14 The Statesman. Salem, Or Now York Stock Quotations I NEW YORK, Sept 14 (AP) American Can 85 Gen Electric Am Power & Lt llftlGen roods Am Tel & Tel 143HGen Motors . 28 Goodyear Tire , 30 Int Harvest , 28'lnt Paper . 20HKennecott . 34vLibby Mc N ic L . 1 4 Vi 'Long Bell A . 39 Mont Ward . 34 H 'Nash Kelvin , 53ijNat Dairy , 5Vi'N Y Central . 10 Northern Pac 34 4 Pac Am Fish Anaconda Bendix Avia Beth Steel - Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zel Curtis Wr. , 27i!Pac Gas Elec , 74PT&T . 60 V, Penny JC Douglas Air Dupont de Ne 52s Drop Noted in Wheat Futures CHICAGO, Sept. 14-(;p) -Wheat futures slumped today, under profit-taking and liquidation ! by longs. Corn also was off, but oats and soybeans rallied ao clo?e mixed after being lower most of the sessain. Wheat closed V to 1 Vt lower, corn unchanged to i down, oas Va lower to Va' higher, rye i lower to 1 cent higher, soybeans were V lower to 1 cant higher, and lard was off 5 to 15 cents a hundred pounds. Traders said the government apparently was less interested in wheat today after purchasig 1,112.500 bushels here yesterday and 61,000 at Kansas City. , The purchases here were the heaviest since July 18. However, traders said this buying had been anti cipated yesterday. Stock Market Trend Varied NEW YORK. Sept. 14-fyTVStock prices were thoroughly scrambled today In a market that ended Just a shade lower. An early buying surge failed to attract a following, and the market moved Irregularly down ward. A great many leaders held out against the' trend, however, and at the close there was a mixture of gains running as high as a point and losses of more than a point. A curious feature of the mar ket was the fact that 453 stocks closed higher and 371 lower otit of the total of 1,085 Issues trad ed, despite the average fall of the market as a whole. Demand for Fir Increases PORTLAND, Sept. 14 -UP)- The demand for Douglas fir lumber went up sharply last month, the West Coast Lumbermen's asso elation reported today. An average of 182,709.000 board feet was ordered each week the largest demand since August of a year ago. Production of lumber was the highest since May. an average f. 167.260,000 a week. Despite the usual summer freight car short age, shipments averaged 162,927, 000. So far this year-, orders total more than either production or hlpments. All the figures, how ever, are below the correspond ing period of 1948. . fM. Stale MJF,nanceCo- FHA Loan &ens-Tlme Farm Loans - License 8-116 and M-222 Personal and An to Loans We Want Your Always a Dependable Cash Market If yon don't brine them to Cnrly's we both lose. Curly's Dairy Fairgrounds Road at Hood Ph. S-8783 Or T T Um.N D Dr G Chan N n DRS. CHAN . LAM ClNESE HERBALISTS til North Liberty I'pstairf Pertland General Electric Co Offfc open SatDrdav only It am. ta) I n.in to J p m Conmi isaiesL (Blood pressure and an rsts are free ef chart Practiced iae 117 Fistula (Piles - Hemorrhoids) Corrected without hospitalisation Quick Relief $V Free Descriptive Booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-RecUl Specialist 1141 Center St. Phone 1-9160 - . Thursday. September Today's. CTosing iQuotatioris: 38 iKaaio t;orp 12 Va 26 a 3m 20 404 21Vi 414 40 .69,s 224 10i 1174 32 H 82 13 .23 .IPs 48H 45 Ravonier 63i'Rayonier pfd .397s Reynolds Met 28t, 'Richfield ; 56i,Safeway 47 V4 Sears Roeb 7TSo Pacific . 21g.Stan Oil Cal 53ViStudebaker 1 14 (Sun Mining 34 Vk Transamerica 10 H 'Union Oil ; 154 Un Pacific 13V4Un Airlines s . 334US Steel .... 100 V4 1 Warner! Bros 54V;Woolworth i. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Sept. 14 AP) Butter fat tentative. subject to immediate change: premium quality maximum to 35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 63-66c IP: first quality 61- 64c; second quality, 57-60c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. f Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade AA. 93 score. 62c lb; A. 82 score. 61c lb; B, 90 score 59c lb; C. 89 score. 58c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling 'price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 39c-40c; Oregon 5-lb. loaf, 42-43C. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade large 6412-65,.2c: A gride, medium. 55' ir 58' 2c; small 42'ic; B grade, large. 56'a M'jc : Live chickens (No. 1 quality F.O B plants); broilers. -under 24 lbs , 25-2Sc; fryers. 2U-3 lbs 28-30c; 3-4 lbs 31c; roasters, 4 lbs and. over, 31c; fowl, leg horns, under 4 lbs 18-19c: over 4 lbs., 20c: colored fowl, all weights. 22c; old roosters, all weights. 18-19c lb. Rabbits average to growers: Live white, 4-5 lbs., 18-21c; 8-6 lbs, 16-19c colored, 2 cents lower;; old or heavy does and bucks, 8 12c lb; fresh fryers 50-53c lb. ; , Fresh, dressed meats (wholesalers to rttailers per cwt): Beef: Steers, good, 800-800 lbs . $43 46; commercial. $35-41: utility. $31-34. Cows: commercial. $30-34; utility $28 29; canners-cutters. $23-25. Beef cuts (good stears): Hind quar ters, $55-58; rounds, $52-55; full loins, trimmed. $73-78;; triangles. $30-32; square chucks. $3941; ribs. S52-S5; fore quarters. S35-37. Veal and calf: Good. $38-30; commer cial. $.13-37; utility. $28-32. Lambs: Good-choice ; spring lambs, $4250-46; commercial, $36-41; utility, $33-35. f - i Mutton: Good, 70 lb.. down. $16-18. Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1. 8-12 lbs, $fi0-63; shoulders. 