Tkm Stedmcm. Scdwnu Ofqan. Saturday, Sept.! 10, 149 11 Place YOUR Classified AD For 7 Days On The LOW Weekly RATE 800 Real Estate 810 Farm. Acreage Tot Sal 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Deed Cart For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sal 852 Used Cars For Sal 852 Usexl Cars For Sal 852 UMjd Cars For Sal 852 Ud Cars For Sal 4 ACRES. 1 acre triwbrris. houa. 4 rooms and bath down, i room up. barn. 2 chicken houses, double gar- ' age. 14100. $2200 down, balance pay able $200 a yr. plus Int. S'.i mi. west of Stayton, ,i mi. north of North i Santiam school. R. A. Reynolds, Rt. 1 Hot 82 Marlon. Ore. 4 ACRE "fruit, nut and (rain, 3 bed ' . room bouse, full cement basemnt- 5 double carafe, bam. Located 3rd ' house east of Kruegers Market. 1 mile east of State Hospital on pared road. Center St. Price 112.600 00 Owner Mrs. J W McCune. ph. 2-124. if OR SALE or trade for run down stuck ; ranch, nice summer cottage on Cral un Creek, wonderful building site. ' Rt 3. Box 612. 1 OWNER in Mt. Ansel dist. Lovely 27 A. farm. Willamette silt soil, all under cultl. Very good farm bldgs.. - mod. 7 rm. house equipped with trac tor and farm mach., 113.000 equity. $50W 4',i M yr. loan. 2'i miles fe. office on McKee Rd. Jas. S Ridings. Rt t. Box 37. WooHhum. Oregon. " FOR OUICK SALE ONLY $4775 13 ACRES ABOUT Miles out. Mod ern 3 BR hse..Yr. round stream. Pas ture and timber. Some terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3962: Eves. 2-2147. 2-8S3S 812 Exchange Real Estate PROPERTY south of Reno. Nev. win trade for property or equity In Ore Iton. Write Box 266 co Statesman. Trade for Smaller Home Large beautiful home close in. Win trade for 2 6r 3 bedrm. home in city or out of cUy. . This home is modern St has 4 bed rm Right In town. I alo have 2 bedrm. with 2 lots to trade for 5 or 10 acres. This home Is clear of mortg. Has nice llv. rm. St fireplace. Don't want to assume, but will go In most any- direction. Art .M arisen Realty Co. , Ph. 3-5MO 2-8fl12 WILL TRADE acre worth $1000 for good, i medium sixrd, modern trailer houf. 200 S. 22nd EQUITY in 4 rm. new home -with shower, utility rm.. hwd. firs., wired for E. range, elec. wtr. heater. 50x100 lo for Ig trailer house in good ennd. Inquire eves, after 6 p.m. at 19SS Oxford St. I BUILDING lots. 2 blocks from Keller school. 2 business lots in Keizer busi ness ectlon. Will trade for home or sell. Ph. -3Tg4. ' 818 Wanted. Real Estate HOUSE and lot or lot in No. 3 busi ness zone. Phone 3-7671. 850 Automotive 152 Used Cars For Sale IS IT RELIABLE WILL THE USED CAR YOU PLAN TO BUY TODAY GIVE YOU THE . PERFORMANCE AND SATISFAC TION YOU EXPECT? KNOW YOUR DEALER AND YOUR ASSURANCE IS CERTAIN. WE HAVE A FINE SE LECTION Or GUARANTEED USED CARS 3080 FOR 30 DAYS OR 1000 MILES. EASY TERMS ON APPROV ED CREDIT. SEE THESE: . J948 Plymouth Deluxe $1495 31947 Mercury $1365 1947 Dodge $1595 Z947 Ford . .. $1350 4941 Plymouth '.:..$ 795 X940 Chrysler ..'....$ 745 STAN BAKKR MOTORS Dodge - Plymouth HEADQUARTERS For A Better Buy Better Try Stan Baker Union and Hi"h - DESPERATE WW sacrifice clean '41 Chev. Hurry, this car will go cheap for quick sal. Ph 2-0078. 