, pU-Th Statssmaru Salsm, Orwgoii, Friday. Spteb 16 1949 Additional Classified Ads on page 21 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry and Babbitt NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at special quantity price for your welt er. Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. 2-2861. Lee s Hatchery. &EW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immedl . at or future delivery- Hatches every Tuesday. Foxes Hatchery. 3830 State St Ph. 3-4969; 408 P.U I BUCK cocker pups. 3'i mos. old. Registered. Ph. $-1482 after 4 pjn- 410 Sds end Plants DAHLIAS. Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St. West Salem. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce TOMATOES Bushel or a ton. Sweet and good flavor. You Pick, $1 00 busheL Holman's, Jef Jerson, Ore. 12 ml. south of Salem on old Jefferson hwy at Midway. A. CORN insulage. mi. E. of Totem Pole on Hazel Green hwy. Rt 7. Box 239. Corn TOMATOES. Jol Cummings I.ane Ph. 3-1475 DILL PICKEES. 2c lb Frank Toner Ph. 3-1958. Rt. 2. Box 40B tjkST CALLI LARGE GOLDEN CROSS SWEET CORN. 22c per doz. Toma toes $1.25 bl.. U-pick 75c. L. D. Eg bert. Sllverton Road. 2'i mi. beyond Fairgrounds. Ph. 4-2842. SPEAR melons, can. corn. grav. apples. Ital. prunei. cabbage, cider, etc. Pric ed rteht. 2505 S Com'l. Ph. 2-3985 CANNING tomatoes, near Roberts thool L H. Zielke. Ph 3-1578 CANNING tomatoes. $1.00 bu. U pick. Li Kinkaid. Rt 1. Box 283. Phone 2-30i2. ' CANNING tomatoes 'for sale, $1 bu. U pick. Grant Asher on Grand Island. Filberts, u-pick. ioc lb. Ph. 2-nse. Forenoon or eve. -Canning tomatoes, u-pick. imiah Fruit Farm, la ml. out Wallace rd. Ph. 2-0374. 425 Auction Sales Notice Immediate - cash - for - you. The East Salem Auction center located at 976 Lancaster Dr. operates as a service for every one Auction every Tues day and Thur. 70 p.m. For informa tion call 3-izzi U you have anything to sell call 42923. We sell on commission or will buy. Auction every Monday 730 p.m. Leek's Auction miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 455 Household Good- Fcr Sale DAVENO 12$ or best offer. Ph. 8-3253. DUO THERM oil circulator, very good cond. 1520 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-6042. MUST SELL Immediately! 9 cu. ft. Norge refrigerator $125. Perfect cond. Call Woodburn Black 201,. fx 12 wine all wool Curltwist Frieze Mohawk rug. reasonable. Phone 21894. COAL OR wood circulator, good cond.. 5rm. size. Ph. 2-B58 1270 Hoyt USED SEWING machines, $10 up. Ph 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances. nrvNTAG wood ranee with oil con verter. $35. Trader Louie, 3055 Port- Lmd Rd. MAGIC CHEF gas range with trash burner and colls. $34.50. Trader Xouie. 3055 Portland Rd DUO THERM oil circulator, excellent cond.. $45. Trader Louie, 3053 Port land Rd ; KEN MORE vacuum cleaner, complete with all attachments, late model, ex cellent cond.. $24.50. Trader Louie 3055 Portland Rd. DROP leaf cherry extention table Sc corner what-not. set of Haviland service for 6. Upstairs Antique Shop, 439 Court. s JXx22 RUGT solid mahog. DR. set. misc. furniture St curtains. Make of fer Ph. 24K61 afternoons. " SEWING MACHINES Jfew Home Electric $89.95 and up. Ph. 3-31 19 RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES VENEER waterfall design. 8 pc. set. 6 chairs, dining table, buffet. Also gas Tappan range and Serval Electrolux, 6 ft eas reing, rn. j-oaoo. I OIL CIRCULATOR BURNER, very reasonable. Ph. 3-4349. 2195 Myrtle. 456 Wanted. Household Goods USED TURN., Immediate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture. 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 27472. SF.D FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 EED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture Ph 3-5110 Woodry. XJ YOU have furniture, appliances, sporting good. etc. to sell and want top prices call TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 38558 days, 24407 ves. 58 Building Materials LUMBER. 3x4 by jitney load. $10 per thous. You haul. Independence Lum ber and Mfg Co.. Independence. Ore. Aluminum Roofing Complete stock corrugated 5v crimp and accesories. Obtain our quota tions first Saffron Supply Co. 323 N. Commercial St. Wrecking Gov't. Projects Hundreds modern sash & windows. Cast iron Ac vitreous- china wash basins complete with fittings. One hundred 30 inch one panel doors with frame St hardware. Large sup ply 32 Inch St 36 inch glass doors with frame Sc hardware. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mi. N of Keizer. Insulation Hew fibre glass.j-oll blanket insulation t bargain price Easy to Install be tween studing St Joists. Check our prices. C. G. Xong. Ph. 2-5821, 1 mi. N. of Keizer. Build ers Mew ' In. 4x8 sheets Insulation board. 5J4c ft.$184 sheet. A dur able attractive . wallboard. light in weight with insulating value. No. 1 mountain cedar shingles $7.75 sq Cedar shakes in the carton, painted ii with undereourse $12. sq. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ml. N. of Keizer. Doors Mew grade A. mahogany slab doors Made In Sweden. Standard sizes. 13.50. Exterior glass doors, grade A. 10 25. Storm doors $10. screen doors 6.50. panel doors. $5.75 St up. French doors. $17 50. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ml. N. of Keirer. TOR SALE: No... 1 18-in. cedar wall hakes. Natural or painted colors. h Salem 2-1196. B5 )RS Flush interior St exterior doors. Just a few left at special trice. Keith Brown. Front is Court -t , Salem. CXDAR GUTTER. Just received small stock, hard-to-aet "clear" and "tteht- knot grades 3"x4 cedar gutter. Keith Brown, Front Bt Court Sts., Salem. U.UAK bUiinu. New shipment of x " and "xlO" cedar siding. All grades Keith Brown. Front St Court Sts.. Salem. RED CEDAR SHINGLES ' No. 1, 7.75, any am't. del. Coast or Mountain timber. 