The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 C51y News-Mirneffs
i; i !
Examinations for positions of
mortgage credit examiner, business
specialist, valuator and construc
tion examiner and groundman
were announced Wednesday by the
U.S. civil service commission. Fur
ther information can be secured
from William Fischer, the com
misFfon's local secretary, at the
Salem post office.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Saiem Federal
Savings Association. 560 State st
Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re
versible. It's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
I4.9J sq yd. Ph. 3-7643 oi 3-3364 1
A state board of health X-ray
unit will be at Willamette univer
sity Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 30
p.m. to survey freshmen and new
students it was reported here Wed
nesday by the Marion County Tub
erculosis and Health association.
About 50 student athletes of Chem
awa Indian school will be brought
to the university to be X-rayed
Saturday. ... N
Landscaping and designing. No job
too large or too small. F. A. Doer
fler and Sons Nursery, 150 N. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. J-1322.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
renl dividend 2 4 See First
Federal Savings First. 142 S. Lib
erty Phone 3-494
Tickets are now on sale at the:
Salem trades and labor council for
the Northwest Guidwlog founda- :
tion of Portland show to be held at
the Salem armory Friday night, j
September 23, it was reported this ;
week. The twohour dog show is
sponsored here by the labor tem
ple. Proceeds go to the guideriog ,
foundation which trains and sup- I
plies guide dogs to the blind.
Greenbaum's Thurs. Sept. 15.
When in the mood for food thnt
if rev'? ke,en 11 ked i
by Nick Marmo, "Salem Supper j
dul-' ;
Mil ford Alexander Vandergrift, late
resident of 111 Chemekeia St.. at a lo
cal hospital, September 11. at the ace
of 39 ersr Surviving are the widow.
Mrs. Robert Vandernrift. Salem; a
daughter. Marlene V-anderRrift. Salerr.;
tie mother. Mr. Emma Cruse. Hamil
ton. Ohio; and two sisters. Mrs Harold
Sheard and Mrs-. Frank Mastandrea.
both of Hamilton. Ohio. Shipment will
be made to Hamilton. Ohio, by the
Howell-Edwards chapel for services
and interment.
Arthur P. Foster, late resident of
Van Nuvi, Calif.. September 11. at the
home of hn daughter. Mrs. Faye A
Wood. 548 S. 17th it., at the age of 85
years Alfon surviving are another
daughter. Mr. Arlene Frost, Las Vegas.
Nev.; two sons. Lloyd E. Foster. Fair
view. Qkla.. and Arthur Kermlt Fos
ter. Van Nuys, Calif.; two sisters. Mrs.
Dora Mabu and Alice Foster, both of
Salem; seven grandchildren and one
rreat-grandchild. Services will be held
Friday, September IS. at 2 p.m. in the
Howell-Edwards chapel with the Rev.
W. H. Lyman officiating. Interment in
EverRreen cemetery in McMinnville.
Dr. Harrv H. dinger, late resident of
897 M.H st . at a local hosp.tal. Sep
tember 13. Surviving are the widow.
Mrs. Oskie Olinger, Salem: a son. Dr.
Harold M. Olinger. Salem; a grand
daughter, Susan Olinger. Salem; a
grandson, Casey Olinger, Salem, three
brothers. J. B. dinger. Riverside,
Calif.; B. C. dinger. The Dalles; and
James H. Olinger. Salem: and several
nieces and 'nephews. Services will be
held at the Clough-Barrick chapel
Thursday. September 15. at 1 :30 p m.,
with the Rev. George H. Swift offici
ating. Ritualistic services by Salem
lodge 33S, BPOE. Vault entombment at
Mt. Crtst Abbey Mausoleum will be
private. Casket will be open to friends
until noon, Thursday, September IS.
John Loundagin, late resident of 715
Columbia st., at a local hospital, Sep
tember 13, a the age of 68 years. Sur
viving are the widow, Mrs. Roxy Loun
dagin, Salem; seven sons. John Loun
dagin. Walla Walla. Wash.: Howard
Loundagin. Moscow, Idaho; Clark and
Ralph Coulson. both of Portland: Rob
ert Coulson. Toledo: and John and Carl
Coulson. both of Salem; a daughter.
