St 1 I Q Tha States maa, golem, Qi-econ. Th e Associated Press News in iAi'i v-v Vv , .... . s " s'fK r . :.. ' V' ; -v , tax zii:- - 'jr?& AhV;v m A I UNCLE-tOUHD WARPLAN EfCRAVIYAR DAaierleuiwmrpiuMtalBUk.Nw is the ?atlfi, art pilce ay bi a deserted Jangle-boosd graveyard where tha Datch plan to salvage th ; H I ; X-A . ' J , d i . iv FRIISLAND FANCY tonrlat. tries a Pritslaad Mat of tOO yearn ago, at Jeliaa. Holland, r They wert )mdt f reed ribbing covered with oolorfnl Material. 1 !' I t - i T V - 14 1 1 , Si 'V .1. v I , s r'AA " " '; A CS'Tv :: STORY-TELLINC TIME-Miss talalio Stelasneta. story - York rublie Library. enterUias a yoathful aadieace at a session -,..- A- .. ' -;' V m t-v ' ' V :) ' v 4 . v If v ii a as "xcnuna j WW m Www w r :i Carlton tklnner. Interior Do '. partment director of taforama i tioa. kas beea designated by iee reUry 1 A. Krag as the ftrst clvUlaa Governor of Qi Mowkry , gapten-bar I, U4? 4 Marioa MjMde. Ajnrkn S'I&S' - - Ci :aAA-a tlr p.- J ... O npalr Xapttal ml at wasbiagtoa. Boast aad Seaato chambers - , ai BUk. New "f O R't it'F I k t ,N fc ,; .. .. '-. ' - " and his doc are stopped by aa advancing lire near Bordeaux. The aeasant carries m eanteea due to scarcity of water. - 1 UIUnc supervisor f the New la Hamilton fish Park. AAA ;. Vi A ' :'I,Mirtt Ia midst af Pictures Galaea. one aa Allied basa m A'N C t "2" A French peasant 7 WILL AID ARABS Gordon K. Clapn. chairman of Tennessee Valley Authority, will bead a U. N. survey of problems Involved in finding homes for Palestine Arab refugees. , Mill u derricks and scaffolding, work. win bt completed ta Dcccmbca. -;.' A;J . ' ! , " I I - i ' i' A A , 300 Personal 310 Mtadnq Noflcaa Chomekeu Lodso No. t tOOF. MULTNOMAH ChapUr Nov 1. RJt-M. Befular corrroca Uoa. refreshments. Thurs day. Sept. S. 14S. 730 p-m. 312 Loal end Fcnmd LOST, strayed or stolen: rust colored. Irun temer mate toi- "J Answer to name of "Mr. OToole". This Is a small boys dog and return or tot will be appreciated. Reward. Pto l-r?4 or S-778-4- LOST: Piece of suction hose. S in. di- ameter. about 8 n. long, uununum couplings. In East ena oi town o- tween airport c Sunnyvlew Ave., rn, Aut. J. Finder please call 3-8137. LOST AT DRIVE-IN Theatre, black Cocker Spaniel weartng icawer .harness with license attached. Re ward. Call J-300S. no n. zaro. ! 314 Transportation LADY drtvinc to Denver desires 1 per son to nelp witn arvvvng. no cnarge for expense of esr. Leave Wednes dsy. Sept. 7. Business ph. 37156. Res. Z-U60. 1316 Parsonal Palmistrv Readings Tells past, present & future. Advice on Jove, business - ana marriage. Ans wers all questions. Are you worried? 173 s. com i. upen a.m. 10 iv pjn. 400 Agriculture 402 Lireatock I 3-5 MOS. old Heifers for trade or sale for hay. Model A., or pickup. 4&u Monroe. ANIMALS HAULED, reasonable rates. Ph Salem J-S1S3. CATTLfi. WANTED. Earl DuChien. 3493 N. 5th Ph. 3-1658. LICENSED Uve stock buyer. Harold T. Snthen. Turner. Orecon. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed- wards. Rt. 3. Box 899Ef Ph 3-1144 AT STUD Reg. Palomino quarter- hor-e. H. L Stiff. Jr. Rt. 3. Box 870 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandlmh. 1127 S 25th Ph 3-8147 NEW HAMP, chicks every Thursday Ph 2-2H61 uee's Hatcher rrr NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for lmme- diate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Foxes Hatchery 3830 BUte EL. Ph. 3-4969. 404 Poultry and Babbits FRYERS II i3 .pullets 11.00 WendU stand. l' mi. W alUce Rd. Ph. 2-2219 408 Pets PEDIGREED female cocker reasonable Trice. 670 S 18th St. registered Coiite puppi. Rt. t. BOX 179 Ph. 3-2353 L PEKINESE pups, 6 wkft. Old At 1 toy Pekinese femsle. l', yr. old. Ph. -3599. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce TOMATOES 11.00 box. Bring contain ers. R. R. Faria. Rt 6. Box 124: Z't ml. east of Pen Four Corners. Ph. 3-1485. TOMATOES J. Bui hel or a ton. Sweet end good flavor. You pick. 11,00 bushel. Holman a Jef- terson hwy, at Midway. PURE . Apple cider made daily from selected, ripe uravenstein Apples. (No preservative) Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. 500 BOXES fancy waxen apples. 75c and si per box. Bring your ooxes. Puritan Cider Works. W. Salem. IMPROVED Elberta peaches. Priced from 75c up. Chris 45 Farm. Phone 3-1588. CANNING corn $1.50 a sack. Ph. I-! Sun. Sc Wed. 1758 S. 13th St. PRUNES-U pick. 75cdox. 2nd hse. , w, lezer ayp. BARTLETT pears 91. 25 per bu. Graven- stein apples II .00 per bu. Brine container-. Rt. 8. Box 655. Ph. 2-28. ITALIAN PRUNES. L. E. Kurth. W. Brownine sve. Ph. 23220. BARTLETT Pears. $1.00 bu. Bring coh tainers. 180 So. Hieh St. PRUNES, U-Pick. Ph. 2-21 507 CHOICE IMPRbVED Elberta peaches. uravenstein apples, Bartlett pears. T. C. Mason. Rt. 2. Box 267, Salem. $ ml. N. on Wheatland Rd. at Clear Lake Phone 3-1260. PtACHES. Ready now. Improved n- Dertas. Also sweet corn, l'i ml. on Wallace Road. L E Wendt. PEACHES $1.00 to $2 50 bushel. 1 fnile out wauace Rd. M. p. Adams, Ph. 2-2216. IMPROVED ELBERTA peaches. hUl grown. 6 miles so. of Salem. Old Pacific hlway. One mile West. Geo. Maurer. Ph. 2-6111. IMPROVED Hale ic Elberta peaches. Joe Diedrich. Rt. 2. Box 146. 1 mi. straight W. of Keizer tch. Ph. 2-8204. CANNING PEACHES, corn, tomatoes. pears, prunes, apples, strawberries rupotmes. ngaara r run x aim. g ml N. Keizer sch DILL PICKLES. 2c tt. Frank To'nev h. 3-1958. Rt. 2. Box 40B iNNING tomatoes $1.25 per bu. Sweet corn S22c per doz. Silverton Rd. 2'4 ml.- beyond fairgrounds L. D. Eg- pen. iamk tor sign, care deliver, Ph. 4-2642 CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS. $1.00 bu. You pick. 50c. Alirma .Motel. 3845 Portland Rd. Bring containers. Ph. 2-4510 CANNING corn Sc tomatoePh. 3-1578 at Roberts School, t. 3. Bov 903. g y Sills - Tlaft FHA Laaas fig-Tle Farm Loans License 8-211 aad M-Z22 Personal aad Aate Laaas We Want Your ' Always a Dependable Cash Market If yoa don't bring them to Carly's wo both lose. Cnrly's'Dairy ralfirtaada Road si Deed n. s-nti Ds.T.TXaasJ JX. Qr.OXl-saJf B DXS. CHAN . . . LA CI NESS BTKBAUST1 241 North Uberty si ' - - I Cpstalrs Port-aad Ceneral Bectrls Cav Offiee epe aaxarday ealy Is s to 1 a, t to 1 am Ciml isms fsnas- see arsssio aad mrm tests are (too og eStarga. rise Has! ao 101 1. i 400 Agriculture ill Fruit and Farm Prodnca CANNINO corn. Golden Cross hybrid. 4 , ml. Iv of vs on cnemswa-&uvr ton Rd. Rt. 7. Box 31 4X. A. Mattley. 425 Auction Sale Notice Immedlato - easn - for -you. Tho East) &alem Auction center locat SjXCO mX W 9 I Lancaster Dr. operates as a service for every one. Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7 JO pm. For informa tion call 3-122L 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sola NEW Norge Deluxe Electric Range 1 yr. old. 10 cu. ft. Refrigerator. Sew ing Machine- Misc. Items. Reasonable TABLE-TOP Wedgewood gas rsnge with hot cske griddle Cneap. 0f SUver St.. ft OIL "Colman Uverton. PP. H. circulator. Small aiie. A-l cond. 4970 DeliahC , mL W. Keirer sch. WHITE enamel range. A-l cond. 4970 Delight. '-4 ml W. of Keiaer sch USED retriijerator, cu. ft. 79JA. Guaranteed. 337 No. High St. pc. walnut dining nil. suite. Ph. 3-3253. NOW Open Eves. Until 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Saturday until p.m. Complete Home Furnishings LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY S. & H. GREEN STAMPS Tou cant beat this combination. II & H Furniture Co. 1590 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. S-3797 456 Wantad. Household Goods WANT GOOD Used refrigerator for cah Phone 3 -02 fig. . USED FURN., imm. appraisal, high est prices. Valley Furniture. 