100 sq. of no. a, sin. clear, suitaote tor roof or taewaus. S3 per sq. Ted Mullcr. Ph Salem 2-1194. Salcm-Izidepen-denco Hwy. 460 Musical Instruznents' AMERICAN 3-3J5i - standard trumpet. Ph. 450 Merchandise 460 Musical Instruments BUXSCHER E flat red (old saxophone. Good as new. Reasonable. Ph. 21252. NEW St used Musical Instruments Sc Spinet Ac Grand pianos at reduced price Jaqmth Music Co. Ph. 3-4641. EXPERT Musical instrument repair all work fully guaranteed. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4841. SAVE 20 TO 50 ON BAND & .ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES New Clarinets $59 50. Trumpets 942 50 Trombones $65 00. Baritones $125.00. French Horns $175.00. Violins $15.00 up. All kinds of used in struments. T Some rental Instruments available. Ph. 3-4641 MB Cascade Drive Jaquith Music Co. NEARLY new snare drum with sticks. strap and stand.; $17.50. Ph. 2-1267 after 6 p.m. Rt. 4. box 356 PIANO Small upright in good condi tion. $150. Ph. 3-1530. 464 Bicycles WARDS HAWTHORN mans bike. Ph. 3-3952. - ' - MAN'S heavy service bicycle. $15 See Mr Clark. Statesman Girl's Firestone, almost new $25. 2-8812 or 2-0506. r Ph. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous WHEEL CHAIRS. ; Hospital beds. Ph. 3-7775. Max O. Buren. 745 Court St Salem, OOOU USED Piano H L Stiff U -DRIVE TRUCKS F5R RENT Blan kets furn. 197 S. Liberty, Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads Sc driveway.' Cement. Ready mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and' witching. 4 vd shovel & drag line. Phone 3-9249 ATMORAYS. Harley Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. Todds Septic Tank Service Complete Service Call us Collect 2545 state St. Phone 2-0734 RIVER BOTTOM top soil All kinds pit run, gravel, crushed, sand, mix Con crete pipe and Ule; septic tanks, re inforcing steel and mesh. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St Phone 3-3417 Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand St flil dirt. Screened gsavel St sand for concrete. Imm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4002. res. 3-7146. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables, desk types complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John son Aoollances. TARP3 at your War. Surplus Store 16 oz.. Waterproof; Grommets 8x7 $3.15 : . 7x $5 87 xS $432 " 9x10 $8.10 All other sizes In Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd Sc Church St QUARRY ROCK tor road base. Crush ed rock, fill dirt We deliver. Croisari Quarries 1565 S Com! St Ph. 1-6417 PlantJPh. 3-1231 ? Res. 2-3075 FENCE POS7 S. . poles, all types. shingles fertiliser St flatrock. Phil- lips Bros. Rt. 8,; Box 118. Ph 3-1458 TRUCKERS come and set it. Pit run and fill dirt 50c; silt 60c. Sand. Com mercial Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 2-1966 MOSSBERG 22 single shot rifle, has shot only 4 boxes of shells. No scrat ches on stock. In very good condition SH. call z-5iB atter o p. m WHIZZER motor bike in very good condition. $100. Call 3-5788 after 5 pm 3 PAIR DRAW drapes. Bendix auto washer, gray frieze rug, 3 speed hoist suitable for loading farm implements etc. Phone 3-4376 FOR SALE 3-1721 mall baby beef. Ph. 4 CHAIR marble shoe shining stands. lo So. Hi st CUBIC ft. deep freeze, like new. For sale cheap; Phi 2-3228 eve - 5 St 6 FT. wooden display tables. Rea- snnable Ph. Z-5858. Kt. 3. DOX 910. SMALL LETTERMAN sweater, size 6, letter included $550. Ph. 2-6944. DEER RIFLES. , 45-70 Winchester 86 model. 2 boxes shells, $55. Also 30-30 Savage. 2 boxes shells. $26.50. 3540 Cherry ave. after 6 p. m. MENS CLOTHES: Three suits size 39 short, 1 new rain : coat, 1 topcoat. Phone 3-3751. A good cheap buy. COMPLETE SET W..F. Ludwig drums. Over $175 investment. Sacrifice for $80. For dance or band use. Ph. 2-7532 j R. C. ALLEN cash register. like new. $175.00. Phone 3-46U. 5-16" FORD wire, wheels Ph. 23024 LADIES Hats cleanetf and redecorated. Ph. 2-1443 after 6 p.m. or before 10 a m. I Paging AJI ISewlyweds You can't afford to buy one Item of furniture until you have shopped Glenn Woodry s Furniture Mkt. You'll be shown clever new furniture at unbelievingly low prices. Terms of course. "For a reay Buy, give us a try." '- I'm Not a River But. I do have a big outlet for furn iture, appliances, rugs, radios, sport ing eqpt, antiques, musical instru ments, or what have "u". Cash on the line, St you wont get hooked, really - get the limit by phoning Glenn Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. PIANO SALE! BALDWIN WURUTZER CABLE Beautiful sample spinets and consoles shown at Oregon State Fair at BIG SAVINGS! New pianos from $395.00 Also excellent buys on several used grands and uprights. STONEI PIANO CO. "The Valley s Finest Piano 'store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. HALLCRAFTER S-20-R Communica Hon radio receiver. 245 N 23rd, Ph. 3-8834 ! : REG. $5 50 Budoir lamps Spc. 3 days at $2 95 They are gorgeous. Glenn Wnodrv Furn Mkt 1605 N. Summer. 48" framed door mirrors at only $2.95 while thev last. Glenn Woodrv Furn iture Mkt U83 N Summer St 270 WINCH ESTER 70 Ph. 3-8;i D A V EN PORT 8c chair. 1155 Elm St. Call after 5 p m. ; WOOD RANGE, reasonable. 1135 Lewis Sr - i t TWO YOirnfTiEDS. good mattresses. Reasonable Ph. 21605. 