lS.Ths) StrrtoT"V Salam. Ofgon. Friday Attgnst 19. 1843 'j Now York Stock Quotations .flVITlPTI'C Retreat Friday At Mt. Angel MT. ANGEL The last of the scries of laymen's retreats at St Benedict's abbey will begin next Friday night, August 19, at 8:30 djil. and will end Sunday after noon. The retreat will be preach ed by the Rev. Edward Spear, pro fessor of history and athletic dir ector at Mt Ansel prep school. . . n a a a - M Al ratner xxiwara aiso conaucica uie three previous retreats held this summer. This is the 29th year that these laymen's retreats have been held on we mixiop eacn summer, ine three previous retreats of this summer, two in June and one last week, were all well attended. Selection of officers for the com ing year will be confirmed at the business session, which is part of the concluding retreat next Sun day. , Effort to Raise Stocks Salem Mental Quotations (As ef Uto restertUf) BCTTEXFAT Premium , No. 1 - No. S - BUTTE Wholesale Retail tr.R ramrtact (Wholesale-: price rang cram to i cents over birring prtosj ' f. Extra Urge AA i . . Larg AA j , ; Jl Large A , - M Medium AA k i , ii. i. Medium A : - i - - J Pullets j M Crarkf POILTXT A Leghorn hens B Leghorn hens C Leghorn bens A colored hens B Colored bens . C cokred hens Flops NEW YORK, Aug. 18 -()- A moderately strong effort to ex tend the current advance fell Short today in the stock market, and only small net gains were held. The Associated Press average of 00 stocks gained .1 of a point at 63.3 with the industrial com ponent adding .2 of a point and the rails and utilities remaining unchanged. The volume or trading was 1,180,000 shares as against 1,410, 000 shares Wednesday. At the Same time the market broadened out to include 1,032 Individual issues compared with 1,004 Wed nesday. Of the total traded, 821 advanced and 245 declined. PAVING COMPLETED SWEET HOME Paving of 12th avenue from Main to T afreet and 13th avenue from L to Main street will be completed here this week by the Warren Northwest Construction company. Salem Obituaries FULLER Fred Fuller, late resident of Grants Pass, at a local hospital August 17, at the age of 70 years. Shipment has been made to Grants Pass by the Howell Edwards chapel for services and in- terment. .SWCARINGES John Albert Swearingen, late resident I Urants Pass, at a local hospital, Aug ust 17, at the age of 4 years. Shipment has been made to Grants Pass by the Howell - Edwards chapel for services and interment. . KENNY Mrs. Blandina Kenny, at the rest dence. zo N. 13th St.. August 17. Surv Ivlng arc a son. Harry Kenny. Long Beach, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Blandina Davis. Albany; and two grandchildren. Jteciiauon oi me rosary will bw sun day, August 21, at S p m. at the W. T, Kigdon r ha pel. Services will be Mon day, August 22, at a.m. at St. .Jos eph's Catholic church with Interment at eelcrest Memorial park. WARZETHA Florian Warxetha. at Alderton. Wash August IS, at the age of 70 years. Surv ivlng are two sisters. Mr. R. B. Com stock, Salem, and Mrs. Victoria Hay - - . vail, m vivum, Louis Ware. Tacoma, wash. Graveside services will be Friday, August IB. at 1 JO p m. at St. Barbara cemetery under aireciion oi uie cioucn-uarrick chapel. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ilATI ur OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION (Probate Department) No. 13-S35 NOTICE or final RrAsran In the Matter of the Estate of ROC IR R. PRICE. Deceased, Sometimes known as R. R. PRICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Administrator. c.La.. of the Ancillary Estate of Roger R. Price, deceased, has filed its rinal Ac count and Report in said estate with the Cler of the Circuit Court of the aiaie or Oregon for Marion County, and that the Judge thereof has fixed Tuesday, the Wrd day of August. IMS, t the hour of 2 o clock p.m. as the time, and the circuit Courtroom (Pro- dsm ueparunenij in ine county court House in Salem. Marion County. Ore goo, as the place for the hearing of ejections to sucn f mai Account and the settlement thereof. HAROLD J. WARNER ciliary Estate of Roger R. Price, dee d. Piatt, Henderson. Warner, Cram St Dickinson, Attorneys for Admimstxa lor. .Ul Portland. Oreffon. Jly. 22-2 A S-U-lt CLOSE OUT ON 1949 MODEL nOTOTILLEBS New low prices whila x . thy lost (Only a few left) . SEE US TODAY Teague Iloior Co. 155 N. Liberty Salem. Ore. Phone 2-4173 , NEW YORK, Auf. IS - W) - Today's dosing- quotations: I American Can - 934tGen Electric ! a si fjn Canadian Pac 13 Case J I . ' , 40 Caterpillar-. Chrysler . 37 . 44H Gen Motors 61 Goodyear Tire . 40 Am Power & Lt 12 ft Gen Foods Am Tel & Tel 14 Anaconda 29 H Bendix Avia 104 lint Harvest Beth Steel 27 lint Paper Boeing Air , 20 IKennecott Calif Pack 32a colored fryers. S lbs, and up B colored fryers colored fryers ; old roosters r old roosters , , old roosters SI J . J JS Jl i xi M J J JO Comwlth Sou 5 Cons Vultee 104 Continental Can 33 Crown Zel . 2V Curtis Wr tVt Douglas Air - 59 Dupont de Ne 32 Libby MeN&L Lone Bell A Mont I Ward ., , .. 3 1T.J Nash Kelvin 52i:Nat Dairy N Y Central Northern Pac Pac Am Fish Pac Gas Elec PT&T Penny J C . 26 V4 55 49 7 20 53 14 34 10 14 33 98 51 Radio Corp . Rayonier 11 24 Rayonier pfd 31 Reynolds Met 20 Richfield 37 Safeway Jtii Sears Roeb So Pacific Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Transamerica Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros Woolworth 42 41 68 23 9 11 31 83 13 23 10 49 Grain Market Stands Firm CHICAGO. Aug. 18 -CTV A sharp upward drive by soybeans in the closing minutes featured a generally firm grain market to day. Both the November and De cember soybean contracts moved LIVESTOCK ky Taney rack Fat dairy cows j 10.00 to 11.00 Cutter cows 0.00 to 10.00 Bulls ; - 13.00 to 1S.00 Good calves. 300-450 lbs. . 14.00 to 17.00 Good veal ISO to 300 lbs. 1S.0O to 21.00 xopamos, 4- j-- to Qew Ugh. ,mce tiding m them Ewes ! l.oo to 4.00 started. Lard came along for good late sains, too. Portland Uvcstock ; al, .JT,11 LtjJVU WIvlAj . ua sA-a vuaavm - Portland, Aug. !8-apmtj5DA session. Cfily exception . was rye, Salable cattle 3M. calves 75. market which ended lower on ligni corn- slow, generally steady with Some weak- mission house selling which found er ciean-up sales; supply canner-cutter ..nt th market- cows as weu as dsiry type steers ara I ' . . "T heifers burdensome; scattered lots com- I Corn acted best Of all the grain. mon-low medium , grass steers ; 16.00-1 aided by announcement Of ex '?'r':2 Parided government storag e plans. dairy type steers and heifers : 10 00- Wheat Closed 1-1 higher, 12 jo; common - medium beef heifers corn was l-2 higher, oats 13.50-17 00; icanner-cutter cows tJW-ll.