The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    ItThe Elarteaman, Salem, Oregon. Monday, Angpt 12. 1843
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From Tho Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents
Schools Plan
Joint Classes
At 2 Buildings
' UNIONVALE The Unionvale
nd Grand Island schools will open
September 12. The districts are
operating the two schools together
this year with the first four grades
In the Unionvale schoolhouse.
Mrs. Charles Ferguson of Salem
will teach the first two grades
and Mrs. James Richardson will
have the third and fourth grades.
Mrs. Richardson, has taught the
primary grades at Grand Island
lor many years.
Mrs. H. A. Murphy of Dayton
will teach the 5th and th grades
and Mrs. Glen Mcrarlane will
teach the upper grades, all to the
Grand Island schoolhouse. A bus
will transport the students from
one district to another.
Th. ntnn Masonic and Eas
tern Star annual picnic was held
.... . th Lafavette Locks
puuua " .
Hubbard Home
Reunion Site
HUBBARD Mr7 and Mrs.
Bahne Paulson were hosts Sunday
at a reunion of several members
of their Immediate families. Mrs.
Paulson's brother, J. P. Croken of
New York City, and wife, were
Siesta of honor. Present to see
em were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Johnson and three children of
Longview, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Ryan of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Paulson and daughter.
Rosemary and friend of Portland.
Mrs. Paulson had not seen her
brother for 22 years.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Meyer from
Wisconsin, Mr. Paulson's nephew
nd wife, also called ai the Paul
son home Sunday.
Present at the Shrock family
reunion In McMlnnville Sunday of
last week from Hubbard were
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shrock and
Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Foltz
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lis Berkey and family.
Amos and Willie Bachman have
noved Into the Hampton house.
Prune Growers
Meet Tin
DALLAS A meeting of Polk
county prune growers will be held
Tuesday, August 23, at 8:30 p.m.,
daylight saving time, in Dallas
ity hall.
The meeting is ponsored by Polk
County Prune Growers association
and the extension service.
Frank Neufeld, president of the
association, said topics to be ais
eussed Include 1949 crop and mar
ket outlook, labor requirements
for the harvest season and picking
Jefferson Family
Readies New House
JEFFERSON The new house
being built for Mr. and Mrs. Al
Curgurich on Talbot road Is being
plastered this week and the Gur
gurlch hope to be moved in be
fore the. rains begin. Their farm
Is on river bottom land and Is
flooded whenever the river is high.
but their new house is on high
Nancy Knight, daughter of the
William Knights at Talbot, has
been ill with the measles.
Mrs. Harry Chambers was cal
ledto Salt Lake City by the death
of her brother.
Lincoln 4-H Members
Prepare Fair Exhibits
LINCOLN Mrs. L. I. Mickey,
MnvH. D. Burns and Mrs. H. W.
Ashford are assisting the Weed
Whackers, 4-H boys! garden club,
arrange garden exhibits to display
at the Polk county fair at Mon
mouth, August 23-27, in the ab
sence of the leader, Mrs. R. J.
Richard Barton is president of
the Weed Whackers. Other mem
bers are Allan Meissner, George
and Harold Randall, Franklin and
LeRoy Williams and Jimmy By
delivery of the 239th stainless
steel railroad passenger car to the
New York Central system marked
the largest order ever filled by
the Budd company with one rail
road. It all cost the railroad over
Be thrifty I . . aee the friendly little Scotchman for a
toormc-UOMC QND
255 N. Commercial
n :
, - t. ' v '
k .L,
'51 , ! 1EIGH
': I J mm)' i in iiiii.i.i i
" -
Queen Juliana of IlellaRd. weighs
events of the International Horse
Spring Valley Mrs.S R. V.
V. Carlson entertained with a lawn
party aft her Spring Valley home
Friday jhoonoring the tbirfhday of
her youngest son, Dahnie, 6.
' i- -
Zena Mr. and Mrs.- Roy F.
Barker! have as guests pr. and
Mrs. Zck Barker of j San Diego,
Calif.; land Mr. and ,! Mrs. Allan
Barkerand children of the Hawai
ian islands. Dr. Barker, a cousin
of the; Roy E. Barkers,;: is well
known here where he spent much
of his vacations when a boy.
