' ' -. - f Bon Tainnr Pot Palmer Trails By One Stroke Half-way Point Hit In Race for $10,000 By Charles ChaaibcrUia CHICAQO, Aug. 12 -(JP)- Buck White's seven-under-par 83 today gave him a halfway total of 113 and the lead by a whisker in a bunched chase of par-busters sprinting for the $10,000 first prize of the Tam O'Shanter World Golf : - Meet. , A nro for 30 Years. White coupled his blistering 34-3103 , with an opening round 70 which left him nine under par. Despite this superb shooting, the Green wood, Miss., veteran, could boast nnl a one-stroke edge over JnhnnV Palmer of Radin. N. C and only a two-stroke margin over four other money hounas ciusier- ed at 137. White, who lost ta Byron Nelson fn a nlavoff for 1943 Tarn honors. needed only 28 putts in fashion -In a hie ICS lnwe-st second round tally which was matched by de fending champion Lloyd Man grum. Palmer banfed a 69 after start lng with 87 to total 138. Palmer, fourth leading money winner of th uainn and runner-UD for the 1949 National P.GA. title, dropped in a 10-foot birdie putt on me last hole to gain second place. Dead locked in third with 137 were Clarion Heafner of Charlotte. N, r with a 71 after a first round leading 68; Henry Ransom of Chicago with 70, Jimmy Demartt of Ojai, Cam., 68 and Jim Turnesa of Briardiff. N. Y- 69. Grouned al 138 were d Furgol, "Royal Oaks, Mich, with a 70 to day. Bob Hamilton, Landover, Md, 35-31 88; and Sam Snead, wha Inns tha financial list with $25,893, with a rallying pair of - 33 s for 66. Snead was lar Denma in the par-busting jubilee after a standard 72 yesterday. Close races also were developing in the other three "world" turna mpnt sMtions of the Tam iubilee. Defending Champion Bill Camp bell of Huntington, w. va, a mem ber of the state legislature, re bounded with a 67 for 143 and the lead of the men's amateur cate gory. n,k Tnhariaa nf Denver. Colo.. added a three-under-par 73 for a . - A v. A. -i SU hallway ii ana top spot m m women"! pro section. Patty Berg of Minneapolis was next with 76 for 150. Grace Lenczyk national amateur champion from, Hartford, Cann., grabbed the women's ama- tute lead with 79 for 137. Futurity Run Booked Today CHICAGO, Aug. 11 -OP)- A bulky field of 17 iprightly young sters today were named to' start in the 11th running of the rich Washington Park futurit y at Washington Park tomorrow:. The race is one of the turf's most im portant and valuable events. Included in the list is William M. Peavey's Wisconsin Boy, sur prise winner of the Arlington fu turity. Calumet Farm's-probable favorite, Re-Armed and a running mate. Theory; a pair of highly re garded speedsters from the sta Lie of John Marsch, Chicago's fu turity king, and two other two horses entries. The distance will be seven furlongs. The race will haVe a gross value of $77,250, if allseventeen start, with $62,350 going to the winning owner. , Angels Square WVL Playoffs MT. ANGEL Mt Angel's bastbaUers evened their playoff series with Stavton for the Wil lamette Valley league title as they grabbed a 8-2 win Thursday night. The rubber game is set for Mt Angel Sunday, August 21st at 2:30. Hal r Bourbonnais checked the Etaytohs on four hits as the An gels ' evened up the series. Only runs off him came from a homer . by Ed Jordan, Stayton hurler, in the first frame. Mt. Angel plays host to Tuala tin Saturday night. 