StritsaTnrrn. $cm,'69oin. Mba&rj Sdni&r' j. -11 - t AD For 1Z Days On The Place TU LOW YOUR Classified Weekly RATE 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board i want 1 " OR 2 ladies toshare new home near hieh ch.. Sears, Sc clty mj 1650 B. St. Ph. 3-8280. gTTT;PtNG- ROOM IK N Capitol. WELL furav sleeping rro. close in H C gaw. Men only. 727 Center. FfT.ANM. hsekeeping rm. Refrlg. St pri. ent 481 N. Winter. 70S Apartment For Rent tABCE 3 RM unfurnished apt Auto, oil heat. pri. bath, children accept ed 1437 N. 4th. .i Em f RM SM T ant. Ph. 3-45247 house-keeping apt for rent. 103 Msrion. APT t 1935 N. Camtol. filCEl.y furn. 1 bdrm.- apt. Alio urn. : 4 rm. aot 550 N Summer Ambassador A-' . . fi5MT7SPT.. for working man. $22.50. 12"! S Commercial. . MACtTURNl apt. Private shower. Private entrance. $40 per mo. Ph. fRV APT; 4S4 TWmter COURT AFffI New clean S rmi. i tw'ii. range A refrie 134,9 S 12th. f-RM APT lor imployed lady. 1 blk. from food mkt. Ac bus. Utilities furn. 725 s nth XI A' MOD 1 and 2 bdrm. aDts. Furn. and boated, with garage. Available 11 Ph. 24510 after 8 p m. flGH fliimv-keeping room, also 2 rm. art' Ptr 7.73HV ; iRM FURff APT. Water. lights Sc ai barge furn. Call before p.m. -7-.41 . , 707 Houses For Rent , ACRE Sc '3 RM. house, 0 Cum minus lane N near Kelzer. 133 S. Hijh St. fRM HOUSE with toilet At shower. . UthW ft wafer furn. Ph. 2-1404 or cM TWO Hovtarrt Gall even EEASF. Ttnfurn. One of SaleriTi-most beautiful li mnnern homes. 3 B. R. Excellent' view location. Never been occupied. No pet or small children. Immediate occupancy. Write States man Box 252 ' KEWLY -decorated howe. No objection " 't,i"1 4012 S'vc rtonRJ I RM kiiburban home- to Jult in terested in nice yard. 560 Oregon) Pa-t State Jlon New 2 Bdrm. Homes ' f 195 Down. Move right In, no red tape. Hdwd floors, large garar. In city. Bal. mo. inc. taxes, interest. L. E. Klnmpp, Realtor 40 N. Church Ph. 2-7641 E.e or Sun lor 2-0128 fB R UNFtfRN" rise. NortrTdif heat. Wit Sent 5th. Jnrr 349 S. View Place. CT.tAN MOD 2blrm. house on bus lineit7V Ph. -3-M14 " rrMrupLEX. M it. liifXHIT- dren welcome. fi RM-APT. with stove. 34 N. 21st. ?oT Farms. Tracts For Rent A GOOD DAIRY or stock farm. JW A. More than 1 ml . of rreek. L.. barn, fair h. For rent or for sale on easy payments. Abea Dist. An excellent fruit farm, one of best, hut buildings are poor. 6'j tni. from Slem. (or rent tx will sell on very rejtonable terms. I). A. FISH liS? S Com ls v Phone 3-324 foO A. OR M6Rfc of cleared land, have complete equipment to farm same. Write Statesman Box M9. 7)0 Wanted To Rent Houses I BR. house with gar. St chick hse. on or close to bus line. Middle-aged cple., bat n. working. Ph. 4-203 flTR, HOUSE. 4 adults. 1 child. Not over $50 prefer N. or E- ph. 2-4322 IT YOtJ HAVE a really nice 3 BIT. t . home with din. rm. to rent or lease, we4 have a tenant you will be very happy with. Al Isaak & Co., nealtor fh 3-7820, 2-4591 3033 Portland Rd YOUNG COUPLE with two small boys want 2 or 3 bedroom house. Will pay SO mo. Ph. 3-9661.- CAR'S "B.R. hse. $40. 7 people. Urgent I 2S70 S. Summer, ph. 3-54 to. fl BUSINESS executive, modern un furnished three befiroom housa with in city limits. Will considerAutslde cltv if close In. Prefer lease. Phone 3-a220. Mrs. Enders, eo Chamber of c. oininerce- ATTORNEY, wife St I child need S Or 3 B R. unfurn hse. Desirable loca- tion Will pay appropriate rent for risiit he Write Statesmsn box 993 URGENTLY needed : 1 or 3 bdrm. furn. or partly furn house near grade ch ool Will pay up to $75. Ph 3-3260 BTDDLE aged responsible couple want j rm apt. or house. Turn or Unfurn. Ph 3-8547 IAbULfS, S children urgently need 1 or 3 bedrm. furn. or parti furn. house or apart, near school. Call 3-3621. im all, rum. rise, or 3 rm. apt. in or near the vicinity of Woodburn by employed couple. Write Box 1000 ee statesman. 7 12 Wanted To Rent Apt. PERMANENT employee of oil com pany, no Children, needs unfurn one or two bdrm. hse.. equipped -with stave and refrl If nosslb! 31. P1W Mr. Havwhrd at 3-767i before 5 p ex cent Sundavs. fMALL rurnuihed apt. close in, on or around Sept 13 by two working women, tail 1-41701 after p.m. Business Rentals SMALL store building on busy street north Call 670 N, Church St ur nv FfTCE desk space, conv loc Ph 3-8133 lODERN I oMiceiTP PET S-8389. iUSlNtSS Room. a. LLluiL Statesman asaalfled AdTcrtislaf Classified Ads - Call 2-2441 rer lloe ; 1S Three ta$ertlons er line 4e T Insertions, per Use 7e 0e month per Use. .StJf (OaUide of Salem. each line .He) Mlnlmm twe Unes. Cesnt I werdt te line. Readers ta etty briefs Uoe Se The deadltne for classified asaS reedet advertlslnsja $i pa daily. Only emergency Host" ada will be acceDted after that The Statesman reserves the right te reiect quest iooablk advertlslns ft farther resereee tbe right to place all adverttslns aauter the proper rUusirVatloD, The Statesman assumee bo flnatt cial responsibility for errors which may appear ta advertisemen ts pob Uthed to tta columns and m eases wttere.