Tlie LOW Wi3ekly RATE Plate YOUR 1 Classified iADi For Day On 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 Houses for Sale 80S Houses For Sal 911.600. Real value in this new wall built I BR. home, all on one ;flr. Oil lit piped to an rms. UU1. & fur. rm. Big din. rm.. fireplace. c 910.300. For this nice 2 Ac. tract loc close in on Flher Ed. Bart), chix baa. 1 Bit. lg. dining rm., fplc. full dry baarot.. plenty ahruba A fruit tree. S500. Bargain, t rm. solid, aound house, can be mad Into Apt. 4 easy. No. S zona, lot 74 x 130. t 913.SO0. New 3 BR- bom In En gel wood. Full bamt.. oil fur., fplc. in baamt 4c Itv. rm. Nice size din. rm. , bath ,os first floor, full plum. A 3 BR. up. 910.SOO.S Walnut Park. Baamt., oil fur.. Va bath. 1 BR. 4c fall batlt flrat floor. Cedar lined closets, fplc. Corner, lot. pvd. at. - Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate New Location. 433 N. High SL Ph. 3-4840 Eve. jph. Paul CeU 2-7769 Jack Stoutenberg 3-3834 or 3-4704 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS i f r iVBT A UTTIX HOMX ; . Combination living-room and dining-room, 1 bedroom, kitchen. Utility room, bath and garage, just rig ht for a couple, very nice location and ALL THE FURNITURE IS INCLUDED for 44000. NEARLY SUBURBAN A cute 3 bedroom home with oil floor furnace heat, hardwood floor and a nire lot-Just $7500. : t HOUSES 1 LOT 1 ia a 3 bedroom home, not new but. in food condition, the Other one ia about 4 year old and hai 1 bedroom, total revenue $110 00 a month. 49000. CHARMING RANCH STYLE HOME Lovely picture window, attractive brick front make thia an unusual home, clever bar arrangement in kitchen, it a a home you muit see before you make that final decision ONLY $11,230. 5 WELL HOME 4- ENCLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT ' . In excellent condition inside and out. awell lot, fine S room home with full basement, fireplace. Just the place to call home $12,000. 3 WANT TO RUN A ROOMING HOUSE? I rH t vmir familv too hm for your oresent home? If o. drive by 339 N. Winter St. (VERY CLOSE IN) and look over this very sturdy 6 bedroom home with double plumbing, full basement, etc. He hava the key In the office to show you thru anytime - s Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 800 Real Estate 810 Farms. Acreage For Sals EXCELLENT INVESTMENT BUY Choice 40 ACRES, with NEW 3 Bed room mine. Elec water system, twee la East Price $15,000. Terms. Ed. D. Potter, Realtor 313 8. Huh Pn. 3-3630 or 3-4fcg Snap 4 Acre. 1-4 rm hae. & 1-3 rm hse. Barn. Chicken hae. Family orchard. Sprint;. Water system. Near school 4c store. Owner leaving for Calif. Pric ed at $4930. C. W. Reeve Realtor 443 S. Comi Ph 3-4390 Eve 3-9334 10 ACRES, $4500 $1300 down. bal. terms. Rolling land. 1 acre cleared. Live creek In pas tore. 3 bdrm. house with bath. barn, garage. Immediate possession. Call Allen Jones and Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 RIVER BOTTOM FARM, CLOSE IN. 31 acres deep CKEHAIJ5 silt all un der Irritation, naaaceelled for dairy ing, truck crooa. mint, bulbs, etc. Plastered 3 bedroom borne, base ment, .attached garage, 20 capacity dairy barn, eoetcrete floors. Concrete walled milk bouse. A very desirable location on pavement. Includes Irri gation system. Come ' in well talk price and terms. STOCK ic AIRY FARM IRRIGATED LADINO. 133 A. dark loam, loc. West easy drive from Salem. 