2S3 Gerth St This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts' Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-101 Statesman Classified Advertising Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Per Hoe IS 4Be 7Se Three Insertions Mr line 1 InserUena. per Hae Ont month per Un $21 (OaUlde of Salem. each line ISc) Mlnlraem two Uaee. Cemnt I words le two. Readers ta city briefs tine ! The deadline for classtneO mm4 reader advertising la :4$ p.m. daily. Only emergency "Tost" ads wfu be accepts after that The Stateamaa rasanrea the right te r)e( Questions b advertising It further reserve the right to place an advertising under the proper classification. Tha Stateamaa aaaasnaa na finaa elal responsibility tor errors arhles) may appear ta advertisements pub lished ta Its columns and la rasn where this eaper is at fault rtn reprint that part of aa advertise ment la which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind Ad aa ad eon taming a- Stateamaa boa Bomber tor aa address kj lor the prwasettoa at tha advertiser and must therefore bo answered by latter The Statesmen s not at nWty ta dtevJae tnSar mation so to the identity eg aa aaV rsrtaset aetag a lteor ad Pick-Up & Trucks 1946 STUDEBAKER y2 TON ...$995 1946 STUDEBAKER 1 ton, 16,000 miles $1145 1941 CHEVROLET, 4 TON $745 1940 INTERNATIONAL 3A TON $745 1936 FORD 14 Ton Flat Bed, dual tires ....$325 BONESTEELE'S 370 N. Church St. BONESTEELE'S 148 STUDEBAKER Tudor Commander. 1047 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR Champion. 1947 CHEVROLET1 FLEETLINE 1946 PLYMOUTH TUDOR, RAH 1946 NASH SEDAN . COUPEE 1941 CHEVROLET 5 PASS 1941 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR 1937 BUICK SEDAN. CLEAN 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR . . 1939 STUDEBAKER SEDAN (CHAMPION). Clean 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, COMMANDER, OVERDRIVE. RAH BONESTEELE'S 370 N. Commercial 1929 MODEL A. Call 1-3438 We Are in the Market TOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO." 352 N High Salem Oreeon BEST CAR OFFERED SALE 1937 Ford. U h p.. 5 pass coupe. RAH. New paint. $120 Cash and best car offered In trade 1936 Oldsmobile, 4 dr. sedan with hester. $95 Cash and best car offered in trade 1936 Chevrolet sedan $45 Cisli and best car offered in trade SEE : CAROL 930 No. Commercial St.' 1937 CH tV. 2 door deluxe sedan. RH, flippers, skirts, new tires a seat cov ers, J73. I'D evergreen, rn. z-oju . il. it- r . ; PLY. SDN. New namt. heater, eood motor, $150. Ph. 36777. 1534 N. Sum- mer 14 CHEV. Sedan, new front end. tires St hester good shape ph. 2-2023. Sea at Smiling Jack's Clipper Sta. Cor ner Church Center street "IJ DODC.E, very good condition, hea- ter, S B. Hants, new generator ana battery. Must go. Best offer. 1809 Market St 1947 PLYMOUTH super deluxe sedan. RAH, low mileage. Excellent cond. New rubber, life guard tubes. 1 owner car. $1395. Ph. 2-5520. 1936 FORD 4 DOOR Sedan In fair condl tlon, $323 terms McCall's Used CsrsJ7 StatePjl 3-810.. 193$ CHEVROLET Coupe. R it H. a good clean car. $395. McCall's Used Csrs, 1297 State Dial 3-8108. 37 DESOTO Sdn. Good shape. 