1948 KR1G1DA1RE like new. Ph. 2-4721. MAVTAG elec. 2-4721 washer round tub. Ph. L. C. SMITH shotgun, field grade double, cost;, nev $96. been fired twice, will sell tor $65. Ph. eves. 2-5455. 790 Rowmont. j REFRIGERATION unit and Referigera tor box. Unit cart be used for deep freere. Call at 2045 N. Liberty st GIRL'S RED COAT, size 8, excel, cond. Sell reasonable. Ph. 2-5875. 1 MED. greeny coat practically new. sire l. Ph. Z-87BO. DEER RIFLE 43-70 Winchester 86 model. 2 boxes shells. S55. Also 30-30 Savage. 2 boxes shells. $26.50. 3640 Cherry Ave 1 NEW shop smith with attachments. 1180. Some hand tools. Fh. 29921. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous CASH for newspapers. 1790 N. Front PIANO TUNLNG Wilts Music Store Salem I TON BALED hay i delivered, for cow. Ph. 2-2441. Buren. or Eve. 3-9543. WANTED: Best trailer house: $600 cash will buy. Ph. 3-9083. WANTED: Good small piano, will pay cash. Ph. 2-f725. , 474 Miscellaneous FILBERT and walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Pbeoe X-286L Lee'a Hatchery, j 450 Merchandise 474 Mlceaneou AUTO PAINTING, lust shad better by Ray ETTEH. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 " j Mattresses. Capital Bee Co. Ph. 3-4069," Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICI IN MOST CASES Bring or Malt Your Plates for Repafj DR. HARRY SEMI R. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State Be Com. Ph 3-3311 FILBERT, walnut drying. Good washer Hobb's dryer. 6 mi, SX. Salem. Ph 3-5211 eves. Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 - WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irriprtion Ouffieid Bros. Rt box 58 Phone 2-1313 or 2-2795. ' WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses. McEwao Photo Shop. 435 State. 1 Salem Sand & Gravel Col Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement j Equipment Rental I ; 15 B-i yds I 10 B-, yds D-7 Cat it Dozer j D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat & Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. ! Phone days 3-W08 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon 476 Fuel Tri Citv Fuel PHONE" 2-7442 16-ln. slab wood and edging Fresh cut Screened sawdust 12-in. inside milt wood Dry wood ASK FOR S St H GREEN STAMPS SO DAY special Old growth block wood from Valsetz. $10 cord delivered off ear Kill dry planners. 3 cords $18 Ph 3-7721 Capital Lumber-Fuel Co.! West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 18 lit. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgewater St. W. Salem. Phillips Bros. Old fir, ash. maple, oak. 4' nr. Slar ana eogtn gs. rn. j-hsb Clean, hand-picked, is-in. ) ELABWOOD FOR FURN ACT Capital Lumber-Fuel Co, Phone 3-7721 ' 16" SLAB wood $11 a load. Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7751 after 4 p.m. OAK Sc FIR WOOD Ph. 2-0636. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE & DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH. 3-444 VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak. slab, maple, old fir, sec. growth and cherry. Also do woodsawing. Ph. 2-4276 or 3-3523. . R. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer trim 1 260 Candlewood Dr. Ph 2-2382 OLD FIR. 2nd growth St slab Dry Kampytra's Wood Yd. Ph. 2-2950. CHEAN FRESH SAWDUST. Summer rates. Call 2253 Dallas collect for prompt delivery. ry $54. You hauL 1990 Howard. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities 12 UNIT MOTEL elec heat, good loca tlon. 6 rm. house. C. W. BartelL 3359 Portland Rd. Fountain lunch for sale, in good location. Ideal for cpl. Will take hse. In trade Ph 2-6852 ATT. 6 unit motel. 7 rm. home, diet Will trade. 3590 S Com'l. St FOR SAIBY OWNER A nice going business. Illness of Bro. forces sale. See me or write 1995'fc S 12th St- Salem Ore FOR SALE Men's Furnishing Store $1500 plus stock May consider some trade and cash, i Ph. 2-5566 CROC. STORE Sc fixtures, eas pumps. 6 cabins, good income, nice location. Ph. 2-4319. Hayesville Store, Rt. 7. Box 145. Salem. Ore. STATION for lease. Ph. C. J. Dalzelle. Ph. 3-7676. Union Oil Co. 500 Business & Finance 510 Money To loan Private Money On Cars. Trucks St Trailer Homes ; Long or Short Term Payments Roy II. Simmons i 136 S Commercial St Ph. 3-8161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and 5 Your own terms of repayment within reason trasn tor Keal Estate con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 CASH - NOW S25.00 to $500.00 ! Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need it I ) Tou can pay anytime to reduce set cost I No endorsers, or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $5004)0 SV . .... - M ...u.lr . i .. alary or other personal property up to $300.00! Phone or visit our office today 1 Lie No. S138 and M338 General Finance CorpJ PH 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST $ CASH S $33 00 to $500.00 Furniture. Livestock Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up to $500.00. Come in or phone. Hollywood Finance Co'.' 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7032 Lie. No, M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. ; j Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 OR 4' INT. I to 40 years and NO commission LEO N. CHILDS, INCl REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 1-3663 512 Loans Wanted $8900. Loan wanted on first mortgage on home ana business property val ued at 23.000. Income from property $239 per month. Call 3-4547. ask for Stevens. ! $10,000.00 loan wanted, downttown bus lness. will pay percent prepay .at 150 to $200 per month, all paid back oy a years. i ALSO $10,000.00 loan wanted on highly Im proved farm, 3 or S years, will repay at rate of $190 per month Including Interest at percent State Finance Co. U3 S. High St Telephone 3-4121 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted HOTTSgWOHK BY HOUR. Ph. S-8519. CLE SN WOODRY ORCHESTRA needs a pianist. Must read. Ph. 2-3110 at once. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted TEACHER WANTED. For 3rd Sc 4th grades at Hebo. Oregon. Kew room: wages $2900 per yr Mrs. Mable Whax- f ion. xiebo cierk. 604 Help Wanted, Male WANTED: MAN. preferably with bank or loan experience, 30-35 yrs. old for permanent job. Must be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to Insure excellent future. Call Mrs. Clough at Salem 3-4130 during busi ness hours. WANTED 2 men to learn the heating and . air conditioning business. Rapid advancement and good pay while you learn - (not labor or mechanical work). Apply in person between 8 and 9 a. m. Holland Furnace Co 320 Kearney St. EXPERIENCES furnace mechanic. Must have tools and car. Steady work, exceptionally good pay. Write Box 273 Statesman. "GOLD MINE" Eliminate your worries, our business is good, ail our men are making $ per wk. and up. This work is per manent with a very good future. We have room for two more men with cars. It can't do you any harm to come in and see us. You may be the man we are looking for. See Mr. Handwerk Saturday morning 9:30 SeDt. 17th at Senator Hotel. EXP. MAN for installing .galvanized gutters. Ph. 3-1242. 7 to 8 p.m. 606 Help Warned. Female STENOGRAPHER for permanent po sition. Shorthand required. Apply in person. Willamette Credit Co.. 182 S Church St. EXPERIENCED pantry lady. Call 3-7F32 WANTED: Housekeeper or school girl for light housekeeping. Write box 282. care Statesman. GIRL WANTED for housework. Good waees. AddIv 1420 Market. ASSISTANT in accounting dept. Short- hand required. Apply in own hand writing stating experience St age. P. O. box 229 Salem. TURKEY pickers. Northwest Poultry ar Dairy Products Co. 1 505 N. Front. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, must like children and be able to take full charee. Ph. 3-9339. HOUSEMOTHER for Killcrest School for Girls, hours 3 to 11 p.m. Phone Z-30Z2. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to help with nouseworK, no cniidren. Koom, Doard and waees. Statesman Box 286. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER with snorinana requirea. Apply in person. Homer H. Smith Ins. Apencv. .WOMAN to do cooking and help with nouseworic xor lamllvpf s. Must be under 50v and unauached. Living quarters ftirn., references required. Write qualifications and salary ex pected. Statesman, Box 288. 608 Pickers Wanted BEAN PICKERS, Bishops South River road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th 4c Mission 6:00. Farm La bor office 6:30. Ladd At Bush bank 6:35. south on Commercial to Owens. For Information call 3-6137. WANTED HOP St Co PICKERS. John J. Phone 3-9623. Roberts BEAN PICKING Fri . Sat.. Sun., at Bishops. S. River Rd. Ph. 2-6137 for information. 610 Sales Persons Wanted 2 EXP salesman to sell leading lines of appliances. Paying salary plus com mission with transportation furn ished. Write Box 256 Statesman. EXP. furniture salesman. List experi- ence 6c qualifications. Writ Box 257 "o Statesman. WANTED Service station salesman. Permanent employment. Excellent working condition. Regular pay, ad vancements up to $265 mo. Apply Buckley's Model Service. N. Dallas junction. Dallas, Oregon. Best hours 1-4 Dm. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for ex- penenced farm salesman with reliable firm. Write Box 287. Statesman. SALESMAN with car must be able to sell to farmers, home every night. Salary or salary and commission. State references and experience. Write Box 278, Statesman. REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED BY LEADING Auto Insurance Co. FULL OR PART TIME OPPORTUNITY EXISTS TO BUILD A STRONG AGENCY FOR THE FUTURE CONTACT BillOskoat f 466 COURT CT. Ph. 3-5661 612 Work Wanted. Male 19 YR. OLD Hi school graduate with some mecn. experience would like work In service station. Ph. 3-1032. 614 Work Wanted, female CHILD care. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 39924. 61S Situations Wanted NEW LAWNS START TO FINISH LGT TRACTOR WITH DOZER. PH 2-R127. CHILD CARE by day. Ph. 2-8685 ' REMODELING and repair work. Pho hone 3-1339 or 2-0218 WANTED outside house painting. C S Stahl. Ph. 2-8844. WILL do any kind of carpenter work reasonably. Ufil Union. Ph. Z-I487. CEMENT work. AU kinds. Ph. 2-4850. LIbvd M. Hill, Inc. Cat 'Shovel and truck work of all kinds Ph. 2-4367 3995 State St. DRAWING- house plans. Ph. 3-9621. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired Scharff Bros Ph. 2-5568 CHILD CARE. 183 S 18th Ph. 2-6876, MOTHER, do you want to work? We offer your child a good clean fenced In yard, with a woman watching them . art all times- We also teach them co-ordination with hands 6c mind. Our phone No. is 2-3850, ad dress 256 N 20th. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H McAllister. B40 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. BY YOUNG GIRL: Gen. office work. knowledge of shorthand. Box 285, Sll verton. Ph. 1881. RELIABLE EXPERIENCE ROUTE MAN (SALEM RESIDENT AVAILABLE FOR ROUTE WORK OR FIELD WORK FOR LOCAL FIRM. BOX 289, STATESMAN. Mimeographing & Typing FOE S. 665 N. 16th St Ph. 3-3643. 