The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    t i
Ib-rjhn fiW tcnan, Salem, Ore., TYrxday. September 15, 133
Last-Minute Instructionsi
rv nk n t-TN n n na
tcJ rami
y - ' -:- -'-
Two of the more destitute (Just ask em) coaches in ijie prep whirl
this time are Gene Barrett at ML Angel and Lee Ragsdaje at Medford.
Gene is operating sans 15 lettermen of 1948, nine of whifch-were regu
lars Ragsdale is even worse off, as he has but three (Pf hjs first 18
players of last season, ana not a one f
of the three is a member of the ?
feather-footed corps that was clas
sed as one of the fastest prep teams r
in the state a year ago . . . But then
the boys nave company in me wu
department You should ask Harold
Hauk at the Vik Vill about his
prospects for 1949-50, basketball if
you want to hear some screaming
.i.C. Stockhouse and his Bearcats
may not make much of a dent in the
Icfaho Vandals Saturday, and cannot
be expected to even though they'll
be trying to the hilt But we'll betcha
a !few of the Idaho ends will know
they've been in a rough ball game.
The flanker in Stackhouse's Model
T I often comes sweeping in at full
steam to ram a block on the oppos
ing end as he comes across the
irrimmaoe 1in and when timed lust
right it's murder on Mr. Wingman. CARLOS B(OLCK
If he doesn't see that flanker coming he'll think he got; in the way of
the Westbound Limited ... A "Salem Senator Fans'! group in the
Liberty area asks that we give full comparison of the seasons played
, by second-sackers Wayne Peterson and Al Spaeter. Apparently the
gang wants to know Just how the two finished up, inasmuch as Peter-
, son wound up with Spaeter s Job after Al was iraaea on io i acoma.
'The figures for the entire season (fielding marks unavailable until
hext month): Peterson Games 149, At Bat: 633, Runs 95 Hits 163,
Total Bases 220, Doubles 22, Triples 4, Home Runs 9 Runs Batted In
57 and Percentage .258. Spaeter Games 142, At Bat 563, Runs 71,
Hits 148, Total bases 183, Doubles 27, Triples 4, Home Runs 0, Runs
Batted in 63 and Percentage .263 . . . ' 1
Clint Cameron's .378 batting mark to take the 1949 WIL in
dividual title doesn't amount to a league record, but it is the sec
end best total to be compiled In loop history at that Record hold
er is Earl Kuper the T acoma catcher who biffed .389 In 1947. Then
comes Cameron's .378 of this year, Smead Jolley's .373 for Spok
ane In 1949 and Archie Wilson's .369 for Victoria In '48. About the
only major records established this year were the 189: double plays
by Vancoaver and the 43 home runs by Jim Warner of Weatchee.
The Caps-bettered the 177 notched by Tacoma last season, and
- Warner lowered the mark of 40 round trippers rapped by Bill
Baiisoff of Bremerton In 1946 . . .
Kyne Put on the Daurg at Bay Meadotct Opener
Before it goes any. farther and it has gone much top far already
please let it be known that despite how much we would like to see
the Senators purchased and operated as a home-owned club, we are
In no way, shape or form angling for any Job connected with the club.
Not even so much as selling peanuts, for which we believe we might
be best qualified. We are quite satisfied where we are and, to be right
truthful, would rather take to the lunch bucket and time clock than
tangle with any part of a baseball managerial niche. Gad, that's as
bad as being a coach. JnA we're not immune to ulcers! . . . Hoss rac
ing maestro Bill Kyne had himself quite an opening day at Bay Mea
dows (San Mateo, CaL) Tuesday. First were the races, of course. But
Just before they got under way Kyne had 25 professional and society
models decked out in the latest fashions and promenading about the
place. After the sixth race Kyne mounted a special platform at the
finish line and, along with Ezzard Charles, Joe Louis and Pat Valen
tino signed the papers for the upcoming Charles-Valentino title fight
in San Francisco's Cow Palace. As a gesture of good measure, Kyne
had 5000 orchids flown from Hawaii which were presented to the fem
me fans. Promotion? One could learn a major lesson from Mr. K. . . .
(P.S. The quiniella payoffs for the Tuesday races were steenko.)