4 new tire. O drive- r7'- call after $ 2-72S0. ADDING HA CHIN M All makes used machine, sold, lent ed. repaired. Roen. 45$ Court Phone 3-6773 APPLIAMC BFJtVTCl Bendlx. Kelvins tor and Hot point Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pliance 35 Onter St. Phone 3-3139. YEATER AppUanca Co, 245 No. Lib. Ph 3-4311. AUTOMOBILE ItEPAW Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKa y Chevrolet Co . 510 N. ComX AT VoTR DMR GRINDING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. Ph. 3-6833. BRA'' Eg r Mike Panes. 374 sV Com! Ph.S-SlSl Brake A wheel aligning specialist. Bt I i noziNG J PEAN Rl5BINSONTPhone 3-65?7 Lf CRAWLER, (feeing "2-3220 BTll.OING CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonrr const Remodel tng. new foundations Alt Bros., 2-590$ ..o.i: h..: .tt,.. .oi Prmrpt service E. brake Ph. 2-4751 r.MfcM t ONTRAC'TOR ( DRIVEWAYS. SIDEWAIJCS, FOUN DATlONS. anything concrete Ph 24850 CHIMN RT g We EP CHIMNEY swt-ep. Nortitness. Ph. 3-4458 COMMERCIAL ART" LetUrrheads cartoons, business slga trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Bmwne. Salem Engtavtng Pta. $-2441 215 S Commercial. .LKCTICAL CONTRACTING VlNCiTS Electric for electrical wir ing, contracttng-repaliing- 157 Lib eriy Phone 3-9239 fi fTr.n ace cTk anIng HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 320 Kearney Phone t-7$u3 F I RN ITU RE KEFINIgBTNG SPECIALISTS" at refinishinf modern sntlque furn. Lee Bros. Ph. 2-7001. ft'KNfTURl aRSTOsUNO We specialize In: restoring antique furniture Lambert !. Ph. 3-7100 HA CLIN G k LESTER OeLapfi Truck Servtca Com! bauUng h furniture moving Daily service to Portland Ph 3-1756 HKA1.TH Atmorars. Hurley Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. HEATING Judson's 179 N ComT Ph. I-414L Hot smoiB piiopucTg J ft Welkins Co products 1711 Can let St Salem PH 2-5395 Free del INSlLATloN-WtATHFRSTRIPPING" J6HSSMANVnXETPhone 3-74 FUtl-Rt iNSULAttN'G Co l-PCii LAL'SDRlIF Deluaa Serve-Self "Laimdry. 3S Jel- xerson r. rn. z-msj.- L4WMH OW til - " SHARPENING duaxantaad earvtoe. New power and hand mowers Call Harrv W Scott 147 So Com'l St LA WX UOWtRi, scWrs. kniTs sharpened. Dexter 1236 Center. 3-6833. LKiHTINO rUTltlt Sataan's avrlualv lighting store, tea' I Hleb AenatOT Hotal Bldg $-$413 LtMHt.a ' MTLL Prices W Salem Lbr 3-9583. JU1C LxsgQNS . VIOLIN as piano lessons. State accred- j Wed teacher Ph. t-eol. 'Spantsa and Bawaliaa guitar. anaA- aoiuv banjo, ate. U33 Cawri. Psw S-Ttdt. Business Phone 3-SSTT RAH. Overdrive, 9500 miles $1995 RAH. Overdrive. 24.000 miles $1603 : $129S $1143 .$1095 ..$45 .$745 -$695 .1495 $495 .$795 Phone 3-9277 BEST BUY on 1936 Buick. Only 5225 Equity sao. fnone 3-773. H0 USED CAR lot. Any car on the lot $50 and your old one. 12th St. Junc- tion Open evenings until 10 p.m BY OWNER: '48 English M.G. 2 door, will take trade. Sold new $2387 ask- ine I1S8S Call 3-3012. R ETL'RNING to school, must sell '40 Packard "6". Radio, heater, over drive, motor A tires good. See at 1115 Madison. $750. 19XS CHEV. standard 4 dr. sedan $150. Call Pat O'Brien. Ph. 2-2665 after Vlf nm ' Sealed beam lights. Padde'topY'ph! 3-9816. 335 Belmont. 