..-v;iHtl ImiytfeJ Spring Valley Woman Visits 111 Mother SPRING, VALLEY Mrs. Harold Richardson Is in Aberdeen, S. D, where her mother, who has been a patient in the hospital there, is recoverinf from a serious illness. The Richardson? have sold their Sprint Valely farm to Wheatland farmers and will give possession October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Myers and Richard, JoAnn, Patty and Mich ael spent two days recently as guests of former Spring Valley residents, Mr. and Mrs. "Wayne Boyington who leased their prop erty here to the Henderson family and have moved to Zillah, Wash. Mr. aid Mrs. Robert Susmilch and faifoily arrived here this week from Missouri to visit Mr. Sus milch's father, Frank Susmilch who has been a patient at the Vet erans hospital in ;Portland since June. y. mi if( Four Birth Dates Feted at Swegle SWEGLE A dinner party Sunday in the Ralph Hain home 1 honored the birthdays of four members of the family who have birthdays on August 20, 21. 22 and 23. They are Jacqueline Holcomb, Stanford Hein. Mrs. Ed Loe and Ralph llein. Other guests were Ed Lowe, Mrs. George Crump and daughters, Judy and Nancy. Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harms on Sunny View ave. the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Penner and their childien. Patricia snd Rodney, and his father, H. T. Penner from IliUsboro and Dt.rham, Kan. - House guests over the week end In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hartley were Rev. and Mrs. Walter Feaye from Hominey, Okla. ?ev. Feaye is the minister of the irst Christian church in Hominey. Walling Home At Lincoln Reunion Site LINCOLN Mr. end Mrr. Harold ttnhn and Kon Stuart of Mountain View, Calif., were vacationing here last week at the old family nome of Mrs. Bonn, where her mother Mrs. Dot Walling and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr?. Lester Waiting and Wayne, Sail, and Joanne now live. The Bonn stopped at Myrtle Point and visited wiin a Dromer August Walling who accorripanled Al 1 - liitTH iirrr. Mrs. J. D. Walling of Lincoln re cently had asvher visitors former pioneer residents, Dr. E. A. Mann nd sister Anne of Portland and another sister Fanny of California. Visiting from Salem were Mrs. Willis Darby, formerly Winifred Duncan of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Townsand. The Mann family owned a large acreage at ten a at one time. Polk Conntv Fair Attracts Exhibits SPRING VALLEY The Spring Valley 4-H girls sewing club, which Includes second, third and fourth I ear sewing, will have an exhibit t the Polk county fair and give a Ityle review. Donna McLaughlin Is ' president of the club and Constan ts Bernard, secretary. The Spring Valley community Club will have as an added attrac tion at their booth at the Polk county fair displays of the work of local young artists. Carol Coun ts ch, who will show her paintings and James Mischel, photographer, who will exhibit pictures. 4 - m , V4 -11 - a - - 1 . : t . f V ' i Jr. a ... .. ,. , I .. fr. RUIN BECOMIEJ RESTAURA Ing while a roof garden Is an what was secoi Stores ceapy lower floor of this Berlin build floor, alter bomb-torn upper story was removed u t . I ' ? I H i I It ! " ' Ti Etaimcm, Salom. Ort. , Woxfasday. Ancjtut it 1943 13 The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper A NICE. WOT BATH IS ) JUST WWAT X MEED r ! BLONDIE THE vAttkh NEWS cSlUMNS From TH Oregon Srattsmcn's VolUy Corrspondnrt Middle Grove Hunter Bags 