it jf Tbf tkrtmry galea, Oregtm, Thandaj, Aoyott aX'lHf 450 Slerchxndlso 14 fcrvt gqtfpmut , JOHN" TRACTOR ft DEMONSTRATION ' New Model "R" Diesel 4-16' Bottom Plows New "AR" (Gas) 2-16" Bottom Plows New "MC" (Crawley Tractor) , 2-14" Bottom Plows TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST JO. 10 AM. ' AT CAUL RAMSDEN'S FARM LOCATED i MTLX WEST CENTRAL HOWELL SCHOOL. : INTERSTATE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. 3055 Silverton Road Salem, Oregon Musical Iristrumsnts Liquidating our atock of Musical Instruments Including Pianos (Grands It Spinets). Accordiom, bead Instrument, guitars,' violins, phonographs, PA. Cystoma, ote. Also cash register at shop equipment Jaqi ruhh Music Co. Ph. S-4641 Or so us st 846 Cascada Dr, Salem. Sports Equipment R IALZ: Door rifle 80-08 Enfield Ipprtcr. pert, cpnd. Ph. 2-3PJ6. T MM Mauser deer rifle & two boxes hells. Perfect shape, let. Thursday evening- all day Friday. 1153 N. liberty. f47 Universal trailer homo like new. Bee this one at looe g. 21. SAVAGE 22 Hornet, good condition, telescope sight Reasonable. Ph. t-2704 STARLIM : 30-30. Weaver K-l scot liU 93 N. jth. 88-88 Winchester Model M rifle. 8 boxes shells. Excellent eond. 1308 N. Igth Ph. 2-4233. JTREMINGirON LONG rlgle. clip. Volt tctjon, 120 Phone 2-3265. Si I it W POLICE SPECIAL, trade fo'r good deer rifle. 1303 S. 14th. 484 Bicycles SMALL boy's bicycle. Ph. 1-6944. 489 For RamL Miscall an eoua HOUSE TRAILER SPACE. M M wk. cMfoiPT$jc VoRRENf. Blan- Ar&r&- 191 ft bgifc.!-lda& REDUCED monthly rate Roomy trail- aJr.K-f' Schl" cltT bu" 35g0 S- Comn. TRUCKS and -ars for rent Blankets furnished Smltty's Clipper Service. Center and Church Phone 3-900. doOB USED Tlino H. L Yllft 470 Tor Sale. Mlacellcmaoua FOR SALE: Oood Used Remington Typewriter ill 00. Call after 5:30 TALLMAN'S MIDSUMMER PIANO SALE Special $2S Spinet limited no. -$494 Full M no keyboard, cast iron plate. beautiful tone, fine finish. $M DOWN, BALANCE EASY TERMS Big saving on floor samples st dem onstrator. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer and Lester, Betsy So spinets, ood selection of grand at upright pianos aa low as 110 mo. 1ALLMAR riANO STORES INC. Withone orlS acres ew S R. modern bouse. 11000 or lu a. 8eS month, t mjles N on nwy, n., . r. wanner. fhach.. alec, ttmt, sawing vacuum, anise. imwImU goeda. Lawn lAJTBUCflV, i-awn mower ex ear. trail Her. a new. PA. 1-4087. eX sink, windows. E5 aii good. h. hot water beater. 4J eel . 1110. Hotpoint alee, tiiii ISO. Hot point RffiW I, Order bu isdor elec. i elec. wall boater. 17th. Ant. 1 rdi- v,.tx kaiu iin set. Kimball Spinet Piano Beautiful Queen Aaae period design. tSw? STONE PIANO CO. 3YergTo,udsSA (c'orSttage ) Additionml Classified Ads on Page 15 Slals . "&. I Flnaneann FHA Loans saa--Tlma Fares Leaas License S-Ill and M-tZl rarswaal and AaU Laans Wo Want Your EGGS Always a DcpeaeUblc . Cash Market. If ysa ioa't bring Umbs to Cvrlx's wt both loaa. Curly's Dairy PatrtTsaads Baa at B6 Ph. S-S7SS HLiSI VvMBII. aiarsjiA, SCfAA Ho Koapiiolisoitoa froo Doscnptiv Booklax Dr. H, Ryr.c!ds Clinic SaATW.aCTA. esouusT 4 CCMTCS) ST. . BA4.S M, OOC. SBtt rewo-fkMaua, Bm. S-SUy saeeh.. uteri tPB . ( La 450 Merchandise 414 Farm Egpriptiunt DEERE 1 470 For Sols, MLscallanaotis WALNUT office desk, used mos.. was new $119 30. Will sell for $60. A real buyi GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. 1605. -W. Summer St. Ph. 3-5110 Red Hot Special Lft. In. deluxe refrigerator, used mo. Only $133 and can't be told om new. glenn woodry furniture markjtt 1W5 N. S ummer St. Ph. y-3H0 14 Winchester shotgun. S210 Che- mexeta Automobile painCau colors, r. d. Wood row Co.. Gil Ward proprietor. 4MICenter St. SLIGHTLY used DeJur Professional Deluxe, 4x3 Enlarger, without lens iw. set at laan rerry n. rn. iww DATLnO. slightly used, clean. $33. Coffee table, lawn mower, cheap. 593 DAVENPORT L chair. Mi. 3225 S U verton Rd. GOAt milk dlivred'."Ph. 3-151S. L'SED davenport and chair set. Boy's blue suit, site 33. Ph. 3-1783. LIKE NEW. Royal portable typewriter, $50. 3495" N. 5th. V Todds Septic Tank Service Complete Service. ' Call us Collect 345 State St. - Phone 3-0734 1VER BOTTOM top soil AU kinds pit- run. gravel, crushed, sand, mix. Con crete pipe and tile; septic tanks, re inforcing steel and meh. m OREGON GRAVEL CO. 140 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 USED electric ranges." $295 to $129.50, TEATEH APPUANICE CO. CSED electric washing machines, $19 85 IQIlZ.5a TIATEH APPLIANCE CP, 1LLED white vinegar for all Dick. ling purposes "Keeps your pickles krisp. Also old .time Dure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. Wf?t Salem. t'Sfit) electric refrigerators. VSATlR APPLIANCT CO. ; ELECTRTC sewing machines. Free WestlnRhouse. Y EATER APPLIANCE Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt Sand & fiil dirt. Screened gravel at sand for concrete. 