r r Tho Stcrteiman, Salom, Oregon. SOCIETY GLUBS 'A Pre-nuptial Shower for Miss Young Miu Carol Young, who Ij ar riving today from San Francisco,; will be honor guest at a pre-nup- j tial shower Monday afternoon when Mrs. Samuel Orcutt and' Mrs. Robert Donovan of Ocean- like entertain at the former's home i on Cade street. Miss Young's ? marriage to Frank Lauritzen will take place September 3 at the t First Presbyterian church at a; double ceremony with her sister, ' June, and Ralph Underwood. j Guests have been bidden to a 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon with a miscellaneous shower following) "to fete the bride-to-be. Honoring Miss Young will be Mrs. Robert Findley. Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Lylfr White, Mrs. Wal ter Achteroian and Miss Louise Cutler, all of Portland, Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. George Hanauska, Mrs. Gale Besse and the hostesses. Shower Given Miss Bissell for Miss Merna Bissell, whose mar riage to Elmer Barnes will be an event of September 3 at the Im manuel Lutheran church in Sil verton, was feted at a bridal party Thursday night when Mrs. Patrick Bond and Mrs. Millard A. Pekar entertained. A miscellaneous shower was given in honor of the bride-to-be and a late supper was served by the hostesses. Honoring Miss Bissell were Mrs. Z. A. Gregg. Miss Betty Gregg, Mrs. Keith Cnodgrass, Mrs. C. L. Jones, Mrs, V. J. Billings, Mrs. L. Kuplski, Mrs. Roger Baker, Miss Lola Koerner, Mrs. Robert Sew all, Mrs. Robert Zielinski, Mrs. Al fred Odom and the hostesses. Miss Francisco Is Married KEIZER Miss Eleanor Fran ritiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8 H. Francisco, became, the bride of William Neufeldt in a setting of pastel gladioluses and candles t St. Paul's Episcopal church Sunday afternoon, August 21. The Rev. George H. Swift performed the 2 o'clock rites. Miss Arlyne llilfiker sang and Mrs. T. L. De Harpport of Portland was the organist. Taper lighters were Miss Marie DeHarpport of Portland and Miss Patsy Neufeldt, who wore blue taffeta gowns. The bride, wearing a gown of white marquisette and fingertip length veil, was given in mar riage by her father. Her bouquet was of red roses and sweet peas. Miss Bi Ilia Pierce was honor maid and wore an orchid frock and carried yellow roses . and sweet peas. Bridesmaids were Miss Ahna Mae Neufeldt and Miss Vonda -Powell, who wore aqua frocks and carried arm bouquets of pink gladioluses and rosebuds. Robert Neufeldt was his broth er's best man' and ushers were Edward Neufeldt and Roy Neu feldt, also brothers. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Francisco wore a navy blue pin stripe suit with grey acces sories and Mrs. Neufeldt chose black and white check suit. Their corsages were of rubrum lilies. At the reception which was held in the parish house Mrs. Clyde Cardy cut the cake. Mrs. Edward Konantz presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Edward Pierce was at the coffee urn. Bar bara Pierce passed the guest book. When the couple left on their honeymoon to the Oregon beaches the new Mrs. Neufeldt was wear ing a green ensemble with white and brown accessories. They will make their home in Salem. Mothers Have Picnic The Sigma Kappa mothers club met for i picnic luncheon at the Dallas city park Thursday after noon. Mrs. Forrest Holmes and Mrs. H. J. Eastman of Dallas were In charge. of arrangements. The next meeting will be oft Sep tember 20 with a luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. G. Burri In Candalaria Heights. Te Mr. an 4 Mrs. Jerry Kleea (Beatrice Otjen) go felicitations n the birth of a daughter. Chris tina Grace, on Thursday morning at the Salem Memorial hospital. The little flrl was named for her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ben Otjen and great grandmother, Mrs. Christina Kleen of Portland. The other grandparents art Mr. Otjen and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kleen. INDEPENDENCE Celebrating their 40th Y wedding anniversary Sunday, August 21, were Mr. and Mrs. Louise L. VongaV who en tertained with chicken dinner at 'their country home. The high light of the dinner waa