ilY,Nt U Place YOUR Classified v itv.iiv--. .-. .v,--, . .;. J'. M f . AD For 7 Days On The LOW! TWStolk'.yU Orw! WcmdaY. AiK IMSIS Weekly RATE BOO Real Estate 800 Real Estate 808 House For Sol 806 Houses For Sol , WEEKEND SPECIAL ! ! ! FAMILY HOME I I BR. LR. DR. Kitchen. Fireplace. Full bsmnt. A good one In th Holly r wood District. HAZEL AVENUE BR. LR. DR. Kitchen. Full Basement, party room. Terms. EXCELLENT LOCATION SOUTH 3 BR. LR. DR. Kitchen. Hdw Fir, flre place. full basement. See. tola today. LOTS OF BUTLT-LNS 3 BR. Unfinished upstairs. Lit Dinette. Kitchen. Utility. Atchd garage. Hdw firs, oil furnace. Lge lot in restricted neighborhood. Small Down pymnL Balance like rent. i KENNY REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa Evenings Lea Orion. Phone 2-2577 or 2-OST4 3-3983. or KenJHiU. 3-1770 j IIUDKINS BUY-LINES . . I ' I . j IMAGINE 1350 SQ. FT. ONLY $10,000 $1500 DOWN. $65 PER MONTI! i .... I , Bedrooms all on 1 floor, extra large living room, model kitchen bath, break fast room .utility, patio. Very good location This sounds good and it is good. $8500, KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Bedrooms, oil furn. fireplace, bsmt. large lot. trees distaitt owner says 'Sell," so the price has dropped. CHAS. IIUDKINS & SON, REALTORS OVER 37 YEARS 350 N. High St. IN SALEM I. Phone 3-4129 ENGLEWOOD Modern 3 bdrm. home. Unfin. upstairs, hwd. firs, thruout. Fireplace. Venetian bids , lots of closets and built-ins. aut heat. 8250Q down. 1550 Norway. atY OWNER: 3 BR home. Keizer dist.. approx. acre. Close to bus St store. iiiiuUted. 3 yr. old, $7800. Some terms, r.ordon Kettis. 5040 Newbere Dr. mi. west of Kcirer sch. . HAVE 33200 in unfinished house on 1 A.' tract on city bus line. I will show open housr and you make me offer on -same. Write Boa 91 Statesman. rBEDROOM HOME at 280 So. 14th street, this is a good well built older type home in good condition, and Is priced for sale. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS phone 3-4707 44 Court fcve- Z-STTl - 3-7ZB3 JfORrH 25th STREET, tills new 5 room bungalow Can be" bought for leaa than appraisal, and you will really be surprised at what a- good buy thi is Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS , Phone 3-4707 434 Court Eve. 3-4773 - 3-7283 ' GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOMES ARE SCARCE We have selected" 6 homes from our listings, new or nearly new, wmch we think are excellent buys, ranging in price from $10 500 to $14,800. These are all of latest design with all mod ern conveniences. Let us .show them to vou. Call Lloyd Crowlev. OFO A. WALTERS. REALTOR Fhone 2-3B49 Eve. 3-1206 SMALL MODERN 5 rom house, plas tered, hardwood flors, elec. heat St tan k 3 lots. 2385 Cliudt. Ph. 2-5313. ALMOST NEW 2 ER. home in Salem Height dist. Elec. heat, new Ob re- fri. Auto washer and some furni ture $7MK-$lM)u dn. Call 2-7213 eve. W 6R a, life by owner : SmaUmodem house on city lot adjacent to bus. si'Hwl and More $2850 reasonable terms. 585 Sou Uy 22nd street. f B R. mod" home. You can't beat It for 8.WO0. Partly furn. 81500 duwn. E M HunterTT S Com'l. Ph. 3-4849. I BR modernjffTome. new paint and paper thriftmt inside. New shingle roof. Close to school, bus at front door. Close to shopping district. $8730. t down, liberal .terms on balance Call Warner. Motor Co..' ph, 22487. SALE OR LEASE If this nice 3 bdrm. hse. isn't sold by end of Sept owner will lease it. Auto ht. Att. sr lovely lawn end flowers, near school. Total price $8770. $1550 dn.. bal. FHA $58 per mo Incl. every thing furn.. also for sale. U5 w moia Ave off Salem Hts. Ave. ? BY OWNER: 3 room houM. North. unfinished but livable; ac. Phone 2-32U3 - Z-52II OR TRADiTmy equity inS rm. hse Hollywood dist. House trailer pre- ferryd O. R McGmre. ph 335 1 BY OWNER: 1 new 5 rm. sub. house. 