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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1949)
CniLy News BBirfieffs HELD FOE GRAND JURY Charles Edgar West, Winton, Calif,' transient farm laborer, was . . ; 1 wuim over uic ujc imju jui j Thursday in Stayton Justice court on a charge of attempted rape, involving a 9-year-old girl. Marion county sheriffs office said West was arrested by Stayton police. He is now held in th county jail in lieu of $2,500 baiL Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re versible, it's 100 virgin wool and woven through and through, only $4.95 sq yd. Ph. 3-7848 or 3-3364 . MARINE COLONEL, VISITS Lt Col. J. L. Winecoff, new marine instructor-inspector in this area, was in Salem this week to visit leaders and facilities of the local marine reserve outfit, a bat1 tery of the 4th 105 mm. howitzer battalion whose training he will supervise. Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal , Savings Association, 560 State st CIIIN-L'P PICNIC SET Members of Salem Chin-Up club have been invited to a no-host dinner at 12:30 p.m., -Sunday at the Henry Fort residence at Soda vine. Those attending are asked to bring their own table service. Rummage sale upstairs over Green 1 baum's Fri. & Sat., Aug. 19 & 20. JOHN BAKER KtCOVtKI.VU Jntiri W Rate or tt alpm rmit 3, who suffered a stroke two week ago, was reported Thursday as re covering at his home and able to have visitors. Federally Insured Savings Cur rent dividend 2Vi. See First Federal Savings First 142 S. Lib erty. Phone 3-4944. ATTENDS STANFORD MEET William Gahlsdorf, business manager of Salem General hospi tal, is attending a two-weeks re fresher course in hospital man agement and operation at Stanford university in California. More freshly killed young turkeys to fry or bake. 39c lb. C. S. Orwig 4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128. FIREMEN MAKE RUN A minor brush fire near 4th nd Taylor streets sent Salem fire men to that vicinity about 3:15 p.mi, Thursday. , Barbara "Albrlch now at Beauty Studio, 950 S. Commercial Call 3-8846 for appointment ' Births DIARMIT To Mr. and Mrs. Merle Diarmit, Scotts Mill.", a son, Thursday, August 18, at Salem General hospital. WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wright, 265 Wilson st.. a son, Thursday, August 18, at Sa lem General hospital. ALEXANDER To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alexander, Independence, daughter, Thursday, August 18, 4 at Salem General hospital. ROCK To Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Rock, Turner, a son, Thurs- day, August 18, at Salem General 1 hospital. ZIELINSKI To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zlelinski, Gervais, a son, Thursday, August 18, at Salem General hospital. M -BATE in LOWIST-FtlCfD "KOCKET" ENGINI CAE I The car that made the dumber hmoo the car that all America has entbiwiatically "gone for- the low eit-pr iced car with nation ally -famous Futuramie "Rocket" Engine! Hstcjw bad your demonstration? If not. Why not step to the phone now, ami call your Olds snobila dealer. Aak him to drop around land gia you a thrilling "Rocket' riJe. We pconiM you a motor in c enMlkm that will QUITS JEFFERSON I FIRM Notice 0f retirement Irom, jthe assumed business name' of Jef ferson Firestone store was filed Thursday with Marion county clerk by ohn Korenian. Slappy peaches in their prime, soon be gone. Eibertas Friday. S. 2-2216. M. P. Adafns, Wallacf Rd. Launderette 1255 Ferry St j. LEATHER FIRM FILES Martin Kerr Manufacturers, a firm manufacturing leather goods, was the assumed business name filed Thursday with Marion coun ty clerk ,by Thomajs and Betty Morris Facey, 1472 Center st f U-Pick peiches, $1 bctx. Bring con tainer. Morton Tompkins. Out Wal lace Rd. to Grand Island. , TO SELL; USED CARS ! S Eugene fTaliman, i 576 Franklin st.. filed j an assumed business name certificate Thursday witn Marion county clerk for the Auto Broker, ai used car dealer. North Commercial and Division streets Floor sanders and polisher for rent Reas. prices. R. D. Woodrow Co., Gil Ward broprietor, 450 Centef st j j V j Beautiful table top Simplex man gle $75. $97 Norman Ave. PARTNERS LEAVE; MILL f Notice jof retirement 'from 3 the assumed business name of Van Handel Bros., a sawmill business, was filed! Thursday i with Marion county clerk by Arnold W. and William Van Handel, k f i ; i