Independence Daniel T. Balir,
storekeeper 3c, of Independ
ence, is attached to the sea
plane tender USS Pine : Island,
which has Just been iwarded the
battle efficiency pennant and "E"
for general excellency during the
past year, according to a navy
news release. ;
Gervals Mrs. B' Barner
entertained the Grden club
Thursday afternoon with six mem
bers present and Mrs.i Jacob Cuts
forth as guest. The 1 group made
corsages. Next meeting will be
September 1 with Mrs. Henry Ste
ger. Plans are to be Completed
for the annual fall flower show
October 1, for which Mrs. Frank
Holoubek is chairman.
: f v
Stayton Women Of the Church
of Christ will meet Thursday,
August 25, at 8 p. m, at the
home of Mrs. Walter Frey. Mrs.
Estelle Wood, Mrs. j Anna Shea
and Miss Mary Frey will be assist
ant hostesses. About 15 residents
of the Turner Memorial home will
be special guests.
Rilverton Ted Eggleston, Jr.,
aviation ordnanceman vle, of
Silvertpn route 1, la attached to
patrol'lquadron 28, whichhas Just
been awarded the battle efficiency
pennant and "E" 'ton. general ex
cellence during the past year, ac
cording to a navy news release.
Jefferson Harvey Myrick of
of Sweet Home will; begin work
Monday in the Double R market.
He managed a shop irj Bakersfield,
CaU for four year during the
war and for the last fears has
been associated with his father-in-law,
Virgil Child, id a custom
slaughter house at Sweet Home.
He is married and has a 19-month-old
soft. J ;l .
Silvrrton Mrs. A.. Smith,
president of Ellen circle of
the Women's Society for Chris
tian Service, will be hostess at
403 Jersey sL, Tuesday, August 23,
at 2 p m., to memberil. Mrs. E. R.
Boycej is circle secretary'
Valley Births
SILiVERTON Brn at Silver
ton hospital August 19 a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Lee KuehzL
Mr.i and Mrs. El wood Olsen art
the parents of a daughter home
August 19 at' Silverton hospital.
PEDEE Mr. and.Mrf. William
Kessler are theparents of a 6
pound boy born August 15 at Port
land. The baby has. been named
Robert Lionel. He is Kesslers
first son and second child.
j Briefs J
Ph. 3-S478
EPrince Bernhard. consort of
tn before riding in one of the
Show at White City. London.
Visitors Arrive
At Four Corners;
Sailor on Leave
tain, F2c of the USS John W.
Thomason, is on 30 days' leave al
his parents', .Mr. and Mrs. -O. E.
Chastain, 4190 Beck ave., having
just returned from Guam and the
Marshall islands.
Guests of the F. A. Boyingtons
on East State street are Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Adams of St. Peters
burg, Fla.
Out-of-state visitors of the Ray
mond Houghs, 4140 Beck ave., are
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yardley, La
vonne and.Laveta Yardley of San
Diego, Calif. The Houghs and
Yardleys were former neighbors.
Leo Ahrenkiel, 385. S. Elma ave.,
Is spending the summer in Good
ell, Iowa. Mrs. Mabel Church of
Delmond, Iowa, la visiting Mrs.
Leo Ahrenkiel for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Herman
and children Kay and Clifford
left this week for, San Diego,
Calif, to visit relatives. Later they
will go to Phoenix, Ariz, for the
Mrs. Harry Ehipman and chil
dren Janet and Junior left Sun
day to Join Mr. Shipman, who
works for the. hlshwav denart
ment at Newport They will re
turn for opening of achooL
Gervais Families
Attend Wedding
GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Adelman and Dolores; Mrs.
Frank Adelman, sr Mr. and Mrs.
tPeter Prantl and the Albert Prantl
family attended the wedding of
Pearl Ann Barrett, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. Barrett
of Yamhill and the granddaughter
of the late Stephen and Mrs. Adel
man, to Joseph Amerson of Yam
hill on Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Summer Stevens
have returned to their home after
several weeks at the Ira Vincent
home In Wren, Ore., where they
have been assisting in the care of
Mrs. Vincent, who is In poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
of Portland spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. J. Miller. The Millers plan
to leave early next week for a
week's vacation at Breitenbush
- r ... i . .
:-; ' . -
; A V N
The Kings Men
Monday through
Stay ton Area
Houses Change
In Ownership
STAYTON Sale of the house
which he recently completed, on
Depot street is reported by Lester
Smith to Mr. and Mrs, Duane
Burgess, who have recently moved
here from. Lowell. Mr. Burgess
has been engaged as music in
structor for Stayton public schools.
The Burgess family moved into
their new home Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Washburn, who have
been living on Aumsvllle route 1,
moved into the apartment vacat
ed by the Burgess'.