WVL Grid Gradt Land on College Teams
At least five of last fall's more outstanding Willamette Valley
league footballing flock have landed In colleges, and may be heard,
from within the next two or three seasons. Silvertbn's hard-hitting
Ray Myers and Wood burn's rugged lineman Jim Gay have
turned nut at Willamette ML Anrel'a Hale Rurrheii is at Oreron
State, and the two Penner twins. Dean and Doug, who also play
ed for the Prep last fall are said to be doing rightwell at Port
land U . . .Vlklnx Grad Cub Houck isn't imoni the more prom
inently mentioned Beavers as they wade into their Opener Friday
nlfht at UCLA, but remember he's but; a sophomore. We still
think the ragged lad will work Into Kip Taylor's plans later on,
even If not this season . . . t
Matchmaker Elton Owen of the matadors had hoped to have former
world heavy champ Ray Steele in tow for much of the referring chores
at the armory this winter, but the 49-year-old Steele who was officiat
ing here not long ago died of a heart attack in Boise Sunday . . . Van
couver News-Herald baseball writer Clancy Loranger's pick for the
1949 WIL All-Star team manager wasn't Joe Orengo, or Bill Brenner,
but Bill Beard . . . The Bearcats will have: two of fetisive formations
to contend with Saturday at Moscow, for Dixie Howell.'s self-styled
"Maybe-T" system calls for some plays to be run from T-formation
and other from the Notre Dame box, after a shift froih the T . . .
Rugged Opener with Vandals
In Store for Cat&. Saturday
It isn't much of a secret that the Willamette UjBlarcats are in
for a rugged afternoon Saturday at Moscow when they tangle with
the Idaho Vandals in the 1949 inaugural for both teams.: This is a
"do-or-die-for-Dlxle'' year for Vandals Coach Dixie Howell of the
Vandals, and all publicity on the
Idahoans coming out of Moscow
leaves one with the assurance
that Howell has one of the best
teams in many years for the
There were 28 lettermen 18
of them juniors among Howell's
aspirants in the beginning, ana
they were Joined br hefty num
ber of transfers, many; of which
were noted for their "southern
drawls." an indication they came
from Alabama, Howell's home
With such vetJ around as Tack
les Carl Kiilsgaard and Will Over
eaard. Ends George BalleW. Orv
Barnes and John Beach, Guards
Wilbur Ruleman, Roy Colquitt
nd Ken McCormack. and Backs
John Brogan, Bob Mays. King
Block, Jim Chadband, Jerry Diehl,
Bud Riley, Keith Bean and Jim
Hammond, the Vandals can be
classed as being loaded -for some
thing besides a fistful of louses
this season.
The fact that all enemy hands
will be out to start off the cam
paign with the bang expected of
them isn't exactly good news for
the Methodist either.
However. Coach Chester Stack
house & Co.. admitting that noth
ing ,1s impossible. Intend wading
into the contest bent on pulling
another upset such as the one
of last sea?on when the under
dog Cats knocked over the touted
Portland U Pilots. Stackhouse had
his charges hard at it again Wed
nesday on the drill field, and a
final tuneup is booked for today.
The team departs Friday.
Four WU players are on the
injured list Captain Howie Lo
renz, halfback, is out for possibly
the entire season with an elbow
dislocation; Quarterback Johnny
Slanchik is almost as bad off with
an errant hip; End Dick Ruff has
a twisted knee and Guard Bob
Hall is carrying a slightly sprain
ed arm. -
SEATTLE, Sept H-UP)-Dr. H.
C. Ostrom, Seattle physician, died
at the age of 75 today. He was one
of the last survivors of the Stan
ford football team which walloped
the University of Washington, 40
0, in their first grid game here in
ry f i
Big Six
' G AB R H Pet
Williams, Red Sox V 142 S26 138 184 .350
Roblntori. Dodgers :l 142 MS 112 190 .347
Kelt. Tieers 3 13011 97 174.341
Slaughter. Cardinals , 136 505 85 171 338
Musial. Cardinals i 142 S49 115 183 333
DiMaggio. Red Sox t 132 553 118 174 .315
Home runs American: Williams. Red
Sox 38: Stephen. Red Sox 38 Graham,
Browns 24: National: Kiner. Pirates
49; Musial. Cardinals 32. Sauer. Cubs
27. i 7 1
Run halted in American: Stephens.
