ings ,ol tbfTOont thswnd, aptf fourth Mondays. 1 Mrs. A. J. McCannet . hospital ' chairman, told of tHe Ineeds for r 1 iPAlLY AND SUNDAY Thes Nation's Top Go the Portland veterans facility, to AtSilvertbh include a monthly dgaret fund for convalescing -veterans,. 'By vote, the collection for this amount will be shared by members of the post at the joint refreshment hour the second meeting of each month. Mrs. F. M. Powell, legislative chairman told of having contact ed by letter all Oregon congres sional members. Mrs. Higinbotham reported that the Silverton unit has entered the contest for the award offered for the most renewals of members v in i Your Home Ncwi paper SILVERTOJT v i.Hanncd- pro grams, specified contributions and reports oi u aepanmeni con vention were highlights of Mon day night's meeting of iDelbert Beeves unit, American (Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Clarence E. Hig- inbotham presided, ; assisted by Mrs. Frank Porter, secretary. .Telling of the convention that was concluded Saturday at Salem, were Mrs. Wesley Grogaiv Mrs. Lewis A. HauY Mrs. - Ernest L. by November 11. The unit dis Starr, Mrs. George Towe. Mrs. cussed favorably the invitation of Austin Eastman. Mrs. A. J. Me the Aurora unit to Install officers at a date yet to be announced. Cannel. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Minings Ullt:K in I I ''''yilHllii'l ; ll'NiMiltfllllHMta'"'- Til I. '. t rS; oacxtt shame on OLiTr?"r5i' n now get out y. j J I Ili gin both am. ' ' ' , m mm For soeeessfullr completing train ins eoarscs sponsored by the Oreroa - sUte civil service commieslon. SB state employes reeeiyea vunnw certificates la a specUl ceremony Tuesday. Shown receivta her certificate from Gov. Deeflas McKay is Lob E. Mltsch, accountant at Fairview home. Robert E. Johnson, civil service commission di rector, watches the proceedings. (Statesman photo.) j I ; Announcement was made that September will be music and con stitution month for the Oregon units. Mrs. Oscar Edlund, as per manent music -chairman, and Mrs. F. M. Powell, as chairman of con stitution committee, are arranging special numbers for the two meet Bourbonnais Heads Legion District Area MT. ANGEL Harold Bourbon nais. commander of the Mt. Angel Legion post, was elected vice-corn mander of District 2 at tho state Legion convention ih Salem last week, it was revealed in conven- - tion reports given at the post meet lng in tho Legion hall here Tues day night. District 2 comprises 28 Willam otto valley Dosts. including Mt An gel. A full coverage of convention business was given in the reports of Commander-elect Harry Bork enhagen, Mike Welton and Com mander Bourbonnais. all delegates. Other local Legionnaires attending tho convention were Fred Lucht, delegate, Adjutant C. J. Ebner, Matt Wagner, Dale Plummer, Gene Hoffer, Ernie Crowder, Wm. Bean and Cletus Butsch. The new officers of the Mt. An eel Dost will be installed by the installing team of post 136, Salem, it was decided at the - meeting Tuesday. The date for installation ceremonies is September 27.. The Auxiliary will install tho same night. , The first Marion county council after the summer recess will be held In Mt. Angel in October, at which time the council will elect officers for the following year. Highlight of the evening was the awarding of a gold star for out standing membership activity to Adjutant Ebner. Ebner signed up at