1948 CHEVROLET AERP SEDAN Like new, ' fullv equipped. Low mileage, terms. Qualitv Used Cars 3110 Portland Rd. Phone 3-T264 1949 NEW CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN Special Today. $1745 Quality Used Cars 3110 Portend Rd. Phone 3-7264 1947 STUDEBAKER . Champion 4 door Sedan Very clean Qualitv Used Cars 3110 Portland Rd. Phone 3-7264 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetm aster 4 door Sedan. Loaded with extras, white side wall tires : Quality Used Cars 3110 Portland Rd. Phone 3-7264 NURSERIES ' Landscaping & designing. . A. Doer Qer St Sons. M No. Lancaster. Ph. J-13. OIL CIRCTJLATOK 8EBVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6072 OIL FURNACE. BURNER SERVICE i-lovn Koblnson. 1025 N. 17. 2-1773. PAINTING PAINTTNG & decorating. Interior A exterior. 635 Curchdale ave. Ph. 2-8287. Painting and papering Free estimate Phone 3-9513 857 Shipping. PAPER HANGING And painting Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. PLIMBINO "CeNERaI repair and pumps. De catur & Maer? 970 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-6223 Judson's, 279 No. Com'l. Ph. 3-4141, Rj'pair;i BUI Skewis. Phone 3-46C0 r-i i i ni.-v ttrrui l Capital B-u-galn House. 145 Center St PITMP9 pumps. Salem Equip. Co 'Hettler Supply Co. Phone 3-603$. ANP AND G RAV EL WALLING SAND and GRAVEL CO. Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage & ditching s4 ya ghovel and drag line. PhorV 3-9149. REWEAVrVO REAVEAvilNG, llgOCwjntir SAVi'g ' Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. Sth. 3-"760T. arms w f.ny he Eleetrle RAm.pAAlav m. ... eat raier sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains or dram tile. Septic tanks cleaned. Ph 3-5327. 3-94M or 2-HT7. '-riq t iv a kiikei Septle Senrlee, Tanks cleaned. O D . 0 i V ...... vuw nuuirr acrrmxos' aeweri. lure Elm St, VT. Salem. Ph. 3-9468, 3-5327. VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge. -Call us collect Todds -Septic Tank Service. 2444 State St. Ph. 2-0734. K. F HAM EL septle Unke cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain Unea. Guaranteed work. 1143 ttg. Vyst Salem Ph. 2-7404. ggwiNQ machine! ALL MAKES Sewing machines repair aa i a - IT- U. rrf fa, servtcea. fcK up aeuver. BOUGHT, sold, rentad. wrtTmA all maltea. W Dawimort a.7m All makes repaired, free est Singer o m. t-o. ijg n. com i pn. 3-3413. ICK ROOM EQUIPMENT I RENT sick room equipment 2-3774 SIGNS A SHOW CAJtDt K L. Elfstrom Co, 346 Court $-2493 TOOLS FOR RENT HOWS EH BROS, rour power tool rental headauartars. lilt ft. Utb, Pb $-3646, TREE SPRAYING TREE spraying it Vfc.VtTlAlW BLKDt Madai in tilmi fe tfmataa. 3-7328, Elnver. The Bhnd Mao. WATCH REPAIRINO Claude Mix. 243 N. Com! Fb. S-4C30 FREE estimates Pullman. 3-3863 Tell dsuUn Well DrUUng - Domeetie. IrrigaOoel Induatrial H. A. Robtaaesv XU4 M Front Salem. Ph- 2-73M. '- Meyers Bros, Rt L boa 354. DaHaT Ph 3066 Salem Ph l-dlBO J A. Mim k toaa. wall drying. Directory Warner Always Has the Better Buys 1949 Lincoln Sedan coupe has everything,. 8000 miles one own,er r ...,.$2595.00 1949 Mercury sedan lots of accessories .. 2095.00 1947 Lincoln sedan - like new, 19,000 miles 1695.00 1948 Ford Sedan : Beautiful uphol. Clean as a pin 1345.00 1946 DeSoto Club coupe :.. 995.00 1947 Frazer sedan 1295.00 1940 Lincoln Sedan with Mercury motor 595.00 1939 Lincoln sedan, a good buy at .... . 