Construction of a second house
was begun for Smith next to the
one i sold. Neymeyer and Jones
are the builders. The city recent
ly opened the- street to provide
access from Ida street and Smith
built a bridge across the ditch.
A house on High street has
been sold by Mrs. . Marjorie Ker
ber to Mrs. Gertrude Sheffer,
nurse in the office ofDr, R. P.
Andersen. "Ns.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MouHeJ
(Rose Sheffer) and family are
planning to move into the pro
perty as soon as some repairs and
redecoration are completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell
have sold their property on West
Ida street to Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Gorman (Angeline Lambrecht).
Some changes are planned by the
new owners.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and their
daughters, Anna Mae, Darlene,
Shirley, and son Donald, are mov
ing ; to California the , last of this
Jefferson Club
Views Pictures
JEFFERSON At the Jeffer
son Friendly Garden club meeting
Monday night in the city halL Her
man Zeller showed moving pic
tures of his farm and vacation
trips, and a commercial film,
Wings Over Alaska". Gross re
ceipts from the ice cream supper
Friday night were reported to be
$43.65. Hostesses were Mrs. Ro
bert Magart, Mrs. C. M. Cochran
and Mrs. J. R. McKee, assisted
by Mrs Maurice' To wnsend.
The Lloyd Bilyeu house on Main
street, recently vacated by the
Finlay family, will be occupied by
Mr; and Mrs. Harold Morrissette
and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry De Wolfe and
daughter Maureen of Blythe, Calif.,
and Ed Sessler of Maywood ar
rived Wednesday for a short visit
with Sessler's brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sar
ver. Roberts HE Club
Names .Officers,
?ill Aid Building
ROBERTS Dr. and Mrs. James
M, Smith (Bernice Eyerly) have
purchased a home in Redmond,
Ore., where Dr. Smith has opened
a dentist office. Smith is a recent
graduate of Portland Dental col
lege. Mrs. J. J. Johns was unanimous
ly elected chairman of Roberts
grange Home Economic club to
succeed Mrs. Paul Marsh, who has
moved to Eugene, at a meeting at
the home of Mrs. Frank Sollen
berger Wednesday evening. Mrs.
S. L. Minard was elected secre
tary to replace Mrs. Johns.
The fund of over $600 held in
reserve by the club was voted into
the general fund of the grange to
be used for labor on current re
modeling of the grange hall.
Mrs. Charles Fulton acted as
chairman of the meeting in the
absence of Mrs. Marsh. Mrs.
Glann Bidgood assisted the host
ess. During the program hour Mrs.
Charlotte Jones, Mrs. Lee Eyerly,
Mrs. Denver Young and Mrs. Ab
ner Kline talked briefly about re
cent trips.
Mrs. O.' E. Spangler of Boulder,
Colo., has left for her home after
a five-week visit with her daugh
ters and their families, Mr. and
Mrs. Deryle Currie, Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Chet Nelson.
Alcatraz, famous VS. prison In
San Francisco bay, is on an island
which Is only 1,650 feet long and
rises 130 feet above sea level.
: Company
to mad
Friday 9:45 AJM.
-1490 K. C
Ladyce Cafli'5ron, of Chelsea.
Mass.. S feet 7 Inches tall and
122 pounds. Is a candidate for
honors as qneen of carnival week
Tfr I I IMl
at Hampton Beach,
Mint Success
Brings Fame
To W. Toicerys
STAYTON A Stayton family,
the William Towerys, who operate
two mint farms in this area, is
featured this month in ads of the
First National .Bank of Portland
in its "Building Oregon Together"
After farming in California,
New Mexico and Oklahoma for
14 years without any particular
success, the William Towerys tried
their luck in Oregon and the
scented fields have yielded sweet
profits. They also operate one of
the largest stills to distill the mint
Back in 1925, Miss Maurice Cox
visited her sister, Mrs. Yancy Mc
Gill, near here. Another guest in
the McGill home was William
Towery, a single man. Later in
the year, they were married" in
The. Towerys packed and arriv
ed first in Oregon at Dever in
Linn county. Not long afterward,
in 1939, they rented 52 acres in
the North Santiam district, which
was later bought by them and is
now the home place. Another
place of 80 acres is near Jeffer
son. eight miles away.