- ..xl higher rre was 1 to 00; shells $00 down: i common-medium wr f J i- cows 12001400: odd cutter-good sau- 1 lower, soybeans were JU-H'.t sage buiis i u.oo-170; few good beef higher and lard was zu to 44 cenu bulls 17.50-73; good-choice vealers about hundred rxiunds higher. iiaiitu st 9 nun no hut itomin nr l . row for cull-medium grades; few sales 00-18.00. ! K 5 Salable nogs 100. steady; good-Choice 180-2J0 Ib.i butchers mosUy 23.50: few fat type offerings 23 00; good 380-490 lb. sows . 14.5O-ia.00: lighter weights quotable to 1730. good-cbotce feeder pies saubie Z3.oo-Z4.frO. . Salable Sheep 500. holdover 300: mar ket about: steady with fair clearance In sight; ; good-choice spring Portland Produce mostly 20.00; few hifh good choice around SO lb. welch ts 20.50-21 00: me dium-good grades largely 18 00; culls downward to 10.00: scattered lots good S5-S0 lb. feeders 18.00; common clown to 12.00 and below; good slaughter ewes salable around 6.00; common-medium PORTLAND. Aug. 18 AP But- terfat (tentative, subject to Immediate change): Premium quality maximum to J5 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. K3-eoc lb.: Ilrst Quality 61-64C lb - second Quality 57-Oc. Val- lambrliey routes and country points 2c less 3.00-5.00. ! Valley Births UNIONVALE -4- Mr. and Mrs Robert Ma gee are -parents of new son. Bruce 'Allen, born at Corvallia hospital August 13. He has an I older brother, Stephen. urandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ma gee of ; Union vale and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Remme of Dayton, i FRUITLAND Mr: and Mrs. Glen Gettis are announcing the birth of a daughter. Caroline Sue, born August 16 at the Salem Gen than first. Butter Wholesale r o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. H score, ezc lb.: A. n score. 61c lb.; B. SO score wc lb.; C. 8 score. 56c lb. Above prices are strictlvi nominaL Cheese H t selling price to roniano wholesalers!: Oregon singles. 39-40c; Oregon 5-lb. load. 42 -43c. Ec tTo wholesalers): A graae, laree. 621i-63,ic: A crade. medium, 55'i-58'ic; small 44 'ic; B grade, large. W-5'jC. Un chickens (NO. l auautv I o D. Dlantsl: Broilers, under 2'i lbs.. 26-27c: fryers. 2'-3 lbs, 3-4 lbs.. 32-33c; roast ers. 4 lbs. and over. 32c: fowl. Leg horns, under 4 lbs, 19-21c; colored fowl, all weights 23c; old roosters, all etgnts. la-zoo to. Rabbits fAverage to growers) Uve white. 4-9 lbs.. is-29c: 9- ids. heavy does and bucks. 8-14c lb.; fresh fryers. 83-S7c lb. ... Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers per cwt) : Beef: Steers, good. 800-800 lbs. $43- 46; commercial. $35-41; utility. 831-34. Cows: Commercial. $33-38 : utility, $29-31: canners-cuttcrs. $25-27. Beet euta-leood steers): Hind Quarters. 853- 55; rounds. $53-55: full loins, trimmed. $70-75; triangles. $36-37; square chucks. $38-40; ribs. $52-55; forequarters. $36- 37. Veal and calf: Good. $38-40: com mercial. 