THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS ' I .; . j From Tho Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents Swegle School Opens Monday SWEGLE When the new chool term begins Monday mor ninff nnW two of last year's fa culty members will -be on. the staff: Arthur Roloff and Lillian Schmidt. Roloff will be vice-prin- in and teach sixth grade. It will be his third year at Swegle. Mrs. Ethel Sundlie, who- wai the primary teacher at Middle Grove last year, will be the new first erade teacher: Miss Alice ; Turowski. will teach the second grade; Mrs. Schmidt, third and part of the fourth grades, and Miss Carolyn Going the fifth and pert of the fourth. Miss Turow. ski and Miss Going were at Lib erty the past year. One of the new rooms built on this summer will be used as classroom and one of the former classrooms used for a music room a present. It is expected to have the rooms completely finished during the week. FourWheel Drive Car Here -i . f - . s ' ; us WOMAN'S CLUB MEET SET SWEGLE The September meeting of Swegle Woman's club will be, held Tuesday at the home pfMrs. Walter Bigxerstaff. Mrs Mennb Dalke is assisting hostess. Valley Obituaries Mrs. VlrKkila O. Booster GERVAIS Funeral services were held at the Ringo Funeral h a pel in Woodburn Thursday af ternoon for Mrs. Virginia O. Boos ter, 77, whot died at the Salem Nursing Home September 6th where she had resided for several years. Rev. John Hood of Inde- Eendent'e officiated and burial was i the Masonic cemetery at Ger- vais. Mrs. Booster was born in Ger vais April 18, 1872, and was the daughter of John W. and Sarah X. Thornbury, pioneer residents of Gervais and had spent over 70 years in this community. She was married to Herman H. Booster on February 3, 1897, who passed away la 1928. She was, a member of the Ger vais Presbyterian church, the Clara Jones Missionary society, a charter member and past matron f Gervais chapter No. 118, Order ef the Eastern Star. Surviving are two sons, Wallace If. Booster of Oak Park, Illinois, and Louis E. Booster of Salem: a Sister. Mrs. Lillian Keppinger of ftalem, and five grandchildren. , "Ebe new Willys-Overland 4-wheel-drive station waon (above). Am erica's first passenger; car with 4-wheel-drive traction, is new on display at Eisner Motor company in Salem. It is in three colon and is provided with the selective two and four wheel drive feature which brought fame to the ragged military Jeep and its successor, the civilian universal Jeep, makers point out The new all-steel sta tion wagon can travel, off the road, up steep slopes, through mud, snow, and sand that would bog down the ordinary passenger car. Willys-Overland officials report widespread interest in the six-or-aeven-passenger vehicle by sportsmen, ranchmen, foresters, rural mall carriers, construction men, and others. Rebekali President Speaks at Meeting Of Lyons Lodge LYONS A special meeting of Faith Rebekah .lodee was held Tuesday evening when Mrs. Lela Ramsey, president of the Rebekah Assembly paid her official visit A. pleasant evening was held with guests present from Mill City. Mrs. Ramsey gave a very inter esting talk on her slogan Be Friendly' and spoke of her pro ject for the IOOF home. For the good of the order the Lyons drill team put on a drill. The hall was beautifully decorated by Celene Taylor, Blanche Wagner and Gertrude Weidman. At the close of the evening ice cream and cake was served by the kitchen committee, Lois Myers, Zona Sis cho, Anna B. Julian and Mae Pat-ton. A large crowd attended the dis trict convention held at Mill City Wednesday afternoon and even ing. While in Lyons Mrs. Ramsey was a guest at the Clyde Lewis home. meetings on Monday night, Sep tember 12. at 8:30 p. taL at the fire haU. The speaker will be Mr. Taylor of Salem. The city of Gervais will resume standard time at 1:59 a. m. Sunday, September 11, in accordance with a . proclamation issued by the city council. . Committee Named