THE VALLEY NEWS - From Dm Oregon Statesman's Volley Corr$poncWj Registration For Schools Set Sent. 14 -. i. INDEPENDENCE, Sept 3-(Special)- Independence and Mon mouth schools will have registra tion . Wednesday, September 14, following a teachers workshop "September 12 and 13. announced George A. Corwin, superintend ent of schools. The faculties for both the grade and high 'schools are complete ex cept for two vacancies in the Mon pectea xo cc uuea won, aupfnn tendent Corwin said. New teachers in the Indepen dence high school include Roger, Barnhart, EngMsh 2. 3. 4; Hoardj Houck. world history, work eeo-. vaphy, speech, physics; rVf-er Meyer, girls' physical education fV all grades; Sam Ramey. bovs' physical education for eighth grade and sophomore year. Many Returning Teachers returning to the high m ' I - t T 1 school this year will be Rhea Branson, English 1, social econo mics. U. S. history-civics; Barbara Beebe, social studies, hbrary. John Chrismer, arithmetic for ' eighth grade, math, algebrt 1, 2; Paul Dodd, band 1, 2; AJvin Leach, ae riculture 1. 3. 4, biology; Ruth Reich, typing 12. shorthand 1. 2, bookkeeping;. LaVerne Harnsber f er Thoennes, horre economics for eighth grade, 1, 2, .3. j Paul Robinson will again act as principal. Independence orimary teachers will include Olga Bartholomy. Berniie Batchelder. Helen Gwinn, Oma Belle MrBee, and Vermis Carr. Intermediate . teachers will be Lucille Schulte. Marv Lo-iv Gibbon, Thelma Tallent, Mort Howard. Marv Donaldson and Mark William. New Teachers i Bernice Batchelder and Helen Gwinn are new in the primary de Sartment. Miss Batchelder last lught at Oswego State Teachers college in Oswego. N. Y.. and Miss Gwinn ha served as supervisor at Southern Oregon College of ed Bcation. New in the intermediate depart ment are Lucil'e Schulte. who has been teaching in Heideiberg. Ger many; Marv Txmtse Gibbon, for merly supervisor at lississippi State Teachers rollpgp; -and Mort Howard, an CVE g-"vi . --n has taught ;at Tarkrose In Port land. Monmouth high school teachers Include Irene Makinsov English and home economics: John Cham berlain, roach and social science; Nelson! Fox, shop and mathemat ics; Loraine Lofte,. social science and speech; Dahl Blauvelt. sci ence; Frances Gentle. English and library!; Jesse Blackburn, com merce;, Charles Stowall, band; Phoebe CanhelJ, physical educa tion and English. iFeen Are Set ' N Monmouth grade school will in clude Mildred Kane in the kinder garten: Grace Kaufman. Madeline Golden and Dora MrLeod in pri mary: Martaret Hiatt. Minnie Dixon, John Black and Stanley Ruchman. Intermediate: and Eu gene Lawrence. Lucille Millsap nd Everett Van Maanon in the upper grades. Students will not be required to stay registration day after their registration ' is complete, stated Paul Robinson, principal. Fees for , an eighth grade student will :to 1 tal $4.30. School buses will run on regular schedule. Frank Cliambers IVIayor of Amity AMITY At a special meeting of the Amity city council, Frank Chambers was elected mayor, to fill theVvacancy caused by the res ignation of Jack Vandelaar. Mr. Vandelaar'i resignation was ac cepted with regret. Due to ill health he has disposed of his bus iness interest here and purchased the Lehman's -Hot Spripgs. nesr Ukkiah in the Blue mountian area. Mr. and Mrs. andelaar took pos session September 1, and his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vandelaar, Jr., plan to Join them in operating the resort. Valley Obituaries Aidison Edgar Harrison AMITY Addison Edgar Harris on, late of Amity died Sept 1. at McMinvine bospiUI. Memorial services were held at 'Mary's cha pel, Saturday morning with burial at Mt. Crest Memorial park at Sheridan. He was 70 years old, the son of ' wH. and Lavina Harrison of Am ity. Surviving are his widow, and one son, Ceeil, rff Sheridan, a daugfrter, Dorotha Harrison, of Portland, three sisters, Mrs. Floy White, Mrs. Gertrude Sandy. Mrs. Eva Roth and one brother, Richard Harrison all of Amity. CbLVMNS e I Guests at Talbot Leave for Home JEFFERSON Benny Troste of -Manhattan Beach, Calif., Jerry Stinnett and James Bruce of