114 A. in grain. : hay and clover. Well drained. Artesian well. 3 springs, water piped to all bide. Spacioua, well arranged mod. : plast. home. Deem., rurnace. (Magnificent view over valley). 10 stanch, barn, new 900 capacity pltry hse. new 2 car garage, milk house, ige. hog barn. Priced to sell. S25.000. terms, P.S. Will trade for modern 2 BR. home or mcome property. Salem. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S, Comi St. Ph. 3-8389 Evening: 3-7440 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sal 852 Used Cars For Sals Warner Always Has the Better Buys 1949 Lincoln Sedan coupe has everything, 8000 miles one owner $2595.00 1949 Mercury sedan - lots of accessories .. 2095.00 1947 Lincoln sedan - like new, 19,000 miles 1695.00 1948 Ford Sedan Beautiful uphol. Clean as a pin 1345.00 1946 DeSoto Club coupe 995.00 1947 Frazer sedan . 1295.00 1940 Lincoln Sedan with Mercury 'motor .. 595.00 1939 Lincoln sedan, a good buy at 495.00 1938 Chevrolet Sedan. Clean ...r..r. 345.00 1938 Plymouth cpe. Clean inside, goodmtr 345.00 1937 Willys sedan - good motor 1 75.00 1937 Chevrolet coupe, only 295.00 1937 Ford P. U 195.00 WARNER MOTOR CO. 444 CENTER 477 Court St. Eve. 2-3488 - 2-8033 Phone 2-4113 or 2-4118 3-3632 - 2-J998 Best Buys1 TRADE W have a very attractive 2 bdrm. house east to trade for a nice home In Enslewood dist. Must nave Due . n...n.p i wllllntf to nav the 111.7111. WWMtl " Fl - a ' His askinx price is $8000. What have youf -ve. rn. j-joso or g-0473. KINGWOOD Brand new. Fireplace, radiant Jieat. attached garage, large lot. view. Im mediate possession. Total price $9750. r H-A. approved for $7400. May take vacant lot as part payment. Eve. ph. $-3558 or 2-0473. ; $7500 SPECIAL 9 bdrm. suburban home Oil heat. Ven. blinds. Family fruit. Very clean. Would like to trade for business or hat have you? Eve. ph. 3-3554. FARMS 15 ACRES 4S500 down. Smallr house but modern & In A-l condition. acres clover. JOO filbert tree. 160 prune tree Willamette soil - Total price $8300. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3554. 13 ACRES 91500 down, 5 fm. house. barn, garage, I chicken house. 2 acres boysenberries, I some fruit. Total price only $5500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph 3-7820, 2-439fl 3033 Portland Rj. lTACSt about 6 ml. from Salem. Creek thru property. If you are will ing to fix it up. would make a nice home. Price $2650. small down psy mcnt. - . ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD. 1 bedrm. down: 3 up. Att. garage. Fireplace. Bus. 1 blk. Price" only $S00. Small down paym't; bal. less than rent. Immediate possession. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN 3 bedrm home. Hdw. floors; loil furnace. Att. tarage. Fenced back yard; good iwn. Best of garden soil. Keizer Uist. Lot 40x120 Price $7,000. $5450 GI loan. 4. payable $34.36 per mo. Can be assumed. fAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT. Good comfortable 2 bedrm. home with glassed In front porch:. also sleeping 808 Lota For Sals EAST VIEW lots. $750 to $2300 opp. 545 Vista ave. Ph. 3-4itB4. 4 LOTS for sale on Z3ra 5c Adams. Reasonable. Write to 3. C. Plank, Gen. Dei Dorena. Oregon. LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus. close to school on Silverton highway. 1 Why pay rent. Build your own home. $15 down. $13 per month. General Real Estate 255 Center ;j Ph. 3-3289 2 B.R. house on 1 A. Montag elec range. r 6 mo. old. elec water system, large car shed 4c out building. $3230. $1430 dn.. $23 mo. on bal. ' ml. W. of Aumsville on Turner Highway. T. R. Dodson. CORNER lot 60x123 on pavement. 