at' ,",- ii j . i 1 Place YOUR Classified AD For 7 Days On The LOW Weekly RATE 1 1 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel R. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer trim. 130 Candlewood Dr. Ph. 3-2383. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities LARGE SPACE new N. Capital Shop. Dist. Will built to cult tenant. R. E. Meredith, Rlt., or B K. Mason. 176 S Comm. Phont 3-8841. Ii UNIT MOTEL eW neat, food loca tion. 4 rm. house C. W BarteU. 3353 Portland Rd. FOUNTAIN LUNCH (or aaic. In good location. Meal for cpi WU1 take bs n trade Ph i-K!)S ATT. $ unit motel. 1 rm. home. 8E wni trade. 3590 S Com'l. St. Tor sale by owner A ntca oin business. Illness of Bro. force ult. S me or wnta 18S5 S 12th SUSalem Or. CRQCERY.BEATSr oil. beer. tc. For sale by owner. Real bargain for - imion. Wrll located. 3 can ban ' die Excellent reason for Mil inf. Writ Statesman box 993. 810 Money To" Loan Private Money On Car Truck St Trailer Homos Long of Short Term PirmtnU Hoy II. Simmons 13 S Commercial St Ph 3181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1S2 S Church St Ph. 3-3457 Parkin Aplenty" Lie. Ml 39-8254 FARM and CTTY LOXVS 4' and $ Tour own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate t-oo-tracta and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trunt Bid. Ph. 3-7183 BILLS UNPAID? 1 add your obligations I pay them off in a lump sum with a loan from Personal I then make just one reasonable pay ment each month 25 TO 500 ON AUTO UP TO 300 ON SALARY. FURNITURE Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a Jinn solves a problem, phone or com In today. Personal Finance Co. , of Salem IK State Rm. 125 Ph. 3-2464 Lu -S-.133 M-l5 C. R. Allen. Mfr. GASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem. largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need ItJ You can pay anytime to reduce net cost) No enrtirers" or nelp from friends! 8n cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 n furniture.'! livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 J Phone or .visit out office todayl Jt. No. S138 and M338 General Finance Corp. PH 3:916f 13 8. COMX ST. $ CASH $ 25 00 to $500 00 Turnltur. Livestock, Equipment loans up to S300. Car loans up to 1500.00. Com In or phone Holly wood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7033 Lie. No. M369 S2I Flovd Kenyon. Mgr See Us For Attractive Farm Loans 0nlv4 or 4V2,Int. B to 40 years and NO commission LEO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St.- Ph. 3-3663 612 Loons Wanted $VM) LOAN wanted'on Veteran's bonus. Will pay your interest. Ph. 2-6234 fRVOO. Loan wanted on first , mortgage on home and business property val ued at 25.000. Income from property fjus per month. Call 3-4547. ask for btcvens. 600 Employment 601 Halp Wanted, Male WANTED Barber for Fair week. Chris's Barber shop 2545 Portland Rd. Ph I -9834. 606 Halp Wanted, female LADY TO ASSIST our salesmen in pro motional survey of residential areas no selling, must be over 18 years of a ana nave aoimy to meei people S'ait at 125 week plus percentage. I dav week. Apply 9 a m. to 11' a m Willamette Valk-y Roof Co., Inc. 30 ' I ana Ave. fJlRLsV lS yrs. or o'lder, neat, well mannered Apply Capitol Theater. STENOGRAPhLR for general office work. Shorthand required. Apply In peison. Braun Insurance Agency. 182 S Church IToUSr.KEEpfiR & 4M State St. ' rare o7 children 603 Plckara Wanted BUNS, a late patch.' 2 gd. wks. Pick ing Mon. Free cabins, lights, showers, laundry facilities 8c wood. Dean Walker Farm Indep Call 39 or 140. Ho? PIFKlNrT wfir "fcuFFSept. 5 at the Jerman 4 Chitterwlen Yd. 12 miles out on S.' River Rd Free modern camp grounds and stoie. Rt. 3. Box $23. Salem. Statesman ClassifVd Advertising Classified Ad Call 2-2441 Per Una 15 40 7 Be Three Insertions icr Una 7 Insertions, per Una L Ona month per Hue f. a (Outside of SaJem. esch Una ', ISc) Mlnimom two lines. Coast S wards te hue. Reader tn elty briefs -Una ' The - deadline tor claastfled aad readet advertising Is B:43 p.m. daily. Only emergency "lost" ads will ba accepted after that hour. The Statesman reserves the right to retect questionabla sdverUslns' It further reserves the right to place au advertising . under tna classification. prop ' Th Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear la advertisements pub lished "in Its columns and tn eases where this, paper ss at fault win reprint that part of at) advertise ment hi which the typographical mistake occurs. . A "Blind" Ad on ad containing a Statesman boa number for an address I for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor ba answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge tnfor. mation as to the identity of as ad vertise using s "Blind" ad. 