f 1 .J" - "'' P-4 l ',' " j .... .is' I- ! ?! f ; One gent who ' had no trenble bagging bis limit of blaebacks this week ea the Bir Nestoeca rlrer was Jessie McNeil (above) ef 111 Ji. CommercUl street. The fish were esasht with , a ford fender spinner snd worms and all sseasared from It to 114 laches. FLY RODDIN FOR BONEFISH : ' By Joe Brooks (Jo. Brook. muuilr ot th Umoui MtropoUUn-MUml FUhlng loumi ,t .5mo3 -1U Bus Ttehtng- and wU known fly cUrr U in i Salem vUg D atarser. Orook. wjjs fj' woratag Ml book tobe wtW "Wt Witw Hy rUhini Pjrt wh.cj wUJ I dTsTthsn uM on the Wert Coast. Brooks, who. took tb . world. ScTto hi. CoT Brook, and Hrer wlU vt.it-Coo By shortly Md bop Wblve some escelbrnt. sport fishing lor stripers with popping bugs.) I Bonefish are downright disturbing. It isn't what they do to you when they Wt your fly and take off on that sizzling Jhesdlong run for the deep Ifs whst they do to you from ; then on out. Months later si you wend your way through some northern snowbsnk; or sit at your office desk trying to make money for your next foray after mm r v; v i V: - - ,v 0 JOE BROOKS ! the grass beds tney grope in the vegetation nosing out choice tid-bits and being in water a food or so deep, their tails break the surface. This is called "tailing' by bonefishermen, and one of the most ex citing sights in angling. The angler walks or takes his boat along with the tide and trys, at the sight of a tailer, to get close . enough to make his cast-accurate and at the same time, to ! avoid noise as bonefish in that shallow water scare easily. It combines' a bit of hunting and fishing. Your Equipment Needn't be Too Heavy J Year eatflt consists of a Hi foot slow, action rod that weighs a little ever six eajtees,-a GAF forward tapered nylon line and a aylea leader tapered front IX to II to an t pound test. The best tare seems te be a white backtall with red head wrapping tied on - a 11 hook. Long easts are setdom needed. Now and then yon spot a STiimsnlng fish or a taller going away from yon and dne to some na tarsi eaase yea oaat get after him. Then yea might nave to' toss a lea one bat on the whole casta of from forty to fifty feet are all that is needed. Pelerold glasses are a mast as they help in ' -i seeing fish aader water. Working with the tide as yea dto some times, the oncoming fish will be ea yea before yon know It. see yon. and flmn. The glasses allow yea to see more fish and to see them seeaer. i Sometimes you see a school tailing and pick out the biggest tail. It works at times but if several fish see the! fly at the same time the smaller ones are apt to get there, first When? fish ara tailing j your fly should drop about a foot In front If they are ; swimming.; your fvy should be cast several feet beyond and in front letting you strip your fly past thorn as they move along. Swimming schools react best to a fast retrieved fly pulled rapidly Ji In front of them. Now and then a fish will detach himself from the covey and grab ' your offering. Casts to doubles and threesomes and singles should be re trieved Just fast enough to keep the hook from fouling on the bottom. They Hit Hmrd mnd Tmk Long Run f Boaoflah are eHberato hitters and sometimes will follow year fly II or II feet before kltttaf. On sack fellows a alck six lack Jerk wlU new and thea bring a strike. Once tney bit they head for the dsoe-ar water at oaoe. going at a speed that Is