Jean Llewllrn. Portland; a sister, Mnf.
Margaret Ellis, Salem: a brother, Fred
G. Loundagin, Glendale, Calif.: and
four grandchildren. Services will be
held Saturday, September 17. at 3 p.m.
at the Howell-Edwards chapel, with
the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating.
William C. Wessel. late resident of
Forest Hills. Iong Island. N Y . at a
local hospital September 14. Surviving
Is a sister. Mrs. W. L. Granre Forest
Hills, Long Island, N. Y. Announcement
of services later by the Howell-Edwards
Michael Kenneth Miles, three-montns-old
son of Mr. and Mrs Ru-sf)l
Miles, jr., at the residence at 734 N.
Fiont St.. September 14 Surviving, be
sides the parents, are the grandparents.
Mr. and irs. Ejrl Schacfcr. Salem, and
Mr. and Mrs. Russtll Miles, sr.. Wi!
lamina. Services will held at 1 .10
p m. Saturday. September 17. at the
Howell-Edw.nis cha-d " 'th intcrmer.t
at Br Iciest Memorial park.
Charles Herman Lippie. at a local
hospital. September 14. at the age of
77 years. Surviving are six daughters.
Mrs! Mae AWnch. Prineville: Mr F.l
Vena Davis, and Mrs. Madie Thomas,
both of Salem; Mrs. F.dith Strunk and
Mrs. Leon a Farrah. both of Vancouver.
Wash.; and Mr. Alma Gu.staf.son. Peta
luma. Calif,: a brother. John Lippie.
Waukon. Ia.: m sister. Mrs. Minnie Glos
er. Minneapolis, Minn.: 11 grandchil
dren and two great-grandchildren.
Graveside services will be held Sat
urday. September 17. at 9 a.m. at
Fisher cemetery. Fisher. Wash., under
direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel.
Mrs. Grrldlne Burright, late resi
dent of 198 S. Church st., at local
Hospital. September 14. Announcement
of services later by the Clough-Barrick
chapel. :
Business Property
383 Court St.
Apply Miss Nan M. Wagner .
Room 109,
Salem Memorial Hospital
A resolution of condolences to
the family of Dr. H. H. Olinger
who died Tuesday has been adopt
ed by the Salem district school
board. Dr. OUngex had served
for 12 years as a board member
and had been chairman for 10.
Olinger field at Salem high school
is named for Dr. Olinger.
Lip Stick Beauty Salon. Complete
Beauty Service. Even, by appt.
3-3836, 1872 State, j
Business & Professional Women's
rummage sale. 129 N. Com'L Fri
day & Saturday, Sept. 18 & 17.
Consolidation of Hayesville with
the Salem school district became
official Wednesday morning when
ordered by the county school of
fice after official canvass of the
favorable merger votes in both
C. S. Orwig's Market Sc Grocery
has Afresh killed young turkeys.
39c. Also young beef for locker,
39c lb. C. S. Orwig, 4375 Silver
,ton fcd. Ph. 2-6128.
Rummage sale by Armaranth Fri.,
and 1 Sat. 9:30 a.m. over Green
baums. Good clean rummage.
The first fall meeting of Salem
Board of Realtors "will be Friday
nooh in the Senator hotel. Ro
bert Letts Jones, assistant publish
er o fthe Capital Journal, will
The Flower Basket. 2-4802.
Rummage sale Thur. and Fri
First Methodist Church.
Salem's army air reserve squad
ron will meet tonight at 8 o'clock
in an army reserve quonset hut at
25th and Lee streets.
Airisteamsh ip ticitets anywhere.
Kugel, 3-7694. 735: N. Capitol St.
Special meeting Thursday Sept.
15, Millmcn's Local 1411, to con
sider new per capita tax.
A fire in back of an oven at the
: Benson bakery, 264 N. Commer
' cial. st., drew; city- fire engines at
j 3:10 a.m. Wednesday. Firemen re
i ported a great deal of smoke but
; little damage.. A portion of a
; wooden wall was burned slightly.