- this oaper U at fault will reprint that part of aa advertise ment ts which the typoiraphicaJ mistake occurs. - A "Bttntf" Ad on ad contatatag a Statesman boa nmbct for aa addreee ks for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore he answered by letter The Statesmaa is not at Uberty te divulge tnfor metioa as to the idetttlty of aa aeV -Band" ad.. 800 Real Estate ; 32 y2 Acres Excellent soil, stocked Snd equipped, nice bldgs.. will consider trade. A Good Buy 2 B R. modern home, close to Catholic and Highland -fthool. fireplace, iull basement, corner lot. $745 per Mo. income 11 unit permanent rental court. Ex cellent location, some with 2 B R. If you're looking for something nice, see this. ' i Suburban $10,500 Owner will sacrifice his 7 A. In bear ing filberts, walnuts, and berries. Exc. soil. Close In N.-iMode. 2 B.R. home. Good barn Sc puthldgs. If vou're interested In Suburban see this one. Call Mr. Noonchester. IL E. Corey Real Estate 1363 N. Broadway 1 Phone 1-0532 Eves. 2-0103. 3-3816 802 Business Property BY OWNER: Bus. lot. 5 50 to 100 ft. front. N Portland Rd Ph. 1-M43. MOTEL TRAILER C6URT & SERVICE STATION This combination business is located on the 99E with a beautiful setting at the edge of the city limits. 2 bdr home at 7 units an trim nncneni, all completely furnished. 3 garages. Equipped for 20 trailers including large utility room. Mobil Gas serv ice station all stocked St equipped. Including 2 electric xas pumns. hoist. atr compressor, etc. i,200 ft. hiway frontage. 400 ft. deep.- Driveways are hard surfaced " Does - a grow oust nes of 117.000 per year. Will eon mder a home in trade, preferably in Eugene. For more information; please get In contact -with us. ? ViV. HAVE A NUMBER Ot VERY COfiD BUYS IN HOMES, sohne with SO0 to ft. 000 down, and easy terms. We also have a wide variety of bus inesses. We will exchange for your property. oi what have you. Georee W. Hubb Co. 1853 N. Capitol ' Phone 3-3031 J. Zeeb. Mgr. BY OWNER. 67 x 160 ft. business lot next to new Elk's Bldg In Lebanon Phone 2-1093. . .. PRICE REDUCED 1 NEW 1 B.. homes.' KOod Income optional owners' i B.R. home. Room for expansion. No trades. 1MB I, am FOR LEASE- Service station In Holly rood Dist at Inventory and equip ment. United Petroleum Call El 106 Portland Ask for Mr Moore or w Sixes APARTMENT HOUSE CLOSE IN ON NO. t COMMERCIAL This is a good Investment and the orice la rixht. No "phone information please. Come In and talk it over if you are looking for something good. Might consider small house In trade that would maxe a gooa reni al Kiggins. BURT PICHA. Realtors 379 N. Hieh'-St, Office 1-3549 Eve: 2-3390 or S-7431 804 Suburban hFOR SALE by .owner: k acre with new 9 Mrm modern home, hwa noors garage c itllity rm. Year round creek S4250. Clifford Feller. 8 mi ? S of Salem on99E. KioDFHNIZED lettor 3 bdrm. house Iff. lot with CTrntage on u s OQ W Chad trees 4(3 It. walnut) list house N. of Rlckreali Bar-B-Q 1 Price $6500. ' -' I F.VEL BUILDING site. 5 acres, nuts i fruit, young oaks. 1 er- ml.-of bus, on Browning Ave. fsvea. man oner 2560 N. 5th. Phone 3-9763. 806 Houses For Sals BY OWNER: Small tjnflnUhed house $1950. $193 dn. 'i acfe. Ph. e-32U or 23203. .- . :: $5800 S ROOMS. 2 BDRMS. Modern. acre. North Bis caae t. m. ieto. E A. McGlsuilln KDW. A. DYCK. Realtor 328 N. Com'l St, Ph. 2-5211 ADDING MACHINES; All makes t-sed machines, sold, tent ed, repaired Roen. 456 Court Pbone 3-6773. ' APPLIANCE SERVICE R.nHY Kelvlnator and Hotpolat Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap- pllance, 353 Center St mono s-Juy Y EATER Appliance . Co. 239 No. Ub Ph 3-4311. I J AUTOMOBILE REPAlg Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Cd- 510 N. ComX AT YOUR POOR GRINDING u.n mowers, scissors knives shari ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. Ph. 3- Mike Panes. 273 S.: Com'i PhJ-6181 Brake St wheel aligning specialist Bl'LLDOZlNO DEAN ROBINSON. Phone f-537- LT. CRAWLER, doting. 