i Factory priced spring filled mat tresses, spring to match $1.00 ex tra. Van's Home Furnjture. foot Bridge. W. Salem. Open Fri. eve. LOG HAULING APPROVED j Permit ito haul logs over speci fied roads in Marion cOunty was granted Thursday by the county court . toj Richard .Lcei Kendall, Cascadia.i ; ? f Factory priced spring filled mat tresses, spring to match; $1.00 ex tra. Van!s Home Furniture, foot Bridge, W. Salem. Open Fri. eve. FILES FOR STATION ' j The assumed business name of Tom Elb's Mobil Service station. Center and Liberty streets, was filed Thursday with; Marion coun ty clerk by Thoma FJb, 660 N. Commercial st. - f f i ' :r if Rummange today 141 S. Winter. WILL ERECT SHELTER j A city; building permits for a shelter shed at 2990 Portland rd,, was obtained Thursday by the Sa lem concrete pipe -j and products firm. Cost was listed at $1,000. Do your; home canning theHow cost, easy way. Blundell's fan ning Kitchen, 13th Jt Wijbur. Phone 3-3582. j j Old Time and Western Swing dance featuring square dances 9 to 9:30, j scottische ; and waltzes, Paul Jones and Fo Trots. Satur day, Glenwood Ballroom. Larry and His Cascade Range Riders. Big Crowds, big time 9 to 1230. JUVENILES ARRESTED Four j Salem juveniles Were placed oh probation for six months Thursday in municipal court for il legal possession of intoxicating li quor. They werei arfestedj late Wednesday when found in posses sion of several cans of beer. SAges of the group ranged from 14 to 16. ' i i ; - I Rummage Sale. Fri; and Sat.lAug. 19 and 20. 988 S. Liberty st.I Pro ject Group, 1st Cong. Church. , keep you talking OldamMU for weeks to come! ytts proinite you an esprrience in automobile moothhes, quietness and effortless ease such as ou never dreamed a car could giveFor this is the car with four great names te recommend it: !K0CA"ETr H YDRA-MA TC WHIRL. AW A Yf FUTi'RAMia This is the "Dottest'' number on the highway a thrilling style car 4 thrifty economy car the great American automobile value of the year. Drive it! PHONI YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOIILE DEALER Phone 34119 LODER BROS, or Visit Farmers Union Chief to Arrive From Colorado James G Patton, national presi dent nt the Farmers Union who will speak before the Oregon Far mers union at its annual picnic at Champoeg Sunday, will arrive in Salem tonight from Colorado. Patton. who underwent a serious eye operation two years ago, is now in good health again. He will speak at several Farmers Union meetings here in Oregon before go ing on to Washington state where he will talk at other Farmers- Un ion meetings. . Friday night August 19, Oregon Farmers Union officials and -their wives are dining at the Gold Ar row cafe in Salem for an informal social hour with President Pat ton. The Sunday meeting will start with a picnic dinner at noon and the program at 1:30 in the Cham poeg pavilion. Following the speak ing program, Sunday, there will be sports for both juniors and adults with Peter Kirk and his assistants from the St Paul local in charge. President Patton, his son, and members of the state board and staff and their families will be guests of the Clackamas Fanners Union at the picnic. Patton recently returned from the nation's capital where he took part in a fight for enactment of the Brannan plan . 2 Guard Officers May Participate in Pacific Maneuvers Two officers of 4he Oregon Na tional Guard probably will be dir ected to participate in joint army navy amphibious exercises along the southern California coast and the Hawaiian Islands commencing the latter part of August Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea said Thurs day. The tour of duty will be for approximately 90 days with seven days' recreational leave in the Hawaiian Islands. Rilea said he had recommenced Lt CoL Robert L. Irving, com manding first battaltion, 186th in fantry, Roseburg, and Capt. Jack Leslie Crawford, headquarters, 41st division artillery, Portland. The recommendations were sent to Gen. Mark W. Clark, command ing 6th army. RCA VICTOR 45 RPM Releases Popular Classical Western COME IN AND HEAR THEM! Downstairs Oregon Building State and High 3-8632 (O) Elects Stevens Sidney Stevens, Salem jeweler, was elected vice president of the National Retail Jewelers associa tion for the Pacific region in a meeting of the organization in New York City Thursday. The announcement was receiv ed in a telegraph received at the store Thursday afternoon. Stevens, on a buying trip in addition to attending the convention, will re turn home next week. He served as president of the Oregon State Jewelers association for two terms prior to this year. Gullev Describes Arabs' Problems NEWBERG. Aug. 18.