Marion t Thm Stciacaeriain, Or Thwikrt, CrnB tlt4T ' Ml Third in Wage Compilation Although several thousand state and other public employes were not included in the compilation, Marion county held third place anions other Oregon countfis in DAILY AND SUNDAY The Nation's Top Comics . in Your Home Newiptper 1 4 .1 ett' 1 covered wages paid out in the firs quarter of 1949, the itate unem ployment compensation commis sion reported Wednesday. A total of $7,809,248 were paid out In this county. Lane county, in second place, paid $15,351,369 to its workers covered by unem ployment compensation, it was re ported. Multnomah county was in first place. DAG WOOD. WAKE UP ..(if OHifoBMdlhg a?V yV! xJSr. ' atar V' - V J a j . w I . ,ili!i!JP,'JIil1'' : fcillJ s tmH Casta TIL HAVE CCyVJGE JUiCE?5 i TWO EGGS SCPAMBLEP, Ti Sr BUTTEPED TOAST - VTy y-B 4 C . . ... " i 1 ' 'iv rrvnVtfi.- w .... . v 77-. a A better idea of what the new sUte offlee buildinc will be like when completed can be had by passers-by now since workmen tore down part of the surrounding fence Wednesday. The fence was remov ed from the southeast corner of the block, and concrete sidewalks are being laid as bulldosers level the ground. (Statesman photo.) Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Sept 7--To day's closing quotations: Gen Electric ...... 37V4IVdJo Corp .. Gen Foods 100U Rayonier Gen Motors 62! Rayonier pfd American Can .... 93 Am Power it Lt 11 Am Tel 8c Tel 143 V4 Anaconda Bendix A via ... Beth Steel Boeing Air ....... Calif Pack Canadian Pac, . Case J I Caterpillar . Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Vultee ... 29 26y4 19 y 33 14 38 33 V, 52 10 Continental Can 33 i 26il Goodyear Tire .. 39 4 Crown Zel - 264 Curtis Wr 7 Tra i rfl a Air Dupont de Ne SIHI Int Harvest 36 Int Paper 54 Kennecott 45 Ubby McNfcL 7! So Pacific. Long Bell A 20 V Stan Oil Cal Reynolds Met . Riclifield 4. Safeway 4 Sears Roeb .... Mont Ward Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy N Y Central .... Northern Ppc Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas Elec P T it T Penny J C 52lStudebsker 134' Sun Mining 33 I Transamerica . 10V, Union Oil . S)kUn Pacific Un, Airlines 33 V4 U S Steel i 1 02 Vi Warner Bros 5 Hi Woolworth im 24 31V, 19T' 39!g 26 414 39 68 v4 22 9 IIV4 3 Hi 81 12 22 104 48 Feed Grains ler Close Higl CHICAGO, Sept. 7-()-Feed grains closed higher while wheat ended mostly lower on the Board of Trade today. Dealings were not very active, the market's, main feature being a lack of selling!.. Stock Market Breezes Ahead NEW YORK, Sept. 7-(-The stock market breezed ahead today for gains of fractions to more than a point. Demand for oils, motors, rails, and radio and television stocks parked the rise but plus signs "were literally spattered through most (ft the list. . Non-ferrous Metal and Steel company issued were among the few which tended to hang back. Trading activity expanded as quotations edged forward. Turn over of 850,000 shares was tops for around three week and comparea with yesterday's meager 640,000. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .5 of one point to 64.5. This compares with the summer rally high of ,65.3 touched Aug. 18. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Presa S?nt. 7 STOCK AVERAGES 30 ? 19 Induat ' Rails Net change Wednesday . Prv. day ... Week mmo -. Month ago -Aj . S0.7 90.2 . 91.6 Yar ago SJ,9 AS S3 S 33t i3 S43 45 - if 15 UUls AS 41.1 409 40.7 40 8 41 J Stocks9 AS 4 5 4 0 63.7 65 1 69.0 pressure everywhere except in wheat. - ! At one time December wheat made a new high since July, but it ended on a small loss for the day. There was a good deal of lo cal buying of this contract against sales of May. J uly wheat, repre senting the 1950 crop, sank to a new seasonal low. Wheat closed lower to higher, corn was -7s higher, rye was V4 lower to 4 higher, soy beans wre unchanged to i high er and lard was 5 cents lower to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher. There was little m the news to give any incentive to trades in wheataithough it was noted the Commodity Credit corporation bought 430,000 (T) bushels last week end. Most of this was in the Pacific northwest. Labish Center Bov Stricken With Polio LABISH CENTER Gary Lovre, son of the Harry Lovre's. is in Dornbecher hospital in Portland after being stricken with infantile paralysis last week. Dinner guests at the E. BKlam pe home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boehm. Guests at the Klampe home Monday night were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker and Mrs. Katherine Daugherty. Onion growers in this area were well started on their harvesting when stopped by the thunder show er Sunday night The onions must be dried off before they can be stored for winter. There was much activity in the onion market last week with some options being tak en for delivery in November and later. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Klampe en tertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Art Starker. Mrs. Andy McCoy who has been in a Portland hospital for about is in critical condition. BLOND IE ITS' MV BE1IP-P'. rutrr T TriAtSRKE CVXE Yb NEXXJ TWr5 MANIAC, PAREE, IS EUMINATlNQ BOND AVERAOEf to i 19 sr Rails Indust Net chsnge Wednesday Prev. day . Week ago Month ago . Year ao .... ... 0 .911 913 91 1 .90S 9U At 102 i 102 S 10 J 102 4 101.1 18 Uttl unch 104 2 1042 1040 103.9 M.9 1 Torrn Dl TO J 70.3 S3. J Columbia Press Magazine Starts 1 Astoria, sept. t-(jp)-a new magazine which will cover the background of regional and local news was initiated here today. Entitled the Columbia Press, it will be published monthly-by Ok! Zatterlow, who publishes a Fin nish language newspaper here, and by Walter Mattila. Oregon Jour nal, marine editor and former As-torlan. Hazel Green School To Open Monday HAZEL GREEN Hazel Green school will open Monday, Septem ber 12. The floors have been sand ed and varnished, the interior has been freshly painted and many other Improvements have been made. Roy Aker was elected to replace Julius Slattum as director. Glen Looney was elected clerk at a "re cent school board meeting. Other directors are Kenneth Bayne, chairman and Ray McKibben. Teachers are the same as last year. Mrs. A. B. Wiesner will teach the upper grades; Mrs. J. C. Mor rell. intermediate, and Mrs. Cora Clark, primary. ; ; 9- Trial Opens in South Oregon Murder Cage ROSEBURG, Sept. 7 -UP)- Test imony opened today in the murder trial of Victoria Sanders. 