495.00 1938 Chevrolet Sedan. Clean 345.00 1938 Plymouth cpe. Clean inside, good mtr 345.00 1937 Willys sedan good motor . 175.00 1937 Chevrolet coupe, onlv 295.00 1937 Ford P. U. 195.00 WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 CENTER PHONE 3-3013 LINCOLN AND MERCURY DEALER VISIT SHRCCK'S ECONOMY LOT For-sthe best , in transportation at the price YOU want to Pay. 1841 Pontiac Sedaaette. RAH. new paint 1941 Hudson Sedan. Clean. O'dnve mi Packard Sedan. RAH. O drive 1937 Pontiac Sedan, good Mech. 1937 Hudson Sedan, runs perfect 1937 Plymouth Sedan, good transportation 1936 Chevrolet Coach, good tires 1935 Chevrolet Sedan, onlv $95 00 1934 Ford Coach , a steal at $95 00 llCS .Ford A Coupe, try it for $60 00 ' ALL Tlies TLUS a lot of other can hi- FOUND AT SHRCCK'S ECONOMY LOT 3020 Portland Road Phone 2-7023 TODAY'S BIG VALUE NEWS! 14 KARAT" BUYS For Discriminate Used Car Buyers 1948 PONTIAC TUDOR. RAH. Al CAR 1948 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. RAH. TWO TONE 1940 FORD LINK COUPE. SEAT COVERS. Wa, TIRES 194S FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE. LOADED 1949 WILLYS JEEPSTER, A $2000 CAR FOR W47 FORD 6 CYL. 4 PR. SEDAN, RAH, AS LOW AS 20 More Cars to Choose From Priced $250. to $1000. THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY. Don't Forget the Location VALLEY MOTOR MART Phona S-214T High FAIR SPECIALS ( We still have a few fine buys left. Come in. Convince yourself. 1949 Kaiser Sedan v 1948 Ford Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile 5 Pass. 1941 Oldsmobile 5 Pass. ' 1941 Plymouth Tudor 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Pontiac Sedan Some Cheapies Teague Motor Company Phone 2-4173 Pontiacs Good Will Cars 8 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, Low Mileage $1865 6 Chev. sdn. RAH $1145 58 Ford u60n L 1..$ 165 k) Plymouth Club Coupe, RAH, very clean ..$1185 2 Studebaker Sedan . ...:$ 865 U Cher. Pickup . $ 565 M Willys Sedan :.........$ 165 H Nash sedan i . $ 585 S Pontiac sedan, very clean $ 485 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES LIBERTY DEER HUNTERS ALL.STEEL 1-TON 6:00 16 REDUCED FROM HE THEY LAST Bonesteelb j Sales & Service sit X. $1245 $1295 $16VS $1295 $1395 .. 11$5 and Center- Salem 352 N. Commercial - TERMS PHONE 2-411$ TRAILERS (NEW) TIRES $220 . f 125 s-sm PERSONALLY ENDORSED USED CARS The way that you may be sure of getting the Best car for your Dollar 1948 Hudson Super 6 Sedan A car with Tha Modern design and the moat of , what you've wanted most. Radio. Aircon ditioner. gas saving overdrive, and loads of other extras. 1949 Chevrolet Panel This late model panel hase radio heater, sun shade, window awnings, air horns and other exjtrae. Has very low mileage and la priced right. 