832-35; utility. $26-30. Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs. $41-43; commercial, $35-38; utility $32-33. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down. $18-20. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-13 lbs, $60- (2; shoulders. 1$ lbs, down. $40-42; I pare ribs. $48-51; carcasses. $33-33; mix- d weirht S3 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley ana medium jdonair: nomuuuj w ia. uu u month growth. countrv -Kiiiea meats: CU. AW MM. II .J . . . . . - - . - grades according to weight and qual ity with poor or heavier 24-29C, Hogs: Light blockers. 31-33c lb. sows 24-26C. Lambs: Top quality. 37-jsc id.; muv ton. 10-12C. Beef: Good cows. 23-24c lb.; canners eutters. 21-23c. Onions 50 lbs. CaL yellow Barosas. tnd. and larse 12.10-33; reds MO. med. S2J5-50: Wash. Walla Walla rnmnl. med. SI .80-2.00: Urce $2.25-50; Yakima Spanish 3s $2.50; broilers 10 lbs 35c. Potatoes: Ore. Board man dist. Whit Roae No. Is S2.7S-2.S0: No. 2. S5-90c: Wash, long whites No. Is 100 lbs. SX50 00; No. 2s. 50 lbs, 95-100; 50 lb. Wash. Netted Gems No. Is $3 00-15; No. 2s os Hay: New crop windrow bales. U.S. No. 1 " green alfalfa or better, truck lota fob. Portland. 831-33: VS. No. mixed timothv. 832: new crop oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $22-24: depending on quality, bal ed. on Willamette vaUey farms. Portland Grain 16-18c; colored. X cents lower; old or feed 10. PORTLAND. Aug. 18 (AP Cash wheat .bid): Soft white 2.11: soft white (excluding rex) 2.11; white club 2.11; wMtf rn rd 2.11. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 11: 10 per cent 2.11; 11 per cent 2.12; 12 per rent I 14. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2 It 10 per cent 2 15. Today's car receipts: Wheat 50; bar lev 17: flour 6: corn 8; oats 2; mill FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Davlight Time era! hospital. They have two th- Klloeyeles: RSLM 1390. KOCO 14S. KOIN t7. KGW 20. KEX 11$ er daughters and a son. I j Valley Obituaries BOUK KSLM KOCO Kont KGW KEX aav 6 O:0 Morn. News News Hodge Podge Early Bird 0:15 FDawn Patrol IKOIN Klock (Hodge Podge Early Bird 00:30 Perm News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock IKneass News Early Bird 00:45 March Time (KOCO Klock (KOIN Klock IHodge Podge Dirt Doctor serv- WUlUm A. McBrlde. ! SILVERTON Funeral ices will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock from the Memorial: chapel of the Ex man Funeral home for William! Allen McBride, 74. Final ! rites will be in Belcrest Memorial park j with the Rev, Arthur i Charles Bates of First Christian officiating. McBride was found dead Wed nesday j night at his cabin on mitt a m CiluArism TAetK a t . tributeq to natural causes and it was thought he had been dead about 10 hours when found. 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KZX Dawn Patrol Tex Hitter KOIN Klock Farm Time News ; Tlawn Patrol Dawn Patrol tN (News at Sports ITop o Morning News Mews (News If red Beck Farm Time (Old Songs Pew Bend Box Haaen Show Time Tempos 81 KSLM News I' Breakfast CangBreakfast Gang Too Trades KOCO West. Melodies West Melodies (Stars Sing (Wildw'4 Church KOIN User News 'Art Baker IMake Believe Make Believe GW Music Music (Riders Sage Bam Hayes KEX Time Tempo lArzonsky fe. Manners fTroplcana 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barg. Counter Melody Tim Varieties Second Cup B'kfst Qub Rise ts Shin meioav rune (Varieties ISecond Cup IB'kfst Club Sons Pioneers Musi News LJack Berch DB kfst aub Morning Special U. C Thomas Rosemary Kneats New B kfst Oub 10 K8LM N.W. News KOCO Guest Artist KOIN W. Warren KGW Hons Party KEX News Cat Smith Pastor's Call Walts Urn N.W. Report Concert (Concert (Aunt Jenny (M. Trent iGal Sunday House Party Tommy Dorse y fTommy Dorsey (Stars Today IMelody 1 Melody Adah Morrisoa j JEFFERSON Funeral serv ices wefe held at the Fisher Fune ral horne in Albany Monday af ternoon for Mrs. Adah Morrison, 90. who died last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs A. C. Epperley.s George Richard son. pastor of I the & Church of Christ, j officiated. Mrs. - Gilbert Looney1 sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere' and "Hour of Pray er.' accompanied by Mrs. Glen Junkini of Albany. Pallbearers were ' grandsons of the deceased. Guy Epperley. A. K. Epperley, C: S. Epperley, Joe Martini Tad and Hubert Morri son. Burial was In the IOQT ceme tery in Salem, i Cominc from out Of town for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C S. Epperley and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Epperley of Salem;; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cobb and children and Guy Eppeley of Klamath Falls; Darreli Robertson, Redding, Calif.; Mrs. Adah Rothrock of Denver, Colo.; Hubert, Tad, Douglas and Frederick Morrison.2 Airs. Bert Rondau and Mrs. Charles Stone man of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin of Portland;! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Epperley of Philo math. I 11 KSLM News KOCO Glass Was KOIN Big Sister KGW . Orchestra KEX T. Maloo (Gospel Singer Class Wax (Ma Perkins Orchestra IC. Drake Perry Come Glass Wax Dr. Ma lone (Children True Story (Waltz Serenade (Glass Wax Guidlnc Llsrht L. Lawton ITU Story 12 KSLM Top Trades News (Queen for Day KOCO H wood Musi Holly w"d Music tftews KOIN News fCem Get It IN. Drake KGW Dble Nothing IDblew Nothing 'Kneass News KEX B. Crocker (News iBaukhag Queen a Day Ted Dale Brighter Day Licht World iNahcy Craig 1! KSLM oco KOIN KGW KEX Ladies First B-adles First F4.W. News (Bob Fberly Melodies Melodies Melodies (Melodies Mrs. Burton P. Mason Bright St Light' A tr-Flo Life Beautiful Road of Life Pepper Family Happiness Northwest Northwest Kay West Kay West 2 KSLM Tell Neighbor Johnson Fain. I Reveries KOCO Melodies Melodies Melodies KOIN Air Newspaper! Air Newrpaper Winner Take KGW B'Stae Wife Stella Dallas L. Jones KEX B'kfst Holly d .B'kfst HoUy'd (Easy Acres IBlng Sings Melodies .Tunefully Yrs. Widder Brown (Meet Menjous 3! KSLM KOCO KOIN GW KEX The Storm Melodies Art Kirkham Girl Marries Surprise Pkg. rrh Storm Melodies Meet Missus Portia Surprise Pkg. JMusIc M 1 Novelties I Melodies Melodies Meet Misses Itobert I.eria PUtn Bill Psre FarreU IBrid Groom ! Bride a Groom 4 KSLM With Music With Music ISong of Times News KOCO Movie Tim I Philosopher Bedlam Bedlam KOIN Robert Lewis Robert Lewis Robert Lewis Robert Lewis KGW Welcome V.Irs I Welcome Trlrs (Aunt Mary Love Jk Learn KEX Be Seated Be Seated Add--Lln lAdd--Lln 5 KSLM Trohan F. Hemingway JPassing ParadeMCavallero KOCO Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch'Bmg Crosby (Sport Pase KOIN Curt Massey I Mr. Info. Songs I Larry Le Seuer si.w woman aecrei unny iae inews lHarkness KEX Squirrel Cage 1 Squirrel Cage Yukon chi'g (Yukon chl'g I j Look and Learn I i j j By A. C Gerdesj 1. Vho invented shorihand? , -"" ? Z. SVhich state contains the l" . greatest mileage of railways? , r 3. Of what two metals Is sol- tV der an alloy? ' : Yg Which is the least-populated " r - tf' " state?-. .l f U riu f 8- !Who was the first king of i7r i Uj! I -A' Englahd? ! I rt .iVO ftW' ' j ANSWERS O l4ini.' a 1. Sir Isaac Pitrnan (1 11-97), iynriLJ ,v in 3T. i k A S. V i 2. Texas, with 1,473 miles, l'r 1 .3. . Lead and tin. f f 1 : 4.- Nevada.! J JJ?S i' i 5. iEgbert, iwho reigned from y r ivv j 1 1 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ted Drake Candle Light K. Manning Request Sports ITed Drake Candle Light (Parade Request (Horn Edition Adventures (News jC. Huntley Piano 'Romances HVfusle f h caster ws Peterson mane 7 KSLM Gab. Heater FN. W. News IFish & Hunt Tlsh & Hunt KOCO Pat O'Brien i Music Jackpot Bandstand (Dugout Dope KOIN Broadway Broadway Broadway Broadway KGW Webster Says Webster Says (Good Wife iGood Wife KEX Headline Elmer Davis (The Sheriff (The Sheriff 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barber Shop Baseball Orchestra -Dr. I.Q. Heinle Band Music (Base ball Krchestra Dr. I Q. Berni Green Cisco Kid jBasebaU lOrchestra Bill Stern (Your FAX I Cisco Kid Baseball (Orchestra Bthythm (Your F3X 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Straight Arrow'Stralght Arrow Music Bate ball IBasebaU Baseball Collingwood IChicagoans (In St Louts Supper Oub World News Tree Grows Fat Man tFat Man ' tWcstern Sales Music Baseball In St. Louts Trees Grow Western Skies The Nation s lop Lomics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper lllll"" t s" - N (ES BUT VCUU. MOM. MAV I SC J? HAVE A BUCK O- 20UJf TO TAKE FLOKWe K651. TO THE MOVIES 7 VOU J ' THIS APTERNOOnl ' BLONDE Oh-no-NO ? V, X DONT TELL ME THAT . ( UTTLE TWIRP HAS TO J eC V TAG ALONG WITH A,; fy me on my dteO TjVj flF VOU WANT TO R GO TO THE MOVES, VOUtL HAVE TO TAk'E 1 S yOW) LITTLE SISTER X ALONG 2 WTLL VDU GET MAPPiEP. itli rzntKin tt tat ai nj- WITH VOU CM YOUR V- V HONEYMOON! SO THE PHONE MUM BET? ON THE WALL. TURNS OUT TO BE THE MAVOkS. THAT'S NO HELP IN FINDING SKETCH PAEEE THE MACt?3 HOUSE IS OUT ON THAT POINT INI THE SOUND. ITS POS5IBLE HIS WIJ?E COULD BE IL LEGALLY TAPPED AND BREE. DICK TRACT fcfcUSEP BY FREE. tE,. ? PATS RIGHT. ITUDOkfS PRETTY SILLY. BUT I M GOING TO TRACE THE MAYORS PRIVATE UNE AND SEE WHERE rr goes. s-rnc H1? THE WIRES RUM N OVERHEAD TO THAT OLD ICEHOUSE. T SI IPCTiSP THEY CO UNDEROSOUNDJ , I HtN, TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RIVER - nn I 1 Bl TDU KIN TELL ii 1 I III fr7 MISTER JACKSON VJ I III MtM I III fVTHErRE SlZEPttrfcl ii LITTLE ANNIE ROONZY THEY PONT KNOW I SAW THEM XESTEepAY TALKIN 10 THE TWO ROBBERS mo AE TKYIN' TO KETCH ME - NOW I KNOtV