-UP1- The former president of Pacific col lege renamed George Fox col lege now returned here today with the problems of Arab refu gees on his shoulders. Emmett Gulley, who headed the American Friends service commit tee in the Gaza area of the Mid dle East described the dilemma of Arab refugees. Gulley said they want to re turn to their homeland, yet fear they could not get along under the Israelite rule. Business Ii't a Exclusive - - from THE JEWEL BOX The boss can wait . . . the phone can ring . . . nothing is more important than her engagement ring. Especially 'cause she has a Multi-Facet Diamond Ring for the 40 ex tra light reflecting surfaces provide greater brilliance and an added color intensification. Even the mountings have been specially designed to take full advantage of this new development in diamond cutting. For a ring to make the most modest of maidens glow with pride be sure ifs a Multi-Facet. Priced from $67.50 to $7500.00. Matching wed ding bands from $1450. Fed. Tax Inc. S55?5CSdir 4 hull mill W MaM-taaal mm- xClV " if ?! izitnu-cizJZ' ziuiazr-.u: L E S Off ft. 465 Center St. First Phase of Local Hospital Campaign Ercls Ending what Campaign Chair man Ford Watkins called the "first phase" of the campaign to raise $1,100,000 for Salem hospitals, the report luncheon of the campaign committee Thursday showed a to tal of $375,075 raised in cash and pledges to date. Reported at the meeting were pledges of $10,000 from the Un ited States National bank and $5. C00 from the m First National bank for their Salem branches. Addition al pledges reported amounted to $1,075. . The effort will be continued, with one person engaged to work in soliciting concerns and individ uals whose pledges have not been received. The campaign committee was instructed to stand by for further service. Chairman Watkins gave high praise to all those who had been associated in the campaign, parti cularly the heads of divisions and the staff. In turn he was compli can wait . DIAMOND KINO CREDIT GLADLY NO EXTRA CHARGE Other diamonds priced from $27.50 OUMmt&-9W'CmrtihUCamp i -tUduT Engine. 0Hy4rm Sane Drum Btandard equipment mm Serim m9W mnd S8 m-mU. m$ mxm orf em "76. D D IL "0 If At AOf Oil VAlUf mented for his leadership. A start on hosDital DLanninr will rbe made at an early date, so that I additional laanues will be pro vided to meet the growing needs of the Community. . ROAD CONTRACT AWARDED -The state highway department Thursday awarded a contract, in volving 41 mile of grading, sur facing and oiling the Gold Beach City street project on a low bid of $23,37540 by the Baker Pav ing Company of Coos Bay. Peaches No. 1 tin . CM.1 BREAD & BUTTER Pickles Fannincs 15 ox. Jar Juice Juice B'm 303 Can Del Monte Island Bell - v Ripe Olives; K T l 0 11 L - runt ci Deems Shredded Wheal NJ5.C. s2 pitas. 33c Candy Bars & Gam 25c nil aits Boast Beef Blade cut lb. 49c I'lild Cheddar Cheese .0, 55 c Pure Lard . 2 lb. pkg. 35c Oregon Sliced Bacon .. u, 59 c j Country Sausage 39 c EELEOT Large bunch, iancy select ... mmms WHIIU1U law Thompson mU.u Canning Peacnes, Pears and a ( 20,000 FIRST PRIZE FOR DREFT Large Pkg. 25c The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Friday. August IS, 194S 5 Guistofferson Buys Market I G. O. Christofferson has pur chased the Ebner market at 2060 Market st, he announced Thurs day. - f He has been manager of the store for some time. The market MARKET Roae Dale 25c 25c 1 do if iMare 2 fa 29c I Mo-,ar"- T La ' Franciscan med. Denniaon No.2'acan JL9V NAMIN'THIS LIL' SHM00 GET DETAILS HERE IVORY SOAP Guest t Ivery ' ' W 3Iedinm Q OCS Bar O for sfcW 27 Bar . m- far MARKET will feature twic daflj vry service. 1 - : Chester Waite is in charge of the meat department and Albert J. Evans the produce department Christofferson, resident of Sa lem for many years, has been ac tive in many Englewood district and downtown civic organizations. The first steel rail was rolled of American steel In 1865. So. Comm'1 Kraft A Binner 27 c V 17 3 - 2s0 f U. Prunes DUZ Large Pkg. 25c Kr I .vANVi 1 I Insianl r( Rice I 5Vs ox. L15c i lN I II So. Cofiliil'l !: