividend 2,- See First B Robert E. Gangware City Editor. The Statesman At Salem Schools . . . By Gilbert Bateson Stattman School Cnrreopondrnt SALEM HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Biirriorht Succumbs to Year's Illness Mrs. Geraldine Burright, who 1 aetivplv hlnr1 h r hnchnH Salem High school student ac- Glenn establish Burright's clean tivities got off to a good start , 6 in rv, t uii ...v,;!, : ers. 198 S. Church st.. in 1936 The eye-catching, breath-taking j helps new students get acquaint- died m a local hospital late Tues spectacle of the "greatest show on j witn thpir schoolmates- j day night. She was 43. earth" entertained thousands ol j Hello card are beine worn to Mrs. Burright had been ill near- idemify students. A welcome as- j Jy a year before her death, sembly will be held Friday morn-j Born Sept. 5, 1901. in Susanville, ing to introduce student bodv of- Calif., she came to Oregon in 1925 ficers. A short pep rally will be and to Salem in 1927. It was in Federal Savings First 142 S Lib erty Phone 3-4944. - LOG HAI LING APPROVED Permit to haul logs over speci fied roads was "granted Thursday by Marion county court to Frank J. Pokorny, Woodburn route 1. Karakul Karpet It s new, it's re versible, it's lOO" virgin wool and woven through and through, only $4.95 sq yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364 Rummage sale Thur. and Fri. First Methodist Church. HELD FOR COURT Francis Garold Steele, Silver ton, is slated to appear in Silver ton justice court this afternoon for preliminary hearing on a charge of non-support. He was arrested by the Silverton constable and held in Marion county jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. Grocery Firms. Teamsters Sign New Conlracls Three-month wage negotiation between several local wholesale grocers and Salem's Teamsters, union, local 324. ended Thursday with approval of a new contract by both employers and employes. Ward E. Graham, teamster secretary-treasurer, said a new two year contract offered by employ ers was accepted by teamsters em ployed by Pacific Fruit and Pro duce company. Willamette Groc ery company and GenetiJjrocery company, all of Salem, anX Hudson-Duncan company of Albany. In other teamster news, Qraham aid a recent vote of teamsters conducted by the national labor relations board authorized for the first time a full union shop in Firestone stores in Salem. ELECTION RULED VALID The election procedure, at which the Yachats rural fire protection district. Lincoln county, authoriz ed a $20,000 bond" issue on April 25 of this year was valid, ttor ney General George Neuner ruled Thursday. Mrs. Meeks, Former Salem Resident, Dies Mrs. Vina Meeks. former resi dent of Salem, died Thursday at her home in Portland. She was the widow of the tate T..E. Meeks who had been in the monumental works business here and in Port land. Mrs. Meeks lived here from 1916 to 1937. She leaves two sons. Earl and Ivan Meeks, both of Portland, and . two : daughters, Edna in Washington and Irma in Honolulu. She was the aunt of G. Carroll Meeks Salem banker. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in Ellis Street Methodist churchy Westmoreland, Portland. Interment Will be at Zion aemetery, Canby, Campfire Girls Aid Community Chest Sixteen Salem Camp Fire girls worked Thursday at the Com munity Chest campaign head quarters, 339 Court st.. sorting and bundling supplies for future ese in the campaign. j The girls, who donated their; time, were Kewane Alan, Ann Bagley, Sharon Lfg Bourne, Jan ice Button, Betty and Wanda Coe. Patsy Ed.trom, Sandra Eyerly. Marlys Fisher, Carolyn' Isom. ! Martha Klaus, Sharron Muller. Joan" Sharon Volk, Kathryn Winiecki and Janice