for Santiam Valley's Annual Fall Festival LYONS The Santiam Valley Grange Fair board and heads of the different divisions met Monday evening and completed plans for the 4th annual Fall Festival to be held Saturday afternoon and even ing Sept. 24th at the Grange hall between Meharna ana Ljons. It was decided to tnaugaurate a new feature for this years fair, cash prizes will be paid for the two best displays of hobbies in junior and senior divisions, junior division group to include youngsters up and - including 18 yeafrs of age. $250 has been allotted for cash premiums for this year's fair. The following committees were appointed to carry on ihe various duties Flower division? Celene Taylor, Frances MoraVec, June Whitney, Baking Goldii Peck, Lois Myers. Thelma Beiver, Canning, Bertha BasL, Grace Miller. Fancy Work Blanche Wagner, Bea Hiatt, Ida Free, Baazar. Garnett Bassett. Livestock John Lam brecht, Joe : Bowes, Elmer Taylor, Warren Hampton, Giles Wagner, Percy Hiatt. Vegetables. W. R. Stevens, Matt Bieverm, Mrs. Warren Hampton, Mrs. Ernest Miller. Fruits Frank White. Melvin Peck, Olin Spiva, Wjlliam Whitney. Publicity Tony Motevac, Alta Bodeker, Charles Wolverton, Elizabeth Wol verton, Jake Myers, program Hlmer Taylor, Lloyd Sletto. Rece ption Casper Gerath Ed Taylor, George Berry, Albert Julian, Amos Hiatt Kitchen Melvinia Frank- fcn, Mae Patton, Elizabeth Tay lor, Anna B. Julian. Lloyd Sletto will again direct the fall festival with Frank Basl in charge of agricultural divisions, Mrs. Melvina Franklin In charge of domestic science divisions, and Tony Morevac in charge of publicity. Van Zuyens Return From Holland Trip GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Van Zuyen of Woodland who recently returned from a four months trip to Holland spent Wed nesday night with Mrs. J. E. Cuts forth. Mr. Van Zuyen will resume his duties at the Woodburn Boys school on September 10. . The Gervais community Cham ber of Commerce will resume its Church Class Enjoys Party t JEFFERSON The intPrmiita 1 class of the Church of Christ held a party at the home of Mr. and : Mrs. Bob Terhune Friday evening, enjoying games on le Terhune ' lawn, and later in the hfiuse. I At the business meeting, Greta! Cameron was named president; John Wright, vice president; Peg gy Laurie, secretary: Shirley Hig gins. party chairman. They chose "Crusaders" for their class name. I Mrs. George Richardson, wife of the pastor, will take over the class again. Mrs. Terhune has been teaching during her absence. , WTLLAMINA CAFE TO OPEX WILLAMINA The Willamina Cafe will open Monday morning under the management of Garland and Lois Kindall, formerly of the Creme Freeze in Sheridan. The cafe has been remodeled and redecorated. Firemen Auxiliary At Hubbard Sets Meet for Monday HUBBARD The Firemen's auxiliary will meet at the Fire hall Monday, September 12. Mrs. Hug hWeils and Mrs. Harold Penny will be hostesses. Gearhardt Poppinga, Wheaton, III. and his sister, Mrs. J. Hinder he of Canby were visiting in Hub bard. Sunday. He plans to teach at Springfield this year having completed hi education in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dominick and Marilyn drove to Hermiston Saturday and returned Sunday. Floyd jr., and Mrs. Dominick's sis ter. Charlotte Anderson returned with them j after visiting friends and relatives at Hermiston and La Grande. I Marguerite -Cook has returned home from an extended trip to New York! where she has been visiting her sister and family, Mr. Thm Ckrtman. Balm, Ortjctt. Sunday, tapkmlbm M. IMH Classes Start Wednesday In Independence School INDEPENDENCE Indepen dence schools will open Wednes day, September 14, according to George A. Corwin, superintend ent. Registration, the only activity slated for that day, is scheduled to be completed by noon. All entering first grade students are required- to bring their birth certificates and undergo a physi cal examination, either at a clinic to be