8:30. ML Angel 012 020 03 7 3 Stayton 200 000 02 4 4 Bourbonnais and A. Russell; Jordan, Russell and Schwartz. Jary'g Win The Jary Florists baseball club journeyed to Brownsville Thurs day night and eked out a 3-2 vic tory over the Brownsville Townies behind the two-hit hurling of Mike Glenn. An error and hits by Emery Alderman, Gene Harp and Glenn gave the Florists their three runs in the second inning. The Jary"! meet Siletz there Sunday afternoon. Jarys 030 000 0003 4 3 Brownsville 100 000 1002 2. 2 Glenn and Cummings; Cochell and MickaL ThcyTl Do It Every Time ? , j By Jimmy Hatlo Tbm Sotodor. Aagnat IS. IMS 7 The Nat ion's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newipaper 'Rod' Pilots j Resume Local Action Tonight The "Hot Rod" pilots return to Hollywood Bowl tonight for another whizz session and a further attempt to up their pint totals in the race for the Northwest roadster racing crown. Howard Osborn of Tacoma, last week's winner of the' 23-lap main event, will be out to repeat tonight, but there will be a number of other A-l "Rod" operators who'll be out to see that h doesn't. It Salem's Max Humm, who en joyed a sweep of Bowl events a Station KSLM. starting at ap proximately lt:15, will carry a 'east of ; the main event of te nlght's "Hot Rod" meet. Dave Hni will be on the mike. couple of weeks ago and who is the current Northwest point leader, will be on hand to add to his mar gin. Hell drive the 23-model T Mercury-engined car owned by Don Waters of Salem. " Among top drivers set to go tonight are Bob Gregg. Gordy Livingston, Darmond Moore and Ernie Koch, all of Portland, and Len Sutton, the 1948 roadster champ of the Northwest who holds the local track record for the "rods." Time trials tonight will start at 8 o'clock. The program will carry the usual helmet dash, heat races and a 10-lap semi. ' Lions Club Umpire Night Bata Ball Wed., Aog. 17, 7:30 fM. Saltm Senators vs. Bremerton Aise : HONS AIL-STAXS" fee tha Umpires Get What Test Think They Shemld Have Bay Yavr Tickets New frosa CJa Members EneelwooflLad Tennis Victor Tim Campbell, Ehglewood, cap tured the title in the first annual Beginners' Tennis tourned Friday as he turned back Dan Brydon, also of Engelwood, 6-2, in the finals. Bob Wolf of Leslie finished third and Lynn Minnify of Richmond was fourth. Close to 30 youngsters participated. Maxim-Mills Bout Definite CLEVELAND, Aug. ll-(JPJoe Maxim's manager ! said today his fighter! will "definitely meet champion Freddy Mills in a world light heavyweight title match at London in October or November. And if Maxim wins that one. Jack Kearns added, he will get a crack at Ezzard i Charles' NBA heavyweight crown at Chicago, probably in February, That Mills fight is definitely on." Kearns said, "the signing of the articles shortly will bo Just a formality. And after Joe Trims the Englishman, tha Charles match will be a sure thing, too." Saratoga Test Faces Capot SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y- Aug. 12-(A"-The laims of Green tree Stable's Capot to the three-year-old championship face an other test tomorrow in Saratoga's historic Travers Stakes. Capot, winner of the Belmont and Preakness. is topweighted at 126 4 