Red Sox 144: William. Red Sox 145:
Wertz, Tigers 129: National: Robinson.
Dodgers 118: Kiner. Pirates 117: Musial.
Cardinal 109.
Pancho Top-Seeded
BERKELEY, Cilif., Sept 1-;P)
National Champion Pancho Gon
zales of Los Angeles and Ted
Schroeder of La Crescenta, Calif.,
have been seeded one-two on the
domestic men's singles list in the
forthcoming national amateur
hardcourt tennis itourney.
Gonzales came from two sets
down at Forest Hills. N. Y., last
month to successfully defend his
title on grass against Schroeder,
In eight meetings during the past
two years, however, Ted has won
six, including the national hard
court title last year.
i ;
NEW YORK, Sept 14 -m- The
I4 world series will be viewed
by the largest odlence la his
tory, i A. B. Chandler, commis
sioner of baseball, announced to
day the fall classic would be ear
lied by all television networks
and ! any Independent stations
which can be fed by the Inter
connected system. ;
National League No games
scheduled. f
American League Cleveland at
New York Lemon (19-9) vs.
Reynolds (16-4). Only game
scheduled. f
For Uke Fray
Loop Opener Slated
At LA Friday Night
CORVALLIS, Ore., Sept. 15-W)-The
Oregon State Beavers - - rea
dy or not - -j fly southward to
morrow to meet UCLA In the col
lseum Friday night , .
Coach Kip Taylor had the squad
working under lights at Bell field
tonight for the first time this sea
son. The players will have a sim
ilar limbering up session tomor
row night on the Los Angeles are
na turf . .
Taylor yesterday had moa
that the squad wasn't ready duf-
lnr j-J. v-4 11 vAelavQV TI11 4Via 4ao m
was in high spirits and hopeful of
an upset to their advantage
against the UCLANS. Only pre
season:' casualty has been Letter-
man Lineman Jim Hanker, whose
shoulder injury will keep him at
Traveling by airliner tomorrow
morning wUl be: Ends John Tho
mas, Craig McCracken, Don Nib
lett. Cliff Snider, Rudy Ruppe,
Stan McGuire and Bud Gibbs;
tackles Arvin NiemL Bill Fran-
ham, Jay Simon, Herm Clark, Jim
Inglesby, Harlan Terwilliger;
guards Ed Car michael, -Jim
Clark, Bud Cahill. Dave Lofts,
Tom De Sylvia, Wes Hoagland,
Bill Peden; centers Al Gray, Pete
Palmer, Fred Sutherland; quarter
backsRalph Carry Walt Kelly,
Carlos Houck, Newt Schneider;
left halfbacks Ken Carpenter,
Gene Morrow, Jack Hoxie; right
halfbacks Dick Gray, Bill Shef-
fold, Don Mast Ron Newton; full
backs Dick Twenge, Andy Knud
sen, Duke Byers.
Padres Defeat
Beavers Again
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Sept. 14-(JP)-
San Diego made it two
straight over Portland tonight, de
feating the Beavers, 9 to J, in a
Pacific Coast league game. Lyman
Llnde hung up his 14th mound
victory, although touched for
eight hits. He was aided by two
home runs by Buster Adams.
Cal Mclrvin started for Port
land but was lifted for Vince De
Biasi in the fifth when the Padres
scored their fifth and sixth runs
off him. It was Mclrvin's first
assignment since returning from
the Salem farm club.
In other games the San Fran
cisco Seals beat the leading Holly
wood Stars, 6-3, on Steve Nagy
two-run double in the eighth;
Sacramento made it two in a row
over Seattle by a 9-7 count; and
Oakland again downed lowly Los
Angeles. 6-5. Hollywood leads
the Oaks by tnree games.
Portland (3) () Saa Diego
B H O AAdams.m .5 3 s
Marquz.m 3 13 HWitlmn.s 3 1 4 5 1 S OlMlnoso.ll 4 4
Mullin.3b . 9 S 0 4 1 0 6
RuckerJf .4 2 3 0 Rosen Jb . 513
Wenner.rf 3 0 1 O'Clark.ri 4 3 1 0
Baslngki.2 4 1 3 3'Moore.c 4 2 4 1
Burgher.c 3 0 4 11 Wilson ,2b .4 1 1 4 .3 0 3 2 Linde.p 3 0 0 1
Mclrvin. p 2 10 2!