120-Pound Duck MIDDLE GROVE Ray Satter and son Donald, 14, returned from an antelope hunt Monday with a 120 - pound buck. The; hunting trip was in southeastern Oregon where the antelope was bagged on the dead run. Th head, which has a good set of horns, is being mount ed. Many! Visitors From MidVest f At Jefferson 1 HI I ' i I JEFFERSON, Mr nd Mrs. Frank Trottpr and i daughters, Frances and Janice, of fA lo, Iowa, are guests at-the Waltfer Watkins home During; the weejc hey have visited points :of interest ibojut the valley. u 'i . $ Mrs. Louis Riis ofiCtiiclgo, a retired nurse.; is making ier; home with her niece, Mrs. Aig-en jroweiii A - T Mrs. Varion' Goin I uhderwent I f I f f Pfcnn minor surgery ! at an man hos- pital Monday ! She Wai able td J ! return home the next faafor. j i JEFFERSON The Woman's Surface rocks have! peein re- Society of Christian-Service of the moved and fi(t6 cubic yirfls of top- j Methodist chijrch met Wednesday soil placed on the school grounds i aiternoon at the home of Mrs. C. to a depth of lour merest i nc district board :1s considering seed ing it. : ! ! . M l The Jefferson fire department, at their Thursday nigM meeting, named the fourth SunaV in July as the permanent date bffth Corn munirr nicnic! here. I They also , w-- - - 7 5 B . . WCTU Meets M. Cochran. Taking part in the program were Mrs. J. G. Fontaine, Miss Marjon Fontaine and Mrs, W. F. Gulvin. Refreshments were served at th tea hour by Mrs, Cochran assisted by Mrs. George MHis, a guest or the group, . . : miliii lvt i m. t ir iiiiuiv wr-ss rvi rm planned a hdrseshoe cpurt on inc,Vnnfain. MiI. r, "3, , r raA I : ti " -'"" ouu num. Mr. ana mm. riiixn ouu ui uuns viniurii tu Plan State Fair Exhibit BROOKS The Brooks Garden ciud win meet inursaay witn Mrs. Dollie Ramp for luncheon. Summer colors will be featured In flower arrangements, and plans compietea lor the oaraen cluo ex hibit at the Oregon State fair. In celebration of their 13th wed ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jackson entertained with a party at their home In Brooks. , Refreshments' were served to ' the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Page, Janice, Lonnie and w - . . a . . .ii . lerry t age, air. -ana Airs. Aioeri Earls and Virgil.- Mr. and Mrs. Audie Earls, Lorene, Betty and Lonnie Jackson, Neal Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. S. M. Green of I Redmond were Sunday guests of! the Gilbert Hoevets. M I - 4 Mr. and Mrs. Earl MiXell. Sarah Jane Mixell and Marilyiand Lynn Pettit of Lebanon visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson la 4 id family in Eugene last Sundaj. j fi Mr. and Mrs. E. R Vilon ipf Newport were weekend guests of their son. Herman Wilson, and family. Monday, they! v lotored to the Detroit dam site and that eve ning attended a family dinner at tho homo of Mr. and Jjlrs, K. S. Thurston In Salam, hproring the birthday of tho Thursfo i's grand daughter, Anne Wilso. j y Portland Visitors At Gervais Heme 1 GERVAIS Mrs. D iColsOn and Mrs. A. M.i Sauter f Portland, spent the weekend wjth Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Marshall arid celebrated their sister's birthday p nday. The Marshalls ire expfding; their daugliter, Mrs. Donald Mars5! of Nehalem, early this we( k. J Mr. and Mrs. Henjrj Withrow and son Bing of Indio, Calif., ar rived Saturday to visjt jhef moth er. Mrs. Cecil Colby ad other rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seely were hosts at a dinrjei Saturday night In honor of hex sister and family. Mayor and M-s. .Roscoo Colby and family and Mrs. Cecil Colby were jresent. if One of the greatest sources of Florida's wealth are natural do poUts of phosphate rock, which re used as fertiliser. Woodburn Man - :i - J Headed for Mates WOODBlJRN, Augjai 2, C. Miller, son of Mr. anJ Mrs. W. S. Miller of Woodburn, hew station ed with the navy at Hot olulu, will return to the United S ;ats soon, according to word rfcived here by the Millers recently I Young Miller will fx stationed at Los Angeles, CalifJ. Lipon com pletion of an eight W -ek naval school at San Diegd CajiMHis wife and two childrfn will 'Visit the Millers hero soori. 4 Look and Lparn By; A- C Gordo 1 1. Which is tho hoav lead? -If I 2. What was tne ever received by a prip one bout? I H ! 3. Which ! is the city in the United SUi 4. What is a crustacean 5. What proportion b; covered by; forests: I ANSWERS 1. Gold, t 2. Tho purse of by Gen Tunney in hii Jack Dempaey in 192 , I. Key West, FloridJ j 4. A shell-fish. 5. On-third. amount fighter for Jobthernmost Canada is Giijoy (chevitig) V daily J ;er, gold or A. B. Hinz. Mrs. Helen Caywobd and Johnny, Mrs. tan Lynes, Mrs. Phe bs. Miss Ad- die Libby. Mrk. Blanch Libby, Mrs. Mary Powell knd Mrs. Cochran. Watkins-Burcli Family Meet Attended by 60 JEFFERSON The 24th annual reunion of the Watkins-Burch families was held at McMinnville park last Sunday with 60 members of the family attending. Going from Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swartz and Mrs. Vir gil Weddle. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Cash Burch. Dorothy Lee, Vehis and Melvin Burch of Monmouth: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ward and familv. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Ward, Ezra Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Enos and son Larry of Philomath; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Peterson of Lebanon: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Horlin, Don Crooks. Mr and Mrs. Andy Anderson, Elinor and Joan Cox of Salem; Dick Burch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil liams and. family of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harmon and family of Blue River; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Watkins of Tigard: Mr. and Mrs Jacob Eitzer of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matches, Mrs. Pearl Burch, Mrs. Margaret Hopkins and Loren Watkins of McMinnvill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trotter and family of Milo, la., cam th greatest distance, and Mr. and Mrs, Orval Wenable were guests. The 1930 meeting will also be held In McMinnville. The Bahama Islands have a pop ulation or about 80,000. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Davliht Time? KJloeyrle: KSLM 1M0. EOCO 1490. ROIN 7l. gew g ket nti HOUK KSLM oco HOP c.w KEX I 0:15 Dm Patrol 99M ornlM Nwb Newi of Amor. IKOIN lew goJg Podio (Hodr Podgo "7 aim I Early Bird Farm News KOCO Klock IKOIN Klock I Ntwi I Early Bird 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 00:45 rMarch Tima KOCO Klock IKOIM Klock Hodxe Podna Dirt Doctor awn Patrol rex Rjrter COCi Klock "arm Tim cw 8 KSLM krewi KOCO U,t KOIN baer KGW kfuni KEX Dwn Patrol IDawn Patrol INewi Newi aV Sporta Top o Morninj Top o' Morning iNewa iNewn rrd Beck IS" Tlm Old Sonca iKneass Newa I Band Box Bob Hazn ITime Tempos Tnn Trr1a estern Utt Wstni MeL tStarv Sinjr fWildw'rt church K Music