pounds in the field of 11 named tdday. With Capot dis playing little of his early season form, the favorite's role goes to Mrs. Ben Ellison's Suit Bahrain. A 13-mile world championship swimming race for men will be staged Sept. 2 at Toronto with 112,900 in prizes. Singles Meet Starts Today Tha Men's City Tennis tourna ment, a product of the school play ground program, ?ets under way today at one o' clock on the Ol- er and Willa- tte c o u rt s with drawings, Tti tnlimpv 3 pen to" all vomers. Top-seeded entry is John Croc kett, a former University of Ore gon ace. Other seedings: No. 2 Dave Bnstow; No. 3 Ray Mc Coy: No. 4 Al Miles. These three are Willamette 'performers. Others who might surprise are Salem high star Dick Deeh, Dar rell Walker of OSC and Dale Bates, an ex-bearcat player. Tha meet will be double-elim lnation. Finals are set for Sunday afternoon on the Willamette courts. sv a, .i w Edwin (Duke) Snider of the Brooklyn Dodgers has hit at least one home run in every National League, park this season. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Day light Time . ' KOecyeleet KSLM 139t. KOCO KM. KOE 7. KGW Ms. KEX 11M HOUR KSLM OCO ROW KGW KEX 6 if I Morn. Mews News Hods Podge Down-beat tt-.H pawn Parrot IKOIN Klock Hods Podca Oown-beat Nil (Tarm News 43 KOCO Klock DCOIN Klock IKOU Martrh Time KOCO IKncasa News pjown-beat Klock KMCk Hodf Podf UJownDcat 7! KSLM Dawn Parrot (Dawn Parrot OCO Tex Hitter (News KOIN KOIN KJock (Newa KGW Hear Thta (Hear Tbim KKX RounduD Bors Time Tenaooa 3a tHoc iwn Parrot I Newa lotnes on Lnd 'Exaerr. INewa Uier Newa )ld Soon INewa ie Temoos (Besearch , Adv. 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KCX Newt Science Music Music D. River (Breakfast Gang (Varieties IMuslc iMusie BoysM. Arronaky Breakfast GansTop Trades West Melodies (Broadway i. Marlowe iUome Agent West. Melodiea (Broadway Rim Harea frank Carl 9 KSLM Barf. Counter News KOCO Haven Rest (Haven Rest KOIN News jLefi Pretend KGW Tred Waring (Fred Waring KEX Get Tosetner Cet Together IPtoneer Sons IMwIr (Without Words. Without Words Jr. Miss Jr. Miss ISmllin' Ed temilin' Ed Toy land Tunes I Toy land Tunes 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 11 V . B Music Pastor's Can iRiders of Sag Cycle of Song Cycle of Song Concert (Concert .Tbeatro Today Theatre Today (Gr. Cen. Sta. IGr. Cen. Sta. ; - .rww Aium ivjrcnesrra (jrcnestra Stars Tomorrowj Stars Tomorrow! Stars Tomorrow! Stars Tomorrow Kewanis Choir Kewanis Choir Bat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Give At Taka iGlve At Take (Mary Taylor Mary Taylor tAm. Fanner (Am. rarmer m Jiu BLONDZE i ; -pip rtu. sign rr fdpI CU ANO PEAD IT OH -OH. MV MISTAKE1 fvft GOT TO GEr VJ I ITS FOP MP WOODLEY ( A MOOsf a THAT J W T Time: tuo a.m. spike ovkc, dk3c xracv and SAM CATCMEM ARE STILL LOOKING FOR A CLEW TO PAREE,TW: DRESS DESIGNER. ITHOSE ARE NOT RXREESV M DICK TRACY vou kncw ta atpw O'CLOCK MAN. MV5ELE BUT TWr5 IS THE PLEASANTE5T PsCASE I WAS EVER ON OEA fS ALL WET. THERE MU5T BE AN EASIER WAV lr i vattt -n i at GD5TUME y DESIGNER I VWajT'CJVE ME ' A CMANCEF I KNOWOF ANOTHER OR TWO. J LAND NOT lOO fEET AWA" JUST ACROSS THESTREE r I TELL SOU. I SUGGESTED yN CHANGE IN THE JACKET, I OOfT UH THE TOWN FOLKS -THEYfeE AU BREAKING THEIR NECKS TRflKfJO