'WHY RENT? $300 Down two bdrm. home, kitchen, bath, utll- tty. garage. Price $4M0. $50 per mo. $550 Down Mew 3 bdrm, home with LR. DR. hdwd fits, garage, auto, heat Price $81 SO. Appro. $52 per mo. $750 Down One yr. old 3 bdrm home with LR. DR. hewed firs, dole garage, full cmnt bsmnt. oil piped furnace. At edge Of ciy on corner lot. Consider lot. etc., as down pwmt. Price $6500. t)rive Bv TW N. 17th St. 3 bedroom home. Living rm. Dining rm. hdwd firs, fireplace, full bsmt. Price $fi5t COLD ATI! LAND CO. 1S3 Center St. .. Phone 3-4553 Residence. 2-8K91 or 3-4393 fOI Suburban LOVELY 3 BR. suburban home and 8 A. 1 ml. E. of Keizer sch on paved rd. 5 mi. downtown. $6000 dn. and terms. Modern 3 B. R. home in West Salem H Hunts on Fair Oak Way. just off Km wood dr $5500 down will han dle, bal. at $50 mo. $4000 down will buy you this extra mo dern 3 yr. -old house and acreage 6 BnilM east of downtown. 3 B. R-. 2 iMtns. run concrete basement, land-scaped-tawn. bal. In easy payments See D L Hopkins A. N. DUNCAN. RF-ALTOR. Salem. Ph. 3-968 Statesman Classified Advertising Classified Ads Call 2 2441 Per line Three Insertion er 7 Insertions, per Una One month per Unt line 15e 40e . 1U t.5l (Outside of Salem. each line 15) ftlinlmaos two lines. Coant I words to hne. Reader tn etty briefs On Se The deadline for classified seal reader adrertislng Is Irtl pja dalle. Only emergency "lost" ad will be accented after that hoar. The Statesman reserves the rtgKt t reject quettlmubht sdverttstng It further reserves the right to place an advertising under the proper rlasstfleaUoo, The Statesman assumes ao finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear tn adeertlssinsnta vib Uthed in Its. column and tn ease wiier tMe paper I at taojt wtl) reorlnt that part of so advertise ment ta which the typographical mitaK accurav A 'Blind Ad on ad eontatntng a Statesman hoi sonber for an address ts for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered oy letter The Statesman t not at liberty to dleulr Infor mation as to the identity of an ad vertiser uetag g "Bttod- t4. gar, 3 lots and frpice. 2-6218 . S. on pvemts Elec. h $6500, $1000 i down. Ph. Immediate Poss. j Suburban Out of stale owner here to sell home. large rms . hdwd firs, thruout. Auto furnace. ; piped to all rooms. Unfin up. stairway in.' Breezewfy. attached gar. Lg.j lot. city water. Low dn. payment) Practically new. F. H A terms. Salem Heights West. 503 E. WIH Lea v ing tne state. My l3ui equity In 1 yr. old '2 pdrm. house, Insulated, hwd. floors, completely mod. Move right in for 500. Bal. P.H.A. See a 542 BUIer Ave. Ph. 2-2880. 4 BR. HOUSE, perfect cond.. comnlete ly carpeted., Easy terms.; $14,755. Ph RECENT I bdrm. house with fireplace dm. rmi patio, hwd. firs, thru-out. All elec In Kingwood area with at tractive bard and Vw. Owner trans' f erred. Make reas. offer". Ph. owner 3-3943. ' PRICED RUDUCED 81000 Owner MUST sell this 3 BR ranch-type house 1 yr. old. LR. 14x21. flrenlace DR.. kitchen 14xlt. lots o( built-ins. beautiful hdwd. firs., auto, oil heat V. blinds, semi-finished attic, att farafe. Jge. suburban lot. 4 doors rom bus to Jr. and High school, m- mediate pojs. Ph. 2-2781 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 812 Exchanqs) Roai Es!at 812 Exchange) Rexil Estatw 852 Usexl Cars For Sal 852 Usexl Cars For Sal Exchange for Salem Property Beautiful home on 1 A. fronting on B9X in Small town between Salem & Portland. Living room, dining room, S B.R.. & bath down with 3 BJtf up. Hardwood floors. Full bsesment. ; Looking for a Truck? Then You're In Luck". Come to Your Ford Dealer First for the Best Buys William Bliven & Co. Realtors i 47 N. High Phone 3-3617 Eves. 2-8268 806 House Far Sal Leaving - Good Buy Beaut. 3 Br. home. irpi. namt. orun m. easily kept. Vt A. Ph. 2-7241. L bsmt. brkfst home. rm. easily kept. NEW 4 bdrm. house. 3310 Broadway, $8500. A. E. Heasley. 