.11 1 - . :t-. 'I . . 4 - The Stat man, Salem. OnKfon. Saturday. September 3. 1911 SP.CI ETY - CLUBS.- MUSIC Visitors to Be Feted Ton Victors, in the capital for, the holiday weekend are Mr. andMrs. Effls Harris and, son,' Steven, of Bedwood City, and his brother-ln-Uw aod sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Eyre. Tonight the Eyres and Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes are1 planning an Informal at home in compli ment to Mr. and Mrs- Harris at the Hughes residence' on Vista venue. Sharing honors with the Harrises will be Mrs. Arthur Ner ness of Los Angeles, who is leav ing Monday for her hororta he eouth after a visit her. with her parents, Mr. and .'Mrs. WOlard tyirtz. - . At A large group of the honor guests former high school friends have been- invited to call after 9 'clock. Au Revoir n Party (fa Arnold J. Olson was host ed for a surprise party Friday af ternoon at her Fir afreet home In compliment to Mrs. Irene Knut een, who is leaving soon for Che lan, Wash, to live A surprise handkerchief ahower feted the honor guest and coffee was served during the afternoon. Saying au revoir to Mrs. Knut en were Mri. M. A. Cetzendaner, Mrs. John Baglien, Mrs Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Melyin Johnson, Miss Fyt Olson, Mn. Al Randal, Mrs. Louis Ramus, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs. C Jaqua, Mrs. Mark Gehlar, Mrs. George Dilts, Mrs. Al Satber, Mrs. C. F. Kenyon and . the hostess. '. ! Phyllis Schnell Married to Robert; Strebig on - Friday ...::,(;; ;. By Jerrsse EnU ! r -. Itilfimw Society ' Editor Blue, the bride's favorite color, was chosen by Miss Phyllis Eliz abeth Schnell for her wedding gown and those of her attendants when she became Mrs. Robert Walter Strebig at a beautiful ceremony Fri day night. The Tint Congregational church was the setting lor. tue t o'clock nuptials at which Dr. Sets R. Huntington officiated. Lewis Herder of Portland a cousin of the bride, sang a new wedding song. The Wed dine Prayer" before the f , 1 ..' " . ... ; ; .: . . nuptials and the organist was Jean j y. strebis; and she attended her ? ' A . - ' " j f - " ' ' ' : A . ' 1 x -X ;f . i . r r. r x v. l H A -j ;vi.A2 7 m -. 'N-' Mr. and Mrs James A. Shalley (Mary Lou Bruckman) who were married on August 12 at the Piedmond Presby terian church in Portland. The bride la the daughter of the M. D. Bruckmani and th groom'a parents are the George L. Shelleys. The couple will live in Salem. (Jesten-Miller). GaesU ef Mr. sad Mn. ; Harry H. . Weinatein for the holiday weekend are his brother and U-ter-in-law, Dr; and Mri. Sydney Weinstein of Seattle. i 1 ' f. - Dr. and Mrs. B. F. WUIUum have returned from a six day cruise in Canadian waters, going as far north as Prince Rupert. They visit ed in Seattle a day bdth ways. UOIIEII V7AIITED t Skill Starts Tuesday, Stpl. D PLEASE REGISTER HOW 1 PAULUS DROS. PACI0I1G CO. 14 th 4 Oxford Hobo Party at Rhoten Home' David Rhoten and Wallace Car son were hosts for a hobo party Friday night at the home of the former's parents, the George Rhotens, on South Church street. A group of their high school friends came in jeans and plaid shirts. The playroom , was deco rated as an abandoned railroad station to carry out the theme of the party. Log seats were ar ranged before the fireplace for the guests to roast marshmallows and punch was served from old Jugs. Guests of David and Wallace were Misses Mary Jane Rud, Dor othy Swigtrt, Marjoric Little, Othelene Lee, Virginia Eyre, Greta Ann Schrecengost, Val Jean Gos nell and Michael Deeney, Jim Brown, Charles Bales, Jack Beak ey, and Frank Pepenfus. Hobson Rich. Dozens of, pastel blue ! candles cast a soft glow In the gothlc