decorated " annievrsaiy cake presented to the coapl y the guests. Those essaying the occasion were Mr. -and Mrs. William Be aJa,-sister od brother-in-law of Mr. Vongal; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bofcle end eon Jimmy, Loren Bo ole and Miss Louelia Schwering, aU of Lebanon. Saturday, Aagntt 27,1943 Miss ; Donna Belief Keth cart, dauhqter of Mj. and Mrs. Dewey Kothcart, whose Engagement to Ger ald Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dillon, all of Salem, has been announc ed. No wedding date has been sot. i CLCB CALENDAE SUNDAT J , Willamette Shrine No. 1. White Shrine of Jerusalem annual picnic with Mm Mabel Savate. 31M Garden road. 1 p m. Surprise Party For Mrs.. Hansen Members of Mrs. Leon Han sen's team in the recent mem bership drive of Marion" auxil iary. Veterans of Foreign Wars gave her a surprise party at the home of Mrs. James Beall. Co hostesses Were Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs. I veil Haley and Mrs. lva Hamilton." i The evening was spent inform ally with! Mrs. Edwin Lyle in charge of the games. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Nell Benoit. Mrs. Agnes Jensen. Mrs. John Henny, Mrs. Paul Tharalson and Mrs. Mae Wilder. 1 Mrs. Hansen was presented a gift by Mrs. Wilder, president of Marion auxiliary and past mem bership chairman, in behalf of the members of the team. A jlate lunch was served. Present; were Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. Benoit, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Tharalson, Mrs. Henny, Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. T. E. Dutton, Mrs. Helen Marshall. Mrs. Bertha Ray, Mrs. Delia Schoneboom, Mrs. Fj P. Dierkiv Mrs. Axel; Jacobsen, Mrs. Lillian Myers, Mrs. Rudolph Jager, Mrs. Nila Grimes, Mrs, George Lewis, Mrs. A.S H. Davis, Mrs. Jessie McNeil and the lout hostesses. Third Birthday Party Larry Van Wyngarden was hon ored on bis third birthday Friday afternoon; when his mother, Mrs. Bruce Van WyngardenJ entertain ed with a party aU their Jefferson street home. Games were in play with the garden and records were enjoyed by the youngsters before birthdays cake was served to a group of, his friends, j Alumni Picnic Thursday Over a hundred Willamette uni versity alumni and their families attended the first Salem alumni picnic oft Thursday night at Para dise Island. Ervin Potter, presi dent, presjded at a short meeting of the gi$up and the by-laws were adopted. Games and dancing were enjoyed after the dinner. j Hostesses at Cham poeg Members of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revo lution will serve as hostesses !at Champoeg cabin on Sunday. The committee in charge includes Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. W. E. Han son, Mr. Carey F. Martin, Mrs. A. A. Undtrhill. Mrs. David H. Loo ney, Mrs. Luke Johnston, Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. E. B. Bossattt. Ob Etiquette i By Roberta Lee Q. Is it all right to serve corn on the cob at a dinner party? A. It would probably be bet ter if something else; were chos en. There are so many other vege tables to serve, that it is not necessary to serve anything that might be difficult for the guests to handle. Q. When introduced to a person for a second time, what should one say? A. The common expression is: "I've already had the pleasure," but one may say, tl think I met Mr. Blank last month." Q. Should apologies be made for writing a friendly letter on the typewriter? ' A. No; this is permissible, and considered in good form. Cold Wave j f caul Vp Tt3 4 Ccrctn floaty ef Free rarklaur Si A Fri Bee. r ' Awilaf iit S-ZMf SMS E. Stale Si. MUSIC Out-of-Town Weddings of Interest Several out-of-town rites are of interest to Salem friends this weekend. In Newberg Miss Shirley Sapul ing. daughter of the Clifford Spauldings, will become the bride of i Roderick Arthur George to night at the Methodist church. Attending from here will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Lewis Griffith and son, John, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and from Portland the latters son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bennison. At the re