gfartman. galom, Oregon. Friday. September 1, IW1 I-The District court Paul Franklin Clarke, Stayton, driving while Intoxicated, fined $250 and costs and 30-day sen tence fuspended on payment of fine. CIRCUIT COURT Luella Antico vi Ralph Antico: Suit for divorce charges cruel and Inhuman treatments Married May 1, 1948 at Kenosha, Wis. Joaen Morgan vs Jonn Mor-, gan: Suit for divorce charges cruel 1 and inhuman treatment Married Dec 14, 1947, at Vancouver, Wash. Investment Service Co. vs Har old A. Foster and Lillian J. Fos ter: Judgment against defendants for $87.13 and $50 ordered. Al Palumbo, et al vi Rich L. Reimann, et al: Order dismisses case. C. M. Butterfield vs Charles Speiss and Lowell Speiss: Plain tiff denies allegations in defend ants. answer. C M. Butterfield vi Charles Speiss and Lowell: Request by de fendant asks change of trial place to Clackamas county circuit court. Bonnie B. Stinson vs William W. -fSiinson: Suit for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment, re quests custody of minor child and asks $35 a month for support of minor child. Agnes Hammack vs James A. Hanimack: Suit for divorce grant ed and custody of minor child a warded to plaintiff. Herman R. Hanson vi Leo J. De Mers: Order dismisses suit with prejudice and without cost to either party. i MUNICIPAL COURT George M. Hopper, Salem route 7, box 300, reckless driving; fined $25. Russell E. Wolverton. Salem route 1, box 415, disorderly con duct, fined $50; charged with car 26, student, and Grace Munson, Seattle, 27, secretary. : Ralph F. Dungey Gervais rout 1, 23, mechanic, and oM. Tenor Beam, 1090 Norway sL 23, clerk stenographer. 1 : j PROBATE COURT j Emma Murphy Brown estate: Keith Brown appointed executor and Margaret L. Johnson, Lester Barr and J. Ray Rhoten, apprai sers, f Blood Donor Recruiters iri Salem Area Several persons have turned in names of donors or taken out cards to recruit donors for the re gional olood center in appreciation for blood given previously to mem bers of their family, the Red Cross reported Thursday. The regular September visita tion of the mobile unit to Salem will be Tuesday, September 13, The unit will be in operation from 3 to 7 p.m. at the First Method ist church. The Red Cross reminds that there is time at each ; visitation to accommodate persons who have not made appointments but wish to donate blood. Wins Prize With Pullets ' Yvonne Goode. Salem, led Wil lamette; valley contestants in the 4-H club's junior "chicken of to morrow" contest at the Oregon state fair Thursday, taking three first places. Miss i Goode was first in Jhe white leghorn class with her wee pullets.: Her brother, Wayne, plac ed second in the same division. She also placed first in the sin gle comb white leghorn class with her cockerel and two pullets. Her brother also placed second in this division. The brother, sister com bination took their third honors with their entries of 12 white eggs. Miss Goode continued ner win ning form, winnng several other awards in the 4-H. poultry divt sionShe was winner witHNfler pen of white leghorn pullets and show ed one of the 10 best poultry exhibits. Crosby Mans Tractor, Cuts 'First Ground? JASPER PARK, Alta, Sept 8-J VP)- Crooner Blng Crosby took rvinff concealed weaDon nleaded yn ' v"wu" " """J fwTtSi irP,?K over the controls of a big-tractor 15, posted $50 bail. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Lawrence T. Epping, 1925 Maple t., 28, merchant, and Jeanette T. Hotter, Box 117, Mt Angel, 21, teacher. George Calvin Miller 1960 Broadway st., 29, driver examiner, ind. Betty Ilene Emerson, Mor Jantown, W. Va., 27, nurse. H Harold G. Hamm, 471 Kingwood, and turned ! first sod of the new Canadian Legion hall here last night. He drove up and down the plot, handily manning the controls and singing as the plow behind the tractor cut the sod. Then he started a fund drive by presenting the legion branch with a check for $1,000. Crosby is! holidaying at Jasper and playing In the annual Totem Pole golf tournament. ' Nationalists Retake Gty on Canton Route CANTON, China, Sept. MV Chinese press reports tonight said the nationalists had recaptured Jucheng. key postion 170 miles north of Canton. The defense ministry declined to confirm it, but a spokesman said the nationalist position was much improved. While he forecast new communist attacks, the spokesman Gen. Teng Wen-Yi, said the red drive from Jucheng westward to wards the Canton railway 30 miles away had slackened. Teng predicted a red retreat in that area, but at the same time said the communists were bring ing in reinforcements. He forecast a new red thrust at the railway station of Chenghsien, 180 miles north of Canton. Teng