2385 Claude St. Ph. 2-5512 m ACRES. 1 acre strawberries, house. 4 rooms and bath down. 3 rooms up. barn, 2 chicken houses, double gar age. $4100. $2200 down, balance pay able $200 a yr. plus int. 5', mi. west of Stay ton, 'i ml. north of North Santiam school. R. A. Reynolds, Rt. 1. Box 62 Marion. Ore. St. BEAUTIFUL view tracts, timber or fruit. 1 to 5 acre available. OTChard Heights dist. $25 down. $13 month oeracre Call 17F3 CORNER LOT. 100x50. cor of Oxford and High. Inq. 1999 W Nob Hill eves 810 Farms, Acrsaqi For Sals orch. Cement basement. Oil furnact. shade trees. Pric only $7930. till ice lawn, shrubs, plenty of large 1XVELY 4 ROOM home only 2 y old. Oil furnace: basement. La . lot. Price only $8950. Leo N. Child. Inc., ears rge Realtors $44 State St. Eve Ph. 3-3MS renin call: Mr. Sederstrom. 3-8789 or Mr. voornees, z-4uu ( mTTStTELL BY 1STH 1484 eoultv for $500. One year old i bdrm. house, hardwd fis . plat tered. 442 Bliler ave. Mapleton ad dition out North Front. 45WNER transferred. 3 bdrms on 1 floor. 34 yr. old. all electric heat 1390 Jefferson. Ph. 3-5228. 808 Lots For Sals LOT. 78x132. on bus line, close to school. Inq. 2080 Lansing Ave. $10 DOWN r Lota with water, electricity, bus aer vice, trees, close to school. Balance $13 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 South High Ph. 3-4204 Sun. & Eves: 3-8341. 3-9712. 3-2533. 3-3734 Statesman CUnlfled AdTtrUiUt Classified Ads Call 2-2441 HUNTERS Special in Canada. 48 acres in heart of Cariboo. Meadow for land ing field. 4 rm. log house, running water, gd. big game, hunting 4c fish ing. IS milk goats. 1-xeg-lstered buck, 7 pltf. team of horses. 44 ROP White Leghorn hens, rabbits A other stock. Hse. completely furn Farm equip ment, full price $5500 or will eU without furniture, stock 8c equipment for $4.000. Ph. 3-9073. J Some very good 'i acre tracts, close In. east. 100 ft. frontage on pavea road. $550 & up. 12 acres best of soil, lay perfect, won derful suburban homesite. 300 rt. frontage on paved road. Approx. $400 per acre. $7000 S acre. 3 bedroom home, close in. G. A. Viccary Real Estate 8IB N. Com I. St. ; Pnone 2-QjZi 4 ACRE fruit, nut and grain. 3 bed- .n. V. n . . ...11 .....V. .r. tmn. Will .M.I WSSIdlk IMKilllll, double garage, barn, Loc ted 3rd house east of Krueger Market, 1 mile east of State Hospital on paved road. Center St. Price $12.600 00 Owner Mrs. J. W. MeCune. ph. 2-1204. 10 A. SMALL 4 rm. L 4c M DEAL PHONE 3-3012 pup house 18x40 pup house. All build ings 2 yr old. Out Silverton Kd McCain Ave. N. Last place on left house, garage A 1 to Attention 50 A FARM land. 2 mi. S.W. Aumsville. Price $4000. E. M. Van Nuys. 2827 N.E. Hoyt, Portland. 812 Exehangs Real Estate VISIT i SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT For the best-in transportation at the price YdU want to Pay. 1941 Pontiac Sedanette. RiH. new paint 1941 Hudson Sedan. Clean. O'drive 1941 Packard Sedan, RiH. O'drive 1937 Pontiac Sedan, good Mech. 1937 Hudson Sedan, runs perfect 1937 Plymouth Sedan, good transportation 1938 Chevrolet Coach, good tires 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, only $93 00 1934 Ford Coach a steal at $95 00 1929 Ford A Coupe, try It for $60.00 ALL These PLUS a lot of other can be FOUND AT ! SHROCK'S ECONOMY LOT 3020 Portland Road Phone 2-7023 