J ;T Th Stotes3noiL. Salam, Qfqon. TAAaj. KuqaiA 18 13493 IVofelist LdW to Rest ISears Officials From Chicago V See New Store p. L V - ! 1 - -v ,i 4 V - MM I i l "JPWP1 ( '"".-. -- "V. 1 -1 Salem's new Sears store was ; I visited Thursday by executives from the firm mam omces m Chicago. . Charles Kellstadt, the company! retail sales manager, headed the delegation. They stopped here lor two hours while enroute by plane from Seattle to Los Angeles for an area meeting. J. F. Mosolf, man ager of Sears' local store, met them at the airport. , Others in the group, all sales managers for their respective de partments, were D. L. Odell. radio and television; A. J. Natemeyer, building materials: C KresL, floor coverings; G. A. Baehr, plumbing equipment; J. A. Hurley, appli ances H. B. Van Valkenberg, sporting goods; T. M. Dunlap, tools onH hardware: R. E. Brooker. auto accessories and tires; J. C Pfeifle. ' children's clothing and dresses; and J. G. Scott, in charge l inventory control. 7 ... K I i ? sli. ti&aaaaV'S' Sa-' loasswSSwIJe'ejBsBaBaV ssssMSSSssBssiBsassssaaaaaBaaaaaap. THE EMDLEf.l OF tt vta luf it'. With the skyline of AUanU In the backgroand, Margaret MiJfhellrenowned author .rGon. WWJ The Wind.- is carried into historic OakUnd cemetery here fhl, nwrnini bV funeral home attendant.. Th pall! bearer. W" medUtely in front Mis. MltcheU died August v Se waS mortaUy Injured when she was itruck down by "i" bHe dJfven by an off-duty cab driver She and her husband L John Mar.h were attempting to cros. Peachtree stree at the time. (Ar Wirephoto to the SUtesman) j Lions Hear E. 0. Stadter Citizens should be lert to their responsibilities in society toward helping law enforcement omcers, District Attorney E. O. Stadter emphasized in a talk before Sa lem Lions club Thursday noon in the Marion hotel. Stadter said that crime and law enforcement are so costly to so ciety that citizens at large stand, to gain oy doing their part to help. One of the-best aids, Stadter in dicated, Is responsible adult-sponsored -programs for youth,' to help get them started on the right path of society. Stanley Smith reported to the Lions group that Its sponsorship of Umpire Night Wednesday " at Waters! park had raised approxi mately $300 foC the club's fund to provide glasses! ana ouiej visually handicapped! J ' . f A . i I - - : II' Governor Asks Return Of Arkansas Woman f ' ! 5 1 notiirn nt Edith Mahon. under 1 arrest at Clarendon, Ark., to Dal las, where she is wanted on cnarges of obtaining money urjaer iaise preteiises, was requested Thurs day by Gov. Douglai McKay. Officers said two companions of the woman prior to her departure from i Oregon are how; serving terms in the state penitentiary here. I ' l St i if yrs mi i xtr MStf Jmtf Im timm It ttktl 'am nam fwtia pm, writes llk fli-Mml Ho papwiar aifcacal paiKll. aU-wlarW aapv blak barralt. Oraa t - raiMl flftl Act last I Offer good only whllo tvpply lastsl Famous Fineline '345 SHEAFFER PEN & PENCIL SET with purchase of a G-E RADIO TalcQ-up-to-music' Emm fMsmazirySfumkrSHitA licre't die ! sensational G-E Cock-Radio that watches over students like a mother sees to it they get restful sleep, wake up on time re freshedt Set it once it soothes them to sleep with musicl then turns itself off! Hcxt morning it wakes Ujem to music automatically! If they doze off, itl buzzes till they give up and get up!. It's a beautiful table radio too, tor round-the-clock pleasure and a G-E electric clock, all in one. Luminous hands show time in the dark. Rosewood plastic case. Model 64 Ba la ivory plastic, Model 65 jIJ EASY TERMS New G-E 3-Way Portable C.E.'s lowest priced 3-way portable! ddps all honors on the campus! Lightweight only 8 lbs. complete. Smart maroon plastic case. Slide-rule diaL AC DC batteries. Model 141 J2.95 o o o A7n 5LwJ 1 JH B. L. Ellsiron Co. 340 Court St. r . . . . v , !t ! THAT'S ONE BIO REASON WE'RE PROUD TO SELL G-E REFRIGERATORS! Come inland see me great nev models! GREAT DEPENDABILITY. Th ramous O-B Makd-in rtfrigeroting system givo you day-aftr-dy, month-afttr-month, yar-aifr-yar depndabl srvic. PRACTICAL FEATURES. Corofully ld by Gtm.rol EUctric rt Mrch, th yoblo fooUif you'll find on oil G-E refrigerators will savo you Work and money. A REFRIGERATOR FOR EVERY USE. Whother you live In a small apartmont or a largo house, you'll find a G-C refrigerator "' right for you. G-E Space Maker Refrigerators, In 6 to 10-cu-ft mod!. G-E Combination Refrigerator-Homo Freezers, la t and 10-cu-ft sixet. 14) o iB .S 4' H 1 .II. ; . 1