was enthusiastic about vic tories secored in August by Na tionalist Gen. Pai Chung-Hsi more than 100 miles farther north along the railway. He said they more than compensated for red capture of the seaport of Foochow and the distant northwestern citadel of Lanchow. Cost oMaltmg China Reds Set At $75 Million WASHINGTON, Sept t-UPh Senators edged toward . a com promise China-aid plan today af ter a military expert told them a $73,000,000 outlay plus U. S. supervision might check the tide of communism in Asia. Vice Admiral Oscar C Badger recommended the far eastern anti communist fund to a closed - door meeting of the senate foreign rela tions and armed services commit tees. The group is studying an arms plan to strengthen friendly nations against communism. Badger told the senators that four areas remain in China where red armies might be effectively opposed. He said American as sistance could possibly save Thai land, Burma, India and other far east areas from falling under red domination. He also suggested the aid should be given only to Chinese leaders with plans which meet the ap proval of American officials. And the aid should be directed by Am ericans. This reoort of Badeer's testi mony was relayed to reporters by Senator Connally (D-rex), cnair man of the combined senate com mittees. The admiral has just re turned, to Washington fronvduty in the Pacific where he has been serving as commander of U. .S. naval forces in the far east. Connally who has been the chief opponent of direct aid to-non-communist China, said he would go a long on a compromise to give Pre sident Truman authority to spend $50,000,000 to $75,000,000 for an anti-communist program in Asia. Jewelry Stolen From Beach Home SEASIDE, Sept. 8-CTVThe theft of $3,000 worth of jewelry and camera equipment from the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frank was reported here today. The culprit apparently climbed through an open bedroom window late yesterday. .Frank is a mem ber of the family which owns the Meier and Frank department store in Portland. An average mile of natural gas pipeline costs about $100,000. V MARKET Hunt's, 8 om. 20 for 4 Tomato Sanco Porta Beans E Pickles T Sw,,t"-t J a If Hunt's whole, unsweet ftpnCOIS ened 300's. 7 for Boysenberries "r Vt2 SLICED YELLOW CUNO Peaches 8u or ....... ........ Hew Polaloes Ss Tomatoes 10 for Hunt's No, 2Vi ton 5 for $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 il $1 si mm Tomalo Juice ?o $1 Hunt's. 24-ox. Jar LalSUp 7 for-. T. Tender Garden. 300's reas 6 f Hominy m.... $1 $1 $1 fs nexus Frail Cocktail Jt: $1 RED RASPBERRY Preserves Spinach t-. $i PRODUCE II Sweet Poiaioes & Yams vL 25 c Grapes - and Flame Tokays 4m lbs. 19c b. 4c dtm. 39 c Squash Danish baking six . - ; Sanldst iicmoas Large, 380 sis M EATS Pork Roast ... . 49c Bee! Roast .49 Pork Steak . 53c Skinless Werners 49c Dill Pickles 3 1 14c 3045 - So. Com!. So: Goral e 1 XZryJtJ. i M Sunshine I Lenon 1 I Drops I 9 ox. cello bags ROYAL GELATIN 7 flavors 3 pkgs. STARUST Green Label xt tin PAR-T-PAK Klondike Ppas O No. 2 tin L Hunts Tomato Juice 46 ox. tin j Smith's Spaghetti IS ox. tin cans Leeds" Corned Beef Hash. 16 ox. tin 25c 25c 10c 33c Grape Juice T St' tomato Soup Campbells 3 tins . Honey Whitneys Wild Flower 1 lb. glass Ovalline Chocolate " ! Pl- J Durkees j aaiau ursmg pint 9l f . Herskey I Dainties J 1 9 ox. cello bag i r 1 250 Apples I Naw Cron 1 ssbsa , I Red Delicious J 730 2 lbs. 29c I N Sparkling Water Full quart 150 (Plus BottU Deposit) PAR-T-PAI Beverages Full quart 200 (Plus Bottle Deposit) Root Beer, Oranfe. Tom Collins. Glncerate. Cola Hunts. HoItss & slices. reacnes No.2Vi tin Tea Garden 250 430 CURTIS I'larkel "Where yon find personal a 1 1 ention at no extra (cost. Our "Fair Week-Specials SWIFT'S "SWEET SMOKE BONELESS PIEEJIE BOES---: Boko or Boil and srre hoi - slic cold for lunchoa SWUTS "BABY LINK" BROOKFIELD MAKES THE MM give Green Siamps About sixteen per pound .Pound Preferred over oil others from coast to coast FRYER -BAKES -RABBITS -DELICIOUS POTATO OR MACARONI SALADS-LUNCH MEATS Large, Variety, Choice Selection! f TOR MEAT TO EAT WE CANT BE BEAT1" ! HERB CURTIS YA OiH m CSIEIJ, FANCY suinasT LEiions 360 size Dozen Dozen ..ib. c SUNSHINE KJUSPl Crackers 2 n. pkr. 45 Cleanser Swifts 4m tins 21c SUNSHINE Shredded Wheal 1 6 C Wax Paper ""X i? 23 C Bleach Hoi rrrzs fan Peantl Bnller ZLZ. Snlders Old Fashioned Chili Sance u.,um 19c 35c tj yftf" 'in in- or tfM&nvs Bffim wing e&e&. Lydia Grey Facial Tissues Pkg. 400 Sheets 2 pko. 650 i i Zee Paper Napkins Pkg. 80s 110 Disqnich Larce pka. 450 Iliiy Ilico Bread White lYt lb. loaf ., , I. 190 Boreno Soap Pouder ill i- 550 48 oc pkg. i L f Si"! ! i-i ; ii . .