283 -J Commercial. Ph. 27472. USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 NOTHING too large or too small. TRADER LOUIE WILL PAY HIGH EST PRICES for furniture, rues. tliances. sewing machines, etc. call ev-s. Ph. S-855S or 1-4407 eves. NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture. Ph. 3-5110 Woodry USED wood stove circulator heater. Reasonable. Ph. 4-2633. 458 Building Materials "tTrecking Calif. Project Hundreds of mod. 1 panel doors snd glass doors with frames. Mod. style windows with frsmes. Lge. quantity wash basins, (12.90 Be 113. C. G. Long Ph. 2-582L 1 mi. N. of Keizer. Aluminum Roofincj Complete stock corrugated 5v crimp and accesones. Obtain our quota tions first. Saffron Supply Co. 325 N, Commercial St. Siding - Cedar Shakes Asbestos siding $10 sd. 13 In. painted shakes in cartons sis sq. c. a. Long. h 2-MZl. l mi. N. ot Keizer. RED CEDAR SHINGLES No. 1, 7.75, anv am't. del. Coast or Mountain timber, 100 sq. of No. 3. Bin. clear, suitable for roof or sidewalls. S3 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Salem-Indepen- PLYWOOD ! LARGE STOCK Of sizes, thicknesses and grades, both plain and water proof. Prices start st 5c per sq .ft Also good stocks in and '. In. in aula tine boards. Low prices on ,i In. and ,k In. sheet rock. Keith Brown Front and Court Streets. Sslem. Mountain Cedar Shingles NO. 1 $7.75 sq. NO. 3 $4.50 sq. No. 3 $3.00 sq. G. LONU 'hone jjt-Sgl 1 mi. N. of Keizer PECIAL Cedar siding a."x8". Ran dom -lengths. C grade. $85 per M. Keith': Brown. Front Sc Court Sta. Salem LUMBER. 2x4 by Jitney load. $10 per thous. You hsul. independence Lum ber and Mfg. Co., IndependenceOre. 460 Musical Instruments 3 FINE, old violins for sale at 'i their value ' at the Star Exchange Loan office. It will pay you" to see them. 462 Sports Equipment" 30 40 Krag pcrf. c d. 30 ralrhavcn A ELK Sc deer rifles, shotguns St pistol Ph. 3-658S WTSCHESftft carbine, hew 3030". Trsvel Trsiler $225. Pack burro. H. p. Long. 226 8.' Church. Silverton. Oreg. 464 Bicycles MAN'S hesvy service bicycle, $18: See Mr. Clark, a talesman. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous" WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital beds. Ph. 3-7775. Max O. Buren. 743 court at. Sale UCKS1 FOR AfcNT Bfan- kets turn. 197 S. L Ph. 2-9062. fl06E CSED Piano StilL 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous PORTABLE wash tubs, electric irons 4 qt pressure, cooker, hand carpet sweeper, andirons. Misc. Items. Call 2-5010. i . . , NEW WestinghdOse electric roaster and Handy Hot portable washer, rn. 2-3403. HcKEW: American Electric meat and bone band saw. Sell cheap tor cash. 2040 Madison. AMORAYSTHarlev Pugh. Ph. 2-8767. LEAVING town. Will sell reas. Daveno. table a 4 chairs, fruit, fruit tars, high chair, radios, foot lockers, other items. 450 S. Capitol, Apt. 1. PIANO th very good cond. cheap 1699 8 Cnttaee St. eh. 2-8725. THAYtK Baby Buggy used very little. new cost v9, sell for z 822 50 Dh. 3-n8. EXCELLENT four position hospital Led $73 1301 rsirgrouna na. s INNER SPRING matUcss and box Springs. Excel cond. Childs high chair, crib and mattress, very good feather roll mattress. good washing machine. Iron bed fuQ size, small ice box 25Jf . etc. 407 S. 18th. So. NEW GUARDIAN Ware utensils, never Ttwl used. Will sell sepsrste or su for 1100. Baby buggy $20. Bathlnette $7, S55 Portland Rd THOR gladiron. original cover. $50, new waxer, extra brushes, $50. 3653 Portland Rr, CORN LS'5 AfiE. belivered or haul om cannery. Can 3097 or 3079 Dallas. Ice Br?. D tr 1, GAL Fruit Jars. LOOSE. 