PROPERTY south of Reno. Nev. will trade for property or equity in Ore gon. Write Box 266 co Statesman. Trade for Smaller Home Large beautiful home close in. Will trade for 2 or 3 bedrm. home in city or out of city. This home is modern & has 4 bed rm. Right In town. I also have 2 bedrm. with 2 lots to trade for S or 10 acres. This home is clear of mortg. Has nice liv. rm. & fireplace. Don't want to assume, but will go in most any direction. Art Madsen Realty Co. fh 3-3580 2-8812 Sale or Trade $3500. Small hse. 2 Acres. Strawberries A Boysen. Elec. W. system. WiQ trade. C. W. Reeve Realtor M5 3 Comi Ph 3-4390 Eve 3-9536 WlLL TRADEiacre worthTl000for good, medium sized, modern trailer Rouse. 200 S. 22nd. 818 Wantsd. Rsci Estate HOUSE and lot or lot In No. 4 cone. Ph. 3-7671. Business Directory ADDING MACHINES Ail makes used machines, sold, test ed, repaired. Roen. 454 Court- Phone 3-6773. i APPLIANCE 8EKVTCS Bendlx. KelvUiator and Hotpoint Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap- pllance. 353 Center St. Phone 3-3139. Y EATER Appliance Co, 25$ No. Lib Ph. 3-4311 - . AUTOMOBILE REPAIR Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.. 310 N. Comi. At VOIR DOOR GRINDING Lawn mowcAS. scissor knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. Ph. S-6&33. BRA' ES : ji Mike Panes, 215 8. Comi PhJ-SISi Brake 4t wheel augning specialist. Bl l I. DOZING DEAN ROBINSON. Phone 2-65377 LT CRAWLER, doling 1-3220. BUILDING CONTRACTORS FRAM or masonry const. Remodel ing, new foundations. Alt Bros.. 2-3909 CEMENT WALLlKG SAND ani GRAVEL C6. Crushed rock. Tor roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage it ditching. yd. shovel and drag line. Phone 3-W49. Per tins -15 Thrrs Insertisas icr Una 40e 1 loMrttsns. per tins . .! On month per Un ftJ4 (Outside st Sslem, fcb Use .15) Hlnlsoam tws Uast. Ceant S words t hue. j Besdert la city twlefi On 1e The deadline for classified and reedee advertising is 4 44 pjn daily. Only mergeney "lost ads srOJ be acrented after that boor. The Statesman reserves the rig' ce reect queetlooab) advertising It further teas rvea tbe right to place 0 advertising nnder tbg proper classification. The Statesman assumes Be finan cial responsibility tor errors whtes) may appear ta advertisements pub Uibed ta ttaj columns md to easet where thia jbeper Is at fault will reprtirt that I perl eg aa ail ei Ilea snent sa wkicb the typograpolcal mutate accurs, A "Blind" Ad an ad rontsintng a Statesmas) boa number fas' aa address ia fut the protection of the advertiaar and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of aa ed- -VUndT aV Sidewalk, driveway, anything cement Prompt service E. Drtjn Ph. -431 .MNT CONTRACTOR DRlVrWAVS. St&CWALKs. FOtfW- OATIONS. anything concrete. Ph 24830 CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIMNEY sweep. NortKnc COMMERCIAL AtT ; PK. 3-44S0 Letterhead cartoons, business slgs trade marks, photo, retouching. Bob Browne, Salem Engraving Ph. $-3441 215 S Commercial V.LFCTRICAL CONTRACTLNG VINCE'S Cectrlc for electrical wir ing, eontractlng-repalrlng. 197 S. Lib Phone 3-9234. FIKNACF. CLFANINO HOLLAND FURNACE CO. S20Kesrney .