Delta Gamma rummage sale over
! Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxil
iary rummage s ale Sept. 16 & 17 at
1 363 Court St upttairs. Opens at
! 8.30.
Larceny of some ladies' clothing,
valued at $100. from a Hollywood
cleaners truck September 8 was re
ported Wednesday to city police.
The larceny was reported to have
occurred while the truck was park
ed hear the firm's office, at 2040
N. Capitol st.
Today is the day.1 Rummage sfale.
Argo Hotel. Sisterhood of Beth
Shqlom Synogogue.
1st Lt. Allen R. Semb, USMC.
! 1260 Nebraska ave, has departed
with marine air group 11 on. a
five-month Atlantic cruise aboard
the USS Leyte, an aircraft carrier.
Semb was 'awarded the distin
guished flyifig cross during World
War II.
559 Students
Enroll to Set
Keizer Record
KF.IZER A record enrollment
of 559 students were on hand when
Keizer grade school opened this
week. It was necessary to use four
classrooms to accommodate 97 first
graders. ,
New additions to the school's
teaching staff are Mrs. Florence
Breedlove and Johanna Kortze
bopr, first grade; Mrs. Kathleen
Hale, second; Mrs. Alverda Brown,
fifth; Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, fourth;
Mrs, Willow Evans, sixth; Linda
Girod, seventh, and Robert Wood,
shop and physical education.
School officials predict the en
rollment will increase materially
after the harvest is completed.
COMSTOCK f- To Mr. and
: Trs. Lloyd Junior Comstock. Mill
1 City, a daughter, Wednesday
September .14, at -Salem. General
I hospital.
j Bl'RDETTE i To Mr. and Mrs.
j Leslie Robert Burdette, 1270 N.
18th st.. a son. HVednesday, Sep-
temper 14, at Salem General hos
j pital. . ;
j ADAMS To Mr. and Mrs.
j .Albert Adams, Stayton, a son,
Wednesday September 14, at Sa
lem Memorial hospital. .
- .. j - t
Lot to HQute $5Qj03Q Catholic. Cent
. '
This vacant lot on the northeast corner of Cottage and Shipping streets will be the site of a new $51,064
Catholic service center building. Construction is to start Monday. The two-story building; will servo
both Catholic parishes of Salem for social, recreational meetings and other purposes. (Statesman
photo.) (Story on page 1.)
National Scout
Official Dies at
Local Hospital
William G. Wessel of Forest
Hills, N.Y., national Boy Scout
official who came here to attend
a regional scout leaders' confer
ence in Salem last week, died at a
local hospital Wednesday. !
The 56-year-old national direc
tor of cub scouting services died of
a heart ailment at about 2 a.m. He
was taken to the hospital Sunday
when he, became ill.
Wessel was one of six national
officers who had come to Salem to
take part in the region 11 scout
executives conference. The session
was held last week on the Willa
mette university campus. .
The conference ended Saturday
but Wessel had remained in Sa
lem - an additional day tqi assist
local Cascade area scout Icouncil
officials in plans for their cub
scbut program. according to Gor
don Gilmore, Cascade area council
Wessel is survived by a son and
daughter and sister, all of N-ew
York. Announcement of services
will be made later by the Howell
Edward chapel.
Ex-GI Students
To Make Use
Of State Funds
Indications point to a consider
able increase in numbers of vet
erans who will use state educa
tional benefits to help pay their
way through college this year,
Edward T. Taggart, educational
officer for the Oregon depart
ment of veterans' affairs, announ
ced Wednesday. '
A survey of state and inde-i
pendent colleges by Taggart dis- j
closed that school officials expect '
more veterans to apply for bene
fits under the state program;
starting this year because their
GI f benefits are running out.
While state veterans benefits
are smaller than those! paid under
the federal program, more thanj
3.000 Oregon ex-servicemen have!
drawn state aid since f 945. Lasti
school year's peak was in March
when 529 students were on the
active list for state benefits.