DiBiasi.p 0 0 0 0!
MeNultv.D 0 0 0 01
rernandz 10 0 0
Brovia . 1 0 0 0i
Lazor . 0 0 0 01
Totals 34 8 24 13 Totals 33 11 27 11
Struck out for DiBiasi in 7th.
Filed out for Burgher in 8th.
Portland 000 021 000 3
San Diego izi uz ux
Losing pitcher Mclrvin.
Unde 9 34 3 8 3 0 5 4
Mclrvin .... 4Jj IB 7 8 7 1 5 S
DiBia?! I'i Sill o a 1
McNulty 2 9 2 2 1 0 2 0
WP Mclrvin 1. Errors Mullen. Wil
son. Left on bases Portland 8. San
Diego 8. Passed balls Burgher. Two
base hits Clark. Moore. Adams. Home
run Mclrvin. Clark. Adams 2. Sacrifice,
hit Linde. Runs batted in Rosen,
Adams 4. Clark. Mclrvin 2. Basinski.
Moore. Rouble plavs Marquez. to Bas
inski to Mullen. Wilson to Wietelmann
to West. Time 2:18. Umpires Somen,
Runge and Mutart. Attendanne 7.979
Seattle 000 310 2107 14 I
Sacramento 010 600 zox 9 io i
Schanz, Karoel 17) and Warren; Das
to. Dobernic (7). Johnson (8) and Ral
mondi, Plumbo (2).
Hollywood 000 110 0103 13 1
San Francisco 000 030 03x 13 I
Maltzberger and Unser; Nagy and
Oakland 101 010 1028 14 t
Los Angeles 000 500 0005 8 1
Cettel. Thompson. 4. Harrtst 6),
Candint (8) Ac Padgett; McDaruela,
Gable (9) Sc Burbrink.
Yanks May Quit
Vies; 'Buc' Gone
VICTORIA. B. C. Sept. 14
(CP)- New York Yankees have
taken First Baseman Vic Buc
cola of " Victoria Athletics to man
age one of their class D" minor
league clubs. Reg Patterson, man
ager of Victoria's Western Inter
national league club, made the
announcement tonight. He also
disclosed that Pitcher Joe Blank
enship has become outright prop
erty of the A's.
Patterson added that he had
received no definite confirmation
of a re-signing of the working
agreement with the Yankees. Ru
mor has it the New York club is
pulling out of Victoria.
Calif, Sept 14-JP-Stanford foot
ball stock Jumped a notch today
with the word that first string
Left Tackle Gordon White would
be allowed to play. White suffered
a neck, injury in spring practice
and It was not known if doctors
would give him the green light on
participation this season.
For Greater Comfort
Wear j
Arrow Shorts
$1.25 and $1.50
121 North High Street
1 1 J ' ' ' ' i '
' r MM,' J A
" 'J
V( t y U)
With Captain Jirtt Roek listening intentlvely (center). Viking Coaches
Loren Mort (right) and Hank Juran (left) Impart words of wisdom
n. the Vik opener Friday night at Vancoaver. Rock will open at a
halfback position.
n. TJie
Salema will
(ftocky ClO's Fusart
Dn Hot iOlh Round
Graziano ComesBack from Exile
To Win; Foe Led Before Onslaught
By Jack Hand
' NEW YORK, Sept. 14 -UP)- The wild-eyed Rocky Graziano of old
rttumed just in time to stop Charlie FusarHn 2:04 of the 10th round
tonight at the Polo grounds in a furious bravL Referee Ruby Gold
stein stepped in to save Fusari from serious damage as he stood
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hllywd 100 75 .571 Sn Diego 88 86 .509
Oakland 97 78 .554 Sn Fran 83 92 .474
Sacrmnt 92 S3 .520 Portland 80 93 .462
Seattle . 91 84 .526 L Angls 66 107 J82
Wednesday results: At San Diego 9.