618 Education MRS. FERN Craven, teacher of piano, state a cereal lea. bs i. Liberty, pn 3-963Z. 700 Rentals LETS GAMBLE! We want to rent pleasant private place to permanent ly place our large trailer house. Tot let and shower equipped. ' Water. lights, laundry and sewage disposal required. Farm or small acreage pre ferred, near Bonneville sub-station. There are 2 of us and a pooch. We may even milk your cow, feed your chickens or hoe your posies at times See D. M. Reed. 5095 Portland Rd-, Trailer lic village or, call a-9514. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board NICELY FURN. heated room, ladv. Phone 2-3414. Em p. JUST OPENED. New home for elder- ly people. Room, board and rood care. Reasonable. Patterson's. 1164 S. water St.. sirverton. Oregon RjJRIG. 2131 Center. NICE SLPG. rm. Ph. 3-755 1 SLEEPING rms. Women or girls. Outside entrance, on bus line. Ph. 3-9751. S SLEEPING rms., unfurn. 1112 Mill st GOOD SLEEPING RM. 1040 N. Cottage, SLEEPING RM. for cenUemen. Pri vale ent Ph. 2-4427- i 800 Real Estate 802 Business Property SERVICE STATION. MOTEL This combination business is located oh edge of the city limits. 3 bar. home Sc 7 units au with kitchens, all com pletely furnished. 3 garages. Equipped for 20 trailers Including large utility room. Mobil Gas Service station all stocked tt equipped, including 3 elec tric gas pumps, hoist, air compressor, etc. 200 ft. hi way frontage. 400 ft deep. Driveways are hard surfaced. Does a gross business of $17,000 per year. Willi consider a home in trade. George ,W. Hubbs Co. Mr. J. 1853 N. Capitol PRICE REDUCED 3 NEW 1 B.. homes, good Income, optional owners' 2 B.R. home. Room for expansion. No trades. 1846 N. 5th; OLD estab. groc. Sc mkt. Good, real clean stock; comp. fixtures, owner will sacrifice due to circumstances. No comparable value anywhere. About $8500 involved. For details write owner, care Statesman, box 284. NELSON NEWS BUSINESS RENTALS We have two business rentals on busy thoroughfare. One rental 2310 sq. ft floor space & one 3600 sq ft These are new attractive store bldgs. in wonderful location. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 INCOME PROPERTY for sale or trade. Nets $150 per mo. 1473 N. Com L 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board WELL FURN. light housekeeping rm., $20 per mo. 2213 Hazel, fnoning pri vileges, fn. z-ooo liter a o ciqck. SLEEPING RMS. Refrig. 2131 Center. LARGE 'sleeping rm., employed lady. 949 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-8459. HOLLYWOOD sip. rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph 3-6093. NEWLY decorated furn. sleeping rms. Close in Ph. 3-6317 CHRISTIAN LADY wanU to board and room little girl of 6-B to go to scnooi. Ph 2-5H1Z. WELL FURN. sleeping rm. H 6c C wa ter. Men only. 737 Center St. Grand Hotel COMFORTABLE - CONVENIENT NEW WEEKLY WINTER RATES COURT Sc HIGH STS. PH. 3-3751 703 Wanted Rooms. Board YOUNG, neat gertleman wishes board Be room in private nome. aieauuy em ployed. Write box 285 co Statesman. 705 Apartments for Rent FURNISHED cottage. 3215 Portland Rd. 3 RM. FURN. APT. Priv. ent. bath & garage. Prefer working coupie oniy. Phone 25033. ONE RM. and kitchenette, furn. apt. frl. ent., wasninR laciiiuci. nw State House. Ph. 3-4419 ATTRACTIVE 2 RM. Apt. with fire place, all elec. new nome, iaeai tor working couple or 2 girls. 165 S. 24th St SMALL 4 rm. cabin H. 8c C. water. shower, very clean, all elec. $30 mo. Inquire Labish Village Lbr. yard. White house. APTS. TO rent. furn. Sc unfurn. $30 to $50 mo. Ph 2-7546 NEW Bdrm. apt. available Sept 19th. Ph. 3-5862. 2 RM. FURN apt. Close In. 1 or 2 employed peop le. Pn. 3-7Z4U live. UNFURN. basm t apt.. $30. 1185 Jef- ferson St Ph. 364 Aumsvilie. RM. FURN. APT. for 1 or 2 emp. women or couple. 1240 East Ave. Ph. 3-4505 LARGE 1 rm apt. First floor, share bath. 1 block to bus ana mantel. 725 S. 13 St. ATTRACTIVE 3 room apt., nicely furn. B.R., L.R. Sc kitchenette, share bath. 3 blks. S. of Ladd & Bush bank. 310 Bellevue St. Available Sept. 20. 4 RM. FURN. Laundry facilities. Oil heat. Ref. req. 1810 Trade. 707 Houses For Rent NEW 1 B.R. house, garage. Adults, no pets. Inquire 1846 N. 5tn. LEASE beautiful 2 bdrm unfurn. Oct 1. $88. 3350 Winola Ave NEW SUBURBAN. 2 B R house. Elec. heat, hwd firs., V. blinds. $70 mo. Positively no cats or dogs. 4545 State St. Ph. 3-1125 CLEAN, large 5 rm. house, walking distance. $85. 975 W. 5th. Ph. 3-1939: i B.R. HOUSE, north. Oil heat. Avail- able now. $60. 345 So. View Place. '.j blk. S. King St. on Liberty Rd. 2 BR. furn. house to responsible L3& Must furnish reference. Ph. after 4 p.m. 2 RM. HOUSE, toilet and shower, eiec- trlcity St water turn., some furniture. Couple preferred. Call after 6 p.m. 1940 Howara st. or pn. z-i4tH. S RM. modern cottage. Auto, heat elec- tric refrig. and stove. Close in. Aduna only, statesman Box zso MODERN 5 BR. home. Keizer dist, $60. Ph. 3-1335. 708 F arms. Tracts For Rent A GOOD DAIRY Sr stock farm. 240 A. More than 1 mi. of creek. Lg. barn, fair hse. For rent or for sale on easy payments. Alsea Dist D. A. FISH 1488 8. ComX Phone 38524 710 Wanted To Rent Houses SMALL Furn. hse. or 3 rm. apt In or near the vicinity of Woodburn by employed couple. Write Box 1000 co Statesman. 2 BDRM. unfurn. hse. North Salem ferred. Permanent Not over S5 mo. Ph. 3-8245 2 OR 3 BDRM house, guaranteed care. References. Write box 283. SUtes- NEW MONTGOMERY WARD manager needs 3 Bdrm. home. Will lease. Please call Mr. Wolf. 3-3191. DEPENDABLE party with references needs furn. house that permits 2 yrs. old child and 3 mos. old baby. Guar- antee good care. Ph. 2-4967 VET it WTFE want 3 Bit house, can gtv ret, rti. 3-9905 after s. : WITH option to buy: Acreage with modern house, preferably on Portland hwy. near Salem. Statesman Box 270. 