Towery grew a diversified crop
when he took over the North
Santiam farm, raising vegetables
for the canneries and the fresh
markets in Portland and Califor
Towery went into mint growing
seriously about five years ago,
obtaining the first roots from
Combining with relatives and
friends Towery first built a two-
tub still. Buyers from as far east
but today they have co-operated
with others and operate a five-
ub still. Buyers from as far east
as Kalamazoo, Mich., now buy the
oil from the Stayton area, and a
new station was recently estab
lished at Talbot.
Pennsylvania state employment
service reports it has jobs avail
able but applicants will nave
to pack more than a toothbrush
if they're interested. Among the
"faraway places" applicants are
being sent are the Aleutians,
Arabia and Alaska.
or Take the Bom Out to
(Is this the same thing?)
and do it cheaper .
(and th best food in town)
New Battel Dinner
(Include choice of ontre
and desrQ
5:00 VUL
8:30 P.M.
Every Dor
Last Cat
Pedee WSCS
Hears Reports
On Conference
PEDEE The Women's Society
of World Service of the Evangeli
cal United Brethren church met
last week at the home of Mrs.
Charles O'Neal.
Mrs. Sidney Howard, secretary
of missionary education, reported
the Pedee society won second
place in the Oregon-Washington
conference for reading during the
past year.
A lesson on the prophecy was
given by Mrs. J. W. McCormack,
and reports on the convention at
Jennings Lodge were given by
Mrs. R. J. Smith and Mrs. Thera
Mrs. Mary Davis, Woodland,
Wash., and Mrs. Francis Newton,
Dennis and Max, Independence,
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Dodge.
Visitors at the Robert John
home over the week end included
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perreton,
Osakis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lowe, Clotho, Minn.; and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil McKindley, Salem.
A dinner in Salem honoring
James Patton, national president
of the Farmer's union, was attend
ed by Mrs. Sidney Howard.
M. Stratton, who has been visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. Iva Blank
enbaker and her family, left last
week for his home in Inavale,
Burt Fleming, Waterloo, Iowa,
Visitors Return to
Middle Grove Home
Mrs. Lowell Wright, Aberde-n.
Wash., visited last week with
Wright's sister, Mrs. John Cage.
Their mother, Mrs. Florence
Wright, returned to Aberdeen with
them fcfcr a visit.
J Mrs. Leo Hammer and sons re
turned Thursday; tffter a three
week visit at the home of her sis
ter in Baker.
Lincoln Homes
Have Visitors
i LINCOLN Mrs. Walter M.
Brog and daughter, Mrs. Pat
Johnson and baby Linda, returned
from Portland Friday night after
being guests for two days of MrsJ
Brr js sister, Mrs. Chrystal Mat
thews and her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
I Mrs. Fred Ashford of Seattle is
spending two weeks in Lincoln as
a guest of her brother-in-law and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
i Recent guests at the home of
Audrey Smith were Mrs. C. E.
Hopkins and sons Richard and
Paul of Port Angeles, Wash., and
Mrs. Leland E. Thomson of Seat
tle. Wash. The three women are
and Scott Fleming, Renton, Mo.,
father and uncle of Mrs. Lester
Reynolds, visited her last week.
W now open our Sale of fine Furs. There hat been a big drop in the
wholesale market. We are offering coats hd capes made from;
the most choice skins by Jhe finest New York manufacturers at!
greatly reduced prices. We challenge any competition to equal)
our prices. If you are interested in anything in thej furi
line be sure and see us.
I , 135 N. Li
I. ' I
... I .
Hubbard Plaris
To Transport j
HS Stftderits
HUBBARD North Marion jun
ionhigh school district plans' to
send 100 students to Newberg find
some to Canby. To Canby VU
go those attended there last term.
Transportation will be provided.
Work has not yet started on the
proposed new school building for
the district but the well has been
dug. t
The Hubbard grade school Will
open the fall term on September
12., The building has been pre
wired and- fluorescent lights will
be installed on the upper floor.
The district is. buying a new school
bus. ?
The teachers include Mrs. d. R.
Duncan, Mrs..J. H. Redden, Mrs.
Odgers, Mrs. Marie AxtelL lrs.
Cyril Mc Nary, Ruby Kennedy 'and
Charles Byers, superintendent.
Mrs. Sara Young resigned some
time ago to teach elsewhere and
Mrs. McNary was hired to ! re
place her.
WAPELLA, I11.-(INS)-"I guess
I'm just versatile," says Mrs.
Wiley Swearingen, a Wapella
housewife. That is her way of
explaining her entry of 127 i dif
ferent objects ranging from a
cactus plant to a baby quilt :
in the Logan county, fair.