Portland 3: At San Francisco 6, Holly
wood 3: At Sacramento 9. Seattle 7;
At Los Angeles 5. Oakland 6.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
St. Louis 89 50 .640 New York 67 72 .482
Brooklyn 88 52 .629 Pittsburgh 60 78 .435
Philadlph 75 66 .532 Cincinnati 56 83 .403
Boston . 68 72 .486 Chicago 55 85.393
Wednesday results: At St. Louis 9,
New York 3; At Pittsburgh 4. Phil
adelphia 12: At Chicago 8. Boston 7;
At Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 4.
W L Pet W L Pet
New Yrk 87 50 .635UPhiladelph 73 66 .525
Boston 86 55 .610 Chicago . 57 82 .410
Cleveland 80 58 .580'St. Louis ....49 92 .348
Detroit . 82 60 .578 Washingtn 44 95.317
Wednesdav results : : At New York
2-13, St. Louis 0-7; At Boston 1, De
troit 0: At Philadelphia 2. Cleveland 1;
At Washington 1. Chicago 8.
B' Leaguers
Open Sept. 23
Marion County B league schools
will open loop football action
Friday, Sept. 23rd it was decided
last night at a meeting at the
Chemawa Indian school.
Election of league officers was
held with H. W. Bowers, St. Paul
principal, named as president and
Ned Gleason, St. .Paul coach, as
! Schools represented at the reg
ular fall meeting were St. Paul,
Aumsville, Turner, Sublimity,
Deaf school, Gervais. Jefferson,
Chemawa and Mill City. North
Marion, Gates and Detroit, also
league members, do net play foot
ball. . '
The Sept. 23rd opening round:
Sublimity at Aumsville, Jeffeson
at Gervais, Turner at Mill City,
and Chemawa at St. PauL
BERKELEY, Calif., Sept. 14 -4JP)
-Three ends rejoined the Califor
nia football Bears today. Returning
after absences due to injuries were
Ends Ed Bartlett Bob Cummings
and Roland Stern. First string line
backer Ray Solari strained a thigh
muscle in scrimmage, but was ex
pected to ie ready for Saturday's
game with Santa Clara.
(Capitol Allevs)
Sr. W, Olney Sr 560. Ertgaard 443,
Bone 548. Oslund 52S. MAR'S (2) Chris
well 593. Gregory 429, Reeves 492. Beat
478 Hod Res 450.
585, Ross 532. Starr 447, Coe 53. Seit
stafer 524 s MAPLE'S SPORTING
GOODS Of- B. Valdei 547. Woodford
151. Wickland 551, D. Page 625. H.
Paie 553, f
ACME MOTORS (1) Mirish 520. Frie
sen 497. Irons 568, Steinbock 539. E.
(0) Kitchen 541. Scales 551, Perry 473,
'Foreman 499. Adolph 479.
SALEM HARDWARE (1) Thedc 558.
Phipps 575. Logan 523. Boyce 588. West
874. CAPITOL BEDDING (2) Young
490. Wilkerson 581. Nuber 568, Larson
560, Poulin 595.
CUPBOARD CAFE (2) Henderson.
546. Lutz 514. McCluskey 582. Evans
686. Glodt 555. LA VON'S CAFE (1)
Myers 543. Ryals 473. Kraft 482. Min
der 547, Meier 535.
S portin! Goods 3O07.
HIGH VST). SERIES Evans of Cup
board Cafe 687.
HIGH IND. GAME Evans 264.
Be thrifty t . J see the friendly little Scotchman for a
255 N. Commercial
be underdogs In the Inaugural.
helpless" in a neutral corner after
taking a savage last round beat
Knowing well that only a
knockout could win, the ring rusty
Rock, returning to a New York
ring after a three year exile, ex
ploded his old wild fury in the
Draping . Fusari over the ropes
with a two-fisted attack, Graziano
dropped Charlie for nine. He just
did beat the count Rocky then
went after him again, pinning him
in a neutral corner under a deluge
of sledge hammer blows.
It was a replica of the first Joe
Louis-Billy Conn fight with Fus
ari apparently out front in points,
taking one chance too many. He
had been shaking off the Rock's
Sunday punches all night long
But he did it once too often.