FIND OUT OUR BUSINESS LOTSa NOSY OLD COOTS ttTA M. r i i I 41 LITTLE ANNIE SOONZf EASY, WRO- THEYPE JUST , CURIOUS- IF VOU AN' ME I SAW A LITTLE GIBl AU' TVO OLD SCARECROWS, ALL AUYE am mrviu' ffMjtc cmrt i iv? OUTOF ANOTHER fVQRLO j r I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT- TO SEE J UVE PEOPLE WALK) MS OUT 0P THAT BURKING GRAVEYARD A MADE THEIR EYES n I t J -$TCK OUT LIKE y(J PUMPKINS - THATS RIGHT, PETE - IF THEY EVER FIND OUT WHO ANNIE IS, THEYIL SPOIL ALL OUR CAREFUI L WELL-MADE j- lirR plans-mr BUZZ SAWTEB IT V3RKEO,OAJajNS 1 6-BOT Ml OH.DEAR f (W THANKS ID "GRAND I WHERE1S I GOODNESS ) JV'irx tT f FATHEaS ILNESS.V,!! I JUNIOR f WHERE CAN I ' a V IrVlXCATCHA I V J 'rV4 VJRAIN IN 35 I J j C" M y4) it 9 T"-"13 I DO? THEONLy I JP TO TAKE rf?fI ?n i 3 ?LM Nrw Garden Guide "? Sat. Serenado Bat. Serenado KOIN Holly-w Stars MoUy'w Stars KGW rant Hour (Tarm Hour KCX Clrls Corps Cirls Corps HOGAK SXES DOC NEW ORLEANS. AusT. IS -UPl Ben Hogan, the golfer, injured in an tutomoDue acciaeni near van Horn, Tex-, last February, came here today for a checkup. Oschner clinic described K as as "post operative routine checkup." Dr. Alton Alton Ochsfer, head of the clinic, performed an operation on the Ryder cup team captain in H Paso last March. Hogan was accompanied here by his wife. Sold for $70, ' the Hungarian thoroughbred Rabale i. looked too light to put to a cart and was turned over to a friend to train. The horse won the 1929 running of the Hungarian- National Derby. Look and Learn By A. CIGerstoa 1. Which are the two largest cotton ports in the world? 2. Approximately , how many inches; wide is the standard news paper column? ;j 3. From' what i opera does the tune of "Hail, hail, the gang's all here' come? .' il 4. Which country has th most doctors In proportion to its popu lation? j. - 5. What Greek hero's only vul nerable spot was his heel? .' ANSWERS L Galveston, Texas, and New Orleans, La. j 2. Two Inches. 1. FYom the ' "TPirates of Pen xanee,M by Gilbert and Sullivan. 4. The United Statas. ; I. Achilles. - :.- 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Top Trades Mews At Opera U.t Opera Newa (Playhouse Younf Oref. Youns Oreg. Treasury Show Treasury Show Platter Jock platter Jock (News A Sportsfred Dale I Meet Missus taeet Missus INews Euros Bhythra iRhythm 1 KSLM KOCO Kom KGW KKX Flatter Jock Sat Matinee Co. Fair Muslcana Dance Band Platter Jack X&t Marine Co. Fair Musi cans tDanc Band ISat Matins Orchestra (Bob Eberly Sat Matte Orchestra - Muslcana (Hit Tunes KSLM KOCO KOIN m KGW ' KEX Man on Fann Nan on Farm (News Sat. Mattne Bat Matins Memo Theatre Air Newspaper (Air Newspaper tAt Chase Your Health kits of Hits (Contrasts l ea ana rrsn and rra IBlng Sinfs Memo Theatre At Chase Contrasts Tea and 3 KSXM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Guest Star Chin-up Chat. Newa Mind Manners 101 Ranch IVet. Program jOiin-up Chat. (Travers Race Mind Manners U01 (Air fore )Chin-p Chat. jOrcheatra Cotton Sines Meet Band Airfore Chin-up lOroheatra I Hon Race IMeet Band Chat 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Pool Show (Poole Show IMarch Tim (News Bit of Jazs (Bit of Jan KCusie Spotlit (Music Spotlit Brancroft News beU Trio , (John Daly News Kuest Star rhentr (Theatre Jr. Junction