both amstlnr and saartMag. The average bonefish ran after the strike Is aboat Its feet, and IM Isn't aaaeaaL The sight ef a bonefish flash tag aereos a shallow flat as one ot life's greatest gifts. ' they ro like, a torpedo loavteg a trail of babbles and mad In back of them, water lamas off the Mno and yon stand there holding year rod as irk as yon ean to keep tholino from eatchlnr on aaderwater growths, hoUiag year breath and gazing pea-eyed or starry eyed or maybe yeare so eacttol yeare Jnat plain blind as a bat. It aB happen so, fast and farloaa-llke that time, the anlverse aad gaeas year heart stops, momeatarily at least. If you tried to put pressure, on during that supersonic dash some thing would break right now. ' You wait until he stops then you lean back on your rod and try to get him coming your way. Some times he will come quietly along for a hundred feet and then off he goes again, a shorter run this time but he takes all the line you've gotten back aad one mora you start winding. At times he will get broadside to you and swim slowly along, pulling for the deep with powerful thrusts ef that power-packed tail. He fights his way j in. every inch of it .Finally yon put your net under him take the hook e . gas upon his beauty and put him back again. Most of the time you have to hold Aim upright in the water until he recovers his strength. His fight la so hard that he is utterly spent when landed. i ft Vy eekend Angling POETLAND, Sept. .l-(4VTbaj fishing eatloek far the long week end did not appear too premising today. Only a few eeaitere spots reported reed angling The eatleek by districts, m entttned In the fUte game eeminlsslon bulletin: J ' " ;j .? -M Portland! Vicinity: ML Bod res OaUie lake peer ssecets bet week with improvement to ward end ef week; Clackamas, apper Sandy, and Salmon rivers and Camp and SOU creeks treat fishing air with best meeen la Salmon rtver. Colombia river '. Chinook salmon fishing in the Colombia fair at Astoria with occasional success reported In, npper rlrer points. T Wlllasnetto Taller: Lane eoaa ty Eagehe Water conditions excellent on McKenxie river tri butaries. fFUbinffj fair with Gats Bend Twice-a-Day Work oiiMenil !i - "i - f The hot morning and afternoon run made ti order for Coich Ches ter Stackhouse's obeninsr day i of football 'drills at , Willamette i U Thursday, the large squad bounc ed out and perspired through 8:10 a.m. and 3 p.m. workouts as the 20-session preseason excursion got under way. The business-like and firm new mentor and his assist ants Buck "Smith, Johnny Lewis, Amby D'Eagle and Jim Johnson yJJLTil 't uicm men is ui i'"'. w . . i ft. a . t-: 1 nownere,- you dciw o wui, old albula. vulpes the white fox of the southern Florida flats, jit's an insidious thingi you begin vi sioning up the locale, where you wade knee deep along the flats In search of him. Or you remem ber standing in the bow of a skiff, all tet to: make a quick toss to a erasing! fish. Or you have a mental lmsge oa tail breaking the surface and invarably you catch your, breith and; to u oose fleshy. Bonefish (Just won't1 let you alone with your thoughts. And too manyf thoughts of him make you want to leave your business, your family, and all your respon sibilities and head, by fastest plane, for: the bonefish flats along the Florida Keys.; ; Bonefish go in schools uptto 20 or 30 fh. Sometimes you; see smaller groups arid often