60e DOZ. 190 S. 14th FLASTI-KOTE, the ccllophane-hko fi- iilsb, for your floors or linoleum, that requires no waxing. YEATER AP- AtTtNTlOtj LAPtPAR-STA lew Pri day Plume agate nodules. Also sUeed plume and other good cutting ma- . tenais. inquire at ropi Ague ena Novelty Shoe. 3994 Portland Rd, Salem. , " ATTENTION farmers and dog owners: Cotee cheese wnev. excellent hoe food, lc a gaL outdated cottage cheese 3c lb. Cherry Lane-rrye cneeso in SIS S Coml Ph. 3-4261. WHEAT by the sack or ton. Paul 6cad. SU. S. 3o 373. J 3-15. 450 3Ierchandis 470 For Sola. MIscellanaotui S AND g FT. DISPLAY tables from old Sears store. Ph. g-S&Sa. Roberts SU- tion on S. River Rd. f 20 FT. DEEPFREEZE, like new. iioO. Also 30 lb. computing scale, perfect cond- 1123. Phone 2ria32. Sa OR Eastern Oregon white lace beef, ttate inspected. Ph. 3-183. TnHrla ntir Tnnlr Servir. ei-Mw aw J swav w ssr-w Complete Serrica. Call o Collect 2545 State St Phone 3-0734 RIVER BOTTOM top soU All kinds pit- run. gravel, crusheo. sand, mix. con crete pipe and tile; septic tanks, re inforcing steel and meh. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1403 N Front SL Phone 3-3417 USED electric ranges. $293 to $L29J0. r T EATER APPUAMCE CO.! rVct-rt i. .. ..kiJ USED electric washing machines, $19 93 to SIZ9.50. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. DISTILLED white vinegar tor'aU pick- ung purposes "Keeps your ptcues . krisp. Also old time pure apple i cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. USED electric refrigerators. YtATtR APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC sewing machines. Free- Westlnxhouse. V EATER APPLIANCE CO ' ' ' Vallev Sand & Gravel Co Silt Sand f ill dirt Screened grsvel it sand tor concrete, imm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck for dirt moving. Ph. office 2-4001. res 3-7146. NEW HOME sewing machines. Port- ablet, desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Kalpn John- on t Appliances. TARPS ' st your War Surplus Store II ot Waterproof. Grommets Sx7 $3.13 7x0 S3 67 xS S4 S3 0x10 : SSJ0 An other sizes in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Corner Fairrround Rd St Church St QCaAAV hOCK ior" road basi Crush- m rocs. Oil curt, we aeuver. Croisan Quarries IMS S Com! St. Ph. S-4417 Plant. Ph. 3-1231 Res. 3-3075 FENCE POSTS, poles, ail types, ahlnvlaa frtilixY A. flarmrk. Phil. P hps Bros. Rt s. Box 111 Ph. 3-145. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous CASH for newspapers. 1790 Nf Front PIANO TUNING WUU Music Store Salem 474 Miscellaneous CUSTOM DRYING f ilberts. wslnuts. Filberts blanking. Hobb's Dryer, 7 ml. S t of Salem on Salem-Aumaville Hwy.- Ph.. 3-5211 eves. . Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor wsxtng Buildings - Factories Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MA I. NT. CO Ph. $alem 3-9133 ; WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation Duffteld Bro Rt 9 box 58. Phone 2-1313 or g-2793. WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses McEwan Photo Shop .435 State. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer Ac Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-i. yds 10 B-, yds D-7 Cat it Dozer . D-6 Cst Sc Dozer f D-4 Cat Sc Dozer See us about ditching by the foot Phone days 3-9406 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon Mattresses. Capital Bed Co ph. 3-4069. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Sc Com. Ph 3-3311 JfUTO PXINTIN'G. fust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 3-8101 t RUMMAGE SALE. Some new. near new. uied. Clothing, shoes, coats and sweaters. Over creenbsums. lues day. Sept 6. 9 a.m. 476 Fuel 16" SLAB wood $11 a lead. Prompt delivery. Ph. 2-7731 after 4pm TREE to give ayay tor wood. Ph. 37541 Orpffon Fuel Co Gooar dry slab or green. Clean sawdust Gneen edging $5.50 Id., double $10.00. Dry edging $8 00 Id Ph 3-553 CLEAN FRESH SAWDUST, Summer rates. Call 2253 Dallas collect for prompt delivery. OLD FIR. 2nd growth Sc slab. Dry Kampstra wood yq. rn. Z-ZSsa. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE Sc DIESEL OILS . FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 3-6444 VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak. slab, maple, old fir, sec. growth snd cherry. Also oo wood sawing, rn 3-427 pr 8-35M : Tri City Fuel PHONE 1-7443 ' 16-ln. slab wood and edging fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR S Sc H GREEN. STAMPS 3b" DAYsDeciaL Old growth block wood from Valsetz. $10 cord delivered off car. Kill dry planners. 3 cords $l- Ph. 3-7721. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD - DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. cieaa no nark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1523 Edgewater bl w. ,aienuj Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak. ; 4' fir. 18' lab andgingsPh. 3-1458 Cl1nhand-picRed, ISInT SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. rooms 3- (2i R. H." ALLEN I " Dry or Green Block Wood 8c Plainer trim. 1260 Candlewood Dr, Ph. 2-2382. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities 12 UNIT MOTEL elee heat, good Iocs tlon. S rm. house C W. Sartcll.3353 Portland Rd. foUN T AUJ" LUnCH for sale. In good location. Ideal for epic, will take has In trade Ph 2-6831 ATT. S unit motel. 7 rm. home, MX WU1 trade. 3590 S. Com L St. F&ff-SALE BY OWNER A nice going business. Illness of Bro, forces sale, see me or write lews S. 12th St, Sslem. Ore. L GROCERY. MEATS, pkg.i beer, etc. For sale by owner. Real bargain for someone. Well located, I can han dle. Excellent reason for selling. Write Statesman box S93. 510 Money To Loan 1 Private Money On Cars. Trucks At Trailer Homes Long ee Short Term Psymeaits Roy H. Simnions 130 S. Commercial St Ph. 3-$ll AUTO LOANS Wn-LAMXTTX CREDIT CO. . 182 S. Qiurch St PL 1-2497 Parking Aplenty 7 ' UC, M159-S154 ! rARM and CITY LOAi,! ' - ,. 4 and $ Your own terms of repayment srtthta reason. Cash for Real Estate Cos tracts and Second Mortgagee. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 PKsnoer Trust Bldg, , Ph. S-TIO 500 Business & Finance 510 Money; To toon CASH 4 NOW - i ti j i 525.00 ,to 5500.00 Salem's largest and Oldest homo-owned kan company offers money when you need It I Tou can nay anytime to reduce net cost! So endorsers, or fielp from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phono or visit our' office today I Ue. No. a 13 and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 3-H61 136 a. COMT STt S CASH $ $25 00 to $500 00 rumlture. U vest or k. aqutp-aent loans up to $300. Cat loans up to $500 00. Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7033 Lie. No. M3S0 S2JI riovd Kenvon Mgr See Us For r Attractive Farm Loanc Onlv 4 or42 Int. to 40 years and NO commission' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State It Ph. 1-3661 512 Loans Wantad tsno LOAN wanted on Veterans bonus. will pay your interest. Ph. 1-S234. 800. Loan wanted on first on home and business Brooertv ued at 23,000. Income from property $233 per month. Call 3-4547. ask for Stevens. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED Barber for Fair week. Chris's Berber shop 2549 Portland Rd. PK. 1-9834. 608 Help Wanted. Female GIRLS. 16 yrs. or older, neat, well msnnered Apply Capitol Theater. STENOGRAPHER ' for generaloffice worx. bnorthand required. Apply in rrson. Braun Insurance Agency, lsi Church. f Experienced waitress wanted. Comet Cafe 1204 Leslie. No phone calls . SCHOOL girl to kve In our homelh South part of Salem. Private room Sc bath. Small monthly salary.. We would expect her to help with chil dren in evenings and be of some help with housework. Please spply on Monday with, parents permission. Phone 3-3343. h6l-SEKETER it care 61 children! 