The end came suddenly and
without warning to the big crowd
of some 25,000 fans. Fusari, the
welterweight from IrVington, N
J., was out-maneuvering Graz
iano. Always moving back and away,
except for periodic leaping at
tacks a la Jersey Joe Walcott,
Fusari seemed to have The Rock
befuddled. Blood streamed from
a cut over Graziano left eye
from the second round on the
rusty former champ stalked his
several times it seemed as
though he had Fusari cornered
but he always got away. Always,
that is, until the last time-
There was a wild cheering m
the second when Graziano went
sprawling on all fours from a half
punch, half shove by the milkman
They counted two but Referee
Goldstein said It was not a knock
Graziano weighed 159. Fusari
Weekend Football
Openers on Air
The fo 11 owing broadcasting
schedule ha been set up for
opening football- games the com
ing weekend: Salem at Vancoa
ver. Friday night S p.m., over
KOCO. Salem. Oregon at St
Mary's, Friday night S o'clock
(PST). over KGW. Portland.
Oregon State at UCLA. Friday
night, 8 15 o'clock (PST) over
KVAN. Vancoaver and KRIX,
Corvallis. Willamette at Idaho,
Saturday 12:30 p.m. (PST) KY
AK. Yakima (nearest station).
Utah at Washington. Saturday,
1:45 p.m., over KSLM. Salem.
SEATTLE, Sept. 14-HP-For the
first time since fall football train
ing started, the University of
Washington Huskies., worked out
in a heavy downpour today. The
Huskies went through two work
outs, consisting of signal drill and
dummy scrimmage.; They open
their season against Utah here Sat
urday. Oregonians
In the Major)
Wednesday: AB R H O A ERbi
Peaky. Red Sox 3 S. O 12 0 0
Gordon. Indians 4 0 S 1 6
Pitchers: Fox, Cincinnati, lost Wed
nesday (5-16). i
Ph. 3-8478
Ducks Primed
For Gael Club
Aiken Crew Entrains
; For Friday Mix
EUGENE, Sept lMV-Coach
Jim Aiken herded his 37-man
gridiron squad onto a train here
tonight and headed for San Fran
cisco and the St Mary's game
opening the season Friday night
Aiken indicated Earl Stelle would
start at quarterback and will also
play on defense as tailback, the
first time in three years here that
Stelle has played defensive ball.
The other starters would' be
Darrell Robinson and Les Hagen
at left and right ends; Steve Dotur
and Sam Nevills at the tackle posi
tions; Chet Daniels and Ed Chro
bot at guards; Dave Gibson at cen
ter; Woodley Lewis and George
Bell at halfbacks and Bob San
ders at fullback.
The team will drill without pads
tomorrow afternoon.
Odds-makers are inclined to rate
the Webfeet and Gaels almost even
for the mix. Joe Verducci, St.
Mary's mentor recently was quot
ed as saying he was confident his
team would surprise the Ducks.
Aiken's big hope is that his squad
won't miss Norm Van Brocklin too
badly Friday night.
Rain Stymies
WIL Playoff
VANCOUVER, B. C. Sept 14-(CP)-The
third game of the Yakima-Vancouver
Western Interna
tional league playoff finals was
rained out tonight The tilt will
be played tomorrow night
Vancouver, second-place finish
er in the regular race, holds a
two game edge over the Champion
Yakima club. The Caps can clinch
the playoff title if they win to
night Amerk Ryder
Players Slump
CANTON, England, Sept. li-UPi
-Sub-par practice rounds raised
the stock of the British Ryder cup
golf team today as the American
Invaders appeared slow in round
ing into form.
"We're more confident than ever
of regaining that cup," reported
British Captain Charles Whit
combe as he checked off rounds of
65, 67, 69, 70 and 71 for his team.
The Americans had two 69s, a
70, 71 and 72. but they didn't play
as well as had been expected here.
They spent much of the day
scrambling from side to side and
the tight little greens gave them
trouble. Dutch Harrison and John
ny Palmer turned in one of the 69s
in whipping Jimmy Demaret and
Clayton Heafner 1-up. Sam Snead
and Lloyd Mangrum, due to be
the No. 1 American team in four
somes competition, had a 69 to
beat Skip Alexander and Bob
Hamilton 2-up. Chick Harbert had
a 72 in a singles round. Demaret
and Heafner had 70 and Alexan
der and Hamilton 71.