1947 Hudson Super 6 Sedan A roomy $ pass. 4 door with lota of Commo dore features. Has Weather control heater. O'drive. and many other extras. It's nice, clean, and ready to go at the right price. - 1941 Chevrolet Sedan Finish and upholstery In exceptional condi tion, one owner with low mileage. Here la the nicest 1941 model car la town. We bave a good selection of most makes and models to cboose from SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time It's Hudson HIGHWAY ECONOMY LOT 3020 PORTLAND ROAD FHON'E 2-7023 Let's make this 2$ DURAND car. Good motor and tires m Ph 3-73S0. '41 WILLYS SEDAN, excellent cond. S2"i Ph 2-1673 1975 I-ancantrr. :6 CHEV SEDAN i:95 S 13ti St. M MODEL A 2 dr. sedan. $65. Ph. 2-1.V9 NOW WRECKING 36 Ply 2 dr. sdn.. all narts for sale inc. '46 motor. Rt. 7. Box 43tA. McCain Ave. off SU- vtr'nn Rtl , '35 DODGE SEDAN. $185. Se at 1465 Stat I CHEV 4 dr. sdn . fair cond. $1S5 or best offer !2 Nebraska Are Dodge A Ton - Pick "Up LESS THAN !rfVIi r5 D AT A $173 00 DISCOUNT Stan Baker Motors UNION AND HIGH Wilson's Price - COMPARE" 149 Chevrolet Carryall Quahty gisas 1825 147 Butrk Sedan lVi Buick Super Sedanctta A 175$ Mrs. Wilson's personal car. 17.000 miles. Goodyear Super Cushion Urea. Lifeguard tubes. Pteuweave seat covers. Perfect condition. 1947 Buick Super Convertible I1S9S Like new in every detail. 194a Buick Roadmaster Sedanet . 2245 Dyanflow - white tires - a beauty. 1838 Buick Special Sedan 5l 1917 Buick Special Sedan 49$ J iv j I unevroiet eaan u 1937 Eord . 125 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center 854 Trucks. Trail era For Solo 193$ CHE. T. panel. Good cond. Sa lem News Agency. 691 N. High. 856 Wantad. Cars Trucks ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE 2325 Fairgrounds Rd. Pi ne 2-MM USED CARS Buy A se'L Ron Motor Co 240 S High. Phone 3-459g " WAN! ED I CLEAN USED CARS' L Bob Marr 2160 So. Commercial St 858 Motorcycles MUST SELL 1947 Ariel cycle In good shane SK) 13fi9 Center. WHIZZER i motor bike; good running cond. heavy duty wheels, terms. 1885. N Church. Ph. 2-ftBftO Indian - Cushman WHJZZEB MOTOR BIKE i Shrock Motorcycje Sales Wl Por Ph 2-1423 '49 H. D "T25. $150 a nd my equtty. $10 S. 13th 862 House) Trailers , Doer Hunters New Kit - Tens Reduced lo $795. Also, several small used trailers. $275 St up. Just tha thing for that hunting trip. Jayhavfk Trailer Sales Co. ja40 Portland Rd. 22 FT. GLIDER, Butane range, sleeps 4. good I cond. $700. rinrrest Trailar fariK ra tuver Hd TRADE 1&3S Dodge Tudor for trailer house at equal valua. Write States man Bic 255 26 ET. Cpiy Coach trailer, like new. Lived ifi only S months. 330 Mon roe avi HOUSE JRAILXft riARGAINS. 194$ Sparton Manor, many extras, perfect cond. Also 1947 American. exceL cond. Reas. terms to approved party. Eyerty Aircraft Co Ph 2-3631 '4$ ALUMINUM houaa trailer. 1 rma. Hot an4 cold water, ref. Martin's Trailer SCourt. tlll CTty. ALL METAL CUder. Completely fura. Trig, at, stsa range. etc dolly aad awning! included. Must be seen to be appreciated. WUleford Fir Crest Trailer j Park. I W. River Rd. Birgain Hunters, Hejre Is Good Newt Closing Ont All HOUSE TRAILERS New! 21 ft. Universale Ware SUM. sow tlSBS New 22 ft. Pacific Liners Ware $219$, now 17M New 28 ft Mobilhomt Were $2150. SN Unirersal 25 ft. Were $3891, soar I22M Aksa trauara aurked SECURITY MOTORS ka aaa at sift Portal M. State Fair tbe Best Ever Deal With 1928 Pontiac '. ...$ 55 ! 1933 Plymouth sedan 95 j 1940 Nash Ambassador sedan J... ...... 