you spot two or three. Th larger fish like to stay by themselves like ro gue elephants. f f They feed on crabs, shrimp: and now and: men minnows. iney cruise along in search of food working Into the tide so they can scent their prey. When they work - i - Wot Tod few rood catches, Prospects for weekend fair. Bend area: Wlclap and Crane i Prairie reservoirs nava shown some improvement Crane Prairie reserrior. Sparks, Paallna, and East lakes close Sept. 15. Angling in Panlina and East lakes improrinr. An gling saeeeos la Sparks lake fair to rand. Very few larre fish being taken. I Kosary lakes clos ed Sept 7. ' Coastal section: Tillamook eoanty all streams low and' dear, angling remains slew. A rood many 'treat obserred in deep holes bat anable to them to bite. A few salmon shewing In the Nehalem and Nestoeca rivers, pat saeeess not too rood. Prospects for weekend fair. Lane County Florence both chinook and tilver salmon are entering and being caorht fliito First had the 50-plus athletes huffing and puffing in both sessions. Twice-a-day turnouts are on tap both today and Saturday as Stackhouse intends wasting little time getting his aspirants in trim. Inasmuch as most will be work ing during the state fair next week, Stackhouse has tentatively planned only early-morning drills daily all week. 1 The Bearcats open their play ing schedule in 13 days, against Idaho s Vandals. im WKSTKKN DTTEKN ATION AL W L Pet. W L Pet. Yakima .94 4S .667 1 Victoria 63 SJ -5 Vancouvr 17 M .617 Salem -. 61 S4 .421 Wcnatch 76 70 J21!Tacoma 60 Sf .417 Spokana V73 70 17iBremerta S8 84 .406 Thursday results: At Wenatchec 11. galem S. At Vancouver 8. Bremerton 3. At Victoria 13. Tacoma JL At Spokane 0. Yakima S. COAST LIAOUI W L Pet.' i W L Pet. HoIlTWod SO 71 390 Seattl 81 SO JOS Oakland SS 71 J47'9an Franc 77 S4 .478 Sacramnt Ss 74 J3 Portland 7S ss .w San Diego 82 78 J 13, Los Angel 84 M J95 Thursday resulU.-At Seattle 3. Port land 1. At San Francisco 3. Hollywood 10. At Los Anseles-Oakland and at Sacramento-San Diego (Scores page AMERICAN LKAGIK W L Pet. W t Pet. New York 78 47 .624 PhlUdelph 67 60 JUtS Boaton 77 82 .SBTIChlcasO W 78 .414 OcveUnd 75 S3 .5M St. Louis .47 3SJ62 Detroit 73 ss J37waanuinn w m Thursday reaulU: At ClViand z. Philadelphia 1. At Detroit 7. Boston 0. At St. Louis 3. New York 4. At Chi cago 3, Washinton 8. 1 "national LKAOCK WLPrt. ;W L Pet T M A tim.l1.i(.1nli a 3 VM Brooklyn .77 SO .606 Pittsburgh 17.60 ;ss Boston ....07 so jzs Cincinnati i 13 13 New York 64 63 .S08jChlcao ......40 AT 377 Thuraday resuiu: At Fhuaaeismia o. St Louis 4. At Brooklyn 113, Cin cinnati 8-4. At Boston 8. Chicago 4. At New York 6. Pittsburgh Wliip, Vandals MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept 1 -JfV- The "rough stuff" began on the University of Idaho football prac tice field today. After three and one-half days of limbering .tip drills. Coach Dixie Howell sent his 60-man squad into a rough scrimmage session in the second practice of the day. Howell was tight-lipped about his team's quality after he worked four separate backfield units 'in the scrimmage. Body contact was opened earlier than the Vandal coach first planned after he sur veyed his squad and found most of them in condition for the heavy work. . He made one prediction -that the workouts would become prog ressively tougher until Sept. 13. Howell plans to taper off the prac tices then until, the