2305 N. Liberty. LATX BUILT 3 BR. home.' suburban, near new school and bus. Trade for Unproved 50 acres or more. No agents. Address Statesman Box 986. SALE OR TRADE 2 B R. mod. house. Will take on improved acreage to S200Q4 3810 Monroe. Best Buys $1,000 DOWN" Nice clean 4 bdrm. home, wen worth the money. 1 block to bus. Close in j north. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. : 2-0473 or 3-3558. 2 HOUSES Both new : 8c very - modern. Close to school, bus it store. North. Electric ; heat, insulated. We believe this is a I very good buy for only $11,400. Eve. : ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 4 ACRES TO RENT Modern 3 bdrm. house, 3 acres filberts. :. Good soil. Close to suburban town. . Rent only $760 per year. Lease avail able. Eve. ph. 3-8403 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES Close In north. Good modern garage i house. Private well. Willamette soil. Close to school. A buy for only $4200. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. . Al Isaak & Co Realtor Ph 3-782Q, 2-4598 3035 Portland Rd. i BDRM shake house, lovely built-ins Venetian blinds. Fenced yard with fireplace. Near bus, school and park. $900. 1574 Elm St, West Salem. Ph. 2-757S . $ 13.000. ctXANMODERN 3 Bedroom home 7 yrs. old. Hollywood Dist. Full ; Basement. 3 fweplaces. Hardwood fls throughout. Beautiful yard, shrubs. $2,500 down. Balance $50.00 per man. Call Stanly Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High Call 3-4121; Eves. 2-5581 $ .500. MODERN 3 BR home Ingle wood Dist. Hw fls. Fireplace. Full base ment. Corner lot. Immediate posses sion. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153. S High Call 3-4121; Eves. 1-3381 ATTENTION New mod. 5 rm, home. latest thlnar In Interior decorating. Beautiful color ed plumbing, low down payment. And small monthly pymt. See Glenn namirton. zuis N. 34th. Ph. 2-3388. $4300.00 bedroom house Electrie heat At tached Garage. Large Lot City Wat er Close to Shopping Center. 3 Blocks to City Bus Just- off ME South. r Terms it Desired. Evening Phone 3-0938. Hollywood District 3 bedrooms Plaster Fireplace Full Basement Hardwood Floor Corner I-ot. Immediate Possession. Full Price $6950 00-Easy Terms. Eye. ph. 1-7984. Ahrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building. Phone 3-9217 Real Estate - Insurance Mtge Loans STSO DOWN One bdrm. shade trees, fine, garden; iuu price S.W50. , TODAY'S SPECIAL See the house at 1555 N. Liberty street: tnre Mrmi. priced at $5,000. If you want it, call. NEARLY NEW Two bdrm. plastered, fireplace. V. blinds, oil floor furnace, elec. water htr. Only $1775. will give you pos session; balance at $53. mo. includ ing i interest. Located NE. Furni ture optional. Total price $8973. Salem Realty Co. realtor! 14 N. High St. Ph 3-7880 Eve, ph. 3-4581 1-8605 Vol; CAN 6WN A homT BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd. firs., auto. heat, paved streets. Inside city limits. L. E. Klurapp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7842 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0138 ! Swap! 82' i Acre farm. 2 barns, t rm house. completely stocked Ac equipped. 13 mi North. Price $13,500. Trade for small house in town. Crawford. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 It. High St. Ph. 2-3849 i 2-5390 or 3-7451 806 Houses For Sals) $5950 FOR MODERN, clean, roomy hse. 3 blks. to Highland sch 7 blks. to Vincent's. Ph. 2-9879. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 810.500. English type 3 B. R. home. Fireplace in bv. rm nice kit, dining rm.. i hwd. fin., bsmt.. furnace. : $7550 NEW 2 B. R. HOME Liv. rm.. kit 8c dining space, utility rm . hwd firs. 81500 dn. $50 per mo. OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 3-5091 Englewootl 3 BR.; on 1 fir. 1200 sq. ft. of floor space, hwd firs, fireplace, oil heat, tine i corner lot at 23rd & Market. Calli Crawford for an appointment. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 ft. High St. Ph. 2-3849 2-5390 or 3-7451 NEW 3 BDRM. HOME, $130 dn. Open daily. 