WHY THEY DON! WAWT ME TO LEAVE MY ROOM r1 n i . . . i WE 60TTA SNEAK OUT AWFUL . FAST SO MISTER JACKSON AN MISTER PETE CANT GIVE US TO THE BAD MEN- r1 DON'T BE SCAKEP. ZEPO- IF WE KEEP WALWN; PKETTtj SOON WE LL GET SOME PLACE NOBODY KIN FIND US -I HOPCL i f 1- ViS tm IW Km, h Ummtm. U. tmU ,W. -4 IN THE HARRISON HOUSE THERC ARE 61X BATHROOMS. tXeENS OF WATER FAUCETS TO TURN ON- "THERE ARE T0OTHBSTE TUBES TO SQUEEZE - BUZZ SAWYER t Sal, -and FE4TWER F'UjOWS- ANO THBslGS TO EMPTY INTO AOUARUMS. OH, WHAT A tVONDERPUL PLAV&ROUNO FOR A TWO-NEAR-OLO CHIMCWNZEE DIP YOU-ONS 6 AY -ITCHING ; . euucH', STeAN3Eet n a MICKXY MOTJST YES. WHAT II -rTCHINff GULCH"? ' 1 -,r-A MM TRET'S AN OLD GHOST TOWN OVER THE RlDSE..- STRANffC THINGS HAPPEN OVER TUAJ?! " SOUNDS YSUQB INTERCSTINSlJ COUL.Pl THINK VVB A THAR'S COUUP VISIT V JEST j OVER ONE THEVTCQ ... NO ONE EVER COMES BACK FCOM ITCHING (SUUTH! . Vdi OVMa k&gg.' 1 ii i aim is CNE! SPEAK j T RTP CRBT r HAMPTON GAUNT I OH, HELP AAE2 I'M BUNO.-A DOCTOR . YtTSi 6ET A csTTKrrivP A.Kyta:Vv i ' ' " taw - m i .ir r.i 1 awns VKSWHV 10 KSLM News ILocal Nw KOCO Baseball ' News KOIN Star rtnal ISports KGW. News H ports Psg KEX Rlchfd BeporljlnUrraezzo News Studio Party Spin to Win Big Towa Concart Hour tMusie Ktudto Psrty IS pin to Win Big Towa iConeort Hour 11 KILM Trohan KOCO Studio Party KOIN Serenade KGW Sam Hayes KEX Concert Hour' Bob Pools Studio Party You & World i Wax Museum Concert Hour t Bob Poole Studio Party Orchestra Wax Museum tTomorw. Memjrcsnoi row Mem. Music Studio Party (Orchestra fWax Mtwura KOAC S k.c. 10.00 a.m. The News; Especially for Women; 110 The Con cert Hall; 12:00 Toe News; IMS Noon Farm Hour. 140 BWe Tbi Cowboy; 1:15 Variety Time: I M Melody Lane; 1: 40 Cahracade of Drama; SaS Me mory Book of Music; SJ09 The News; J:15 Music of the Masters; 4 Ore gon Reporter; 4 :U FsTOrtto Hymns; 4:30 Eys On the Champions: i Children's Theaten On the Upbeat; MM Sports Oub; IM The News; 0:13 Dinner Melodies: JO Music of Czech skrvakia; 7JJ Evening Farm Hour; 00 KostelaneU Concert-1:13 Here's to Vet erans; JO Greet Songs: the News; ttw Musss that Endures: aa un up Thy Voice: 19 tit Adventures In Re search: la US Serenade; U:4S The News; UM Sign Off. FALSE TEETH 1 That Looaan NmxJ Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suf fered real mbexraaameat because their plate dropped, slipped or wobbled at just th wrong time. Do not Itve in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a nttle FAS TEETH, the alkaUne (non odd) powder, on your plates. Holds faise teeth mere firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Check -plate odor (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drua store. pgimft rsT j I'M Q41PPEK! gasouns Aixrr CHIPPE2' "V f 'HXCRE s " 1 DKaming: J ( no! vian im m p- -I S- THE rVlNDCw M I LL SEE I ABOUT I Vtwat! VSvpp I SKEEZIX. 1 " I WHAT'S IT I HATOyou' J XU CARN THAT TNT SHIF1ESS SKONK TO Kl FLIN6 ME OUTT TH ! SV-V1 M1 CRAUAT OUB fER NOTfV f RN' A " BARNEY GOOGL2? HOVC.DJia-IF X DtO HAVE ME A BODACIOUS NECKPIECE X COULD 6IT IN AM CLINCH-OANCt Wlf rUL Of TVUR'S PURTy LEETIE HIRED HANDS oi 1 ( gA WAAL- BUST TI fJsP WAH BRITCHES!! if? X CAN WEAR MY AS- J Ui LJ LJ L41 sHelLeassssll