first game of the season with Willamette uni versity at Moscow, Sept. 17. Junior Ball Meet Tonight A meeting of all Class B and C leagae Salem Junior baseball coaches, or their representative!!, will be held at 7:38 o'clock to night In the old high school building . administration office oa North High street. Fall at tendance Is arged by Secretary Clay Erelston, as there are a eoaple of protests and some oth er Important baslaess Items to bo diseaased. Archere to Have ? Special Season . PORTLAND, Sept l-flVrhree areas will provide a special arch ery season .for deer this year, but there will be no, special rifle sea sons for that animal. The'archerr areas are one sec tion of the Tillamook burn, open Sept. 17-28: the Mount Emily re fuge, open Sept 17-28; and part of the Canyon Creek refuge, open Sept 17-Oct 30, Senator Swat B H Pet. B R Pet Bartle 7f 29 J67 Burghr 2 J83 Pnaingtn S3 IS Krue 337 02 J73 Waaly 407 162 J26 WPtrw 602 1SS .263 Cherry .820 16SJ17 Foster 43 11.256 B-Ptrsa ,47S 14S JOSCPetraa .76 18 -237 Snyder 406 148 JOO Fredricas 47 16 .213 Beard 296 86 'Drilling S3 11 JOS Olaeft. 111 33 391 Mclrvrn 73 IS 2CS Buckley 132 38 JOSBurak 13 2.154 Hedngtn 368 104 JS30sbora J0 I JDM Pitching: W L SO W L SO Mclrria 6 4 81 Foster- 3 4 82 Oaten 10 11 S-'-'eternr . .... 6 13 14 Senators Rebound It Howell Cracks Drilling 8 16 SS'Fredcrteks 2 14 S3 Osborm 6 1 67,Burak . " 6 S 16 P o ". 'as V romisimr In nnmbers ia the Sinslaw, Aslea, TaoaJna, and gOets rirerKall Ing with' spinners and feathered hook or with plugs Is the ae cepted manner of angling. Sea ran eatthroat are also la the streams bat saeeess has only ' been fair. Eastern Oregon: Wallowa lake poor. Hirh lakes la Wal lowa mountains rood to excel lent. ?. : ...:vvv-V:h Seatbem Oregon: Lakes of the Woods Early morning- trolllnr with ford fender and worms b c;eed The fish taken by this method will ranre from 19 to 12 Inches. Morning and even ing fl fishing fair. Fish lake trolling wfth feed fender and worms has beea very food, .s These flan will average 10 inches. ' Drills: 23- Bartle Bangs Grand Slammer ATHLETIC "PARK, Wenatchee, Sept. l-(Special)-It was the Sa lem Senators turn to carrj thf ball tonight in the Western Inter-; national league game with Wen atchee, and the Solons carried it welL Salem won, 23 to 11, help ing somewhat to wipe out the 33 to 3 victory the Chiefs scored over the' Solons last night Football season seems really here. Tonight the Solons swatted, out 25 hits to help Jim Olsen cop his 11th victory of the season, and along the way Dick Bartle con nected for a grand slam home run in the seventh inning, an 8-run frame for Salem. In fact the Sen ators in winning their first game of the local series scored 17 runs in j the fifth, sixth ' and seventh frames. j Eight homers were hit In all, five by Salem. Bill. Burgher had two, Olsen one, Bartle one and Mel Wasley his 24th of the sea son. Nick Pesut and Clint Camer on homered, for the Chiefs, who had 16 hit off Olsen. More Foolball: Salem 23) (II) Weaantchee H O A B H O A 2 4 4 Wsrner.m 6 14 6 1 3 llHsklUj.p 4 1 2 I 3 10 frLibkeJ 8 2 3 0 1 4 1 Cameron .1 6 110 0 4 2 3Rhyne.r .4 2 3 8 3 2 0'MYeriJ.p .3 6 6 1 B WJtrsn4 ( PnnngtnJ 8 Bartle. 1 ...7 Cherry jn .5 wasleyj .7 Burgher.c 8 SnydeM ... f Krugj Olson.p YiM 4 2 O Puut.c S 3 4 0 S 6 OBryantJ . 4 4 2 3 2 6 HOrrell.p 2 19 1 iGreenlw.p 11 0 0 iCJPtersn i 2 6 0 0 Total 82 28 27 10 Total 42 16 27 10 alem 020 063 83123 29 3 Wenatchee 600 022 01011 16 3 Loains Ditcher Orell. Bauc-Mevers. Pitcher IP AB H n ER SO BB Olson .t 42 16 11 8 2 4 .2 10 4 2 2 1 0 4 23 12 8 9 1 2 li 19 7 16 10 6 6 4 2 3 3 0 1 Haskell Orell ... Meyers. Greenlaw Hit by Ditcher Bryant by Olson. Wild pitches-Olson. Left on Oases Salem 11. Wenatchee 11. Home runs Pesut. Bur gher 2, Olson. Cameron. Bartle. Bryant. Waaler. Thrcc-baae hit-Bryant. Two base hits Snyder 2. Pesut. Krug. Bur gher. Runs batted In Cameron 3. Rhync, Pesut 3. Burgher 9. Bryant. Wasley 3, Greenlaw. Snyder 2, Krug 2. Olson 9, Bartle 4. W.Peterson. Pennington. Sto len bases Pennington. Double plays Myers to Haskell to Cameron. Errors Was icy. Burgher. WPeterson. Meyers, Bryant 2. Time: 2 JO. Umpires Nen ezich and Regele Ex-Champ Lead' TeakrTryouts ; COLORADO SPRINGS, I C0I0J Sept 1 (JPy- Al Rogers, the 1048 winner, led speed merchants to day in the time trials for the an nual Pikes Peak Labor day race Rogers, covered a six-mile stretch of the twisting highway to the top of the 14,000-foot peak in an elap sed time of six minutes, 50.7 sec onds. That was only 3.05 seconds fast er than Louis Unser of Colorado Springs, eight-time winner of the classic. WIL Line Scores: Yakima .. ,-...,,.000 101 030 5 11 1 000 000 0000 3 6 Spokane Bradford and To may: Werbowski. Adams (91 and Rossi. Parks (9). . Bremerton 000 000 1023 7 0 Vancouver j". . 201 020 30x S 3 Kahout and Ronning; Kindsfather and Sheely. . Tacoma 058 053 00021 22 4 Victoria r HO 200 14312 17 S Fbrtier and Gardner; Logue, Tobias (2). La brum (3). Noren (7) and Morgan. WOv cusuri Ai iv 2L1 ' l WWII -Ml V--' fUVIM. 11 1 1 IW I r cAr? when you can Buy a RECCHDTOWD USED SO UTTl jMONYAT Sm the)' ciassinoef pagn fW th Cigantic Sal Spociala ffaroei by Sam and I dairies - Would Gladly Go to 'BoicV Again . . n.mmtmm. IV- f A" 1 - If it BERKELEY. Cat. Sept 1 Here Is the C ef Calif ernia offensive team as It appeared oa "picture day today. Backfield (1-r), Jack Swaner, Bob Celeri. Pete Schabanua and Billy MainXtne(I-r). John Canning ham. Jim Turner, Rod Frans, George Stahakla, -ay DeJong, Jim Cnllom and Norm Pressley. The Bears played in the Keae Bowl last Jannary and are anticipating another trip. They have a game scheduled with Oregoa State at rertlaad OcUber L (Al Wlrephote). M 411 g aassssai . .-iiiiM--..-.jm--Jw. . 18 The Staiaamaru Salem, Oragoii, Friday. Soptembor 2. 1849 Six Fistic Qiaiiips LaRilotta to Pluck Top ExEiibish Loot CHICAGO. Sept 1-OPhNo boxing fan would rate Jake La Malta I over Ray Sugar Robinson, Ike Williams or Willie Pep as an outsand- ing champion, but be is receiving the biggest purse for engaging in exhibitions in which all six of America's world champions will ap MootryV Lop Third Salem gained third place in the state -softball tourneyj as Pitcher Warren Miller limited Albany to four hits Thursday night, winning 4-1 at Eugene. Salem scored twice in the third inning on singles by Miller. Squeek Nelson and Clancy i Applegate. An error and singles by Dick Henjrie and jonn Hor fert accounted for two more in the fourth. Salem - 002 200 '0 t 2 Albany ... 000 100 01 4 2 Miller and Henery; Shaw and Kalina. Fletcher Tags Beavers, 3-1 SEATTLE, Sept l-WP)-Right-hander Gay Fletcher twirled his 21st victory ef the Pacific Coast leagae baseball season tonight as the Seattle Kainiera made It three in a row ever Portland in their series. The score was 3-1. Fletcher allowed bat foar hits. Portland . 000 000 0181 .101 000 01 x 8 Seattle .. DiBlasl. Diehl 8) and Gladd rietch- er and Warren. j Hollywood 010 Oil 06110 12 1 San Francisco 000 102 0003 1 t ShaUock. Woods (6) and Sand lock; Melton and . Jarvia. Oakland . 001 000 1204 10 1 Los Angeles 000 000 000- 8 1 Nelson and Padgett; Stephens and Burbrink. MASI CASTING WIXNEaV JEFFERSONVILLE, IndV'Sept; MrVMoe Masi, Bartterton, Ohio, averaged 133 feet -today to win the trout fly distance event of the National Association of Angling and Casting clubs. Masi bested 36 other-entries. Marvin Hedges, Portland, Oregon, took fifth place with 142 feet 4 inches and 14S feet ' v - 2a nc iArruvrr a in Meet i m V . .1 Malertoou. Sooafi Ss SoaosW I mm.. .' i m n' .3mm. ... o r - , r A M iMmimKiMtQA oh Parade pear in the Chicago stadium tom- orrow night ' ! Fred Irvln, promoter In the name of charity, is paying $21,700 in pursesrfor the season's fistic jnaugurar in the stadium with profits going to two negro char ities. One, a xhurch milk fund charity, is sponsored by Mrs. Mar va Louis, former wife of the re tired world's heavyweight cham pion. I La Motta Is receiving a purse of $3,000 while Ezzard Charles, NBA successor to Louis as heavy weight ruler, Robinson, Pep gnd Williams will collect $2,000 each. Manuel Ortiz, the other champion on parade, will collect $1,250 for a four round sparring session.- American League Boston .000 000 600 6 7 Detroit .;. 000 400 Six 7 15 PamelL Masteraon (St and T.hht. Houtteman and A. Robinson. New York , ,108 100 2004 7 St. Louis ..100 100 0013 8 S Byrne. Page (8) and Stlvera: Ken nedy. Papal (8) and Moss, i Lollar (). Philadelphia 000 000 001 00 1 6 2 Cleveland 010 000 000 612 8 6 Scheib and'Guerra; Lemon and He fan. Tresh ( 10). Washington , U 000 008 0000 4 X Chicago ... 000 001 2ta 3 4 0 Weik. Gonzales it and Early, Evans (8); Gum pert and afatone. :t: w 6? f? j ' - ' '' J.' W r Genuine Shelf ' fQi I f V CORDOVAN ' yf rJ&r?$ J -w aaaw-- aj m a '- Saw Tnoso Eif Fours " V v - . , jl rjss- t 1 ' .t 4 Ll ' i i Kyne Willing To Back Tiff SAN .FRANCISCO. Sept I-Wt-Ezzard Charles, National Boxing association-recognized heavy weight. champion, may fightPat Valentino, local pride, hereMDct. 14 provided the referee and one judge are from Los Angeles. WilUam P. Kyne. Bay Meadows race track operator who is witling to back the bout, made the an nouncement today after talking with Madison Square Garden Matchmaker Al .Weill In New Yorlt Kyne had authorized Weill to offer Charles a $40,000 guarantee to defend his title Jn 15 rounds against Valentino. The New York matchmaker said the champion's handlers were interested but were insisting two of the three ring officials be from outside the northern California area. FINN CLAIMS RECORD KUOVOLO, Finland. Sept. i-o -Viljo Heino of Finland claimed a new 10,000-meter world record to day by running the distance in 29 .minutes 27.2fteeondj. Heino's time was a fulfecond better than the sizzling 29 minute 28.2 seconds mark established by. Emil Zatopek of Czechoslovakia at Prague June 11, still to be recognized. Heino holds the recognized record of 29 minutes, 35.4 seconds, made at Helsinki Aug. 25, 1944. National Loaquo CtncinnaU , 030 600 104 8 6 1 Brooklyn 140 001 50k 11 12 1 Pox. Lively (2), fsnovtch (7) and Cooper; flatten. Erskine (3). Palica (6). M inner (9). Branca f and Campanella. Cincinnati . 110 000 010 14 16 6 Brooklyn 100 020 000 03 8 0 Wehmeler and Howell; Roe. Barney (6). Hatten (9). Palica (10) and Cam panella. Chk-aso , 030 100 0004 10 1 Boston 3 120 220 01 a 6 13 6 Lade. Leonard S. Chtpman (Si, Ad kins IS) and Scheffing; Spahn and SaJketd. PitUbursh 004 001 600 S 6 6 New York 302 003 lOx 6 11 6 Walsh. Chesnes- (3). Lombard! (4), Gumbert 16). Dickson (7) and Me Cullough. Maul IS); Behrman. Hansen (6), Hirbe 17) and Weatrum. St. Louis L...L..100f03 000 4 8 1 Philadelphia 00000 000-0 6 2 Pollet and Rice: Heintaelman. Sim- "mon (t) ami Lopata. ARBUCKLE'S 411 Stain St ' l:- '- JJ i-w LaJe3 ..H,.. ? Red Sox Loss; - i . i i I Indians In O t in Pollet Hurls S tutout; Dodgers ia Split ' NEW YORK, Sept I The New York Yankees again boosted their lead to three parties today by nipping the Sti LotksBrown. 4-3, as Detroit trounced the runner-up Boston Bed Sot, 7-0. 4 As has been their custom near ly all season, the Yanks had to overcome a last inning rally to win. Leading 4-2 hanks. to Hank Bauer's two-run J homer in tho seventh, the Yanks I saw the) Browns fill the bases (with? only one Out against Tbmmjr Byrtie in the last half of the ninth.; Joe Page replaced the south paw at this point; and; forced in one run with a base on balls, but ' got the vital - second snd i third nuts on routine fir balls to) nail down Byrne's - 12th victory1. Art Houtteman scattered seven singles to gain Hs 13th triumph for Detroit He did not allow a runner to pass' second.! Vic Werti paced the Tigers f with four hits and two runs batted In. i ' " The National league leading St Louis Cardinals' increased their margin over runner-up Brooklyn to two games; shutting out tho Phillies in Philadelphia, 4-0, while the Dodgers were; held to i split in a doubleheader with Cincin nati. The Brooks,; won the after noon portion of, the day-night twin bill, 11-8. but the t Reds bounced back toj win j the night cap. 4-3, In -10 1 innings. Howie Pollet pitched the; shutout for the Cards, limiting the Phils to five hits, ; for his 17th victory. Manager Burt Shotton was ejected for the first time in. three seasons with the Dodgers. Um pire ArtGore thumbed him out in the ninth inning of the Opener for objecting to a halt and strike decision. ; Despite Ttalph Kiner's grand slam home run, ? the New- York Giants . dumped f the Pittsburgh Pirates. 9-5. Kiner's big blow came In 'the third and gave the Bucs a temporary 4-3 jleadJ How ever home runs by Hank Thomp son, Bobby Thomson and.: Biily Rigney made up for Kiner's; clout Bill Salkeld baited in jive runs with a home run, and; two singles to lead the Boston Braves: to an 8-4 victory over the Chicago Cubs. The Braves gave lefty Warren Spahn 13 hits to help him 'record his 17th victory, the most by any National league pitcher. The third place Cleveland In dians won ; their 17th straight extra-inning garde, defeating the Philadelphia Athletics, 2-1, on Larry Doby's single in the 11th inning. Randy Gumpert pitched the Chicago White SOx to. a 3-0 victory over the Washington Sen ators. I MILKERS TO ? BANQUET i The Mayflower Milkers Jun ior baseball team wlU sit in ea a bano.net tonight at seven o'clock at the Mayflower halt Coach Bob Schwarts arges all team personnel to be present A short program ' will accompany the chicken dinner. ThoyrofHoavy; & Thoy'r Tough II?5 i.l- t 4 th Soles CanwinM Shall Cordovasi , we as a great gam fish. , if ? - m