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wanted BEAN PICKERS. Bishop South River road. 10 minutes from saiem. bus leaves 12th St Mission 4:00. Farm La bor office JO, Ladd A Bush bank 35. south on Commercial to Owens. For information call 3-4137 ; HOP PICKERS wanted starting lates Man. Aug, 29. Good picking. Long run. Schurter and Kaufman Hop Yard, 2 miles south of Central Ho welL RL J, box 275. Sllverton. 610 Sales Parsons Wanted START AT $250 per mo and com mis -lion. Apply 9 a m. to 11 a.m. WilLam ette Valley Roof Co.. Inc. 20 Lena ave. i fcXJ salesman to sell leading line of appliances. Paying salary plus com mission with transportation furn ished. Write Box 256 j Statesman. LOCAL TIRE distributor of national advertised, brand desires retail tire salesman. 1 Married man preferred, ages 22-35. Car essential. Permanent position. Adequate salary. Experi ence helpful but not essential. Write Statesman; Box . 253 : living f e. ex- perience ,etc. ': ; EXP. furniture salesman. List experi ence St qualification. Write Box 257 Statesman. 614, Work Wanted, female CHILD care. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 29924. B755KRTEPINQ position, exp, refx Typing, bookkeeping macfe.. elee. calculator. Write Statesman box 99. 615 Situations Wanted CHILD CARE In my home during fair. 35c hr. 1506 Center, ph. 2-S469 WILL CARE for child during fair ex cept rues, ue nr. 858 bames: pn. 2-5394. ! YARD WORK, pruning, caretaker. Ph. 4-zn.ii p.! Fans. 121 Aider;,.: CHILD care by day in my tn Ph. 3-4871. CHILD care by day or month. Keizer a utrict. 5075 Newberg 3-1335. i : Drive. Ph. PARENTS. I Will car for your child while you attend fair. Dy the hour, day or night. 946 5. 12th. Ph. 2-0403. CHILD CARE by day, Ph. 2-8685 REMODEJLTMG and reptir work. Phone 3-1339 or 2-0218. CARPENTER work, new, repair. 22093. LET'S BID on your painting. Your paint or ours. M. L. Cottenburg. 3-424B. I i WANTED outside house painting. C. S Stahl. Ph. 2-8844 WILL do any kind of carpenter work re a on a bly.-HBI Union . Ph. 2-1487 . CEMENT workl All kinds. Ph. 2-4850 Lloyd M, Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds Ph 2-4367 3995 State St DSA WING house clans. Ph739G21. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and reoalred: Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568 CHIMNEY; sweep. Nofthness. Ph. 3-4450 700 Rentals GARAGE BLDG. 34x68 or can be used for other business.- Located 4 mi. N. of Salem on 99 hiway. Come Sunday St look it over. See Lake Labish . Welder 4 ml. N. of Salemi 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING! RMS. in gd. location. Pri home. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5539 LARGE sleeping rm., employed lady. 94S N. Whiter St. Ph. 3-8459. 32 RM. APT, with stove. 364 N. 21st. HOLLYWOOD sip. rm. 203S McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. ' WANT V OR 2 ladies to share new home near high sch.. Sears, at city ' bus low B st. pp. 3-azau SLEEPING R66M 1433 N. Capitol 70S Apartments For Rent BSM.T apt- Ph. 3-6534. 2 RM. house-keeping apt. for rent. 103 Marion. ' - i . APT, at 1935 N. CsPitoT NICELY furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Also furn. 2 rm. apt 550 N summer Ambassador Apts i - :; ALL MOD. 1 tnd 1 bdrm. apU. Furn and heated, with;'; garage. Available Sept 11: IGHT ht Ph. 24510 after 6 p m LI ousekeeping room, ilso 2 i. 37310. ? apt. Ph APPINO MACHTJff All makes ued machines, sold. int ed. repaired. Roen. 454 Court Phone 3-6773. ; APFL1ANCK 6EKVTCS Bendix, Kelvlnator and: Hotpotat Sales and Service Ralph Johnson Ap priance, 333 Center St Phon 3-3139. YEATER Appliance Co, 353 No. Ub Ph. 3-4311 ) : ; AUTOMOBILE REPAIR- ' Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.. 