2-3220" BU1LP1NO CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry const Remodel- ir.g. new foundsions. Ait Bros., i-mw CEMENT Sidewalk, driveway anything cement Prompt service E. grake. Ph. 2-4731 CEMENT CONTRACTOR DATIONS. anything concrete, Ph 24850 COMMERCIAL ART- Letterheads cartoons, business alga trade marks ohoto retouching. Bob Browne. Salem Engtavtng Ph. 1-2441 313 S Commercial t- - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINO VlNCl;S Electric for electrical ing eontractlngrepalrias. Ul S wTF Lib erty Phone 3-92 FURNACE CLEANING HOLLAND FURNACE CO., 320 Kearney ; Phone 3-7803. rt'RNITURE REfTNIS HITO SPECIALISTS at refmlshinf modern St antique furp. Lee Bros. Ph. 1-7001 FURNITURE RESTORING s We specialize in restoring antique furniture. Lambert's- Ph. 3-7100 - HAUUNO LESTER DeLapp; Truck Servioa Coml hauling St furniture tnovina Daily service to Portland. Pa. 1-1750 HEALTH Atmorays. Harley Pugh. Ph. -8767. HEATING Judson's. 279 N. Coml Ph. 3-4141. HDI'SIROI U PRODUCTS -J R Watkina Co products 1717 Cen let St. Salem Ph 3-5393 Free del ISULATlON-WEAtHERVflTPPrNQ " inwvs-MASnrtt 1JL Phone 3-3748 ""Ft 'TURK INSULATING Co 1-0055 iii'vnnir Deluxe Serve-Self Laundry. 343 Jel ferson St. Ph. 2-3453. LAwNMOWUI SHARPENING tuaranlesd New power and hand mowers Call Harry W Scett 147 So Coml St LAWN MOWTErafc'tssocB. knives sharpened.: Dexter 1220 Center. 3-6833. ticiHTi.vQ Salem's exchistve Ughttng store. S$t H High senator Hotel bum s-aaii LUMBER - MILL pnoea. W. jsauora Lhr. vS 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale BETTER BUYS FOR DESIGNED TOR GRACIOUS LIVING! , $11,500.00 L-R, DJL. Kitchen nook, lovely "knotty pine den with fire place. Hdwd. floors Electric heat. Lge. lot Double garage. Beauti ful lawn and shrubbery. Paved St This is really a good one. LOTS OF BEAUTY AND New 3 B.R. home on one floor. Lovely dows. D.R.. kitchen, nook. Hdwd. floors thru out Eiecenc neat auto matic laundry. Attached garage, lge. lot. Priced right at $12,800.00. F.H.A Terms. KENNY REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa Eves. Ph. Len Orion. $1000 DOWN Payment. 2 bdrm.. lge.. Iv. rm.. din. rm.. igesj windows, ma pie hwd. floors, kit. with ba. utility rm. with Bendix automatic, heat elec. water heat, insl. Ac storm win dows, unattached gar. with steel overhead door. Gardening is a way ot life' a superb way to solve many personal problems of living. This lge. lot with berries, fruit St ftuts is choice. Tel. 2-311$ evenings for appt. with owner. j - EDGE OF TOWN Large carpeted living and dining rooms, breakfast noon ana car pon, 100 ft. from bus. Your chance to buy 1150 sq. ft. of floor- space, only 2 yrs. old. for $8500. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109; Eves. 3-933- DO YOU WANT TO SELL? LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED I This office sold 30 Salem homes during July and August, cuenu.waiung ior homes. $3,000 to $20,000. L; E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St, Phone 2-7642 Fair Week Special By owner: 2 B.R. home, L.R.. U.K., kitchen. Dam, uuiuy room, auacn ed garage, electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet in L.R and D.R. Nice lawn and shrubs. Fenced in back yard, bus by door, can be seen anytime. 453 Wayne Drive SALEM'S FINEST VIEW from this comfortable s Pea room home located at 740 Ben Lomond Dr.. basement: fireplace, good fur nace, nicely landscaped grounds, ex cellent clean and quiet neighbor hood less than 2 blks. to McKin ley school. If you really want a view we say don't miss this one. See or call Bob Sullivan on this one now. ACREAGE CLOSE IN A BUY - $ one-half acre tracts 66x310 each lo cated right on Fairview Ave., it's a steal at lor an. Acs now. MattsonV& Roejhlin REAL ESTATE Jhona 3-58.18 - 231 N. Hi eh EvenA; Sun. Ph. 3-6770. 3T7534, 3-1724 APPROXIMATE acre. Tew miles south. House livable but needs re pair. Close to school. Price only $2650. $oH) will handle; bal. like rent. S ACRES about 6 miles from Salem. 2 rm. house with shed. Well. $3000. NEAT AS- A PIN. 5 room suburban home. Att. garage. Small chicken house. 2 A. land; plenty fruit, nuts and berries 'Price $5250. GOOD 2 bedrm. furnishd home. Nice and clean. On bus line. Price $6675. Terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom. 3-6789. WE ARE GOING to the fair Sunday and Monday, also Wed. P.M., but don't let that keep you from call ing us as we have a , number of real good listings, both In town and at the edge of town; and if it's a farm we have them too. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 3-4707 Eve. 1-4773 - 2-7383 Directory MUSIC LESSONS VIOLIN Sc piano lessons. State accred ited teacher, ph. z-6013. Spanish sad Hawaiian guitar, man dolin banjo, etc. 1333 Court Ph, 3-739Q. M KStRJES ) Landscaping St deslcning. I. A. Doer- tier St Sons. 130 No. Lancaster. Ph. Z-13Z2. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVlCS Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6072 OIL FURNACE. BURNER SERVICE Lloyd Robinson. 1023 N. 17. 2-1775. PAINTING PAINTING Ac decora tine. Interior Si exterior. 633 Curchdalo ave. Ph. 2-8287. Painting and papering. Free estimate Phone 3-913. 837 Shipping j k. n r , . m . , ur And paintine Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. PLUMBING "GENERAL repair and pumps. De- catur A. Maerr $70 S. Coml Ph. 3-6223 Judson's. 279 No. Com! Ph. 3-4141. Repairs. Bill Skewls. Phone 3-4600 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capital Bargain House. 143 Center Si PUMPS BARNES pumps. Salem Equip. Co. Stcttler Supply Co. Phone -603$. RgWEAV ING rlE WEAVING. 1180 N. Winter SAW!! Salem Saw Wks. 1393 N. 5th. 3-7603 SEWER SERVICE I fclectric Roto-Rooter exclusive paH eat ea-er sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains or dram tile. Septic tanks cleaned. Ph 3-5327 3-S46S or 2-09?7 SEPTIC TANKS Mike- Septic Service. .Tanks cleaned. . Row Rooter Service oa Sewers. 107B Elm St- W. Salem.-Ph. 3-P468, 3-5327. VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge. Call us collect. Todda Septic Tank w Service. 2543 State St. Ph. -0734. ' K. F HAM EL sepUc tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer snd drain lines. .. Guaranteed . work. 1143 8th st West Salem Ph. 3-74S4. SEWING MACHINES ALL MAKES Sewing machines repair ed, serviced. Pick up deliver. Ph. 3-5569. BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired, terms. all makes. ,W. Davenport 3-7671. All makes repaired, free est Singer S MCo. 130 N. Coml Ph. 3-33 SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT I RENT sick room equipment 3-JT74. SIGNS SHOW CARDS R. L Elf strom Co . 340 Court 1-24S3 TOOLS FPU RENT" HOWSER BROS- your power tool rental Headquarters. 1410 s. uta. Ph 3-364C -.. TREE SPRAYING TREE spravine J Carden Ph.3-19-8 VENETIAN BUNDS Made in Salem, free estimates Ph 3-7328. .Elmer, The Blind Man. HATCH REPAIRINO - Cluurle Mix 14 N CoreX Ph. 3-4C30 WEATBFRSTSUPPING FREf. estimates T Pullman. 3-5965. Well drilling Well Drilling - Domestic. Irrigatioa industrial H. A Robtnsoa. S214 N "rnnt Salem Ph 3-T2S3 Meyers Bros. Rt L bos 304. Dsils Ph mf Salem ph 1-1M J A. SNf ED it Sons. weQ drilling saue airooss m. sajena. ra, a saus, 800 Real Estate 808 Houses For Sale BETTER LIVING I ! J CHARM - PERSONALITY - COMFORT $16,800.00 - Lge. 3 B.R. home in beau ttful setting. Tall, stately trees, sunk en garden, lawn and shrubs. UR. with fireplace. DJL. kitchen, nook. Automatic piped heat fun base ment If you want a real family homo This Is it. A LOT OF VALUE! LR. with fireplace and picture win Phone 2-2377 or 2-0614 2-3983. or Ken Hill. 3-1770 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. home. east. hdwd. firs. V-blinds. auto, washer, lge lot. Terms. Ph 2-0048. 4350 Macleay Rd. $7500 Neat 2 bdrm home, liv rm with fire place, din rm, nice kit. unfin up stirs. auto oil heat, att gar. Lge lot Drive by Edina Lane, then call us. $8150 Owner must sell well built 2 bdrm borne, liv rm with fireplace, kit with good built-ins. inside utility rm., hwd. firs thruout." Within walking distance of town. Close to Senior Hi and Parrish. $10,500 A good buy in an older home, 2 bdrms. mice sleeping porcn. lge nv. rm, roomy kit and a deep dry bsmt. Choicely located on beautifully land scaped double lot. Drive by 933 Ship ping, call us. Gray-Himmell Realty Co. 1385 N. CapitoLSt. Phone 2-6458 Eves-Sundavs Z-5Z97, 3-6H01. Z-4.15Z BY OWNER: New 3 BR home, Engle- wood Dist 1473 East Ave. BY OWNER nice new home should sell for $4900 will sacrifice for $4500, must leave fry Sept. 7. 996 Locust. $12,000. CLEAN. MODERN 2 Bedroom nornc fiurm. run dwiikiii, uic- places. Hardwood fls .throughout. Beautiful yard, shrubs. $2,500 down. Balance $50 00 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High. Call 3-4121. Eves. 2-3561 BY OWNER: bdrm.. bsmt. lawn, 17th. rarare. 571 OWNER of 2 houses. one 3 Bdrm. $4300. one 4 Bdrm. Madrona. Ph. 2-8524. $3100. 417 E. 240 MABLE St. at Penn 4 Corners va cant now. 2 bed room and garage, yrs.. old. newly decorated, good terms at only $40 per mo. ana interest at 4 OLAF THONSTAD REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Ph. 37903 $6.100 00. CLEAN 2 Bedrm home near Leslie School. Full Basement $300.00 down. $56.00 month. Call Stanley Brown with' State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High. CaU 3-4121, Eves, 2-3561 LEAVING STATE 4 yr. old 2 br. home. Large lot nr. schools, sc stores, iidu neorasxa at 6 BDRM. house. $6500 339. N. 21st. WE ARE SOLD OUT Listings of good houses, all prices needed. We are si near as your phone. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Ptj. 37660 TR efficient and effective sales ser . vice call the Salem Realty Co. NOW IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to seU prac tically new home. 6 lae. rms.. hdwd. firs, thruout. auto-furn. piped to all rms. Unfin. upstairs. Stairway in. Breezeway. att. gar. Lge. lot. city water. Low down payment. F.H.A terms. Salem Heights gist. 583 twaia OR TRADE mv eauitv in 3 rm. hse. Hollywood dist...' House trailer pre- ferred. G- R- MjcGulre. ph. 36351. New 2 Bdrm. Ilomes $193 Down. Move right In. no red tape. Hdwd floors, large garage. In city. Bal. $63 mo. inc. taxes, interest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church ' Ph. 2-7841 Fve or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126 GD. OLD hse. Lg. 5 rms. Big yds. $5600, Nn rf..Un Ph. 2-0846 SALE OWNER: Modern house. Easy payment 848 Norway st ivz- PRICED to sell, l'i year old 2 oarm un..- v. .. tirt oil ninuct Completely modern. Located 1 blk. off Ratcliff Drive: 178 -ec Ave Ph. 2-0032 No calls on Sat. By Owner Trade . MVwtem 4 BR. home, beautiful setting, shade trees, sprinkling system. large . r, .: tfi- ! . . , t . hut ete in. wivu - - - i $18,000. See anytime at 643 S. Church Ph. 2-88 12 or 3-5580. ; i lfiM N. 20th STREET One of Englewood'a finest homes with S bdrms. plus adjoining rm. on mas ter bdrm. hdwd. firs, up Sc. down, liv. rm, din. rm. central hall. Phili ppine mahagony woodwork. . fire place, auto-oil heat, full bsmt. dble. garage, one of our best buys. Call Roy Ferris. LOCATE FOR SCHOOL Get located for school in this conven iently located 3 bdrm. nome at ms S. Liberty St. Liv. rm, din. rm. kit chen. 2 baths, room for inside util ity, dble. garage, shade trees, land scaped. A buy at $7,100. Only $1,400 down. Call Peter Getter. CLASS "A" WAREHOUSE Dpwntown Salem Approx. 11.000 sq. ft of full truss rooiea uoor iiwc. concrete bldg. corner lot location, exceptional value. Call Coburn L. Graberthorst. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. h. Evenings & Sundays call Earl West 2-1232; Peter Geiser $-9968: Roy Fer ris 2-8010: Ben Kotsen z-asii BEST BUYS $1300 Down New very attractive " home, lnsul.. weatherstripped. elec.. heat, att gar., close to bus and school. Total price only $7600. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 2-3558 Garage Loag lease, living quarters att. Doing good business. Gooa stoca ana equip ment Everything goes for only $2700. Will take car or trailer house ss part payment. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. ' - $1000 Down Business bldg. with 2 very modern apartments. 00E highway frontage. Immed. puaet nlon. Lots of parking room. Total price only $9500. Xv. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3358. FARMS 30 Acres Close to school, paved road, all In or chard, beautiful building site, select view. Only IS minutes from down town. Liberal terms. Total price only sa.auo. Eve. en. -waw s-jns. 10 Acres Modern home 15 tnin. from downtown, 4 mile to school, fishpond, garage Owner leaving slate. Total price only $65O0. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 OT 3-3558. Al Isaak & Col, Realtor Ph. 3-7820. 3-$ 3633 Portland Rd. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale 4 Bdrm, S70C0 j. On , 23rd St Close to hospital. Capitol at schools. Fireplace, utility rm. and attached garage. Newly decorated. 1mm. poss. $2000 down. Bal. like rent Call Bon Clearr. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1211 Edeewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eyes. 3-9939 BY OWNER- Good loc. S blks. to Les- lie Jr. High. I blk. to Park. 2 BR. down, 1 up. F.C-B. dual heating sy stem, patio, newly dec., refrig. auto. wJv. new garage, lge. lot. garden, 'fruit and nuts. $1300 down. $50 mo. or trade for Portland property. 1593 S. Church. Ph. 3-8815. Owner Leaving Oregon 4 Bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tile kitchen, bath up stairs and down Plastered basement and 'garage. Hardwood floors, lots built ins. terraced back yafc Cost over $18,000. to build. Reduced to $12,500 for quick 'sale. For informa tion call 3-4547. S. High St. Mod. Home 3 bdrms. up.. 1 dn; Living-dining comb.. nrpi.; Kit witn book. auto, oil neat. lge bsm't. $12.600. Ph. 3-6196. ENGLEWOOD Modern 2,.bdrm. home. Unfin. ustairs. hwa. iirs. thruout Fireplace. Vene tian bids., lots of closets and built ins. auto, heat. $2500 down. 1550 Nor way.. GOOD 2 B R. HOUSE on 1 A of land N. of town. Only $5500 $1000 dn F. H. WEIR REALTOR 1247 S. Coml St. Phone 3-9411 3 f BR modern home, new paint and paper thruout mside. New shingle roof. Close to school, bus at front door. Close to shopping district. $6750. 