Wood. Ascheiibreiiiier Disavows Reds as Schoolteachers There is no place in American classrooms for teachers who ad vocate communism, Carl Aschen brenneF declared Thursday noon in a talk before the Salem Lions club. j : Aschenbrenner,'1 principal o f Parrish junior high school and a director of the National Educa tion association, said the efforts of communists to infiltrate into the teaching profession had been stayed by the recent NEA con vention in 'Boston. Two new members were intro duced at the club luncheon in the Marion hotel. Fire Capt Ellsworth Smith and Paul Wolf, new manag er of Montgomery Ward & Co.'s Salem store. Salem circus-eoers Thursday Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey circus filled its big top at the state fairgrounds with aerial and acrobatic thrills, the zany antics of clowns by the dozen, bright pageantry and all sorts of animals trained to do just about everything but take tickets. Despite occasional rain large crowds attended both' afternoon and night performances of the fast-paced 2Vi-hour show, pre sented by John Ringling North for "children of any age." From the moment Claussen's beaTS rode motorcycles, to the extravagant "Glorious Fourth"' pageant which closed the show, there wasn't a pause long enough to rest head and neck from shift ing around to see all three rings j -a hi included. Hello week will be climaxed by the Stag-Hag sport dance in the gym from fi:30 to 11:30 p.m. Friday. Glen Williams orchestra will furnish the music. Betty Cooley is general chair j this city she met her husband, who survives her. Thev were married May May 27, 1934. She attended the Nazarene church in Salem. Surviving, besides the widower, 1 are a son. James Shpltnn Salpm- man with Sue Perry, decorations. ! her mother, Mrs. Lillian Cain Leslyn Burdette. refreshments, ; Susanville. Calif - a iir Mn Nancy Miller, posters. Billie Mil ler, patrons and patronesses, Mary Feike, tickets. Janet Gaiser, Jess Doyle, Redding, Calif.; two grandchildren, James Shelton. ir-. ana busan bhelton, both of Salem rWrV '-and an aunt, Mrs. Tom Conway, ' uakland, Calif. hi-y tiects lioraon Moan ire inree cnapiers oi saiem am .s.ntrrfav m th. n,h.p Hi-Y met Wednesday to discuss ; nck chapel with the R Orville this year s activities at Salem i w f;i4. r , J Funeral services will be at 10:30 at once. Hi Loopholes Seen In Tax Structure There is nothing radical about the current Oregon tax structure but there are a number of loop holes which need plugging up, the state board of control tax study committee indicated at a meeting in Salem Thursday. Chairman Carl Chambers was directed to appoint several sub committees to study various tax problems. The committee is com posed of the three members of the state tax commission, state bud get director, deputy state treasur er, and head of the state auditing division. McKINLEY SCIOOL A meeting will be held Friday Mrs. Dorothy Rea, principal. W'll speak on "Readiness for School." The meeting will be at MtKinley school. And the only time tne circus i band silenced its music-for-every- secretary - treasurer. Sixtv occasion was aunng w.c turned out suspense in a iuk wuc saw H?ro!d Alanza ride a bicycle across the wire with three passen gers including two girls dangling i at 1:30 for mothers of first gra'l from trapeze bars attached to the ers attending McKinley school. cycle. There were familiar circus headliners ranging from the Fly ing Concellos to the sad-faced hobo clown (Emmett Kelly) who managed to get in just about every act. Also featured were a dozen or more acts billed as "first time in America." including a couple of dark-skinned "rolling tube" balance experts from the Andes, the dressage performance of horsewoman Lilian Wittmack from Denmark and Charlie Peterson's pony-riding dogs. Just about everyone who saw the show agreed it had every thing one could hope for in circus entertainment except maybe the old steam caliope and the accom panying wild west show of Buf falo Bill. The show will be in Eugene today. gh and to elect officers for theiment wi j Mt Afc i- council. Gordon Sloan was i i .iiuuauicuui. 