Ur. Junction Uazz Concert Jaa Concert 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I Hemtaewsy ISmok Rings tSrnok Rings Roundup Tim Roundup Tim Curtain Calls (curtain Cans Treasury Treaaury (Danger Ahead JOrch-ra 7?1trl n"htre Bands of Land -Bandof Lai Uncle Bob (Unci Bob rtMjtieland Dixieland 6 KSLM Hawaii Calls (Hawaii CaQs Greg. Hood KOCO Candle Light ICandle Light INewa" KOIN Red Barber Orchestra Orchestra KGW Bands of Land (Bands of Land ITo Veterans KKX Bare s to Vets (Horn Edmon 'Romances ICreg. Hood Tropicana Mews SC. Peterson Romances 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Music Playhouse , Music Hit Parad rabemacl run Tim (Music lit Parade lusical VJ.W. 50th Yr.Vy.W. SOth YrJ Top Band ITop Band Memories . Dick Haymcs (Dangerous (Dangerous As We See IBusiness KSLM TJBA. IT3-Aj (Vote of TruthJVoice of Truth KOCO Bandstand (Bandstand (Dugout Dope IBaaebaU KOIN Sing It Again King It Again King It Again (Sing It Again KGW Dick Powell (Dick Powell (Ole Oory KM Opry KEX Lon Ranger Lett Ranger (The Eje j - (Th y 8 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX Lif At as Baseball V. Monro Damon Show Break Bank (Lif At as Baseball V. Monro Damone Shew break Bank IMeet IGemAufry (Orchestra IS am Mori (Meet Press Baseball Sen Autry (Orchestra (Nam Mori 10 KSLM News KOCO Baseball KOIN S-Star Final KGW Playhouse . KEX N ITh Top News Cangbusters Playheua Like It Hmt News Orchestra Dancing Party (Dancing Party Cangbuaters tOrcbestra Suns Tno (Rollinl Trie LU R Hot (Like tt Hot . n KOCO Dancing Party KOIN Orchestra KGW Wax Museum. Like It Hot tOpea Party ipaacsng BerenaO EJk U Hat tOpasi H (Dancing Party (Orchestra (Wax Mns JOtxhsstra psssctng Party (Orchestra Wax. Mu torchaatra ' KOAC M hr Ssrsraay IS Th News: UOS Especially for W UMTh Concert HaB: UM Th 1131 Noon Fans Eoun Is Rid Km Cowboy; Id Vote of th Army: 1S Malady Lane: 2:00 Musi of th Mas ters: JS Scienc News f th Week; Psayhoasse 4 .1S Songs ss? the West; 43 Children's Theater: 1:0 On th Cpbeat: S3 SSS Sports Club: The Mews; SOS Look at Australia: S3 lasirtnsi Australia: S3 Latter: S 4S H&Uand Today Light Opera Tsenght: Loggers Dane 1 Fir a?ts Weather ForacaaU .-Ot 1SS The Mews; Us) e (V1AAX.,... THESE VtELL. ME .. I3"V vrju''r PHOeSCSTHE WEST IV J AAAKK MS V LIKE IT If CwTV'Ui fta titaas,r I i i 'j MICXXY MOUSX look am fAOi4j4Sj BSksas....sssessBBal 1 rMtVUH,SOUAKESI ( SO ... AZE THSY Jjivf " v yPANk3ggQU3l jS lksl 1 Y BUT -rOU MUST NOT TBLLVOUR NUGBAMQ I 1 OF MY INDISCREET BekyiOLCR I V -JICM I HL-A8LY A I iVLjVlWU DO CT MR. MOW UNFORTUNATE I BUT PERHAPS JOHM WILL USTKN TO REAeONPERHAPS HB 1? WILL NOT BS OBLIVIOUS TO TO THOUSAND ISiffitlkFli Vf bnsa anaZSJk f B .7 VA4AT0-1A VJjJ OUT.Iy W3EZS ffff A CON,' POP? J A NO CZEB., p GASOLINE ALLEY t t.i W R.y CASTING I 1 A UUUAT 1 a W V Aurt us-iaTr. ape . ' LTrYYY V D0INK3 T ft, f TRVsNl' XUt XVX-tLl ' 1 1 OUT'WV K Tea w hired hands THCVRE AIL INVITED TO CELEBRATE PURTV NE5M LOOK TH2 CRAVAT I aTla,i t . CUT. MR.TY1XR! W &xaovs THEVU fOEVER li CcARD IS PERWtT VOU IN IV W TIG THE CRAWRT CLUB V 6AIU IL BC TH' FUST VARMINT IM m WHOLE ,f WORLD TO ((j GIT IN TH CRAVrtT OU3 W1FOUT A TIE OH AREN'T VOU: THE FOXy ONE fiR. TYLER - VOUlL ee WEARING i A TIE BUT VOU WONT 1 1 SS Thas Is Africa; 1st Drirer's KkoaOtt.