712 Wanted To Rent Apts. PERMANENT employe of oil company, no children, needs unfurn. one or two B R. house or apt eauipped with stove and refrig. if possible. Ph. Mr. Havward at 3-7676 before 9 D ra. FURN. pullman apt 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. STUDENT St WTFE would like furn. or partly fura. apt or house. Call a-m. to S pjn. Ph. 4-217L ext. S3. 714 Business Rentals" OFFICE, desk space, cone loe Ph I-9133 MODERN offices. Ph. 3-8389. iONaJ HootQ. tt. a. &UU. 800 Real Estate 802 Business Property AND TRAILER COURT the B9E with a beautiful setting at the Zeeb. Mgr. Phone 3-3031 LOCKERS. gro meats, doing a nice cash business, near several logging operations. Also 3 rm. mod. home built last yr. Would consider property in or near Salem in trade. Ill health forces sale. Price reduced for quick sale. Morton Mkt. and Lockers, Doty. Wash. Roy Morton, owner. ' FOR LEASE- Service station in Holly wood Dist. at Inventory and equip ment. United Petroleum Cali CI 106 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Slices ALL GOOD OPPORTUNITIES $12,000. Grocery Store, can't be beat for this money. A poor operator can make $3,000 yearly here. $78,000. Southern Calif, court, yearly NET profit $12,000. Will trade for re sort property or small farm in Ore- ?on. .500. Beautiful new 3 Br. home In Waldport. where hunting & fishing are good, will trade for Salem prop erty, also 160 AC. ' MM FT. of sec ond growth timber for $4,700. $27,000. Cleaning & pressing, good sound going business. Excellent equipment. $36,000. Business building leased for 3a yrs. at $400. Mo. Good hiway frontage. $31,500 Almost pew 5 unit court. $310 mo. Income, walking distance to State House. $5500. 9 rm. house, full basm. No. 3 zone, ideal to make 4 nice Apts. at little additional cost, lot 73 x 130. We also have a dandy cafa Just listed at $6000. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Ph 2-6680 Eve. Ph. 2-8704. 2-7769. 3-3836 804 Suburban MODERN 3 bdrm. hou?e and acreage. 1 mi. E of Keizer sch. on pavement. Lovely setting. Owner moved to cast Forced to sell at reduced ricep. A. N. DUNCAN REALTOR 12-14 Ladd Sc Bush Bk. Bldg. Ph. 3-9658 AEOUT 5 A with 2 fir groves. 5 mi. from city center and 600 ft. from ' Salem school. Fine homesites for 2 families. Verv easy terms to right party. Ph 42642. . $K) DOWN and $35 per mo. buys nice small house with '2 acre. Choice gar den soil, hip roof barn, located N. Cloe in. Price $3800. See Mrs. Reeves. ALFRED DUMBECK REAL ESTATE 2035 N. Com ! St. Ph. 2-1988 or 2-0181 806 Houses For Sale 3 BR modern home, new paint and paper thruout inside. New shingle roof. Close to school, bus at front door. Close to shopping district. $6750. j down, liberal terms on balance Call Warner Motor Co.. ph. 22487. SALEM'S BEST BUY Large L-shaped living room and din ing room. 2 large barms., bath, glass block, kitchen, double sink, vent fan. attached garage, all insulated, oil hot water, radiant heat. $9950. eay FHA terms. Brand new. If you want qual ity, this is it. CHAS. HUD KINS & SON Over 27 v.an in Salem 250 N. High St. Ph. 2-412? 2 BDRM. mod. l' yr. bung. A show place. Full Insu.. fir. furn.. V.B , attd., gar., also 1950 Model carport. Take car as part. 213 Koons St . Sil- verton. Ore. ; HOUSE with L.R.. D R.. Ac kit. com bined, utility, bath., 2 rm. possible rental In near. On bus line, close to school. $800 down. Price $5300. 196 S. 25th. EQUITY in lot and unfin garage house, lumber to finish, water. On Silver ton Rd. near Middle Grove sch. $400 cash Ph. 2-0006. Suburban I Home By Owner ; New 2 bedroom house! Choice lumber, lota of built-ins. $8,000. Phone 3-5982 for information. Best Buys room house. Suburban. Very modern. Apt upstairs renting lor 40 per month. Owner very anxious to sell. See this one for $9450. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. BUSINESS BUILDING: Almost new. Good location. Income $200 per month. Excellent tenant. Automatic oil heat. Air condition. 2 rest rooms. Parking space in rear. Total price $18,500. Terma. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. S6900 SPECIAL Brand new ranch type. Just outside city, tiara wooa noon, suacnea gar age plus car port S fruit trees. Elec tric heat. Venetian blinds. Can be Oregon GI financed. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. ACREAGE 5 ACRES 4 rm. modern house with electric heat. Chicken house, brooder house. Good well. Family fruit St berries. Total price $6250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 11 ACRES almost new home. Oil heat, dou ble garage. On paved highway. Chicken bouse, small barn. 1 acres berries. 9 acre clover. Price Includes electric range, tractor St equipment Price only $9200. May sell on very liberal terma. Eve, Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3556. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596. 3033 Portland Rd. j ii. y 1 f , i-j - ... . " . - - - - -j- W ..,.. .1 Wa. n .4 Imaam nA .1 heat. V. blinds, good location for re tired farmer, doctor or real estate office, owner, imj w. cipuqi at. IDC VAll TUT n'N.T. 7 5 There are several people in Salem that would buy this home If they knew tt was for sale, ideal for a professional man. beautiful location, close in. Has i- . r aneinkline mrstem in front and back lawn, outside fire place, full fin. dry basmt., oil hot wtr. heat to all rooms. Cost lesa than .u n-u it nn witH 1 m fire place, fine new wall to waU carpet- inf upvuurv WHS ovwu. i iw'i mc entrance hall. 6pn tteirs, nook, a . - tl HsatH tm lat CMIUS J V W t& mlA Maw grt ea master BR. plus 3 average six ones. Hse. Is spick and span Inside and ut First time on the mkt and beet of all the price is ONLY $21.SO0. en own oy mpm. rn. .J XD LUKINBEAL REAL E3TATX m Mona wen st. 