1-1 l I i 1 i f in ! A: 4 i : i - 1 : 4 i v Mrs. Dean Morrison Wilcox the former Beryl Robert Schantz, who was -married at St Joseph's Catholic church by the Rev. T. J. Bernards on Saturday. August 20 at 2 o' clock. The bride's parents are' Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schantz and the groom's are Mr, end Mrs. George Wilcox. (Jesten-Miller) t 1 i ;' - . r Recently announced was the engagement of Miss Flor ence Marie Pol ster, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. O. f. Polster, to Eugene Peter DiLcreto, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. A. DiLoreto of Portland. No date has been set fof the wedding. (Jesten Miller) r i ,. who wanted to conquer tho world. Wo hold Only this ambition: to better serve you, through dis cerning choice of silver, diamonds, Watches . . modest prices . . . com p e t e n t, courteous per sonne!, instructed to! see Irat "You Need Never Sacrif ico to Own tho Finest at S eueerLf " t I . ; i: - ! .1 ! ' " i 5 .TOW'.'': : v 0' '. Dinner Dance Planned for Friday Social event of the coming week will be the informal buffet dinner and dance to be held at the Le gion club on Friday night. j The affair is for members of the Reserve Officers association and the Army - Navy league and pros pective members. Members of the committee in charge of the evening are Mrs. Harlan Judd. general chairman, Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld. Mrs. Homer G. Lvon, jr Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mr. Wil liam Hugh Adams and Lt. Ralph Solum. Dancing will be to the music of Elvin Thomas' orchestra, following a buffet dinner at 8 o'clock. Sum mer flowers are being used to de corate. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Harlan Judd,. Mrs. Homer Lyons or Mrs. George Spaur. ! Dance Club Sets ! Winter Dales i r ! At a recent meeting of the offi cers and board of : The Carousel Dancing club, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul, the following dates were chosen for the dances of the coming season: October 29. December 31, Febru ary 11. April 1. and May 20. Officers for this year are Melvin Bedsaul, president; William John ston, vice president and Mrs. Wil liam Galloway, secretary - treas urer. The board members are Mrs. Lisle Dempewolf. Mrs. Robert Da vidson, Roy Todd and Robert Co rey. Dessert for Club Mrs. R. W. Land, Miss Mary Larson, Dr. Lucille Fortner and Mrs. Robert McEwan will be host esses to members of the Salem Zonta club Tuesday night at the Land home on South 23rd street. A dessert supper will be served. A board meeting at the Marion hotel will precede the business session. Among the passengers sailing from Vancouver B. C. on Friday night aboard the SS Prince George bound for a ten-day cruise to Skagway were Mr. and Mrs. Har land Brock, Harland Dale Brock and Shirley Brock. 'V ..mi r m x A mi 'X f - t, ,i. . i I - ' r--. .. 1 .-dtf''' K-' . A bride of Saturday, August 2Q, is Mrs. Frederick How ard Graham, the former Dorothy Ann Hobson, married at St. Paul's Episcopal church. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hobson of Molalla, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Graham of Longview. The couple will live in Dayton. (Kennell-Ellis) LAKE .in - .11' I'.-" s t 1 .. . , . I ! - Ml 11 . trff Shirley Lukins, Robert Steeves-Wed At High Noon Ceremony Saturday At a high noon ceremony, Sat urday, at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Miss Shirley L u k i n s, daughter of W. S. Lukins, became the bride of Robert Steeves, son of Mrs. A. G. Rodger and the late Dr. La ban Steeves. The Rev. George H. Swift officiated. The bride was given in marri age by her father. She wore a white satin gown, made with plea ted collar and short cuffed sleeves, the skirt was full, with bustle back. Her illusion fingertip veil was held in place with a headdress of net, satin and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of yellow and, white bouvardia and stephan otis fashioned in a tulle flower basket. Miss Barbara Blaesing of Rprt land was the honor attendant, her gown was of gold satin made with square neck and rolled color, with full skirt. Her headdress of braid , ed satin matched her dress and ; she carried a flower basket of yel ' low, bronze and rust shaded flow ers. Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Stone of Portland and Miss Phyllis I Schnell, wore gowns of green, made similar to the maid of honor I and carried baskets of fall flowers. I Newberry Close was best man and seating the guests were James Phillips, Evan Boise. Ernest Mil- ! ler and Richard Schlicker. Mrs. Rodgers chose for her son's wedding a light grey dress made with draped skirt, her corsage were orchids. Following the ceremony, the re ception was held at the home of the bride's uncle, Fred Smith on Orchard Lane. Mrs. Phillip Schnell cut the cake and Mrs. Conrad Paulson poured. Serving the punch Coon Family On Vacation Mrs. Ivie Coons of North Sum mer street has members of her family at home, Lt. and Mrs. Don ald Coon, Donny and Breta, of Honolulu are spending two weeks here prior to going to Camp Hood, Tex. Dr. and Mrs. Max Coons and daughter Linda are here from Sel ma, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Coons are here from Corvallis for a holiday. ' Several dinners have been en joyed by the group at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William Bush on Saginaw street. i S GENUINE LIZARD at you (cAe Mr 13 95 KEGINA . . . slim heel, classic pump In brown lizard. ELWOOO ... the classic pump on a lower level ... In brown lizard. DUNDEE ... sandal with graceful high heel, also In brown-lizard. FAROE . . brown, green, red or black-and-white lizard . . . sam heel as DUNDEE. LAKE . . . sandal with the smart medium heel ... In brown lizard. Bags to match your genuine lizard shoes , in brown, red, green or black-and-white lizard. Thm Stotmon. Salem,- OnqvtL Sandat August 31 1 84-3 were Richard Eckley and Herb Ray. Assisting in the serving were Mrs. Donald Sommer, Miss Jean Swift, Miss Janet Rilea, Miss Jean Fidler all of Salem; Miss Kay Becker, Miss Leslie Palfrey of Portland; Miss Jane Hull of New port and Mrs. James Kern of Al bany. Greeting the guests were Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Frank Lukins. The bride chose for her wedding trip to Oregon and Washington beaches a dark green plaid suit with dark green and black acces sories. On their return they will reside in Eugene,, Girls Win Merits Camp Fire Girls assisted in counting and segregating mater ial for the 13th annual Commun ity Chest drive. The following vol unteers will receive credits for their work: Jane Moorefield, Car ol Oummings, Barbara Bos track, Carolyn Isom, Sandra Eyerlyand Janice Button. Monmouth Residents Return from Trips MONMOUTH E. K. Gentle with Mrs. Gentle and their two young sons have returned from a trip through midwest states to Chicago, visiting relatives and sightseeing. They stopped in Yel lowstone park en route. Gentle is high school principal here. Mrs. Harold Buss and daughter Jeanie Jo accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buss and baby to Red Bluff, California, returning this week. There they visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buss, jr., and Mr. Buss sr., greeted a new grandson. They also visited in Medford with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beckley and family. North Howell Couple Leave on Idaho Trip CENTRAL HOWELL Mr. and Mrs. . t. Koin it-u i'hursday on a vacation trip to northern Idaho. They plan to visit Yellowstone na tional park before returning home. Werr drilling operations have started on the two and one half acre tract sold by Henry Werner to Mr. Walster. Walster plans to build on the site at a later date. M eet Me At I'll b9 here all this week to help you choose just the back-t school fashionaf lor you. It's not easy to decide .... O l THE CLOTHES this year are cuter than ever and I really had ja time choosing skirts arjd sweaters. There's 0n all-wool Ploid Skirt with the new kick-pleat L front. Plaid is very prac tical because i( can be worn with almost any col6r sweater. ) think it looks best, however, with the Red Bermuda Knit Sweater with the new elastic rolled neck. THEN, the Corduroy Skirt and Jacket will b very good for school be cause they can t worn separately. Th skirt is very new looking pockets on both sides arid' can be worn with nearly any color sweater. It's washable, too, and good for dates as well i ' i as school. PETER PAN BLOUSE Is a necessity in any girl's wardrobe. It's in new diagonal sharkskin and very easy to ''do up". It will look darling with skirts and your cardigan too. My choice in suits is a new Fall color ',' . . Burnt Red. It has a card igan front and buttons way up to .the collar so lt will look cute with scarfs as well as plain. Good for dress-up and easy; to match with atjcessaries. DROP BY. .. and let me show all these to you. r ' '""''lllr''- f 481 STATE STREET iStorforladit$ the GREAT