910 N. Com'l, AT YOUR POOR GRINDING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp- ejnedDexterf 1220 Center. Ph. 3-6833. BRATES f j iL. Mike Panek, 275 S. Com'L PhJ-4161 Brake A wheel aligning specialist.' BU I DOZING DEAN I ROBINSON. Phone 3-6337 iAWLER, Cozing 3-3220 BUILDING CONTRACTOR! FRAME r masonry const Remodel ir.g rnew foundaMons. Alt Bros.. 3-5909 t'FMENf Sidewalk, driveway, anything cement Prompt Service E. Drake. ; Ph. 2-4751 fKMKNt fOVTRACTOg , DRIVEWAYS. SlDtWALkS. FOUN DATIONS, anything coOcreta Ph 24850 t OMMFRCIAt ART Letterheads cartoons, business slgs trade marks photo retouching. Bob Browne. ( Salem Engraving .8 Ph. $-2441 21 S Commercial; I TLFCTRICAL CONTRA CTINO VIciTsEiectric' for electrical wtr- ing contracting -repairing, 13' Ub erty Phone 3-9239 j Ft'RVACE CLEANING HOLLAND FURNACE Ca 320 Kearney Ptone 3-780? Fl'RNITt'RE BEFIN13BTNQ SPECIALISTS at .refintshine modern tt antique furn Lee Bros. Ph. 2-7001 FCKNITrRK KESTORINO We specialize ih restoring antique furniture. Lambert s. Ph. 3-7100. HAULING LESTER DeLapp Truck Service Com'l baullng At furnitur moving Dair service to FortUnd jPn. I-1790 HFALTH Atmoravs. Harley Pugh." Ph. 3-8767. H RATING 1 Judsoh's, 379 N. Coml Ph. 3-4141. no us K BOLD PROOLCTB J R C atkins Cot products 1717 Cen- ter St.. ( Salem Pa 3-539S rreo oei INStLAitlON-WEATHEftTRIPPlNo" -Tr,Hi.lASVliA. Phone 3-374 TrUTURfc INSULATING Co 3-OOSl f.At NDRifT Deluxe iServe-Seli LaundryT 343 Jef fersonj St. Ph. 3-3453. . i atS'NMoWKRS SHAKPENLNG Guaranteed New hand caowers- CaO Ha Seott 147 So Coml St MOwtRi scissors, knives sharpened. Dexter 1220 Center. 3-6833. LIGHTING riXTCRRS Salem's exclusive Banting store. N Hi eh i Senator Hotel Hide 13 LlMBtH " MILL prices, wi' SaJem ill. o-ftSi Business A 1 700 Rehuls 707 Houses For Rant PARTLY rURN cottage at 2270 N. 4th, prefer to pay too additional o sunaoie parties who will care for 01 yr. old, partly invalid lady. Reply to 2270 N. 4th or Ph. 3-9504. : ' 3 BDRM UXrURN. HSEv Call 2-1892 W ACRE & 3 RM. bouse. 760 Cum- mines lane is .- near Jkcizcr. mi s. Hlgn St. CLEAN MOD 2 bdrm. bouse on bus line I7S. Ph. 3-5314, 708 Farms, Tracts For Rant A GOOD DAIRY or stock farm. 340 A. aaore man i mi. oi mca. e- fair hse. For rent or for sal on. easy payments. Alaea Dist. An excellent fruit farm, on of best. but buildings sre poor, s'i ml. xrom Salem, for rent or will sell on very reasonable terms. D. A. FISH 1484 S. ComX Phono 3-6524 710 Wantad To Rant, Housaa URGENT! 1 or 2 bdrm. furn. h. Near sch. Cple with I yr old girl. Can fur nish references. Phone 3-8243. 3 B.R. house with far. A chick hse. on or close to bus line. Middle-aged cple.. both working.. Ph. 4-2603 i Sr. H6CSS4 sdulu. 1 child K'ot over 150. prefer N. or fcv. Ph. 1-4322. fOUNG COUPLE with two small boys want 3 or 3 bedroom house. Will pay up to 50 mo. Ph. 3-9961. URGENTLY needed: 3 or 3 bdrm; furn. or eartty furn house near grade school, win pay up to saa. in. a-azo. SMALL rum he, or 3 rm. apt. In or near the vicinity of Woodburn by employed couple. Write Box 1000 co Statesman. 712 Wanted To Rent ApttC WE'RE NOT BENT on llvln' Ins tent. Would like to rent for wife and gent without a car, a place not far from City Center. Phone 3-9266, ext. 16 or 3-8094 URGENT! Willamette Professor re quires furn. apt. Immediately. 2 yr. old daughter. Ph. 3-9266. ask for Mr. Fnix. . i PERMANENT employee of oil company, no children, needs unfurn. one or two B.R. house or apt. equipped with stove and refrlg. if possible. Ph. Mr. Hayward at 3-7676 before 5 p.m. SMALL furnished apt., close in, orf or around Sept. 15 by two working women. Call 2-0702 after 6 p.m. 714 Business Rantals SMALL store building on busy street north, call 870 n. Church St. OFFICE, desk" space, conv loc Ph 3-9133 MODERN offices. Ph. 3-8389. UUblMJLSS Room. a. u Butt. 800 Real Estate 02 Businass Property MOTEL TRAILER COURT & SERVICE STATION This combination business is located on the 99E with a beautiful setting at the edge of the city limits. 2 bdr home 8c 7 units all with Kitchens, all completely furnished. B garages. Equipped for 20 trailers including large utility room. Mobil Gas serv ice station all stocked 8t equipped, including 3 electric gas pumps, hoist, air compressor, etc. 200 ft. hiway frontage. 400 ft. deep. Driveways are hard surfaced. Does a gross busi ness of $17,000 per year. Will con sider a home In trade, preferably In Eugene. For more information please get In contact With us. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF VERY GOOD BUYS IN HOMES, some with $500 to 11.000 dpwn, and easy terms. 'We also have a wide variety of bus inesses. We will exchange for your property, or wnat nave you. ; George W. Hubbs Co. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3-3031 J. Zeeb. Mgr. MCSIC LK8SON8 VIOLIN 8c piano lessons. State accred tied teacher, ph. 3-6013 Spanish and Hawaiian guitar, man- dolin banjo, etc. 1933 Court. Ph. 3-7$6B ntSSERIes Landscaping it deslgnlns. . A. Doer fler & Sons. 190 No Lancaster. Ph. 2-1322. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073 OIL F CRN ACE. BURNER SERVICE Llovd Robinson. 1025 N 17 t-ITOS j . . .' . i PAIN f ING PAINTING t decorating, interior exterior. 635 Curchdale ave. Ph. 2-8287 Painting and Daoerins Free estimate pnone 3-9)3 857 Shippmg rAPEK HANGING And painting. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522 PLUMBING CtNERAL repair and pumDS. BP caiur et waerf sto S com L Ph. 3-CZZ3 Judson's. 279 No. Coml Ph. 3-4141. Repairs Bill Skewis. Phone 3-4600 PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Capital B-xrgain House, 143 Center St PUMPS BARNES pumps. Salem Equlp.Co. stettler Supply Co. Phone 2-603$. reweXVing REWEAVING 1180 N. Winter S4WS Salem Saw Wks.: 1293 N. 3th. 3-7603 KKWFR SFRVICE ; Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive pat' ent raier sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains or drain tile. Septic tanxs cleaned. Ph 3-&3Z7. 3-9468 or 2-0927 SEPTIC TANKS Mike- Septic8ervlce. Tanks cleaned Row Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327 VACUUM Pumping;. No mileage charge. Call us collect. Tod as septic Tank service. 2545 state St. Ph. 3-0734. K. F. . HAM EL septic tanks cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th st. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. S L WING MACHINES ALL MAKES Sewing machines repair' ed, serviced. Pick up deliver. Ph. 3-3369. BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired, terms, all makes. W. DavenDort. 3-7671. All makes repaired, free est Singer S M CO. 130 Hi Com! Ph. 3-3513. aicn Room equipment I .RENT sick room equipment 3-3774. S1UNS Sc SHOW CAR! i ' IKOS R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 340 Court 3-2413 TOOLS FOR RENT HOWSER BROS, your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S. 12th. Ph 3-3646. . TREE SPRAYING TREE srrayinc J Carden. Ph, 3-1928 1 . Si.. 3t , T Yt.'NtllA bu.m Made in Salem, free aatimataa . 3-7328. t Elmer. The Bund Man. WATCB REPAIRING Claude Mix 24$ N CoraT Ph. 3-4030 WEATHERS TRIPPING FREE estimates T Pullman. 3-5963. WELL: D KILLING xs-j: j'ae -- ''"i 1 ' ' Weil DrUurut - Domestic Irrigation industrial H. A Robinson. 3214 N tVont Salem. Ph. 3-7293. Meyers Bros, Rt L box 364. DaUaa xnm Salem eh 3-4180 J. A. SNZED it Sons, well driHine, 330S Brooks St. Salcra, Pb. 3-e$o, Directory 800 Real Estate 802 Bttstnass Property BY OWNER: Bus. lot. 50 to 100 ft. front, N Portland Rd. Ph. 2-164X PRICE REDUCED 3 NEW 1 B.. homes, good Income, optional owners 3 B.R. borne. Room for expansion. No trades. 146 N. 5th, FOR LEASE- Service sutloa is floily wood Dtst at Inventory and equip ment United Petroleum. Call El 10 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moor or Mr. fikes. 806 Houses For Sate BY OWNER: Small unfinished house $150. $199 dn. acre. Ph. 2-S211 or 23203. . 9 RM. HOUSE, close to schools and Hollywood Dist. In a. 1954 N. Cap- ItoK : Make an offer Old home on two lots. 100x100 on cor. Busses close to door. 3 bedrms. $2800. Close in On North Cottage, old 3 bedrm. plast ered home, food lot with garden space la back, dining rm. at nook $7800. Swell Home Richmond Dist. Nice clean t bedrm. home. 1 blk from achool. Nice basement wltn snower. Fireplace Inside & out. Closed in backyard. A place we are not asham ed to show at 88500. One floor, 3 Bedrooms Brand new home ultra modern, even to Bendix washing system. w F-H-A. comlt. $12,000 - 32000 will handle. Nob Hill Dtst. WiU trade for 1 or 2 acres with mod.: 3 bedrm home. Shake 2 Bedrm. Home One half acre FruiUand dtst. Good water system, all kinds of rruit. S6450 - $1000 Dn. $50 monthly. Call Brower. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580 2-8812 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. home. east. hdwd. firs. V-blinds, auto, washer, lge lot. Terms Ph. 2-0048, 4350 Macleay Rd. $7500 Neat 3 bdrm homo, liv rm with fire piece, ain rm, nice kji. umin up- sUrs. suto oil heat, att far. Lge lot. Drive by Edina Lane, then call us. $8150 Owner must sell well built S bdrm home, liv rm with fireplace, kit with Rood i bultt-in. Inside utility rm., wd lflrs thruout. Within walking distance of town. Close to Senior HI and Parrtsh. $10,500 r A good buy In an older home, 3 bdrms. nice sleeping porcn. lge iiv. rm, roomy kit and a deep dry bsmt. Choicely located on beautifully land scaped double lot. Drive by 935 Ship ping, call us. Grlay-Himmell Realty Co. 1385 N. Capitol St. Phone 2-6458 Eves-Sundays 2-8Z97. 3-6W1. 3-4332 BY OWNER: New 3 B.R. home, Engle- wood Dist. 1475 East Ave. BY OWNER nice new : home should sell for $4900 will sacrifice for $4500. must leave by Sept. T. 998 Locust. 340 MABLE st. at Penn 4 Corners va cant now. 2 bed room and garage. 3 yrs. old. newly decorated, good terms at onry M0 per mo. and Interest at 47 OLAF THONSTAD REAL ESTATE . 