18 lbs, down. $4143; spareribs. S47-50; carcasses. $33.50 $34 50; mixed weights $1 lower. Wool: coarse, valley and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 15c lb on 11 month growth. Country-killed meats: Veal! Top quality, 30-32c lb; other grades according to weight and qual ity with poor or Heavier 20-25c Hogs: light blockers. 32-33c lb; sows 24-2CC Lambs: top quality, S8-37c lb; mut ton, 8-10c. j Beef; Good cowl 22 -23c lb.; canners cutters, 20-22c. : Onions: Yakima, Spanish 3s $2-50-3.00: yellows large $2.00-25; medium $1.75 85; Idaho whites, $2 00-25. Potatoes: Ore. Boardman dist. White Rose No. 1, $2.78-3.00;; No 2. 85-90c; 50 lb. Wash. Netted Gems. No 1. $3 10 3 45; 25 lb. sack: 85c-$1.00; No. 2. SO lb 90c-$l. i Hay: New crop' windrow bales. U.S. No. 1 green alfalfa or better, truck lots f o b. Portland. $33-34; U.S. No. 1 mixed timothy, 134; new crop oats and vetch ; mixed hair, uncertified clover hay. nominally $24-23, depending on quality, baled, on Willamette valley farms. i Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Sept. 14 ( AP) (US DA Salable cattle today 300. hold over 100: market uneven; steers slow, mostly steady with Tuesday's 50 cents lower close; other classes more active, fully steady with Monday; few common-low medium steers 15.80-21.00; high medium lighit weights up to 24.00. cutter-common dairy type steers and heifers 11 00-13.50; few common-low medium beef heifers 13 50-17 00; can-ner-cutter cows largely 10 00-11.00: few to 11 50;' shells down to 8 00; common medium beef cows 12.50-14 50; common medium sausage bulls 13 50-15 00: good choice vealers steady at 20.00-23 00; common-medium- slow, mostly 11.00 18 oo. : if ' Salable hogs today 200; market slow, early ,! sales steady; good-choice 180 230 lbs , 24 00-.50 fat type downward to 2350; heavier weights scarce, good 350-500 lb. sow 17.50-19 00. lig.tf-r weights up to 38 00; few choice 86 lb feeder pigs 24 00 Salable sheep 5(K); market slow, weak with ! top "50 cents lower; good-choice spring lambs mostly ' 20 50-21.00; medium-good 18 50f20 00; common down to ?600: few good feeders 17.00; good choice light yearling' 17 00-18.00: eood slaughter ewes 6 00-50; common-medium J.oo-5.00. .-: Portland Grain PORTLAND. Sept. 14 (AP) Cash, wheat (bid): soft white 215; soft whitf i excluding rex i 2 15. white club 2 15. I Hard red wlr.tej-: Ordinary 2.15: 10 per cent 2 15; 11 per cent 2.17. 12 per cent 2.19. 1 Hard white bairt: 10 per cent 2.20; 11 per cent 2 22; 12. per cent 2.24. Today's car receipts: wheat 61; bar ley 10; flour A;i corn 3; oats 1; mill feed 14. Si oalem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday) Bl'TTERFAT Prensium . No. I i No. 2 i BITIIR .63 .63 .87 .67 .72 from 8 to 7 .... 4. 6a J. 55 .53 , .28 .40 i Wholeale i i Retail' A. .. j K;t;s (Buying) i i Wholesale prt.Ti rv.ti over bu'ihg Sxtra large AA j I ars;e AA j ... !eit:iuin AA . 4 ... Vetium A ..X Ful'pts i .. 'C'acks .a i POCITRY . I'u'k-ts : .... A Ijcg'.orn her.i H Lk'Oorn h-.-. I . A colored hen i rsrges urtce.) .33 , l8 13 .21 .10 .22 .27 .16 .15 .10 .08 (' colored he!.;- A tlolored !r t-ti, B cf'or-d fry"i . C cti'ored frM.il ... A rid rooster' Z B ojd roosters ;J v' oJd roosters i. i IVtKSTOfK by V 3 lbs and up alley Pack , 9 00 to 10 50 r jt dairy cows j. . J't"T COWS .. .4 Buli i for) Iambs Kr 'f i, . 8 00 tolO on 11 00 to 15 00 18.00 to 20.00 12 00 to 15 00 1 00 to 4.00 18 00 to 20 00 C.i'j veal 130 lu 20vTbs Stocks and Bonds Compiled bv' the Associated Press Sep; 14 STOCK AVER AG! !J ' i 30: 13 I Jndutt Rails Net change .13 2 i D 2 Wed VI 0 ; 34 5 Prev day 92 2 , 34 7 Week a:o 1 2 ; 33 Montn ago . si 9 f 34 6 Yeiir ag.i 9L3 t 44.7 15 Util A 1 4 411 41 jl 40.5 60 Stcks D 1 II fi5 8 65 9 64 5 65 2 68 0 BOND AVFUAGKS 2'T 10 10 10 Forgn D 1 704 , 704 1 70 5 63J ' Rails Indust Util Net change D 1 ; unch unch Wed. 01 0 f 102 7 104 2 Week ago 81.1 102 9 104 2 Month ago - SI 3 102 $ 104 0 Year ago 40.9 r 1014 100.0 H New hign for this year. Poison Weed Discussion Set 1 ... Poison weeds found in Marion county ond affecting Marion county livestock are to be up for discussion Wednesday night, Sep tember 21, at 8 pjn. Ben A. New ell, county extension agent, re ports. The meeting will be 'held at the Dairy Coop (.Mayflower hall). The seriousness of tansy rag wort is not really appreciated, says Dr. J. M. Shaw, head of the Oregon State college veterinary department. At the present rate of spread, livestock losses from tansy gisoning are likely to be enormous in only a few years, he added. A county wide weed control area has been suggested as the first step in combatting this weed and the Wednesday night meet ing is aimed at clarifying th possible operation of such control work. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Keiier Elementary School District No. 88. Mar ion County. Oregon, for the: construc Uon of Additional Units to the existing school building, also for removal and relocation of the original classroom building. Bids will be received at the office of the School District. Keizer, Oregon, until 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Sep tember 29. 1949. at which time the bids will be Dubliclv opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for the opening will not be considered. Plans and specifications, also forms of "Bid Proposal' may be obtained from the office of the architect. Frederick H. Hey, 588 North 15th Street, Salem. Oregon, upon deposit of a cash, sum of $25.00. These plans and specifications must be returned In good condition be fore a Bid can be accepted, and upon such return the'ldeposit will be refund- m.A 4. 