'j down, liberal terms on balance Call Warner Motor Co . ph. 22487. eavuuc the state. My $Uir equity in 1 yr. old 2 bdrm. house. JnsTl.ited, hwd aloors. completely Tr&d' Move right In for 500. Bal. F.H.A. See at 542 Bliier Ave. Ph. 2-2830. HOUSE to be moved, 3 rms St bath; wired for range, water hrr, Venetian blind, rut; See at 39M Center. 3 RM. HOUSE, close to schools and Hollywood Dist. Inq. 1353 N. Cap itol. ATTENTION New mod. 5 rm. home, latest thing In interior decorating. Beautiful color ed plumbing, low down payment. And small monthly pymt See Glenn Hamilton. 2015 N. 34th. Ph. 2-3388 Country Setting With all city conveniences within 1 block. Large native shade trees. Fam ily fruit, almost new 3 bedrm home, basement, good fireplace. Something different $M50. Might consider small trade. 3260 3 Commercial St Appraisal , Below F.H.A. BY OWNER New B R. home located In Hollywood nst. Hdwd Firs, fireplace. Covered Linoleum, utility rm. Tile on bath room. Breakfast set included, lawn newly plaited. $1350 dn. Total -price $9230. Has to be seen to be appreciat ed. Ph. 2-6474 for appointment. Manbrin Gardens $99502 yrs old. Modern style. 1 bed ims, living rm, dininar rm. kitchen, bath, utility rm. Hardwood floors. Elect heat. Wall to walfcarpet in liv 4c din rms. Paneled fireplace wall. Large lot. Nice lawn and' shrubs. Bus by door. Fenced in back yard. Keirer District $7200 00. $1850 00 down. 2 yrs old Cape Cod style. 2 bedrooms, living rm, kitchen with bar separation to din ette. Unfinished upstairs. Room for 3 bdrms. On paved street. House needs some redecorating but is a steal at this -price $3350 loan on property, . $46 a mo on loan. Right party can work out better terms. Looking for a Nice Home? $98506 mo old. Modern style, t bed rms. large living and dining rm. kitchen, hath. Inside utility rm. At tached garage. -Lawn and shrubs are in. Close to school, bus and shopping center. Englewood District $19,000.00. Beautiful modern style 3 bedroom home. Large living rm, sep arate dining rm. Large kitchen with separate breakfast nook. Large bath. 3 car garage. Full basement with party rm. Storage rm and bath. Cor- ner lot. Close to bus. schools and shopping center. Call or See Andy Halvorsen 191 S. High St Office, 2-8629 Home 1-7183 A. A. Larsen. Realtor MODERN 5 RM. house. 1 lots. Hit Claude. Pb- 2-5512 $1000.00 DOWN EVery nice 3 B.R. home. In excellent location. LR with fireplace. D.R. kitchen. Full basement. Corner lot. A real buy at $8900. Kenny Real Estate 341 Chemeketa Ph 12377 or 30614 Eves. Len Orton 13983 or Ken HlO 31770 808 Lots For Sale BY OWNER: Lot 70x112. CitV water. $850, $25 down. Ph. 2-5211, 23203 j A, ON paved street. Livtngton Ave. pear Lansing. Ph. 2-6722. $10 DOWN I Lots with water and bus service, close to school. Close la North. Balance $15 per month. Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Phone 3-9303 Eve. & Sun. 3-9712. 1-8241. 1-3738, 3-2: CORNER lot 60x125 on pavement nauae ot. rn. a-jjia. BEAUTIFUL view tracU. timber or fruit 1 to S acres available. Orchard Heights dist. $25 down. $19 month ner acre. Call 17F3 CORNER LOT. 100x30. cor of Oxford and Htrh Ina 1999 W Nob Hill eves FOR SALE: ' Acre lot. Inquire 504 Larsen Ave 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale Attention 2 BJI. house on 1 A. Montag elec range, 0 mo. old, elec water system, large car ahed St out building, $3230. $1850 dn.. $23 mo.' on bat ' mi. W. of A urns villa on Turner Highway. T. R. Dodeoa. , SALE OWNER: 3 acres or less. Beauti- ful located good land close city bus. Salem. With modern farm bids. Old widow. 948 Norway St. Ph. 2-0538. 30 A FARM Und. 2 mi. S.W. Aumiville. Price $4000. K. M. Van Nuys. 2817 NJL Hovt Portland. rlt'Ntt SPECIAL in Canada. 4g acres in heart of Cariboo. Meadow for landing field. 4 rm. log house. Tunning water, gd big game, hunt ' ing and fish inf. 1$ milk goats. 1 reg istered buck. 7 pigs, team of horses, 44 R O P white leghorn hens, rabbits St other stock. Hse completely furn. Farm equipment. Full price $5500 or will sell without, furniture, stork -TV4 . LrillTli t ivi y.vw. ritw r-vm, 5 ACRE fruit, nub and grain. 