I ll-Tke'Statenian, Salem, Ofyon, Tuesday, 1919 Stock Market Drops Sharply " NEW YORK, Aug. 29-WVThe stock market dropped back sub stantially today In continuation of Its retreat from the high point of the mid-summer rally. Prices were lower by fractions to more than a point among lead en. Oils, rails, and motors were in the forefront of the slide, but there wasn't a single major group escaping losses. There was a marked contraction in the volume of trading. Total for the day was 640,000 shares, f ! lowest since July 29. Altogether there were 835 in dividual issues traded of which 178 advanced and 330 declined. On the downside six new lows were reached. , ' The Associated Tress average of CO stocks fell .6 of a point to 63.9, taking it back to the level of the first week in August. The mar ket advanced -nine straight weeks 1 from the start of the rally in mid- June, but last week it suffered its first week-to-week Joss during the rally. The peak waif Aug. 18. . Today the industrial component of the average was down .7 of a point, rails lost .4 and utilities were down .2 or a point. VISIT AT AUBUEX AUBURN Recent visitors at r th hnm ett Mn. E T -Gruber on Auburn road were her nephew, I and niece, Dr. and Mrs.'D. Francis Hilton of Wenatchee, Wash., who art enroute iuftour Mexico, and her granddaughter, Mrs.-Raymond Dell of Woushagal, Wash. The latter! husband and children were with her. ' Salem Obituaries STORM Mrs. Edna Storm, late resident of Portland, at a Vancouver. Wash., hos pital, August 26. Survived by husband, Otis H. Storm of Portland; two daugh- ters. Mrt. Gladya Smith of Scio. and Mrs. Verla Iralsey of Salem, and five sons, H. E. Baldwin. C. F. Baldwin and Dan Baldwin, all of Kellogg. Ida., and ' Buford. Baldwin and Fred 'Baldwin, both of Portland. Services will be held t the Clough-Barrick chapel at S p.m. Tuesday. August 30. with the Rev. Wal ter Naff officiating. Interment will be fai Belcret Memorial park. MORRIS Martin L. Morris, at the residence, at 1395 N. 4th it., August 26. at the age of 93 yean. Survived by two ton. Dr. Henry E. Morris ot Salem and Dr. M. L Morris of Pine Bluff. Wyo.; a daugh- ter, Mra. Howard Allender of Salem: a brother. M. G. Morris of Yamhill: a ister. Lizzie Morris of Yamhill; eight grandchildren and eight great grand . children. Services will be held at the Marey chapel In McMlnnville Tuesday, August 30, at 10:30 a.m. with Interment In the Masonic cemetery at McMinn- ville. Direction by Clough-Barrick ehapel. v MILLER ' Ralph Miller, at the residence at Sa lem route S, box S72. August 29. Sur vived by two sisters. Mr. David O'Hara ef Salem and Mrs. William Towne of Dietrich, Ida.; and a brother. Paul W. Miller rf Salem. Announcement of serv ices later by the Howell-Edwards chap L SCHNl'EI.LE Mrs. Sophia Schnuelle. late resident of 122 Patterson av. West Salem, at a local hospital. August 29. Survived by daughter. Mrs. -Max Gehlhar of Salem: son, Lorenz Schnuelle of Salem; a sis ter. Mrs. Henry Depping of Plymduth, Wise; a grandson. Mark Gehlar of Sa lem; i great granddaughter. Daphne Gehlar of -Salem: and several nephews . and nieces. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Wednesday. August 31. at 1:30 p tn. with the iFtev. Russell Mayer officiating. Interment In City View cemetery.' AGEDORV Louanna Louise Hagedorn. late resi dent of 192S S. 19th st., at a local hos pital August 28. at the ace of three and a half months. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hagedorn, and a sister, Janette Marie' Hagedorn. all of Salem; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hage dorn of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jacobus of Centralis, Wash. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Wednesda, August 31. at 10:30 a m. with Mrs. J W. Lamb officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. NOTICE: The undersigned has filed bar account In; the etate of RALPH I. STURGIS. deceased, in the Circuit , Court of Marion jCounty, Oregon. De partment of Probate, and the said Court has appointed Saturday, the 17th day of September. 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. of said day aa the time and the Court room of aid Court aa the place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof KATIE P. STURGIS. Administratrix FRANCIS E. STURGIS, W. G. HARE and 3. K. BURDETT, Attva. Aug 9-16-23-30-S I i t Sidle MFinanceCo' Alt V FI1A Leans uong-Tlme Farm Leans License 8-211 and M-222 rersenal and Ante Leans We Want Your EGGS Always a Dependable Cash Market. If yea don't brine them te Carly's we both lose, i Curly's Dairy ralrgroands lead at Oeed Ph. l-tti Or Y.TXaasU D. ' '1t Q.CaeN D DKS. CnAN . , LAM CHINESE HEKBAUSTS X4I North Liberty t'patalrs Pertlaae General Electric v. u rr lee epesi satvreay eauy ie a.aa. to I p.asw lui s-aa. C rmt iHn, tUeea- pressure and ! tests are free ef (Barge. Praetteed iaee l17 7 NOTICI or PROPOSED FORMATION or UBIXTT-IALU at BIGHT S RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DIS TRICT. MARION COUNTY. ORE GON ; '. M. : Bt order of the County Court of Marion County. Oregon, issued the 3rd day of August. 