El Segundo. Califs left for their home Thursday after spending, the sum mer at the William Brown home at Talbot. i :. .Miss Goldie Ha worth otf Den ver,; Colo., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Haworth off Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. AL B. McManus, sj., who have btefi employed on the Delmer Davidson farm during the summer, have returned to their home at Durant, Ok la. Mt.Ancel rTt "f ii JLCtllTl X CCG At Banquet MT. ANGEL, SM. 3-(Specia I Members of the Mi Angel baseball: team, winner of ftke Willamette valley league championship, were . . . . J " fw guests oi nonor ai m a inner i nur day night in the Mt Angel hotel. Highlight of the gathering, at tended by some :40 sports, fans, was the awarding of the league trophy by William Bean, league president. The trophy went to Ira Herriford, team manager, who in turn presented it to Harold Bour bonais, team coach,' Team members present included Al Russell, James; Bochsler, Wal ter Faulhaber, Doirt Schaeffer, Al Zuber, John Beyer Lance White, Robert Griesenauer, John Ma thews, James Howard, Larry Tra cger, James Bieletbeier and Bour banais and Junior; Legion baseball team members, Fritz Beuer, Eddie Traeger, Jay Foumier, Arnold Bielemeier, Norbejrl Wellman and Louie Turin. Wivejt of players also were present. ' j j Joseph Wachtenfwas toastmas- ter. Speakers included George 2chmidt, president of the Business Men's club; Gene Barrett; coach of the legion juniors and Mt. An-, gel preparatory school; the Rev. Damian Jentges, OSB, Mt Angel pastor; Ed Stolle, editor of the Mt. Angel News;! thej Rev. Edward Spears, athletic director of Mt. An gel preparatory school and others. Joe Obersinners Hosts at Reunion Of Shultalbers '- 14 , MT. ANGEL List, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J(oe Obersinner were hosts at a reimionST the Shultai ber family in their picnic grove on the Pudding river. Their son, LeRof , who .has fin ished four years in tht Jesuit no vitiate at Sheridan;, was the hon ored guest. 'Pi The gasket lunch at noon was followed by horseshoe playing, swimming and other activities. The following Were present: Mr, and Mrs. Miles Shaw and daugh ter Sharon of Grants Pass; Ken neth Haas of Foreit Grove; Henry Shultalber oflHilboro; Mr., and Mrs. Ray Hagenauer and family of Tacoma ; Dr. -and Mrs. Jim Miles and daughter, Margo, of Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. KlostermanJ Mrs. Bill Klos terman and daughter, Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. David McLenna and daughter, Tawny, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Dti Brookshire and family of Battleground, Wash.; Mr. and Mrsj Frank Kahut and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schind ler and family, M. and Mrs. "Clar ence Hagenauer and family. Mrs. Lena Hagenauer -land family, all of Wjoodburn; Mrj, and Mrs. Ray Hassing and daughter, Linda; Mrs. Rose Hassing, Clifford Holmes, Dorothy PredickJ and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Jof Obersinner and family, all of Mt. AngeL; Addition al guests were Mfc and Mrs. J. C. Wagner and family, Mr; and Mrs. Louis Kappel and son Edward of Mt. Angel, and Mr .and Mrs. E. R. McKee and family, and Miss Betty McGee of Portland. Two First eWorld War Buddies )Vleet Again at Dallas DALLAS, Sept 3-( Special ) -Two World war I buddies met for the first time in 30 years here recent ly. The reunion took place when Mr. and Mrs.; Hilmer Gellein and daughter, all of Detroit, Mich., stopped at Dallas to Visit R. S. K reason, local attorney! Gellein, also an attorney, is a veteran of both world wars. He served as court reporter Jpr Krea son while the latter was in the judge advocate general's branch in France near the close of the first war. The two men had not met since 1919. ?j Gellein. later, served as private secretary for th" late Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy at Detroit before heilwas elevated to the supreme court berich. Gellein is now working on a biography of Justice Murphy, ij Navy Reservists Aid Blood Bank (? - " - !' I - 'i X pt ; A , J Cn. - - , -r ? " 1 . - r h tr -I r - ! Two of Salem's nary reserrlsU la line as blood ionora whea navy anils were host to tho Ke4 Cross otoaMbile Tbmrsday night are YM 1e Samuel E. Carpesiter (center) and BMC K. K. KlorcUa. They are giving Information to a nnrso with the mobile unit. Reservists provided M pints of Mood, which will retarn U local hospitals. (Phil Winters photo.) i : , Homecoming Attracts 155 , At N. Santiam NORTH SANTIAM Around .123 adults and nearly 30 children were present last Sunday in the North Santiam school park for the annual North Santiam homecom ing picnic. The small boys sack race was won by Richard Towery. Gerry Ross won the larger boys sack race. Byron Gavette won the foot race. A second sack race was won by Billy Benton. A special sack race was held with a "three generation entry, Jerry Alsman winning over his aunt Imogene Shafer and his great uncle, George Brower of Salem. All-age boys race was won by Jimmie Towery. The run-off sack race as won by Billy Benton; three-legged race by Richard and Jim Towery; little boys race; by Keith Hankie; foot race by Richard Towery.! At the business meeting Raleigh Hammer was chosen chairman. it 11JSBII. Matei It was Virginia Hammer declined the sec retary - treasurership, and Hall Kaiser was appointed. voted to make permanent tables or the park. Mrs. Effie Angel, 83 in January, received the prize of a refrigerator dish for being the oldest woman present. Runner up was Mrs. Leon ard of Salem, 83 in March, mother-in-law of Floyd Brower. Two oth ers. Mrs, Frances McLaughlin, 82, and Mrs. Effie Jarvis, 81, were close. Mrs. Stella Alsman of Salem re ceived the prize of a dozen glasses for the largest family in attend ance, with five of her children there. GUESTS AT EOBEKTS ROBERTS Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frahm have been Mrs. William Foster of Eugene, "Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blake of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones and baby of Stockton, Calif. Dave Jones is nephew of Mrs. Frahm. MOVING TO OSWEGO ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy xl. atout and iamiiy are moving this week to Oswego from their home on Croisan Creek Road Stout is sales manager for the Portland Dairy Equipment com pany. TS To Remodel You dont nood cash to romodol, repair or build. TKo now Co po land Eudgot Man is designed to help you with any job from $50 to $2500. Have fho work dono ' i . now and pay later in convenient payments. Call your Salem yard and see how i - l' i i Miy ft is to tko achrtntafo of tho Copobnd Budget Plan. Valley Briefs Independence The W i 1 1 a m- ette valley- association of matrons and patrons, OES, will meet Thursday, September 8, at 8 p. m. at the Masonic hall in Stayton with Acacia chapter No. 63 as hosts, announced Ralph Kletzing, secretary of the association. E o be r t s Final surfacing of Croisan Creek road was begun Thursday morning by the Marion county road crew. Preliminary surfacing was done this past spring after the damage by the winter freeze made the road one of the worst in the county. South Salem- Paul and . John Harvey published the 100th edi tion of their two-year-old Hulsey News last week, and prefaced the extra-large issue with a thank-you note to their 103 subscribers. ' . Rebuilding of O Plant Delayed ALBANY, Sept 3-(Special)-Re-building plans for the Linnco Shin gle company plant destroyed by fire Thursday night are await ing return from California of Owner Jack A. Ulrich of Modesto. The blaze which destroyed $10, 000 worth of buildings and equip ment was of unknown origin. A fire, discovered in the main floor of the plant Sunday, was extin guished by workers according to Manager C. E. McKenzie. The plant and, machinery had been shut down three days prior to the Thursday night fire. Three men are employed at the plant Office and records and $1, 000 worth of cedar shingles, all in other buildings, were not damaged by the blaze. WILL LOSE FINGER GERVAIS Cpl. Milton St. John of the U. S. air corps, who has been home on a furlough from Al aska, has .gone to Fort Lewis hos pital to undergo an amputation of a finger. He was