cliiioi ''SinniP Ijjfind t Kay. jWestoii Eliminated; End Near Br Harold ROCHESTER, N. Y- Sept. 1 -WH Confident Willie .Turnesa, a worried man as late as last Tuesday, talked Into the semifinal round of the 49th annual national amateur golf tourney today with a pair of wind-blown victories. The defending champion fought off Frank Strafed of Flushing, N. who had beaten him in four ot five previous meetings, in the if ter "noon .qjaarterfinals, 3 and 2. "His opponent tomorrtw is Ru fus King of Wichita Falls, Tex, who disposed of Harold Paddock of Aurora, Ohio, 1 up. William C. Campbell of Hunt ington, W. Va.r sank an 18-foot putt on the final green to elim inate Julius Boros of West Hart ford. Conn, 1 up, ; ! i In the remaining quarterfinal matches Charles Coe.of Oklahoma City outlasted John - Dawson of Hollywood l up after 21 holes. To morrow's semifinals and Saturday's- final are over the 38 hole routes. - ' In today's fifth" round Turnesa pilled Charles Dudley oL Green-1 ville, S. C, S and 2, Strati halt ed the steady climb of lfty earmold Robert Fair of Scarboro, Ont, by the same scores . King turned back M. MacGregor Hunter of Pacific Palisades: Calif, 1 up and Paddock eliminated Ray I. Weston! of Spokane, Wash, 2 and 1. f Crawford Rainwater of Pensa eola, Fla, was Campbell's morn Ing victim, 4 and S. Boros out lasted James McHale of Bethel- hem, Pa, 4 and 2. Harvie Ward of Rocky -Mount, N. C, intsrcolleglati champion, three .putted the nineteenth hole and lost to Coe while Dawson stopped Fred Kammer of Detroit, 2 and 1. Midway in the match . Kammer bad seven consecutive ' lives. . Three in Tiff For Van's Job UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Sept 1 -(Special)- Who will replace Norm Van Brocklln as the. Oregon ,T quarterback this fall? J With the first week of fall -brae tlce underway, "the question Is no nearer an answer than it was last spring. Coach Jim Aiken stili has three passers working In shifts and the performances vary from day to day.' At the close of spring practice Earl Stelle, the former Med ford firebrand; 4juttied' in a great game to lead the ureens to an upset win over the Whites.'' 'However, his competition far that ' 'ganuv Jim' Calderwood of Baker and Joe Tom of Honolulu, have again xlosed 'ground ia the race lot the starting Job. At present Tom teetnt to have the inside track. ' " Elsewhere In the Squad of 90, 1 the tightest battle fpriflrst string Job la taking place af the ends. Here Dan Garte and "Dick Wilkins are missing from the 1948 team and their ibflltr as receivers will be sorely missed. 'in the early work -Darrell Robinson and Bob Ander son kept a step ahead of the pack in the role of offensive ends. On defense Male Paxton and Les Ha g.n maintained the jobs thay-had in spring practice.. Dick Salter, a newcomer frpm John Muir Junior College In Pasadena, appeared to i ha making the best race of the newcomers. - Throughout the remainder of the line veterans of the to-championship taam appeared to have a k.ranale hold on starting sppts. Steve Dotur and Bob' Roberta were alternating at left tackle for the third year, reliable Ted Meland was a fixture at left guard for the fourth - seeaon, Ed Chrobot was starting bis third year at right guard aauf Sam NeviUs moved from v defense to offense at right t a okle. In the center of the line Dave Olbaon overshadowed all competition, on offense. Three new men and one veteran have formed the bulk of the de fenaive .setup; De Wayne Johnsbn, a key linebacker for. two seasons, was on hand for his- fourth cam paign with the Webfogts. At.rlgmSJ tackle 143-pound Gus Knlckrehm looked like the best thhig to come along in several seasons. The Long Beach City College.'tranifer . re ported In good condition and main tained the position be earned In spring practice. . v Johnson had .a pair of brilliant youngsters to aid' him in the line-. backVn. Both Dick Daugherty and Dick Patrick looked " outstanding in the first few scrimmages. Dougherty, a transfer front Col gate, and Patrick, a 1947 Frosh center, apparently are set with Johnson back of the line with