sanctuary and at the altar were baskets of blue and white del phinium and gladioluses.: ! The al-L tenia te pews were .marked with clusters of blue hydrangea blos soms and just i before the bridal party entered the aisle was closed with white satin ribbon. Miss Carol Strebig, sister of the groom, and his cousin. Miss Shirley Dietz, lighted the tapers and closed the aisle. - ."; Preceding the bride to the altar were three pretty attendants, her cousin, Mrs. Delbert Randal of Corvallis, the honor matron, Mrs. Roger M. Schnell (Joan Beakey), her sister-in-law, and Mrs. Ro bert Steeves (Shirley Lukins), the bridesmaids. The attendants as well as the candle lighters, all wore identical gowns of mist blue fashioned of net over satin and designed with full, ankle length skirts, and cap sleeves and round ed necklines edged in satin. The dresses were adorned with satin sashes which tied in bows in back, the wide streamers- extending to the hemlines. They wore matching net Juliet caps edged in satin and ruffled net mitts. The attendants all wore blue 1 satin opera pumps and the candle lighters wore blue satin ballet slippers laced with tin ribbon. ' Their round bouquets were of blue Esther Reed daisies and bouvardia humboldtii tied with blue mistlon. Philip Henry Schnell escorted his only daughter down the can dlelit aisle. She was a picture in her exquisite gown of ice blue sa tin designed with agathered skirt, which fell into a court train. The bodice was fitted and made with cap sleeves and a lace yoke em bellished with a flower and leaf design of seed pearls and bead ing. 'Her long, matching lace mitts were also edged in the beading. tier very full ice blue illusion fin gertip veil was caught to a lace Juliet cap, adorned with the pearl and beading design. She carried a Douquei or Album lilies and lilies-of-the-valley. Donald Farnum stood with the benedict as best maj$ and snow ing the guests to their pews were Roger M. Schnell, Max Maude Warren Davis of Portland and William Barlow. The mothers of the bridal cou pie also carried out the blue color scheme in their cowns. Mrs. Sch nell wore a handsome powder blue crepe gown, with lace tunic. She had matching crepe mitts and at the waistline of her dress she pin ned a lavender orchid. The groom is me son ot Mr. and Mrs. Wal son's marriage in a teal blue sa tin gown with shirred waist band and shoulder line.j She also wore matching ' gloves and an orchid corsage. - j I, The . SchnelT home and garden on East Hoyt street was the scene of the wedding reception. The newlyweds received the congratu lations of their friends before the fireplace in the living room. The blue and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations a bout the rooms.! Pouring were Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Eugene Foster, Mrs. Russel E. Pratt and Mrs. Harris Lietz. Cutting the bride's cake were Mrs.. Glenn McCormick, Mrs. John Beakey,, Mrs. Leslie Burdette and Mrs. William Schlitt As sisting were Mesdames Alfred A. Schramm, William. Paulus, Rich ard A. Meyer, James Kern, Al bany, Misses Patricia Stone and Kay Becker of ' Portland, Page Leard of San Francisco, Jean Claire Swift, Joanne Fitzmaurice, Suzanne Small, Carolyn Carson, Janet Rilea, Gloria and Barbara McClintock. , J When Mr. and Mrs. Strebig left on tneir wedding trip south to the California beaches' the bride had changed to a smart navy blue and grey check hand woven wool suit with navy felt hat. blouse and accessories. ! Pinned to her suit was a corsage Of maroon tip ped cynbidium i orchids. After September IS the couple will be at home in Eugene. Three tolAttend 1 7v- A" j ' ' IK ... it Miss Ruth Snyder, . daughter ct Mr. and Mrs. (pari i Snyder, whose