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale SPECIAL 4 bdrm. home. LR. DR. K full basement with shower, automatic oil furnace Cooking and water heat electric. Double garage. Grade school 3 blocks. Jr. HI. school block, bug by door. This U a real buy for f 10.100. or wA exchange lor a smaller home with basement I GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. ' Jonn Zeeb, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol Famly home. 3 yrs. old, 4 BR- large LR, DR. K.. St Utility. H.W. floor u and down, extra nice large lot $12,000. Call Mr DahL 34 Acres nice 2 B.R. home St barn close in $9500. Call Mr. Dahl. s S I yr. old lovely ranch type most modem 1 B R. home on I acres. W. silt this is a good place, more land available $12,000. Call Mr Dahl. II acres berries Sc nut farm. 6 ac. in berries 60 producing walnut trees,' over head irrigation system complete full water rights, year around creek. $6100. Call Mr. Wallar. r Englewood Dist corner lot. bus by door, large t BR., unfinished up: H.W. floors nice D.R.. fireplace, $12,500 Call Mr. Wallar. j I BACK TO SCHOOL TIME, a fine 3 B R. home. Urge L.R . D. R . Man. !trim. H.W. floors throughout, lovely large kitchen garage attached, move irlghl In $9600. FHA. Total price. $12,800 Call Ed By r kit. i A very nice 2 BR. home just outside cltr. HW floors throughout, garage at tached, move right in. M00. Mtg. Total price $7500 Call Ed. Byrkit 3 Ed Byrkit S Co. REALTORS Phones 3-3101 - 2-1533: $67 N High St. OHM ART & CALAB A, REALTORS j ON NORTH 18TH STREET A 2 bedroom house with basement and furnace for only $5500. jj $1900. down. Don't miss it. ; DOWN BY THE CREEK Just about 7 blocks from town, a good home with basement, auto heat, fire place and 3 small bedrooms, small lot Located on Knapp St just off High. JUST THINK. ONLY $7300. , MAKE AN OFFER This home Is located on N. 14th St. Very close to schools and new shop- &ing center, has basement. 2 bedrooms, owner has been transfered We ave the key let us show vou through and then vou make us an offer. GOOD 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME 12x18 living-room, 12x12 dining-room 1 bedroom, kitchen with nook and par) bath down. 3 bedrooms and bath up. basement and furnace, fireplace, larga garage A swell family home in a good location Now only $11,500. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN A lovely spacious 3 bedroom home in a fine location, has 1 bedroom down and 2 up. with double plumbing plus part bath in basement, full basement with large play room, auto oil heat etc. You must see it- to appreciate thli home. The new low price of $15,000. makes this one of the best buys in tow. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St Eve. 28053 - 23996 BY OWNER: Kingwood Heights, new 2 bdrros, -hdwd. floors, fireplace, will consider offer 1701 Longview, turn right off Edgewater. 2nd St trn. rn j t s -v. BY OWNER: i acre, small house, un finished but liveable. $75 dn $35 mo. $2150 Ph. 2-5211 left Ph 3-55Q6 S9S00. Just think? 3 bedroom, hdw. floors, plastered, basement. Englewood dist. Good buy. S6850. New Home! Clean as a pin. 2 bed rooms, hdw. floor, good location Elec. cooking, elec. welding, also a good buy. Will take a good loan. Grav & Himmel Realty Co. 1383' No. Opitol St. Ph. 2458 Eve. 3-69jM:43522j15297 BY OWNER Suburban, cory S rooms, large dtnhuj room St nook, fireplace, hwd floors, large lot and garage on bus line and near excellent school. Nicely land scaped and In restricted district FHA available. Ph. 27278 JUST LISTED CUTE. CLEAN. 1 B.R. HOMB $7500. Liv rm.. lge. kitchenette, fireplace, elec. ht.. garage, lots of shrubs, fruit Has about 1 A. of ground with about . 200 ft. of hiway frontage on 99E south. Close in. We will gladly show you thru. Appointment only. Kig gtns. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St Office 2-3649 Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 Very neat St comforta b!e 3 bed room home, hardwood floors, good cor ner lot. Will trade or sell. $7500. New 3 bedrooms, oak floors, fire place, all electric, imm. posa. This is a lovely home. $12,800. 1 A with nice 3 bedroom house, hard wood floors. 2 fireplaces, rumpus room in basement, automatic oil heat, bus at door. $13,500, P. H. BELL, REALTOR 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 2-1545. 3-4896. Eves. 2-2151. $-766 METHIN5 OUTSTANDING" I beautiful home located In one or Salem's finest residential areas. Liv. rm. 20x24 ft. din. rm.. den aD fin ished in Philipine Mahagonv. 3 1 bd -rms. 19x22. 2 fireplaces, tile bath, walkin closets, rumpus rm., Q. E. dishwasher, dble garage. Call Peter T.Y-e rulT rws"M!. WTAR Main shop in city of 13.000 to 14.000 . vii I. tA nine 1M population. Fixtures Centory approx. $12,500. Rent $128 per mo. heated, good lease. Call Ben Roisen. cat rwe rTVTST 3 bdrm. plus den or 4 bdrma. beauti ful view. Ige. ut. rm.. at oin. rm., marble fireplace, entrance hall St open staircase, corner sink in lge. kitchen, overlooking Salem. Full bsmt. with playroom, bar St fire place, dble. garage, auto-oil heat, sprinkling system. Priced to sen. Call Roy Ferns. GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 1-2471 Evenings Sc Sundays raD. Roy Ftrrli 2-8010: Earl Wrest 2-0608: Peter Geiser IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Beautiful 3 rm home. exc. cona . i-iv tures. Englewood Dut $8100 F. H A. approved appralsaL Make" an offer. Ph 2-4426. 