394S. notice ts hereby given that on Wednesday the 14tl day of September. IMS. at SJO AM- Standard Time, of said day. in the County Courtroom in the County Court House at saiem. Oregon, a scar big wlU be held on the proposed; for mattone of a rural. fires protection dis trict to be known as the Laberty Salem: Heights Rural Fire Protection District, the exterior boundaries ol which; as follows: ?! Beginning at the Quarter section Corner between Sections IS and 29 tn Towdshlp South. Range S West of the Willamette Meridian. M Irion County. Oregon: thence. North; along the West line of said Section B0 to the Northwest corner thereof: thence North along the West tux of Section 17 t the center otf Croisan Creek: thence Northeasterly following said creek to the South lino of a tract of land' conveyed to R. A. and' f. E. Enxen by deed recorded in vol. ISO. Pag I. and VoL 1M, Page 290, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence East to the center line running North and South through said Section 17; thence North to the Northwest corner of a tract ot land conveyed to E- Dencei bv deed recorded in Vol. 93, Page 321.' Deed Records for Marion County. Oregon: thence East to the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Louis B. Core and wife by deed recorded in Vol. 352. Page 447. Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon: thence North; to the North" line of Section 17; thence East to tae Southwest corner or a tract of land conveyed to Peter B. Wall et al by deed recorded in VoL 386. Page 62, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence North along the Weft line thereof to a point on the South line of Lot 46, Sunnyside Fruit Farms Noiri: thence West to the Southwest corner of said Let 46; thence North to the Northwest corner of Lot 12 in said Sunnyside Fruit Farms No. 1; thence East to the i Southeast fcorner of the Henry Croisant Donatio Land Claim No. 48; thence East to the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Mabel Alrick by deed recorded in VoL 197. Page 604, Deed Records for Marion; County, Oregon; thence North to the Northwest -corner of I said Alrick tract; thence ? North easterly along the Northerly line of said Alrick tract to the most Westerly Southwest corner at a tract of land conveyed to A. N. Bush by deed re corded in Vol. 250i Page 872; Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence North along the West line thereof to the most Westerly North writ corner thereof: tnence; South easteily along the Northerly line thereof to a point on the ut line of the Joseph smith) Donation uma Clilrn No. 49; thence North eibhg said claim line to the South line of: Salem Heights Avenue: (which is the South erly boundary of i the Salem City Limits); thence East to the West line of Lot 13 of Ewald Fruit Farms; ,thnce North to thej Northwest corner of i' Lojt No. of said Ewald Fruit Farms; thence East following the Southerly boundary of Salem City Limits to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Stanley J. Henry and wife by j deed recorded, in Vol.! 374, Page 566, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon: thence Noi-theasterly alonjg, the West' line of the Old highway toja point due West from the North line of county Koaa Noi 819 (known at Vista Avenue): thence Easterly along the North line of said Vista Avenue to the boutneast rnnr nf the tract described in Vol. 33(1, Page 360. Marfcirt County.: Oregon Deed Records;' thene Northerly along the East line of said property describ ed in Vol. 330. Page 360 to the South line' b'f Lot 34. Smith's Fruit I Farms Not - 2; thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot 34 to the Southeast corner of said lot: thence Northerly along the East line of Lots 34 and 31 in said Smith's Fruit; Farms Noi. 2 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 31-, thence East to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 10 in said Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2j theoce, South to the Northeast corner of Lot 54 in said Smith's Fruit Farshs No, 2; thence South to the South line of the Fab rilus Smith Donation Land Claim No. 40 thence" Easterly) along said South line to the Southeast corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence Easter ly Jo the Northwest corner of lands conveyed to R. H. Dalby by deed re corded in Vol. 2M, Page 317, DeeO Records for Marion County. Oregon; thence East to the; Northeast corner thereof: thence South to the North east corner of a tract of land con veyed to L. B. Judson by deed re corded in vol. Z7. rage ivs. ueea Records for Marion County. Oregon; thence South to the Southeast corner thereof: thence West to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Francis P. Colgan and wife by deed recorded in Vol. 268. Page 459, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence South to the Southeast corner thereof: thence West to the' East line of Oak Hill Tracts: thence Southwest erly along the South tine thereof to the i East line of i-ecuon I in Town shin S South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion Coun ty,!! Oregon; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner thereof: th e n c e South to the Quarter section corner between Sections. 10 and 11-: in said Township and Range; thence; East to the Northeast corner of a tract ot land conveyed to B. A. Hilfiker by deed recorded in Vol. 180, Page 573, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence South to the North west corner of Lot No: 1 of Cornforth Fruit and Dairy Farms; thence East to the Northeast, corner of Lot No. 7 In lasd Cornforth! Fruit and Dairy Farms; thence South to the Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence East to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 16 of Grabenhorst Fruit Farms: thence South to the most Easterly South east corener of Lot No. 49 of said Grabenhorst Fruit Farms- thence West to the re-entrant corner there of; thence South to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 24 of Grabenhorst Fruit Farms No. 2: thence 'West to the Southwest corner of Lot No. 15 of said Grabenhorst Fruit Farms No. 2; thence North to the quarter section corner between Sections, 14 and 15 in Township S South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; Marion County, Oregon; thence Weft to the South est corner of a tract of- land conveyed to George Biotz and wife by deed recorded in VoL 363, Page 12, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon: thence ; Westerly t to the Southeart corner of Lot No. 10 -in Sunnyside Fruit Farms No. 9; thence West to the West line of Section IS lit said Township iand Range: thence South to the quarter section corner between Sections! 