941 N. Capitol St. Ph. 37903 $6,100.00. CLEAN 2 Bedrm home near Leslie School. Full Basement, ssuu.uu down. $55 00 month., Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High. Call 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 LEAVING STATE yr. old 2 br. home. Large lot nr. schools 8c stores. 1150 Nebraska St- WE ARE SOLD OUT Listings of good houses, all prices, needed. We sre as near as your phone. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 37660 rtiR efficient and effective sales ser- vice call the Salem Realty Co. wow , IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home. 6 lge. rms.. nawa. firs, thruout, suto-furn. piped to all rms. Unfin. upstairs. Stairway In. Breezeway. att. gar. Lge. lot. city water. Low down pavment. F.H-A. terms. Salem Heights dist. 585 Ewsld. New 2 Bdrm. Homes $195 Down. Move right In. no red tape. Hdwd noors, large garage, in cny. BaL $69 mo. inc. taxes, interest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7643 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126 PRICED to sell, l'j year old 2 bdrm. house, hardwd. firs. Oil furnace. Completely modern. Located 2 : blks. off Ratcliff Drive. 3745 Peck Ave. Ph 2-0032 No caUl on Sat. 1K25 N. 20th STREET One of Englewood's finest homes with 3 bdrms. plus adjoining rm. ok mas ter bdrm. hdwd. firs, up At down, liv. rm. din. rm. central hall. Phili ppine mahagony woodwork, fire place, auto-otl heat, full bsmt dbl. garage, one of our best buys. Call Roy Ferris. LOCATE FOR SCHOOL Get located for school In this conven iently located 3 bdrm. home st 1449 S Liberty St. : Liv. rm. din. rm, kit chen. 2 baths, room for inside util ity, dble. garage, shade trees, land scaped. A buy at $7,100. Only $1,400 down. Call Peter Gelser. CLASS "A" WAREHOUSE Downtown Salemr-Approx. 114)09 sq. ft of full truss roofed noor space, concrete bldg. corner lot locaUon, exceptional value. Call Coburn ' .L. Grabenhorst . GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 3-3471 Evenings 8c Sundays call Earl West 2-1232: Peter Geiser 3-9968: Roy Fer ris 2-8010: Ben Roisen 3-2471. BEST BUYS $1300 Down New very attractive home, insul.. weatherstripped. elec. heat. att. gar close to bus and school. Total price only $7600. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-355$. Garage Long lease. living quarters att. Doing good business. Good stock and equip ment Everything goes for only $2700. Will take car or trailer house as part payment. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-355$, $1000 Down Business bldg. with 1 very modern apartments. 99E highway frontage. Immed. possession. Lots of parking room. Total price only $3500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-355$. FARMS 30 Acres Close to school, paved road, all in or chard, beautiful building site, select view. Only 15 minutes from down town. Liberal terms. Total price only $8,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-395$. 10 Acres Modern home 13 min. from downtown. mile to school, fishpond, garage. Owner leaving state. Total price only $6500. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558, Al Isaak & Co Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-438$ 3033 Portland Rd. 800 Real Estate 80S Houses For Sale BY OWNER: garage. 571 3 bdrm, bsmt. lawn. s. 17th, FOR SALE: Modern suburban 3 B R. home. 1 Acre. dbL garage, chicken - hse. fenced in backyard Sx shade bees. Bus by door. $ blks from new Lincoln sch. 17900. Terms. Call 3-7034. APPR0XTMAT2 , acre. Few " miles south. House Bvable but needs re peir. Cloae to scnooL Price only $3650. $500 will handle: baL like rent S ACHES about miles from Salem. 2 rm. nous with shed. WeO. SJOOO. NEAT AS A PIN. $ room suburban home. Art garage. Small chicken house. 3 A. land: plenty fratt, nuts and berries. Price $5250. GOOD 3 bedrm. furniahd home. Nice and dean. On bus' nne. Price $673. Term. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUte St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees. 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom, 3-4789. WE ARE GOING to the fair Sunday and Monday, also Wed. P.M.. but doat let that keep you from call ins us aa we have a number of real good listings, both tn town and at the edge of town: and if it's a farm we. have them too. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 444 Court Phone 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773 - 3-7383 $1000 DOWN Payment. 