held at the grade school from 9 a. m. to 12 noon on September 12 and 13, or at their family doctor's:: pM fiejetlii(? Poor teeth never helped anyone get a job t Don't "put off" needed dental work... get it now... pay by the week or month! "Elastic" CREDIT Ugly, diseased or missing teeth hold a person back, ;' in business as well as socially. Don't suffer from this handicap and spoil your chances of getting ahead.; Upon acceptance of pur credit, you can pay for needed dental work "by "the1 week or month on easy budget terms. "Elastic" credit means just that It is : adjustable to meet your own personal convenience. Tho first thing to do... Find out the condition of your teeth , . . what is needed to put them in first-class shape. Then you, will know how to proceed. Get an examination right, away. 110 APPOINTMENT NEEDED TOR AN EXAMINATION! i WORK STARTED AT ONCE NO WAITS, NO DELAYS r Z PAINLESS PARKER TODAY PL AYES on "Elastic" crtdit terms, tool You can have modern dental plates that are easier to wear . . . more natural-looking . . . and pay while wearing! Weekly or month ly terms suited to your pay check. ALL TYPES OF DENTAL WORK PLATE WORK EXTRACTIONS FILLINGS CROWNS INLAYS BRIDGEWORK PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene ancLPortland also in all principal pacificjCoast cities SCHOOL OPENING SET M A C L E A Y Registration for school at Macleay will be Septem ber 16 with, classes beginning Sep tember 19, it was announced Sat urday. Ethel Ramus and Elsie Carpenter will be the teachers this week. I Salem; Horsing Home Quiet - Clean - Airy Best of Foods All Experienced Nurses 24-hr Service 3595 jD Street Phoqe X-SS5S and Mn. John Flannery and daughter, Susan. Marvin Barrett, chairman of the grade school board, left Friday of last week for Lima, Ohio, to take delivery on the new school bus for the Hubbard grade school. Don Mullins wiil be the bus driver for the district Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hochstet ler and children - are here from Wisconsin. He is the son of Mrs. Minerva Hochstetler, and they hope to make their home in Ore gon. BROOKS SCHOOL TO OPEN Brooks school will open for reg istration at 9 a. m. Monday. Clas ses will be held in the morning but not in the afternoon. . New Agriculture Class Added at Jefferson JEFFERSON At the Tuesday night meeting of the' Jefferson school board it was voted to add a new agricultural program unde Smith - Hughes. A teacher will ba hired to teach agriculture and oth er classes. Paul Van Scot was hired aa clerk, taking the place of Mrs. Hal Reeves who recently resigned. Dead limbes are being cut from the fir trees in the grove on the playground and when school la out next spring, the firs will be taken out. The number of U. S. forest firee dropped IS per cent during 194K. - OPENING SOON - Salem Ilusical Instrument Servico 167 S.Kljh Phone t-8708 O Complete Band Instrument Repair Sendee By C G. Conn, factory trained repairman O. Custom Piano Senrldna & Tuning - Free Estimate - AIL WORK GUARANTEED WATCH FOR OPENING DATE pig 350? gjrcEKni33& REG. 258.50 VALUE C-ZTSTuTcinv BUYS THIS ADVANCE STYLE ECE oS ciiiTP PLUS THIS 1 U jy zJ FINE QUALITY 1NNERSPRING j " " I ( jsoy 3c clo'BiorT -; ' PI 1 . i . Hera is positive proof that you get more style, more value for your bedroom dollar! This smarter looking, well-made bedroom suite with the $79.00 mattress and box spring are worth far more today than this low, money-saving price. See this value Monday. You have your choice of walnut or frosted walnut combined with paldao wood, in vanity, vanity bench, full size bed, roomy chest PLUS the mattress and box spring in this sensational offer. cerate- c, as asro HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. )10 CMIMISIfA IAIIM. ORieON If yoo prefer, you may have the bed, chesty night stand end Mr. and Mr. dresser with the tame mattress end box spring for only 208.50 1 i ill... i l nmy i iii .w a o a j . o 3p " ;, X