2 bed room house, full cement basemnt doubles garage, barn. Located 3rd house east of Kruegers - Market. 1 St equipment for $4 000. Ph. 3-072 mue east of State Hoepttai on peveo road. Center St Price $12.600 00. Owner Mrs. J. W. McCune. ph. 2-12S4. 812 F.Tchrmqe Reai -Estate" TO TRADE Neat S bdrm. hse. DeLake. Clear of debt Trade ea bouse la Salem ana . -assume. A. , SALEM REALTY CO. OTitlVlPt 14S N. Higs St Pnooe 3-7660 jr-j-a e 800 Real Estate 812 E&hanq Real Estate Wt TRADE acre worth $1000 for good, medium sized, modern trailer bouse.'J200 S. 22nd. 818 Wanted, Real Estate I WANTED Acreageiand Farma. What have you? Eve Ifh. 3-9403 or 3-3558. AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7 2-456 3035 Portland Rd. CLIENT; WITH CASH wants 3 beP room home within walking distance St. Vincent De Paul SchooL Call us today. 1 i Buyer wants 2 BR house to $6000 Term $500 cash. $40 month. What have you? CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Over 27 years In Salem 250 N. flight St. Phone 2-4129 Farms Have cash buyers for good farms 90 to 100 acres. Must have plenty of water: for irrigation. See us at once If yoii have something like this for sale. ,? . S&llivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd. " Ph. 3-3255 $.0 Automotive 852 Used Cars For .Sale SAVE $700 ON BEAUTIFUL NEW 1949 VAGA- Bosb house trailers , ft TANDEM. ALL FULLY EQUIPPED CALL pRcOME OUT AND SE THEH AT ONCE. i 0UALITY USED CARS $110 PORTLAND RD. PHONE 3-7264 OR 2-6780 BEST R.UY on 19.16 BuicV. Only $225 Equity tm Khone s-ini. 1936 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan, clean, good cond; 8195 1260 Nebraska ave SAVE j Welding, body Sc paint shop. WtO SChrrrv Ave Ph. 2-2022. 39 Potlt. 3 pass, coupe to trade for l'i T, tftick. Ph 3-1143. Rt. 3. Box 890. 46 DODGE sdn. Low mileage Will take car In trade 139 Center St. OLDS I convertible, new tires. ' RAH Ski-Is St flippers Perf. cond. $1193. Ph -8042 ater 4 p.m'. PRICE! reduced , to sell. 1940 Plymouth $ psj convertible coupe RAH, good ronr- lift N. 19th St.' t 1940 PONTIAC S pass coupe. $540. This week ph . 2-3482 excent. Sun '37 DESOTO Sdn. Good shape. 4 new tires O drive. $273. call after 3 p.m. 2-7280 $50 UsfED CAR lot. Any car on the lot $50 and your old one. l-tn st. Junc- UcnQpen evenings until to p.m This Time. It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts )loms of Good Used Cars IBhroek Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa Sts Ph. 3-9101 tXTW'ii Studebaker Commanaer 4 dr. jpodan. custom R It H. D air conditioner. Auto. O. D.. passing gear! Hill holder, turning lights, other extrtu Bono mi. $-075. ph. 3-8877. '49 FtSSE) convertible RiH. new toft. $102$. Ph. 2-0593 between I a 1 p m. We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS EESNER-MOTOR CO. 352 N H1eh Salem Oreeon GdOD t ra importation '33' Ford 4 d r re bulK motor. new brakes. $95 1320 S'.ae St. 7 CSEV. Standard -cpe. Low mileage. Original paint. Like new inside. Ph. 2-30B4 MUSi SL 1949 iChev. Skylelne De- LuxS 4 dr. sedan. Extras. $1825 cash. Ph. 1 3-788 1 1934 Plymouth in good condition. Iljmotrrr. $190 Call 3-4803 BEST offer on older car for equity in iflce '41 Olds Ph. 42631. 85 A Trucks. Trailers For Sale 1938 CHE. .. T. panel. Good cond. Sa lenNews$Agency. 601 N. High. 856 Wanted. Cars Trucks USED CARS. Buy St se'L Ron's Motor Co 1240 S. K. Phone 3-459B ZEEB'S USED CARS iBUY SELL TRADE 232S" Fal-rrounds Rd. Pity MS WANTE! CLEAN USED. CARS Boll Marr 2160 So. Commercial St 858 Motorcycles FOR SALE: 40 H.D.61 OHV. Good con dition. Motor, trans., chain, etc. like new. $323 cash. 930 Tamarack St. f 6ft SALE or irade: fM7 Motorcyeli. new motor, perfect shape. Will con sider good ear as trsde. 1107 S. Coml. Ph.j $-5451. Indian Cushman , WHIZZEH MOTOR BOCK Shock Motorcycle Sales Sod Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1421 .-A 882 House Trailers TRADE 1930 Dodge Tudor for trailer house of equal value, write states man Box 233. ' HOUSE trailer wanted on nicely fur. nome. $9,750.- promo -C--S. (LDR HOUSE Trailer. 1$ ft., sleeps 4. Good cond. $450. 1984 SMate gt. 48 ALUMINUM house trailer. 3 rms. Hof a: nd cold water, ref. Martin's Trailer Court. Mill City. Trailers A complete line of Kit and Universal Trailers ranging from 10 ft to It ft Oil heat Elee ret and hot water available t CASH. TERMS or TRADE Jayhawk Trailer Sales 2640 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-804$ fctOUSt tRAlLtft WRCnS: . 