ception Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Mills will be among those as sisting. The couple will live in Forest Grove for the coming year while they complete their education at Pacific university. In Bend for Rites iMrs. John Copenhaver left for Bend Friday to meet her hus band, who is returning from Boul der. Colorado, where he has been attending the University of Colo rado law school this summer. They will both attend the wed ding of Miss Marie Cox and Bain Low at the Presbyterian church in Bend tonight and she will assist at the reception following. t The bride was classmate of Mrs. Copenhavers while taking their cadet nurses training and Miss Cox has been on the nursing staff of the Oregon state hospital. Garden Party for Miss Adam DALLAS The beautiful gar den at the Charles H. Greenwood home was the scene of a bridal Shower honoring Miss Barbara Jane Adam, bride-elect of Fred Koch of Portland, on Thursday at 3 o clock. Mrs. Lenthal A. Boll man II and Mrs. Robert J. Woods, daughters of Mrs. Greenwood, were co-hostesses. Bouquets of summer flowers were decorative about the rooms wnere tne refreshments were served. Seated at a lace covered table centered by a bowl of mix ed flowers, Mrs. Tracy Staats and Mrs. C. E. Phelps poured for the first hour and Miss Bettle Adam and Mrs. Bryce Miller the fol lowing hour. Preceding the opening of the gifts by the honored guest. Mrs Claude Bee be and Mrs. Lynn Mc Culley sang, accompanied by Mrs Hoi I is Smith. The guest list included: Mrs. A H. Davis, Mrs. F. A. Jackson. Mrs C. B. Sundberg. Mrs. C. E. Phelps Mrs. H. M. Webb. Mrs, Staats, Mrs. E. J. Page, Mrs.,Vern Smith Mrs. Emit Febvet, Mrs. J. F, Spooner, Mrs. A. B. Starbuck, Mrs. W. M. Dalton. Mrs. Paul Morgan, Mrs. W. L. Soehrn. Mrs C. L. Crider, Mrs. Earl Benbow, Mrs. Lynn McCulley, Mrs. C. R Beebe, Mrs. C. J. Enstad, Mrs. J Power, Mrs. W. J. Vassall, Mrs Otto Adolf, Mrs. Bryce Miller, Mrs. Milton Miller; Mrs. Tom Bowman, sr., Mrs. L. N. Dennis, Mrs. S. E. Whitworth, Mrs. John Cerny. Mrs. William Blackley, Mrs. Earle Richardson, Mrs. R. L. Chapman, Mrs. William C. Ret zer, Mrs. W. A. Ott, Mrs. Riley Craven, Mrs. Robert S. Dalton, Mrs. W. M. Dalton. jr., Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Gus Comuntzis, Mrs. John Greenwood. Mrs. Irene Adam. Miss Bettie Adam, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Laird V. Woods, all of Dallas, and Mrs. William Goyette of West Salem, Mrs. Rich ard Michelson and Mrs. Owen Cutler of ' Canby. Mrs. Melvin Gilson of Newberg, Miss Beverly Bennett of Eugene and Miss Kaye Richardson of Falls City. Mr. and Mr. Stuart H. Comp- ton have left for a week's trip south to San Francisco . and Car mel. Mr. and Mrs. Chester OUon are home from a several days stay in Shedd as guests of their son and family. rarncs3 CTK:3fn:nit:an:: Mad hj & at W W el Master Ecsnd Take Place - At ! Amity 1 AMITY A garden wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Abraham on Saturday. August 20 at 2 o'clock when Miss Vida van Born, da Ban ter of, Mrs. William Richter,: be came the bride of Frederick Cham bers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Chambers of Salem. The Rev. S. James ; Osborne of McMinnviUe performed the double ring1 cere mony, i Mrs. Robert Shields sang before the nuptials and Mrs. Ivan Shields was the accompanist. .The vows were exchanged before an improvixhed altar of white lattice with garlands of English ivy ; and baskets of gladioluses. Hugh Shields gave his niece in marriage and she wore a blue and white gabardine dressmaker suit with white hat and accessories. She carried a white Bible centered with an orchid and a shower of white satin ribbons: Enclosed in the Bible for good luck, health and happiness were sprigs of white heather, sent by friends from Scot land. Mrs. Lyle Williams was the ma tron of honor for her cousin and wore a pastel pink suit with white accessories and carried a nosegay of white carnations. Ladd Cham bers of Salem was best man for his brother. A reception followed in the gar den with the bride's table covered with a white damask cloth: and centerpiece of white flowers. Mrs. Donald Shields cut the cake and Mrs. George .Shields presided at the coffee urn. Mrs. Ladd Cham bers was at the punch bowl and assisting were Mrs. Ivan Shields, Mrs. Hugh Shields. Mrs. Robert Shields and Mrs. Etric Farmer. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Richter wore a navy two piece afternoon dress, navy and white hat and white accessories wifn cor sage Of white carnations. ' Mrs. Chambers attended her son's mar riage In a blue dress with corsaee oi pinx carnations The newlyweds went north to Puget Sound. Hoods Canal, Seattle and other Washington points on their honeymoon. They will be at home in Salem at 658 North Church street after September 1. Both are employed at the Oregon State' Highway commission." Visitors Guests At Covert Home Recent' visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covert on Court street were Mrs. Sylvia Smith and daughter, Kay Ann of Redmond. Returning with Mrs. Smith to Redmond was Karen Covert, who will remain there ten days and also visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Farthing, Mr. and Mrs. Don Novak and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spilde of Terrabone. Enroute they will ptop in Portland and Timber line Lodge. Expected at the Covert home next weekend will be their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frederickson and daugh ter Linda, Mrs. W. L. Covert. Miss Elaine Covert and Frank Scheele, all of Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Coeley are sojourning this weekend at Neskowln. 135 N. tops everything! 8.93 It's np-te-jon what 70a do with this soft, wool blouse. You might wear it with skirts, slacks, pedal pushers, ahortt i Its washable tooand joa needn't trust to lock. Trust Saconjr it stays color-fresh textura-aoft, and wood? shaped. And the price is espedaHf nlcel See ft in CLAMOUR Uapudno. It's a wonderful buy! $8.95 6More for Your Money' A New Helpful Feature There's a new treat In store for the women's pages of Tb Oregon Statesaaaau Starting Sunday, and appear ing regularly thereafter every day in -the . week except 'Saturday, will be a special .column "More for .Your Mon ey " written for The S t atesmaa in this area by Mn. smita Mrs. Gene vim Smith, nationally-known merchandise authority. Mrs. Smith's counsel and ad vice are expected to be of in valuable aid in the constantly increasing problems of the homemaker. Shower for A Visitor Mrs. Daniel Morley was hon ored at a shower Thursday night when Mrs. James Dunn and Mrs. Keith Gwynn entertained at the Dunn home. Twenty-five attend ed the affair and after an informal evening a late supper was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Morley, who are here visiting, will leave next week for - Minneapolis, where he will continue his studies at Northwest ern college. The Morleys came west for a week's stay and are guests at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Will Morley. Hi n n or irs Fofa LViililt?! lJ 1 It? Bridal Couple INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Ed ward Harnsberger will be hostess for a buffet supper Tuesday eve ning, August 30, honoring mem bers of the wedding party of Miss LaVerne Harnsberger and Leo Thoennes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thoennes of Portland, The supper will follow the wed ding rehearsal of the couple. Guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barrett of Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bochmer of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennon of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lind of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brewsler of Salem, Isabel Thoennes of Seande, Mark and Edward Thoennes of Seande, Glen Clark of Salem, Darlene Kleen, Hazel Harnsberger of Eu gene, Edward Harnsberger, the hostess and the honored couple. The wedding will take place Wednesday, August 31, at 3 p.