Eligible Oregon veterans en-!
rolled in full time undergraduate
college studies this year can ex-
pect a $15 increase in state bene
fits as the result of 1949 legis
lative action raising to $50 a
month the amount payable to
such students. They must be en
rolled for at least 12 credit hours
in accredited schools of higher
learning. The regular $35 monthly
payments remain in force for
graduate students and those en
rolled in high school, extension
courses, and vocational and tech
nical schools.
To qualify under the state pro
gram, the veteran must have re-(
sided in Oregon for one year,
prior to active duty, must have
served at least six- months after
Sept. 15, 1940, and before pec.
31, 1946, and must not be drawing
GI benefits at the same time.
4-H Leaders to
Meet Tonight
There will be a meeting of- the
Marion County 4-H Local Lead
ers association tonight at 7:30 in
the Marion county courtroom.
Theresa Dehler. Mt. Angel, vice
president? will preside in the ab
sence of Mrs. John Cage, presi
dent, from Middle Grove.
Mrs. Lillian Shaner. Union
school, will give the report of the
nominating committee for offi
cers for the 1950 club year.
A report from the program
planning committee will be given
by Mrs. Floyd Fox, Silverton.
- IP tarn
.. . Jt' i
Dies In Salem
National Boy Scout leader William
G. Wessel of Forest Hills, N.Y
who died in Salem Wednesday.
Training Meet
Due in Salem
Plans are underway here for a
scoutmasters training conference
in the Cherry city (Salem) Boy
Scout district early In October.
The course would be for those
adults already engaged in scout
ing and others interested in be
coming scoutmasters, according to
Clarke Lethin, Cascade area coun
cil camping and activities chair
man, in charge of the course.
Running for seven weeks with
weekly sessions the course would
i :
I u
When You Purchase Your
at I
' i
iuloELIIl IFmitaire
(A Beautiful Floor Is
Our Specialty!)
We have expert mechanics to in
stall your floor coverings at a very
reasonable cost!
iuilo Cao Cvo
Optn 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 1
Free Parking
1425 Edgewster Street in West Salem
On Salem-Dallas Highway j
Phone 2-5456 or Phone 2-4413 j
Court Denies I
Damages in
Accident Case
Request for $10,312 damages
growing out of a 1948 Oregon state
fair horseshow accident was denied
Wednesday by a Marion county
circuit court jury.
Tho suit had been brought by
Elmer H. K. Dorr against Glen
Stevens, both of Salem. Door al
leged that while riding in the state
fair stadium a palimino horse
owned by Stevens kicked him on
the knee and shattered the knee
cap. The jury found in favor of the
Trial of Richard Carter, 1275 S.
12th st., charged with possessing
and receiving stolen property be
gan Wednesday and will resume
today at 9:30 a.m.
Carter is presently serving a 90
day jail sentence in Marion coun
ty Jail on a charge of larceny met
ed out July 15. Circuit Judge
George Duncan took under advise
ment late Wednesday a motion of
Bruce Williams, attorney for Car
ter, for dismissal on the ground
of insufficient proof of evidence.
Carter Is charged with receiving
stolen auto parts at a used car
lot operated by him.
cover the approved methods of
troop operation, said Lethin, who
has just returned from a One
week training session at the Boy
Scout camp on Melita Island,
Lethin said he hopes to get the
course underway in the first week
of October. Information on the
sessions and qualification reouire
ments are available at the Salem
scout headquarters office.
' Free-Delivery
States Form
Truck License
Oregon. Wasliinirtftn and Trfahrt
ave agreed tentatively to recog-j
vavit VUiti IvUl Ul UVXI3
ing commercial trucks, William. Ej
Healy. assistant secretary of stated
said Wednesday. ' j
Healy said the agreement was
reached in SnnVan lax V M4
t a conference of state officials.
ie saia me new agreement pro-
vides that each state should rei
ceive its proportionate share of
license revenue from interstate
travel in the three states.
Last year, Idaho cancelled its
reciprocity agreement with Ore
gon on grounds that Oregon
truck taxing, law penalized Idaho
truckers. The recent legislature
changed the law so that Idaho
now is satisfied.