1140 Lewis. Ph. 2-5422. Dump Trucks 1949 FORD T-t V-8 4-5 YD BOX 2 SPEED AXLE 2S TIRES 1940 CHEVROLET 4 YD BOX. 2 SPEED AXLE Farm Trucks 1947 FORD COE STAKE BED. 2 SPEED AXLE 1948 FORD LWJ), STAKE BED. 2 SPEED AXLE 1948 CHEVROLET L-W.B. 3 SPEED -BROWNIE 9.00 TIRES 1935 FORD TON PICKUP ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON NEW TRUCKS. ALL MODELS Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY & MARION ST. PHONE 3-3147 1948 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 2-DOOR. R&H. 9.000 MILES 194 STUDEBAKER 5 PASS. REGAL. RAH. 12.000 MILES . 1947 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR (CHAMPION) R&H . 1943 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR. R1H 1948 PLYMOUTH TUDOR t 1941 FORD TUDOR - 1941 CHEVROLET $ PASS ; - 1937 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1936 HUDSON TERRA PLANE SEDAN .. 1933 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1929 FORD MODEL A SEDAN....... . j Bonesteele Sales, Service, Inc. .1895 .1895 .1495 1095 1295 795 595 245 125 165 100 95 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Usod Cars For Sal 852 Ussxl Cars Far Sal CASH FOR CLEAN USED CARS PREFER FORD - CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH McCALL'S 1297 STATE DIAL 3-8103 j Fairmont Hill Beautiful new 3 BR. house on one floor. L.R.. DJl.. Kitchen, fireplace, hdwd. floors. Electric. Electric heat Priced at only $13,800. Kenny Real Estate 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3-2577 or .2-0614 Eveniners : Len Orton 2-3983 or Ken Hill 3-1778 BY OWNER: Furnished 2 BR. modern home. Move right In. See Sunday to 4 at 135 N. Eima Ave. (4 Corners) or call 2-4591 eves. " , $6000 Furn. 4 rm. cone. Administrator. house, bus! 1440 N. Church. ! ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Lovely 3 bdrm. home in an ideal loca tion. Close to schools, fireplace, bsmt, elec. cook. St water htr. 2 car garage, dble. plumb. Full price $11,550, terms. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood District) Ph. 2-4664. Eves. 8c Sun. 2-6013. 3-7128. 2-5757. Business Directory ADDING MACHINt 8 Ail makes used machines, sold, lent- ed. repaired. Roe a 456 Court Phone 3-6773. j APP1.IAN Cel games t Bendix. Kelvins tor and HotoouU Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap- pnance. ya center sv raone s-8i3. YEATER Appliance Co, 35i Na Ul Ph. 3-4311 I At TOMOBILS KEPACT j " Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.. 0 H. Com!, AT TOUR DOPE GRIPING Lawn mowrs. scissors knives sharp- Dexter. 1220 Center. Ph, 3-8833. ened BRAKES Mike Panes, 27S ft. CornT Ph51H Hrake A wheel aligning specialist, i Ht I.I.DOZ1NG DEAN, ROBINSON. Phone 9-8537. l,T CRAWLER, dozing 2-3220. Ht U.UI.NU IOXT8ACIOKS FRAMjt or matoon const. Remodel'- ing new foundations. Alt Bros.. 3-3909. t rT.MENt Sidewalk, driveway, anything cement rrom nt ' servioe E. Drake Ph 3-475 I'tMI'NT CONTRACTtm RWtW7tYSSIDlWALKS. FbUN" OATlONS, anytning concrete Ph 3485Q trOMMtUtClAL ART j f . Letterheads cartoons. business slgs rade marks, photo retouching. Bob tirowne, Salem Engraving Ph. 3-2441 I5 S Commercial f jLrCTRICAL CONTRACTING V IN CITS" Electric "for electrical wil rg contracting -repairing jj7 LU ertv Phone 3-9239 j FURNACE CLEANING HOLLAND FtRNACE C6. "i 320 Kearnev Phone 3-780 ' IIRMII HI Kll LMHI(t SPECIALISTS at refinUhing modern t antique furr Lee Bros. Ph 2-700L riRNltlRE RESTORING We specialize tn restortng antique furniture Lambert's. Ph 3-7100 H4.l t.IN G . ; J "LESTER DeLapp Truck Service Coml tiaullna it furniture ' moving Dally service to Portland. Pn 1-1790 NhALTH i Amorayi Harley Pugh. Ph. HKII.U 1 ud'tim'i, 279 N Com'l Ph. 3-4J41.' HOt SKHOLD PRUPCCTS - I K Watktns Co products 171? ten ter St. Salem Ph 3-8393 Free del I N S tCATl6x WEATh t RSTRIPPING" JOH.NSANVTIXE. Phone 3-3748 FUTURE INSULA TrSO Co 2065 LAlNORlfS Deluxe- Serve-Self Laundry. 