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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1949)
11 the Statesman SaloW Oregon; TnortaTAnqoai 15 U3 4 if; THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS From The Oregon Statesman's Voney Correspondents Fall Opening Plans Set At Lebanon LEBANON, Aug 24 All the preparations for Lebanon's Fall Opening Bargain Days Friday and Saturday are completed. It was an nounced by the merchants' com mittee members of the chamber of commerce this week. Highlight of the two day event will be the mys tery window contest Friday night, A preview of the two day af fair occurred Wednesday night when city merchants presented their fall fashion p-eview of clo thing on the stake of the Park the ater. The review was part- of the regular evening show beginning at 7 o'clock. The style program is sponsored by the Presbyterian guild. Friday night city merchants are participating in the mystery win dow contest. In each store window anarticle of merchandise that il not sold in that store, but which "-has been .borrowed from another store, will be displayed. The person turning in the first complete list of misplaced items in all store windows will receive the grand prize; other prizes. will be awarded following winners. Judging will be handled by staff members of the local newspaper, and results will be announced ov er station KWIL immediately af ter judging is completed. services, Sunday school, music nd song service. A ncj boat plcjnic lunch will be served at noon. Those needing transportation ! or having a car: with room for pass engers arej to be at the Lyons church at 8:45 jnj Sunday. f sweet Heme The new eon crete bridge across Ames creek on 14th avenue has! been finished and the street opened to traffic. A new bridge is nqw under con struction ipver Ames (creek l! on 22nd avenue; The njsw bridge will rtrpiatc ui via one jouii ago. lilf 31 years at " the Sil- SQverto Born at; the .Sil verton hospital August 23, daugh ters to Mr. and jMrsJs William Clark of Scotts Mills and Mr ! and Mrs. Lawrence Fields of Silver ton; August! 19, a daughter to and Mrs. Elwood Ojlsen land a t- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kiienzi. 5 Valley Ilricfe Dayton Among those attendr Ing the annual State Farmers Union picnic held in Champoeg park were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Owens, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Owens and James Richardson. James Patton, National Farmers Union president was the principal speak er at the picnic Middle Grove " The Union Sunday school will hold its an nual picnic Sunday, August 28, at Stayton park. Kelser i CpL Roger Radke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Radke, home on leave for the past three weeks, returned to his base at Enid, Okla., Sunday. Radke is a mem ber of the air force. Other visit ors at the Radke home this week are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Radke and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gessler of Underwood, N. D. Fratam The Rev. Pierre Smith will preach at the Metho dist church Sunday morning. The regular pastor. Dr. B. E. Parker will be at Camp Magruder with a delegation of Pratum young people. Mr. and Mrs. John Blank and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Schun amen and three children, all of Franklin, Neb., visited relatives here this week. - Brush CeUere Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McClure and children, Donna and Larry, motored to Redmond last week end. Mrs. Esther Wright, former local resi-d dent who has. spent the past two years in eastern states, visited with friends here Sunday. Sweat Heaae Work of build ing' a house in the city park for the Caretaker was begun last week. Work of raising the struc ture' began Tuesday. The house is being built with volunteer la bor and anyone wishing to assist is asked to bring saw and ham mer. Work will continue evenings to give workers employed on oth er Jobs a chance. Detroit The corps of en . gin eers Is building a garage and road up to the snow lab near Iron mountain. Lrens The Lyons Methodist Sunday school will hold their picnic Sunday, August 28, at Sil ver Creek Falls, in conjunction with the Methodist Sunday school of Stayton. There will be special Mr. son Lebanon to Meet New Teachers At City Reception LEBANON Ti e city's annual reception ! for its teaching staff,! sponsored; by the Parent Teacher association, has been set for Wed nesday;, September 7, at 8 p, mj in the high school gymnasium,: an-j nounces Mrs. Glenn Huston, pre-l sident of the local PTA chapter. I Lebanon will welcome the jarg-j est