11. I nl,m si mnmnif iratirtna ftr ni Mi mil, u --...- J mutilated or damaged by markings orf annotations a deduction will De maae from amount of deposit sufficient to cover cost of replacement of such dam aged portions. Each proposal must be made out on a 'Bid Proposal form to be obtained from the architect. It shall be accom panied by a Certified Check' or Bid Bond', made payable to the School District, in an amount not less than five (5) per cent of the amount of their Basic Bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids which mav be received, or to accept such portions or portion of any bid as It may consider advisable. By order of the Board of Directors. School District No. 88, Marion County, Oregon, at a session held September 14, 1949. Genevieve Oldenburg. Clerk To be published Sept. 15. 22. 29. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Keith Brown has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed execu tor of the estate of EMMA MURPHY BROWN, deceased. Any persons hav-r ing claims against said estate are re quested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said executor at 310 Pio neer Trust Bldg., Salem, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 15th day of September 1949. KEITH BROWN Executor of the Estate of Emma Murphy Brown, Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN SAM f. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Executor. S-15-22-29. 0-6-13 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Louis E. Booster has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marlon County, appointed ex ecutor of the estate of VIRGINIA O. BOOSTER, deceased. Any persons hav ing claims against said estate are re quested to present them, with prorier vouchers, to said executor at 310 Pio neer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 15th dav of September 1949. LOUIS F. BOOSTER Executor of the Estate of Virg.nia O. Booster, Deceased RHOTEN & RHOTEN SAM r. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Executor S-15-22-29-0-6- .13 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices Chemekela Lodge No. 1 lOOf. meets verv Wednesday night Jk Pacifi yy a. m ific Lodge No. B0 A F. 4c Stated meeting Friday, dav. September 16th, 8:00 p.m THE LEBANON Elks lodge will dedi cate their new Temple, Saturday, September 17, 1949. Dedication cere monies are to begin promptly at 4:30 p m. Principle speakers will Include Past Grand Exalted Ruler Frank Loiuraan and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ku,er, Oregon Northwest. Charles A Howard. Salem. Elks wish ing to attend the meeting and go by bus may get their tickets at the office in the Salem Lodge. Tickets will cost $1 00 for the round trip. Buses will depart from the Salem Temple at 2:00 p.m. 312 Lost and Found LOST Sable colored female Collie "Blik" vie W. Lincoln St. P. 2-4607. LOST: FEMALE Irish Setter, vicinity of Fairgrounds. Children's pet. Re- warr". Pnone 2-7909. LOST: Black corde purse, between 5th & Highland, Church & Locust. Sept. 13 Reward. Ph. 3-fi915. STRAYED from my farm Sun . gield- ing. wt. 1400. Of seen, notify M. Doke. Rt. 2. box 115. Turner. 314 Transportation AM DRIVING to Seattle Eat.. Sept. 17. take 4 to share exjpenses. Ph. 2-7700. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChien. 2495 N 5th Ph. 2-1656. LICENSED live stock buyer Harold F.. Snrthen, Turr.jer, Oregon. BoNl)u livestock "Ouver. Claude Ed- ward" R' 3 Box S9F.. Ph 3-1144. AT STUD Reg. Pafommo quarter- ior H L. Stiff jr. Rt. 3. Box 879 BONDED LIVESTOCK buver E. C McCandlish 1127 S 23fn Ph S-8147 TWO FEEDER PIGS. Chester Whites. Approximate weight 160 lbs. Make me an offer. Ph. 3-1554. Rt. 1. Box 673. Roberts FOR SALE: Two good young cows. One fresh, one soon. C. White, 1 mi. ea-t of Turner. 404 Poultry and Rabbits NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at special quantity prices for your lock- I er. Custom dressing a specialty. Ph. I 2-aH6! I.w s Hatcht i y. NEV. HAMPSHIRE chicks for immedi" j ate or fut'ire delivery. Hatches everv i Tuesrfav. Foxu Hatchery. 3830 State St Pn 3 10S9 ' ' i WINGS RAEB'TRY meds rabbitsTTop prices. 3S83 State; Ph. 3-1439. 4C3 Pets FREE Ki l l ENS, 770 X , 17th SALE or trade 6 mo. old Doberman fe male dog, $10 or what have you. Call aftpr 5 30. 4165 N. Riber rd. 5 BLACK cocker pup. 3'j mos. old. Registered. Ph. S-I492 after 4 p.m. 410 Seeds and Plants" DAHLIAS. Order bulbs now. 1491 1th StL, West Saiem. 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit and Farm Produce TOMATOES Bushel or a ton. Sweet and rood flavor. You pick. $1 00 bushel. Holman's. Jef Jerson. Ore. 12 mi. south of Salem on old Jefferson hwy at Midway. 9 A. CORN insulage. ml. E. of Totem Pole on Hazel Green hwy. Rt- 7. Box 239 PRUNES. U-pick. lc lb. Rt. I. Box 538. Salem. Ph. 2-6193 CORN. TOMATOES. 505 Cummlngs Lane. Ph. 3-1475. DUX PICKLES. 2c lb. Frank Toney Ph. 3-1958. Rt. 2. Box 40B LAST CALL! LARGE GOLDEN CROSS SWEET CORN. 22c per dor. Toma toes $125 bL. U-pick 75c. L. D. Eg bert. Silverton Road. 2'i mi. beyond Fairgrounds. Ph. 4-2642. SWEET CORN. 20c dot. Ph. 2-4319 KING APPLES. 4 mL W. of Keizer sch. to curve. Rt 3, Box 156. SPEAR melons, can. corn. grav. apples, Ital. prunes, cabbage, cider, etc. Pric ed right. 