495 O D . ft & H f 1941 Naih Amhassador sedan 795 1 o d., it a H 1941 Pontiac coupe ; 675 R a H 1946 Chevrolet Stvlemaster sedan 1195 j 1946 Nash sedan 1195; 1948 Nash sedan L 1545 MARION 333 Center St 1941 FORD 4 DOOR Sedan. R St H. Seat covers, new paint, and in good mechanical condition. $745. McCall i. 1297 State. Dial 5-aiOS. fDrcfiontatesraaa MEMBER) OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tba AaaacUted PTcsa la entitled exclusively te the asa fer repebllcatsatj f all tbe lecaj news printed In this newspaper, aa well ss all AP newt dispayhea. " MEMBEX PACIFTC COAST DIVISION OP BUREAU OP ADVERTISING Advertising ReirresenUUTea Ward-Griffith Ce, New Term, Odeefftk.) San Francisco, Detrelt MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally and Sunday Week-days Only By carrttr la dues . $ 1.20 month $ LOO month .90 month .7$ month By mall la Oregon 4.73 six mos. 4.25 six moa. (In advance! $.00 rear $.00 year By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by mail, delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $13-54 a rear rural routes. (In adv.) By mall In U5A 1 .20 month 1 00 month outside Oregoa 7.20 six moa. $.00 six moa (tn adv.) 14 40 year 12.00 year Available 1st certain area DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Munch Footlike organ Loading machine Emmet Insipid State flower of New Mexico Siberian gulf Guided DOWN Top of a thing Greet Viper Personal pronoun Lever Walk back and forth Enclose In a caae Stationary portion of dynamo Work Franchise Except Performed l. 6 10 11 12 14 IS 17. Tidy 13. Male cat 20. 22. 23. 25 27. 29 Small stream Therefore Coder love : More' penetrating Fold over Man's name 30. Obligation 23. Put through s sieve 36. Ahead 37. Placed 39. Came st cards 40. Man's same 42. Vat 44. Jade, the stone (Chin. I j 45 French river . 47. More recent 49 Old maaajtre f length SO. Plant root 51 Dutch city S3 Overlapping metal plats evt armor 1948 Hudson Super 6 Club Cpe. The car that you step dowa intoj Equipped with many Commodore features aad has Ra-. dlo. heater, fog Htes and sportllgtit Topa la Beauty and performance" and ready to go. 1948 Kaiser Sedan A late model car with White wall tires, ee-l rovers, heater, and other extras and priced so reasonably, you'd think It was a '47 model. 1941 Hudson Club Coup ' Finish Inside and out la good ; condition. Motor had new rings and a valve grind a short time ago. With radio and neater at tha price you want to pay. 1946 Hudson z4 Pickup Sea this one and you'll buy it. 1946 Dod-e s4 T. Pickup Haa 4 speed trans and good chassis. DOWNTOWN SALES LOT WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CMURCK PHONE 3-7922 1 i By attending It the Dealer MOTORS Ph. t-fitrr or 3-9289 1940 CHEVROLET Town Sedan. R. orlaa trial jet Diaca patnt. low mileage, clean Inside and out. $985. McCaDsJ 12S7 State. Dial 3-81M. Sundays Only J week .40 month $-23 six moa. j COO year I .10 week 4.50 rear (In adv.) JO month ! 17$ six ' mac. ' 1 00 year 19 Shed, aa feathers 21. Marshy meadow 24. Seaman 26. Bucket 28. A size of coal 30. Light litter (India) 31. Boundless 32. Perch 34. Theater lobby 35. Sightseeing trip 31 Sand hills 41. Baked piece of clay Testerdsr's Aare 43. River bottoms 46. Newt 4S.Tiny 8L Water god (Bebyl ) r - ps-sr a i U 1 , M ; 3T" " VT v "" ffi ar I WX m i