teachef group id its history this fail. TheM entire ! taf f, includirj supervisors, totals 70, j I Room Mothers' clubs of thefouf school are; being ctntacted to urge representative attendance from every section of the ciy. i 1 Mrs. George Gaillaway is pro, gram chairman fori the affair 1, Her committeewomen Include M r Ralph Wise, music chairman; Mrf. I. R. Vrdoman, decorations; :Mr. Clarence Shimanelr, corsages,! and Mrs. K. j;T. Markuson. refresh- I" h 1 ments. Sweet Lady BF 3 SmZIsZZsI M jisCeaiais fassssssissssiBSaBiBssi, hSEsSMBIBaliES MSSfV' ) Home K Logger In Hospilab ( SWIET HOME Mrs. Fred Tay lor, residing on T street, la In the Langmack hospital here following an accident it her borne Monday noon. 1 She was standing on a chair do ing household work when she fell to the floor, the fall resulting In broken right blp. She was alone at the time of tpe accident but man aged to crawl to a window and summon the fielp of a neighbor, i Francis Smallwood, 25, residing on Sweet Hdme route 1, was in jured Monday morning when bit by a haulback cable while working in the Santi4m logging woods on Swamp mountain. . He was ruined to the Langmack hospital berej shortly after the ac cident iit an unconscious condi tion. An examination showed that he had sustained head and back in juries. Late Tuesday he was re moved to the! Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crenshaw, Ukiah, Califi where he is operat ing a sawmill, came to their home here last weekend. He went back to the California city Sunday but Mrs. Crenshaw will remain here for a couple of weeks. Roy Cook has 'launched a new industry in Sweet Home at his home on L street It is a wood nov elty works. I ", Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Middleton celebrated their 24th wedding an niversary byj a three-day vacation at Ocean Lake. They were married at Newberg!24 years ago. The Knopf real estate agency re ports the sale of the Claude Cren shaw home ion 8th avenue to Le roy Schroeder and the sale of the Portland Mfg. Co., residence on 18th avenue to Clara Healey. This place is known as the Vince Pad dock place. C. E. Knopf left Monday morrt ing for Grafes Valley, Calif., for a two weeks visit with his brother Henry Knopf. Mrs. C. E. Knopf is visiting her i sister in Michigan. A Dotluck dinner will be the kickoff at the Labor Day camp at Suttle lake September '4, planned by the Methodist church. The camp will be ovtr after luncheon on i - it; PAY YEEKLY OR MONTHLY your work Is completed Obtain the Dental Car yoa lieed at the lime yoa eed it! Dr. Semlir urges yen to coma tm and have year work started WITHOUT DELAY . . . arraaqe to pay in Small Weekly or Moathly Amoants AFTER If It completed. It's easy beeaasei Dr. Semlcr's tehns are friendly aad flexible to fit yoijr bedg et. There is no third party or finance company to deal with, end yon will have no; difficulty arranging conve nient payments yoa can easily afford. L I D E n (1 L II M M - " M M MM I k four Ovh Tcuns Wiildn TUa6 wear! YOUR DENTAL PLATES If TM dea't have U nay cask fee New Deatal Platesl Okfaie tbeai at Pr. Sealer's mm4. m appraval yr credit. prm4 ymr pmymtmi vr tk wit I. II r IS mttiku Tkls Uheral effer aanfles all trees ef ntafes, icle1a He beaetifal eew Traas art falat Deeterws . . . ccIs1m ffMMl fr Viaraa Caawiaa Pa war ad lae'Wta'aaUy Styled far TeetkM 'nearaace. Ask Year Oeetist hew Hey h4 ya Leei aad Feel Setter. PAYIII6 i 1 TO 3-DAY t SERVICE There la ad wait lnr er delay I at Dr, Semlerfs. and year Datat Work is cemplet-t d la Tto jl days (difficult i a sen excepted). Take adt antac e jef this time-saving ser4 vice f ri ALL types ef Dental CareL . i I i . : ! r f 0 ;:7 I -X. J h 110 APP01HT- MBIT REQUIRED Cease la any time at year conveni ence far Ezaml aaUea er Con aalUtioB a beat any dental prebl- lesaa yea .soar hire Prompt. courteous atten tion . . . offices opea to : daily; WAtns-Aooim siooj T hia.lIrAJLJ '!... "- ' ' if leptember 9. Those Intending to fo shouia register witn Date i aton, la is announced. !i The Sweet Homo Garden dub met at the borne of Mrs. Winifred Russell Monday afternoon, where members made feather corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Andrews, Con far, Wash, visited old friends here last week. Mr. Andrews, who was formerly employed by the State Highway Department and station ed here, la now employed with the Bureau of Public Works. The An drews still retain their home here. The west side of the new. Gil bert building is to be occupied by offices. The east side of the build ing houses the pott office. Visits Unionvale Home UNIONVALE Ralph Church of Los Angeles was a weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Church. He is with the Remington Rand Typewriter Co. and is being transferred to Seat tle. His wife will join him in Seattle soon. The Rev. and Mrs. George Mil- am i '4 . i i tt..l t. 11. I" f Mount Antfel Baseball Fete Planner! : ill MT. ANGEL, Aug. 23 In ap preciation to the Mt. Angel base ball club which won the Willam ette Valley league championship Sunday afternoon, the Business Men's club voted to honor the players with a dinner. 