3 bdrm.. Ige Iv. rm.. din. rm., lge. windows, maple hwd. floors, kit. with bar. utibty rm. with Bendix automatic, heat elec. water heat Intl. St storm win dows, unattached gar. with steel overhead door. Gardening is a way of life a superb way to solve many personal problems of living;. This lge. lot with berries, fruit St nuts is choice. Tel. 2-3113 evenings for appt. with owner. EDGE OF TOWN Large carpeted living snd dining , rooms, breakfast nook and car port. 100 ft. from bus. Your chance to buy 1130 sq. ft. of floor space, only 2 yrs. old, for $8500. Call Ben Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater. Ph. 3-3109; Eves. 3-9939 DO YOU WANT TO SELL? LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED! This office sold 30 Salem homes during July snd August. Clients waiting for homes. $9,000 to $20,000. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Phone 3-7643 Fair Week Special By owner: 2 B.R. home. LJl.. D.R.. kitchen, bath, utility room, attach ed garage, electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet in L.R. and D.R. Nice lawn and shrubs. Fenced in back yard, bus by door, can be seen anytime. 455 Wayne Drive Down $37.50 per mo. Including taxes and insurance buys a new unfinished liv able 2 bedroom home wired for range. Over , 675 feet of floor space including a 65 by 117 lot. Close to bus, store and achool. Call us today. Reimann For Real Estate 201 S High Ph. 3-9203 Eve. & Sun. 2-8241, 3-9713. 3-2532. 2-3738 $500 Down! , New J -bed room home with hardwood floors, wired for range on l3 acre of ground. Balance like rent. No. 291. Englewood District 2- bedroom home with fuH basement . and auto, oil heat. Nice living & din ing rooms. $9,900 with $2,000 down. Balance . F.H A. No. 289 One 1 -Floor! 3- bed rooms, large living room with fireplace. Hardwood floors thruout. Large kitchen with Bendix. Large lit. $3,200 down. Balance F.H A. No. 340 Reimann For Real Estate 301 South High St Ph. 3-9203 Sun St Eves. 2-373$ 2-8241 2-2532 3-9712 BY OWNER: Good loc. 2 blk. to Les 11s Jr. High. 1 blk. to Park. 2 BR. down. 1 up. F.C.B. dual heating sy stem, patio, newly dec.., refrtg. auto, w.h.. new garage, lge. lot garden, fruit and nuts. $1500 down,. $50 mo. or trsde for Portland property. 1999 . S. Cottage. Phone 3-8815. Owner Leaving Oregon 4 Bedroom home one year old. Large living room, til kitchen, bath up stairs snd down. Plastered basement and garage. Hardwood floors, lots built Ins. terraced back yard. Cost over $18,000. to build. Reduced to $12,500 for quick sale. For Informa tion, call 3-4347. ' S. High St. Mod. Home 3 bdrms. up.. 1 dn: Llvtng-dlnlng comb., flrpi.: kit with nook. auto, oil heat. lge. bsmt. $12.600 Ph. 3-4196. ENGLEWOOD Modern 3 bd rm. home. Unfin. ustalrs. hwd. firs, thruout. Fireplace. Vene tian bids., lots of Closets and built in, auto. heat. $2500 down. 1550 Nor- wav. 3 ' BR modem home, new paint and paper thruout Inside. New shingle roof. Close to school, bus at front door. Close to shopping district: $6750. Vi down, liberal terms on balance Call Warner Motor Co.. ph. 22487. HOUSE to be moved. 3 rms & bath wired for ranee, water htr. Venetian blinds, rue. See at 3990 Center $13,000. CLEAN, MODERN 2 Bedroom home North. Full Basement 2 ri re places. Hardwood fls throughout Beautiful yard, shrubs. $2,500 down. Balance $50.00 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 193 S'. High. Crfl 3-4121, Eves. 3-9561 ATTENTION New mod. 3 rm. home, latest thine in interior decora Ung. Beautiful color ed plumbing, low down payment And small monthly pytnt. See Glenn Hamilton. 3019 N. 34th. Ph. 2-3388. MODERN 5 RM. house, 3 lots. 2383 Claude. Ph. 3-5913. 808 Lots For Sale LOTS WITH WATER, electricity, bus, close to achool on Sitverton highway. Why pay rent. Build your own home. $13 down. $13 per moo in. General Real Estate 299 Center Ph. 3-3289 BY OWNER: Lot 70x112. City water $850. $23 down. Ph. 2-5211, 23203. ',i A ON paved street Liyington Ave, ' near Lansinr. Ph. 2-4722 CORNER lot 60x123 on pavement. 2385 Claude St. Ph. 3-5512 BEAUTIFUL slew trsct. timber or fruit 1 to $ seres available. Orchard Heixhts dist. $25 down. $15 month oer acre. Call 17F3 CORNER LOT, 100x30. cor of Oxford and Hifh Tna 1999 w Nob hiii eves FOR. SALE: k Acre lot Inquire 904 Larsen Ave 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale" BY OWNER: $$ seres, all in cultivation. No buildings. Irrigation welL I mile off Portland Hiway. Priced to sell- Adam Scfaweinfurth, Rt I. Gervais. 13 N. of Salem on River Road by Eld- ridge School. 19 A. FINE BLACK LAND east good build site. S2950. 43 A. Close tn. some timber, bargain , nrtre S4 750. ai a V,is.lrn Mit.tin uuni her . . ...... r' ,-, ries, good 3 BR. mod. house, nice artin. naved href. $8,730.