Pairings for the Friday four
somes will be announced tomor
Sturgess Tops
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14-;P)-
Eric Sturgess of South Africa de
feated Bob Falkenberg today in a
feature match of the Pacific
southwest tournament here. Stur
gess dropped the first two sets to
his rival, 8-10, 7-9 but then came
back to knock Falkenberg out of
the meet, 6-1, 6-1, 6-3. The win
earned Sturgess a semi - finals
LOS ANGELES, Sept 14-(7P)-
Dummy scrimmage, both offensive
and defensive, marked the final
stiff practice today for the UCLA
football team which plays Oregon
State here Friday night The squad
as a whole appears to be in good
physical condition for the open
ing contest of the Pacific Coast
conference race.
.7y.iaT rw t
mix rr
Oil Local Show
( I'll
Veteran new land sports easier
Sam Hayea (above) will tonight
start a regular weekly feature.
"Touchdown Tips With Sam
Hayes", ever Salem Radio Sta
tion KSLM. Th: programs will
be carried every Friday at 7
f PJB-
5 Teams" Print Ducats
World Series
Opens Oct. 5
NEW YORK, Sept. 14 -MVEive
major league baseball clubs which
still consider themselves as per
manent "contenders" were given
authority today to print tickets for
the 11949 world series, beginning
Wednesday. Oct. 5, In th home
park of the American league
ti; addition to the New York
Yankees and St. Louis Cardinals,
current major league leaders, the
Boston Red Sox, Cleveland Indians
and Brooklyn Dodgers were rep
resented at todays meeting at
which dates, sites and ticket prices
were formally established.
The schedule, announced by
Commissioner A. B. Chandler is a
follows: Oct. 5-6 In the American
league park; Oct. 7 open date for
travel; Oct. 8-9-10 in the National
league park; Oct. 11 open for tra
vel; Oct. 12-13 in the American
league park.
The two travel dates were pro
vided in anticipation of an east
west series. If Brooklyn should
win in the National league and
either Boston or New York in the
American, these dates will be el
iminated and the rest of the series
moved up.
No provision was made for a
possible championship playoff in
either league despite the close pen
nant races although the start of
the world series will be set back
if such a playoff is necessary.
American League
Detroit . 000 000 0000 6 0
Boston . 000 001 OOx 1 4 0
Newhouser. White (8) and Robinson;
Kinder and Tebbetts.
St. Louis . O00 000 0000 4 2
New York 020 000 OOx 2 5 0
Papal. Otrowski (8) and Moss; Lopat
and Berra.
St. Louis 001 003 030 7 10 2
New York 500 001 61x 13 19 1
Carver. Kennedy (3), Ostrowskl (5).
Ferrick (6). Starr (7); Embree (7i and
Lollar; Raschi; Pane ) and Berra.
Silvera 6). Niarhos (7i.
Cleveland 010 000 0001 f 0
Philadelphia 100 010 OOx 2 T 1
Feller and Hegan; Shantz and Guer-
Chicago 110 103 0206 14 2
Washington 010 000 0001 6 1
Kuzava and Malone: Hittle. Welter
oth (7), Gonzales (8) and Evans.
National Loaguo
New York 001 000 0023 10 2
St. Louis ... 013 100 llx 12 0
Kennedy, Higbe I5. Jones (7) and
Mueler; Brecheen and Rice.
Philadelphia . . 220 001 40311 14 0
Pittsburgh 100 003 0004 6 1
Roberts and Lopata; Walsh. Lombard!
(3)1. Scwell (7) and McCullough. Fitz
gerald. Boston .. 020 100 3017 7 2
Chicago 200 012 30x 8 10 3
Sain. Potter (7), Antonelli (8) and
Crandall; Schmttz, Rush (8) and Owen.
Brooklyn L 110 020 0004 10 0
Cincinnati . 100 000 0012 1 1
Roe and Campanella; Fox. Vander
meer (Si. Blarkwell (8) and Cooper.
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340 North High Stroat Phono 3-5643 !
m creases
Margin to 3
Card Lead Still IV2;
Kiner Larrups 49th
. NEW YORK. Sept 14--Tho
New York Yankees climbed three
games ahead of the Boston Red
Sox in the American league pen
nant race today while i the St.