21 and 22: thence West to the center line ox the Liber-ty-Ro9edale County Road: thence Northerly folio wins the center line of. said road to the Southwest corner of Lot No. 53 Sunnyside Fruit Farms No. 3; thence West to the Northeast cor ner of Lot No. 1 Sprlngbank Fruit ( Tracts; thence South to the Soutrf . at corner of Lot No. 4; of said L 'i i p HemofrHordi w vtssvet. risrwiA. iTCNifeo.fioiAr'U i smssI atfcer j aiirrAi sHsoeeeks Ne Kopi tali riiin Pie Descr ptiv i Booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Tuao-.toTAt -se;ausr 1144 Ctwrte acc at. Oeg. rate fu - rw a-eaeo, sw a-sair P'fUat 0ffi,l I f S Bof&er Me l2 I'm Dwifed with v iw r i i w tprfaigbank Fruit Tracts; thence Cast to the most Northerly Northeast cor ner f a tract of land eon veyed, to Paul WisKart by deed recorded! in VoL 375. Page 295, Deed Records for Marion County. Oregon; thence South to the re-entrant corner of the East line of said Wiariart tract: thence East to the most Easterly Northeast corner of said Wishart tract; thence South to the Southeast corner of said Wishart tract: thence West to the point of beginning: excluding from said are, however, all property which is excluded by Chapter : 30. Section 99-3001. O.C-L.A-. as amend ed by Chapter 229. Oregon Laws. 1949. Dated this 3rd day of Avsjust, 1S49. County Clerk and Oerk of said Court f NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. Probate Department, his duly verified Final Account.; as executor of the estate of Bertha A. Burgess, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of Oc tober, 1949. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room, in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account ana au ejections thereto. Dated- at Salem. Oregon, this 30th day of August. 1949. Harold E. r arris. Executor ot me Estate of Bertha A. Burgess, j De ceased, i: Ronald C. Glover, 1 ' Attorney for Executor. ' 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon A J0-S.S-13-2O-27 In .norway a" man often takes the name of the land he buys or of his wife if she happens to be the oldest child in her family. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices Chemeketa Lodge No. L I OOF. meets every Wednesday night. i 312 Lost and Found" LOST: Piece of suction hose. 3 in. dL ameter. about S ft. long, aluminum couplings. In East end of town be tween airport St Sunny-view Ave., rrt -Aug. za. rmoer pnease can LOST: Brown leather wallet at Cap Itol Theatre. Aug. 28. Reward $10. rnonr i-aono LOST Large envelope of pacers- with name Samuel F. White. Valuable to owner only. Reward. Ph. White 37769, LOST: Small (size 12' t) brown pr. of new orfords ic black patent leather strap slippers in bus terminal or on Woodburn bus Sat. afternoon, be longing to small blind girL Write Box av co statesman, LOST: Full grown grey-black tortoise shell male cat. Vicinity 1105 Columbia St. Reward. ...... J- 314 Transportcrtioa DRIVING TO ALASKA via the Alcan highway Sept. 4th. Consider taking another couple. Phone 38787. 402 Livestock GENTLE JERSEY cow, good family cow. Also t veal calves. Ph. 2-2184. " 8 THRIFTY BERKSHIRE cross weaner pigs. 7 wks. old. $12 eaJ Also - white FeKin oucks. Kt. 7. box 3-Xj 1 4 mi. E. Si li mi. S. Totem Pole. Phone 4-231 2 SADDLE HORSES for sale. Call after a p.m. it )2 jenerson si., uaiias, ere. or ph. Z843 Dallas, rrea Vjuinn. ANIMALS HAULED, reasonable rates Ph. Salem 2-5153. CATTLE WANTED. Earl DuChien. 2495 5th Ph. Z-1638. ... . ; ' . LICENSED Uve stock buyer. Harold E. Snethen. Turner. Oregon. BONDED livestock buver. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box 899E., Ph. 3-1144. AT; STUD. Reg. Palomino quarter- hmne. H. L. Stiff. r. Rt. 3. Box 870 fioWBED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandlish 1127 S 25th Ph S-8147 fRVERS $125. puIleU $1.00 Wendts stand. I' mi Wallace Rd. Ph. z-zzig NEW HAMP chicks every Thursday pn 2-2881 Lni Hatchery KEW HAitFSilIRE chicks for imn.e diate or future delivery. Hatches every ' Tues. Foxes Hatchery. 3830 State SU Ph. 3-4968. 404 Poultry and Rabbits FOR SALE: Rabbits Does, bucks, or does with litters. Also hutches. SAO Oregon St.. out Center St. j 3 LB. RED FRYERS: $1.50 dressed and delivered, other sizes. Also hens. Rt 7 Box; 434 A. McCain Ave. otf SU- verton Koaa. - t - 408 Pets REGISTERED Springer Spaniel pups. Verv food. Call 3-1MW or 2-Z47I YEAR OLD LABRADOR retriever. male, needs home bad. Can Jj seen at south Side .Veterinary hospital. 410 Seeds and Plants AEBHUIZE ' rye tttf eover crop or eany pasture, rn. 412 Fruit. and Farm Produce Tomatoes Canning & Juice, will deliver. Ph 2-7172 IMPROVED ELBERT A Peaches for sale. Nice. SI. 50 bu. Bring Boxes, Wm. Albien, Rt. 2. Box 403 E. Salem, l mi. E and '4 mi: N. of Keiier school. IMPROVED ELBERT A peaches, hill grown. miles so. of Salem. Old pacific niway. on mile west. oeo. Maurer. Ph. 2-eill HALE PEACHES $1.00 bu. V pick. Furnish your own pox. Pears 7Sc bu. Rt. 8, BOX 330. . tianior HQ. fll 47F74. Glen Robertsen SWEET PETITE prunes ready. Ph. r-47. CHOICE IMPROVED Elberta peaches. .Gravenstem apples, BartJett pears. T. C. Mason. Rt. 2. Box 267. Salem. ml. N. on Wheatland Rd. at Clear Lake. Phone 3-1200. SWEET. CORN for canning. Ph.' 2-7307, PEARS. 25c to 50c bu. Prunes 50c bu. Ph 2g617. 3415 Liberty Rd PEACHES. Ready now. Improved El bertas. Also sweet corn, l'i mL on Wallace Road. L. E. Wendt PtACHES $1.00 to $2.50 bushel. 1 mile lout Wallace Rd. M. P. Adams. Ph. ff-16. IMPROVED ELBERTA peaches and Bartlett pears. $1 and $2 a box. Pick ed or U-Pick. At Pen 4 Corners. 1 mi. E. of Auburn Sch. O. W. Green. Rt. 5. Box 226 Ph. 3-163. i HILL GROWN PEACHES Imp. El bertas. Hales and Muirs. Rollin Bea ver, up Glen Creek Rn. Ph. SWEET CORN for sale. $1 sack. Mike Lowery. Rt 1. Box 224. Brooks. 1 ml E. and N. of Brooks. Call after a o m CUCUMBERS, sweet and dilL CaOor at 770 N. Front, basement apt. IMPROVED Elberta peaches.! Priced from 75c up Carls 45 Farm. Phone 3-1588. ELBERTA PEACHES. Carl Aspinwall at Brooks Ph. 2-126L U pick, ! SWEET CORN. Golden grain. '44 award winner. One of the best, large yellow varieties. 25c doz. Rt. 7. Box 429P. McCain Ave. oft Silverton Rd- Ph. 2-5905 IMPROVED Hale 8c Elberta peaches. Joe Diedricb. Rt 2. Box 146. 1 mi. rt-slght W. of Keirer sch. Ph. 2-8204 IMPROVED Elberta peaches now ready at the Jess Mathis orchard and .fruit. ml. w. or saiem on Portland hwy. .3 Tomatoes i Sweet and flavorful U-pick. Si bu. Ph. . Jeff. 504. Holman's at midway on old jerierson r.ijrnway ALBERTA PEACHES. Leons Fruit Stand, 4905 N River Rd. CANNLNG PEACHES, corn, tomatoes. pears, prunes, apples, strawberries. : raspoerrtes. rrigaara mul farm. mi w. Keirer sch. FEARS cheap. 1 mL from Brush College Store on Wallace Rd. Virgil Killings- worth. Rt. 1 Box 352. You- pick BruK rwminwi, rn. -iidj. IMPROVED Eiberta peaches. ! Broa bent. l', mi. sUaight west of Keixer Sch. . . . - i r J . - 400 Apcnltrire 414 rann Eanlpmeni JOHN DEERE -. TRACTOR' 1 DEMONSTRATION. New Model. "IT Diesel i - 4-16' Bottom Plows I New 'ARM (Gas) ; ! 2-16" Bottom Plows i New f.MC (Crawler Tractor) 2-14" Bottom Plows M I ; TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST SO, IS AM. ' AT CARL RAMS DEN'S FARM LOCATED ' '' j mils West central howell school. : INTERSTATE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. ; 3055 Silverton Road j Salem, Oregon 412 Fruit and Farm Produce CANNING TOMATOES. GOLDEN r-ttn swFB-r ; rriHN Also Juice and catsup tomatoes. Pric ed right, tiring coniamers. u. u. Egbert. Out Silverton Rd. 2a mi. la(aiMimla T aaIt rt erlern -Call 2-3933 before io an. Can deliver. DILX, PICKLES. 2c lb. ! Frank Toney Ph. 3-iysa. Kt. 3, box via ALBERTA peaches starting Mon.. Aug. zzno. Vs. nu. av ox Jteuer sen. rn. 2-5813 IMPROVED Elberta peaches at Britt Aspinwai reacn urcnanu on euem Champoeg road at Waconda. 450 Merchandise 4S1 Machinery and Tools GARDEN tractors at close-out prices. l'i HP used. $150. 3 HP new. IZ79.30. Some equipment with tractors. How ser Bros,. 1410 S. 12th. 452 Wanted Machinery, tools USED 14 IN. 2 bottom plow for Ford tractor. Ph. 3223 Oervais. 425 Auction Sales FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tuesday, August 30, S P.m. Glenwood Ballroom. 4' miles N. of Salem on ftOE. Consisting of: e '48 model 8.8 cu. ft. refrigerator e 2 swing rockers e Stewart Warner cabinet radio e GE vacuum cleaner e Hamilton Beach cleaner e S lamps e Latest model Apex washer with pump e S in. Skillsaw, like new e 2 sinks e Large lot tools e Campstove e S piece dinette set e Highchair e 2 cribs e 4 occasional chairs e 8x10 Chenille rug e Linoleum e Wood circulator Kitchen cabinet Davenport 4c chair Used mattresses St springs e Chests e Bedroom suite e Daveno suite Chrome chairs Always many items received too late , to advertise. We sell on commission or pay cash outright. Specializing In furniture & appliance auctions. GLENN WOODRY. Auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110. ; Furniture & Appliance i Auction Every Tues. 8 p.m. Glenwood Ballroom. 4't miles north of Salem on 99E. Sell for you on commission or pay outright cash. Attend our sales. Profitable. Entertaining. Get Action with auctions. Ph. 3-5110. Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer. Notice Immediate cash - for you. The East Salem Auction center located at 976 Lancaster Dr. operates as a service for every one. Auction every Tues day and Thur. 7 JO p.m. For informa tion call 3-1221. 458 Building Materials Aluminum Roofing Comolete stock corrugated 5v crimp and accesories. Obtain our quota tions first Saffron Supply Co. 325 N. Commercial St. WRECKING Urge house at 335 N. Capi tol St. Lots of good flooring, lap sid ing, doors, windows, moldings, lum ber of all kinds. Cheap. See T. T. Anderson on job. Siding - Cedar Shakes Asbestos siding $10 so. IS in. painted shakes in cartons $12 sq. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mi. N. nf Ke'zer. RED CEDAR SHINGLES No.jl, 7.75, any am't. del. Coast or Mountain timber. 100 sq. of No. 3. Sin. clear, suitable for roof or sidewalls. S3 per sq. Ted Muller. Ph. , Salem 2-1196. Salem-Indepen- urine ii i. . SPECIAL! PUsterboard ," 5c. " 5jc dence Hwv aq. loot rocx latne c sq. ya. mum- gomerv ware LUMBER. 