Under the new ; agreement,
truckers will be able to operate
in any of the three states with
plates bought in only one of the
states, provided that state is the
trucker's headquarters.
Healy said California, Montana,
Utah, Wyoming and Arizona are
considering joining the agreement
PORTT.AVn Qr 11 in k
7 "-c- n-rrn
price of $21 a thousand board feet
iur x-onaerosa pine from Deschutes
county was paid by the Gilchrist
Timber Co., Gilchrist. Ore., in a
government timber k1p
xne pine was apraised at $14.65.
If you are looking for the boat Toluea In meed, you neod
quality of this merchandise assures you of Satisfaction,
Hamburger . .lb. OoC Sausage .... lb. uuC
Beef Roasi ... lb. 03C Rib Steak ... lb. : fKJC
Arm Cuts Blade Cute Rumps "
TSam.TTjL 59c New York Cul lb. 69c
Short Bibs ... lb. 29c Wieners ..... lb. J3C
""""" MILK-FED GRADE "A" kg
MBi:r.M..43c Veal Steah Ik 49c
Sliced Bacon . . lb. 53c Pwc Ham., lb. fWC
PPsFC Medistm Guaranteed Fresh
ElUUiJ AA Grade i
Tuna Flakes i fn25 Ilargarine , 2 ib.. 53
Hiracle Whip ..quart 55 Bread ....... 19
Deviled Ileal 3 25 Tomalo Sauce Hunt's .'. can
Oxydol 1 28 Vienna Sausage 2 ,,, 35
Collee A'ui ..n,.S5 Sardines ,. 2 23
1 Shortening """
Thm Statesman, Salem. Oro-
Education Meet
Set Saturday
In connection with recently
established political education
programs in Salem labor unions
a group of local labor officials
will attend a Political League for
Education meeting in Forest
Grove Saturday.
The session is to draw union
representatives from all of Ore
gon's first congressional district.
Going from Salem are Herbert E.
Barker, executive secretary of the
Salem trades arid labor council,
and F..J. A. Boehringer, chairman
of the local council's political ed
ucation program.
"Our aim." said Barker In
speaking of the local program, "is
to set up political education com
mittees in each Salem local. The
committees will furnish members
with voting records of candidates
for political offices and promote
discussions concerning 1 a b o r s
Nothing Down. Pay Monthly
And Shades
We also wash, re tape, paint and
reslat your old Venetian Blinds.
Call Any Time For Free
Estimates Phone 1-7328
' 1453 Rage St. TV. Salem
We Give SAH Green Stamps
... -r
Fine Young Eastern Oregon Hereford. The
Lowest Price In Yearsl The Best Value To
Be Foundl lb.
State Street Phone 2-8237
3 69e
Hungry Jack
10 n.. 33c
Thursday. Sepfmtxir 15. 1933
views trf vital -stat and" national
Issues." I 1 : : v '
The program being' carried out
on a local level is affiliated with
the political education program 01
the Oregon state federation of
labor. Barker said, ; . j
CI Insurance Dividend
Blanks at Local Office
For the convenienco of World
War II veterans in the downtown
Salem area. Salem post 136 of
the American Legion has arrang
ed for distribution of insurance
dividend application blanks at
room 10. Steusloff building at 229
N. Liberty sU it was announced
Wednesday by Kenneth C. Potts,
post commander. .
Opening of
Valley Mattress Co.
1694 N. Commercial
We rebuild cotton mattretws
or make, your mattress Into an
Innerspring-liko now.
Studio couches also rebuilt.
Wo specialize in Innorsprings.
Phone 23979 .
let on off our representatives
call for a free sHmato.
No Obligation
Wo Pick Up and Deliver
look no further. Tho fino. high
and the price are the very
1 v r -1
Y-i H
Ilarshmallows W0Ddfrf0r. 10
lb. Bag
Prices, FJectlYe
Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Sept. 15-16-17
Shop & Save
1 3ih I Cc SialelSls.