Louis Cardinals stayed a game
and a half in front of Brooklyn
in the National
The Yanks dumped the St
Louis Browns twice, 2-0 and 13-7,
while the Red Sox edged the De
troit Tigers, 1-0. The Cards
trounced the New York Giants,
9-3, under the lights, and rain at
St Louis following Brooklyn's
4-2 afternoon triumph over the
Reds in Cincinnati.
Rain held up the Card game for
an hour and 45 minute.. Th
Cards piled up a 5-1 lead and had
runners on first and." third in th
fourth inning when the game wat
halted again for rain. Play was
resumed an hour and 26 minutes
NEW YORK. Sept 1 4 -()-Ralph
Kiner Is only one home, run back
of the pace Babe Rath set In 1927
when he hit his record total of 40.
Ruth hit his 50th In his ISSth
game. Kiner hit No. 49 In his
ISSth game today.
later and the Cards continued to
hack away at Giant pitching. Stan
Musial was the Cards' big gun.
Musial drove home four runs bn
a pair of singles and a triple in
the eighth with the bases loaded.
In the two night games played
in the American league, the Chi
cago White Sox trounced the
Washington Senators, 8-1, and the
Philadelphia Athletics nosed out
the Cleveland Indians, 2-1. Lefty
Bob Kuzava picked up his tenth
victory for Chicago, limiting
Washington to six hits. Little
Bobby Shantz outdueled Cleve
land's Bob Feller. Shantz allow
ed five hits and the A's nicked.
Feller for seven.
The Yankees' Eddie Lopat
blanked the Browns with four hits
in the opener for his 14th triumph.
Vic Raschi gained his 19th victory
in the nightcap, although he need
ed help from Joe Page. The Yan
kees collected 19 hits Off six
Brownie chuckers.
Ellis Kinder and Ted Williams
teamed up to hand Detroit and
Hal New houser a tough defeat
Kinder spaced six hits for his 20th
pitching triumph, his 10th in suc
cession. Williams swatted his
38th home run to provide the only
run of the game.
Brooklyn bested Cincinnati, tb
stick close to the National league
leading St. Louis Cardinal!.
Preacher Roe spun a neat severt
hitter for his 13th victory. Routing
Johnny Sain with a three-run up
rising in the seventh, the Chicago
Cubs outlasted the Boston Bravef,
8-7, to move within ia game and a
half of seventh pi ace i
Ralph Kiner walldped his 49th
home run for Pittsburgh, but that
did not prevent -the Philadelphia
Phils from defeating the Pirates,
Homers No. Games Data Ta Play
Kiner 4 118 Sept. 14 18 ;
Ruth 4S-4S 114 Sept. t ?t
Rath hit N. St Sept. 11 is game N.
Table of Coastal Tides;
Tides for Tart. Oregon. September.
1M9 (compiled by VS. Coast and Geo
deUo Survey. Portland. Oregon).
Partrie Standard Tim
Ht. Time Ht.
I 10:46 a m. - t 4
4 1 1:10 am. 6 6
16 12:06 p.m. 1 S
4 4 2:19 a m. 0 3
6 0 1:39 p.m. II
4.7 3:14 a.m. -0 I
6.2 2:53 p.m. 3 1
5 1 4:03 a.m. -0 S
6 5 3:53 pm. 2
16 4 46 a m. -0 4
6 7 4 48 pm. II
6 0 1 26 a.m. -e
6.7 I 38 p.m. j 1
6 8 6 04 a m. -0 2
6:25 p.m. 0 4
6 S 6:42 a.m. C 2
6 t 7:14 p.m. -0 2
6 2 7 20 a m. 0 6
7.1 104 p.m. -4)6
II I 00 a m. 1 4
12 8 57 p.m. - 7
14 140 a.m. 3 0
71 1:52 p.m. -0.7
6 58 a.m.
1:11 pm.
8 24 a.m.
6 23 p m.
24 a.m.
7:31 p.m.
10:07 a.m.
8:47 p.m.
10:43 a.m.
9 4 p m.
11:16 a m.
10:46 p m.
11:48 a.m.
11:38 p m.
12:30 p m.
12:33 a.m.
12 54 p m.
1 27 a.m.
1 29 p m.
2 23 a m.
2 07 p.m.
3 24 a m.
2:48 p m.