hurt while re pairing a motor bike recently. A SY 4-H Members Win Awards At Linn Show JEFFERSON Model Dairy 4-H club members winning at the Linn county 4-H show were: Don na Porter, first on geese; Lanny Porter, second on turkeys; Ernie Smith, second on 2 year old Jer sey cow; Dale Morrissette, .first on chickens; Joan Hilliker, third on chickens. Ernie Smith also won a registered Jersey heifer calf giv en by the Linn - Benton Dairy as sociation. The award was made on a merit basis. ' ! j Members-of the DeVaney Stock i club winning at Albany were: Karen Kelly,: first on fat lamb, and fourth on ewe lamb; Betty Mitch- j ell, fifth on ewe lamb;Darrel Por-, ter, second on New Zealand rab-' bits,also placing on pigs; Jessie DeVaney, thif d on ew lamb, sixth on showmanship; Don Porter, sev- enth on pigs.! j At the sale terminating the show, Karen Kelly's lamb brought $87.20; .Don Porter's pig, $53.36; and Darrel Porter's pig, $51.90. Jack DeVaney is leader of the club and served as official weigh er at the show. . Houe Guests at , t Home in Roberts ROBERTS-j-House guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gil bert have been the former's neph ew and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Syverson and daughters, Joan Ma rie and Judyi Ann, of Minneapolis, Minn. The Syversons visited in California before coming to Sa lem and will be $n Seattle before returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Brown of Stayton were lso guests at the Gilbert home on Schurman road. Classes in Piano Will Be Open for Registration September 12 Phone or Call for Appointment 722 X. Cottage, Telephone 34617 Charles O. Hargrave Accredited Teacher Mm CONSTRUCTION RETAODELING REPAIRING . With Planning for Flower Show GERVAIS The Garden club met at ah outdoor meeting Thurs day wifh Mrs. Henry Steger. There were six j members present and Mii. Howard Smith was a guest The. group made further plans and preparations for the an nual flower show October 1. Mrs. Merle Ltp cas will be hostess for the September li Meeting. Mrs. J. A. Sterk and daughters, Marie aid Kathy. of Seattle, have been visiting with the former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adel man, jr.) Visitors at the Bert Knowles home have been their daughter. Mrs. George Stokx and daughters. DarJenejand Shirley of King City, cm j , . . The Gervais Cafe is now under the management of Mr. and Mrs.' George jFine of Portland who suc ceeded Leland and George Cham bers. The two Chambers families have moved tq Monmouth where they formerly resided. Midwest Visitors At Salem Heights For Three Weeks SALEM HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Harvey, jr., and son, David I of Nebraska City, Neb., spent three weeks visiting the .for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Harvey on route 9. Mr. and Mrs. George Beane anf son. Julian Thruston. have been visiting friends in Boise. Idaho, and attended the Pendleton Round UP-' j Mr. and Mrs. John Krogen of Lyons,! Neb- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.; R. Harvey Thursday O N D at the OREGON STATE mR EHEMAL ELECTMC We invite cznzxal O xucnuo PUSH-BUTTON RANGE eesssjj 1 Tho fostsst...esitst... clsonett way to cook.' i - '- . ". The Appliances Most Women Want Most, Shown and Demonstrated at the j State Fair Nationally Famous Homo Economists TIm Statesman. SaUm, Oroaotu M-Sgt Oscar FengeL who has been ii ting his sister, Mrs. Carl Anderson, returned to Fort Lewis t - ) i i in m v " - ..a saar jggr Conscientious, Di I Sfervice m o 545 North Capitol I 5 LAY you to come in today and see tht CHEAT NEW CINI HAL 0"ctic Spate-fAakor Refrigerator in Attendance s SandaT ZmAaahm 4 ltiSll last week. Ht ha beea on 99 day furlough after returning from Japan. if . f ' T SAVINGS EARN MORE at Salem Federal Jonuory 1st ond July 1st, savors or paid liberal divi dends ... increasing your funds. Our current 2V re turn ncouroget thrift. 560 State Strt v facing Court Hovso SALEM. OREGON : ! : '.'!, : SAVINGS riDIIAUY INSUIID Ta. S-3672 n o iv i griifid Tho finest ovar offered by General Electric 1 tsvsj; use, 349 So. 12lh PWo 3-91