en- gagement to Jack Michael, Son c4 Mr. and Mrs, Leo J Michael of Richland, Wash., has been an ' nounced. The wedding will take place in Salem in No vember at the St Mark Lutheran church. The beq-edict-elect is now in the army arid will be Hleased in October after three years of service. Convention J -V . Mrs. Wilms Lee Phagans. Mrs. Elaine Sutter and Donna Aim en trained Friday for Chicago to at tend the National Hairdressers convention and trade show at-the HoteJ Sherman t, Chicago. Mrs. Phagans is manager, of the Modern Beauty college and the other two women are recent graduates. Mrs. Sutter is now with the Lipstick Beauty salon. : The three women will take styl ing lessdns In preparation for the 1950 hairstyles. Mrs. Phagans is president of Salem's Capital City Unit of Oregon's Beauticians as sociation. Reports Will be made on 1950 styles by the three at the next meeting of the association. CLUB CALENDAB TUESDAY Chadwlck chapter. OES, meet at Masonic Temple. S p.m. American War Mothers, mttl at Sa lem Woman's club, lowrr floor. S p.m. WEDNESDAY 1 Centralis Temple, Pythian, Sisters, meet at KP hallTi P-m. New Auxiliary Instituted The Eagles auxiliary No. 2081 instituted the new auxiliary of Dallas. Sunday, August 28. The new Arie will be called La Creole Arie 2829; with 55 charter mem-: The new nfficerTwho were in stalled by the Witiamette auxil iary president, Mrs. .Lewis Ritz man, were: Mrs. C. T. M us grove president; Mrs. Roy Bough ton. vice-president; Mrs. Dona Lei farm, secretary; Mrs. William Yams, chaplain; Mrs. Albert Yarns, treasurer: Mrs. Phil Styles, conductor; Mrs. Fred Cox, Mrs. Edwin Stryker and Mrs. Wayne Boughton, i trustees; Mrs. Lewis Robinson, inside guar$; Mrs. Wil liam Stalnaker, outer 'guard; Mrs. E, Enck, musician. The Willamette auxiliary of ficers taking part in the initiation work were Mrs. Lewis Ritzman, president, and Mrs.' June Wallace, past president, Mrs. Ed Gregson, vice president; Mrs. Cecil Fletcher, chaplain; Mrs. Carl Staats, con ductor; Mrs. Minor Lewis, inside guard. The Salem ladies drill team also took part, The next initiation for Willamette auxiliary will be September 13. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell and son, Timothy, are leaving this morning for California on a week's motor trip. They will stop in San Francisco, Monterey, Fresno and Merced to visit with friends . A September Wedding Saturday, September 10 is the date for the coming marriage of Miss Florence Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrillus Crosby of Woodburn, and Norman Nib- ler, son of Mr. and" Mrs. H. E. Nibler of Genrais. The rites will be performed at St, Luke's Cath olic church in Woodburn at t a.m. with a reception following at the Crosby home. ! Mrs. Robert Crosby will be her sister-in-law's only i attendant ana Carl i Nibler will serve as best man for his brother. Barbara Crosby, niece of the bride, will be the flower girl.! The couple will make their home in Woodburn. where he is engaged in farming. The future Mrs. Nibler is employed at the Marion county clerk's office Several in aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Jensen, Mrs. Robert Retcnanbach and Mrs. Francis Keunsting entertained on Sunday at the Jensenhome with a shower in her honor. Invited were Miss Crosby, Mrs Alfred Pflug. Mrs.,' Cyrillus Cros by. Mrs. H. E. Nibler. Mrs. Joe McCormick, Mrs. Cecil Sowa, Mrs. David DuBois, Mrs. William Wen jrenroth, Mrs John Goldade, Mrs. Jim McCormick. Mrs. Pete Wal ters. Mrs. Albert McCormick. Mrs. Bert Butterfield. Mrs. William BrasseL Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. John Wittman, Miss Helen Snyder, and Miss Barbara, Snyder from Woodburn: Mrs. Donald H. Duncan and Mrs, Maurice Sutton, Salem; Mrs. Pete Lelack, Brooks Mrs. Ray McCormick, Mrs. Lyman Seely. Miss Olga Hungsberg, Mrs. Albert Snyder, Mrs. Albert Va en ter, Mrs. Jack Nibler, Mrs. Elmer Nibler of Woodburn and Mrs. Jos eph1t., Crosby and - Mrs. Ben Whalen of Oceanlake.! Bridal Showers Miss Dora Barrett ; and Mrs. Valentine Resnicsek were host esses for a bridal party Thursday night at thelatters home in honor of Miu Crosby. Attending were Miss Crosby, Mrs. Us L. Rogers, Mrs. Bruce Gordon, Mrs. Vernon Windsor. Mrs. Lucy St. 