least half of the total post mem bership. Silver stars were awarded; to Gene Hoffer, Joseph Faulhaber, Peter Gores, Fred Lucht, Com mander Bourbonnais. Faulhaber gave a report on the Legion picnic. Jack Eberlo was re ported In the veterans hospital in . Portland undergoing a minor oper ' ation. Dry Concrete Slowly Says Farm Engineer Concrete poured during hot weather needs protection against too rapid drying which frequently results in hairline cracking, states M. G. Huber, Corvallis agricultural engineer. Slow drying gives more strength and makes concrete more waterproof, he adds..; Best concrete results irom arying or curing that takes at least iu days, prolonged drying may be ac complished by covering concrete that has had time to "set" with burlap, straw, earth, or some other material which wil hold water. Then keep the covering wet, Huber concludes. SWEGLE PICNIC SUNDAY SWEGLE The annual Swegle community picnic sponsored by the Woman's club will be held at Silver Creek falls Sunday. Aug' ust 14. everaj tamuies plan on going out for breakfast Dinner will be served at one o'clock. I THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS ! Pacific Daylight Time , Kilocycles: KSLM 1190. KOCO 149a. KOIN f70. KGW 2. KEX 11M flOCB A KSLM nut iv KOIN KGW KEX mm KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 7, Farm Prices Dip While Costs Stay About the Same Oregon farm prices declined dur lng tho month ending July 15, but farm costs prices held about un changed according to Wednesday's farm price, crop and weather re viewed prepared by the USDA. The general farm price level in Oregon dropped for the fourth con secutive month, and by mid-July, had reached the lowest point In nearly three years. The decrease Is reported at five per cent for the ! month, and 20 per cent below a year earlier. x Farm costs prices, on the other hand. Including farm wage rates, have held about unchanged so far this year, but are around 8 per cent below a year ago. Four Corners Man Raising Tropical Fish FOUR CORNERS A unique new business in the Four Corners vicinity Is the raising of tropical or exotic fish at the Doyle Moore farm near the Rickey school house. The Moores came to Ore gon from California about five years ago. The fish raising began as a hobby, but has grown Into a commercial business. John Schmidt of the First Bap tist church of Salem was guest speaker at tho Four Corners Bap tist church on Sunday evening. His topic was "Christian Religion versus Communism in China. He s the son of missionary parents and spent several i years of his early life there. He displayed number of Chinese souvenirs. John Chapman,' -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Chap man, 918 S. Elma ave., wnuo running through the house on Monday afternoon, fell striking his head on the door facing, cut ting deep gash in the middle of his forehead. The Salem first aid car answered the emergency call. Mrs. W. R. Gould is very 111 at her home on South Elma ave nue. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckner. 352 S Elma ave.. for several days were Mr. and Mrs M. E. Reeves of Delake, Ore. who were here for the American Le gion convention. i Harry Hammond. 4163 Glen wood dr., employed at Brerten bush In the U. S.; forest sen-ice, was home for the Week end. Week-end guests of the C. R. Osborns on State street were Mr, and Mrs. Chet Perkins and son Raymond of Alhambra. Calif. They are friends of many years ago ; when the families lived in Indio, Calif. j ; f Look and Learn By A. C Gordon - 1. When did the small-sized dol lar bill come into circulation? 