Gib son acting as the alternate on de fense for' all . three, r The running backs are Improved ia depth over last season: Bill Fell and 1 Jack Gibilisco, both from Cosnptoh College, have made steady progress toward learning the new system Chuck Missfeldt, up from the Ducklings, and Hal . man, a non-ietterman reserve of last season, are working stead ily behind the Big Fouri ' ' Unless Injuries sidelineJthem, the Big Four Ceorge Bell, Bob San ders, Woodley : Lewis and Johnny MaKay eeem assured of regular spots in the running attack. Lewis is faster than last season as the result of a spring with the track team and Sanders has, completely recovered from a bothersome lee- whloh hampered his work in the i - f Table of Coastal Tides JTJdaa tor Taft. Qrfon. 8ptomlMr. V (opmptlad by UJ. Coast and Cao ta turvey. rorUand. Orfx). -. rrfl StaadaxS Tina a, V BIGJI WAT KB LOW WATTS Time Ht. Time Hi CUassen Murisdn Opines Nags Will Run Richard Munson, racing secret tary of the state fair horse racing - r meet here next week, predicted Thursday that the exposition card would f be full, of horses ready to run, J . Munson, who Is In his first yea at the Salem plant, added, "most of thestables' comlngl to the fair grounds are fresh fxonv victories n j "i , i.'- in .anaaa, jvioniana : ana uong, acres, and Want to J enter their horses now while they are in top condition." ? "i He reported the Labor day han dicap. Monday's feature race a a mile and a sixteenth for a purse of $1000, is filling rapidly. Mun son also had news I .that more younas horses! two and three year olds, are on the grounds than at any time since the mid mot. The electric odds board and the Qulniela machines were given i Pfinal testing by mechanics Thurs day and pronounced ready for the six day meet. j Post time each day will be 1 15 pm. with ten races slated each card. f . for Tag Team Tilt Tops Mat Card I StUI Insisting he wus robbed' by Frenchmen George Dusette and Pierre LaBelle during ! his scuffle this ,week here with Du sette in which LaBelle was the referee, and in a: challenging mood, Tony; (The Fist) Ross has urged Matchmaker Elton Owen to book him in - a tag- team watch against the jj two Frenchies here next week. Owen replied by sigh ing Ross and the two Frenchmen and asking Rosa "to pick his own partner. Anthony Q. immediately selected Pete Bartu, the rough and tough newcomer who made his debut here this week. So it Willi! be those' four In the tag team mainer next week. Two prelims art: to be added later by Owen. jj' i Net Tournament1 At Klamath Falls The Klamath Falls Herald-News is sponsoring an open tennis tour nament to 5 be played at Moore park In Kl Falls September i-5, an annual event. Trophies are to be given winners and runners up. Divisions are men's singles and double!, women's singles and junior men's singles, the latter for tennis players ) not over 118 years old. I , Those wishing -to enter this meet must notify Jun Finnigan, 817 Main street. Klamath Falls, and V P?1 nclose entry fees. Entry fees re $1,801 for singles and $2 for men's aouea. It's tliat time 114 ail wool la year colors new lew price .1 With leather pocket trim Boys sizes In Jackets, 6-8 and tXC QG M yean 4 :.-.jjFECIAL 3)TmJZ9 Grey flannel or white, red bine Indianhead material White sanforised Uddy White gabardine aherta ...... I ' ' -f . -i - ; . .3 ' - I For gym k OC or football t . OOC P V A . : , ff'vl GW's Made by Tosa Bredertck, tho larreat maaafae tnrer of girls gym clothing in the V. 8. . Special cJoeeent odds and ends girls and beys, broken stses. Valaea vp to S2 Ji i f pel While they last , - ' 5 Get fitted by people who athletle JVaterb&eatH ROCHESTEE, N. T. Sept 1 Youthful Rebert Fair ef Toronto splashes a beanUfal abet ante the sixth . green from a water-filled sand trap to go l-p In his fifth reand National Amateur gelf championship match with Frank Straf act (risht), FtawhlB. N. T, her teday. Strafact went a U wta Ute ma.U-h. hewever. Early starters wer a fced with heavy marntnf raina. (AP Wtrephet te The Btiteemam) Kids Fish Derby Noiv Under Way The Stateaman'a Mill Creek