-; Phone 3-7908 FtRViTIRE BEFixTSBINO sT'ECIaXISTS at" refinishing modern & antique furn Lee Bros. Ph. 2-7001. riRNiTi'RK kestobIno ' We specialize In restoring ai furniture Lambert's. Ph. 3-flOO itique HAt LIN G LESTER DeLapp Truck Comi hauling 4c furniture Service moving Daily service to Portland. Ph 3-1734 Ht Al TH Atmoray. Hayley ' Pugh. Ph. 3-47FT. HEATING Jud son's r79 k Comi Ph. 3-4141. HOUSfcHOLlTrRODtCtl J R $V atkins oroducta 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem l Ph S-S Free del INStLATION'-WtATBtfcitfsnprlNir ' J6HSs-MANmiXPhon y?44 ""fTtTUR ElNSlUtA TtrCfl Co 1-0053 LA I Islikifg" Deluxe Serve-: ferson St. Ph Srlf" LAWNMOWtkT Laundry.' J-J453, TtTTeT Call SHARPEN IN G Guaranteed New power and hand Hsrr W Seett 147 So Comi St knives sharnened. Dexter 1230 Center. 3-S833. t-iGMTiNO nxrcsLaa baleso's exclusive lighting store, tal H Hie Senator Hotel Bldg 4-4413 UiLL aW WIaiak lie t4iU. MUSIC LESSONS - VIOLIN A piano lessons. State accred ited teacher Ph. 2-6013 Spanish and Hawaiian cuiUr man dolin banjo, etc. 1333 Court. Ph. 3-736S. NURSERIES Landscaping A designing. . A. Doer ner A Sons, ISO No. Lancaster. Ph 2-1322. OIL CIRCtATOB SEBVICB Call Cy Younger. Ph 3-6073 OIL FURNACE, BURNER SERVICE Llovd Robinson. 1025 N. 17. 2-1775 PAINTING PAlNTTNG A decorating, interior. exterior. 635 Curchdale ave. Ph. 3-4247. Painting and papering. Tree estimaSs, Rhone 3-9d13 857 Shipping PAPERHANOINO And pamtmg Don Lucero. Ph. 3-553 PLUMBING TSsT catur & Maer S70 S. Comi Ph. 3-4223 Judaon's. 279 No. Com! Ph. 3-4141. GENERAL repair and pumps. Repairs Bill Skewis. Phone 3-4600" PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capital B-vgain House. 144 CenterTt PUMPS BARNES pumps. Salem Equip. Co. Stettler Supply Co. SCHMVI.HO Phone 3-034T gpVtAVix6, 1140 NTWinteT KAWS Salem Saw Wka. 1293 N. 3th. 3-7601 SFWEB SEBVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive naL" ent razer sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains or drain tile. Septic lanxs cceanea. rn -SSZi. Z-S46S or SEPTIC TANKS Mike'i Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Rot Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Kim i t.. w, saiem. Ph. 3-9468, 3-3327. VACuL'MPumping. No mileage charge. Call us collect, Todda SepUc Tank aervice. state St. Ph. 2-0734 K. r HAM EL Kent IC t.nk. r U.a n-t4 Electric machine service on sewer and drain ones. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th n Wert Satem Ph. 3-7404. 4tWfNG MACHINES ALL MAKESewlne machines renalr ed, serviced. Pick up deliver. Ph. 3 5J"9 BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired, terms. ' all makes, W. Da ven port. 3-747 1 . Ail makes repaired, free est. Singer 3 at CO. 130 n. comi Ph. 3-3312. SICKROOM EQUiPMEXT I RENT sick room equipment 3-3774. SIGNS SHOW CARDS R L Elfstrotn Co TOOLS FOR RENT 340 Court. S-24S3 HOW SLR BROS, your power tool rental headquarters. 141S S. 12th. Ph 3-34. fRtf gPftAYINd TREE spraying J Carden Ph. 1-1824 VENKTIAN BLINDS Made ia SajemZ free estimatea ' 2-7328, Elmer. The Blind Man. WATCH REPAIRING Claude Mix 244 N Comi Ph. 3-4030 (ft ATHERSTRIPPING fBEK estinvatee T Pullman. 3-5963. Ttixn&RiLljN i Well Dniilng - Domestic Irrigation industrial H. A Robtnsoa. 3314 M Front Salem. Ph, 4-T3S3 ' Ueyers Broa, R. L box 334. DaBae! Ph I64 ".alem oh 4-4140 A. lUZia A doan wJ driTUn. N TODAY'S BIG VALUE NEWS! "14 KARAT" BUYS For Discriminate Used Car Buyers 1946 PONTIAC TUDOR. R&.H. Al CAR '' iJ 1946 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. RiH. TWO TONE , . 