2505 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-3985 CANNING tomatoes, near Roberts school L H. Zielke. Ph. 3-1578. GRAVENSTEIN and Banana apples, $1.00 bu. 1073 Elm. West Salem after 5 p.m. CANNING tomatoes. $1.00 bu, U pick. L. Kmkaid, Rt. 1. Box 283. Phone 2-3fW. CANNING tomatoes for sale. $1 bu. U pick. Grant Asher on Grand Island. 425 Auction Sales JNotice Immediate - cash - for - yon. The East Salem Auction center located at 976 Lancaster Dr operates as a service for every one Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7:30 p.m. For tnforma tion call 3-1221 If you have anything to sell call 42923. We sell on commission or will buy. Auction every Monday 7:30 p.m. Leek's Auction 4 miles from Salem on Dallas Highway 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sale DAVENO $25 or best offer. Ph. 3-3253. DUO THERM oil circulator, very good cond 1520 S- Liberty. Ph. 2-6042. MUST SELL immediately! 6 cu. ft. Norge refrigerator $125. Perfect cond. Call Woodburn Black 201. 9x12 wine all wool Curltwist Frieze Mohawk rug. reasonable. Phone 1 U-T COAL OR wood circulator, good cond., 5 rm. size Ph. 2-8568. 127Q Hoyt. USED SEWIXG machines. $10 &c up. 21894. MONTAG wood range with oil con verter. $35. Trader Louie, 3055 Port land Rd. MAGIC CHEF gas range with trash burner and coils. $34 50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd DUO THERM oil circulator, excellent cond., $45. Trader Louie, 3055 Poit land Rd. KCNMORE vacuum cleaner, complete with all attachments, late model, ex cellent cond . $24 50. Trader Louie 3055 Portland Rd. MUST SELL at once - Leaving state. Practically new tan and green tap estry drapes, davenport and chair tapestry, dinette set. chrome steel. red seats, sewing machine. Ph. 2-9815. LARGE SIZE "Silent Sioux" oil heater. A-l shape. 558 S 19th DROP leaf cherry extention table & corner what-not. set of Haviland service for 6. Upstairs Antique Shop, 439 Court 12x22 RL'G. solid mahog. T5.R. set, misc. furniture & curtains. Make of- fer. Ph. 24661 afternoons SEWING MACHINES New Home Electric S9.95 and up. Ph. 1-3139. m .RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Complete Ifome Furnishings l LOWEST PRICES ' HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY You can t beat this combination. Open Eve. until 9 p.m. MONDAY TRHU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. Save S100 Beautiful custom built 3 pc. sectional In highest quality mohair freize. Fully guaranteed to give you out standing satisfaction. Never before has a sectional of this quality been offered at so low a price. Regularly priced at S2&9 95. our special price only $199 95. $20 dn., $8 40 mo. Only $99.95 Nice daveno & matching swing rocker In good quality beige tapestry. 'Double spring const. & fully guaranteed-An outstanding value you can't afford to pass up. Regul. rlv rrired at 139 95. now only $99.95. $10 dn., $7.50 mo Only SI 19.95 Beautiful mod daveno Ac matching club chair with blond trim & lovely brown floral tapestry. You can't beat this anvwhere. Regular $14995 now onlv $119.95. $12 dn. & $7.50 mo. Only SI 39.95 Lovely mod, daveno & club chair in beautiful sage green floral tapestry. Of course it's double spring con structed Sc guaranteed. Just $14 dn. & $7.50 mo. Look One of the nicest Daveno suites we have ever hid Del.uxe constructed 165 double deck coil springs plus a no s.ig spring base. Upholstered in bcTatiful blue nylon? velour. You'll miss the boat if vou don't see this. Regular $1P5 95. now only $159.95. $16 down. $7.50 rr.o. H & H Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797 456 Wanted. Household Goods USED FURN.. highest prices immediate appraisal, Vjllev Furniture. 285 1 Ph 27472. N Cornmerrin rsv.n ki'RM'h rh Ph;np 3-91B5 NEED AT ONC E. l.;rre ouantitv used ftirr.itu-p Ph IF YOU r.avt sporting eood. too orues i. ill Portland Rd. eves. -'-M!" - V.'oodrv f i;iii'.ure, appliances. 'r to sell and want TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Pn. 38558 days, 24407" 458 Building Materials LUMBER. 2x4 by Jitnev load. 10 per thous. You haul. Independence Lum- ber and Mtg Co Independence. Ore Aluminum Roofing Complete stock corrugated 3v crimp nd accesories. Obtain our quota tions first. Saffron Supply Co. 325 N. Commercial St. Wrecking Gov't. Projects Hundreds modern sash & windows. Cast iron A vitreous china wash basins complete with fiumgs. One hundred 30 inch one panel doors with frame hardware. Large sup ply incn & jb incn glass doors with frame i- hardware. C G. Lng Ph. 2-5821. 1 rr. N. of Keut r. Insulation New fibre glass roll blanket Insulation at bargain price Easy to install be tween studing Ac joists. Checic our prices C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5&il, 1 ml. N. of Keizer. Builders New , la. 4 x 8 sheets insulation board. 5c ft..- $1.84 sheet. A dur able attractive wall board, light In weight with Insulating value. No. 1 mountain cedar shingles $7.75 sq Cedar shakes in the carton, painted A: with undercourse $12. sq. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mL N. of Keizer. 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials Doors New grade A. mahogany slab doors. Made in Sweden. Standard sixes. $13 50. Exterior glass doors, grade A. $10 25. Storm doors $10. screen doors $6.50. panel doors. $5.73 tt up. French doors. $17.50. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ml. N. of Keizer rOR SALE: No. 1 18-ln. cedar wall shakes. Natural or painted colors. Ph. Salem 2-1 19C. DOORS Flush interior S exterior doors. Just few left at special price. Keith Brown. Front A Court Sts., Salem. CEDAR GUTTER. Just received small stock, hard -to-get -clear" and "tight knot grades 3"x4" cedar gutter. Keith Brown. Front & Court Sts.. Salem CEDAR SIDING. New shipment of l7 " and "xl0" cedar siding. All grades Keith Brown: front U Court sts . Ssiem RED CEDAR SHINGLES ' No. 1, 7.75, any ain't, del. Coast or Mountain timber, 100 sq. of No. 3. Sin. clear, suitable' for roof or sidewalls. $3 per sq. Ted Muller Ph Salem 2-1196. Salem-Independence Hwy. 460 Musical Instruments AMERICAN standard trumpet. Ph. 3-3MZ. BCESCHER E flat red gold saxophone. Good as new. Reasonable. Ph. 21252-1 NEW Ac used Musical Instruments St Spinet Sc Grand pianos at reduced prices Jaqmth Music Co. Ph. 3-4fi4L EXPERT Musical instrument repair all work fully guaranteed. Jaquith Music Co. Ph 3-4M1. SAVE 20ro TO 50 ON BAND tt ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES New Clarinets $59.50. Trumpets $42.50 Trombones $65.00. Baritones $125 00. French Horns $175 00. Violins $15.00 up. All kinds, of used in struments. Some rental Instruments available. Ph. 3-4641 846 Cascade Drive Jaquith Music Co. NEARLY new snare drum with sticks, strap and stand. $17.50. Ph. 2-1267 after 6 p.m. Rt. 4. box 356. PIANO Small upriaht in good condi tion. $150. Ph. 3-1530. 462 Sports Equipment Aluminum Boats Ideal for fall fishing, light, fast, un sinkable. No upkeep worries. Excel lent design. 8. 10. 12 and 14 ft. sizes. Geo. E. Allen Hdw. 236 No. Commercial 1946 EVINE 33 h p. outboard. $385. 16' Spruce hull $95 . Phone 2-07 83, NEW MODEL 70 Winchester 375 H & H magnum Ph. 3-9905 after 5 pm. 8 MM MOUSER. good condition. Spori er stock. Price $60. Phone 2-6631. 464 Bicycles WARDS HAWTHORN mans bike. Ph. 3-3952. MAN'S heavy service bicycle. $15 See Mr - Clark. Statesman FOR SALE: Whizzer. Ph. 2-4904 or 1795 Chemeketa. Girls Firestone, almost new $25. Ph. '2-8812 or 2-0506. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital beds Ph 3-7775. Max O. Buren. 745 Court St Salem. . GOOD ITS ED Piano H L Stiff 0 - DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement. Readv mix, Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and witching 4 vd shovel & drag line. Phone 3-9249 NATURAL, muskrat fur coat, size 42. Excellent cond . $35. 168 W. Main. Monmouth Pn 559 ATMORAYS H-uley Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. Todds Septic Tank Service Complete Service. Call us Collect 2545 State St Phone 2-0734 RIVER BOTTOM top soil All kinds pit run, gravel, crushed, sand, mix Con crete pipe and tile: septic tanks, re inforcing steel and mesh. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N Front S t Phone 3-3417 Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand At ful d:rt Screened gravel Sc sand for concrete Imm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and trutk fur dirt moving. Ph. office 2-40(jJ. res 37146. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables, desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph John vn Appliances i TARPS at your War Surplus Store 19 oz.. Waterproof Grommtts 8x7 $3.15 7x 8 $5 67 6x8 $4 32 9x10 $8.10 , All other sizes in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO Corner Fairground" R'l & Church St QUARRY ROCK for road base. Crush ed rock, fill dirt. We deliver. Croisan Quarries 1565 S Com l St. Ph 2-417 Plant. Ph 3-1231 Res. 2-3075 FENCE POSTS poles all types, shingles fertilizer & flatrock Phil Up5 Bros. Rt. Box 11 8 Ph 3-1438 TRUCKERS con e and get it. Pit run and fill dirt 50c. silt 60c Sand Com mercial Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 2-196R - MOSSBERG 22 single shot rifle, has shot only 4 boxes of shells. No scrat ches on stock In verv good condition. S8 Call 2-5788 after 5 p m WHIZZER motor bike m very good cnr.dit ion S100. Call 2-5788 after 5 pm. TRUMPET, olso ScTiwinn man's bicycle. Excellent. Ph. 2-4400 or see In eve nings. 3115 Cherry Ave 1 1 1 1 I Is O . Ul Jl - I A Jl V . PAIR OF 24r'wTndow panes & 1 panel door 2' ." x 6' ". Ph. 2-3782 METAL CLARINET. B flat. Almost new. $75 Phor.e 2-1554 3 PAIR DRAW drapes. Bendix auto washer, gray fr.eie rug, 3 speed hoist suitable for loading farm Implements, etc Phone 3-437B DAVENO $2:, refrigerator $25, dretser $10, oak study table $5. book case $100, platform rocker $10, occasional chair $5. work table $1.00. 1227 Court St. FOR SALE s:i.a!l baby beef. Ph. 3-1721. 4 CHAIR marble shoe shilling stands. 190 so. High st 9 CUBIC ft. deep freeze, like new. For sale cheap. Ph. 2-3228 eve. Jib FT. wooden display tables. Rea sonable Ph. 2-5858. Rt. 3. box 10. SMALL LETTERMAN sweater, size 6, letter included, 85.50. Ph. 2-6944. DEER RIFLES: 43-70 Winchester 83 model. 2 boxes shells. $55. Also 30-30 Savage. 2 boxes shells, $26.50. 3540 Cherry sye after 6 p m. MENS CLOTHES: Three suiU size 39 short. 1 new rain coat, 1 topcoat. tnone 3-j.ai a gppo cheap buy. Co Mr" LET E SET W. r. Ludwig drums. Over $175 investment. Sacrifice for . $80. For dance or band use. Ph. ; 2-7J-2 i aa Used bricks for sale. Apply fctf I "n Brrr 355 Chemeketa. R. C. ALLEN cash register. Ilk new. $1,75-00. Phone 3-4641- 5-ld " FORD wire wheels. Ph. 25C24. It will pay you ! To shop this Used bunk bed complete with mat tress Sc box springs. Only $40. New linlm. chair. $7.95. Like new oil cir culator, $24.50. New Dema Boudouir lamps, reg. $5.95. now i.sea maple desk. $10: new walnut desk 7 drawer, metal hardware, reg. $54.90. now $3950: used 1 drawer dresser with mirror, $10. Glen Woodry Furn. Mkt. MOS N. Summer Ph. 1-5110 450 Merchandise 470 Fori Sale. Miscellaneous LADIES Hats cleaned and redecorated. Ph. 2-1443 after p.m. or before 10 m. Paging All Newlvweds You can't afford to buy one item of furniture until you have shopped Glenn Woodry's Furniture MkL You'll le shown clever new furniture at unbelievingly low price. Terms of course. "For a reay Buy. give us trr.-j Im Not a River But. I de have a big outlet for furn iture, appliances, rugs, radios, sport ing eqbt.. antiques, musical instru ments, i or what have u". Cash on the hnie. St you won't get hooked, really i- get the limit by phoning Glenn jWoodry. Ph. 3-5110. PIANO SALE! BALDWIN WURUTZER CABLE Beautiful sample spinets and consoles shownj at Oregon State Fair at j BIG SAVINGS? New pianos from $395 00 Also excellent buys on several used grandsf and uprights. STONE PIANO CO. "The Valley s Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem. Ore. HALLCHAFTER S-20-R Commumca- tion radio receiver. 243 N. 23rd. Ph. 3-8834 REG. $o,50 Budoir lamps. SpC'. 3 days at $295. They are gorgeous. Glenn Woodrj- Furn. Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. 48" franjed door mirrors at only $2 95 while hey last. Glenn Woodrv Furn iture Mkt. Io05 N. Sifmmer St. 270 WINCHESTER 70. Ph. 3-8861 DAVENPORT & chair. 1155 Elm St. Call after 5 p.m. WOOD ILANGC, reasonable. 1135 Lewis St. 1 TWO YlUTH BEDS, good mattresses. RcaoiaMe Ph 2-16Q5. 1W FRIgIDAIRE. like new Ph 2-4721. MAYTAG elec. washer round rub. Ph. 2-4721 j " L. C. pMITH shotgun, field grade double, cost new $9f. been fired iwice.i win sen tor &3. -n. eves, j 2-5455) 790 Rosemont. ; REFRIGERATION unit and Referigera- ! tor box. I nit can be used for deep freezej Call at 2045 N. Liberty St. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous CASH for ne wspapers 1790 N. Front. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Sa lero 2 TON BALED hay. delivered, for cow. Ph 2-2441, Buren. or Eve 3-9543 WANTED: Best trailer house $600 cash will buy Ph 3-5085. WANTED": Good small piano, will pay casrv Ph. 2-8725. 474 Miscellareous Window Cleaning - Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Uutf eld Brn Rt 9 bos 58 Phone 2-1313 orJl-2795 WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses. McEwan Photo Shop 435 State Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-', yds 10 B-3. vds D-7 Cat in Dozer D-6 Cat At Dozer D-4 Cat Si Dorer See us about ditching bv the foot. Phone d.ivs 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 SalemOjregon Fll.BRTand w:a!r.ut drying. Special service for small lots. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatcherv. AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor l'J"J Mattresses Capital Bee Co PhrS4069" Dpntal I,late Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolphjlldg State St Com Ph3-331 l FILBERT, walnut drvmg Good washer. Hobb's drier. 6 ml. S E. Salem. Ph ?-5211 eve- Man's suit 38 S 10 00 Ladies wool slacks $3 00 each. Ph. 2-4716. 476 Fuel Tri Citv Fuel PHONE" 2-7442 16-in. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR St H GREEN STAMPS 20 DAY-speclaToid growth TblociTwood from Valsetz $10 ccrd delivered off car Kill dry planners. 1 cords lit Ph J-7721 Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 ln clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St. W. Salem. Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4' fir. 16" slab and edgings Ph. 3-1458 CLEAN HAND-PICKED 16-Pf ; SLAB WOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3:772 j 16" SLAB wood $11 a load. Prompt deli-erv Ph 2-7751 after 4pm ; OAK & FIR W05gph. 3-0636 Oregon. Fuel Co. Good dry slab or green. Clean sawdust, Green edging $5 50 Id . double $10 00. Dry edging $8 00 Id Ph 3-5533. ; Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH 3-6444 VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak. slab, maple, old fir. sec growth and cherry. Also do woodsawing. Ph 2-4276 or 3-3523 ft. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer trim 1260 Candlewood Dr Ph 2-2381 OLD FIR. 2nd growth St slab Dry Kampstra's Wood Yd. Ph. 2-2950. CLEAN FRESH SAWDUST Sumfher rates. Call 2253 Dallas collect for prompt delivery. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities 12 UNIT MOTEL elec heat, good loca tion. 6 rm. house C W BartelL WS3 Port! a r ortland Rd FOUNTAIN LL'NCH for sale. In coA location. Ideal for cpla. WU1 take hs. m trade Ph 2-W52 ' ATT $ unit motel. 7 rm. home. 64E Wul trade. 3590 S Com'l. St ; foft saU rBV cum r A nice going business. Illness of Bro. forree sale. See me or write 1863' j 12th SU 'erri Ore, i FOR SALS. Hen'i Furnishing Store $1500 plus stock May consider some trade and cash. Ph. 2-5363 L GROC. STORE At fixtures, gas pumps. cabins, good income, alee location. Ph. 1-4319. Hayesvllie Store. Rt. j 1. Bt 145, Salem. Ore L St AT16N lot leae. Pn. C. J. Dael!. Ph. J-:S76. Union Oil Co. j 510 Money To Loan 1 Private Money On Car. Trucks St Trailer Bomesi Long os Short Term Payments j Roy H. Simmons I US S. Cocnmerdal St, Ph. J-1U1 500 Businpss & Finance 510 Money To Loan AUTO LOANS wruMrrfx credit co. IBS S Church St Ph 1-2497 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 Farm andrcrrv loans and 1 Tout own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO $0? Pwmeer Trust Bldg Ph. $-7162 CASH - NOW $25.00 to S500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money wheat you need HI Vou can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or nelp from friend! On can. trucks trailer homes to $500 00 On furniture, livestock equipment. salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today I lie No. SIM and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 3-9181 136 S. COMX ST. S CASH S $29 00 to $500 00 Furniture Livestock. Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up to $500 00 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7033 Lie. No. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. 512 Loans Wanted $8900. Loan wanted on first mortgage on home and business property val ued at 25.000. Income from property $235 per month. Call 3-4547. ask for Stevens $10,000 00 loan wanted, down-town bus iness, will pay 6 percent, repay at $150 to $200 per month, all paid back by 3 years ALSO $10,000.00 loan wanted on highly Im proved farm. 3 or 5 years, will repay at rate of 1150 per month including Interest at 6 percent. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Telephone 3-4121 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted TEACHER WANTED. For ' 3rd St 4th grades at Hebo. Oregon. New room: wages $2900 per yr Mrs. Mable Whar ton. Hebo clerk. 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: MAN. preferably with bank or loan experience. 30-35 yrs. old for a permanent job. Must be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to insure excellent future. Call Mis. Clough at Salem 3-4130 during busi ness hours ; WANT 5 men part time to make $25 to $50 a night. We will show you how. Car essential. Call 2-4517 Salem 9 and 10:30 a m WANTED 2 men to learn the heating and air conditioning business. Rapid advancement and good pay while you leam mot labor or meehanical work). Apply in person between 8 and 9 a. m. Holland Furnace Co., 320 Kearrtev St. EXPERIENCED furnace mechanic. Must have tools and car. Steady work, exceptionally good pay. Write Box 273 Statesman. 606 Help Wanted female HOUSEKEEPER for modern country home. Good wages. Box 281 States nan EXPERIENCED Typist Apply RuT- gir. Insurance. 373 N Cjjurcji. m permanent po sition Shorthand required. Apply in rrson. Willamette Credit Co., 182 , Church St. Experienced pantry lady, fall 3-732 WANTED: Housekeeper or school girl for light housekeeping. Write box 2H2, cre Statesman. GIRL-XVANTED for housework. Boo3 wages Apply 1420 Market. ASSISTANT in accounting dept Snort hand required. Apply i,n own hand writing stat.ng experience At age. P O "box 9 Salem TURITeV pickers. Northwest Poultry St Dairy Products Co. 15o5 N. Front. 6C8 Pickers Wanted BEAN PICKERS. Bishops South River road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th St Mission 4 00, Farm La bor office 6 JO. Ladd At Bush bank 6 35. south on Commercial to Owens For information call 3-6137 ANTED: HOP PICKERSToTm"-!. Roberts & Co. Phone 3-9623. 610 Sales Persons Wanted 2 EXP salesman to sell leading lines of appliances. Paying salary plus com mission with transportation fum- stiyq. write Box zo6 statesman. EXP furniture salesman. List expert ence Ac qualifications. Write Box 237 Statesman 3 MEN OR women to work Salerh At surrounding area. "New" National advertised "Sales Tested" Items. Men or women hired must be re sponsible. Contact Mr. Watson at Senator hotel. Sept. 14 At 13 be- tvieen 1Q a m and 6 d tu WANTED Service station salesman. Permanent employment. Excellent working condition. Regular pay. ad vancements up to $265 mo. Apply Buckley's Model Service. N. . Dallas Junction, Dallas, Oregon. Best hours 1-4 p.m. 612 Work Wanted. Male 19 YR. OLD HI school graduate with some mech. experience would like work in service station. Ph. 3-1032. 614 Work Wanted, Female CHILD care. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 29921 615 Situations Wanted NEW LAWNS START TO FINISH LGE TRACTOR WITH DOZER. PH. 2-8127. CHILD CARE by day Ph 2-W85 REMODELING anJ reptir workThone 3339 or 2-0218. WANTED outside house painting. CTs Stahl. Ph. 2-8844 WILL do any kind of carpenter wori reasonably H Union. Ph 2-14B7. CT'MENT workT AU kindTlh. i-485r Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of an kinds Ph jl-4367 3i9 State St,. BRA "WING house plans. Ph. 3-9f,21. SEWERS and septic tanks Installed and repaired Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-556S. CHILD CARE 183 S 18th. Ph. 2-l7?. MOTHER, do you want to work? We offer your child a food clean rencea in yard, with a woman watching them at all tunes. We also teach them co-ordination with hands St mind. Our phone No. is 2-3850, ad- 25 CARE OF Convalescent 6i ' elderly person Phone 3-4454 TREE WORK, topping. trlrhmin, f- movlng. ins op. wore guar. w. n. McAllister. 840 Tr$e Ph. 2-MW iY YotSte GtRL: Cen. VfiOe ofl. knowledge of shorthand. Box 18$, Sil verton. Ph. 1881. 618 Education 700 Rentals TTtAILXR house space. Jfrees Tratler Court, tat Maple. Ph. -504i. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board LARGS slee rm MnntAnd lade. 4 N Win St TTi i.ft'M ff6lXVt'6DrnXsLii WcCo. RL TiV decot.uJ furn. sleeplhi rmi k. lose in. ro. e-uii. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING Room. 190S :N. Summer. Phone 2-9655. ? i NICELY FURN. heated ) , room. Sm lady Phone 2-3414 I JUST OPENED. New' home for eidefC ty people. Room, board and good care Reasonable. Patterson's. 11(6 I. Water St.. Strverton. Oreton. REFRIG 2131 CenVelrT r" NICE SLPG rm. Ph 3-7Sig TTFrr r ui - J SLEEFLNG rms. ffomen or flrli. Outside entrance, on bus line. Ph. j . j i . 