21, who is accused of slaying Ralph Mojon nier in their cabin near Drain two years ago. Selection of a Jury five men and seven women was complet ed yesterday. DIC WCTU TO MEET SILVERTON Silverton's WCTU chapter will hold its September meeting at the Christian church parlors Friday at 2 p.m. New of ficers will be elected and the program will be in charge of Mrs. A. H. Smith. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time Kiloeyeles: KKLM IJM. KOCO 1491. ROIN 871. KG IV ilA urr tlfll ho urn 6KSLM KOCO KOIN sow . SIX Morn. Newa. 00:15 pawn Patrol I News Roundup K0IN Klock Hods Pod( (Hod Pods Early Bird Zarly Bird (Farm News IKOCO KJock KOIN Klock iKneasa Nf Early Bind C:4S (March T!m IKOCO Klock IKOIN Klock (Hods Pods tarly Bird Pedee Families Visit, Entertain PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank, accompanied by the Rev and Mrs. E. ! A. Fogg. Milwaukie, visited at Crater Lake and Rose- bura last week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ziebeck of Cottage Grove and Mrs. Lena Tur ner of Maupin, visited this week at the W. Troy Turner and Fran cis Dyer homes. Among those attending the. wed ding of Miss Lois Siddall and Rob ert Miller at Salem Saturday were Mrs-. Mollie Lacey, grandmother of the bride, Mrs. Sidney Howard, Mr. and Mrs.Jerry Ronco, Mrs. Thera Womer, Miss Nola Vomer. lit. and Mrs. Lyle Ritner are the parents of a 7 pound girl bom August 30 at Salem General hos pital. The baby has been named Carolyn Sue and Is the second child. Grandparents'! are Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ritner and Mr. and Mrs- Fred Brassfield. Mrs., Willamette DeRosa and children of San Luis Obispo, Calif, are visiting! at the home of her father, Arthur Dyer and brother Francis Dyer. Dyer Is in a Dallas hospital recovering ifrom injuries received in a logging accident. 7KSMI KOCO KOIN a KGW six Dawn Patrol Tex Hitter Koik Klock Farm Tlma News Dawn Patrol (Dawn Patrol News Nws At Sports Tod O' Mornlne ITon O Morning INws ICMck Jo, Frd Back IFarm Time Old Sons JKneasa News nana tux IBoo Uaxmn Tim Box IBob Haxan Tempos 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX News Weet Melodies User News Music Time Tempos (Bresktast Oang!Breakiast GerotTop Trades Wildwd church (West Melodies Art Baker iMusie lArgonaky i fHJrmrTt?MCgg T BELIgVg 1 r T W&MT NrHI -m T-AcrTI ft,r-A.,... - XI PWEN ITOOMtS, TME ATTACK" SRCE OUT TO DINNER. 1 I ARE OOtNO TO MAKE aS 1 I Wl Li TAKE PLACET IN INSIST ON KEEPING MIM AN TALLATONo OUP I LsgKEl PgESSJNG BOOM. J WITH M3U glGHT UP TP A L TrojQk A' i u i n r I r mw wurv i i i tuat cum n r a r y wi i muii "si-nif m - TRACT ' " ' ' I -L-f II --JlfcrtW I bLJ V-r- lwj?6RtN0TDHAVERXk'5AM . y1 Lf ARN SOMETUIM' THEY BEfYt SOME 0AY III PM0 W RXJCS GEE,ZERO.WiaYAIfe; A HOME AN GO t SCHOOL 2 WONT KNOW THE 0AY 6E,wSSrfT WAT " BE SwSllTir L QY LITTLE Txli EVERY DAY LIKE REGULAR a BEFORE-AN WHEN THEYGET MAKESME FEEL HAPPY JUST iny KSr Ji6,TMEYlREJgggBLE C2 WINK ABOUT r?' finm7mFWTJQ !lTPaP"""""S'i-aBBBBBaBaaM LITTLE 'ANNIE BOONZT BUZZ IStars Sine Make Believe (Make Believe I Riders of SafeiSam Hares IZ. Manner Stars Strut KSLM Barfaln CountrMarn SncHal Knm Ptmira rM.l. OCO Haven af Raat lHn of n.ct lu,i IT i- Tk.n.. 522f StoPT I Newt (Grand Slam Rowmirr 5ow gwnd Cub; Kecond Cup Jack Berch iNews KEX Bfast Chib iB'fast Club iB'fart Oub IB'fast Club 9; Look land ; Learn I 1: By A. C Gordoa 1. What are tha jroung of each of the following called: (a) goat (b) frog, (q) deer, (d) bear7 2. What i the science of sounds, especially of speech sounds, cal i. What if the literal meaning of "veto" 4. Which iis the ; ' oldest living specimen of tree descended from geological times 5. What is a testator? k Sanswers ' 1. (a) Kid. (b) tadpole, (c) fawn, (d) cpb. 2. Phonetics. S. "I forbid.' 4. The pine tree;.; 5.. A man who leaves a will or testament in force at his death. 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX News N. W. News I Kate Mem. Smith Music Wendr Warren! Aunt Jenny bc Aavued Pastor' Call ITune Time (Sage Riders Ijoncert News I Be Advised Todar Stars IH. Trent Cal Sunder (Home Towner Tropic Echoes I Tropica na (Promenade 11! KSLM OCO KOIN KGW KEX News Music Mart Big Sister Orchestra T. Malone (Walker's IMusic Mart IMa Perkins lOrcheatra Galen Drake lOrganalltirt Jan Garber Dr. Malone iroday's Child. I True Story IWalti Serenade IVariety IGuidlns Light !L. Lawton tTrue Story 121 KSLM fop Trades INews 'Oueen for KOCO H'wood Music IHoUyw'd Music 'News , OIN Newa ICanw Gt It IN nraka KGW Double NothtaS Doublfc Nothing News KEX B. Crocker INews IBaukhage Day Queen for Day I red Dale iBrtKhter Day ILiKht World i Baukhage 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ladles first Ladies First 'N. W News (Bob Eberlr Mae's Melodies I Mac's Melodies i Mac's Melodies (Mac's Melodies Mrs. Burton P Mason Bright St Light I Air-Flo Life Beautiful IRoad of Life IPepper Family lHapplness Northwest vINorthwest Kay West IKay West 2 KSLM Tell Neighbor 'Johnson Fara. lOrgan Reveries iBlhg Sings KOCO Macs Melodies (Mac's Melodies Mac-s Melodies iMacj Melodies KOIN Air Newspaper Air Newspaper Chicagoans ITurefully Yours KGW B sUge wile Stella Dallas ILorenzo Jones IWidder Browa KEX B fast Hollw'd B'fast HoUw'd Easy Aces iMeet Menjous HOSTS ACS TCV1 rgyiisk? to scPi!ZE us OUT op revsNiN'A M V ' sr .1 iv V ' . asssstrrv m ryi I 1 MICKEY MCUSf EVENiN'l 1TPM0W PO fc 31 KSLM KOCO KOIN GW KKX The Storm ffhe Storm Music (Music Mac's Melodies (Mac's Melodies (Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies Art rurkham (Meet Missus Glrfo Marries .traces Life Surprise Pkg. Surprise Paa. n4eet Missus 'Robert Lewis IPlain Bull IPage Farrell tBride Si Groom!Bride St Groom 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Lucky T Movie Time Robert Lewis tVetc'me Trav. Be Seated Lucky -T IPhUoaopher ! Robert Lewis IWelc'me Trav. IBe Seated ' Brand wynn iBedlam (Robert Lewis (Aunt Mary lAdd-s-Llne (News IBedlam Robert Lewis ILove it Leara lAddra-Ltne 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Rhythm Ranch Curt Master Woman Secret Squirrel Cage IF. jRythm Ranch little Show Sunny Side Squirrel Cage Hemingway Behind Story IBing Crosiey (Club IS INews John Lujack tNa IKeyboard Ed Murrow (Harkness Uohn Lujack 6! KSLM KOCO OIN KGW . KKX .. B-Bar-B Candle Light K Manning Serenade Sports B-Bar-B Candle Light Beulah Serenade Homo Edition (Champion INews C. Huntler (Music Cocktail I Romances Music Bill Stern News E. Peterson Romances 7i KSLM KOCO KOIN GW KEX Gab. Heatter Pat O'Brteo Suspense Nelson Eddy Headline N.W New (Ramblers I Ram biers Mnsic Jackpot Evelyn Knight football Proph. iSuspense Crime Photo. Crisne Photo. (Nelson Eddy (Be Advised I Be Advised Euntr uayis immon Huny on Damon Kunyon KOCti KOIN KGW KKX Drama Track 1490 Playhouse Fred Waring Counter Spy Charlie Spivak Track 1490 Playhouse Fred Waring Counter Spy I Morgan Mannar Morgan 'Track 1480 iTrack 1490 Manner .trst Nlghter IPred Waring (First 100 yrs. frtrst Nlghter Fred Waring First 100 yrs. 9f KSLM flop lone Cas. JHop long Cas. OCO Track 1480 ITrack 1490 KOIN L. Thomas (Smith Show KGW Sinatra-Kirsten News World KKX Amateur Hr. (Amateur Hr. Bee Follies News Mr. Keen M. Wilson ' Amateur Hr. Ire Follies (Connie Riiaaet Mr. Keen IM. Wilson Dream Musie A ' ! . ' I i : wrriA 11 KSLM News Local News KOCO Frontier Town (Frontier Town KOIN Star Final IF.B L KGW News IS ports Page KKX News tntermezzo News Your Wuaie Concert Hour Music four Musie Parade Bands wagon Hour KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Nocturne KOIN Serenade) KGW Sam Hayee KKX Concert Hew JBob Poole (Nocturne jlfOM Ac World (Was Museum (Concert Hour Poole (Nocturne nestra rax Mueeura Musie INoeUtme (Orchestra (Wax Mbm latasa KOAC S50 k. evThur4ay 1040 The News; 10:1 Especially for Women: 11:00 The Concert Bad; 120 The News: 11 JS pjn. Noon Farm Hour; 1 -Ot Oron Stat Fair: tM Cavaleade Drama: SOS Memory Book of Music; S 00 The News: 3.1 Musie of the Mas ters: 4S Interloehea Concert: S-00 On toe Upbeat; 1J0 550 Sports Club; H0 The News; S:1S Round the Cam pf Ire; S:4S Spot Market and Market Re views: IM Oregon State Fan-: 0 00 Aviation In the Jiiews: S IS Great Songs: I -30 Piogiam a Canada; S:44 Tbe News: OrS Mutae that Kndursr: Even ins Meaitatlons: ISM Kccwrsla m Setanee: 10 S anaoe; 10:4S The News: 11. OS Sign Off. -erL-' ON HIS WY BACK TO TV HOSPITAL. V AFTER WIRJNO HIS RENT5 THE NEWS A Top twc arpjval of their f 6RArAUcrr0i;-A -.WIS CAR LEFT TVal ROAO AMO OUssVsSDl ALOEN STONE WAS IN6TAMTLY KlLirP... LKAVIMO HIS WIPg. JaWXK, PPasHUsBB( UNLESS THE STONES RCLfTED. fTV- UTTUIRU r ,f TVRfSHonsaa. j V amo mrvo-RLesci 1 -NCE LOT OP I CANTT TELL A . 1 StNCE TMc I A" TOAOSTdai' XviWtu&J y rh- 1ASOLZKE ALLEY VOUVE COT TO KNOW NOT FOR ME? TWCM, THAT ALL. I I WOULDN'T NOW WEKE rS TWE I TKU5T My CCTBLE ACARJCU9 Be9T PBENO CAMPETRrS rVW!CW i ON THAT J I CZOV5 IN TWC J.,m i i ,, rr not to Be CONPU6EP rVrrw ACAJQCU5 FASTlBILrS, DANCEEOU5. T AREN'T VI 1 vrxi II ArJZAIO 1! Trt t? at H 1 i s r I WUn4 (4 1 TME ONE B ! DANCER0U5.J KXI PCKlF CAT EM? WMEN I WANT SOME TO EAT I GO CVEil TO THE STORE, oil i cain't see TH DING-DONG FLOOR SHOW FROM AH INT THIS INfUNNEL POST. PAY UP AND GET OUT IFVOU DON T Line IT HEREU BARNET GOOGLt THTHAT PATCHWORK TIEl! IT'S GW1NVETH I-1 FEEL ALL FUNNY INSIDE VE LOOK rr OUTSIDE TOO, COUSIN f ( HECSFUL VE DON'T yrr.rJv, I r GIT A CRICK bck 2SSSiSSIIa2s2MCMlISS""""""."J 1