Riders of Saga I Sam Haves Tim Tempos (AcTonsky IZeke Manners TroDicana 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barg. Coanter Riaa & Shina Melody Time rMelody Time Without Word J. r Thnm.i varieties News Iriranri 9yp. . f2"1 Cup (Jack Berch Kneass News jBreakfast Club (Breakfast Cluo Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N'cwt Kata Smith IPxatnr' r.n rar.ii, -ri-. Ouest Artist N.W. Report Concert IConcart w- Warrrn lAunt Janny H. Trent 'Gal Sunday Tommy Dorsey (Tommy Dorsey fTommy Dorsey Tommy Do nay News iTodara Stars MIodv IMu4 111 KSLM OCO OIN GW KEX 121 KSLM KOCO KOIN GW KEX V I K KSLM OCO KOIN KGW KEX News Ktotp Singers IMuic Music Mart (Music Mart IJan Garber Bis Sister IMa Pcrkina IDr Uibm Orchestra Orchestra (Today s Child Ted Malon IGalen Drake ITrue Storr Waltz Serenade 1 Vocal Variety (The Light IL. Lawaoa (True Story Top Trades News iQueen for Day Queen for H wood Musis IH'wood Musis iNawa ith n-.i. News ICome 6et It IN. Drake Brighter Day Double Nothing Double Nothing Kneasr News Light World B. Crocker' News IBaukhaee Nairn Craie Day 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX The Storm I The Storm Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies MriMro Newa iMt Miasua GisJ Marrlea (Taces Life surprise rag. surprise Pkg. 4 KSLM OCO KOIN KGW KEX 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ladies First ladles First IN.W. News !Bob Eberly Mac's Melodise Mac's Melodies Mac's Maiodles 'Mac's Melodies Mrs. Burton IP. Maaon Bright c Ught !-ir-rlo Beautiful Life Road of Ufa Pepper Young IHappiness Northwestern Northwestern (Kay West Kay West TeU Neighbor (Johnson F am. ! Organ IBtng Sings Macs Melodies ! Mac's Melodies Macs Melodies (Mac's. Melodise Air Newsnener Air Nawanaiwr Iw inrsr Take TSsran w Vm 1 r B'SUge Wife iSteMa Dallas IL, Jones (Widder Brown Brkfst. tn Hwd.lBrkfst. In Hwd. Easy Acres Meet Kenjous IMiuie (Novelties Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodise Meet Miasua Rob. Q Lewis (Plain BUI Pae FarrcU IBrlde Sc CroomSrida at Groom Say It : (Say It (Songs of Time (News Movie Tim , iPhUosopher fByer Bedlam iByer Bedlam Rob. Q. Lewis 'Rob. Q. Lewis Rob. Q Lewla (Rob. Q Lewis Welcome Travel Welcome Travel Aunt Mary ILove St Learn Be Seated IBs Seated lAdd-a-Une tAdd-a-lin Walt. Trohan IFTemmlngway IPaaa. Parade ICavallero Rhythm; Rancb Rhythm Ranch! Bing Crosby J3port Page Curt Massey U-lttla Show ISongs TV. Luer Woman j Secret Sunny Side ; (News IHarkness Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage Sky King Sky King Ted Drake Candle Light K. Manning Chicken i Sun. Sports ! (Ted Drake (Candlelight IBeulah (Chicken Sun. (Home Edition (Adventures News (C. Huntley I Musical 'Romances tMusie (Tropicana Newn E. Peterson IRomances G. Heatter Pat O'Brien Showcase Morran Show Headline Mews tMusie Jackpot Showcase (Morgan Show I Elmer Davis Music !rop Band (Showcase R. Cosmaa Heinle Band I Music I Top Band howcase 8. Colman Band la Heinl Coast Survey Coast Surrey Cteeo Kid iCisco Kid tdw. Robinson Bdw. Robinson Vavy Reserve ( Bandstand Feature i (Feature I Music BaU (Mnsic Han Big Story Big Story Curtain Tim Curtain Tim Lon Ranger iLon Ranger Might Stars (Night Stars 9 KSLM Name of Seng 'Name ef Song (Variety Tim 'Variety Time KOCO Sandstand ; (News , IOugout Dope I Baseball KOIN U Thomas (Smith Show IDr. christian (Dr. Christian KGW Supper Club 'News A. Andrew wL Andrews KKX Orchestar (Orchestar ton for Book Ont For Book 41 as. KSLM News ' Local News INews Music II KOCO Base ban IBeaebeJI 3asebH 3aseban III KOIN s-Star Ftnal (Night Editor N'afL Defense Natl. Defense W KGW News Sport Pag pist.