2x4 by jitney load. $10 per thous. You hauL Independence Lum ber and Mf Co . Inde pendenre . ure. USED 2x10 floor joists. $15 per thous. Plate glass picture window. $43. As sorted doors and windows. Ph. 3-7238 PLYWOOD LARGE STOCK of sizes, thicknesses and grades, both plain and water proof. Prices start at 5c per sq A. Also good stocks a in and ', in. in sula tin boards. Low prices on In. and i In sheetrock. Keith Brown Front and Court Streets. Salem. Mountain Cedar Shingles I ' No. 1 $7.75 sq. No. 2 $4.50 sq. No. 3 $3.00 sq. C G. LONG Phone 2-582t ' 1 mi. N. of Kelzer SPECIAL Cedar sidinsT i"x8". Ran dom lengths, C grade. $83 per M. Keith Brows, rroat St Court Sta, '. Salem t x3H BN. base. Se l lineal ft. ixli neveiea ir mm, zc nneai Tt. saiem' Willamette Supply 582 Mill St. 455 Household Goods For Sols UPRIGHT PIANO and apt. size gas AA f t.h. . range. iow:n. gi.ii. : - LEATHER baby buggy At pad. Used 3 mo. u MBJ nea. ar seat. tlec. bottle sterilizer. Duncan-Phyfe golden maple din. table, extended 3x5. Dble. inner -spruit mattress and box spring. All reasonaoiy pneea. eta ctoss St. MON TAG WOOD Range, copper coiled. St water tank. SIB. Sanitary cot. mat tress $3 50. Drop i leaf table & 2 chairs. Girl's dresses 8-12 St coat. reasonable. ' Phone 3-e953. COMPLETE Household furnishings. Leaving city. Must sell by Friday TWIN BED SUITE, walnut. Complete W1UI w stuij , skiawaj, i saaeas; vs.aaswsa. springs St mattresses. BeautifuL All for $130. Tracer utue, aou fort Land 4. j 400 AgricnltTire 414 Farm Equipme nt 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sale OIL STOVE, excel, cond.. too large for our home. Rt. 5, Box 19S. REFRIGERATOR in good, cond. $40. Easy Spin-dry washer, : very rea sonable. Snow-flake tuftless mat tress. $13. Stationary tubs, like new. pnone z-eoi3 HOTPOINT eiec. range. $25. 443 S. 25th St. Home Freezer By private party, large sice, sacrifice, see at 2073 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-1824. DAVENPORT It chair. Good shape. i wosemont Ave RETURNING to the east. Must seU complete household furnishings. Dora Bixler. 1815 N, 23rd St. , APT. SIZE electric range, good cond. , 1365 N. 18th. Ph. 3-4253 S x 15 RUG AND PAD. very good. Will sell cheap. Phone 2-1321. USED sewing machine. Ph. 3-3139. 456 Wanted. Household Goods NOTHING too larg or too small. TRADER LOUIE WILL PAY HIGH EST PRICES for furniture, rugs, appliances, sewing machines, etc. Will call ev?s. Ph. 3-8558 or 2-4407 eves. NEED AT ONCE, large quantity used furniture. Ph. 3-5110 Woodry. USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 460 Musical Instruments CLARINET TOR SALE. Good cond. Ph. 22061. 462 Sports Equipment MR. HUNTER We have . several very fine DEER Sc ELK RIFLES, in 7MM, 8MM, 3006 St 3040 Krag calibers. With receiver and scope sights. Also some L. C. Smiths, model 12, 16 and single bbl. 12-gauge. Look 'em over before buying. The House of Don, 266 N. Capitol. 25-35 Winchester Model M rifle. 3 boxes shells. Excellent Cond. 1365 N. 18th Ph. 3-4253 MARLIN 30-30. Weaver K-4 scope, $100. 2495 N. 5th. j 464 Bicyclei" GIRLS BICYCLE In good condition. cheap. Call 2-6428 'ter a p m. MAN'S heavy service bicycle, $15. See Mr. Clark, Statesman. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blsn- kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-906Z. REDUCED monthly rate. ..Roomy trail- er space. Schl. city bus. 358Q.S.LCom-i. TRUCKS and cars for rent Biankets furnUhed Smitty's Clipper service. Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. GOOD USED Piano H. .L. StjIF" 450 Alerchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous BABY BED Deluxe. Complete, with new wet-proof mattress. 921 50. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland no DAVENPORT Sc CHAIR. $50. Call at 4242 Durbin Ave, or ph. 2-3153. TABLE TOP modern gas range. White porcelain centered burners. Usea. S45. Table top gas range White porcelain with divided burners. Has pilot in oven too! $45.. Cream porcelain gas range, standard size. Hinged cover over burners. $35. S cubic foot MW refrigerator. Depend able refrigerator. $75. 4 cubic ft. Crosley refrigerator. Clean and excellent cond, $50. MONTGOMERY WARD Salem GOOD 5z ft cast iron bath tub. Comp. with fittings. 820. 35 i letn at. BLACK caracul fur coat, size 12. good cond. Ph. 2-7057. NEARLY NEW. Siouji valve seat grind- er. Black and Decker valve refacer. Ph. 701 Monmouth 17 A. with house. ?tc . spring with elec. pump. Price $42a0. Also 1 Mall power saw with 5 ft. chain In good condition. Price $150. 7 miles south east. Wesley Brown, Rt 4. Box 1036, Salem CELLO-NU AUTO PAINT, brushes on. various colors. $1.49 a qt. R. D. Wood- rowL Co. Gil Ward, prop. 16" SWING SAW, used Jo hrs.. 2 blades. Priced right. Ph. 2-2358 DeWALD RADIO, saw. 2 bUdes. 110- 220 volt single face motor. $350. MW swing saw complete with 1 HP mo tor, $129.50. Homecraft 6" overhead jointer. $39.50. All tools in good shape. Howser Bros., 1410 s.;iztn ATTENTION farmers and dog owners r Cottage cheese whey, excellent hog food, lc a gaL outdated cottage cheese 3c lb. Cherry Lane-Frye Cheese Co., 515 S. Coml. Ph. 3-4261. TALLMAN'S MIDSUMMER PIANO SALE Special $825 Spinet - limited no. $494 Full 88 no keyboard, cast iron plate. beautiful tone, fine finish, j $50 DOWN. BALANCE EASY' TERMS Bit saving on floor samples St dem . onstrators. - Such fine makes as Knabe. Fischer and Lester, Betsy oss spinets. I .- ! Good selection of grand Sti upright pianos as low as $10 mo. TALLMAN PIANO STORES INC. 375 - 395 S. 12. A mi. from high prices DAHLIAS. Order bulbs-now. 1481 Sev enth St. Ph. 2-0514- i AND FT. DISPLAY tables from old Sears store. Ph. 2-5816. Roberts Sta tion on S. River Rd. RETINA IA Zenar T 3.5; Argus C-3 T 3 5 Coupled Rangefinder; Exakta "B" 127 Exaktar F 3.9; 16 MM Kodak Anastigmat T IS 25 MM lens: S MM Elaeet l'i inch 3S MM) F 3.5 Cine- Tel, and Cine-Extenar wide Angle lens. CSlI 3-7155. WHEAT by the sack or ton. Paul Schaad. Rt. . Box 272. Ph. 3-1858. 3 WHEEL. MOTOR scooter, new tires. just overhauled. 845. 