343 Jei- ferson St. Ph. 2-3452. N Mo IRS CfC Lt53QNS Spanish and Haw dolin banjo, etc. 1333 C man- allan guitar. ourl Ph. 3-750S. 1 NLRf ER1KS LandacaDine a deatcnlne . X rVor. fler St Sons. 150' No. In-lr Dh 3-1322. OIL CTECULATOR 8ERYICR Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6072 OH- Ft'RNACK. BURNER 8 ER VICE' S PAINTING PAfiltTNO St deeorattnc tntrtor"a( erterior. 633 Curchdalo ave. Ph. 2-8287. Paintins and papering. Free estimate Phone S-BS13. SSI hlnt-a SPRAY It brush P'tnitngT Interior or . WM. , . . . - - v4 itv esv. m. a-nsB. PAPER HANG INO 'JL' ; ' And Muitiai. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-553 GENERAL repair and pumps. Ber eatur St Maer 970 S. Coml Ph. 3-g23 Judson's. 179 No. Com! PhT"3k4l4L Reoairs BUI Sfcewis. Phone 3-4600 PLUMBING SUPPLIES I " Capital Bargain House. 143 Center St pi:mps j BARNES pum Stettler Sudd: Kl WEAVING REW EA VING" SAWS ips. Salem Equip. Co. ly Co. Phone 2-6038. 1180 W. Winter" 2 BDROOM modern home. Dec. heat. Four cherry trees, small garden, gar age. Price $6500 1955 Royal St PRICED TO SELL, neat mod. 2 bdrm. house. 881 Rosemont. W. Salem. 2 BR.. GAR and basmt. Phone 2-4751. iwn St shrubs. ifliR eilicient and effective sales ser vice cell the Salem Realty Co. NOW BY OWNER: $11,900. $3200 equity, bal ance $67 mo. FHA Kingwood Heights new 2 BR., hwr. floors, fireplace, auto, washer 8c dishwasher. Bonn, elec. hest. city water. l'. bath, view lot 75x140. lawn, fenced back yard. See anytime. Kingwood Dr. Len Fir Oaks, first rd. right Ph. 3-5508. 370 N CHURCH ST. SALEM. ORE. PHONE 3-9277 ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE. Don't Guess Don't Gamble Buy a used car where a bargain is a bargain. Look these specials over 1949 JEEPSTER. THE SPORTIEST CAR IN TOWN . . $1595 194 CHEVROLET BUS. COUPE, CLEAN AS A WHISTLE $1143 1946 CHEVROLET FLEET LINE AERO SEDAN. A HONEY $1365 1948 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN. LIKE NEW. SAVE ON THIS ONE., $1945 1948 KAISER SEDAN. DRIVEN ONLY 10.520 MILES $1445 1948 CROSLEY STATION WAGON. GAS MILEAGE PLUS $ 585 1947 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. A REAL GOOD CAR $1245 1947 FORD COUPE SEDAN. RS.-H. A SWEET HEART. $ 695 1947 HUDSON SUPER SIX CONVERTIBLE, R Ar H. OVERDRIVE J1195 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN. LEATHER UPHOLSTERED $ 945 193S MERCURY 2-DOOR. A-l MOTOR, VERY CLEAN 8 695 1947 FORD DELUXE TUDOR, DON'T OVERLOOK THIS ONE $1095 Pontiacs Good Will Cars ' '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, Low Mik-age ..$1895 '46 Chev. sdn. R&H $1145 '38 Ford "60" $ 195 '36 Chev Sdn $ 195 Herrall-Owens Co. Tl PHONE 3-tllS 660 N LIBERTY TRADES - TERMS TWO 0U) TIMERS 1940 PONTIAC COUPE. RUNS GOOD. A HOT CAR ...... 1939 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. NEW RINGS. NEW PAINT .. THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY .8 495 $ 595 FURNISHED NEAT 2 bdrm. home. Bus by door. Price only $8675. KEIZER DISTRICT door. Price only $8675. Terms. s beorm. name. Large lot. Price $6990 reasonable down payment, balance G.I. loan. ATTRACTIVE BUY. Choice 60 acre tract few mile out on paved high way. Can be subdivided. About 40 acres tn fruit; baL Umber and pas ture. Creek on corner. Fruit crop will help pay for place. Price only $7500. Part terms. IDEAL HOME. Good sized hr. room, lininf room, kitchen tots of built ins, 2 cheerful bedrm.. large Rnesi closets. Cement basement. Oil fur nace. Price only sssss. $3909 down. Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors 344 Stat St. Phone 2-366$ Evenings call: Mr. Sederstrom. 3-6789 : or Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007 2 BR. HOUSE. Lights, city wtr. and bath. Overlooking; a pretty view. High grnd. This place would make a sood rental income or nice sub. home. Also bidg. lot that goes with place Turn L. at top of Cascade Dr.. then a ; quick right at first L. hand turn. Price 81000 dn.. balance on terms To-, tal price $3500. Mr. Roth. RL 1. Box 104. W. Salem. J-BDRM. HOME by owner. Large lot rrult trees, rtn location, half cash. 1836 Court St. Ph. Shade $10,000. 