2. What race of people Is the most thinly scattered in the world? 3. Which state produces tho most maple syrup? 4. How many columns wide Is the standard newspaper? - 5. What is the origin of the term grass widow"? ANSWERS 1. July 10, 1929. 2. Eskimos. 3. Vermont. . 4. Eight. 3. This expression was original ly "grace widow," meaninf a wid ow by grace or courtesy. V ft 4nda s& 41 (2 Lewisville, Airlie Picnic Draws Record Crowd BUENA VISTA Former rosi dents of Lewisville and Airlie net at tho Maple Grove picnic grounds Sunday for an old fashioned bas ket dinner. President of the group, Ivan Williams, cond ted the business meeting. Greetings were read from Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Embree and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. A collection was taken to buy benches for the tables. Officers elected for the comming year were president, T. B. Hooker; vice-pres ident, Ivan Williams; secretary Mrs. Frank Osborn, and historian, Mrs. Leland Prathor. Airlie will soon have a new pub lic school house. The district has been transporting children Monmouth since Camp Adair took over their former building. Lewisville rural mall route has been established, with Harry Km ter as carrier. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ivan Williams have moved to the Andy Turner farm which they purchased; Mr, and Mrs. Laurance Grant have moved to Portland.' One-hundred and' s 1 x t y-five adults signed ; tho r register, and there was also a host of children present !(" In primitive blast furnaces, hand operated bellows of skin inside cylinders supplied air to a mixture of iron ore and charcoal In a fire, IS -M 00:00 Morn. News. 00:15 i (Dawn Patrol Nwa Rour.dup fKOtN Klork Hod Podf (Hodge Podg Early Bird . "Early Bird 00:30 fTarm News KOCO Klock IKOIN Klock iKneass News Early Bird 00:45 fMarch Tim IKOCO Kloek I KOIN Kloek tHodgo Podgo Early Bird Dawn Patrol Tex Rltter KO Kloek Farm Tim News fDawn Patrol IDiwn Patrol tNm ' INews tt S porta Top O Morn Ins Too O Mominf irjrww ilhck joy irreo Beck Farm Tim Old Sonci iKneass News Band Box (Bob Hazen Tim Tempos 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX New West Melodies User News Music Make Believ iWest Melodies Art Baker Kucic rgonsky op tStars Sin (Wildw'd church Make Beuev IMak Believ iRiders of Safe,' Sam Hayes tZ. Manners Troplcana - -4 - - - - - - . - - .. I HAPPEN TO KNOW TWAtI BUT PEOPLE TaMAAOoI f SPIkTE PWE. T LEAP 1 I . m . n. pt-g UA-v HMAS BEEN C3ESIGNING. IU- 67BCDGNIZE IWAvg NCTT MASTER OP ' ON. -rcSflSiSS 1 XPgAP rNlGMr CUJ8sQ CAN WE DO ANV I SHOWS, I SECVCE. SHALL C " ; BLOKDIE DICZ TRACT 9Ko' kS KSLM OCO KOIN W KEX Bartraln Countr'Morn. Special Haven of Rest Story -Second Cup Bfut Club Haven of Rest (News Beeorid Cup l last club (Sons Pioneers (Music Grand Slam Tack Berch B fast Club (Music (J. C. Thomas Rosemary News B last Club 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN ROW KEX ISage Riders News IKat Smith Pastor's Call Guest Artist NW Report Concert Concert Wendy Warren' Aunt Jennv FH. Trent - rial SunHn Tommy Dorsey I Tommy Doroey I Tommy Dorsey ITommy Dorsey News Today Stan Melody Melody 111 KSLM KOCO KOIN GW KEX News Glass Wax Bi Sister Orchestra T. M alone rwalker"! ' Class