1mm del. Exca vating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop and truck ffor dirt moving. Ph. office 3-4002. res 3-718. NEW HOME sewing machines. Fort ables. desk types, complete line ser vice ; any make machine. Ralph John on Appliances TARPS '- at your War Surplus Store 16 o.. Waterproof. Grommets x7 $3.13 Jx I $8 67 6x8 $4 32 i 9x10 18.10 All other sires In Stock CASCADE MERCANTILE CO. Comer Fairgrounds Rd. Church q y QUARRY ROCK for road base. Crush ed rock, bll dirt. We deliver. L Croisan Quarries 1565 S Com! St : Ph. 1-6417 Plant. Ph. 3-1231 f Res. 3-3075 FENCE POSTS. Poles. aU type. shingles fertilizer St Oatrock. Phll- lips Bros. Rt. . Box 118. Ph. 3-1458. pXa: Itf-lCOTE. the cellophane-ltke fi' nish. for your floors or linoleum, that requires no waxing. Y EATER AP- NEARLY i NEW Royal portable tyje- wrner, ; uaea very, little, SM.M. FIX. WW. 1 SALSBURY SCOOTER, excell ibnA Sn tire at windshield. Ph. 3-6963 or see at RUBBERIZED Hook twist Rugs. Good colors and patterns, 33 "x4J" $3 95. 28" X40" S63. 34"x60" tlOSS Sa"v78" $1993. Green Sumps. Salem Home Euro. Co. M7 S. Com'l. OC CAL !nd"j -A. CHAIRS and rockers. covers. Harwood frame. $14 95. Plat form rockers from $19 95. Salem Home fllvENct 63oB CC 137 S. ygrn. it. NOTCOOB C6S1D $40, Uiseee TOat, uxe new, $3 Ph. 3-0335 PORTABLE DESK model R. C. Allen bookkeeping machine, like new 1250. Ph. 3-9106 g a m to5 30 p.m. CASTLOOR FURN. Complete with Pipes Ac thermostat, $75. Can be seen tfter 3or Sat. 970 Hood St. 3 GIRL'S COATS, . size 8. teen-agers skirts and sweaters, all colors. Lovely raincoat, hardly worn, size 18. Ph. Grand Piano Exquisite period 'design instrument, walnut case. Ideal for beginner or advanced musician. A bargain for cash or terms. J STONE PIANO CO. Th valley s finest piano store" 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (Cor. N Cottage) 47j WantscL Miscsllansous WANTED: Prestollte acetylene tank. small site. Ph. 2-3C16. WANTED: Boy's small bicycle. Ph. CASH for newspapers 1790 N. Front. m, s i WUU Music Store Salem 474 Miscall araotia !! Window Cleaning Janitor service H ' Floor waxing . Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates without obligation AMERICAN BLDG MAINT. CO. l!4Ph. Salem 3-9133 WATER WELTTdriDing. Domeaticoi Irri'-tjnn Duffield Bmm St . boa 5 Phone 3-1313 ee 2-27SS. DrT.T LaeaJV D Bv O.Cbaa.MD I DKS. CHAJt . . . LAM COXNCSE tTCKBALlSTS j sl Narth UbcrtF Cpatalra PortlaaS OeaeraJ aleetrle Cm. Offleo opes Sataraay oaUy 16 a-sm. to 3 sjlbxw 6 to I sua. Coasas. raaiaa, BlaaS arsasara and astoa asata are trea af aaarga. rrastteeg Mil. - ; 450 Mcrrhandise 474 Miscall ansons AUTO PAPrrPfO. rjsst a shade better by Bay ETTEB. call auuack Motor - Co. 3-8101. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair D&. HARRY SEMLES, DENTIST Adotph Bldg. SUte St Com. Ph 3-3311 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work . ' Roads Clearing - Ditchlag Semi tt Daaement Equipment Rental 15 B-, yds 10 B-4 yds D-7 Cat St Doxer D- Cat at Dozer D-4 Cat at Doxer Boo us about ditching by the foot Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-S248 or 3-4400 Salem. Oregon Orero Mattresses Canital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069. WANT TO Buy used cameras at lei Mcxwan Photo Shop. 39 atata, 478 Fual OLD FIR 2nd growth slab. Dry. Kamp- stra i ! wood yd. pn. i-z3Q. CORD of dry block wood. No bark. 6 inch 1990 Howard St. D PICKED slab wood. Ill per load. Ph. 1-7751. Call after 4 PM. A Two Week Special "DOUBLE S. & H. Green Stamps' KUUU SAWDUST Tri-Citv Fuel Ph. 2-7442 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE & DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST PRY SLAB PH. ,3-6444 VALLEY FUEL CO. Oak, slab, maple, old fir, sec. growth nd cherry. Also 00 wooasawing. pn. 3-4276 or 3-3523. Tri City Fuel PHONE 3-7442 J6-ln. slab wood and edging 'resh cut screened sawdust 12 -in. Inside mill wood Dry wood Ask for S or H green stamps A&T your winter's fuel now and save. Good dean sawdust, ory slab, dry edging Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-3533. OLD FIR any lgth. Spec, rates on ige. orders. Prompt act Ph. lu turner for inf. 30 DAY special Old growth block wood xrom vaisetz. siu cora ueuverea on car Kill dry planners, t cords HE Ph. 3-7721. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 bu, clean no Darx SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St. w. saiem. Phillips Bros. Old fir, ash, maple, oak. 4' fir. 16" jlab and edgings. Ph. 3-1438. CLEAN HAND-PICKED. 16-IN. SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. pnonc 3-T7Z1 R. H. ALLEN Dry or Green Block Wood & Plainer trim. 1260 canaiewooa ur. rn. i-zssz. 500 Business & Finance 502 Businasa Opportonltlei STORE 4 LIVING QUARTERS Price reduced on approx. 1 acre Dal las highway. 2 miles from bridge. Large bldg. Green hse. Room to build I more hses. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Comml. Ph. 3-4390. Eve. 3-9536 ICE CREAM and restaurant in best valley town. Rent 840 on good lease. Really a money maker. Price $5975. orma. Phone 3-7983. Room 220. Ore. A REAL BUY Bird & Zysset Property and Business . , u 1 1 w itaiuui m m a t-w m 1 1... nu. mii m iin fiA.uw of machine tools and equipment. 