466 State St, WOMAN FOR Light housew5rk & chill care, room, 1-7823. board St wages. Ph. 608 Pickers Wanted BEANS, a late patch. 1 gd. wks. Pick ing Man. Free cabins, lights, showers, laundry facilities Sc wood. Dean Walker Farms. Inden. Csll 39 or 140. iTOTrPlTKlNG wlil surrSeoCraf the jerman a enmenoen to. i. mun out on S. River Rd.t Free modern cam np Bis. grounds and store. Rt 3, Box Salem. BEAN PICKERS. 'Bishops South Rivet rosd. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th Sc Mission 6:00. Farm La bor office. 6:30, Ladd 8c Bush bank 6:35. south on Commercial to Owens. Tor Information call 3-6137. H6P PICKERS wanted starting iates Mon. Aug. zs. iooa picking. Long run. Schurter and Kaufman Hop Yards. 2 miles south oi Central Ho well. Rt. 2. box 75. Silverton. 610 Sales Persons Wanted ! ) 2 EXP salesman to sell leading lines of appliances. PayUTg salary plus com mission with transportation furn ished. Write Bog 256 Statesman I REAL ESTATE "salesmen wanTedTwo Jtrefer someone: who will specialize n farms or business opportunities. Call st 341 Chemeketa between 9 00 ana- lono A M tor call 2Z577. LOCAL TIRE distributor of, national advertised brand desires retail tire salesman. Married man preferied, ages 22-35. Car essential. Permanent position. Adequate salary. Experi ence helpful but not essential. Write Statesman Box 253 giving age, ex perience .etc. ! EXP. furniture salesman. List experi ence 8c qualifications. Write Box 257 Statesman. ' 612 Work Wanted. Male REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING to JOB Young married man, non smoker, drinker, reliable. Experienced trues driver, 2 yrs. sheet metal, warehouse man, laborer. etc not afraid of work, will go anyplace, anytime, anywhere, ph. 1-6874. j 614 Work Wonte- female ' CHILD care. BOOKKEEPI Typing, bookkeeping mach.. eleo. calculator. Write Statesman box 990. 615 Situations Wanted WILL CARE for child during fair ex. j cepi lues. 3JO nr. B9B uaines. Pli. 2-5394 " I YARD WORK, pruning. Caretaker. PR. 4-2831 G. rarfs. 10 Alder I CHILD care , by flay In my Rome. PR. j rn. j-g(i. CHILD care by day or month. Keizer district. 507$ New Jewberg Drive. Ph. 3-1333 PARENTS: Will 'care for your child I while you attend fair, by the hour, ' day or night. 9f S. 12th. Ph. 1-0403. WILL CARE for children in my homo ! $100 oer dav. Phone 2-4394 ! CHlLTTcA RE by day Phl-e3. REMODELING and repair work. Phono ; 3-1339 or 2-0216. CXKPgNTER work, new. repairr2209j. LET'S BID on your painting. Your i paint or our . M. L Gottenburg. ; 3-4240. I WOOD SAWING Ph. 2-1573 vryi- - t r a. r e a t t , r WANTED outside house paioflng. CHL Stahl. Ph. 2-8844. W ILL do any kind of carpenter work i resonbly. 1161 Union, Ph. 1-1487. i CX.Ml:NT"worTrTAiakinds7T 1 Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. 1 1 J ... , . . tt !.. VV OflWV I BUU HIKI WBlll VI PHHJ4 i DRAWING" house pUns. riCT.2r iEWtRSTnd septic tanks installed ani repaired Scharff Bros, ftf. 15560 CHlMNEY"sweep. Northnesst Fh3-445 Mimeographing & Typing POE'S. 069 N.lMth St Ph. 3-3643 616 EmploT ont Agency COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 1-1488 700" Rentals GARAGE BLTX3. 34x68 or can be te4 for other business. Located 4 ml. N. of Salem on 99 hlway. Come Sunday tt look It over. See Lake La bun Welder 4 mL' H., of Salem. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEFPTNO rms for gentlemen. Vh 337S4 j SLLLpING rma. IsKltchen privileges, j !. N Summer. Ph. 1-0855. l 1 C9VELV RM. and homo privileges la; East Salem for em p. lady or teach-; er. Breakfast and .supper it desired.! ph 3-WQ14. f , ' UncT'STJr.gPTMe room. Ph. X7SUti SLEJPLNGRilS. in gd. ' location. Pft! horne.79 w winter. rTi. 3-9339 LARGE sleepingrm employed lady! 94 M. Winter it. J ) 11 -A i .. ...... - i .. t ah