11205 retry. Red Hot ; Specials Beautiful desks, hardwood droo leaf. with 3 drawer base. ( Hand rubbed 3 coat finish. Available in bleach, ma hogany. walnut or maple".; Regular $49 50. Yours today at only $39.65 plus absolutely free matching desk etuur. value is. Will give to the first 3 purchasers, a very attractive Deena lamp. Terms of course. Glens Woodry Furniture MM. M04 N. Sum- mer st. m. a-siie : 20 FT. DEEPFREEZE, like new. $300. I Also 30 lb. computing scale, perfect flit Dk An . 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous Kimball Spinet Piano Beautiful Queen Anne period design mahogany piano, matching . bench. Like new. $150 saving. STONE PIANO CO. ' "The valley's), finest 'piano store' 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Cor. N Cottage) MODEL si Winchester rifle. 1 model 24 Winchester shotg-un. 2210 Che- meketa DAVENO. slightly used, clean. $55. Coffee table, lawn mower, cheap. 5SS N. 14th. Todds Septic Tan&Serrice Complete Service. Call us Collect ZM3 state st. Phone 2-0734 RIVER BOTTOM top soil AU kinds pit- run. gravel, crushed, sand-mix. Con crete pipe and tile: septic' tanks, re inforcing steel and mesh. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-34 H USED electric ranges. $29.95 to $129-50. YXATER APPUANICE CO. . USED electric washing machines. $19.93 to sizs.so. y tA lXH APPLaAWCE CO. DISTILLED white vinegar for all pick ling purposes "Keeps your pickles krisp,' Also old time pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Oder Works. West Salem USED electric refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCF CO. ELECTRIC sewing machines. Free Westlnghouse. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand St fill dirt. Screened gravel St sand for concrete. 1mm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop - and truck for dirt moving. pn. QHice 3-4Q0Z, res. 3-7146, NEW HOME sewing machines. Port ables, desk types, complete line ser vice any make machine. Ralph'-John-son Appliances. TARPS at your War Surplus Store 16 ol. Waterproof. Grommets 8x7 $3.15 7x 9 $5.67 xS $4.32 9x10 $8.10 All other sizes in Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Comer Fairground Rd St Church St QUARRY ROCK for road base. Crush ed rock, fill dirt. We deliver. Croisan Quarries 1563 S Com! St. Ph. J-6417 Plant. Ph. 3-1231 ' Res. 2-3073 FENCE POSTS. poles, all types. shingles fertilizer St flatrock. Phil- UPS Bros. Kt. 8, BOX 11 Ph. 3-1455. PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane-like fi nish, for your floors or linoleum, that requires no waxing. YEATER AP P LANCE CO Grand Piano Exquisite period design instrument walnut case. Ideal for peginner or advanced musician. A bargain for cash or terms. STONE PIANO CO. The valley's finest piano store" 1540 Fay grounds Rd. (Cor. N Cottage) GOAT rhilk delivered Ph. 3-1515. MO N'T AG RANGE & coils in good con- anion S35. linzo. iztn st BABY BASSINET, large with pad and stand. Ph. 2-8431, 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous CASH for newspapers. 1790 N. Front. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem 474 Miscellaneous Window Cleaning Janitor service Floor waxing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer A: Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'i yds 10 B-. yds D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat 6c Dozer D-4 Cat Se Dozer See .us about ditching by the foot Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-440O Sa lem. Oregon Mattresses Capital Bed "Co. Ph. 3-4069. WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or trrieation Duf field Bro. Rt 9 box saPhone 2-1313 or 2-2795. AlJTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 . WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses. McEwan Photo Shop 435 State Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Com. Ph 3-3311 476 Fuel CLEAN FRESH SAWDUST. Summer rates. Call 2253 Dallas collect for prom n't delivery. OLD FIR. 2nd growth Se slab. Dry. Kampstra's Wood Yd. Ph. 2-2950 A Two Week Special "DOUBLE S. & H. Green Stamps" WOOD SAWDUST Tri-CitvFuel Ph.2-7442 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB PH 3-6444 HAND PICKED slab wood. $11 per load. Ph. 2-7751. call after 4 p.m. VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak, slab, maple, old fir. sec. growth and cherry. Also do wood sawing. Ph. 2-4276 or 3-3523. Tri City Fuel PHONE 2-7442 lS-in. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood Ask for S Sc H green stamps OLD FIR any lgth. Spec, rates on Ige. orders. Prompt del. Ph. 133 lurner for inf. 30 DAY special Old growth block wood from Valsetx. $10 ccrd delivered -off car. Kill dry planners., a cords $18. Ph 3-772L Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. 18-LN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS in. clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL, DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St. W. Salem. Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. 'maple, oak. 4 fir, IS" slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458 CLEAN. HAND-PICKED, 16-IN. SLABWOOD FOR SURNAC Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 : R B ALLEN 1 Dry or Green Block Wood St Plainer . mm9 s i a rv. otm ea -ntM " trust iftOV VWDICWUVU a-'a. ru. 'swui 500 Business & Finance 502 Buslne Opportonltfee $3500 PUTS CLEAN INVENTORY BUYS THE NEIGHBORHOOD GRO CERY SERVING THE BEST DIS TR1CT IN SALEM. WALK-IN COOL ER, MEAT EQPT, FULLY STOCK ED & EQUIPPED. DOING FINE ES TABLISHED BUSINESS. LONG ; LEASE. SEE US TODAY IF YOU WANT AN INCOME TOMORROW; CHAS. HUDKINS & SOI Over 27 years in Satsm " - :i 250 W. High St. Phone 1-41 13 UNIT MOTEL elec heat good kca tion. S rm house. C W. Bartell, I35 Portland Rd, 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Oppcctnnitiee Attention rNVESTofta Lee i STORY BRICK APT BLDG. II Turn units. Central heating plant. IS mod gauges. Close to NEW shopping cen ' ter At STATE bides. INCOME $10155. A clean, modern property. $82,300. Terms. FURNISHED APTS BLDG CLOSE TO CITY CENTER. Income of S25O0 per yr. Sacrifice price Only S14.0O8. Terms. Will trade for suburban home & acres NEW ALL ELEC DUPLEX phis TWO Good homes, n , Hollywood DIST. Income of $2000 per yr. Priced TOO LOW! $140. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Cornl Ph, 3-S389; Eve. 3-7440 FOUNTAIN LUNCH for sale. In good location, ideal for cple will take hse tn trade Ph. -J02 ATT. 3 Unit motel. 7 rm. home. 99 E Win trade. 359 S Com'l. St. fi" FOR SALE BY OWNER" A nice going business. Illness of Bro. forces sale, see me or write IBM's S. lrw SL, Salem Ore. I1XSES$ forces sale of one of Salem's oldert and best known restaurants. Good location, good fixtures, good lease. An opportunity well worth in vestigating. Write Statesman Box 97S. 510 Money To Loan I We LIKE to MAKE LOANS We make loans to 4 out of S who ask ' for one and enjoy doing it. p 25 to 500 on auto I Up to 300 on salary, furniture Cash for any good purpose Take up to 20 months- to repay If a loan solves a problem, phone or ij come in today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem SIS State Rm. 125 Ph. S-3464 Lie. No. S-122 M16S C. R. ALLEN, Mgr. MORTGAGE LOANS FHA and conventional mortgages. See us on mortgage financing REX SANFORD INC. : 164 So. Coml. Tel. 3-8389 ' Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Homes Long ot Short Term Payments Rov H. Simmons 138 S Commercial St, Ph. 3-9161 AUTO LOANS ' WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 rCASH - NOW $25.00 to S500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan , company offers money when :: you need itl You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endoreens. or help from friends On cars, trucks trailer homes to $500.00 An f i t-r-n i tii 1 - lvctw-lr Muinm.nt , salary or otrter personal property up to $.1100.001 Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. S138 and M33S General Finance Corp. I PH 3-9161 136S.COM-LST. FARM and CITY LOANS w 4'a end 5 Your own terms of repayment within . reason Cash for Real Estate Con ' tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. i 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7163 f ' $' CASH $ $23 00 to $500.00 Furniture Uvestock. i Equipment loans up to $300. Car j loans up to $500.00. Come in or phone. jllolhivvood Finance Co. ' 1991 Fairgrounds Road , Across street from bank. No parking problems. Ph. 2-7032 Lie No. M369- ' S2W1 , f Ibvd Kenyon Mgr. I See Us For : Attractive Farm Loans Only 4 or 4V2 Int. S to 40 years and NO commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-36C3 500 Business & Finance 512 Loans Wanted AUTOMOBILE paint, all colors. R. D. Woodrow Co., Gil ward proprietor. 450 Center St. $8900. Loan wanted on first mortgage 1 on home and Business property vai - ued at 25.000. Income from property $235. per month. CaU 3-4547, ask for i Stevens. 515 Investments FOR YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT Buy first mortgages on improved real estate. Salem and vicinity, nets in vestor 5'r. Examine the security yourself. We handle all details. Mo expense to the investor. Call - STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Phone 3-4121 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED: Married man on dairy- Must be experienced for grade A dairy. $170. Hse.. lights Scmilk. Ph. 3-1038. 606 Help Wanted, female -' PERMANENT POSITION Nationally known company have open ing in local store for woman 28-40 to train as saleslady on shop fir. Capable of demonstrating St selling : appliances. Must be neat St have I some selling exp. Prefer woman who ; sews. Opportunity to secure lifetime : vocation. Apply in person. S-19 a.m. onlv. 130 N. commercial. HOSIERY MENDER, no experience necessary. Apply mending counter. ' Millers Dept. store. HOUSEKEEPER Sc care of children. 466 State St HOUSEKEEPER wanted between 30-53 yrs. Must like children St of taking charge. Gd. salary, rm. Sc board. Ph. 3-9339 WOMAN FOR Light housework St child care, room, board Sc wages. Ph. 2-7823. WE WANT $10,000 loan on real estate. $25,000 security. Write Box 988 States man. WOJiiAN- FbR HOUSEWORK St eoolc ing for 3 adulu. No laundry. Wages Be meal, permanent, zia tjncoin. small office. exDerience pre- ferred not required, typing required. 40 hr. week. excepUonally pleasant working cond. Good salary. Write ' Statesman Box 985. - WOMAN ior housework and care pf children. 285 Chemeketa St. I STENOGRAPHER St typist. Ex per., good salary. Transportation can be : arranged. Apply Independence Lum ber at Manufacturing Co, Indepen dence, Ore PAYROLL CLERK for payroll and gen eral office work, good salary, trans portation can be arranged. Apply Independence Lumber and Mfg. Co, :- Tnitnnf1 sfWa FUIX-TIME secretary-office manager. ; , . ri fU. Mul 37593. ' MIDDLE-AGED woman to help to - home. Ph. 2-S294. , ' 608 Pickers Wanted PEACH PICKERS sUrting Wed. No : one under IS. S mL East of Books. E. M. Botes. Rt. I. Box 181. Broofcs THOENLESS blackberry pickers. - IVt mL east ot Totem poe, i mile N. on Van Cleave Rd. Marvin Van Cleave. Rt. 7. Box 248. Phone 2-3161. HOP PICKING will start Sept 1 at John J. Roberts is Co. yard. 4 mi. out on S. River rd. 600 Employment 608 Picker Wanted BEAN PICKERS. Bishops South kiver rvma. ii muniwi mai oaiemi. Bust leaves 12th Jk Uiaeion SOO, Farm La bor office fcJ9, Ladd V Bush banls 6:53, south on Commercial to Owens, HOP PICKERS wanted starting! latee ivt uiiprmanon can a-siji. t An tititRj 1 . .. 