6NE 4 BR. house, 'i A. land. 2630 Brooks St. $6000. Two new an. houses 2310 Broadway. $3500. A. E. Heailey. owner. 2305 N Liberty t. :VLSTA' VIEW home. 2 yrs. old. 2 bed rms. landscaped. Phone 3-9642 or 3-3173. Would Trade acres with rm. house, chicken house and barn. $9650. $1500 down. Would take house In town. Call Brower. 5 Room Green Shake East of city, new little rm. home and garage, with I bed rms., wired for range. 2 lota. $3600. Half cash, bal $43 monthly. Close to Woodburn Nice old home with half acre, lota of fruit and nuts, chicken house, work shop and utility. $6000. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1.T26 State Ph. 2-5580. I-WU V, Acre $7600 1 BH. house, hdw. firs-, plastered. cement foundation, elec. cook At . wtr. htr-, unfin. attic: Good terma. Gty $5950 1 R Tt home, close to erade sch .! plas e . tered, cement foundation, tJL. I R kitchea. V. Blinds, garagei a good buy. 10 Acres $6850 f B K. mod. bouea. elec. pump, poultry hae-. garage, small orchard. WUlam- ette aat. all cult, dose to sch. Rawlins Realty ' HoH rood Diatt Ph. 3-4M4 Eve. 3-4013. S-T12S. S-f791 800 Real EitaW 808 Houses For Sale Phone 1-306! Eve. 2-3177 - 1-64 Phone 3411$ - 3411$ - 13W8 - 33633 BY OWNER: bedrm. home. Oak firs.. oil turn ace. 261.5 Hulsey. Ph. $ -2C 4 Bedrooms Only 2 yrs. old. Large carpeted living Ac dining rooms, nook Ai eerporv over 1400 sq. ft. of floor space. Cloe In suburban location. ' block frorn bus Owner will sacrifice for $850(J. Call Bon Cleary. Malter Musgrave, Realtor! 1211 Edgewater Ph 3-8101 gvt, 3-W3J SI 000.00 Down 100 PFR MO. Buys this modern 2 bedroom house Detached garage - Close to stores M Bus line. Keizer District $7650.00 New 3 bedroom house - Electrie heat Loundry trays - Electrie water heats er - Attached garage Large lot 4 Easy terms. Abrams & Skinner Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg Ph. 3-921T niuranc? - Real Estata - L 5w WNER ttanbferred. 1 Ddrms On w . X I - ' w 1 Ddrms On 1 all electrie heal floor, 2 yrs. old. all electrie heal 130 Jefferson- Pp. 1-V2$. STw R073E: 5 large rooms, silo larFe titiUty and fe Call j-lffl WILL SELL for best reasonable etlh offer, my $1464 equity in 1 r old 2 bdrm. home. Plastered, hwd. fVs 542 Bhler ave (Mapletoij ajd ) J 2 B. A HOUSt 2 blks S. of TfuTiT lijnctliin 'a A sh ade t fees. Ph. 20284 BY OWNER: i B R mod. home witjl den. fireplace, hwd. firs., auto. fs furnace, dbie. gar. Lovely yard. Imm. ppss ifV25 Norway- Ph. 2-Krl BY OWNER leaving state. Sacrifice fiiri nt w home for 11500 Lpcmj. BY OWNER: 4 modern.3 room eOftagO 1 4 room Bay City at Cutler Citfj Price $12 000. Terms.: Box 91. Cutli BY WNER: i BKT older BOyfe. aUS v new 4 BR. on one floor wai sea either one. Priced right New sc! close city bui by door". 33 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 Bedroom hoiria one year old. Largi I living room, tile kitchen, bath up sUlrs and down. Plastered baaemea and garage. Kardwood floors. JoV built ins. terraced back yard. Cot over $18,000. to build. Reduced V qui' -4T tipn call 3 ft R. modern home ' at the edg the city, a few trees on this a or this is a nice home and a good at $8500 00. Key in ptflce. Goodwin andiMcMillin REALTORS Ph 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4 $6700 Clean modern 2 B.R. home. Firl place. H W. floors, vtneuan tsunan. auto, oil furnace, attached garagA 81.000 down. Call Stanley Brown wit State Finance Co. Realtor! 53 S . Hia-h St. Ph. 3-4121 Tve 3-5s DIM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to aell pra tically new home. a. lge. rma.., na firs, thruout auto-furn- piped to rms. Unfin. upstairs. ; iairway- t Breezeway, att. gar. Lge. lot, ci water. Low down payment. F.H. terms. Salem Heights dist 585 Ewa s. off wk $7300 Mod. 2 PJ SR. inume. hdw. nt. utlhty rm.. atf gaf.. V. bids. Raa terms 1315 Lee, or call 10789 FOR SALE New 2 bedroom home reduced for cash $4750 i 423 Illinois St off Center SL MOD. 6 rm. house at Waconda. 3 bdn dmette. approx. 1 A. family orchar ds blk. from sch. 3 blks. irom vais and Salem high sch. bus. down payment, bal like rent, poss. Call eves. Ph. Gervala Box 242. Qervaif NICE 3 bedrm. ranch style home amt. lg st. gk4 naTlSvt lot in no. a zone on nusn t for service. eroc rest cream or repair shop. Phone $45u0-500" dn . $35 mo. buys thia BR. home In N. Salem, dee. hot wa ter and range. : OMER'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th St. . j , . . . P& 1 n. iJtn ai. aaa mi $a500 Rambling type 3 BR. home. Niif living rm. wiui imuira. av.. mm bath. att. gar., hdw. flrr thru -out. nMEH'l REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th St 1 TiL - 2 BDRMS.. LR.. D JL. kltehenT brea fast nook, bathroom, close to scnoo on bus line. $1000 down, baL $0 p mo. Very reasonable. Take car down payment 460 Academy I new homes. 3 bdrms.. full basemeni Englewood. Auto oil heat doL plunil blag. dbL fireplace. 3 bdrma- f floor, auto heat, large rooms. vievA FHA committment. Dial S-MWl M HOL'fet. large klknen. shop. dble. garage. noe yard, wtl or witnou furniture, gjtceuent dential district. $6900. terms. bedroom LdUae. bath 3 i bed roosna d roosna down. Liv. room, dl kag rm. kitchen. Full baaetnent PI. furnace. 324 H. Liberty. j wofT row OwneA