191 Spartoa Manor, saany extras, perfect cood. Also 1941 American, excel, cond. Res, terms to approved party, tyerry Alttraft Co Pp. 8-3631 Bargain Hunters, i Here Is Good Newi I Closing Out All I HOUSE TRAILERS i Nlw 21 ft. Universal I Were $2100. now $1690 Nevf 22 ft. Pacific Liners Were $2195. now fl7M Nt?w 28 ft Mobilhome I Were $3150. now $2309 M9 Universal 25 ft.. i Were: $2695. now $2295 ' Abo SvSny used trailers marked down I for this sale ! SECURITY MOTORS . , 3SU roruaaa sa. Pboae 2-II$4 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale Deal With 1937 Chev. jfcdan ; 4 MOTOR 1939 JStudehaker sedan p. D & H. J 1937 Buick sedan j. 1939 Nash Amhassador ' O: D R & H. NEW PAINT 19-10 Nash sedan ''. L - O. D St Hi NEW PAINT 1941 Nash Ambassador NEW PAINT. O. D RAH. 1941 i Pont, coupe .;. v R. St H. NEW TIRES 1946 Nash sedan ......J. VERY CLEAN . . ; 1948 Nash sedan R. At H. LOW MILEAGE MARION 333 CENTER Remember the used Pontiacs Good Will Cars ' J8 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, Low Mileage ..i;...S1895 '.,6 Q-. RejT ...L...$1145 , p, : ' j $ - 0. U a -. w.- t ' i i ' ' e- 41 Nash sedan . . ..U I $ 583 L'38 Pontiac sedan, very clean 1.....$ 483 - Herrall-Owens Cd. TRADES 660 N. LIBERTY PRICE RIOT I OTHERS SAY IT- WE HAVE DONE IT THE WHOLE TOWN IS TALKING 1949 WILLYS JEEPSTER. HEATER. OVERDRIVE j 13M 00 1949 FORD LINE BUSINESS COUPE. 7000 MILES i 169$ 00 1947 FORD DELUXE 1 DOOR SEDAN. A BARGAIN , J .... 10M 00 1940 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. HEATER RADIO. TWO-TONI 1299 00 1948 MERCURY TOWN SEDAN. CLEAN ...... 1198 00 1947 FORD '6' SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. X ft I 4 1169 00 1946 FORD '6' DELUXJt 2 DOOR SEDAN i 104$ 00 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE t DOOR SEDAN 1 593 00 1940 DODGE SEDAN A CHEAPII : 4 293 00 1939 FORD DELUXE S DOOR SEDAN i 38 00 1940 PONTIAC COUPE A BARGAIN L L- 473 00 1930 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. NEW RINGS AND BEARING! L 598 00 1947 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE A DANDY .- 4 1149 00 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE i 899 00 1943 WILLYS AM ERICA R MANY MILES PER -4 ni THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DONT FORGET THE LOCATION VALLEY MOTOR MART PHONE 3-3147 SALEM rejaontatcsmaa MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED TRESS , The Associated Press ts entitled exclusively te the nse for rop eblicstloa ef all the local news printed In this newspaper, ss well ss all AT news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OP BUEEAD OF ! ADVERTISING i Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Co- Now fork. Chlesga, Ssa Francisco, Detroit. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dslly and Sunday Week-days Only. Sundays Only By carrtrr la eiUaa $ 1.20 month $ 1.00 month 'j JO week M month .7$ month i .40 month By mall In Oregon 4 73 six moa. 4 2$ sts mos t it six moa (la advance) 9 00 rear 8.00 rear 4.00 year By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by mall. .10 week delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $12.50 a year i 4.50 year rural routes. (in adv.) j (la adv.) By mall In US -A. .M month 1.00 meath M month outside Oregon 7.20 six moa. 6 00 six mos. f LTI sts mos, (ta adv.) 14 40 year 1300 rssr S i.0 year A valla Ike la certain areas DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Conical roils of thread .UbS. president t. Forebodinf 10. U.S. river 11. Shore bird DOWN 1. Confound 2. Leave out S. Vitality ! 4. Short Uno for fishhook 10. 5. Male cat 6. Exclamation 7. Touched : 12. 8. Transporter Si. 12. Coarse cotton cloth 11. Pacific (So. Am.) island 14. Astern II. Roman money ,13.Bhold IT. Turn to 18. Simpleton the right 20. River (ScoLVSe. II. Greek Itttor tl. Surrealist If. Scalinf devices 22. Eskers 23. Terror IS. Writer of fables tS. Funeral song; SI. Cabbage J3.NoUon 24. Drank greedily j H. Part of "to be lt. Belonging toblm 89. lit note of the scale measure Corns In 44. Street urchin 4S. Creekl 47. Boy's Jacket 4S. A round Dutch cheese 4J.WarbIeJ painter 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale the Dealer : r..i.:... . .' . 1 '? ' S. VSetJ1 ....,.S495 .....4.1...$793 .....;.:-..$673 i.....$995 $1593 ,i' MOTORS PH. S-W8T or 3-0-M car dealer ass'n. TERMS PHONE 1-411 HIQH AT CENTER 23. Helped 24.. Revolve 2T. Chum 22. A train of Sear wheels Residence !! Viiis t fnT rf1 of a mandarin Marry Feminine DUBUBBH . Teeterdsy'S Aaswee pronoun 25. SmaU inclined haft 40. Egyptian 'fod 4ti Creek letter Ali Male sheep 43. Luson native (Mlnlnf) Chief magistrates I Venice) P " I" '"IP wL. J -P IE i 4 5T" 4 mmm "T ; ; i ' i.