4 SLEEPINtt rms.. unfuraJl'LA ROOM FOR emp. it en tie man. 659 N. Lihertv. Ph. 3-X32 GOOD SLEEPING RM". 104 Co"HI3j. HEATED. BOOM. StijTJ. Cotuge! 703 Wanted Rooms. Board tOUXG. neat gentlenjsn wishes board At room in private home: Steadily em ployed. Write box IAS o Statesman. 705 Apartments for Rent MODERN unfurn. 4 rm. apt., auto, hot water; heat, furn Walking distance, Refs. required. Statesman Bos, 171. FURN I jNlSHED cottagejlll PorUa'nTRl. I.MS WITH BATr. Vt '. stove 3 R.MS dinette furn. Working coudIc. Refer ence CaU a.m. to. 7 p.m. 323 Portland Rd. . CLEAN" . MOi5: apt. fori: Close In.' BT .. cellent utilities lOOf N. $th 3 RM. FtjRN7rpTPrtv ent.. bath garage. Prefer working couple Only. t-nonc z-yjj vj ONE RM and kitchenette, furn. rSS Prl ent , washing facilities. N tate House Ph 3-441? ATTRACf lVrTRM Apt. With fir, place, all elec. new home, ideal for working couple or 2 jfirla. 165 S. 34ta SMALL 4 rm cabin HF it P. Uatsf; shower, verv clean, a'4 elee $30 mo. Inquire Labish Village Lbr. yard. White ou. APTS. TO rent. furn. Ac (Qnfurn. ISJ IS J.V hjo Ph 2-7546 ' ONERuOMtrailer cottage. IJeaTI3V 1 or 2 adulu. Mission street Trailer ypuri jmij jist toSTFt'RNtiHtSr Hetric YsliiT. rig. Hall entrance, AdulU. 77 So. 3 ROOJ refr 15th MOD 3 RM apt Bath. 'elec . refrigerT. tor: $5 ?4 N. Cottage St MODERN TCCO loSH urn hesTil apt 7m N Cottage r 5flcE 2 RM rrTtN. aptfor emp' coiT- ple. Liver- 4 rm 2 bedim apt. Parti furn H5i S. IMi ? .fEir'Bdfm. apt. avaifaSTe Tept." lBtlt Ph 3-5882 - j SINGLE KM. Ac kitchenette, no pfff. bath, n-.odestly furn. Suitable for 1. Ph 3-3712 ' 2RM7UT.N apt. Cie ib 1 41 employed people. Ph. -7t40 Evt. 707 Houses For Rent NEW 1 BR house, pets. Inquire 184 sarsiis. Adults, mt) i 4th, unnAu e. MOUSE Nice location. Box 280 c'o Stateirran 3 BED ROOM house, 4 Wks from Hitfrfk land sch.pl. Inq Ul-Iprucc SL LEASE Iteautiful 2 bilim unfurn. OCX. i sail wmol Atfe FAMILY 5T three oeslrei fu'rh. partially furn. house or apt. PI. 11 -9924 NTw5UBURBAN I B R riouie: fcl tief. ma, tat heat, hwd firs . V. blinds. $70 mi Positively no cats or dogs. 454$ Stats t pn 3-uz. . 2 BKDNt house, nici : garage, fawn. Lease preferred. 571, I jTljn, , '.. CLEAN. Urge 5 rm - bouse, walking distance $85 75 N. Pt -3f. Oft. HOTsf. northToilTieat. Avait able now. $60. 345 So View Place. t blk. ,S. KSng St. U Liberty Rd. 708 Farms. - Tracts For Rent A GOOD DAIRY or stock farm. 140 A. More than 1 ml of creek. Lg bar A fair hse. For rent r for sale on easf payments. Alsea DlsL D. A. FISH 148A S. -Com L Phone $-U4 710 Wanted To Rent Houses SMALL Furn. hse or 3 rm. hse or 3 rm. apt. In of inity of Wpodburn BT iple. Write Bos lOoO s near th vie mplod cou Statesman, FTdSm. unfurn. hseTfo7rT"IaTi ferred. Permanent. Not over S6S mf. i uk'iAUl house? $!usr$Titd cfl. ' box $03. States References. Write Hx needs I Bdrm home. Vill leat. FlicMoJtji DEPENDABLE party '.ith referanfln needs furn. house that permits 1 yfl. old ci.ild and S moa. Old baby. GuSr give re Ph. $-0 after I. '- 712 Wanted To Apto. WANTED: I RM FURN apt by Wlllame ette Univ. Prof. Call Mr. Tenlx. FV S-92M PERMA5rNT 'Afi1oe CI TO combsrij So children, needs unfiua. one or twl R. house or apt. equipped wtt& stove and retrig 1 possible. Ph. MJr. nay ward at 1-7878 before I pjn. 714 Business Rentals- TICS, desk space, eoj mrzrz. rm r 1 outfit,: Huom. it-'u, 800 Real Estate l02 Business Property PRICK REDUCED S NEW 1 S.. homes, good Incoras optional owners' 1 B R. home. Roon for exDanslOn. No trade 1S4S N St FOR LEASE Service staOda in Roll wood Dist. at Inventory and eqult ment United Petroleum. Call CI 10 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mt. Sines i Quick Action Bargain Grocery, stock and equip. 1 cottage, 4 apartments turn. 3 lots near beach oa eoavt. Owner reduces price to $7$y0 with $1000 down. Speculators, in vestors, home seekers act at once. E. M. Hunter Real Eftata T70 SCom1. ; Ph. J? j-1b7 ALL GOOD OPPORTT5"NTriES $12,000 Grocery Store, can't he beat for this money. A poor operator ess make $8,000 yearly here. $78 000. Southern Calif, eourt, yearly NET profit f 12.0X, WiU trade for r sort property or Small farm In OrS- Jon. .500. Beautiful new $ Br. home 1st waiaport. wnere nunung at zismna are good, will trade- for Salem prod4 erty. also 190 AC. ' MM FT. of sec ond growth Umber for $4,700. $27,000. Cleaning c retains .leet sound going business, ixct - m equipment. : $36 .000. Business bulldlsig leased 3t yrs at $400. Mo. Good tuwa, frontage. $11.5o0 .Almost new Unit court. $S1 mo. ilncorne. wslkln distance H State House. ' $500. 8. rm, house, fall basm. Ne. f sons. Ideal to Snake A nice Apu. si Uttle additional otet. lot 71 x 1 10. . We also have a dandy safe Just ute4 at 8000. IP. LUKINBEAt RXAL ISTATX High it. vr. s-eesv 1-Tfl lOp- estab. groe. n stoek: eorflD.1 tistturesJ OwL I 1 saerifice dua to eireumstanaef tumstanf. K oomparablei Value anywherl aerl, f About $oio0 Involved, fori detail rt IUiri NELSON! NE BUSINESS RENTALS We have two business) rentals e busy thoroughfare. One. rental $sn9 n. ooor space one 9600 so ft. These are sen In wonderful w attractiva store bidfS. Vocation. NELSON NELSON Multiple Listing See Heirs Personal servloe by ! W mra i-ig ' W m StI 0,' l-s. JL Suit. r Ph T-K70 in Men who Specialize : 702 H. High I i ph. l-4lt J