1 "- au.i a. ooa ptcsmg. lion run. Schurter and -Kaufman 3 Ho Yards. 2 males south of Central Ho wu. ni. a. oox z3, silverton. 610 Sales Pfone Wanted REAL ESTATE Salesman wanted pre m nun wno UKCS IO WorBS Willi farms. Joe L. Bourne. 1140 CapitoL ol4 Work WanteKL femalaT CLEANING and Ironing by hourl Good reference Ph. 3-9691; ! PRACTICAL nurse, ex p. in ehllt tare. " tare nr cnuaren in n3S prty. home R. m. ..TTTt i t.. - CHILD care. lI8&Tippinf. JthJtml 615 SituatJona Wanted WILL CARE for children In my; home er i irw orr ii .e v rnnna i.ai CHILD CARE by day Ph7-868 85. mb MIDDLE-AGED LADY wanu Uby siC Ung. Phone 2-4748. i POSITION as legal secretary. SrtJall of. nee preferred. Write Statesman Bo APPRENTICE Jdft m garage. J ear ?P5Jxg?-..to-reierence. pn.?I-PZ6. REMODELIN'G and repair worklThon CARPENTElt work, new.'repalrj uiu on your nainune; Your paint or ours M. L. Gblttnburg. 3-4J46. i WOODlgAVijNG. Ph. j-157. ' ? j " ' WANTED outside house painting. C at Stahl PS 1ili . v WILL do aiiy kind of carpenter work rwonioff, uti un ion, fn. g-1 4S7, CEMEMT work7AIl kinds. pKfi-4854. Lloyd M. HilL.Int. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds Ph 2-4D!7 tao Clt. a. TCSTTTi L urvnni.nu nouse puna. rn. 9-w.i. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and yin.vi.x 1 iweep. iMortnness. ptl. 3- ATMORAYS Harley Pugh. PhJ COMBINING. Leonard Perhchl 'ua 1 1 1 rn. nor o. i p KWTXuf.S start lo finish.' tt. tra tor on rubber with dozer. Pi4 $-8121. 618 Education ! f OREGON'S oldest vocational Whoola, operated by Multnomah Coltfrge. of fer unexcelled training in ratio the ory and broadcasting refriaratioa. automotive mechanics, and Kv1.1t lOh mechanics Fall classes start Sep tember 6. Ask fr bulletm A" de scribing i all courses, write f MULT NOMAH COLLEGE. Portland! 4, Ore gOn. j if: 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board NICE SLEEPING Roor. SLEEPING RM . private 75M etVarb nee. r coffee shirri. on 2 bus lines. Pa 3-f LGE. "welT urn. rm withAootne 1 vileges for I or z ladies in new ht near Hi$) school. Sears and hut. fi 38280. B St. I I ROOMS. U lies only, kitchen pYivlTeH 520 Statfsnian St Ph 3521Q i . SLEEPING RMS. in gd. location Fll homeSi N. Winter. Ph. 3-5530 PTJANTSLP RM" for it)email 1050-Morway. Ph. 2-4547. 703 Wanted Rooms, Board STATE EMPLOYEE would like s ood room nar Capitol. Sept. St Oct. on, yreler place with not other rcxn ers. I'h. : 4-Z17I. ext. 341. , f 700 Rentals f 70S Apartments For Rent 2 RM TURN apt. Adults . Adults 38 S7 Union 3 RM UN TURN. aptTlrr" Coitj 3 KM. APT . bath. Hot tt told wa furn. North. Ph. 2-9371 between am I51CELY Y tURN. 3 rm. rtiTitlel furn 333 j 16th 1 RM. FURN. APT cube Int Adult! 248 Marlon 5t. Photie 3-5C 2 RM. FURN. APT. WatejrT Tig hit A garbarge furn. Call before 130 p.nf. 5-7548. M i SMALL FURNISHED apt. Private hi and entrance. No smokers or oiinl ers Pftirie 3-X35 for anaflintnierj 2 ROOM Fyrmftied aptjj 24tr UPSIAIK5 3 rm. apt. pn. path.. ei stove and oil circulator. Suitable it couple with one child. Located West Salem. Call 2-8600 or $-8638 fore 1 1 or after 5 " H RM. FlfRJ 9. f tst ine'ludinfl High. Ph. 3-75CC J 4 blks. of lu itt at. utilities ! 404 S His 2 RM. furn apt Nice looa&ia. Pis 3145 3 RM. furo apt. with pii. nt. aj , hath Se gar Emp. cplf . jpu, fh 2b 3 RM apt. 494 3 winter, - : $ RM. FU"R?J. apt 910 NTWir , 2"RM. BASfcMtNt apt. MXTip1Wt i ' A 707 Houses For Rent I noon mn eJaJTh 18 lf sTHobl. 5v4 2 B R. HOUl N. 5th 3t. 3 RM. HSK. In rear I'J If J Ith. J6 children; rts or drtnkjtrs j FURN. JHOMl 1 den. Nice yard, garden spot; Auf washer. ) Yrs. lease. Aveail.4 I 875 moi CaU 2-8242 2 B R. L.irUKN. hse. NQrtiV Oil hea $90. Sept 5th. Inq. 343 t. Vlfw Pis ncn a on. nome. near' vesne ec o schools, $90 No. Ph. 2 MOD. 3 BR house, large chick, h Sarage and garden spot. 10 ml. !. River rd. 2nd hse. E. ot Edri school. Ph. 5705, Aurora MODERN furn. house in country miles south. Rt. 3, box 808; Reas ason able rent,' Care of bldgs., yard. :s yard. ete. gp Box 884. 7 utilities fl required. 'Write Statesman FURN. small cabin, clean. . Suitable for couple with small U cr.na, Urt. ftl $32 50 mo. Hebb's Trailer Court. wnnama Ave, rn. i-vjll. t 2 RM. UNfURN. HOUTi. Light hout keeping. 543 S. 15th SL Call afte) S PJU. j ; - 1 ' j I i 708 Farms. Tracts For Rent 100 A. OR MORE of cleared land. hTf complete equipment to farm samel Write Statesman Box 989. f ; 710 Wanted To Rent Houses URGENTLY NEED I or S idrm. ujm furn. house. Permanent- On city M line. Phone 3-8411. ' COUPLE with X school tg4 chi)drl desire unfurfl. 3 or 4 bdrei. sub. y country home. $50-69 mo. CaU Webl. a-awa oays WILL PAY six months rent fh advafe for three bedroom unfurnished home. Walking distance to Capital. Box M, wwwnuni, rritjn. UNfURN." HOUSE or dupl., adua. References. Permanent. Ph.; WOil Eves s-aaio.. Oft LEASE: 1 or 1 bdrfh. u fturn is? ;1 house with automatic heat. McKii ley oriEnglewood sch. district. S A. FronkJ Ph. 2-4848, , : TEACHER wanu mod. I!.: house Ch funuahed. Preferable nar Sen, High ch. Desirable tenants. Excel, refer ences. Ph. 2-4545 i6a 1 BDRM. unfum. house with Qi age. Permanent, will leaser $50. rh. 3-S33I. i SMALL ll-UftM. cottage by Single girl pets- permitted. Statesmsn box 90. SMALL Tarn. hse. or t rrp.('apt. in or near the vicinity of Woodburn by employed couple. Write Be i000 mm Sutesman. - : j ; 712 Wanted To Rant A pta. STATESMAN emp. needs by Sept, rpt. 1j PL easoaV Furnished or partly turn. apt. . house, References. 1 Child, n able rent. Ph. 2-214 y ,2-4348 SMALL' furnished apU ckMe in. 06 ft around Sept. IS by two workUsvj women. CaU 2703 after i pjn. i! t fj i