- 40 A. near Pratum. best of land, highly developed, good improvements, stock and equip, available. Farm $29,000. 10 A. Joining SUte Property East. Tin bUck land. All in cult New 2 B.R. mod. home, Just completed. $8750. Terms. ' R. E.. Meredith. Rlt, or B. M. Mason 17$ S. Cocji. mon j-aau 800 Real Estate 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale Attention 3 BJL bouse cat A. Mon tag elec range. $ mo. old. elec water system, large ear shed Sc out building. $3230. $1850 dn..; $25 mo. on bal. ml. W. of Aurrumll oa Turner Highway. T. R. Pod Ron. ; ; SO A FARM land 3 mi. S.W. Aumsvtlle. Price $4000. C M. Van Nuys. 3837 NX Hovi Portland. , HL'NTRS SPECIAL in Canada. 4$ acres in heart of Cariboo. Meadow for landing field. 4 rm. log house, running water, gd big game, hunt ing and flshinay 13 milk goats. 1 reg istered buck. 7 pigs, team of horses. 44 O P white leghorn hens, rabbit St other stock. Hse completely furn. Farm equipment Full price $5500 or WIU sell without .furniture, stock St equipment for $4.000. Ph. 3-9073 3 ACRE fruit nut and grain. 3 bed' rooiti house. full cement basemnt. double garage, barn. Located 3rd house east of Kruegers Market 1 mile esst of State Hospital on paved road. Center St. Price $12.800 00 Ow ner Mrs. J. W. McQune. ph. 2-1264. 812 Exchange Real Estate I TO TRADE Neat 3 bdrm. hse. DeLska. Clear of debt. Trade on house in Salem and SALEM REALTY CO. S REALTORS 149lN High St Phone 3-7660 WTLli TRAD-4 acre worth $1000 for good, medium sized, modern trsiler Fiouse. 200 S. 22nd. 818 Wantad, Real Estate WAITED Acres ge and Farms. Whst have you? Eve Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3358 Al j Isaak & Ph. E-7B20, 2-4596 Co., Realtor 3(139 Portland Rd. 1 Farms Have cash buyers for good farms 50 to 1 100 acres. Must have plenty of waiter for Irrigation. See us at once if .you have something like this for iSullivan Realty Co. 3385 Portland Rd. ' Ph. 3-3353 850 Automotive 852; Used Cars For Sale '40 CHEV. TUDOR, clean, motor good. 137 N. Commercial. 11 MODEL A roadster make offer. 13$7 N. Commercial. 1936 'LAFAYETTE. $35. Phone 3-1650. 1936 FORD 4 DOOR Sedan in fair condl tion. $223 terms McCaU's Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. 1940 CHEVROLET Town Sedan, R. orig inal let black paint clean Inside and out. $695. McCa 1297 State. Dial 3-6108. 1941 FORD 4 DOOR Sedan. R 4c H. Sest covers, rrew paint and in good mechanical condition, $743. McCaU's. meet 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. 1938 CHEVROLET Coupe. R St H. a good clean car. $395. McCall s Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 3-8108. WILSON'S Fair Prices-Trades-Terms 3 3 . ; 19i BUICK SUPER SEDAN J 189$ I Low mileage, clean as new. Superior condition i 194$ BUICK ROADMASTER SDN ... 1799 194 FORD COUPE. .1743 1941 BUICK SUPER COUPE : 1049 1941 BUICK SPECIAL COUPE 893 1943 CHEVROLET SEDAN 849 1944 CHEVROLET SEDAN.:,,. $29 1940 BUICK SUPER COUPS . 799 1$40 MERCURY SEDAN.. 799 194$ OLDS SEDAN . 695 194J0 DODGE COUPE 899 1937 CHEVROLET $ DOOR 435 Otto j. wilson co. Commercial at Center SAVE $700 ON BEAUTIFUL NEW 1949 VAGA BOND HOUSE TRAILERS, 29' a FT. TANDEM. ALL FULLY EQUIPPED. i CALL OR COME OUT AND SEE THEM AT ONCE. QUALITY USED CARS 1 $110 PORTLAND RD. I PHONE 3-7264 OR 8-6780 BfcST BUY on 1936 Buick. Only $229 r.miitv SS0. Phone 3-7773. SAVE $ welding, body St paint ahop. --wan rtterrv Ave. Ph. 2-3022. 39 Pont 9 pass, coupe to trade for Hi T. truck. Ph. 3-1149. Rt 3. Box 890. 44 DODGE sdn. Low mileage. Will take jcar in trade.. 1360 Center St. . OLDS convertible, new tires. RAH. Sklrts St flippers. Pert cond. $1199, tPh. 3-8042 sfler 4 D m. 1940 PONTIAC 3 pass coupe. $540. This week nh. 2-348Z exceot. Sun. jh DESOTO Sdn. Good shape. 4 new Urea. O drive. $273. call after $ p.m. 2-T280 $50 USED CAR lot Any car on the lot $50 and your old one. 12th St iunc- ItJon Open evenings until 10 p.m This Time It's HUPSON! i- Service SALES Part Horn of Good Used Cars I Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chamckcta St. Ph. 3-91Q1 1 We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS lELSNER MOTOR CO. 1353 N High 1 Salem. Qrwa MUST SELL 194$ Chev. Sxyleine De Lux 4 dr. sedan. Extras. $1823 cash. Ph 3-7881 BEST offer on older car for equity ;in nice '41 OidC . 