treat derby for boys and girls II yean eld and vnder had the ktda getng fishing again Thmn day. The derby ends at 7 f jn. next Monday gad to the bey er eirl who brings In the larg est treat cassia tn MIH Creek by the contestant will ge s Fflenrer easting reel and ft Herrka-Xbbesesi t-ft. baaa bee fly red, both worth aresuad The contestants most bring their fish U the StaUman ef flee net later than 7 pjn. Men day. Tho flah may be eanght In any port of Mill ereekv bnt tn skat Ktreajn eatly. If the een testant la ever 14 yean ef age ho or she most have a fisktng license. Any kind of legal fish inx tackle may be awed by tho eoateataata. J-y Golf Tourney Champs Named Final tabulation of scores in the Srd annual State , Eanployea . Golf tournament held recently was an nounced Thursday. They lnclud ed the following: Champion, C. Lanktree, 8IAC, net 63; runnerup N. Ingram, TB hospital, net 69 and H. Flunkett, SIAC. net- 69. Handicap Group A. t. Baxter, UCC. winner with net 71 and tied , by L. Gurney of Cot tageFarm and -H. Gustaison of SIACSHandicap Group B, T. Set tleraeler of UCC and R. Evenden of SIAC tied with net 72. . Handicap' Group C. R. Hunt of State Police net 72 and B. trick sen of PUC net 75. ; Handicap Group D, T. Hill of Highway de partment .net 79 and G. Brass field, SIAC, net 76. Longest drive, G. Savage . of SIAC- Closest to pin, R. Howard of State police. Highest gross, G. Savage of SIAC. KILL, REPORT GOOD -Portland, Sept. WtfVPrellm lnary reports from hunters In dicate today that the antelo; season was very good. Of 488 reports Lent to the state game commission so far, 359 reported killing an antelope. Hotf is lb School Jackois i 5 t $10.95 S11.50 Gym Fanls and pr. bo used Sweat Sox and 60 O pr. Gym Suils J SI -95 u Donlors Soo oar ardlnes. ing ball Giid womsife Gym Shoes NOW l A a W pr. Foolhall Shoos know hew to fit aa SS.95 $71 I i ' ITI I9VV U'UUUI UW9 : Gonzales Posts Win Over Brink FOREST HILLS. Sept 1-tfVArt Larsen, a limber-legged little gamester from San Francisco, rallied from the verge of defeat today to eliminate famed John Bromwlch finals ot the national .Tennis championships. Hired Again r. raiLADZXXHiA. sept, 1 Ed die Sawyer (above) today sign ed a new two-year eentraet as manager ef the Phill! with ad ded powers ( and promptly an- nomneed only four playen are aare ef their jobs next year. The four are Third-baseman Willie Joates, Shortstop Graa Bimner and Pitchers Ken Helntsleman and Robin Roberts, Bob Car penter. preeldent-owner ef the clab, declined to disclose can- tract flgmres bat said the new agreement calls for a raise for Sawyer and Inelades an attend ance clause. Sawyer is -now la complete command of all player operation, even in the Phils minor leagae system,' again line lo buy Hunlcrs Gel lhal deer rifle now. Guns will be scarce for the resl of Ihe year bid we have n few Ilarlln rifles In 30-30 calJ and 32 special . Sleeping Bags SPORTSTER Doloxa), all wool full aid tlppM side and bottom. Cos as single bag or two bag can a double bag. Regular $30.00, NOW LL U RANGER, tame above oxcept leas wool regular $2140 now saloctton of bowHag shirts. Thoso shirts ars mads ospodallT for bowflng. Wo do oaf own lettorina. Ws also bxrrs bowl- IT t? baas and shoos far moo U?eV Solnon FIshcrncn Oot that now MartU Oamlroa firs phig a it's rsoJly hot ,r , , .. , . SaatS Slrsst s nai fsaav . . . .. of Australia and enter the quarter Tho 23-year-toId Larsen, a lift hander of about 130 pounds, sur rendered the first two sets to Bromwich in a tense stadium match and then came back to out play and defeat the fourth-seeded foreigner by scores Of J-6, "7 2, 6-4, 6-4. 1 Larsen, seeded sixth among the home players after a aeries of Wins over highly-ranked men this summer, gained the somewhat doubtful privilege of tackling Pan cho Gonzales of Los Angeles in the next round.' Paneho was full of fire r In knocking out Jim Brink of Seattle today. The match drew a . capacity crowd ' to the outside grandstand court, as Brink, had blasted out two seeded players In earlier rounds, Vie Seixas of Philadelphia and Marcello Del Bello of Italy. Pancho, fore-warned, made cer tain nothing of the sort happened to him. , ; ' Gardner Mullor. 35-year-ola Miami stylist, joined Gonzales in tho round of eight with a surpri singly easy triumph over Felldsio Ampon, the Filipino half -pint, 6-S, o-i, o-u. iea senroeaer, tne no. 1 seed1 and the player picked to rasale Gonzales in the . final on Monday, scored his second straight set victory, at the expense of Vlad imir Cernlk. the former Czech Davis cupper, 8-6, 6-S, 6-2. Honor Due Caps Boss Bob Brown VAJMCUUVfcK, B.. C Sept. 1 (Special)- His 50' years in base ball' will bring to Vancouver Capllanot President Bob Brown a placque ' here Friday during a ceremony before the Vancouver Bremerton , Western International league baseball game. WIL Presi dent Bob Abel will be here to present the "Connie Mack of min or league baseball" with the placque. Brown is nearlng 80 years of age. 1 :. bo sipped toother to xnako - $22s50 $16.50 eonlonL , KOW Sotla. aad wtiaLabU gab- OlZ $6.50 to Fhoas $40U Flyers 'Iforn'T ln.RaceBrills .:vr'.r';:-r::-'M-''---:v;- Three Oackups Mar CLEVELAND, Sept I-W-Race pilots burned up the course and a counle of' airplanes today in tho , final burst of Qualifying flights for the national air races which begin Saturday. No one was injured kin the three forced landings, Dick Becker. Toledo. Ohio ga rageman, topped the qualifiers with an average of 414J miles an hour for two laps around, seven-leg 15-mile course. But his engine caught fire and he made a quick sitdown on the grass. - Inspection several hours later indicated the big F2G Corsair may be out of the races because of damaged gears In the propeller housing. - Lt. Jack Becker. 28. of Jack sonvflle. Fla a navy fighter pilot on leave, crasn-iandea tn xuunes after completing one lap in Lockheed F-38 Lightning; entered by Albert T. Whiteside of Jack sonville. Bedker did a beautiful lob ot knifing between parked jet fight ers as he tried to set the twin- engine racer down. , The plane finally smashed into a fence' and wound up in a shallow ditch.. : Charles Barton. 23, of Laurens, S. C. got his midget racer down safely after the cockpit canopy flew off and tore some holes in the fabric- covering of his plane He repaired the damage during the afternoon. lLATFATJt TO OPEN SPOKANE. Sept MVThe In augural handicap will be the fea ture race tomorrow at tne open ing session of a SJMlay horse Vac ing season for Playfair track? Thomas Piatt, breeder of Alsab, has bred winners of 2,037 races and $2,141,354 In purses at his Brpokdale Farm, Lexington Ky, last 10 years. in the last 10 years. 1 - , -i ; r-r ! 1 i : mm i an an eaa - aw er asm nra aw i OMrinao 'Fa Week mtm $ Rtg 200.CO 269.50 Also sTsllahle at big sar ins la four and sixteen PLUS PROTECTION PLAN CSAKGp Tb! krUeananSo3sm 3 Surplus tip So. Commsjcdol Down andToother fiHed, Gitl yyvQB Full Zipper. Air Mattresa . Jl, j . ' 2 oc $33 ' rr - -- - i .eaaai , f , v.. .v .aaBaaamaaaHaaaBaBaBamaaaaaaBaBaaaBaHaaasBHaaBa jf. ,. a - b I sr ,-1 -V 3T ' J Al Salem Surplus Sioro 910 So. Commordal TIRIS MOUNTID FRU Backed by ' Wide, full Pries reductions on other Def lahef sires aba TRADE and WHITE LING Home Freeze 26.95 Down 3.00 A WEEK cable foot sixes Ccrc:r Ccn:n::rc!d & Ferry Aaross From ths Marion Hotel Septambor t 1 Ufj$ t mam . ' .... "l G. I. Typi Walchss Shews Fall Seeends Laminoas Dial Unbreakable Crystal Chroaae Case Fash Pin Lags Geavdno Leather Sand Fracas Made by Swiss CraXtasaea One-Tear Gnarantee lifetime guarantee. depth non-skid tread TIRES TODAY SAVE! ForNlghtSohfyl Ilnb Light 1120 Visible from erery ankle. At tach to front bicycle hah, lights tarn as wbeel rotates, Spokes' protect lights Keg . Mt Bam per . . Gear da f ' t.19 lis Eef. Lit Chamels 4 Kef. 4X9S BWcle iJM Xef. lUt Motor SseevlUI Ut. l.ft Bike itfhj lit Ker. Z.4I Cycle $Ugi Ul ' ' '. Bea CSe Bike Oripsji. 4Vts ' . Eef. tfe Bike Has Cass .47s Street , $493 i i - t M a m. a pm. 19 90 a.m. 9 p .m. 11:30 ajn. 10) p.m.: B.PJ pjn. in psa. J 54 ajn. i n p.m. f SI a.m. Si3i p.m. . 4:43 a.m. 4 2S p.m. I 24 a.m. .IS DJO. aj it -0 4 se -es 1.1 -44 U ii