1944 FORD LINE COUPE. SEAT COVERS. W S. TIRES ; 1946 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE. LOADED : 1944 WILLYS JEEPSTER. A 42000 CAR FOR 1944 FORD 4 CYL. 4 DR. SEDAN. RAH AS LOW AS 20 More Cars to Choose.From Priced $250. to $1000. THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY. Don't Forget the Location VALLEY MOTOR MART S124S 41298 4 1695 41293 41593 $1193 Phone 3-3147 High and Center Salem FAIR SPECIALS We still have a few fine buys left. Come in. Convince yourself. 1949 Kaiser Sedan 1948 Ford Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile 5 Pass. 1941 Oldsmobile 5 Pass. 1941 Plymouth Tudor 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Pontiac Sedan I Some Cheapies league Motor Company Phone 24173 352 N. Commercial "39 CHEV. Sedan, new front end, tires V heater good shape ph. J-2025. See at Smiling Jack's Clipper Stav Coj ner Church 6c Center streets. '33 DODGE, very good condition, hes ter. S.B. lights, new generstor and battery. Must go. Best offer. 1404 Market St 1947 PLYMOUTH super deluxe sedan. RAH. low mileage. Excellent cond. New rubber, life guard - tubes. 1 owner car. $1395. Ph. 3-5520 lus ronn 4 DOOR Sedan In fair condi tion. 4223 terms McCall S Used Car. 1297 SUte. Dial 3-S108. 1940 CHEVROLET Town Sedan. R. brig lnal Jet black paint, low mileage, clean inside and out. $493. McCalTs. i 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. 1941 FORD 4 DOOR Sedan. RAH. Seat covers, new paint, and in good mechanical condition, 1743. McCalTs, 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. 193S CHEVROLET Coupe. R A H. a good clean car. S393. McCall s Used Car. 1297 State Dial 3-8108 BEST BUY on 1S36 Buick. Only $223 Equity $30. Phone 3-7773. '37 DESOTO Sdn Good shape. 4 new tire. O drive. 427. call after 4 pm 3-720 i $50 USED CAR lot. Any car on the lot 430 and your old one. 12th SL Junc tion ooen evenings until le o m BY OWNER: Engiian MG 2 door. wiU take trade. Sold new $2347 ask. In 41595 Call 3-3012. RETURNING to school, must sell Packard Radio, heater, tr drive, motor A tires good. See at 1 113 Madison. PM. ; 40 1935 CHEV. standard 4 dr. sedan $130. Call Pat O Brian. Ph. 2-2863 after M p-m. 800 Real Estate 812 Exchcmgs BsqI Estate EQUITY la 4 rm. new home with shower, utility rra, hwd. Or-, wired for E. range, elec. wtr. beater. 50x100 lot for lg trailer house In good cond. Inquire eves, after 4 pjn. at 1963 Oxford St. .WILSON'S . Serving Salem Since 1902 1948 BUICK RO A DMAS TER SEDANETTE. Light green, white tires, Dynaflow 1947 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1949 FORD COUPE 1943 CHEV. SEDAN.'. 1441 BUICK COUPE 1941 CHEV. SEDAN 1940 BUICK COUPE 1940 DO DOE COUPE 1M0 OLDS. SEDAN 1934 BUICK SEDANj 1937 CHEV, 3 jDOOR-i. 1934 DODGE SEDAN- ,$319 .$1893 .41749 4 443 . $ 499 -J 429 J 794 -4 499 . $ 699 -4 999 S 429 . 279 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center 1949 Chevrolet panel Radio A heater. Low mileage, like new. Shrock Motor Co. Phone 3-7923 This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-S101 Wc Arc in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CASS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 353 H High v Salem. Oreron fn CMV. l door deluxe sedan. RAH. flippers, skirts, new tires seat cov er. 4375. 200 Evergreen. Ph. 2-6323. "35 PLY. SDN. New paint, beater, good motor. 4130. Ph. 34771. 1339 N. Suaa- 850 Automotive 850 Autorjiotive 850 Automotive 852 Ussd Cars For Sals 852 Ussd Cars For Sals 852 Ussd Cars Far Sals personally; endorsed USED CARS i The way that you may be sure of getting the Best ear for your Dollar 1948 Hudson Super 6 Sedan A car with The Modern design and the most of what you've wanted most. Radio, Aircon ditioner. gas saving overdrive, and loads of other extras. 1949 Chevrolet Panel This late model panel hase radio heater, sun shade, window awning, air horns and other extras. Has very low mileage and is priced right. 1947 HinIon Super 6 Sedan A roomy 4 pass. 4 door with lota of Commo dore feature. Has Weather control heater. O'drive. and many other extras. It's nice, clean, and ready to go at the right price. 1941 Chevrolet Sedan Finish and upholstery In exceptional condi tion, one owner with low mileage. Here ia the nirest 1941 model car in town. We have a good selection of most 1948 Hudson Super 6 Club Cp. The car that you step down Into. Equipped with many Commodore features and. has Ra dio, heater, fog lites and sportllght. Tops b Beauty and performance and ready to ge, 1948 Kaiser Sedan A late model car with White wall Urea, seel covers, heater,! and other extras and priced so reasonably, you'd think it was a '47 model. 1941 Hudson Club Coupe Finish Inside j and out in good eondtUoau Motor had new ring and a valve grind S short time ago, With radio and heater at the price you want to pay. 1946 Hudson Pickup See this one arid youll buy It. 1946 Dod-e T. Pickup ' Has 4 speed trans and good chassis. i makes and models to choose from SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY This Time It's Hudson HIGHWAY ECONOMY LOT 3020 PORTI.A ND ROAD PHONE 2-7023- DOWNTOWN SALES LOT WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH PHONE 3-75C2 Let's make this State Fair the Best Ever By attending It BEST CAR OFFERED SALE 1937 Ford. 83 h p . 3 p-ss coupe. RAH. New paint. SI 20 Cash and best car offered in trade 1938 . Oldsmobile. 4 dr. sedan with heater. Deal With the Dealer $95 Cash and best car offered In trade 1934 Chevrolet sedan $45 Cash and best car offered In trade SEE CAROL 930 No. Commercial St. DESPERATE Will sacrifice clean "41 Chev. Hurry, this car will ro cheap for quick sale. Ph 2-8078 253 Gerth St. 1929 MODEL A. Call 2-3438. "28 DURAND car" Good motor and tires S50. Ph. 3-7320. 1949 Chevrolet panel. Radio A heater. Low mileage, like new. Shrock Motor Co. Phone 3-7922 BEST offer on older car for equity in nice '41 Olds Ph. 42631. 1928 Pontiac I 55 1933 Plymouth gedan $5 i 1940 Nash Ambassador sean 495 O.D.. R A H I 1941 Nash Ambassador sedan 793 O.D.. RAH ill 1941 Pontiae coupe X 675 3 RAH 1916 Chevrolet Stvlemaster sedan 1195 ! 1946 Nash sedan 1195 j 1948 Nash sedan 1545 1 i MARION MOTORS ! 333 Center St Ph. 3-9287 or 3-9288 854 Trucks. Trailers For Sals 1934 CHE. T. panel. Good cond. Sa lem Newt Agency. 691 N. High. 856 Wanted. Cars Trucks ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE 232S Falrerounds Rd. P. -ne 2-8454 USED CARS Buy A se'L Ron's Motor Co 240 S High. Phone 3-4598 WAN TED I CLEAN USED CARS Bob Man 2160 So. Commercial St. 8S8 Motorcycles MUST SELL 1947 Ariel cycle In good shape300. 1369 Center. WHIZZER motor bke; good running cond., heavy dutv wheels, terms. 1B85 N. Church. Ph 2-98S0 Indian - Cushman WHIZZES MOTOR BIKE Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd. 862 House Trailers' Ph 3-1423 Deer Hunters New Kit - Tens Reduced to 4793. Also several small used trailers. 4273 A up. Just the thing for that hunting trip. iawk Trailer Sales Co. 2440 Portland Rd. 23 FT. GLIDER, Butane range, sleeps 4. good cond. wSO. Flrcrest Trailer Park. N. RUrer Rd Jayh TRADE 1930 Dodge Tudor for trailer house of equal value. Write States man Box 255 . i' 24 FT. Coxy Coach trailer, like new. Lived la only a- menuis. skw Mon roe ave 1949 FACTORY built, sleeps 4. per. feet condition. Bargain. 130 Lena HOUSE TRAfLfcK BARGAINS. 1444 Sparton Manor, many extras, perfect cond. Also 1947 American, excel, cond. Reaa. terms to approved party. Eyerly Aircraft Co Ph 1-331 HOUSE trailer wanted on nicely rural horne. 43.730. Phone 2-0229. '44 ALUM LVLIrf bouse trailer. 3 rm. Hot and cold water, ref. Martin's Trailer Court. Mill City. -ALL MXTAL GUder. Completely furn. Frig., apt., six range, etc.. dolly and awning included. Must be seen to be appreciated. WiUeford Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Rd. Bargain Hunters, Here Is Good New Closing Oat All HOUSE TRAILERS New 21 ft. Universalj Were S2100. sow SUM New 22 ft. Pacific Liners Were 421SS. now 41794 New 28 ft Mobilhome Were 43130. now 42594 '49 Universal 25 ft. Were 83699. now 42299 Akw many used trailers marked sows tor tnia aaaa isOJIUTY MOTORS 4344 Portland Rd. HOT ROD ROADSTER. '41 Merc, motor. I 1949 CHEV. tudor sedan Driven only Sealed beam lights. Padded top. Ph. I 2 mos 81750. See at 1980 Hazelav4. 3-9814. 335 Belmont. I Ph. 3-8234. rcsontatesmaa MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to tha use for ressblkattoa sf ail the local news printed In this newspaper, aa well aa all AP news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OP BUREAU OP ADVERTISING Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Co. New York, CbJoafO, San Francisco. Detroit. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION 8UBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier in cities By mall in Oregon l In advance) By special Sunday delivery on many rural routes. " By mail In U.SA outside Oregon (in adv.) bally and Sunday 4 1.20 month SO month 4.75 six moa, 9.00 ear Week-days Only 4 1.00 month .73 month 4.23 six moa. 8.00 vesr Seven -day rste (week-day by mall, motor delivery Sunday) 412.80 a vear (in adv.) 1 .20 month 7.20 six moa 14 40 year 1.00 month 4.00 six moa 12.00 year Sundays Only JO week .40 month i2t six mos. 4.00 year .10 week 4.30 rear (In adv.) M month 1.73 six mos. 4.00 year Availab in certain areas DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Young; aalmon 5 Music character 0. White ant (Phil 10. Ons who inherits 11. Whippletroe 14. Goddess of death f Norse) IS Tenderest 18 Public notice 17 Sums up 18 Nitrogen, mustard fas (abbr ) 19 Cape of Good Hope discoverer 70 On tha ocean 22 Jargon 24. Flogs (slang) 29 Canvas shelter 2. aty (N T ) 27. King of .Bashaa (BID.) 28 Glad 29. Buddha. (Chin name) 31. Packages 34- A very small draught 25 Pendants incave4 37. Goddess of . discprd iS. Verbal 39 CUn(Ir) 40 Rendered fat of swine DOWN Handled roughly Indigo dya Flowed Danish legislature Head cooks One of people of Latvia Ireland Sudden flood Ins stream Wild sheep (India) City (Pol ) Spirit lamps IT Am not (slang) 19 One of tha tribes of Israel 20 An age 21 Cunning 22 Oases 23 Represents Uvea of Pope 34 Port (SW Eng.) 26 French . chalk 28 Banquet 29. Piece of pastureland 30 Goddess of harvests (It) 31 Jo 5 fOjjfr p tjrlui c tftri T MIOLJ 9 M ULlTT T Yesterday's Aasweg. 32. Infrequent 33. Spring Clasp for papers 34 Asterisk, 38. Man's : name m r r r w r r r e w W i i v y7. wy. is W u u My i"l 11 w 1 . i til 3 I 4 IN.