4 Buildings. IS Acres of land with 200' frontage. Streets on three sides. Specially Priced at $26,500. Call Zvsset at 3-7690 or 3-6666 FOR LEASE By Owner: Complete gro- cery maraei. meat dept., fountain, lunch. $17,000 per mo average gross. Gd. loc.. Stock, equip., fixtures at In ventory price (about $15,000) 8 yr. or more lease at $273 per mo. Box 868. a" 6a SALE OR TRADE: Carafe and isTtaman service station, fully equipped. (8 rm. hse. optional) for Income or farm property near Salem. Write States man dox STJ3 ATT. . 5 unit motel. 7 rm. home, 95E. wiu traoe. 3390 S. Com I. St. -: ii UNIT MOTEL elec heat, good loca- uon. e rm. nouse C. W. BartelL 8335 Portland Rd. FOR SALE BY OWNER-" : A nice coing business. Illness of Bro. forces sale, see me or write 1895 itm gi.. ssiem, ore. - - . motet 2 pump gas sU. 30 stall trail er park. 2 bdrm. mod. home. Alt completely turn, and a bargain. By FT?? nrr. aoov . yom I. location. Ideal for cple. Will take hse. ta trade Ph. 2-SSS2. ' 310 Mobbt To Loan We LIKE to MAKE 1 LOANS We make loans to 4 out of 8 who ask ror one ana enjoy aotng It 23 to 500 on Auto Up to 300 on Salary. Furniture ; Caah for any good purpose Take tin tA sn nuinth -n. I a loan solves a problem, phone or come in ioaay. Personal Finance Co. j ... of Salem 518 State Rm. 125 Ph. 1-2464 Lie No. S-122 M-165 C R. AUen. MxT. Private Money On Cars Trucks & Trailer Home f Long o Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons I 136 . Commercial St " Ph. 3-1161 FHA and conventional mortgages. . See ua on mortgage financing. RIA SAJirORQ INC. 164 So. ComT TtV j-S339 AUTO LOANS I WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ' 182 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M139-S134 i CASH - NOW S25.00 to S500.00 1 Salem a largest and oldest home-owned , loan company offers money when you need it! You can pay anytime to reduce act coat! n No endorsers, or help from-friends! On cars, truck, trailer homes to 8500.60 On furniture, livestock, equipment. alary or other personal property up to $300,001 " Pnooe or .visit our office todayl i Li. No. 8138 and MX18 I General Finance Corp.? PH 3-0161 136 8. COMX ST FARM and CITY LOANS T 4 and 8 . I . Your owa terms of repayment artthln reaaon. Cash for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgages. g CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. SOT Pi on a or Trust Bads.. Pa. 2-71S2 600 Employment tit EdoccrSoa The Merry Cherry : Kindergarten " ; HAS A CAREFULLY' PLANNED DAILY SCHEDULE .... THE TEACHER IS EXPERIENCED AND COLLEGE TRAINED Df KINDERGARTEN WORX .... . TH EQUIPMENT IS ALL NEW ... IT IS A PLEASANT PLACE FOR - LEARNING TO WORK AND PLAY , TOGETHER." Plan now to send your youngster to THE MERRY CHERRY KINDERGARTEN Call Mrs. Hennen at 3-3573 for registration. 500 Business & Finance $10 Monoy To Loon $ CASH $ 82300 to $500.00 Furniture. Uvestock. . Equipment loans up to $300. Car loans up 10 souu.uu. come ta or pnona. Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across atreet from bank. No parking froblema. Ph. 2-7032 Lie, No. UM9 l Tlovd Kenyon. Mgr See Us For Attractive Farm Loans Only 4or4V2 Int. to 40 years and NO eommissloa LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUte St Ph. 2-3663 512 Loans Wanted 88800. Loan wanted on first mortgage on nome ana Business propeny val ued at 23,000. Income from property 235 per month. Call 3-4547, ask for Stevens. 600 Employment 602 Halp WantBd PERMANENT POSITION. 1 expert fry cook, 1 first class dish washer. Good pay. Happy Canyon Coffee Shop. Ar lington. Ore. Ph. Arlington 270. Oper ated by Mickey Flax, formerly of Mickey s Sandwich Shop and Nor man die Manor. 604 Halp Wonted. Mala" 1 VERTICAL edgerman. 2 trim law yers. 1 pond man, 2 green chair men. Central Lumper Co., uerry, ore. MAN TO Insert or stuff papers Sunday mominr. i a.m. to 9 a.m. experience referred. See Hunt Clark, Ore. gr.. The Statesman. 606 Help Wanted. FBinalo WANTED- CHRISTIAN woman of quiet habits to live in home with elderly lady. Can arrange for part time housework If wished. For further in formation write co Statesman 972. Card salespeople $ $ r$ Earn un to $50 daily. Be first to show NEW PLASTIC Christmas Cards that nil on sight. 7 SUPER IMPRINT NES. SAMPLES FREE. Write for 44-page catalog of eye-opening bar gains. WESTERN ART STUDIOS Dept. N-l, 237 S- Spring, Los An geles. Ip in MIDDLE-AGES woman to help home. Ph. 3-6294. FULL TIME usherette. Apply In per- son. Grand Theater. GIRL OR women to help with house- work ana children. Room, board and ood wages. Ph. 3-9440. ED A woman to care for child in exchange for room 8t board. Call 3-Q574 after 6 p.m 'tei WOMAN T6 UVE In home. Do light housework and child Care. 846 S. 12th. Phone 2-0403. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for port5wer dept. Apply at Sally s. EXP. FOUNTAIN GIRL. Apply in per son. The Ace. 1Z7 N. High WOMAN for housework and care Of children. 283 Chemeketa. 608 Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS wanted starting late jaon. Aug. z. uooa picxmg. Long run. Schurter and Kaufman Hop Yards. 2 miles south of Central Ho- weu Ht. Z. Pox Z75. Silverton. HOP PlCKERS wanted. Cluster hops. uesjinnrng aoout Aug. zetn. rir Grove rgrm, Kt. 1. BOX 238. Ph. 3-121 BEAN PICKERS. Bishops South River PICKERS. ,road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th Ac Mission 00. Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd t Bush bank 6:35. south on Commercial to Owens For lnfonristjon call 3-6137 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 aeposii requirea lor cabin reserva tion. John J. Roberta it Co., Salem. 610 Sales Persons Wanted HAVE YOU successfully sold insurance. dooks. nre equipment or related pro ducts? If so. we have a $10,000 op portunity for you. Exclusive terri tory: distributorship basis; establish ed company; leading product Per sonal interview. Highest type men. P P. Box 1352. Salt Lake City. Utah. 6NE OPENING for-experienced real estate salesman. Apply in person. Reimann Real Estate. 201 South High street. THIS IS If If you want to make more than just a uvmg wage, we would lute to talk to you. We can use three men who are ambitious and willing to work .New men earn $75 week and up. Pro motion for managers is fast We train you. Investigate this. See L. G. Brown. Rm. 322 Senator Hotel. Fri.. 10 AM. or rnoay t:jq p.m 1 LOCAL SALESMAN to sell in terri- tory aujaceni to saiem. Must own car V be able to furnish references. Sal ary and commission. Apply from 8 a.m. to 11 s.m. Willamette Valley Roof EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to repre- ent jonns-.-nanvnie insulating con tractor. If you can qualify, phone 2-3748. Ask for Mr. Vergets. 615 Situations Wanted WIDOW, middleaged. daughter. 12. wishes position as howsekeeper, in motherless home. Excellent cook, ex perienced In restaurant work Mrs. rowfra. notei aaiem. ex, 139 REMODELING and repair work. Phone 3-1339 or 2-0218. FARM JOB by man and famUy. Ph. or sia rnne. Apt. 8 Smith's Gun Shoo Gun repairing, alterations and re bluing are your guns ready for this coming season? See mo at 1363 Rure SJ West Salem. Ore. or call 27360. Open nights. - MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants baby Bit ting. Ph. 24748. CaBPenter work, new, repair. 2093. LET'S BID on your painting. Your joti r ours. as. LrOUenburg. WOOD SAWING, ph. Fffi5T Excavatinz and Grading 818 E Rural Ave.. Salem. Ban OUen St Son. Ph. 3-3080. WANTED outside hmm piniin, g omni. rn, a-eoe4. Painting, paperhanring. Ph. 3-5522. WILL do any kind of carpenter work reasonably. 1161 Union. Ph. 2-1487. Cement work. AM kinds, ph. 2-4550" Llovd M. HiU, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds rn. JVO sute St PLOWrNG. discing. AfMoss. 2-295f DRAWING house pUns. Ph. 2-962L SEWERS and septic tanks Installed and repaired Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. CHIMNEY sweep. Nortanesa. Ph, 3-4450 iiiMUKAia nariey rnign. Ph. 3-4692. COMBINING. Leonard Per he h. Rt a. Box 116 Ph. 66F23. . NEW LAWNS start to finish. Lt trae tor on rubber with dozer. Ph. S-4U27. 600 . Employment '. tit Z&aca&en OREGON'S oldest vocational schools, operated by Multnomah College, of fer unexcelled training In radio the ory and broadcasting refrigeration. automotive mechanics, and aviation mechanics rail classes start Sep tember 6. Ask for. bulletin "A" de- cribins? all courses, write MULT NOMAH COLLEGE, Portland. 4. Orc- ton ; WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school In NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 220 NE Sacramento MU 0680 Portland 612 Work Wanted. Male YOUNG MARRIED man desires lob driving truck. Exp. solo or semi. Ph. 2-0014 after 8 P.M. 614 Work Wanted, female PRACTICAL nurse, exp. In child care, will care for children In priv. home. Reas Ph. 3-7773. CHILD care. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 39924. 616 Employment Agency" MIDDLE-AGED LADY desires house keeping; for gentleman. Town or country. Write Statesman Box 966. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board WELL-FURN. sleeping rm. Close in H tt C water. Men only 737 Center St SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-6501. BUSINESS GIRLS: Entire second floor. Pri. bath, kitchen and liv. rm. Ac commodates 4. 5 blks. from postof- lice. Ph. 3-9266, ext. 8. SLEEPING RMS. m gd. location. Pri. home 795 N. Winter Ph. 3-5339. BOARD St room. 850 "E" St Ph. 3-8706. 70S Apartments For Rent LARGE 2 B R. furn apt. 640 S. Capitol. 1 ROOM apt. 34dE. Washington." 3 RM. furn. apt., close in. pri. bath. rn. CLEAN 3 rm. apt. Clo. in. Prt ent. Bt bath. 1467 Court St. 3 RM. FURN. apt. 910 Norway." SPACIOUS 4 rm. furn. apt.. 1 bdrm.. refrir , ige. gas range, elec. washer. 1st floor, near Statehoiise. Adults only. No drinkers. $37.50. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. 2 RM. apt with bath. Emp. people onlv. 340 Union St. Call after 5 n.m. FURN. APT. Ph. 2-209S. 776 N. Com'l. i RM. GROUND FLR. APT., all utilities tt Bendix washer furn. 3 blks. to Cap- ltoi mag. Phone Z-47Z3 CLEAN. QUIET 1 rm. apt. Middle-aged Udv preferred. 645 Ferrv St. 2 RM. BASEMENT apt. 640 S. Capitol. T-T ItM, . ' i iiicti nuiic iur emp. sjixi. ixeaf snop. center. 960 Marion. 707 Houses For Rant FURN. small cabin, clean, utilities pd. Suitable for couple with small child. $32 50 mo. Hebb's Trailer Court. 150 Williams Ave. Ph. 2-4019. - 2 ROOMS & BATH. furn. Water it lights furn. Ph. 2-0658. 