-At6rney IDist. Attorney KEX New j Utasmeaae. IConcert Hour ICOocert Hour nKSLM Walt Tboran (Sob Pool IBob Pool IMiade KOCO Track 14M jTrack 1460 Track 14M (rrack 1490 KOM gsruad fTeu and World (Orchestra Orchestra KGW Sam Hart (Wax Museum (Wax Museum. (Was: Muaeum KKX Joncrt Hour IConcert hour j Mtn (Memos K0AO4M ia - Wednesday 10 JO beat; 50 SM Sports Club: SO0 The a.m. Th News: 10: IS EapeelaDy (or New: :1S Dtnnar Melodies: 020 Bed- Women: 1140 Th Concert Hail; 110 lines in Chemistry; 0.-49 Guest Star: 1M The News: UJ5 Noon Farm Hour. Itt Farmer's Union: 1H Evening Farm Rid Em Cowboy: US Variety Time: Hour; M PubUe Health Sane; 0:13 1-JO This day; IAS Melody Lane: IXC Artistrv m Claasics: 8 JO" Veteran's Caivacad at Drama: J 13 Memory ews Review; 141 The Nws: SM Book of Music: 3O0 The News: Music That Endures: 0:43 Lift Up Thy 3:13 Music ox The Masters; iDO Oregon Voice: 10:00 Adventure tn Beaearck: Reporter: 4. IS Proudly We Bail: 4:43 10:19 Serenade: 20:49 Th News 11 0 Children's Theater; M On The Vm- Sign. Otl. i : npsr, rVE. GOT TO GO DOWN ASIC? . GET TOWELS ) w .i TTT ii mm WO W il- I " J I V I LOOK,PADD(y- iS THt LITTLE 9 MV RATH ALL PEAOV -f, K-f -rt. k,".' AS THE SHOCK CAUSED BY RCKINQ UP THE UVE WIRE BEGINS TO FADE. SAM CATCH EM 15 ABLE TO STRUGGLE. DICX TRACY THAT SEEMS TO RF a SEALED ROOM.' no VrSIBLE DOORWAYS I e-r a4 BUT THE WHOLE RACE MOVES. IT MUST BE t-r- a Tr - K. "av an U0NEST MR. BCUVER-XTXRE TBSIBrl C. Wire TT UCI D UP JT" . AW ZEED-BUT IF THE ZC&j 5EE5 HELL btT KWJ AT tDU- LITTLE ANNIE ROONZT WHAT HE D0ESNT SEE Wt4T BOTHEt? rilM AND LET'S NOT CROSS ANY VIADUCTS TILL WE ft COME TO THEM. 1 mitJ And the tide of battle BEOIKJS TO CHANGE FOe . SAM. 4 1 4t2H DON'T WCfcZX-IH A IF I CANT SELL H0TDO6S, I CAmI b4l WERY WER5AT1LEJ 5aL POPCORN OR PEANUTS-AN r5lirrD FtELSfl WILLIAM- J rx I ALWAYS SAY, NOTHING BAD ALL OVER V XDUtaR' r 11 -fof CVCR HAPPENS UNTIL I LOST Y0U(? COWCC SSlOM-Cn iTK IT HAPPENS JUST'CAUE SwSV VafAT AS .w. iw Li vutTH w, ww r ' I sa iriJ Ii 1 1 rt TOOTH BASTE- VWTER- TT II iit TnV FHATHSJS-. THEYKC YW J1' 1 1 Pill EVERYWHERE ? TVE PLACE & j s I I I p" TTll V S A SHAU8LES GET THE TTs ' n ' BUZZ SAWYEH LOOIC.EEGA. (Us OUST AH1AP if to Man Mcusr OjONTvyARN i zr-rvf. n Ml it aTVa , OH, IF THE V Doctor vaxo 4 ' ONLY CDMS... m i M BOBO! ' WHERaT ARaT I w nsrr ts(vi LOOK AT HIM 60 CALL! CHAINED USHTNIMQi I'D HATI TO BS MAN Kf HATED I JfiHTNINfll I CVV ai:? A,1 i7 . WMnfrrm ARB J SORRY, ONLY TH YOU 7 DBTBCTIVE-BUT Z THf StNT MY 00CT0R?XU TAJCI W A DOCTOR-' m Saw 111 ,, i. BUT vtXl KMOW I I CEMINOED 0U THAT vou WEREN'T U YBAX9 OLD. iASOLZNE alley sues arj 7 OWOINQ . JB I P NOW I ITMINK T gCMT I YOU'LL ADMIT AS j' E3 I TAKE A VOW: THAT'S THE LAST TREE fM QOtNC rV- I-Ai r-sVl TH VACATiOfM ! ' n W PERHAPS T YOU'VE I LEARNED A n -o-i-i. I ' I v AN" THEN, ALL OF A SU00ENT, 5J- V SHE SEEN MY TIE'J SHE STARTED L . JM . eAWllW. BE66E0 COY PARDON, ii C. WHAT ON AIRTH COMf OVER -hi TOlO ME I COULD STAY TILL V aa a AaUU SXh It ftss - aa - I JV V , . . i fi aW fcsssas I ABOUT TO BOUNCE (A QOLLtN J- V T FIVE-DOUER BILL I PIN OFfN MV PUNKJN HA1D ff V y I FEB. NOT HAUNT NO I ? "jSI f I I. I 0-V 1 I 1 tt-ia. rf." -.XTVH-VII I P ' I I : -rf1 T"a"Vl AW, OUT. SHUX- IT COULDN'T A BEEN TH'! PATCHWORK! 7I6L' THATS ONPOSSIBLE!! AAKtET GOOGLS - - - - .. : ? i - t . . . j