'Oair. Mrs. Ray Howard, Mrs. Virgil Stanton, Mrs. Chester MulkeyJ Mrsf Floyd White. Mrs. Wanda Gifford, Mrs. Harlan Judd. Mrs. Val Resnicsek, Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Mrs. , Wil liam Baillie. Mrs. Archie Presnall, Mrs-Otai Simms, Mrs." Lue Lucas, Mm Vince Brus, Judge and Mrs. Grant Murphy, Mrs. D. B. -Klei-hege Mrs. Fred Champagne, Mrs. N. D Lindscy. Mrs. Ruby. Hughes, Mrs, .Floyd Smith. Mrs. Roy , J. Rice, sr, Mrs. Lloyd Pugh, Miss Ruth Hutchins. Miss Grace Bab cock. Miss Dora Bsrrett Miss MarUlin XXnrJmn Hfi 111m parties have been givem-n-ni!- Hin Knvrf mnA -. honor of the bride-to-be. Her th kmhim , i . Honoring Miss Crosby, county employes at the courthouse gave kitchen shower during the lunch hour Monday, more than 25 at tending the gathering. ... I f ; Delta Kappas Mfttj " The newly organized Nq chap ter of Delta Kappa Gamma held its first meeting Thursday night at the home of Miss Neve Dallas on University street Mrs. Jess . Daugherty, president, presided and Miss Lorraine Meusey and Miss Mae Lindsay were in charge of the program. Refreshments were served with Miss j Evelyn Ickes and Mrs. Oma Belle McBee assisting. Others present were Miss . Laura Kellar, Mrs. ! Morton ' Peck, Miss Alberta Sappenfield and Mrs. Mary Swegart. v s, f SCHOOL Of P West UiiTj Enroll Your Child Now for Fall Term Commencing SEPT. 12 IALLFT, TAP, ACROBATIC . Expert Ballet Instruction Miss Jacquantte Kunzman ! "VASILIEFF STYLE" MM. HOWAW L JINKS, f hone 26! tl ! ShKfie Phone 27533 -a- ! I I WACO'S !, ,! i V ' ' i . - Yeor 'round Gobordihs with zip-out Ilnlr.3 , You'll set double duty . . . double value from this ! - stuhnihg Youthmdre casual! It's cut on casual, ... . full lines , . . easy to wear over your winter suits. I and superbly smart for day-in, day-out weaij Dashing wide lapels, daringly dees . pockets; casual, belted - J action back. With a warrh wool lining you can zip injor out in a jiffy. In black, brown and high-fashion fall shades. Sizes 10-20. iSO ft .z, A A I ' i-. i ' . ,.. I ,. f ' ,. . - ' : Ptrsicn PicturtI . , and potlrsit-pretty this decant Youthinor coat ot silky black broadcloth, with iU own so practical, detachable shoulder cape! Wide lustrotes band of night-black Persian lamb echoes at tht Mplpe. The wida belt belittles your pretty waistline. -A sadden fashion success! Sixes 10 to a. Sttp Into autumn... In Two-Tout Strlptsf Yi nirk a sure fashion winner when you select this ultra-tailored, sophisticated suit of Ardross wooh worsted. In the season's best color two shades of gray, aftfully cut to give you a curvaceous. figure, a little-looking waist-line. Deep patch pocket, set . aslant at the hip, and a saucy row of buttons from shoulder to waist are distinguished tailoring details by Ycutfimore!, i ! Sizes 10 to 2U CdKitlV Hair Conqoestt . . Make this coat your very own, and revel Jto its goldea beauty for Youll cherish this most tuxrmous ol casual fabrics . . . 100 camels bail in golden beige.' Cut in the extravagant, daalssg with wi(Ie-juttir rsvsrts. deep, easy-fitting cletrea. inverted pleat at the bade Lavish in everything but the price! Sizes 10 to 20. 50 t . i t L .s" 89 5115 00 t I mm.