4 rm. mod. hse.. gar. Adults. Ref. $45. After 2 p.m. Hennessy, 55 Hiway Ave 4 RM. FURN. house. N6 dogs or children. 410 N. East St.. Monmouth, Ore THREE ROOM suburban house to el derly adults only. Garden spot, chick en house, garage Ph. 3-9630. 3 B. R. UNFURN. hse. to right party. 2557 Lee St. TRAILER HOUSE in exchange for part time neip. pn. 3-50z. NURSE, care or share my lovely home with elderly lady or business woman. Refs. exchanged. Ph. 2-5560. SMALL MOD. cabin, partly furn. On bus line. Adults only. 3840 s. Com'l. 's ml. 8. of city limits behind A.&L. tiarage. $ RM HSE.. 2 B R. Inquire 770 Bellevue. YOU CAN OWN A HOME BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd. firs., auto. heat, paved streets. Inside city limits. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126 TRAILER HSE. for rent Covered bdrm. attach. H tt C water. Very clean. On Webb St. Labbish Village. Ph. 2-0460. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses 2 OR 2 BDRM. unfura. house with gar age, r-ermanent. win lease. $50. pn. MIDDLEAGED couple Would like 2 bedroom unfurn. house. No drinkers or si COUP Of smokers and no pets. Ph. 2-8270. LE WITH 2 children, aee 10 and IS. want 3 bedroom . house, furn. or unfurn.. In north or east part of Salem. Would consider suburban acreage. Care guaranteed. References furnished. Ph. 3-5100. FAMILY OF 3 want to rent or lease 2 or 3 B. R. unfurn. or partly furn. house. Preferably near Jr. high sen. Will pay good rent for suitable place In rood location. Ph. 2-6063. 8 a. m. to a p. m. SMALL FURN. cottage by single girl, pets permitted. Statesman box 970. YOUNG COUPLE wants 2 or 2 bdrm. home to be proud of. References available. Ph. 3-8023.' EMP. CPL. urgently need 2 B R. unfurn rise, oy bept 1st Near grade sch. Ph z-4B4 eves GOOD 2 BDRM. unfurn. hse.. will pay up to 913 aepenaing upon locality. niDIW J- (DID. PERMANENT COUPLE with 1 child needs 1 B R. furn. house or 3 rm. apt by Sept. 1st. Reasonable. Chev. Co. employee. Phone 2-1536. SMALL Furn. hse, or 3 rm. apt in or near the vicinity of Woodburn by employed couple. Write Box 1000 co Statesman. 714 Business Rentals" NELSON NEWS FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR SHOP Downtown professional men whose cUenta are plagued with parking problems, can arrange through our office for accomodations In a new building which can be available In 90 days. On a wide St.. with a lot of traffic St lot of free parking space. Tell us what you need at wo will try to arrange it for you. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize - 702 W. High 1 Ph. 3-4622 OFFICE, desk space, coav loc Ph 3-9133 MODERN offices. Ph. 3-8389. eMj&vua2S aoora. U. L SUXx. 712 Wanted To Rent Apts. 3 RM. apt, or small house. Ph. 2-8844. STATESMAN amp. needs by Sept t: Furnished or partly furn. apt or house. References, t child. Reason- a ote rent. Ph. 2-2914 or 3-4346 EMPLOYED couple with baby desire 1 or a oeorm. apt., rum, pn. z-oszi. BY SEPT. 10. 3 rm. apt. Prt. bath and ent Garage If pose, 1000 Norway St m. nf i azter eau. 700. Rentals 711 Wanted To Bent. Apis. SMALL rurnishad apt. close to, aa or around Sep. 18 by twa working women. Call 2-0702 after 6 tun. 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS 3 Bedrooms Very dean, close in north. acre. Small barn, chicken house, tool shed, lots of trees. Would trade tor busi ness. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-2558. . Duplex r Older type home. Both apts. modern, close in, corner lot, lota of trees St shrubs. Income $100 per month. $1000 down. Total price only $7500. Would trade for Portland property of equal value. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $6000 Special 2 bdrm. home. Close In. furn. Good condition, large lot owner leaving city. Owner says present offer on your terms. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $1500 Down 13 acres north. 3 rm house. Small barn. 2 small chicken houses. Amity soil, deep well. 2 acres berries. 13 acres adjoining caa be leased. Total price only $5500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 4 Acres 1 acre walnuts, 'i acre grapes, variety of fruit St berries. Sub irrigated. Total price only $1800. No buildings. Joining acre with 3 bdrm. -unfinished house & well available. Total price for both $4300. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3 3558. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor Ph. 3-7820 2-4596 3035 Portland Rd. 802 Business Property ' WANT A NIGHT club? Here's the best chance you'll ever get. Total price of $3800 wiU handle the Club Combo. Salem. Lease and following equip ment $1350 ice mach.. $850 carbona tor. $1400 furniture, drapes, kitchen equipment, deepfreeze, elec. water heater, other items. $3800 is the total price if you act at once. Ph. 3-5110 now for complete details. $32,500 4 houses In court. 3 B. R. each, liv., dinette, kit., bsmt, furnace, hwd. firs., fireplace. OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 2-3091 10 UNIT court. Each hse. has range, referg.. circ, fireplc. LR.. Kit. nook, Bath, 2 Blks from State office bldgs. tt Shopping Center. Bus by door, nice lawn Ac shrubs. Lge. lot. $52,500. 