26579 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 Bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tile kite ban. bett up stair and down. Plastered basement and garage. Hardwood floors, lota built ins. terraced back yard. Cost over $18,000. to build. Reduced to Si 2.500 for quick sale. For tnforma tton call 3-4547. : -Sal?niSsw Wks. 1293 N. Sih. 3-7603. SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive pat ent rajer sharp cutting blade. Cleans sewers, drains or drain tile. Septic tanks cleaned. Ph 2-5327. 3-9468 or 2-0977. , 8EPTH; TANK! Mi Ke'- Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Rovj Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm StWJ5alem. Ph. 3-9468. 3-5327. VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge. Call us collect. Todds Septic Tank , Service. 2545 State St. Ph. 2-0734. K. F. HAM EL sepuc tanks cleaned" Electric machine service on sewer and dram lines. Guaranteed work. 114 tn t. West Salem Ph. 3-7484. StWING MACHINES BOUGHT, aold. rented, repaired, term. all makes, W. Davenport, 3-7671. All makes repaired, free est Singer 3 - io. ijo w. com i pn. 3-3.111. SICK ROOM EQCTPMENT 1 RENT" sick room equipment. 3-3774 SIGNS A SHOW CARDS H i" Eifstrom Co.. 340 Court. 3-1413 fooi.Ss' rot RENT " HOWSER BROS-, vour power tool rental headquarters. 1419 S. 12ta. Ph 1-3646. TREE SPRAYING SHARPEN UG Guar snteed service snowers Call Com't St New sower and hand Harrv W ?tt47 So LSKJH MUWU3. sharpened.; Dexter l?2ty Center. knrvas 3-6S33. I M.HTINO F1XTURI; kalema exclusive 1Kb ting store. 138 Hle Senator Hotel Bide S-S411 LI' M Bt-WL ; MtlL pnees. W Salem jbr S-C? MOtlMi TRUCKS and ear for raol Blankets furnished, t Smlttys Center: naa Church. Cbppee fins sue. f REE inn v ih J CiMm Th S.1Q9S VENETIAN SUNOS Made tn SaJem. tree estimates PS 2-7328. Elmer. The Blind Man. WATCH CP AM IN Q Claude Mil 848 N Coml Pn. 3-4030 WFATHFRSTRIPPrNf IT , f REE estimates WELL DRILLING T Pullman. 3-6963 Well Druiing Domeetie. IrrieatSoa Industrial. H. A Robinson. 2214 N Front Salem. Ph 3-7293 Mevers Bros. RL 1. bos 294. Da-las pn s - on snae S508 Brooks St, Salens. Pn. 68U9. 4 Bedrooms, $8500 4 bedrooms at this low price ere hard to find. Urge lot. 230 ft. frontage, beautiful tree, shrubs St i flowers. Kingwood Height. j Walter Musgrave Realtors 1311 Edgewater . Phone 3-8109 808 Lota For Sal BY OWNER: Lot 70 x 113: South; city water. $850. $250 Dn. $10 a mo. Ph. 2-5211 - 2-3203. SUBURBAN, restricted, off Slverton ra. Keas. terms, pn. z-zerz. Kl. s, Box 814. 3 A. view building site. 99E S. Partly wooded. Ph. 2-6150 BY! OWNER: , A. or 1 A. tracts. In- quire or call J. S. Jones. Ht. 9. Box SB6. Ph. 2-1189. i FOR SALE or trade: View lot. 80x140, water, lights, telephone. FHA approv ed. $1000 or car of equal value.- Ph. 3-6159 CORNER LOT 2385 Claude St. CHOICE SO x 125" on Psvmani Phone 3-5S12. LOTS. Ideal building VIEW site. Close tn. Ph. 37673 BEAUTU'UL view tracts, timber fruit. 1 to 8 acre available. Orchard Heights dist. $25 down. 919 month Per sere Call 1TF3 CORNER LOT. 100x50, cor of Oxford and High, ino, uss) w Nob Hill. eves. 810 Farms. Acrsjaejt) For Sal Don't Forget the .Location VALLEY MOTOR MART PHONR 3-3147 HIGH St CENTER IT DESOTO SDN. Good shape tires. Cl lafter 5 p.m. 2-72B0 4 new 40 FORD club cost, new battery, tire, seat covers. Price reduced to seU. 1145 Tf. list. Ph. 3-8746. H. Overdrive. Good cond. Ronald Rentz. Rt. 1. Box Its. Brooks. Ore. Inq. Labish Center Store, 3 ml. E. of Brooks 40 DXLUM 4? rORD Ford 4 door. Radio 9596. 1922 W. Com'l- deluxe, new praxes. 67xl6 Air Rides, X St H. Ex. cond. thruout. Junction Auto Court. Cabin 14, Can eves We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 351 N. High Salem. Oregon This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. QlUTch and Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-9101 $M TOSXD CAR lot. Any car on the lot S5 and your old one. 12th St. June nop Open evenings until 10 p.m. '39 FORD 2 dr. sdn., R St H., exceL cond. thruout. See at 1835 Trade St. 1939 CHEVROLET A beautiful Town sedan which has had the very best of care. Original let black finish, radio, beater, nearly new tires, seat covers, ana in excel, me chanical condition. See thai car and 4T OLDS, station wagon, radio, heater, spotlamp, foglamps. white sidewall tire, hydrainatlc drive, in exceL con dition In every respect. Only $1695. easy terms. McCall's, 1297 Stat. Dial 3-8108 '38 PLY '41 reconditioned engine, new tires. R as H. $358. Ph. 20385. 2358 Shaw. 1947 TWO TONE GREY Pontiac eight. 16.500 miles. Excellent cond. Make offer. Ph 3-3539. 520 N. 14th St. 1934 BUICK 4 dr. sdn. Good cond. Radio St heater. Can assume equity for $75 or will trade. Ph. 3-7733. 28 MODEL A Ford coach. Good cori3. Ph. 2-2068 "29 CHEV. paint, n $598. Ph '42WtCL' TUDOR. R St H. original int. new tires, cleanest '39 in town. h. 21241, YS American sdn. $400. Win accept trade. Phone 2-1737. rOR SAIX-16 pass, bus, new 190 h p. Merc, motor. $630. Ph. 27617. CONVERTIBLE FORD 194 - O-drive. R 8c H. spot It 8c lots others. Exc. cond. Single owner, real buy. Ph. 2-2858. Daily and Sunday Week-days Only Sundays Only By carrier tn dues $ 1JS month $ 1.88 month . - J9 week :i JO month .7$ month .49 month By mail In Oregon 4.75 six mos. 4JS six mo. 225 six snea, (In advance) 9.08 year 8.08 year 4.98 year, ; By special Sunday Seven-day rate (week-day by anaO. .19 week : delivery on many motor delfeery Sunday) $12.80 a year 4.98 rear rural routes. (In adv.) (In adv.) , By mall in U3JL. 1 .2 month T OO month M month outside Oregon 7J six mos. 6.8S six moa 2.79 six snoav (in sdv.) 14.40 year 12.09 year 6.98 year, 854 Trucks. Trailrs For Sod '47 Chev. dump truck, deluxe .cab, A-l cond.. sacrifice, make offer. Working ph. Dayton 29X28. 856 Wamtwd, Ccrrs Tracks you will appredat the care it naa Had. MS. Term. Mew 1397 Stat. Dial 2-8109. Term. McCall'a Used Cars. 800 Real Estate 810 Farms. Acfarj) For Said 14 A. dairy or stock ranchi About 99 acres in cultivation. 7 rm. mod. hse, 2 large chicken houses. Old barn. Lumber for new barn. New-tractor 8c equip. Price $11,000. Inq. at Har der's Real Estate. Dallas. Ore. NELSON NEWS WE WANT ACREAGE Several families are arriving in Salem each month who would like to have a small tract of land with livable Improvements. Their thought is that they could derive a part of their living from such a tract while be coming acquainted with the country and finding suitable employment or hiialns opportunities. We need more listing of that kind of property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize T02 W. High Ph. 3-46a 10 Act, cfo tn East. Best of land, ideal build, site, sew downpayraent $3,000. C'a A. Chicken it Berry ranchi A very profitable set-up, nice t BR. mod. house, other blags. Close) to Sch. it pared highway. 8 miles out. 4 A GRADE "A" DAIRY located miles East: include stock and equip ment; good barn; 2 chicken houses; hog house; family orchard: 2 bed room home. Total price ts $18,500 08 with terms. Owner will consider Jhouse tn town as pert payment. Call juoo siLuivan wiui el Mattson & Roethlin 3-5838 REAL ESTATE 231 N. Hi eh even, can a-eriu or 3-1 Z4 or 3-7534 22 A. with -ideal bid, site. Few Ue. oak trees. Severs! walnuts. BaL under cultivation. 6 mi. from Salem E. on fpaved rd. This week only $125 per ere. Doa Carver. JU. . Box 469. 1 jmi. W. of Macieay. 