Wax Ma Perkins I Orchestra i Ciena Drake fOrsanalities fGlasa Wax Dr. M alone (Today s ChUd. (True Story fWalts Serenad' I Glass Wax Guiding Ught IL. Lawton True Story 12! JHLVS! T00 Trad" News (Queen for Day Queen for Day KOCO H'wood Musis faollyVd Music INews Ired Dal KOIN News IComa Gt It tN. Drk Rnur ru r.W Double Nothlna Doubla Nathlns-'Nwa IT.lvht wri KEX B. Crocker News (Baukliag iKiliallen 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX First IN. W. News Ladies First (La Mac's Melodies Mac'sIelodls Mac's Melodies Mrs. Button IP. Mason Brlafct it light Life Beautiful Road of Life I Pepper Family Northwest DVortnwest Kay West K0 WONDER THEY CALL THIS DESERT THE BURNIMQ GRAVEYARD ITS HOT ENOUGH TQ CHANGE A FREEZER INTO A FURNACE. VJ I'M JUST A UTILE BIT TIRED- KKfc.1 1 1 0AJri IMC WILLW UUWM AT WILL GET COLO - AN' THEM LU BE ocrw enn wm iih'a"aiu et ' .A I, Bob Eberly Mac s Melodies Air-Flo Happiness Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Tell Neighbor Macs Melodies Air Newspaper B'staxe wife B last HoUw'd Johnson Fam. fOrfan Reveries Bins Sinn Mac's Melodies Man Melodies (Mac's Melodies Mir Newspaper (Winner Take fTunefuily Yours oei umuMM i Lorenzo Jones iwtdder Brown B'iaat HoUw'd Easy Aces (Meet Menjou 3 KSLM KGW KEX Tho Storm JTh Storm Musi (Musle Mc' Woe's Melodies (Mac's Melodies iMac's Melodies Art Kirknam (Meet Missus Meet Missus I Robert Lewi Ctrl Marries . IFaeos Life IPlain Bull lPase FarreU Surprise Pkf. Surprise Pkf. IBrid 4k OroomlBnae S Groom KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX . Say with Musle Say with Musi Music movie lime Robert Lewis Welc'ro Trar. B Seated -IPMkMonhax I Robert Lewis (Welc'sne Trav. IB Seated lUedJam lArt Godfrey (Aunt Mary lAdd-a-Un (News i IBedlam lArt Godfrey' I Love At Learn lAdd-a-Lln 5 KSLM Trohan IF. Hemingway Passing ParadelNews ' KOCO Rhythm Ranch LRythm Ranch I Music Cocktail IS port Pare KOIN Curt Masaey lUtUe Show Bonis Larry LeSeuer KGW Woman Secret ISunny Sid (News IHarknesa KEX Squirrel Cafe Squirrel Caff John Lujack Wohn Lujack 6 KSLM B-Bar-B B-Bar-B Champion Musle KOCO Candle Light Candle Light News Bill Store KOIN K. Manning Parade Bands C. Huntley News KGW Serenade Serenade i Symphony E. Peterson KEX Sports iHomo Edition Romances Romances 7 KSLM Gab. Heatter IN.W. News IRamblers . IRamblers.. KOCO Pat O'Brien Musi Jackpot Naval Reserve Tune Tim KOIN Escape Escape Crime Photo. Crime Photo. KGW Nelson Eddy . Nelson Eddy Mason Show (Mason Show KEX Headline Elmer Davis Damon Runyoni Damon Runyoa 8 KSLM Drama Musle Hous (Morgan Manner Morgan Manner KOCO Bandstand Bandstand I Dugout Dope 3aseball KOIN First Nightor iFirst Nighter (Orchestra Orchestra KGW Fred Warinf JFred Wiring lOragnet Dragnet KEX Counter Spy (Counter Spy First 100 yrs. First 100 yrs. 9 KSLM Hop "long Cas. (Hop long Cas. !Coast Survey Coast Survey KOCO Baseball Baseball l Baseball Baseball KOIN Colllngwood Chicagoans Mr. Keen Mr. Keen KGW Supper Club . News World iPartner Partner KEX Amateur Hr. Amateur Hr. . I Amateur Hr. I Dream Must 4 0 KSLM News ' (Local News Vews JMusia 11 KOCO Baseball Wews t Track 1490 rrack 1490 III KOIN S Star Final (Feature : Spin to Win Spin to Win I W KGW News (Sports Pag Bands Band Wagon KEX News (Intermezzo (Concert Hour Concert Hour 11 KSLM Trohan. I Bob Pool ' I Bob Pool KOCO Track - MM I Track 1490 Track 1490 KOIN Serenad IVou & World Y Orchestra KGW News (Wax Museum Wax Museum KEX Concert Hour Concert Hour I Memos Music ITrack 1490 (Orchestra Wax Moses (Memos KOAC 53 k.e. Thartday 10:00 am. News; 10 15 Especially for Women: 11.