3 Unit Apt. walking dist. comer lot, completely furnished, basem't St Furnace. This is too good to pass up at $15,000. LARS EN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. ConVl. St.. Ph. 3-8389: Eve. 3-9989 FURN. HOUSE, 4 mod. apts.. 3 blks from city, grade St college close. Bus passes apt. Always rented. Good cond. Brick foundation. Ill health, must sac. $10,000. 730 Mill St. Ph. 2-5560 BY OWNER. 67 x 160 ft. business lot next to new Elk's Bldg. In Lebanon. Phone 2-1093. PRICE REDUCED ' 3 NEW I B.. homes, good Income, optional owners' 2 B R. home. Room for expansion. No trades. 1846 N. 5th. FOR LEASE- Service station In Holly wood Dist. at inventory and equip ment. United Petroleum. Call El 106 Portland. Ask for Mr. Moors or Mr. Sixes. 804 Suburban REDECORATED 2 B R. HSE $3800. (FURNISHED $4200) Reasonable down payment, A., nr. sch. bus and store, close in. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Salem. Ph. 3-7113 FOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm. sub- urDan nome on lisxius n. lot. uiose to school and bus. $6450. Ph. 2-5763. LOVELY 3 BR. suburban home and S A. 1 ml. E. of Keizer sch. on paved rd. 8 mi. downtown. $6000 dn. and terms. Modern 2 B. R. home in West Salem Heights on Fair Oak Way. Just off Kingwood dr. $5500 down will han dle, bal. at $50 mo. $4000 down will buy you this extra mo dern 3 yr. old house and acreage 6 miles east of downtown. 3 B. R.. 2 baths, full concrete basement, land scaped lawn. bal. in easy payments. See D. L. Hopkins A. N. DUNCAN. REALTOR. Salem Ph. 3-9658 Suburban Special T,i acres East Good home in setting of firs. 2 bdrms. dn. could be more up. Lge. liv. rm. Wired for range. Yr. round spring. Fenced. Barn, chicken hse. Family orchard. Con sider part trade. B. Isherwood Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St Office ph 2-3862 VIEW PROPERTY. 4 rmT shake house. 2' z A. $4700. East of 99E on Baxter Rd. Rt. 4. Box 840. 806 Houses For Sale ITS CLEAN 85950 - Good 2 bed rm. home with basement on a paved street, close In. nice lot with trees St flowers St a picket fence. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 . Eve. 2-5260 2 BR HOUSE for sale furnished or un furnished near bus. school and store. Above the Detroit dam flow line. See Athel Savage. Idanha. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home reduced to $5900. 622 N. 17th st. FOR SALE BY OWNER Suburban one-half acre at 390 Ewald Avenue, with modern dwelling, liv ing and dining room combined, bar and kitchen; bath with shower; large bed-room- oil heat with new Spark heater; electric stove; new enetian blinds: utility room and garage at tached: large yard with choice flow ers and shrubs and large walnut tsjees: City water, hard surface road; excellent location. Price $7300 00 cash, or suitable terms. NORA B. SNOOK A bargain in 5 room bungalow, fire place, oak floors, el heat, large lot with creek at back, owner is out of town, and will take $1700 down. baL $53.00 er month. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors 484 Court Ph 3-4707 Eve 2-4773 2-7283 BY OWNER ONLY: See it House tt lot. i bdrm., 2 yr. old. mod. In good mill town. Furnished. Owner leaving state for health. Only $4500. 1 block E of Club House. 5 blocks S. Hi School in Willamina. Ore. Address B. B. Ham. Box 84. Willamlna BY OWNER: 3 B.R, DR., large LR.. fireplace, hardwood thruo. Colored bath fixtures. W.S. St insulated. Ma hogany trim Landscaping St lawn included. Dial 2-992L ' JB.R. PLASTERED home, att garage. Lot 60x155. A bargain if sold this month. Inquire 611 N. 2nd St, Wood- burn. ' Fine N. Salem Home A splendid family home offering every modern convenience. 2 BE, bsmt, part rm. 2 fireplaces. dbL gar. 217.850. Big and Roomy Nearly new 2 br. noma 550 Kingwood Ave. 1 of the best built homes we have seen. Extra large liv. rm. high lights this place. Priced at $11,100. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater Phone 3-5100 NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $10,500. English type 2 B. R.,homt. Fireplace in liv. na, nice kit, .dining rm.. hwd. firs., bsmt. furnace. $7550 NEW 2 B. R. HOME Ur. rm, kit At dining space, utility rm.. hwd. firs. $1500 dn. $50 per mo. OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th &PhJ J-5091 oMAli. St NEAT: i B. Rt St nursery 00 t acre, all fenced, garden, shrubs, garage, chicken boose, elect w. s.. good bus service, close to shopping center. A good buy at $5300. Phone 2-7983. Room 220 Oregom Bids. 800 Real Estate 80S H For Sole GEORGE -W. J. ZEES, Mgr. 18S N. Capitol 4 BX HOME. LJt, DJL. kitchen, bullt-tas, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full - mBL .1m rookin. BIwt g water V wi.v, v. foam, till nTTCTNiVGC DDADniTV noiiTwww Lnstnet. ssaou. easy terms. -- . v - wm mM ipiiiiiaas property la rfo x n 1 1 . . is dose ta Willamette Univjstate house, at Poat Omce YoVeaart. wrona aa vour iavastmrnt km r-w. i 1 ACRE with 2 bdr Bunar. LR. K. S?.TI w00 Sa?- ' BhwH YZZJJ?0 Borth Hollywood district. LR. K. nook. HW flstSaWBa. In tV-8rBe7- nlsaaSafPaas4 Raks a.e atAa.4 ax ..aaia- 'T 1 lot SO XL iMH tV 2 BDR BUNG, on large lot. located in basement, garage. 1 blk to grocery store. Gr. school 4 blks. Hi school 3 blkav Is beautifuUy landscaped, has 0 shade trees, lots of flowers Js shrubs. Nice garden, picket fence. WIU take cheaper house la Salem 14 ACRE oa Lancaster Drive Urge of berries 6c gardening 4 bdr home St 2 stanchion barn, poultry house. Llc.iawn tots of ,hrub Price 810,500. WUl take a 2 bdr house in trade. SEE US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OF THES E PLA C ES PHONE 3-3031 i RICHMOND $7500 00 Older horn ta wonderful comUtkm. 2 bedroom living rm, dining; rm, UtcheEV. bath. Usprnent N.r Lawn saw aK.k. eT. ' " - u www, alwla a, - t ENGLEWOOD DIST. $10,000.00 3 bedrm. 1 dn 2 up. living uxsiuuiuU MWU aUlU aMU UIJ81. ENGLEWOOD DIST. $11,500 00 8 yrs. old. modern style home. 2 bedims. Living rm with 'fireplace. iintne rm WitioKaM ki)t aS.ll - w j a -i . T . . I -aa. waui, a lass jwavariii-Etii.. naniwwxi iioors. newi j pa in tea. A BEAUTIFUL HOME $19,000.00 8 yrs. old. modern style, corner lot. J bedrm on one floor living rm .separate dining; rm. larre kitchen with nook, fireplace, full basement, party room, auto oil furnace, very well landscaped, close to school bus and shopping center. ' LISTINGS WANTED We have buyers for 2 bedroom homes and acreages. If you are lis tins your property, call us. ; Call or see 191 So Phone Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN; REALTOR $11,500. 3 BR, LR. DR, Kitchen. Fireplace. Hdw floors. Psrty room, full base ment, 'very nice location. $ 9.750. 4 BR. LR. DR. Kitchen. Hdw Floors. Shaded lot. full basement, le cated north. ' i " ' $13,500. New 3 Bedroom all on one floor. Unique floor plan, large tooma, forced air heat, this Is really a beautiful home. $ 8.250. 2 BR. unfinished upstairs. located in lovely new subdivision in Keizer. Exceptional terms. KENNY REAL ESTATE 341 Chemeketa Evenings. Len Orton Leaving the state. My $1392 equity In 1 fr. old 2 bdrm. house. Insulated, wd. floors, completely mod. Move right in for 500. Bal. FH A. See at 54Z Bluer Ave. rn. z-zonu. NEW 4 bdrm. house. 2310 Broadway, $8500. A. E. Heasley. 2305 N. Liberty $6950 9'4 A. exc. soli. Some Beaverdam. Fair bldgs. Good loc. WiU accept trade. S8750 4 BR. home, choice loc. Corner lot. Close to schools and store. Bus at door. $1,000 will handle. Call Mr. Noonchester with. H. E. Corev Real Estate 1363 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0552 Eves. 2-0103 3-3816 BY OWNER: 5 rm. house with bath on 2 lots for $1995 cash. Can arrange terms. Ray Luthy. Gervais. Ore. Call after 6 p m. Open Sunday. . BY OWNER: New 2 B.R. home. St. Elmo park addition, large lot, fenced in back yard, outside patio and fire place, garage. Ph. 2-5348. 2 BR. HOUSE. Lights, city wtr. and bath. Overlooking a pretty view. High grnd. This place would make a good rental income or nice sub. home. Also bldg. lot that goes with place. Turn L at top at Cascade dr.. then a quick R at first L-hand turn. Price $2250 dn.. $23 per mo. Total price $3500 Mr. Roth, Rt. 1, Box 104. West Salem. Dandy Sub. Home New 2 bdrm. house, good lot. Close to school. Only $7800. $1000 dn. See Bill Jones. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 SUte ph. 2-5580 LOCATED EAST CLOSE TO SCHOOLS New 2 br. home all on one floor, lge. living room and dining room. Beau tiful kitchen, auto-oil furnace, Ige. farage. This is s buy at $12,800. $9500 HA. Call Earl West. 2 BR SPECIAL New 2 br. home. Inside utility room, hardwood floors, Armstrong lino leum, Eller plumbing, a dandy at only $7,000. Will take good FHA loan. Call Peter Ceiser. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 3-2471 Evening St Sundays call Peter Geiser 3-9968; Roy Ferris 2-8010; Earl West 2-4023: Ben Roisen 2-2471. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 2-bedroom home with full basement nice size living tt dining room. Vene tion blinds. Wired for range. $9,500 with easy terms.- No. 289 FAIRMOUNT HILL Lovely small home with l'i baths tt 2 fireplaces. Has an excellent plan for additional rooms. Lot worth $4,000. Full price $8,500. Easy terms. P' $500 DOWN t I We hsve 2 homes that can be pur chased for this small down pay ment One 2-bedroom One 2-bedroom. Call ua today about Nos. 265 and 273. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 2-9203 Sun St Eves 2-8241. 2-2532. 3-9712. 3-5905 i BR., GAR. and basmt. Lawn At shrubs. Phone 2-4751. OPEN HOUSE ALL THIS WEEK 2-5 PM. 7-9 PM. 1370 N. 23rd St Really Nice Brand new 3 B.R. hwd firs. Ige liv. rm. lge din. rm, lge kitchen, lge bath rm. Ige utility rm, double garage. Burt Picha, Realtors 279 N. High St. Ph. 2-3649 FC-R SALE BY OWNER dean, mod., beautiful 5 rm. home, 1mm. possession. $7250. 1395 Norway St , ; t)R efficient and effective sales ser vice call the Salem Realty Co. NOW VIEW HOME Strictly mod. 3 bdrm. ranch type home, bsm't. dble. gar. So River Rd.. located on SVt acres with filbert orchard. Several beautiful building sites. Owner will sell borne with 1 acre. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1383 N. Capitol St. Ph. 2-4458 Eves. 2-5297. 3-6901. 