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic church in Salem. Mrs. William Dick of The Dalles is spending the weekend In Salem as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Dan Johnston. Liberty washable wool Ready for the Vv 9 ; By Vivian Brewn AP Newsfeaturei Writer Even city people can have fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year. Country cousins used to have the advantage with canning and dehydration, but now anybody can have a freezer so that out-of-season vegetables and other food stuffs can be enjoyed during win ter months. J Freezers art going (into small dwellings, and many tmmunities have lockers available citizens who cannot afford toyown them or do not have space for- them. A freezer Is a particularly won derful innovation because Mom can prepare foods when she is in the mood, and have them ready for unexpected company on days when she'd like to take time out for shopping excursions or movies. Chicken can be disjointed, fish filleted, turkey prepared even to dressing, and placed in the freezer. Pies can be frozen and kept for months at a time. Thus foods can be purchased when they are cheap and stored away until you are ready to use them. You should study your freezer, however, and learn how it works. Otherwise food can be spoiled. If you do not know how cold your freezer is , have tt checkeds by a reliable refrigerator service man to be sure your cabinet is main taining proper temperature. ; Other tips offered are: 1. Foods can be frozen and stored in the same section of your freezer but hot or warm i foods should not be placed next to cold or frozen food. The less the tem perature of the stored food changes the better the quality will be. It is better to use one section for freezing and one for storing. 2. To estimate how much food can be frozen at one time, follow the manufacturere's directions. 3. Freezing time varies for dif ferent foods, size of package, am ount being frozen, and whether the food is dry, sugar, syrup or brine packed. Some foods can freeze in a few hours but a good rule for freezing is to leave foods in con tact with the freezing surface over night. 4. Defrost when heavy coatings of frost form on me Interior: of the freezing and storage compartment. Some people find it necessary to defrost only once in a year or two. E. O. M. SPECI AL! TAKE A CHEST TO COLLEGE THIS FIVE-DRAWER CHEST ly 2 98 on TP . 1 t Charge It Now, Pay in Octoberl E.O.M. SPECIAL Big Freeze? :;"'..":;'Nir." "VF Frost is scraDed off by usina a . . j i j j i ! sinuuui, jiaiu wuuucu puuuie ur fiber brush. If frost is not allow ed to accumulate it will not be necessary to turn off the current when defrosting. Use an inventory record book to keep track of foods in your freezer. List foods and where you store them. Check them off when you take them out. In this way you can tell at a glance what is in your home freerer or locker. E.O.M. Odds and Values to Notion AJso See Ad IfSfff tjJM, . - i t. Wedding Plans Changed v Mr. and Mrs. Ira Herbert wish to announce that wedding plans for Miss Isabel Herbert ; and Harold Comestock have been postponed until a later date. The wedding was scheduled for Saturay, Aug ust 27 at the Knight Memorial church. I Hr. aad Mrs. Cerydon Blodgeit of Santa Ana. Calif, are visiting here this week with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett They have also been north to Mt Ver non. Wash, to visit her narenta. Accompanying them home next wees, wiu oe weir son, Nicky, who has been here with his grandparents the past two months. E.O.M. Clearance of JEWELRY! Simulated pearls, rhinestone EARRINGS 97i Date time chokers .... $3.89 With bracelets to match, $1.89 Pearl necklaces in ce to three strand styles 89i Satinore single strand Parl $1.23 Miller's, Main Floor Jewelry Dept. Swell Munching when you'ro hot and tired . . Here's the tastiest, smoothest sweet treat you'll ever meet real Mexican chews, clusters ol fresh pecans, smothered in car amel, made especially for sum mer nibbling, and fresh as fresh can be. E.O.M. SPECIAL 73c Per Vi lb. Sox MAIN FLOOR Floral and Plain Colors Light, easy to carry . . . you'll need one at the dorm. A five-drawer, all-purpose chest to keep your accessories and lin gerie in perfect order. Five-Drawer Boot Chest Also to match Is this smaller version of a five-drawer chest for small items,, such as footwear, gloves, hankies, $1 OQ jewelry, cosmetics, hose, etc BUTTON SJECIAU ' ends 25c, Now 1 Dept. Main Floor on finking Shears at $4.C3 I : I. -" 1