-00 Concert Hall: 12 00 News: 11:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:15 Variety Tim: 1 JO Mel ody Lane: 2:00 Calvacad of Drama: IS Memory Book of Music: 3:00 pws: 1:15 Music of the Masters: 4 00 Intertochen Concert: S. -00 On the Upbeat: 9:50 550 Sports Club: 0 News; 6:15 Dinner Melodies: 6 JO Round the Campflre; 7:15 Even ing Farm Hour: 8 O0 You and Your Security; 8:15 Great Songs; 8 JO Pro gram of Canada: 8:43 News; 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00 Excursions in Science: 10:13 Ser enade; 10:43 News: 11:00 Sign Off. AMERICA'S FAVORITE WESTERN SINGERS .-::.--UJ, vj. ) v ;'r ' ... fDONT SAY THAT, MR. : N ' JACSOH-WHEMYOURI XWEU HAVE TO MAKE j J LEGS IS SO TIRED THEY (THE BEST OF IT HERE TILLA XV7 1 1 WONT MOVE NO MORE. ENOUGH TQ CHANGE A T I Itiic rnu m nw funin? I ' f ' ,77t. vv .11 nv m Are ic litre ir- I I rnrrrn iiiTr a JIM r-r-i I I i iric gun jimkis jinmn i , f s; 1 1 xvi I uni kuu is ir- i rKcciCK ir iu a fi 1, 1 1 1 1 I v- us not mucw op r-lK savou kin just - -v furnace. mn'JYy'& jjrn BooNzt " 15 jV c" j IYfOM,HA,HA.'V3U AND I UNDERSTAND H5 rMXS CXJ SES.&K, MR.WWGHT I fFOH THE UCT TVMC. T' YES. OWajNIG. lTACAN "W8 TXJPESV fL INrWa6R-rt Wfifi rsALXS IM HIS SLEEP-PICKS CWRSTV, XXAt GOT J YE AUJEAOV ffdSD JLbBXN&S TJOU) VST KCB9 IT OUCT-HEB EXTRA I OP TVilNGS. BUT PtXASS TO GET RO CF THAT AUNTE TO CAUL j fltBRA63? y JLTf .iT1- - ' .""'"'j KEEP rTOUCTHCS EXT15A CONFOUNDED 4HMPW ME TO COME H0M i WVr 'girT v nrrrT- vvT-t ano ( immediately am VLIY MWK tVfll V VAX VOLHCKf A EMERGENCY. AND BTJzilri J I 1 ,- f larT T 1 ...AND RFTy COUARSM fNOW IFFCNMJHU. JESTSlSNTHlS i TTZZZ TV rosNPlS didntx--foc cx?incin' watsz... note fes a hundred coluacs. "5 Jk7&S ,N A NaCB-toowN- watch J Z"SH,I! YaL wouup cost-, vum ear thar .... t vou'es POSmviN (szs T" "" THREsl ON THK RO0 TO DISMAL POINT I ', ' JMf KEEP CALM, rr I FT JOHN? 40THAT1 I t XV e CmZLVJ LET MER J ,tW -sV WU i fl . a f 1 I I I I I I i i Zmi t t v a Trvrii . . uui f i rtz l a . -, i 1 1 1 ill, .1 T " - a' T rtf p' 1 k JX'ff?Ju. " TUPf M Apg A mv mlr&KfwJxZ PERCWI W HOUREtVE-l VDU MIND TJL S- ' SCTnSl I JySTTHB y. HANGING OUT ' 1 j' J TT j& J TOY W1XUNQ AND THX SIDES OF THK. rUSTLK SAGE, stars ttt screta and nttl art to b beard Tuesday. Thursday aad Sararday nror statta KSLM at 1I.-4S A. HL, broadeastiBx for Mantaf En-oa and Hoattnx Uaita. THE SIDESS OF THE ruSPLE SAGE bar Jut booa slnal to a Uto year contract to star with Soy Sorer at Kepubllo Pletarcc. Ia addlUoa to this they ar featared on tho Qaakar Oats Network Show, also heard oa KSUf oai Sanday after Beswa at 4t. Ail sf Us SIDESS OF THE FUSFLE SAGE are partiealarly tainted aa writers, awpeatrs and nmslrlans. Their reeordlnirs from Capitol. Deeea aad Majestia Sreords art amonx tha saeat popmlar la tha aoaatry, araratlBC arer llMM per recorded GASOIINS ALLEY 0CH 7g I OWE VE FCR YT THO0SANO V 8O0AO0US I VWR.TVIER J 040YLeR THt I si : FIVE HUNDRED FOR 1RMAMIN3 VOUft BEARD AND FIVE HUNDRED FOR TURNING WHAT WAS LEFT INTO ft Tic FIVE HUNNEItT FER TRIMMIN1 MY BEARD? THKrt A LOW-D0VJN GWltsDLOU rvrr VEPy VJEU.U VOO CAM HAVE THE TRIMMING FOR FREE-BUT THAT WILL MAKE THE TIE WORTH FIFTEEN HUNDRED BUSS YORE J DOMES, THANKy FER T TH FRE6 TRIMM1NV EABKEY GOOGLS t , V M.J