2-4352 WHY PAY RENT? $750 down. Use your C X. loan oa this new home North. Utility mru. stt gar. LArge lot Full price $6950. C. W. Reeved Realtor 45 S. Comml. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 LARGE new 3 bedroom home. 685 N. 16th. Open daily. Ph, 2-6757. BY OWNER. 2 bedrm. house, good lo cation. Inq 1475 N. ComT. Ph. 2-6747. PRICE SLASHED OWNER LEAVING In 30 days and must sacrifice one of the best noma la Eng lew ood. Six rooms with two bed rooms, all on one floor, on a most beautiful corner sot Hera Is every thing to suit the exacting buyer. Inc. perfected heating system and wall- lo-wall Mohawk 2 tone carpets. For a quick sale, the price reduced) to tlt ooa. Insnect at 1910 Market. 51W 2 BDRM. HOME7T13W dn. Open daily. 1140 Lewis. Ph. J-m, 800 Real Estate 80S H for Sale HUBBS CO. heater. No. 2 burin com. Located fa MM . . b-lna bath Cimrmmm v. ' 1 .1 wm -"Change for about 10 or 30 acres) " """ "r Sahrerton. UL M r" Jw frontage. Very seed soil with m varietv DISTRICT rm. din rm. kitchen, bath, full basement. Andy Halvorsen High St. Office 2-8692 Phone 2-2577 or 2-0614 2-3983. Ken HiU 3-1770 $730 DOWN One bdrm. shade trees, fine gaidcni full price fc950. FULL PRICE $5000 Three bdrm older house, gas equip ped, good big lot on psved street north Salem, fruit and nut trees. NEARLY NEW Two bdrm. plastered, -fireplace, V. blinds, oil floor furnace, elec. water htr. Only $1773. will givo you pos session: balance at $53. mo. intlud ing 4 interest Located NE Fuini ture opHtaafl. Total price &li. Salem Realtv Co. REALTORS' 149 N. High St. Ph 3-7B6S Eve ph 2-4591 2-6603 3 Bedrooms all on one floor, this iFI beautiful well arranged home. I lie. Elace. HW floors and all rooms are irge. plenty of closet space. Yoi should see this. Goodwin and McMillin Realtors 484 Court Ph 3-4707 Eve 2-4773 2-72S BY OWNER: KingwoodHts.. nfvTl bedrm . frplc. Htpt. dishwasher. Bvtw dix. Lawn in. Lot 75x140. Kinywood Dr. left on Fair Oaks, first Id. light Rt. 8. Box 27 $2900 for 2 bdrm. homeTTSO. dcwlL 2260 Simps-n. YOU CAN OWN A HOME BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd firs . auto, heat, paved streets. Inside city lin.ltf. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church ! Ph. 2-764J Eve or Sun. '2-0343 of 2-0 1 Z6 ATTENTION New mod. $ rm. home, latest thing ta interior decorating. Beautiful color ed plumbing, low down pavmeot And small monthly pymt. See C lent Hamilton. 2011 1 N. 34th, Ph. 2-3388 See These; $8,0002 A $ rm. house, close In ME. Ideal set up for trailer camp Motel. Good Terms. Ask for Bi Jones. $7.000 Lot 100x100. 8 trailer bout. trailer spaces. Income $11 mo. $2 Oufl down. $8,500 Mod. 2 bdrm house. Beautiful fenced yard with fireplace Ind fruil trees, 'a dwa. $10,5001 A. 2 bdrm ultra mod. house Beautiful setting, fruit, berries, largl garden space, small chicken house. Only 4 ml. NE. $12,606 4 bdrm well built house Lot 80x231. close in on State St. 86.8uB dwn, bal. $60 mo. Including taxes m Interest. Art Madsen Realty Co. any i 1326 State St. Ph w1 86 IS BLY N6t 8 ACRES about 8 mi lee from Saleio. 2 rm. house and shed. Price $3000. Terms. 4 ACRES. 8 room house. Elec. water Sstem. Small barn. Paved roL ose to school and stores; on bus bne. Price 86300. VERY GOOD 2 bedrm. home, fui min ed. Price only $6675. IT YOU ARE INTERESTED In s I bedrm. home for less than $7000 will good terms, call us. LARGE BUSINESS LOT and good f room house on 99 highway nortsj. Price $17,500. Leo N. Childs,i Inc., Realtors; 344 SUte St ! Ph. 2-3668 Evenings call: Mr. Vorhees 2-4007 of Mr. sedervrom $-6789 DEAR SCHOOL KIDS Tell your cat to quit looking for that 4 BR. mod. 1 home near HIGHLAND SCHOOL. : For ONLY $5950. easy terms, he can ' move into this neat, clean, plastered j hse. on good lot. paved st. Then you i can come home in a Jiffy for lunch, i PLENTY OF SPACE-FOUR BEDROOM : Late styled hse. on HUGE LOT. Pltry hse. St barn. This Is close in Sub urban, paved st. City bus. $7300. - ' A real buy In Englewood dist.. InsuL St W S . 2 BRms. Liv. Rm, DR. nice Kit. built-lns. Firepl, HW. Floors, full1 basement. Auto Oil furn.. Beautiful; fenced backyard with out door firept At patio, garden spot, berries St fruit trees, located out 2083 N. 19th St Price $9500. Terms. Call or phone for, appt t ; 1 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Scrvi rvice j5 164 S Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve: 3 Beautiful view property with large shady corner lot. Large LR. with fire- Slace. opening on to patio. Full din ig room, . 2 spacious bdrms.. modem kitchen end breakfast nook. Sur rounded by expensive homes. $12,600 Call Ben Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5100 Eve. 3-998S Owner Leaving Oregon 4 Bedroom home one year old.' Large living room, tile kitchen, bath up stairs and down. Plastered basement and garage. Hardwood floors, lots built ins. terraced back yard. Cost over $18,000. to build. Reduced to $12,500 for quick sale. For tnforma- tion call 3-4347. fe f En cLEWOOD fjlST. , Spacious 2 BR LK.. DR, kit. bath, unfin. upstairs. Fireplace, hwd. firs, thruout Auto, heat ven. blinds. Att. gar. X yr. old. $11,000 1550 Norway. r 5 '