1 1 J The decision was reached at the club luncheon In the ML Angel hotel Monday noon. Ira Herriford, sports chairman, was ins tructed to make arrangements. ! In his report, Herriford stated the team had been an exception al one. All the players turned out own time and cost the town less than any previous club. Ed; Stolle, also a member of the sports len left Monday on a cation trip. 10 -ia va- '., i , . i I cornmitisey commended Herriford for the way be had handled the club. He also stated that the Am erican Legion wished to Include its Junior Legion players In the dinner as future Mt Angel play ers and expected to share expens es. Hi Brendon reported the flax festival financial report could not be released until the next meet ing as some of the bills were not in yet He suggested that the pre sident appoint next year's com mittee at once and have it meet with the current group to make preliminary arrangements for next year's celebration. The sug gestion was not acted on as Pre sident Schmidt said the results of this year's festival would have to be known before the matter is dis cussed. John T. Bauman suggested that some action be taken to secure improvements on the Silverton Woodburn highway which he said is in no condition for safe winter travel. The president appointed Wachter to replace Sylvester Schmitt, who left town, on the fWi. tt. If f ' L Descendents Of Kirscli Family Meet i i MT. ANGEL A reunion of the descendants of tae Kirsch fa mily, pioneers of this community, was held at the Joe Wavra count ry home Sunday with a no-host dinner the main feature of the gathering. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Braunig, Madison. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp, Milwaukee, Wis., nephews and nieces of Mrs. G. D. Kirsch Ebner, visiting in the Ebner home for the past week. ! Others present included Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. highway 'committee and asked him and Mayor Berchteld to meet with the state highway commis sion for the purpose. Rau Xbnef ' and family jMr. . and Mrs. Bert Ebner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Len Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wavra, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ebner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eb ner, Mrs. Ida Kirsch and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Alois Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kirsch, Miss Irene Butsch, Mrs. Mamie Goo ley and family, Mr. land Mrs. Otto Well man, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Butsch, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Butsch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kloft, all of Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirsch of Mc Minnville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirsch, Mr, and Mrs. Frank J. Kirsch. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirsch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waller, St. PauL In the 20 years after 1929. when Turkey replaced the old Arabic script with the Latin alphabet, she published 4 0.000 books compared to only 30,000 published during the two centuries before 1929; 'MHVIW -- - -i mii-rf f 'MMMiiii'iffV"'-- ''"'-i nrflTrV i nai -' '" Y . - . I frYr " ' T I f ? : 1 Iff i f TiP?r V-zsz2 h 'w I In ,''C-- -' ' i- ! ALL 10 PIECES FOR THE PRICE OF A SUITE ALONE - AND - OH TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET -OIILY ! . V 'Si ;j. FOR ALL 10 PIECES 5.00 per month Attention all BUDGET WISE homemakers! Here's a dream come true! Now for a limited time only, you will be able to get this beautiful bedroom group at this sensational LOW pricel Just look at the items - - ! A j " I O Full size bed in genuine silver walnut (Twin Bed Suites Available) O Big roomy chest Matching vanity O All steel Simmons coil spring O Mattress O Two boudoir lamps Pair pillows Hobnail chenille bedspread (Choice of Colors) 2j " ' -v A" r Wi'A. .. Takes Few Proof Again That It Pays To Buy At Woodry's Minutes to Open an Account With Usl !! v ' i i - rl j J- pice offered are 6 ' iUwstration j ii: It n 1 .-b STATE t COJ.LVIRaAL alem, Oref om 5 wa wiimm V.- Hi : III i i