4zl 8S4 Trucks, Trailers For Sate 1S34 CHE. ' T. panel. Good cond. Sa lem News Agency. $91 N- High. 8S6 Wasted, Cars Trucks ! ZEEB'S USED CARS ! BUY SXXX, TRADE 3329 FalrgTOunds Rd. I i 850 Automotive 8S2 Used Cars For Sale Deal With 1937 1939 1937 1939 1940 1941 1941 1946 Chev. sedan ....... '48 MOTOR Studebaker sedan o. D A H. Buick sedan Nash Ambassador O. D.. R. H, NEW PAINT Nash sedan O. D k H. NEW PAINT Nash Ambassador NEW PAINT. O. D, R St H, Pont, coupe L St K. NEW TIRES ' Nash sedan VERY CLEAN Nash sedan 1948 i-1- R St H. LOW MltEAGR MARION 333 CENTER Remember th used Pontiacs Good Will Cars 48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, Low Mileage 1. $1895 '46 Chev. sdn. R&H L $1145 38 Ford "60M $ 195 '41 Nash sedan .x L .$ 585 '38 Pontiac sedan, very clean $ 485 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES $80 N LIBERTY 858 Wanted. Cars Trucks USED CARS. Buy 4t seL Ron's Motor Co 240 S. High. Phone 3-45sa WaNT EDi clIaJ, cseD cars Bob Marr 3160 So. Commercial St 858 MotorcTclas FOR SALE: 40 H D. 61 OHV. Good con dition. Motor, trans., chain, etc. like new $325 cash.; 930 Tamarack St. FOR SALE or trade: 1947 Motorcycle, new motor, perfect shape Will con sider good csr as trade. 1207 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5453 ' Indian Cushman WHIZZES MOTOR BIKE Shrock Motorcycle Sales 3007 Portland Rd Ph 3-1433 862 House Trailers " " trailers A complete ffh of Kit and Universal Trailers ranging, from 10 ft to 33 ft Oil heat Elee ret and hot water available CASH, TERMS or TRADE Jaybawk Trailer Sales 3640 Portland Rd- Ph. 3-303. TRADE 1939 Dodge Tudor for trailer house of equal value, writ states man Box 359. rcfiOttlstatesmatt MEMBER Of THE The Associated Press ta enUUed exelnslrely U tba sua far npablieaUo af all th lacsl nawa printed la this newspaper, aa well aa all Al news dis pa tehee. MEMBER FAC1FIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU OW ADVEBTISINO A4Trusln RepresenUUyea Ward San Franclaee. DftrelL MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CTRCTJLATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally and Sunday Week-days Only Sundays Only By earritr in title $ 1.20 month . $ 1.00 month .10 week SO month .7$ month .40 month By mall tn Oregon 4.79 six mo. 4 2$ six mo. 33$ six mo. I In advance I 9.00 year $.00 year 400 year - By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by . mall. .1$ week delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $13.90 a year 4.50 year rural routes. (in odv.l : (to adv.) By mall tn U SA 1,20 month 1.00 month .90 month outside Oregon T JO six mo. $.00 six mon 17$ six mo. : (In adv.) 14.40 year 13.00 year $.00 year ; Avsllabts in certain areas DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Ats distance 8. Eldett son of Noah S. Part of to ba" 4. Music note 5. Long;, nar row cuta 9. Deterlorattd fl. Robust 10. Tibetan 7. American priest poet 11. Withered. (d. 1832) 11. Still I. Demesnor 14. Greek letter 11. Pierc IIS. A hospiUl with resident. a weapon physician 12. Break 15. Fleets of suddenly . war-vessels 12. Cones of IS. Observe earth 19. At hand (Golf) 20. Sw$b-Uke 13. Health implement 21. Death (LaL) 22. Chum 23. Pale 2.Bah. 25. Black. viscous substance 27,Mu$lcnote 29. Bclonflnf to us 30. Separators 32. North Arnerican Indians 34. 11000 Of as inch 33. Peaceful 36. Dexterous 37. Protective armor 23. Son of Adah. 39. Spreads fraaatodry 4& Impedes . DOWM , 1. Wearied 2. Public l assembly , ima g 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale the 'Dealer ....:...$165 $275 ........$250 .,L.. .iL- ..$395 ......L.......$495 ..'$793 .$675 ....a.....,$995 $1593 MOTORS PH. 3-tt7 ae l-MM csr dealer ass's. . TERMS PHONE 3-41 1 862 House Trailers HOUSE TRAILER BAROAINS. 194$ Sparton Manor, many extras, perfect cond Also 1947 American, excel, cond. Reas. term to approved party. Eyerly . T" r." ph .t383I HOUSE trailer wanled'on nicely furl, home $5,750. Phone 3-0229. 48ALUMINUM house trailer rml Hot and cold water, rcf. Martins Trailer Court. M1U City. - Bargain Hunters, Here Is Good News Closing Out All 1 HOUSE TRAILERS New 21 ft. Universals Were $2100. Sow $1693 New 22 ft. Pacific Linerf Wer $319$. now $179$ New 28 ft Mobilhomv Wer $3190. bow $2999 '49 Universal 25 ft. Were $2699. now $3395 Also many used trailer marked dowe for this sal SECURITY MOTORS 3389 Portland Rd. Phon $-9104 ASSOCIATED PKESS - Griffith Ce4 New Tark. Cluaee riwnn Ll'Mtll 16mi1oU 17. Oriental curs 21. Market 22. Passes; over land between water 23. Conflicts 24. Small deck ' on s war vessel 25. Way out 26. Garden amphibian 27. Sing$ with tremors 28. Little Island 30. People of Switzerland mum Yesterday's Aasws ll.Uveeoaj IS. Tart 36. Sleeveless garment (Arsbr 18, Jewish month ; i4 I I4 I4 I I W 11 -L 4 ii i tJr iiiiziiirpp n nl IT" "T " "sr""T" W liiiiiinizi w I I wrm i t : f - k - ' I . . - 1- '"'' I