4 Silverton Youths Held Four Silverton youths, two of them juveniles, were held Thurs day by Marion county authorities on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, involving three Silverton girls. Lawrence Elbert Fields and Robert Charles McColly, both 21, were arraigned Thursday after noon in Silverton justice court and will have preliminary hearings there this afternoon. The 15- and 17-year-old boys were held for juvenile authorities, Against one of them was an addi tional charge of assault and battery. Birth 8 LAWSON To Mr. and Mrs. Emil Law son, Woodburn, a daugh ter, Thursday, September 15, at Salem Memorial hospital. UPDEGRAFFE To Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Updegraffe, jr.. 5155 Newberg dr., a, daughter, Thurs day, September 15, at Salem Gen eral hospital. MORGAN To Mr. and Mrs. E. Whitney Morgan 10 Abrams ve., a sonfi Thursday, September IS, at Salem General hospital. SIMMONS To Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Simmons, Woodburn, a son, Thursday, September 15, at Salem Fern Craven TEACHER OF PIANO Slat Accredited 159 N. Liberty SL Ph. 3-9632 SACK to SCHOOL SPECIAL ty00?, 3 ..." $K00 mJj Down $150 Ptt Wk Hew Boyal or Corona Portables . $6950 $6950 CORONA PORTABLE Demonstrator; $34.50 Valu ROYAL PORTABLE Nw Raular $77.50 . ,(Plu Tax) Wt gvaxajitee prices new portables are aa lw aa any local store, chain r mall order bouse. ' ROY AL - UNDER WOOD - CORONA PORTABLES Exclusive KepreaeatatlTC for the Royal Standard KAY TYPEWRITER CO. -ACROSS FROM THE SENATOR HOTEL" 223 No. High Phon 3-8095 What Are You Doing BETWEEN 5:00 P.M. and 8:30 P.M.? Most Folks Arc Having ALL THEY CAN EAT (Including Choice of entree and desserts) at NEW BUFFET DINNER (and the best food in town!) Gallons of Coffoo Tons of Food 5:00 P. M.-:30 P. M. Every Day Except Sunday DOWNTOWN ON STATE STREET Salen V MHo North ol Underpass I.AVBK Ce STOKES mm Wcxi Salen At Foot ol Bxidg 1 Specials for Friday, Saturday & Sunday CAMPBELLS All kinds O for Mm Grade A ... lb. mm mm Gerbers . . each Am 25 All Brandt L J lb. ib. can 69c COFFEE Bed Dot . . . lb. 36c TOMTOJlC Welchi 46 os. can Wi TOftflATO SAUCE s lie I Eastern lTOrag 5i CINCH CAKE MIX rk, 39c il $2295 j 1 corduroy suit 8 PlSOtDDDGLI TOIIATOES Hand-picked and slxed bushel KING APPLES Fancy bushel 1 49 CELERY Crisp bunch onions Boiling a lb. bag IB0 WATERHEL01IS Eastern Oreaons ... melons 1 oo IN OUR GRAPE DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY . . . CONCORDS; LADY FINGERS. MUSCAT. THOMPSON SEEDLESS. RIBERAS AND TOKAYS 1 -j i If til nUUlwt p. m. Day. This is for your Shopping pleaiurel ) Swift's Government Inspected Beef From the Same Beef Rump & Blade Rocist DIbo with a continental look Did you ever see wonderful, Cromp ton Richmond Pinwale corduroy so softly tailored? The peplum jacket is the secret . . . worn loosely or held close to the waist with a metal tipped aiguillette of genuine leather. Moss leaf green, red. Sizes 1U to x&. 122.53 Swiff Government Inspected Beef l L70Tffl C3(o3Sft Hlbo 04 Pure Ground Beef DLbo W!)g Swifts Weiners DIbo Bg ABIIOUR'S AlID SWIFTS SLICED BACOII i 1 g -1 - : ! ' j 1 n T Old Fashioned TTeiaeri Large Juicy 513l(c! Franks - Long Dolcgna lb. 'f -J Ililk Fed Veal This Is a real buy -dos. n invito 1!" ruro nuw ui Loin and Rib Chops -Jb. V- k Si i I il .