10 A. East. Mew 2 BR. house being racnpleted. food well, plenty wster, good sou. live stream, close to Salens. KaT terms. SB.TSO. 2 A. csoee to Oty UmiU. NX Extra build, sites. Fine pre-war country bora, 2 master size BRs. basement, fireplace, party rm. Air cond. furs ace, deep well, young orchard, but at door. Low downpyt. bal. like rent. Trade for small house, mortgage. R. E. Meredith, Bit. or B, M. Masosi 178 S, Commercial I Ph. 3-6841 818 Wanted. RskzI Estat 10 OR 19 ACRES not over $ mile oath. Must have view, abade tree, pasture and water. No gudga. Writ P.O. Box 90S. ftaiem. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE $a9 Fairgrounds Rd. Pjtie 2-6454 WANTED I CLEAN USED CARS' Bob Mstt 2160 So Commerctsl St USED CARS. Buy St seL Ron's Motor , Co 40 S. Hish. Phone 3-459S MAC'S USED CARS 785 S. 12th St. ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR CLEAN CARS. PHONE 2-740t Guy McHone 858 Motorcydsss Indian - Cushman WHIZZES MOTOR BOCK Shrock Motorcycle Sales 2007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1422 860 Auto MiscdUansiouUB ONE 120 - B Packard motor, ground shaft and rebored. 2 -speed axel. WU1 fit open universal Joint car. Ph. 701. Motvmoutn. 8S2 H Trails 1$ FT. factory buOt trailer bouse, good cond.. reas. Ph. 3-526X. 14 '49 ALJOA hse trailer. 130 Lana Ave. '47 NORMS, trailer bouse 2T, 3bXe. coaatructed. Butane cooking, perm. bedftike new, 2209 Portland Rd. a aujmimum nous trailer. 2 Hot and cold water, ref. Martin's Trailer court. Mill City. Trailers A eompkst ,Bb of srjt essd Pulses sad Trailer ranging from 11 ft. U a ft OU heat, Xiee rex. and not water srsilable - CASH, TEEMS ee TRADE Jayhsrvvk Trailer Sales 2M0 PortUnd Rd. Ph. 3-8042 HOUSE TRAILEJs sLi&GAINS. 1948 Sperton Manor, snaay extra, cond. Also 1947 American. a Reas. terms to apptxrred party. Eyerty Aircraft Co Ph 2-3631 27 FT. SCiiUtTi trailer house. 3 rm. new stove ac ned. Xrail-trn doll 1Z36 S. Water. SUvertoa. Trailer No. Deal With the Dealer : Ambassador ?edan $395 Lafayette sedan $49!l Ambassador sedan $195 Ambassador sedan $795 "600" sedan $995 "600" sedan $1495 "600" sedan 1995 1939 Nash 1940 Nash 1940 Nash 1941 Nash 1946 Nash 1948 Nash 1949 Nash 33S CENTER MARION MOTORS PH. 9-9387 or 3-9298 $230 EQUITY in A-l '41 Olds sedan, i SAVE atr on Auto insurance oy m Will trsde. Phone 2-1331. sisung on wiajwower ITTfUBESMitR Commander, ft it H .P . VfT3 Top cond. 8850. Ph. 2-9674. I '35 CHEV. PICRUP. 993. Ph. 4-2631. 4 rcsotttate0niaa MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively tsUwsM for repnbllcaUeal ( sJJ lb local news printed la this newspaper, sj well as sU Al news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU OF : ADVERTISLNQ AdrerUsiBg KepreseaUUres WsTd-Grifltb Cd, New Term. CUf94 San Francisco. Detroit MEMBEX AUDIT BCREAD OF CIECULAT10N SUBSCRIPTION BATES (ArgUabie In certain areas DAILY CROSSWORD j ACROSS li Salted hox S. Boundary 1L Worship 12. Frarrancs 13. Vessel i to cool : liquids li Former coin j (Persia) 10. A foot lever 18. Type i measures If Mature Xi Rob 23. String 25. God of -; earth . i lEfypt.) 21. Public 28. Book of Old i Testament 30. EnfUsh I football Z2 Half an em 33. A wtnf like ! part 35 Woody perennial 3. On fire 34- Old times 39. Queen of ; fairies i iShak) 41. Not tnit 43. ISth letter , iHeb.) iS. Device for j de-halrinf j tildes 43. Electronic lOCStlflf j devtct (0.. Goddess of peace i Gr.) 51. Ancient i country ! (S. Arabia) S2 Took the 1 same i , f-ntons o DOWN 1. Ferry boat 2. Fuss 3. Barrel makers 4. Voided escutcheon 5. Requires 6. Music note 7. Vex 1. An edible mushroom t. Mohamme dan priest 10 Converts into leather 14 Rodents 17. Look askance It Dull ,j pain 20. A stupid person l Pop.) 22. Touch . end to end 24 Unsble to hear 28. A son of Adam 27. Colored. as fabric 29. 1st letter lArsb ) 31 Ssluted 34 Macaws 38. Awsit 37 Island In N Y harbor 30 God of war i Rom ) 40 Oriental nurse IslclMl-lilcitlalulrlsl Teeterdsr's i 42 A Hindu gsrment 44 Seise 48. Cast by northeast tabbr ) i 4T. Color ! 49. Sun I I It II 14 . tV 1 1 J . I r IO 21 22 j " V 4 44 ZZZ 4 4 " 41 T" mmm ' "Ml mA 1 i 1